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High-velocity development for Spring applications
About Me
David Jacobs
● Web Developer since '98

● Groovy since '06          Twitter
● Grails focus in '08-'09
What is Grails?
Grails is an open-source framework for high-velocity
development of Spring applications
 ● Sensible defaults
 ● Convention-over-configuration
 ● DRY
 ● Dynamic metaprogramming
 ● End-to-end integrated stack
 ● Enables you to focus on the business problem
Best-of-Breed Java Technologies
●   Spring
●   Spring MVC
●   Hibernate
●   log4j
●   jUnit
●   SiteMesh

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Mobile Day - React Native

This document provides an overview of React Native, including what it is, how it works, and its features and capabilities. Some key points: - React Native allows building native mobile apps using JavaScript and React by rendering to real native UI components. It provides cross-platform development for iOS and Android. - Apps are built using familiar React components, props, state, lifecycle methods, etc. but render to native mobile UI elements instead of HTML. - It includes common mobile components like View, Text, Image, etc. and access to native device features and APIs. - Developers can create custom native iOS and Android modules and components to integrate with native code and libraries. - Tools like

Getting Started With ReactJS
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Getting Started With ReactJS

This document provides an overview of ReactJS including installing ReactJS, configuring ReactJS locally and via CDN, what JSX is, creating custom components with JSX, ReactJS event handling, lifecycle, stateful components, precompiling JSX, developing a digital clock, and debugging ReactJS. It also discusses the ReactJS initialization, lifetime, and teardown phases and provides an example of the component lifecycle.

Using React with Grails 3
Using React with Grails 3Using React with Grails 3
Using React with Grails 3

This document discusses using React with Grails 3. It begins with an overview of React, explaining key concepts like components, props, and state. It then covers different approaches to using React in Grails projects, including with the Asset Pipeline, Webpack, and the React profile for Grails which generates a project setup with React and Webpack configured. Isomorphic React, which allows server-side rendering with Nashorn, is also demonstrated. Resources for further learning about React, Grails plugins, and integrating the two frameworks are provided.

Integrated Stack
●   Layers and technologies integrated and wired
●   Default configurations based on industry best
    ●   80/20 rule
Directory Structure
●   grails-app - top level directory for Groovy sources
     ●   conf - Configuration sources.
     ●   controller - Web controllers - The C in MVC.
     ●   domain - The application domain.
     ●   i18n - Support for internationalization (i18n).
     ●   services - The service layer.
     ●   taglib - Tag libraries.
     ●   views - Groovy Server Pages.
●   scripts - Gant/Gradle scripts.
●   src - Supporting sources
     ●   groovy - Other Groovy sources
     ●   java - Other Java sources
●   test - Unit and integration test
●   Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
●   Data access layer
●   Simplifies configuration through conventions
●   Defaults to Hibernate implementation
     ● Provided as plugin, alternatives pluggable
●   Extends and simplifies data access APIs
●   Similar to ActiveRecord in Rails
Domain Modeling
//this is a complete Hibernate mapping!
class Employee {
    String firstName
    String lastName
    Date startDate

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Angular beans
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Angular beans

This document introduces AngularBeans, which aims to integrate AngularJS with Java EE backends using CDI. Some key points: - AngularBeans allows defining Angular services using CDI beans, and enables features like dependency injection, JSON-RPC calls, and real-time capabilities between the frontend and backend. - It supports concepts of single-page applications and thin server architectures. AngularBeans services can make HTTP requests, handle events, and communicate over websockets. - Examples show how to create an AngularBean that exposes methods to the frontend, handle requests and return responses, access the backend via JSON-RPC calls, and implement real-time functionality using events and websockets.

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A Closer Look At React Native

This document provides an overview of React Native, summarizing that it allows building mobile apps using JavaScript and React by rendering UI components to native platform elements. It discusses that React Native uses no HTML, browser or webview, instead being completely powered by JavaScript communicating directly with native platform views. It then demonstrates how to build React Native apps using common components like TouchableHighlight and ListView, inline styles, and platform APIs while also addressing debugging, testing and future considerations.

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Dynamic CRUD
def employee = Employee.get(1)
def newEmployee = new Employee(firstName: “Joe”, lastName: ”Programmer”)
Dynamic finders
Employee.findByLastNameAndHireDateGreaterThan(“Jones”, someDate)

findBy and findAllBy
 ●   InList - In the list of given values
 ●   LessThan - less than the given value
 ●   LessThanEquals - less than or equal a give value
 ●   GreaterThan - greater than a given value
 ●   GreaterThanEquals - greater than or equal a given value
 ●   Like - Equivalent to a SQL like expression
 ●   Ilike - Similar to a Like, except case insensitive
 ●   NotEqual - Negates equality
 ●   Between - Between two values (requires two arguments)
 ●   IsNotNull - Not a null value (doesn't require an argument)
 ●   IsNull - Is a null value (doesn't require an argument)
Hibernate HQL
Employee.findAll("from Employee as e where e.lastName like :lastName", [lastName:"Jon%"])

//with pagination and sorting
Employee.findAll("from Employee as e where e.lastName like :lastName",
                 [lastName:"Jon%", max:10, offset:20, sort:"hireDate", order:"asc"])
Simplified Hibernate Criteria API
// Find incomplete tasks assigned to Jones where the company is Monsanto
// and the project name begins with “Rubic”, order by task name
def criteria = Tasks.createCriteria()
def tasks = criteria.list {
  eq(‘completed’, false)
    like(‘name’ ‘Rubic%’)
      eq(‘name’, ‘Monsanto’)
      eq(‘lastName’, ‘Jones’)
  order(‘taskName’, ‘asc’)

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- Scripting languages like PHP, Python, and Ruby are becoming increasingly popular for web application development and administrative tasks due to their simplicity. - Java is embracing dynamic scripting languages through standards like JSR 223 which allows scripts like JavaScript, Groovy, and BeanShell to be integrated with Java applications and the Java platform. - Groovy is a popular Java-based scripting language that can be used to simplify and accelerate enterprise development by reducing code length and improving productivity.

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Dropwizard is a Java framework that provides tools for building RESTful web services. It bundles several popular Java libraries - like Jersey for JAX-RS, Jetty as an embedded HTTP server, Jackson for JSON processing, Metrics for monitoring, and Hibernate Validator - into an easy to use package. Dropwizard makes it simple to build robust, production-ready REST APIs without needing a separate application server. The framework also makes it easy to integrate with Spring for dependency injection. Overall, Dropwizard provides a best-of-breed toolkit for building RESTful services in Java.

HTML5 New and Improved
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HTML5 New and Improved

HTML5 introduces many new features for web pages and applications, including semantic HTML tags, media elements, canvas drawing, geolocation, offline storage, and forms validation. The HTML5 specification from the W3C is over 900 pages and introduces these new features to enhance the capabilities of web technologies going forward.

Web Layer
●   Controllers built on Spring MVC
●   URL mapping conventions map requests to controllers
●   Naming and directory conventions map actions to views
●   Built-in AOP action interceptors
     ●   Every controller provides a beforeInterceptor and afterInterceptor
     ●   Specifiable by action, optionally with patterns and exclusions
●   Servlet objects and convenience extensions injected into controller actions at runtime and
    provided as implicit variables
     ●   servletContext, session, request, response, params, flash
Spring MVC
Request parameters parsed into multidimensional params map
     ●   Easily accessed with powerful Groovy map support.

<input type=”text” name=”userName” />
//controller code
def userName = params.userName

<input type=”text” name=”user.address.zipCode” />
<input type=”text” name=”user.address.state” />
//controller code
def zipCode = params.user.address.zipCode
def state = params.user.address.state
Data Binding
def save = {
    //bind params to new instance
    def user = new User(params)


def update = {
    //get instance from database
    def user = User.get(
    //bind params = params
Request Format Transparency
Grails codecs (dynamic encode/decode methods) easily automap formats like XML and JSON to
the params map.


//transparent to the controller code
def zipCode = params.user.address.zipCode
def user = new User(params.user)

Easily create custom codecs to support specific requirements

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The document provides an introduction to ReactJS, including: - ReactJS is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building user interfaces. - It uses virtual DOM for rendering UI components efficiently. Only updated components are re-rendered. - Components are the basic building blocks of React apps. They accept input and return React elements to describe what should appear on the screen. - The main steps to set up a React app are installing React and ReactDOM libraries, adding JSX syntax, and rendering components onto the DOM using ReactDOM.render().

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Talk about GraphQL and its implementation with Symfony using overblog/GraphQLBundle at Symfony User Group Berlin Meetup on 26.04.2017

XML & JSON Marshalling
Groovy's popular XML support
Grails builders and codecs
Convenience methods

def list = {
    render Project.list() as XML

def list = {
    render Project.list() as JSON
Groovy Server Pages (GSP)
●   Similar to JSP
     ●   Tag library like JSTL, but much more powerful
     ●   Easy custom tags
     ●   Powerful templates
●   SiteMesh is automatically configured for layout management
Groovy Server Pages (GSP)
   actionSubmit     fieldValue      layoutBody       render
   applyLayout      findAll         layoutHead       renderErrors
   checkBox         form            layoutTitle      resource
   collect          formRemote      link             select
   cookie           formatBoolean   localeSelect     set
   country          formatDate      message          sortableColumn
   countrySelect    formatNumber    meta             submitButton
   createLink       grep            pageProperty     submitToRemote
   createLinkTo     hasErrors       paginate         textArea
   currencySelect   header          passwordField    textField
   datePicker       hiddenField     radio            timeZoneSelect
   each             if              radioGroup       unless
   eachError        include         remoteField      uploadForm
   else             javascript      remoteFunction   while
   elseif           join            remoteLink
●   Bundled with Prototype and
●   Excellent jQuery plugin
●   GSP tags for AJAX
     ●   Adapters built-in for major JavaScript frameworks
●   Plugins provide additional AJAX functionality

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DevQA: make your testers happier with Groovy, Spock and Geb

Writing functional tests using Geb in a Grails application is fine for a development team. But when you have QA automation engineers, giving them access to the Grails app might not be the best solution (specially when they belong to a different team). So the same way DevOps allow developers and sysadmins collaborate together, let's talk about DevQA, and make them happy using a framework stack powered by Groovy. Besides above considerations, in this talk I will show a live example on how to setup an independent project for functional tests using Gradle, Groovy, Spock and Geb.

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Binary Studio MEET FOR IT gatherings in Lviv, Ukraine: 5th of March 2016 our meetup was devoted to .NET platform and partly JS frameworks. ,

React JS part 1
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React JS part 1

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces that allows developers to create reusable UI components. It uses a virtual DOM for efficient re-rendering when data changes, and can render components on both the client-side and server-side. Key aspects of React include JSX syntax that resembles HTML, the component model for building encapsulated components, and tools like NPM, Webpack and Babel that help support React projects.

Per-Environment Configuration Supports SCM
    ●    Package or run as any configured environment. Default environments and build configurations defined for
         development, test (staging) and production.
           ●    Programmatic environment detection with provided Environment class.

environments {
  development {
     dataSource {
       dbCreate = "create-drop" // one of 'create', 'create-drop','update'
       url = "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:devDB"
    test {
       dataSource {
          dbCreate = "update"
          url = "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testDb"
    production {
      dataSource {
        dbCreate = "update"
        url = "jdbc:hsqldb:file:prodDb;shutdown=true"
Grails extensions are provided as plugins
 ●   Created by core Grails team and community
 ●   Powerful – a plugin IS a Grails application
 ●   Plugins typically bring the idioms of convention-over-configuration and simplified APIs to
     popular libraries
 ●   Easy to create your own – provides a strong architecture for re-use across projects
 ●   Examples
      ●   Spring Security
      ●   JMS
      ●   Spring WS
      ●   LDAP
      ●   Quartz
Plugin development is very active
The Bottom Line
●   Increases developer productivity
●   less code + less configuration = easier to maintain
●   Smaller learning curve than other Java web frameworks
●   Eases the learning curve for the underlying technologies
●   Project layout conventions and a standard technology stack promote quicker ramp-up time from one
    Grails project to another
●   Increases agility potential through rapid proto-typing and quick customer feedback
●   Guides solid technology choices by providing excellent defaults
●   Developers enjoy it, which promotes morale and retention

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This document provides an overview of using IndexedDB and push notifications in progressive web apps. It discusses how to set up IndexedDB to store and retrieve data from object stores, and how to implement push notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). Code examples are provided to demonstrate creating an IndexedDB database, adding, retrieving, updating and deleting data, as well as setting up an FCM project, subscribing to push notifications, handling subscription, receiving push messages, and clicking on notifications. References and further reading materials are also included.

ReactJS presentation
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Plain React detects changes by re-rendering your whole UI into a virtual DOM and then comparing it to the old version. Whatever changed, gets patched to the real DOM.

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Curso de Grails

Este documento fornece um resumo sobre o framework Grails: 1) Grails é um framework para desenvolvimento web baseado em Java que utiliza a linguagem Groovy; 2) Ele permite alta produtividade através de convenções que eliminam a necessidade de configuração; 3) Grails usa o padrão MVC e o ORM Hibernate para mapear classes de domínio em tabelas do banco de dados.


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Grails 101

  • 2. About Me David Jacobs ● Web Developer since '98 ● Groovy since '06 Twitter @MetaThis ● Grails focus in '08-'09
  • 3. What is Grails? Grails is an open-source framework for high-velocity development of Spring applications ● Sensible defaults ● Convention-over-configuration ● DRY ● Dynamic metaprogramming ● End-to-end integrated stack ● Enables you to focus on the business problem
  • 4. Best-of-Breed Java Technologies ● Spring ● Spring MVC ● Hibernate ● log4j ● jUnit ● SiteMesh
  • 5. Integrated Stack ● Layers and technologies integrated and wired out-of-the-box ● Default configurations based on industry best practices ● 80/20 rule
  • 6. Directory Structure ● grails-app - top level directory for Groovy sources ● conf - Configuration sources. ● controller - Web controllers - The C in MVC. ● domain - The application domain. ● i18n - Support for internationalization (i18n). ● services - The service layer. ● taglib - Tag libraries. ● views - Groovy Server Pages. ● scripts - Gant/Gradle scripts. ● src - Supporting sources ● groovy - Other Groovy sources ● java - Other Java sources ● test - Unit and integration test
  • 7. GORM ● Object Relational Mapping (ORM) ● Data access layer ● Simplifies configuration through conventions ● Defaults to Hibernate implementation ● Provided as plugin, alternatives pluggable ● Extends and simplifies data access APIs ● Similar to ActiveRecord in Rails
  • 8. GORM Domain Modeling //this is a complete Hibernate mapping! class Employee { String firstName String lastName Date startDate }
  • 9. GORM Dynamic CRUD def employee = Employee.get(1) employee.delete() def newEmployee = new Employee(firstName: “Joe”, lastName: ”Programmer”)
  • 10. GORM Dynamic finders Employee.findByLastNameAndHireDateGreaterThan(“Jones”, someDate) findBy and findAllBy ● InList - In the list of given values ● LessThan - less than the given value ● LessThanEquals - less than or equal a give value ● GreaterThan - greater than a given value ● GreaterThanEquals - greater than or equal a given value ● Like - Equivalent to a SQL like expression ● Ilike - Similar to a Like, except case insensitive ● NotEqual - Negates equality ● Between - Between two values (requires two arguments) ● IsNotNull - Not a null value (doesn't require an argument) ● IsNull - Is a null value (doesn't require an argument)
  • 11. GORM Hibernate HQL Employee.findAll("from Employee as e where e.lastName like :lastName", [lastName:"Jon%"]) //with pagination and sorting Employee.findAll("from Employee as e where e.lastName like :lastName", [lastName:"Jon%", max:10, offset:20, sort:"hireDate", order:"asc"])
  • 12. GORM Simplified Hibernate Criteria API // Find incomplete tasks assigned to Jones where the company is Monsanto // and the project name begins with “Rubic”, order by task name def criteria = Tasks.createCriteria() def tasks = criteria.list { eq(‘completed’, false) project{ like(‘name’ ‘Rubic%’) company{ eq(‘name’, ‘Monsanto’) } assignedEmployees{ eq(‘lastName’, ‘Jones’) } } order(‘taskName’, ‘asc’) }
  • 13. Web Layer ● Controllers built on Spring MVC ● URL mapping conventions map requests to controllers ● Naming and directory conventions map actions to views ● Built-in AOP action interceptors ● Every controller provides a beforeInterceptor and afterInterceptor ● Specifiable by action, optionally with patterns and exclusions ● Servlet objects and convenience extensions injected into controller actions at runtime and provided as implicit variables ● servletContext, session, request, response, params, flash
  • 14. Spring MVC Request parameters parsed into multidimensional params map ● Easily accessed with powerful Groovy map support. <!-- HTML form --> <input type=”text” name=”userName” /> //controller code def userName = params.userName <!-- HTML form with dot-notation for complex embedded objects --> <input type=”text” name=”user.address.zipCode” /> <input type=”text” name=”user.address.state” /> //controller code def zipCode = params.user.address.zipCode def state = params.user.address.state
  • 15. Data Binding def save = { //bind params to new instance def user = new User(params) //persist } def update = { //get instance from database def user = User.get( //bind params = params }
  • 16. Request Format Transparency Grails codecs (dynamic encode/decode methods) easily automap formats like XML and JSON to the params map. <!-- XML request --> <user> <id>42</id> <address> <zipCode>63122</zipCode> </address> </user> //transparent to the controller code def zipCode = params.user.address.zipCode def user = new User(params.user) Easily create custom codecs to support specific requirements
  • 17. XML & JSON Marshalling Groovy's popular XML support + Grails builders and codecs + Convenience methods def list = { render Project.list() as XML } def list = { render Project.list() as JSON }
  • 18. Groovy Server Pages (GSP) ● Similar to JSP ● Tag library like JSTL, but much more powerful ● Easy custom tags ● Powerful templates ● SiteMesh is automatically configured for layout management
  • 19. Groovy Server Pages (GSP) Tags actionSubmit fieldValue layoutBody render applyLayout findAll layoutHead renderErrors checkBox form layoutTitle resource collect formRemote link select cookie formatBoolean localeSelect set country formatDate message sortableColumn countrySelect formatNumber meta submitButton createLink grep pageProperty submitToRemote createLinkTo hasErrors paginate textArea currencySelect header passwordField textField datePicker hiddenField radio timeZoneSelect each if radioGroup unless eachError include remoteField uploadForm else javascript remoteFunction while elseif join remoteLink
  • 20. AJAX ● Bundled with Prototype and ● Excellent jQuery plugin ● GSP tags for AJAX ● Adapters built-in for major JavaScript frameworks ● Plugins provide additional AJAX functionality
  • 21. Configuration Per-Environment Configuration Supports SCM ● Package or run as any configured environment. Default environments and build configurations defined for development, test (staging) and production. ● Programmatic environment detection with provided Environment class. environments { development { dataSource { dbCreate = "create-drop" // one of 'create', 'create-drop','update' url = "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:devDB" } } test { dataSource { dbCreate = "update" url = "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testDb" } } production { dataSource { dbCreate = "update" url = "jdbc:hsqldb:file:prodDb;shutdown=true" } } }
  • 22. Plugins Grails extensions are provided as plugins ● Created by core Grails team and community ● Powerful – a plugin IS a Grails application ● Plugins typically bring the idioms of convention-over-configuration and simplified APIs to popular libraries ● Easy to create your own – provides a strong architecture for re-use across projects ● Examples ● Spring Security ● JMS ● Spring WS ● LDAP ● Quartz
  • 24. The Bottom Line ● Increases developer productivity ● less code + less configuration = easier to maintain ● Smaller learning curve than other Java web frameworks ● Eases the learning curve for the underlying technologies ● Project layout conventions and a standard technology stack promote quicker ramp-up time from one Grails project to another ● Increases agility potential through rapid proto-typing and quick customer feedback ● Guides solid technology choices by providing excellent defaults ● Developers enjoy it, which promotes morale and retention