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Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
GraphConnect 2013
graphs are everywhere
Emil Eifrem
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
“Five richest big data sources on theWeb
include social graph, intent graph,
consumption graph, interest graph and
mobile graph.”
- Gartner:“Top 10 Strategic Trends For 2013,” Oct 2012
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
“[I]t is arguable that graph databases will have a
bigger impact on the database landscape than
Hadoop or its competitors.”
- Bloor Research, May 2012

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Architecting AI Applications
Architecting AI ApplicationsArchitecting AI Applications
Architecting AI Applications

The document summarizes a presentation given by Dr. Mikio Braun on architecting AI applications. It discusses the history and approaches of artificial intelligence, including classical, machine learning, and deep learning methods. It also provides examples of applying AI to autonomous driving, chatbots, recommendations, games and more. Finally, it outlines common elements of AI applications and design patterns for aspects like core machine learning, serving models, preprocessing data, automation, and integrating machine learning components.

artificial intelligencedata scienceai
Neo4j im Einsatz gegen Geldwäsche und Finanzbetrug
Neo4j im Einsatz gegen Geldwäsche und FinanzbetrugNeo4j im Einsatz gegen Geldwäsche und Finanzbetrug
Neo4j im Einsatz gegen Geldwäsche und Finanzbetrug

The document discusses how Neo4j can be used to combat money laundering and financial fraud. It introduces the presenters and provides an agenda for the seminar. Additionally, it outlines Neo4j's capabilities for connecting disparate data sources and exposing related information to support enhanced decision making, fraud prevention, and compliance. Neo4j allows users to explore network and transactional data across multiple "anchor points" to discover relationships and patterns that may indicate money laundering or fraud.

neo4jgraph databasefraud
Graphs in Action: In-depth look at Neo4j in Production
Graphs in Action: In-depth look at Neo4j in ProductionGraphs in Action: In-depth look at Neo4j in Production
Graphs in Action: In-depth look at Neo4j in Production

View the slides from 'Graphs in Action' by William Lyon on the Neo4j Developer Relations team presented at GraphTalk Denver.

neo4jproductiondata model
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
“Graph analysis is the true killer app for Big Data.”
- Forrester Research, Dec 2011
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
GigaOm, May 2013
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
FastCompany, March 2013
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
FastCompany, March 2013

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The Connected Data Imperative: The Shifting Enterprise Data Story
The Connected Data Imperative: The Shifting Enterprise Data StoryThe Connected Data Imperative: The Shifting Enterprise Data Story
The Connected Data Imperative: The Shifting Enterprise Data Story

View the slides from 'The Connected Data Imperative' by Jeff Morris, Director of Product Marketing at Neo4j at GraphTalk Denver.

neo4jconnected dataenterprise architecture
Graphs in the Real World
Graphs in the Real WorldGraphs in the Real World
Graphs in the Real World

This document discusses top use cases for graph databases. It begins by outlining an agenda to discuss select case studies. Several case studies are then presented involving using graph databases for retail product recommendations, telecommunications network analysis, and managing real estate listings. Common drivers for adopting graph databases are also listed as creating new products/services, improving existing processes, and improving flexibility. Finally, core industries and use cases for graph technologies are charted.

Graphs in Retail: Know Your Customers and Make Your Recommendations Engine Learn
Graphs in Retail: Know Your Customers and Make Your Recommendations Engine LearnGraphs in Retail: Know Your Customers and Make Your Recommendations Engine Learn
Graphs in Retail: Know Your Customers and Make Your Recommendations Engine Learn

This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on using graph databases like Neo4j for retail applications. The presentation covers introducing graph databases and Neo4j, discussing retail data types, and demonstrating use cases for customer 360 views, recommendations, supply chain management, and other areas. Case studies are presented on using Neo4j for real-time recommendations at a large retailer and real-time promotions at a top US retailer. The document concludes with an invitation for questions.

retailreal-time recommendationprice comparison
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Ian Robinson,
Jim Webber & Emil Eifrem
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential

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GraphTalks Rome - Introducing Neo4j
GraphTalks Rome - Introducing Neo4jGraphTalks Rome - Introducing Neo4j
GraphTalks Rome - Introducing Neo4j

This document introduces Neo4j, a graph database developed by Neo Technology. It discusses how graph databases can model and query data relationships more easily than relational or NoSQL databases. The document provides an overview of Neo4j's history and growth, key features, examples of use cases, and how it helps customers like Adidas, Die Bayerische insurance, and SFR communications manage data relationships.

graph databaseneo4jnosql
Graphs in the Real World
Graphs in the Real WorldGraphs in the Real World
Graphs in the Real World

Graphs are commonly used for (1) master data management to support complex non-hierarchical relationships between entities, (2) network and IT operations management to analyze dependencies in real-time across large connected systems, and (3) fraud detection by connecting related entities to uncover organized fraud rings. Example use cases include an insurer improving access to customer data, a social network powering recommendations by connecting users and interests, and a telecom enabling real-time authentication by modeling identity and access permissions as a graph.

Transforming Innovation: Digital Twin for the Win!
Transforming Innovation: Digital Twin for the Win!Transforming Innovation: Digital Twin for the Win!
Transforming Innovation: Digital Twin for the Win!

The document discusses digital twins, which are virtual representations of physical objects or processes. It provides background on the origins of digital twins, noting the term was coined in 2002 but the concept owes to decades of modeling work. It then discusses the current state of digital twins, including applications in large software systems, power generation, and transportation. However, it notes implementation has been challenging to scale up beyond simple cases like jet turbines. The document proposes knowledge graphs as a better data structure for mastering complex, connected domains like digital twins due to their ability to represent relationships. It provides an example of using a knowledge graph as a digital twin for IT infrastructure. In conclusion, it discusses several vertical opportunities for digital twins in areas like asset tracking and

Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Market Cap Today: ~$150B
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
More recent examples?
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
More recent examples?

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The Total Economic ImpactTM (TEI) of Neo4j, Featuring Forrester
The Total Economic ImpactTM (TEI) of Neo4j, Featuring ForresterThe Total Economic ImpactTM (TEI) of Neo4j, Featuring Forrester
The Total Economic ImpactTM (TEI) of Neo4j, Featuring Forrester

Noel Yuhanna, VP, Principal Analyst, Forrester Mary Barton, Consultant, Forrester Blaise James, Analyst Relations, Neo4j

Neo4j im Fianzsektor: DIVIZEND
Neo4j im Fianzsektor: DIVIZENDNeo4j im Fianzsektor: DIVIZEND
Neo4j im Fianzsektor: DIVIZEND

This document discusses an index for tracking companies involved in 5G technology. It describes the index's semi-annual rebalancing process and criteria for selecting companies, including a minimum market capitalization and liquidity, membership or participation in 5G standards organizations, and scoring based on 5G patents, consortium involvement, and financial metrics. The index is aimed at maximizing returns from dividend payments by reinvesting dividends.

1. The Importance of Graphs in Government
1. The Importance of Graphs in Government1. The Importance of Graphs in Government
1. The Importance of Graphs in Government

The document discusses how graph databases can help governments address challenges like fraud detection, cybersecurity, and intelligence analysis. It provides examples of how Neo4j has helped organizations like Lockheed Martin, the US Army, and NASA optimize processes and save time and money by integrating diverse data sources and analyzing relationships within the data. The document promotes Neo4j's graph data platform for its flexibility, performance, and ability to handle large, interconnected datasets in real-time.

Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
More recent examples?
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
More recent examples?
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Social Graph
More recent examples?
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Social Graph
Link Graph
Knowledge Graph
More recent examples?

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Modernizing the Analytics and Data Science Lifecycle for the Scalable Enterpr...
Modernizing the Analytics and Data Science Lifecycle for the Scalable Enterpr...Modernizing the Analytics and Data Science Lifecycle for the Scalable Enterpr...
Modernizing the Analytics and Data Science Lifecycle for the Scalable Enterpr...

Data Con LA 2020 Description It’s no secret that the roots of Data Science date back to the 1960’s and were first mainstreamed in the 1990’s with the emergence of Data Mining. This occurred when commercially affordable computers started offering the horsepower and storage necessary to perform advanced statistics to scale. However, the words “to scale” have evolved over time. The leap to “Big Data” is only one serial aspect of growth. Beyond the typical 1-off studies that catalyzed the field of Data Mining, Data Science now fulfills enterprise and multi-enterprise use cases spanning much broader and deeper data sets and integrations. For example, AI and Machine Learning frameworks can interoperate with a variety of other systems to drive alerting, feedback loops, predictive frameworks, prescriptive engines, continual learning, and more. The deployment of AI/ML processes themselves often involves integration with contemporary DevOps tools. Now segue to SEAL – the Scalable Enterprise Analytic Lifecycle. In this presentation, you’ll learn how to cover the major bases of a modern Data Science projects – and Citizen Data Science as well – from conception, learning, and evaluation through integration, implementation, monitoring, and continual improvement. And as the name implies, your deployments will be performant and scale as expected in today’s environments. Speaker Jeff Bertman, CTO, Dfuse Technologies

data con ladata con la 2020dcla
Ai based analytics in the cloud
Ai based analytics in the cloudAi based analytics in the cloud
Ai based analytics in the cloud

Even if you have terabytes of business data, it might not be easy to apply AI-based analytics to it. The bottleneck is often Machine Learning (ML) expertise and scalable infrastructure. We'll first look at how you can access vast amounts of data from the data warehouse directly in a Google Sheet. Then, you'll see how it's possible to train custom ML models with that data, without ever leaving the spreadsheet. Speaker: Karl Weinmeister Google Cloud AI Advocacy Manager

cloud computing
Big Data LDN 2017: Deep Learning Demystified
Big Data LDN 2017: Deep Learning DemystifiedBig Data LDN 2017: Deep Learning Demystified
Big Data LDN 2017: Deep Learning Demystified

Date: 16th November 2017 Location: Keynote Theatre Time: 15:10 - 15:40 Speaker: Adam Grzywaczewski Organisation: NVIDIA

deep learningbig databig data ldn
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Social Graph
Interest Graph
Link Graph
Knowledge Graph
More recent examples?
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Connected Data.
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential

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Infopulse Mobile App Development Services
Infopulse Mobile App Development ServicesInfopulse Mobile App Development Services
Infopulse Mobile App Development Services

Infopulse offers full-cycle mobile application development services since 2008. We develop any types of mobile apps for handheld devices and wearables regardless of the platform. Let's talk:

mobile application developmentmobile developmentmobile app development
raph Databases with Neo4j – Emil Eifrem
raph Databases with Neo4j – Emil Eifremraph Databases with Neo4j – Emil Eifrem
raph Databases with Neo4j – Emil Eifrem

This document provides an overview of the graph database Neo4j. It discusses that Neo4j is a graph database with nodes, relationships, and properties that is well-suited for complex, highly connected data. Examples are given demonstrating how Neo4j can be used for network management in telecommunications companies and content management, access control, and collaboration at Adobe. Cypher, the query language for Neo4j, is also introduced.

neo4jgraph database
What is the future of data strategy?
What is the future of data strategy?What is the future of data strategy?
What is the future of data strategy?

Watch here: You will often hear that "data is the new gold". In this context, data management is one of the areas that has received more attention by the software community in recent years. From Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to new ways to store and process data, the landscape for data management is in constant evolution. From the privileged perspective of an enterprise middleware platform, we at Denodo have the advantage of seeing many of these changes happen. Join us for an exciting session that will cover: - The most interesting trends in data management. - Our predictions on how those trends will change the data management world. - How these trends are shaping the future of data virtualization and our own software.

data virtualizationbig datadata strategy
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
But it looks like graph = social.
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Core Industries
& Use Cases:
Network & Data
Center Management
Early Adopter Segments
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Neo4j Adoption Snapshot
Core Industries
& Use Cases:
Network & Data
Center Management
Select Commercial Customers (Community Users Not Included)
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Core Industries
& Use Cases:
Web / ISV
Finance &
Network & Data
Center Management
Neo4j Adoption Snapshot
Select Commercial Customers (Community Users Not Included)

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The Data Platform for Today's Intelligent Applications.pdf
The Data Platform for Today's Intelligent Applications.pdfThe Data Platform for Today's Intelligent Applications.pdf
The Data Platform for Today's Intelligent Applications.pdf

Do you know how graph technology is used in today’s data-driven applications? We’ll get you up to speed and introduce you to the Neo4j product portfolio.

Cubitic: Predictive Analytics
Cubitic: Predictive AnalyticsCubitic: Predictive Analytics
Cubitic: Predictive Analytics

The document introduces Cubitic, a startup providing a predictive analytics platform for IoT applications. It summarizes the founders' backgrounds and experience. Jaco Els is the CEO with a degree in IT and experience at major companies. Ryan Topping is the Chief Scientist with degrees in mathematics and bioinformatics. Renjith Nair is the CTO with a master's degree in networking and experience developing scalable systems. The founders met working at King and saw an opportunity to build their own predictive analytics solution for IoT, launching initial prototypes in 2015.

startupmachine learningpredictive analytics
Connecta Event: Big Query och dataanalys med Google Cloud Platform
Connecta Event: Big Query och dataanalys med Google Cloud PlatformConnecta Event: Big Query och dataanalys med Google Cloud Platform
Connecta Event: Big Query och dataanalys med Google Cloud Platform

Avancerad dataanalys och ”big data” har under de senaste åren klättrat på trendlistorna och är nu ett av de mest prioriterade områdena i utvecklingen av nya tjänster och produkter för ledarföretag i det digitala landskapet. Informationen som byggs upp i systemen när kundmötena digitaliseras har visat sig vara guld värt. Här finns allt vi behöver veta för att göra våra affärer mer effektiva. Sedan sommaren 2013 har Connecta tillsammans med Google ett etablerat samarbete för att hjälpa våra kunder med övergången till moln-tjänster för bland annat avancerad dataanalys. För att göra oss själva redo att hjälpa våra kunder har vi under ett antal år utvecklat såväl kunskaper som skaffat oss erfarenheter kring Googles olika moln-produkter, som exempelvis ”Big Query”. Big Query är ett molnbaserat analysverktyg och en del av Google Cloud Platform. Big Query gör det möjligt att ställa snabba frågor mot enorma dataset på bara någon sekund. Big Query och Google Cloud Platform erbjuder färdiga lösningar för att sätta upp och underhålla en infrastruktur som med enkla medel gör allt detta möjligt. På Connecta Digital Consultings tredje event för våren introducerade vi våra kunder och partners i koncepten dataanalys och Big Query. Under eventet berördes följande punkter: - Big Data och Business Intelligence (BI) - “The Google Big Data tools” – framgångsfaktorer och hur man kommer igång - Google Cloud Platform och hur man genomför en framgångsrik molnsatsning Vi presenterade case och berättade om viktiga lärdomar vi dragit i samarbetet med Google och våra kunder.

Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Neo4j Adoption Snapshot
Select Commercial Customers (Community Users Not Included)
Core Industries
& Use Cases:
Web Social, HR
& Recruiting
Health Care &
Life Sciences
Media &
Energy, Services,
Automotive, Gov’t,
Logistics, Education,
Gaming, Other
Network & Data
MDM / System of
Identity &
Access Mgmt
BI, CRM, Impact
Analysis, Fraud
Detection, Resource
Optimization, etc.
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
So what’s this product
they’re using?
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
age: 32
age: 35
property type:“car”
Graph data model
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Image credits:Tobias Ivarsson
“Whiteboard friendliness”

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AI Solutions with - AI Expo 2018 Tokyo Japan
AI Solutions with - AI Expo 2018 Tokyo JapanAI Solutions with - AI Expo 2018 Tokyo Japan
AI Solutions with - AI Expo 2018 Tokyo Japan

In this presentation we talked about how is preparing to provide AI as solutions to Japanese enterprises and business.

ai expodeep learningartificial intelligence
Let's make money from big data!
Let's make money from big data! Let's make money from big data!
Let's make money from big data!

Big data is still relatively new and it is very exciting. The opportunities, if not necessarily endless, are are at least incredibly rich and varied. Aiming to bridge the link between Big Data as a Technology and Big Data as Business Value, we hope our presentation will help frame some of your thinking on how to use and benefit from this topical development.

big datavalue from big dataanalytics
La bi, l'informatique décisionnelle et les graphes
La bi, l'informatique décisionnelle et les graphesLa bi, l'informatique décisionnelle et les graphes
La bi, l'informatique décisionnelle et les graphes

The document discusses how graph databases and graph technologies can be used for business intelligence, analytics, and decision making. It provides examples of how companies in various industries like communications, logistics, online recruiting, and consumer web have used graph databases from Neo4j to power applications, gain insights, and improve user experiences. Specific use cases discussed include network management, parcel routing, social job search, recommendations, and interactive television programming. The benefits of the graph model over relational databases for complex connected data are also highlighted.

Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Wardrobe Strength
Joe project blog
Hello Joe
Neo4j performance analysis
Modularizing Jython
Image credits:Tobias Ivarsson
“Whiteboard friendliness”
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Database # persons query time
๏a sample social graph
•with ~1,000 persons
๏average 50 friends per person
๏pathExists(a,b) limited to depth 4
๏caches warmed up to eliminate disk I/O
Graph db performance
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Database # persons query time
๏a sample social graph
•with ~1,000 persons
๏average 50 friends per person
๏pathExists(a,b) limited to depth 4
๏caches warmed up to eliminate disk I/O
Graph db performance
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Database # persons query time
1,000 2,000 ms
๏a sample social graph
•with ~1,000 persons
๏average 50 friends per person
๏pathExists(a,b) limited to depth 4
๏caches warmed up to eliminate disk I/O
Graph db performance

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The five graphs of telecommunications may 22 2013 webinar final
The five graphs of telecommunications may 22 2013 webinar finalThe five graphs of telecommunications may 22 2013 webinar final
The five graphs of telecommunications may 22 2013 webinar final

The document discusses how telecommunications companies can leverage graph databases to derive value from five key "graphs": the network graph, customer graph, call graph, master data graph, and help desk graph. It provides examples of how companies are using graph databases to improve network management, customer analytics, and other use cases. Finally, it outlines the benefits that have driven telecommunications firms to adopt graph databases, including improved query performance, agile development, and an extensible data model.

The five graphs of telecommunications may 22 2013 webinar final
The five graphs of telecommunications may 22 2013 webinar finalThe five graphs of telecommunications may 22 2013 webinar final
The five graphs of telecommunications may 22 2013 webinar final

The document discusses how telecommunications companies can leverage graph databases to derive value from five key "graphs": the network graph, customer graph, call graph, master data graph, and help desk graph. It provides examples of how companies are using graph databases to improve network management, customer analytics, and other tasks. Reasons for adopting graph databases include faster querying of connected data, better matching of the data model to business domains, and improved maintainability. The presentation encourages attendees to connect at upcoming GraphConnect conferences to learn more.

Becoming a data driven organization
Becoming a data driven organization Becoming a data driven organization
Becoming a data driven organization

The document discusses Pivotal's platform and strategy. It notes that Pivotal's platform allows for agile application development, access to big data solutions, and infrastructure flexibility. Examples are given of how companies like GE have used Pivotal's technologies to innovate faster using data and applications. The document promotes Pivotal's platform as uniquely positioned to help enterprises modernize their use of applications, data, and analytics.

Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Database # persons query time
1,000 2,000 ms
1,000 2 ms
๏a sample social graph
•with ~1,000 persons
๏average 50 friends per person
๏pathExists(a,b) limited to depth 4
๏caches warmed up to eliminate disk I/O
Graph db performance
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Database # persons query time
1,000 2,000 ms
1,000 2 ms
๏a sample social graph
•with ~1,000 persons
๏average 50 friends per person
๏pathExists(a,b) limited to depth 4
๏caches warmed up to eliminate disk I/O
Graph db performance
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Database # persons query time
1,000 2,000 ms
1,000 2 ms
1,000,000 2 ms
๏a sample social graph
•with ~1,000 persons
๏average 50 friends per person
๏pathExists(a,b) limited to depth 4
๏caches warmed up to eliminate disk I/O
Graph db performance
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Drivers of Graph Adoption
“Why did you use a graph database for your application?”

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Neo4j – The Fastest Path to Scalable Real-Time Analytics
Neo4j – The Fastest Path to Scalable Real-Time AnalyticsNeo4j – The Fastest Path to Scalable Real-Time Analytics
Neo4j – The Fastest Path to Scalable Real-Time Analytics

The document discusses how graph databases like Neo4j can enable real-time analytics at massive scale by leveraging relationships in data. It notes that data is growing exponentially but traditional databases can't efficiently analyze relationships. Neo4j natively stores and queries relationships to allow analytics 1000x faster. The document advocates that graphs will form the foundation of modern data and analytics by enhancing machine learning models and enabling outcomes like building intelligent applications faster, gaining deeper insights, and scaling limitlessly without compromising data.

Bridging the Gap: Analyzing Data in and Below the Cloud
Bridging the Gap: Analyzing Data in and Below the CloudBridging the Gap: Analyzing Data in and Below the Cloud
Bridging the Gap: Analyzing Data in and Below the Cloud

The Briefing Room with Dean Abbott and Tableau Software Live Webcast July 23, 2013 Today’s desire for analytics extends well beyond the traditional domain of Business Intelligence. That’s partly because business users are realizing the value of mixing and matching all kinds of data, from all kinds of sources. One emerging market driver is Cloud-based data, and the desire companies have to analyze this data cohesively with their on-premise data sets. Register for this episode of The Briefing Room to learn from Analyst Dean Abbott, who will explain how the ability to access data in the cloud can play a critical role for generating business value from analytics. He’ll be briefed by Ellie Fields of Tableau Software who will tout Tableau’s latest release, which includes native connectors to cloud-based applications like, Amazon Redshift, Google Analytics and BigQuery. She’ll also demonstrate how Tableau can combine cloud data with other data sources, including spreadsheets, databases, cubes and even Big Data.

inside analysisthe bloor groupthe briefing room
Intro to Neo4j
Intro to Neo4jIntro to Neo4j
Intro to Neo4j

Neo4j is a native graph database that allows organizations to leverage connections in data to create value in real-time. Unlike traditional databases, Neo4j connects data as it stores it, enabling lightning-fast retrieval of relationships. With over 200 customers including Walmart, UBS, and adidas, Neo4j is the number one database for connected data by providing a highly scalable and flexible platform to power use cases like recommendations, fraud detection, and supply chain management through relationship queries and analytics.

neo4jgraph database
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Drivers of Graph Adoption
Naturally Graphy Data
Complex Graph Queries
Query Performance
0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Great product.
What’s up next?
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Top 12 Month Product Themes
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Top 12 Month Product Themes
Ease of Use

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Driving Network and Marketing Investments at O2 by Focusing on Improving the ...
Driving Network and Marketing Investments at O2 by Focusing on Improving the ...Driving Network and Marketing Investments at O2 by Focusing on Improving the ...
Driving Network and Marketing Investments at O2 by Focusing on Improving the ...

The idea was to predict the customer experience, and their perception of the O2 network at both the user and area levels to drive the network and marketing investments. Here is why and how we got there. In order to measure and predict customer network experience, O2 needed a streaming big data solution which would consume billions of events coming in from the network, in real-time, to measure the performance of the network as experienced by the customer. It was important to build a platform to gather all the relevant data; to co-relate that with the customer satisfaction index (CSI) surveys to understand the relationship of metrics to score. We applied machine learning methods to predict the CSI for all users on the network. Customer insights from the network helped us to build customer segmentations which are shaping various marketing and digital propositions at O2. - The overall solution was based on a hybrid architecture, where Open Source technologies were brought together with Tableau visualization which enabled O2 to keep the maintenance cost down to a minimum. - In order to have quick ROI, the solution was built as the prototype which continued to evolve and now currently handles 30 billion transactions a day, continuously streaming into the platform, and predicting customer experience for 35m+ users. The O2 solution continued to expand every year to accommodate multi-fold growth in traffic, and to accommodate additional features. The decision to move from a community edition Hadoop to the Hortonworks-based platform enabled us to have a supported, faster, and more reliable service. The migration to Hortonworks was completed in October 2018 which has given us the reliable platform to expand the analytics use cases across the wider O2 businesses.

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Robotics: Current Topics
Robotics: Current TopicsRobotics: Current Topics
Robotics: Current Topics

This document discusses the key factors that contributed to the recent boom in deep learning. It identifies better neural network algorithms/techniques, large datasets, massive parallelization using GPUs, and industry investment as major enabling factors. In particular, it highlights how the availability of large, labeled datasets like ImageNet; developments in CNNs, autoencoders, and other neural network architectures; the use of GPUs to enable efficient parallel training; and large-scale research at tech companies like Google were central to recent advances in deep learning.

deep learningmachine learningneural network
Keynote: Graphs in Government_Lance Walter, CMO
Keynote:  Graphs in Government_Lance Walter, CMOKeynote:  Graphs in Government_Lance Walter, CMO
Keynote: Graphs in Government_Lance Walter, CMO

This document contains an agenda and presentation slides for a Neo4j Graphs in Government event. The presentation introduces graph databases and Neo4j, discusses how graphs can help solve network-oriented problems, provides examples of graph use cases in various industries, and highlights new features in Neo4j 4.0 like easy management, unlimited scaling, and granular security. Case studies demonstrate how Neo4j has helped organizations like the US Army, MITRE, Adobe, and the German Center for Diabetes Research tackle complex data challenges.

neo4jgovernmentgraph database
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Top 12 Month Product Themes
Big DataEase of Use
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Top 12 Month Product Themes
Big Data CloudEase of Use
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Q2 Q3 Q4Q1
Theme: Ease of Use
Neo4j 2.0
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
• Labels. First expansion of the Property Graph model
since its inception. Nodes can have one or more labels.
Significantly improve power & ease of use.
Q2 Q3 Q4Q1
Theme: Ease of Use
Neo4j 2.0

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A whitepaper about how the evolving data engineering profession helps data-driven companies work smarter and lower cloud costs with Qubole.

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DataOps - The Foundation for Your Agile Data Architecture
DataOps - The Foundation for Your Agile Data ArchitectureDataOps - The Foundation for Your Agile Data Architecture
DataOps - The Foundation for Your Agile Data Architecture

Achieving agility in data and analytics is hard. It’s no secret that most data organizations struggle to deliver the on-demand data products that their business customers demand. Recently, there has been much hype around new design patterns that promise to deliver this much sought-after agility. In this webinar, Chris Bergh, CEO and Head Chef of DataKitchen will cut through the noise and describe several elegant and effective data architecture design patterns that deliver low errors, rapid development, and high levels of collaboration. He’ll cover: • DataOps, Data Mesh, Functional Design, and Hub & Spoke design patterns; • Where Data Fabric fits into your architecture; • How different patterns can work together to maximize agility; and • How a DataOps platform serves as the foundational superstructure for your agile architecture.

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A Data Fabric for All Things Intelligent
A Data Fabric for All Things IntelligentA Data Fabric for All Things Intelligent
A Data Fabric for All Things Intelligent

Watch full webinar here: Data as a strategic imperative for any company to compete, New common self-service data experience required for all things intelligent, Modern data platform focused on producing data products, Data platform, product, people, process key solution ingredients and Denodo is the future and time is now to get started.

data fabricdata platformsdenodo
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
• Labels. First expansion of the Property Graph model
since its inception. Nodes can have one or more labels.
Significantly improve power & ease of use.
• Index automation.
Improve indexing ease of use, leveraging new “Label” construct
Enable indexing operations through Cypher
Q2 Q3 Q4Q1
Theme: Ease of Use
Neo4j 2.0
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
• Labels. First expansion of the Property Graph model
since its inception. Nodes can have one or more labels.
Significantly improve power & ease of use.
• Index automation.
Improve indexing ease of use, leveraging new “Label” construct
Enable indexing operations through Cypher
• REST Improvements.
Improved Transactionality & Robustness
Q2 Q3 Q4Q1
Theme: Ease of Use
Neo4j 2.0
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
• Labels. First expansion of the Property Graph model
since its inception. Nodes can have one or more labels.
Significantly improve power & ease of use.
• Index automation.
Improve indexing ease of use, leveraging new “Label” construct
Enable indexing operations through Cypher
• REST Improvements.
Improved Transactionality & Robustness
• Cypher performance improvements.
Q2 Q3 Q4Q1
Theme: Ease of Use
Neo4j 2.0
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Theme: Big Data
Q2 Q3 Q4Q12013
Neo4j 2.1

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Customer Presentation - IBM Cloud Pak for Data Overview (Level 100).PPTX
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Customer Presentation - IBM Cloud Pak for Data Overview (Level 100).PPTX

This document provides instructions for using a presentation deck on Cloud Pak for Data. It instructs the user to: 1. Delete the first slide before using the deck. 2. Customize the presentation for the intended audience as the deck covers various topics and using all slides may not fit a single meeting. 3. The deck contains 6 embedded video records for a demo that takes 15-25 minutes to present. Guidance on pitching the demo is available. The appendix contains slides on Cloud Pak for Data licensing and IBM's overall strategy.

BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf
BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdfBT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf
BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf

Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

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Harnessing the Power of NLP and Knowledge Graphs for Opioid Research
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Gursev Pirge, PhD Senior Data Scientist - JohnSnowLabs

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Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Theme: Big Data
• Increase upper size limits of single-machine graph
Q2 Q3 Q4Q12013
Neo4j 2.1
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Theme: Big Data
• Increase upper size limits of single-machine graph
• Performance optimizations targeting densely-
connected nodes
Q2 Q3 Q4Q12013
Neo4j 2.1
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Theme: Big Data
• Increase upper size limits of single-machine graph
• Performance optimizations targeting densely-
connected nodes
• Bulk data import improvements: easer & faster to
bring large amounts of data into Neo4j
Q2 Q3 Q4Q12013
Neo4j 2.1
Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
Theme: Big Data
• Increase upper size limits of single-machine graph
• Performance optimizations targeting densely-
connected nodes
• Bulk data import improvements: easer & faster to
bring large amounts of data into Neo4j
• Cypher performance improvements
Q2 Q3 Q4Q12013
Neo4j 2.1

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Leveraging the Graph for Clinical Trials and Standards

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Your Mission:
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New Opportunities for Connected Data - Emil Eifrem @ GraphConnect Boston + Chicago 2013

  • 1. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential GraphConnect 2013 graphs are everywhere Emil Eifrem @emileifrem #graphconnect
  • 2. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
  • 3. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential “Five richest big data sources on theWeb include social graph, intent graph, consumption graph, interest graph and mobile graph.” - Gartner:“Top 10 Strategic Trends For 2013,” Oct 2012
  • 4. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential “[I]t is arguable that graph databases will have a bigger impact on the database landscape than Hadoop or its competitors.” - Bloor Research, May 2012
  • 5. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential “Graph analysis is the true killer app for Big Data.” - Forrester Research, Dec 2011
  • 6. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential GigaOm, May 2013
  • 7. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential FastCompany, March 2013
  • 8. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential FastCompany, March 2013
  • 9. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Ian Robinson, Jim Webber & Emil Eifrem Graph Databases h Com plim ents ofNeo Technology
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  • 11. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
  • 12. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
  • 13. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
  • 14. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential NASDAQ:ORCL Market Cap Today: ~$150B
  • 15. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential More recent examples?
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  • 17. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential More recent examples?
  • 18. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential More recent examples?
  • 19. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Social Graph More recent examples?
  • 20. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Social Graph Link Graph Knowledge Graph More recent examples?
  • 21. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Social Graph Interest Graph Link Graph Knowledge Graph More recent examples?
  • 22. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
  • 23. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Connected Data.
  • 24. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential
  • 25. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Wow. But it looks like graph = social. Right?
  • 26. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Core Industries & Use Cases: Software Financial Services Telecomm- unications Network & Data Center Management MDM Social Geo Early Adopter Segments
  • 27. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Neo4j Adoption Snapshot Core Industries & Use Cases: Software Financial Services Telecomm- unications Network & Data Center Management MDM Social Geo Select Commercial Customers (Community Users Not Included)
  • 28. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Core Industries & Use Cases: Web / ISV Finance & Insurance Telecomm- unications Network & Data Center Management MDM Social Geo Neo4j Adoption Snapshot Select Commercial Customers (Community Users Not Included)
  • 29. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Neo4j Adoption Snapshot Select Commercial Customers (Community Users Not Included) Core Industries & Use Cases: Software Financial Services Telecomm unications Web Social, HR & Recruiting Health Care & Life Sciences Media & Publishing Energy, Services, Automotive, Gov’t, Logistics, Education, Gaming, Other Network & Data Center Management MDM / System of Record Social Geo Identity & Access Mgmt Content Management Recommend- ations BI, CRM, Impact Analysis, Fraud Detection, Resource Optimization, etc. Accenture
  • 30. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential So what’s this product they’re using?
  • 31. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential LIVES WITH LOVES OWNS DRIVES LOVES name:“James” age: 32 twitter:“@spam” name:“Mary” age: 35 brand:“Volvo” model:“V70” property type:“car” Graph data model
  • 32. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Image credits:Tobias Ivarsson “Whiteboard friendliness”
  • 33. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential thobe Wardrobe Strength Joe project blog Hello Joe Neo4j performance analysis Modularizing Jython Image credits:Tobias Ivarsson “Whiteboard friendliness”
  • 34. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Database # persons query time MySQL Neo4j Neo4j ๏a sample social graph •with ~1,000 persons ๏average 50 friends per person ๏pathExists(a,b) limited to depth 4 ๏caches warmed up to eliminate disk I/O Graph db performance
  • 35. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Database # persons query time MySQL Neo4j Neo4j 1,000 ๏a sample social graph •with ~1,000 persons ๏average 50 friends per person ๏pathExists(a,b) limited to depth 4 ๏caches warmed up to eliminate disk I/O Graph db performance
  • 36. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Database # persons query time MySQL Neo4j Neo4j 1,000 2,000 ms ๏a sample social graph •with ~1,000 persons ๏average 50 friends per person ๏pathExists(a,b) limited to depth 4 ๏caches warmed up to eliminate disk I/O Graph db performance
  • 37. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Database # persons query time MySQL Neo4j Neo4j 1,000 2,000 ms 1,000 2 ms ๏a sample social graph •with ~1,000 persons ๏average 50 friends per person ๏pathExists(a,b) limited to depth 4 ๏caches warmed up to eliminate disk I/O Graph db performance
  • 38. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Database # persons query time MySQL Neo4j Neo4j 1,000 2,000 ms 1,000 2 ms 1,000,000 ๏a sample social graph •with ~1,000 persons ๏average 50 friends per person ๏pathExists(a,b) limited to depth 4 ๏caches warmed up to eliminate disk I/O Graph db performance
  • 39. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Database # persons query time MySQL Neo4j Neo4j 1,000 2,000 ms 1,000 2 ms 1,000,000 2 ms ๏a sample social graph •with ~1,000 persons ๏average 50 friends per person ๏pathExists(a,b) limited to depth 4 ๏caches warmed up to eliminate disk I/O Graph db performance
  • 40. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Drivers of Graph Adoption “Why did you use a graph database for your application?”
  • 41. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Drivers of Graph Adoption Naturally Graphy Data Complex Graph Queries Query Performance 0% 20% 40% 60% 80%
  • 42. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Great product. What’s up next?
  • 43. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Top 12 Month Product Themes
  • 44. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Top 12 Month Product Themes Ease of Use
  • 45. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Top 12 Month Product Themes Big DataEase of Use
  • 46. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Top 12 Month Product Themes Big Data CloudEase of Use
  • 47. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential 2.0 Q2 Q3 Q4Q1 2013 Theme: Ease of Use Neo4j 2.0
  • 48. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential 2.0 • Labels. First expansion of the Property Graph model since its inception. Nodes can have one or more labels. Significantly improve power & ease of use. Q2 Q3 Q4Q1 2013 Theme: Ease of Use Neo4j 2.0
  • 49. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential 2.0 • Labels. First expansion of the Property Graph model since its inception. Nodes can have one or more labels. Significantly improve power & ease of use. • Index automation. Improve indexing ease of use, leveraging new “Label” construct Enable indexing operations through Cypher Q2 Q3 Q4Q1 2013 Theme: Ease of Use Neo4j 2.0
  • 50. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential 2.0 • Labels. First expansion of the Property Graph model since its inception. Nodes can have one or more labels. Significantly improve power & ease of use. • Index automation. Improve indexing ease of use, leveraging new “Label” construct Enable indexing operations through Cypher • REST Improvements. Improved Transactionality & Robustness Q2 Q3 Q4Q1 2013 Theme: Ease of Use Neo4j 2.0
  • 51. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential 2.0 • Labels. First expansion of the Property Graph model since its inception. Nodes can have one or more labels. Significantly improve power & ease of use. • Index automation. Improve indexing ease of use, leveraging new “Label” construct Enable indexing operations through Cypher • REST Improvements. Improved Transactionality & Robustness • Cypher performance improvements. Q2 Q3 Q4Q1 2013 Theme: Ease of Use Neo4j 2.0
  • 52. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Theme: Big Data 2.1 Q2 Q3 Q4Q12013 Neo4j 2.1 2014
  • 53. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Theme: Big Data 2.1 • Increase upper size limits of single-machine graph Q2 Q3 Q4Q12013 Neo4j 2.1 2014
  • 54. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Theme: Big Data 2.1 • Increase upper size limits of single-machine graph • Performance optimizations targeting densely- connected nodes Q2 Q3 Q4Q12013 Neo4j 2.1 2014
  • 55. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Theme: Big Data 2.1 • Increase upper size limits of single-machine graph • Performance optimizations targeting densely- connected nodes • Bulk data import improvements: easer & faster to bring large amounts of data into Neo4j Q2 Q3 Q4Q12013 Neo4j 2.1 2014
  • 56. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Theme: Big Data 2.1 • Increase upper size limits of single-machine graph • Performance optimizations targeting densely- connected nodes • Bulk data import improvements: easer & faster to bring large amounts of data into Neo4j • Cypher performance improvements Q2 Q3 Q4Q12013 Neo4j 2.1 2014
  • 57. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential GraphConnect Boston June 10-11, 2013 | Catalyst Restaurant graphs are everywhere
  • 58. Neo Technology, Inc Confidential Your Mission: Connect. GraphConnect Boston June 10-11, 2013 | Catalyst Restaurant graphs are everywhere