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OpenStack Summit, Austin, TX
April 27th 2016
Heat Orchestration Template
(HOT) Learning
About Authors
Kanagaraj Manickam
Sr. System Architect @ Huawei, Bangalore, India.
• Core-reviewer @ Heat, OpenStack.
• Active participant @ Open-O an Global SDN & NFV-Orchestrator .
• Expert in Data-center Server, Storage management and automation.
• Founder of namos – OpenStack Manager)
Huang Tianhua
Software engineer @ Huawei, Xi’an, China
Core-reviewer @ Heat, Openstack.
Having 3+ years of experience in Openstack Cloud.
Start to prepare setup
• Download
• Install devstack with
tutorials/blob/master/localrc (devstack with heat, ceilometer, aodh)
• Upload the image to glace
• (Ctrl+C from
• Heat
• HOT schematics
• Validation & Pre-view
• Heat features
– Auto-scaling
– Software deployment
• An orchestration service to create and manage the
lifecycle of OpenStack cloud application i.e,
anything-as-a-service (XaaS)
• Uses JSON/YAML based parameterized HOT
template to model the customizable cloud application made of
software, configurations and infrastructure.
• Represent each provisioned cloud application as
• Similar to AWS cloud-formation (CFN) service
HOT schematic
• Sections
• Parameter constraints
• Pseudo parameters
• Intrinsic functions
• Resource Type
• Environment
• Provider template
HOT schematic : Sections
HOT schematic : Parameter Constraints
length: (String)
{ min: <lower limit>, max: <upper limit> }
range: (number)
{ min: <lower limit>, max: <upper limit> }
[ <value>, <value>, ... ]
<regular expression>
custom_constraint: <constraint name>
HOT schematic : Pseudo parameters
Available by default
- OS::Stack_id : Id of Stack , the template belongs to
- OS::stack_name: Name of Stack , the template belongs to
-OS::project_id: User project Id
How to get the value of these parameters?
-Use ‘openstack stack show <stack name>’ and refer from the
parameters in the output
HOT schematic : Intrinsic functions
files: {
<file content of>
type: OS::Nova::Server
user_data: {get_file: }
user_data: <file content of>
- OpenStack heat CLI or REST API provides the ‘files’ map used here
- file path could either in absolute file path or url format
Data Reference Intrinsic functions
Data Reference Intrinsic functions
instance_type : "m1.tiny",
server_data : {
"metadata": { "foo": "bar"},
"keys": ["a_key","other_key"]}
type: string
type: json
type: OS::Nova::Server
flavor: { get_param: instance_type}
metadata: { get_param: [ server_data, metadata ] }
key_name: { get_param: [ server_data, keys, 0 ] }
flavor: “m1.tiny “
metadata: {"foo": "bar"}
key_name: "a_key"
Data Manipulation Intrinsic functions
str_split: [',', 'string,to,split', 0] ‘string’
list_join: [‘- ', [‘a', b‘, c'], [‘d’, ‘e’]] a-b-c-d-e
template: http://host:port/v1
port: 8088
map_merge: [{'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'}, {'k1': 'v2'}] {'k1': 'v2', 'k2': 'v2‘}
Data Manipulation functions
<%port%>: [80, 443]
<%protocol%>: [‘udp’, ‘tcp’]
protocol: <%protocol%>
port_range_min: <%port%>
protocol:udp port_range_min:80
protocol:tcp port_range_min:80
protocol:udb port_range_min:443
protocol:tcp port_range_min:80
Utility functions
digest: ['sha512‘, ‘password’]
(supports md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, Sha384 also)
Dependency reference Intrinsic functions
type: OS::Neutron::Port
type: OS::Nova::Server
port: { get_resource: instance_port }
type: OS::Nova::Server
type: OS::Neutron::PoolMember
address: {get_attr: [server, first_address]}
value: {get_attr: [server, networks, private, 0] }
type: OS::Nova::Server
metadata: {resource_facade: metadata}
update_policy: {resource_facade: update_policy}
deletion_policy: {resource_facade: deletion_policy}
depends_on(Not an intrinsic function)
type: OS::Nova::Server
depends_on: [instance2, instance3]
type: OS::Nova::Server
type: OS::Nova::Server
type: child.yaml
metadata: …
update_policy: …
deletion_policy: …
Resource type
• Helps to model OpenStack elements such as nova instance, cinder volume, neutron network, etc in
• Represented by namespace Cloud Provider :: Service :: Resource (Examples: OS::Nova::Server,
• Supported with Life cycle operations
(inline with stack life cycle operations)
– Create / Update / Delete
– Snapshot / restore
– Abandon / adopt
– Check
• Has Typed Properties with built-in constraints
– Types: Integer, String, Number, Boolean, Map, List
– Updatable (y/n, default:yes)
– Required (y/n, default: no)
– Metadata
– deletion_policy
– update_policy
• Provides Typed Output
– Types: Integer, String, Boolean, Map, List
– Special one ‘show’
– get_attr() helps
constraints: glance.image
type: String
description: first IP
type: OS::Nova::Server
image: cirros
value: {get_attr: [sample_doamin, serial]}15
• Global (/etc/heat/heat.conf:environment_dir)
• User env (heat stack-create –e env.yaml)
• Parameters
• resource_registry
– Resource mapping
– Override resource
– restricted_actions
– hooks
• event_sinks
flavor: m1.large
image: cirros
“OS::Quantaum*”: “OS::neutron*”
"AWS::EC2::Instance": file:///path/to/my_instance.yaml
"OS::DBInstance": file:///path/to/db.yaml
restricted_actions : [update, replace]
hooks : [ pre-create, pre-update, pre-delete,
post-create, post-update, post-delete]
-type: zaqar-queue
-target: myqueue
-ttl: 1200
Provider template
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: my_nova.yaml
key_name: my_key
"OS::Nova::Server": my_nova.yaml
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Nova::Server
key_name: my_key
value: {get_attr: [ my_server, resource.server, first_address]}
value: {get_resource: my_server}
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: string
description: Name of a KeyPair
type: OS::Nova::Server
key_name: {get_param: key_name}
flavor: m1.small
image: ubuntu-trusty-x86_64
my_nova.yaml•Bifurcate complex template into easy-manageable-small template
• New Resourc e type
• Direct reference
• using environment
• Access the provider template’s resource attributes
• Make provider template based resources as transparent
Validation & Preview
heat template-validate –template-file <template file>
openstack orchestration template validate -t <template file>
- Produces list of input parameters for this template.
heat stack-preview –template-file <template file> <stack_name>
openstack stack create -t <template file> --dry-run <stack_name>
- Produces the pre-view of all resources in the template
Heat features: by means of HOT
• Using Resource Type
– auto-scaling
– software configuration & deployment
– resource grouping
– remote stack
– none resource
– random string
– wait condition
• Using Environment
– hook/breakpoint
• Scale up/down compute/storage/network
capabilities of cloud application based on the
pre-defined threshold level, which is
monitored continuously
• For defining threshold and monitoring, user
could choose either Ceilometer or Monasca
Auto-scaling: based on Monasca
 Properties
 resource (scaling element)
 desired_capacity (initial count)
 max_size
 min_szie
 Outputs
 current_size
 outputs/output_list
• Scale Group
• Scaling policy
• Alarm Notification
• Alarm definition
• Metadata-Dimension
 Properties
 auto_scaling_group_id
 cooldown (timing-window for scaling)
 adjustement_type
 Scaling_adjustment (+/- 1, n, x%)
 Outputs
 alarm_url ( CFN signal type)
 signal_url (HOT signal type)
 Properties
 type (webhook, email)
 address
signal / alarm url
signal / alarm url
 Properties
 name
 expression
 match_by=scale_group
 alarm_actions
type: OS::Nova::Server
metadata: {"scale_group": <stack-id>}
expression: avg(vm.cpu.utilization_perc{scale_group=<stack-id>}) > 90
Monasca alarm definition wiki
Presented an demo @ OpenStack Summit, Tokyo, JP
Auto-scaling: based on Ceilometer
 Properties
 resource (scaling element)
 desired_capacity (initial count)
 max_size
 min_szie
 Outputs
 current_size
 outputs/output_list
• Scale Group
• Scaling policy
• Alarm
• Metadata-Dimension
 Properties
 auto_scaling_group_id
 cooldown (timing-window for scaling)
 adjustement_type
 Scaling_adjustment (+/- 1, n, x%)
 Outputs
 alarm_url ( CFN signal type)
 signal_url (HOT signal type)
signal / alarm url
signal / alarm url
 Properties
 meter_name
 statistic
 period
 evalutation_periods
 threshold
 Comparision_operator
 alarm_actions
type: OS::Nova::Server
metadata: {"metering.stack": {get_param: "OS::stack_id"}}
Maticing_metadata: {'metadata.user_metadata.stack': {get_param:
Ceilometer alarm definition wiki
Auto-scaling :work-flow
heat_template_version: 2015-10-15
type: OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup
type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy
type: OS::Monasca::Notification
type: OS::Monasca::AlarmDefinition
2 7
1. Call Heat with a cloud application HOT template
2. Heat creates cloud application stack with scale group and
scale policy
3. Heat creates alarm definitions and scaling notifications in
4. Ceilometer/Monasca starts to monitor the scale group
5. When Scale group reaches the alarm threshold,
Ceilometer/Monasca detects and generates alarm
6. Ceilometer/Monasca signals cloud application stack in heat
7. Heat either scale up or scale down based on the signal
(here, increment scale group elements by 1)
5-7 runs for ever ! (auto-scale)
• Custom image building
• User-data boot scripts and cloud-init
• Software deployment resources
Software Config & Deployment
Software Config & Deployment
Custom image building
• Boot speed
• Boot reliability
• Test verification
• Configuration dependencies
Tool: diskimage-builder
Software Config & Deployment
User-data boot scripts and cloud-init
type: OS::Nova::Server
user data: |
echo “Running boot script”
# ...
user_data_format: RAW
template: {}
$FOO: {get_param: foo}
template: |
echo “Script with $FOO"
# ...
$FOO: {get_param: foo}
type: OS::Nova::Server
user_data_format: RAW
user_data: {get_resource: xxx}
type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
group: ungrouped
config: |
echo "Running boot script“
# ...
type: OS::Heat::CloudConfig
- path: /tmp/file
content: {get_param: file_content}
type: OS::Heat::MultipartMime
- config: {get_resource:boot_config}
- config: {get_resource: boot_script}
- config: {get_param: other_config}
Software Config & Deployment
Software deployment resources
type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment
get_resource: config
get_resource: server
foo: fooooo
bar: baaaaa
signal_transport: HEAT_SIGNAL/
type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
group: ungrouped
config: |
echo "Running boot script“
# ...
type: OS::Nova::Server
user_data_format: SOFTWARE_CONFIG
Software Config & Deployment
Software deployment – build custom image
pip install git+
git clone
git clone
export ELEMENTS_PATH=tripleo-image-elements/elements:heat-
disk-image-create vm 
fedora selinux-permissive 
-o fedora-software-config.qcow2
Software Deployment :work-flow
heat_template_version: 2015-10-15
type: OS::Nova::Server
type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment
1. Call Heat with a cloud application HOT template
2. Heat creates cloud application stack with
software config, software deployment and server
3. VM is booting, cloud-init consumes the user-data
4. os-collect-config starts to pull the configuration
metadata to vm
5. Corresponding hooks to perform configuration
6. Heat config tools signals software deployment
resource to tell the result
7. Call Heat update-stack to update the
8. Step 4-6 repeats
heat_template_version: 2015-10-15
type: OS::Nova::Server
type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment
Useful references:
Kanagaraj Manickam
IRC: KanagarajM
Huang Tianhua
IRC: tiantian

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  • 1. OpenStack Summit, Austin, TX April 27th 2016 Heat Orchestration Template (HOT) Learning
  • 2. About Authors Kanagaraj Manickam Sr. System Architect @ Huawei, Bangalore, India. • Core-reviewer @ Heat, OpenStack. • Active participant @ Open-O an Global SDN & NFV-Orchestrator . • Expert in Data-center Server, Storage management and automation. • Founder of namos – OpenStack Manager) Huang Tianhua Software engineer @ Huawei, Xi’an, China Core-reviewer @ Heat, Openstack. Having 3+ years of experience in Openstack Cloud. 2
  • 3. Start to prepare setup • Download • Install devstack with tutorials/blob/master/localrc (devstack with heat, ceilometer, aodh) • Upload the image to glace • (Ctrl+C from 3
  • 4. Agenda • Heat • HOT schematics • Validation & Pre-view • Heat features – Auto-scaling – Software deployment 4
  • 5. Heat • An orchestration service to create and manage the lifecycle of OpenStack cloud application i.e, anything-as-a-service (XaaS) • Uses JSON/YAML based parameterized HOT template to model the customizable cloud application made of software, configurations and infrastructure. • Represent each provisioned cloud application as Stack • Similar to AWS cloud-formation (CFN) service 5
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  • 11. get_file files: { “file:///path/to/”: <file content of> } resources: my_instance: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: user_data: {get_file: } user_data: <file content of> NOTE: - OpenStack heat CLI or REST API provides the ‘files’ map used here - file path could either in absolute file path or url format Data Reference Intrinsic functions 11
  • 12. Data Reference Intrinsic functions get_param instance_type : "m1.tiny", server_data : { "metadata": { "foo": "bar"}, "keys": ["a_key","other_key"]} } parameters: instance_type: type: string server_data: type: json resources: my_instance: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: flavor: { get_param: instance_type} metadata: { get_param: [ server_data, metadata ] } key_name: { get_param: [ server_data, keys, 0 ] } flavor: “m1.tiny “ metadata: {"foo": "bar"} key_name: "a_key" 12
  • 13. Data Manipulation Intrinsic functions str_split: [',', 'string,to,split', 0] ‘string’ list_join: [‘- ', [‘a', b‘, c'], [‘d’, ‘e’]] a-b-c-d-e str_replace: template: http://host:port/v1 params: host: port: 8088 map_merge: [{'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'}, {'k1': 'v2'}] {'k1': 'v2', 'k2': 'v2‘} Data Manipulation functions repeat: for_each: <%port%>: [80, 443] <%protocol%>: [‘udp’, ‘tcp’] template: protocol: <%protocol%> port_range_min: <%port%> protocol:udp port_range_min:80 protocol:tcp port_range_min:80 protocol:udb port_range_min:443 protocol:tcp port_range_min:80 Utility functions digest: ['sha512‘, ‘password’] (supports md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, Sha384 also) B109f3bbbc244eb82441917ed06d618b9008dd0 9b3befd1b5e07394c706…… 13
  • 14. get_resource Dependency reference Intrinsic functions resources: instance_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: ... instance: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: networks: port: { get_resource: instance_port } resources: server: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: … member: type: OS::Neutron::PoolMember properties: address: {get_attr: [server, first_address]} outputs: ip: value: {get_attr: [server, networks, private, 0] } get_attr resource_fecade Child.yaml ------------------ resources: instance: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: … metadata: {resource_facade: metadata} update_policy: {resource_facade: update_policy} deletion_policy: {resource_facade: deletion_policy} depends_on(Not an intrinsic function) resources: instance1: type: OS::Nova::Server depends_on: [instance2, instance3] instance2: type: OS::Nova::Server instance3: type: OS::Nova::Server parent.yaml ------------------ resources: parent: type: child.yaml metadata: … update_policy: … deletion_policy: … 14
  • 15. Resource type • Helps to model OpenStack elements such as nova instance, cinder volume, neutron network, etc in template • Represented by namespace Cloud Provider :: Service :: Resource (Examples: OS::Nova::Server, OS::Cinder::Volume) • Supported with Life cycle operations (inline with stack life cycle operations) – Create / Update / Delete – Snapshot / restore – Abandon / adopt – Check • Has Typed Properties with built-in constraints – Types: Integer, String, Number, Boolean, Map, List – Updatable (y/n, default:yes) – Required (y/n, default: no) – Metadata – deletion_policy – update_policy • Provides Typed Output – Types: Integer, String, Boolean, Map, List – Special one ‘show’ – get_attr() helps OS::Nova::Server properties: image: type:String constraints: glance.image attributes: first_address: type: String description: first IP resources: sample: type: OS::Nova::Server image: cirros outputs: ip: value: {get_attr: [sample_doamin, serial]}15
  • 16. Environment • Global (/etc/heat/heat.conf:environment_dir) • User env (heat stack-create –e env.yaml) • Parameters • resource_registry – Resource mapping – Override resource – restricted_actions – hooks • event_sinks parameters flavor: m1.large image: cirros resource_registry “OS::Quantaum*”: “OS::neutron*” "AWS::EC2::Instance": file:///path/to/my_instance.yaml “db_server” "OS::DBInstance": file:///path/to/db.yaml restricted_actions : [update, replace] hooks : [ pre-create, pre-update, pre-delete, post-create, post-update, post-delete] event_sinks -type: zaqar-queue -target: myqueue -ttl: 1200 * 16
  • 17. Provider template heat_template_version: 2015-04-30 resources: my_server: type: my_nova.yaml properties: key_name: my_key resource_registry: "OS::Nova::Server": my_nova.yaml heat_template_version: 2015-04-30 resources: my_server: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: key_name: my_key outputs: test_out: value: {get_attr: [ my_server, resource.server, first_address]} OS::stack_id: value: {get_resource: my_server} heat_template_version: 2015-04-30 parameters: key_name: type: string description: Name of a KeyPair resources: server: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: key_name: {get_param: key_name} flavor: m1.small image: ubuntu-trusty-x86_64 my_nova.yaml•Bifurcate complex template into easy-manageable-small template • New Resourc e type • Direct reference • using environment • Access the provider template’s resource attributes • Make provider template based resources as transparent 17
  • 18. Validation & Preview Validation heat template-validate –template-file <template file> openstack orchestration template validate -t <template file> - Produces list of input parameters for this template. Pre-view heat stack-preview –template-file <template file> <stack_name> openstack stack create -t <template file> --dry-run <stack_name> - Produces the pre-view of all resources in the template 18
  • 19. Heat features: by means of HOT • Using Resource Type – auto-scaling – software configuration & deployment – resource grouping – remote stack – none resource – random string – wait condition • Using Environment – hook/breakpoint 19
  • 20. Auto-scaling • Scale up/down compute/storage/network capabilities of cloud application based on the pre-defined threshold level, which is monitored continuously • For defining threshold and monitoring, user could choose either Ceilometer or Monasca 20
  • 21. Auto-scaling: based on Monasca OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup  Properties  resource (scaling element)  desired_capacity (initial count)  max_size  min_szie  Outputs  current_size  outputs/output_list • Scale Group • Scaling policy • Alarm Notification • Alarm definition • Metadata-Dimension OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroupOS::Heat::ScalingPolicy  Properties  auto_scaling_group_id  cooldown (timing-window for scaling)  adjustement_type  Scaling_adjustment (+/- 1, n, x%)  Outputs  alarm_url ( CFN signal type)  signal_url (HOT signal type) OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy OS::Monasca::Notification  Properties  type (webhook, email)  address signal / alarm url OS::Monasca::Notification signal / alarm url OS::Monasca::AlarmDefinition  Properties  name  expression  match_by=scale_group  alarm_actions OS::Monasca::AlarmDefinition OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup resource: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: metadata: {"scale_group": <stack-id>} OS::Monasca::AlarmDefinition expression: avg(vm.cpu.utilization_perc{scale_group=<stack-id>}) > 90 Monasca alarm definition wiki Presented an demo @ OpenStack Summit, Tokyo, JP 21
  • 22. Auto-scaling: based on Ceilometer OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup  Properties  resource (scaling element)  desired_capacity (initial count)  max_size  min_szie  Outputs  current_size  outputs/output_list • Scale Group • Scaling policy • Alarm • Metadata-Dimension OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroupOS::Heat::ScalingPolicy  Properties  auto_scaling_group_id  cooldown (timing-window for scaling)  adjustement_type  Scaling_adjustment (+/- 1, n, x%)  Outputs  alarm_url ( CFN signal type)  signal_url (HOT signal type) OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy signal / alarm url OS::Ceilometer::Alarm signal / alarm url OS::Monasca::Alarm  Properties  meter_name  statistic  period  evalutation_periods  threshold  Comparision_operator  alarm_actions OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup resource: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: metadata: {"metering.stack": {get_param: "OS::stack_id"}} OS::Monasca::Alarm Maticing_metadata: {'metadata.user_metadata.stack': {get_param: "OS::stack_id"}} Ceilometer alarm definition wiki 22
  • 23. Auto-scaling :work-flow Heat Monasca/ Ceilometer VMVMVM heat_template_version: 2015-10-15 resources: group: type: OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup scaleup_policy: type: OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy notification: type: OS::Monasca::Notification cpu_alarm_high: type: OS::Monasca::AlarmDefinition 1 3 4 5 6 2 7 1. Call Heat with a cloud application HOT template 2. Heat creates cloud application stack with scale group and scale policy 3. Heat creates alarm definitions and scaling notifications in Ceilometer/Monasca 4. Ceilometer/Monasca starts to monitor the scale group elements [[CLOUD APPLICATION AUTO-SCALING SETUP IS DONE]] 5. When Scale group reaches the alarm threshold, Ceilometer/Monasca detects and generates alarm 6. Ceilometer/Monasca signals cloud application stack in heat 7. Heat either scale up or scale down based on the signal (here, increment scale group elements by 1) 5-7 runs for ever ! (auto-scale) 5 23
  • 24. • Custom image building • User-data boot scripts and cloud-init • Software deployment resources 24 Software Config & Deployment
  • 25. 25 Software Config & Deployment Custom image building • Boot speed • Boot reliability • Test verification • Configuration dependencies Tool: diskimage-builder
  • 26. 26 Software Config & Deployment User-data boot scripts and cloud-init resources: my_instance: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: user data: | #!/bin/bash echo “Running boot script” # ... user_data_format: RAW user_data: str_replace: template: {} params: $FOO: {get_param: foo} user_data: str_replace: template: | #!/bin/bash echo “Script with $FOO" # ... params: $FOO: {get_param: foo} #! #cloud-config #part-handler #cloud-boothook …… HEAT_CFNTOOLS RAW SOFTWARE_CONFIG my_server: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: user_data_format: RAW user_data: {get_resource: xxx} boot_script: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig properties: group: ungrouped config: | #!/bin/bash echo "Running boot script“ # ... OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig OS::Heat::CloudConfig boot_config: type: OS::Heat::CloudConfig properties: cloud_config: write_files: - path: /tmp/file content: {get_param: file_content} OS::Heat::MultipartMime server_init: type: OS::Heat::MultipartMime properties: parts: - config: {get_resource:boot_config} - config: {get_resource: boot_script} - config: {get_param: other_config}
  • 27. Software Config & Deployment Software deployment resources deployment: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment properties: config: get_resource: config server: get_resource: server input_values: foo: fooooo bar: baaaaa actions: [CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE…] signal_transport: HEAT_SIGNAL/ ZAQAR_SIGNAL/ TEMP_URL_SIGNAL… OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment boot_script: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig properties: group: ungrouped config: | #!/bin/bash echo "Running boot script“ # ... OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig OS::Nova::Server my_server: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: user_data_format: SOFTWARE_CONFIG
  • 28. Software Config & Deployment Software deployment – build custom image pip install git+ git clone git clone export ELEMENTS_PATH=tripleo-image-elements/elements:heat- templates/hot/software-config/elements disk-image-create vm fedora selinux-permissive heat-config os-collect-config os-refresh-config os-apply-config heat-config-cfn-init heat-config-puppet heat-config-script -o fedora-software-config.qcow2
  • 29. 29 Software Deployment :work-flow Heat heat_template_version: 2015-10-15 resources: server: type: OS::Nova::Server config: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig deployment: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment 1 1. Call Heat with a cloud application HOT template 2. Heat creates cloud application stack with software config, software deployment and server 3. VM is booting, cloud-init consumes the user-data 4. os-collect-config starts to pull the configuration metadata to vm 5. Corresponding hooks to perform configuration 6. Heat config tools signals software deployment resource to tell the result 7. Call Heat update-stack to update the configuration 8. Step 4-6 repeats 2 os-collect-config os-apply-config os-refresh-config Hooks… VM 4 6 heat_template_version: 2015-10-15 resources: server: type: OS::Nova::Server config_update: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig deployment: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment 5

Editor's Notes

  1. Helps to keep the files such as scripts, config, provider template out of the template and these files could be referenced in multiple places in template Maintain the template become easy
  2. Only Part of resources->properties and outputs->value
  3. These fn are only Part of resources->properties and outputs->value
  4. (Explain about resource type (next slide) and come back here) Get_attr similar to get_param, it can have indexing as well Get_attr returns all in case key is not given
  5. Deletion_policy: 'Delete', 'Retain', 'Snapshot‘ Update_policy: depends on the resource type
  6. The template file extension must be .yaml or .template, or it will not be treated as a custom template resource.
  7. In Ceilometer based auto-scaling, the notification and the alarm definition are combined into one heat resource type OS::Ceilometer::Alarm OS::Ceilometer::CombinationAlarm: Helps to create Alarm from existing alarm with and/or (type: combination) OS::Ceilometer::GnocchiResourcesAlarm: Helps to create Alarm for a specific resources (type: gnocchi_resources_threshold) OS::Ceilometer::GnocchiAggregationByMetricsAlarm: (type: gnocchi_aggregation_by_metrics_threshold) OS::Ceilometer::GnocchiAggregationByResourcesAlarm: (type: gnocchi_aggregation_by_resources_threshold)