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Healthcare Assets
Management Solution
by Bynet
Bynet Solutions
Bynet Inside
Healthcare organizations face a wide spectrum of challenges, including constantly-rising
financial pressure, regulatory restrictions, the need for continual improvement in staff time-
efficiency, and patient/staff safety concerns. Many of the problems contributing to these
challenges share a common cause – a lack of ”visibility” of the real-time location, status
and condition of patients, staff, medical equipment and other mobile assets. An infusion
pump that isn’t regularly maintained, an open refrigerator with temperature-sensitive goods,
suboptimal patient flow within and between departments, or a wandering patient - can all
have a major impact on a hospital’s overall quality of care and business. Bynet addresses
and provides solutions to meet these challenges, increasing visibility within hospitals and
delivering tools that stimulate operational efficiency.
Unified Asset Visibility Suite for Healthcare
Bynet’s solutions provide visibility of location, status and condition of assets, patients and
staff throughout the various hospital departments.
Bynet’s healthcare solutions include real-time asset management, equipment maintenance,
temperature & humidity monitoring, patient flow, and patient/staff safety. These modular
and scalable applications all employ industry-leading technology to leverage clients’ existing
Wi-Fi infrastructure, and integrate with Video Surveillance, ERP and healthcare IT software
systems and applications using Dynamic XML open interfaces.
 Bynet’s solutions serve the needs of clinical staff, IT management, materials department,
clinical and biomedical engineers, laboratory and pharmacy personnel and others. These
solutions ensure regulatory compliance, improve safety, reduce CapEx and OpEx, increase
staff efficiency, increase revenue, and enhance patient care.
The Healthcare Visibility Suite offers a range of applications, such as:
Asset Management – The real-time equipment tracking solution features automated
inventory management, par-level management, order fulfillment and rental management
capabilities. It leverages the existing Wi-Fi network for hospital-wide visibility, location,
condition and status of equipment (e.g. infusion pumps, wheelchairs, defibrillators). Hospital
map views of specific assets, or groups of assets, are accessed from a web-based application
or from handheld devices (PDAs or mobile phones). Real-time equipment location, integration
to inventory, and materials management systems, are provided, as are sophisticated reporting
tools for analysis of utilization rates, inventory, distribution and par levels.
Equipment Maintenance – This automates the current manual processes used by hospitals
to locate equipment requiring preventive maintenance, repair or recall. Hospital map views of
specific assets, or groups of assets, requiring maintenance or recall, are accessed from a web-
based application or handheld devices. Integration of real-time equipment location and map
views with maintenance management systems is provided, as are sophisticated reporting tools
which improve the workflow of daily maintenance procedures.
Temperature & Humidity Monitoring – Safe temperature ranges for organs, vaccines,
blood bags, food and pharmaceuticals are ensured through an automated Wi-Fi monitoring
and alerting system. The Wi-Fi temperature tags are easily placed in hospital refrigerators or
freezers. In addition, humidity ranges in patient or operating rooms are monitored by Wi-
Fi humidity tags. The solution leverages the hospital’s existing Wi-Fi network, requires no
dedicated sensor network, no hard wires, and is easy to install. Software application provides
automated temperature and humidity monitoring and alert, as well as all required logging and
reporting of data for regulatory compliance.
Patient & Staff Safety – This includes a set of applications for patient safety (elopement),
staff duress and patient distress. Some patients (e.g. trauma victims, Alzheimer’s and
dementia patients) may pose a risk to themselves or to staff. The solution enables tracking
patients throughout the hospital, and immediately monitors if a patient exits the ward/
building or enters a restricted area. Patients can be equipped with wireless call button tags
to alert staff of an emergency. Staff can wear call-button tags with which to alert other staff
members should they encounter an emergency, or in situations of staff duress. Additionally,
Bynet enables integration of RTLS to nurse-call systems to detect staff presence in patient
rooms, and to automate hospital procedures.
Patient Flow – In the operating rooms, clinics and other departments, knowing the location
and status of clinical staff, patients, beds and critical clinical equipment is essential to
improving patient care and departmental workflow. Staff can utilize the location and status
application to ensure that procedures begin on time, thus decreasing patient waiting times.
The real-time visibility of patients within and between departments, and the availability of
rooms and beds, are easily determined through tracking boards. The location and status
data can be integrated into existing software systems to help optimize workflows, increasing
throughput and patients’ content.
Bynet Data Communications
8 Hanechoshet St. Tel Aviv 69710, Israel
Tel: +972-3-645-8080
Fax: +972-3-548-8058
Solution Components
Tags and Wi-Fi Devices
Industry-leading Wi-Fi tags are small, rugged, wireless devices that can be
attached to assets or people to track their location. Each tag emits a unique
low-power wireless signal, allowing the software application to recognize the
movements of each specific tag. The tags have a battery life of up to four
years, and include advanced features such as a call button, temperature and
humidity sensing capabilities, tamper sensing and motion detection. Assets
can be tracked both indoors or outdoors, and Wi-Fi enabled devices can be
tracked without the necessity of software client installation.
Standard Wi-Fi access points act as “readers,” receiving all tag transmissions
and forwarding them to a location engine which pinpoints location. This
allows hospitals to use their existing Wi-Fi network for real-time visibility
solutions. Exciters are unique choke-point detection devices, which cause
tags within a close range to send an instantaneous alert. This ensures that
hospitals can monitor whenever an asset, staff member or patient will pass
through a doorway, enter or exit a room or facility, or access a restricted area.
Software Application
Web-based enterprise-wide software solution for viewing location, status and
condition information from any source (Wi-Fi RFID, Passive RFID, sensors, etc.).
The system includes search capabilities, rules-based alerts, and advanced
reporting. Location and status data can be integrated into other hospital
management systems, and can also be viewed on mobile devices.
©2010 Bynet Data Comm. LTD,
All Rights Reserved. Bynet and the Bynet logo are trademarks of Bynet Data Comm. LTD, and may be
registered in certain jurisdictions.
10/10 • RB10 105
Notice: Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this document was complete and accurate at
the time of publication. However, information is subject to change.
Why Bynet Data Communications?
Bynet`s excellencies as leading
system integrator are positioning
her as the default choice for every
full life cycle delivery technological
project. Bynet`s proven delivery
experience, based upon added
value professional teams, ensures
any potential client that he will
get full scale successful delivery
while focusing on Bynet`s main LOB`s:
• Planning and design (architecture,
infrastructure, applications,
• Assimilating and managing full
scale dedicated project teams,
based upon each specific project`s
platforms and targets.
• Executing, on time, on budget,
on scope, combined and various
projects, implementing and
- Software: Platforms and 		
Applications, Management
and Control.
- Infrastructure: IT, Communication,
Video, Security, Telephony,
Radio – all over IP.
- Full scale solutions for many
sectors: HLS, Defense, Finance,
Healthcare, Transportation,
Bynet Data Communications has extensive knowledge
and proven experience in ICT solutions in general, and in
the healthcare sector in particular.

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Healthcare Assets Management Solution

  • 1. Healthcare Assets Management Solution by Bynet Bynet Solutions Bynet Inside
  • 2. Overview Healthcare organizations face a wide spectrum of challenges, including constantly-rising financial pressure, regulatory restrictions, the need for continual improvement in staff time- efficiency, and patient/staff safety concerns. Many of the problems contributing to these challenges share a common cause – a lack of ”visibility” of the real-time location, status and condition of patients, staff, medical equipment and other mobile assets. An infusion pump that isn’t regularly maintained, an open refrigerator with temperature-sensitive goods, suboptimal patient flow within and between departments, or a wandering patient - can all have a major impact on a hospital’s overall quality of care and business. Bynet addresses and provides solutions to meet these challenges, increasing visibility within hospitals and delivering tools that stimulate operational efficiency. Unified Asset Visibility Suite for Healthcare Bynet’s solutions provide visibility of location, status and condition of assets, patients and staff throughout the various hospital departments. Bynet’s healthcare solutions include real-time asset management, equipment maintenance, temperature & humidity monitoring, patient flow, and patient/staff safety. These modular and scalable applications all employ industry-leading technology to leverage clients’ existing Wi-Fi infrastructure, and integrate with Video Surveillance, ERP and healthcare IT software systems and applications using Dynamic XML open interfaces.  Bynet’s solutions serve the needs of clinical staff, IT management, materials department, clinical and biomedical engineers, laboratory and pharmacy personnel and others. These solutions ensure regulatory compliance, improve safety, reduce CapEx and OpEx, increase staff efficiency, increase revenue, and enhance patient care. The Healthcare Visibility Suite offers a range of applications, such as: Asset Management – The real-time equipment tracking solution features automated inventory management, par-level management, order fulfillment and rental management capabilities. It leverages the existing Wi-Fi network for hospital-wide visibility, location, condition and status of equipment (e.g. infusion pumps, wheelchairs, defibrillators). Hospital map views of specific assets, or groups of assets, are accessed from a web-based application or from handheld devices (PDAs or mobile phones). Real-time equipment location, integration to inventory, and materials management systems, are provided, as are sophisticated reporting tools for analysis of utilization rates, inventory, distribution and par levels.
  • 3. Equipment Maintenance – This automates the current manual processes used by hospitals to locate equipment requiring preventive maintenance, repair or recall. Hospital map views of specific assets, or groups of assets, requiring maintenance or recall, are accessed from a web- based application or handheld devices. Integration of real-time equipment location and map views with maintenance management systems is provided, as are sophisticated reporting tools which improve the workflow of daily maintenance procedures. Temperature & Humidity Monitoring – Safe temperature ranges for organs, vaccines, blood bags, food and pharmaceuticals are ensured through an automated Wi-Fi monitoring and alerting system. The Wi-Fi temperature tags are easily placed in hospital refrigerators or freezers. In addition, humidity ranges in patient or operating rooms are monitored by Wi- Fi humidity tags. The solution leverages the hospital’s existing Wi-Fi network, requires no dedicated sensor network, no hard wires, and is easy to install. Software application provides automated temperature and humidity monitoring and alert, as well as all required logging and reporting of data for regulatory compliance. Patient & Staff Safety – This includes a set of applications for patient safety (elopement), staff duress and patient distress. Some patients (e.g. trauma victims, Alzheimer’s and dementia patients) may pose a risk to themselves or to staff. The solution enables tracking patients throughout the hospital, and immediately monitors if a patient exits the ward/ building or enters a restricted area. Patients can be equipped with wireless call button tags to alert staff of an emergency. Staff can wear call-button tags with which to alert other staff members should they encounter an emergency, or in situations of staff duress. Additionally, Bynet enables integration of RTLS to nurse-call systems to detect staff presence in patient rooms, and to automate hospital procedures. Patient Flow – In the operating rooms, clinics and other departments, knowing the location and status of clinical staff, patients, beds and critical clinical equipment is essential to improving patient care and departmental workflow. Staff can utilize the location and status application to ensure that procedures begin on time, thus decreasing patient waiting times. The real-time visibility of patients within and between departments, and the availability of rooms and beds, are easily determined through tracking boards. The location and status data can be integrated into existing software systems to help optimize workflows, increasing throughput and patients’ content.
  • 4. Bynet Data Communications 8 Hanechoshet St. Tel Aviv 69710, Israel Tel: +972-3-645-8080 Fax: +972-3-548-8058 Solution Components Tags and Wi-Fi Devices Industry-leading Wi-Fi tags are small, rugged, wireless devices that can be attached to assets or people to track their location. Each tag emits a unique low-power wireless signal, allowing the software application to recognize the movements of each specific tag. The tags have a battery life of up to four years, and include advanced features such as a call button, temperature and humidity sensing capabilities, tamper sensing and motion detection. Assets can be tracked both indoors or outdoors, and Wi-Fi enabled devices can be tracked without the necessity of software client installation. Infrastructure Standard Wi-Fi access points act as “readers,” receiving all tag transmissions and forwarding them to a location engine which pinpoints location. This allows hospitals to use their existing Wi-Fi network for real-time visibility solutions. Exciters are unique choke-point detection devices, which cause tags within a close range to send an instantaneous alert. This ensures that hospitals can monitor whenever an asset, staff member or patient will pass through a doorway, enter or exit a room or facility, or access a restricted area. Software Application Web-based enterprise-wide software solution for viewing location, status and condition information from any source (Wi-Fi RFID, Passive RFID, sensors, etc.). The system includes search capabilities, rules-based alerts, and advanced reporting. Location and status data can be integrated into other hospital management systems, and can also be viewed on mobile devices. ©2010 Bynet Data Comm. LTD, All Rights Reserved. Bynet and the Bynet logo are trademarks of Bynet Data Comm. LTD, and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. 10/10 • RB10 105 Notice: Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this document was complete and accurate at the time of publication. However, information is subject to change. Why Bynet Data Communications? Bynet`s excellencies as leading system integrator are positioning her as the default choice for every full life cycle delivery technological project. Bynet`s proven delivery experience, based upon added value professional teams, ensures any potential client that he will get full scale successful delivery while focusing on Bynet`s main LOB`s: • Planning and design (architecture, infrastructure, applications, integration). • Assimilating and managing full scale dedicated project teams, based upon each specific project`s platforms and targets. • Executing, on time, on budget, on scope, combined and various projects, implementing and integrating: - Software: Platforms and Applications, Management and Control. - Infrastructure: IT, Communication, Video, Security, Telephony, Radio – all over IP. - Full scale solutions for many sectors: HLS, Defense, Finance, Healthcare, Transportation, Education. Bynet Data Communications has extensive knowledge and proven experience in ICT solutions in general, and in the healthcare sector in particular.