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Game Based Learning: Part II Karen Brooks
Gaming and Learning Evolution

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The Wacom Tablet Gps Presentation.Pptx 4
The Wacom Tablet Gps Presentation.Pptx 4The Wacom Tablet Gps Presentation.Pptx 4
The Wacom Tablet Gps Presentation.Pptx 4

This document discusses external touch screens and their key components. It describes touch screens, styluses, airbrushes, and mice as components of an ultimate workstation. It then discusses Wacom pen tablets and provides links about Wacom and pen tablets in Linux. The document goes on to discuss GPS (global positioning system) and provides images related to GPS. It lists social studies, science, and math lesson plans that incorporate GPS. It describes hunting for benchmarks and treasures using GPS and links to GPS games and geocaching websites.

Thing Im Thankful For BKaminski
Thing Im Thankful For BKaminskiThing Im Thankful For BKaminski
Thing Im Thankful For BKaminski

Brett Kaminski's online experience A from October 31, 2012 lists topics including Christianity, disc jockeying, love, shelter, clean water, living in the United States, super heroes, and imagination. The document provides citations to various websites related to these topics as work cited sources.

Mal uso del internet2
Mal uso del internet2Mal uso del internet2
Mal uso del internet2

This document contains a list of 11 image URLs related to the dangers of internet addiction and staying safe online. The images depict themes of internet addiction, online risks, and the negative impacts of excessive internet use.
Entry Level Gaming – Clickers

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Chase Joshua Professional Presentation
Chase Joshua Professional PresentationChase Joshua Professional Presentation
Chase Joshua Professional Presentation

The document lists the source attribution for images used on 41 slides of a presentation. Most of the images were sourced from Pixabay under a public domain license, while some slides used images taken by the author and one image was of Edmund Leighton's painting "The Accolade".

full sail universityslideshowppp
Nerd Presentations are Boring
Nerd Presentations are BoringNerd Presentations are Boring
Nerd Presentations are Boring

Nerd presentations are often boring because presenters use technical jargon, speak in a monotone, and include cluttered graphics. The document provides tips for making nerdy presentations more engaging, such as limiting technical terms, incorporating vibrant speech, using clear visuals that illustrate one main point, and focusing on speaking to the audience rather than reading slides verbatim. Presenters are encouraged to adopt a casual style and avoid overly conservative attire.

Where Should I Look
Where Should I LookWhere Should I Look
Where Should I Look

This document provides a long list of online resources and search tools for educational purposes. It includes general search engines like Google, Bing, and specialized academic databases. It also lists visual search engines, educational videos, images, podcasts and audio search tools. Web resources like WebQuests, slideshare and educational websites are mentioned. The document aims to be a comprehensive guide to online tools for teachers, students and researchers.
Education and Gaming 3M:32S
Play Grid 16 – Sample f

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Lessons from Developing an AI to Play Magic: The Gathering

1) MCTS was implemented to play Magic: The Gathering and showed better performance than minimax. Further experiments removed cheating behaviors from MCTS. 2) Correspondence with another researcher discussed applying MCTS to all AI decisions and referenced a new paper on using MCTS for Magic: The Gathering. 3) The Magarena project site was updated based on user feedback requesting a non-cheating version of MCTS, and performance comparisons showed improved results for honest MCTS over both minimax and cheating MCTS.

game ai
Forming the Digital Generation
Forming the Digital GenerationForming the Digital Generation
Forming the Digital Generation

Today's students and families are immersed in a digital media world - via the Internet, iPods, computers, and more! How can we use these tools in school or parish settings with low-end or high end tech environments for faith formation?

web 20communicationdigital storytelling
Windows 8 is great
Windows 8 is greatWindows 8 is great
Windows 8 is great

The document contains a list of 20 web links related to educational resources for kids involving computers, typing, vocabulary, games and stories. The links cover topics such as typing tutorials, computer vocabulary, educational games, keyboarding practice, word clouds, coding tutorials and digital safety tips.

windows 8 mace
High Tech Gaming   4M:17S
UNICEF in Teen Second Life   2M:28S

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Windows 8 is great
Windows 8 is greatWindows 8 is great
Windows 8 is great

This document contains a list of over 30 hyperlinks to various educational websites related to topics like computers, typing, coding, spelling, and digital safety for kids. Some of the sites listed provide games for learning computer skills and the alphabet, stories about responsible computer use, typing tutorials and practice activities, and video tutorials about online safety.

Things i am thankful for
Things i am thankful forThings i am thankful for
Things i am thankful for

Erica Blankenship submitted an assignment to Mrs. Lundquist on October 26, 2011 that included a list of 14 URLs related to various topics such as basketball quotes, music for interval training, movie themes, job postings, and religious sites. The URLs were submitted as part of an online experience assignment.

Best of the EdTech Web 2010 - With Links
Best of the EdTech Web 2010 - With LinksBest of the EdTech Web 2010 - With Links
Best of the EdTech Web 2010 - With Links

This document provides a list of 67 tools for teachers in 60 minutes. It includes short descriptions and links to tools for creating videos, images, diagrams, presentations, games, math resources and more. The tools allow teachers to create and share educational content online for free. The document was created by Richard Byrne to share helpful technology resources for teachers.

teachingweb 20education
Penn State Gaming Commons
Educational Uses of Second Life

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Agile & lean
Agile & leanAgile & lean
Agile & lean

The document discusses Lean and Agile principles and practices for software development. It emphasizes focusing on people, continuous learning and improvement, removing waste and delays, transparency, and empowering teams. Specific practices mentioned include Scrum, Kanban, extreme programming (XP), and Lean software development. Visual tools like boards and charts are recommended to promote transparency and progress.

Anatomy of a web page
Anatomy of a web pageAnatomy of a web page
Anatomy of a web page

This document provides a list of websites related to the history and design of websites, critique guides, educational websites for children, and website building tools. Some of the sites listed include,,,,,, and for critiques, history, and education. Popular website building tools mentioned are Wordpress, Google Sites, Wikispaces, Edmodo, Weebly, Ning, and Wix.

Web 2.0 Tools For The Classroom Cape Elizabeth
Web 2.0 Tools For The Classroom Cape ElizabethWeb 2.0 Tools For The Classroom Cape Elizabeth
Web 2.0 Tools For The Classroom Cape Elizabeth

This document discusses using Web 2.0 tools in the classroom. It notes that today's students want to be engaged rather than entertained, and that they produce original content outside the classroom. Various Web 2.0 tools are presented such as Diigo, Wordle, Animoto, and Voicethread that could be used in the classroom, but that the tool alone does not increase knowledge - it requires context and pedagogy. Readers are encouraged to explore how tools might work and be used for their content and to build knowledge. Building a community of experts and getting input from students are also suggested.

Introduction to Educational Simulations

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Things i’m thankful for
Things i’m thankful forThings i’m thankful for
Things i’m thankful for

This document appears to be a list of things the author Shannon Maag is thankful for, including music, nature, the internet, and time. It also includes a lengthy list of cited image URLs. The document provides a brief list of things the author is grateful for without much additional context or explanation.

Herramientas web 2.0
Herramientas  web 2.0Herramientas  web 2.0
Herramientas web 2.0

The document provides links to various websites and applications including WordPress, Flickr, Capa Yapa, Quizlet, Joomla, Tizmos, Solver simple, Ediscio, Xtra Normal, and WordSift. Many of these links are to social media sites or pages for apps that allow sharing photos, blogging, education, and content creation.

Robotic control
Robotic controlRobotic control
Robotic control

The document discusses the components and process for building an autonomous robot, including types of sensors, microcontrollers, actuators, and programming a line follower robot using a DC motor and IR sensors. It provides information on choosing a microcontroller, writing code in C, compiling the code, and burning the hex file to program the microcontroller to control the motors and sensors to follow a line.

Games Recommended by Pensky

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Cloud Robotics: It’s time to offload their brain on Cloud, for better Robotic...
Cloud Robotics: It’s time to offload their brain on Cloud, for better Robotic...Cloud Robotics: It’s time to offload their brain on Cloud, for better Robotic...
Cloud Robotics: It’s time to offload their brain on Cloud, for better Robotic...

Cloud robotics is an emerging field of robotics ingrained in cloud computing. It allows robots to benefit from the powerful computational, storage, and communications resources of modern data centers.When computational or storage demands exceed the on-board capacity of a robot, they are offloaded to the cloud, where the massive resources of a datacenter can supplement their limited local resources.

cloud computingcloudroboticsrobotics
GaN-on-Si Substrate Technology and Market for LED and Power Electronics
GaN-on-Si Substrate Technology and Market for LED and Power ElectronicsGaN-on-Si Substrate Technology and Market for LED and Power Electronics
GaN-on-Si Substrate Technology and Market for LED and Power Electronics

GaN-on-Si enables GaN power electronics, will LED transition as well? GaN-ON-Si LED IS ALREADY ADOPTED BY SOME LED MANUFACTURERS, BUT COULD IT BECOME THE INDUSTRY STANDARD? Today, GaN on Sapphire is the main stream technology for LED manufacturing. GaN-on-Si technology appeared naturally as an alternative to sapphire to reduce cost. Our cost simulation indicates that the differential in silicon substrate cost is not enough to justify the transition to GaN-on-Si technology. The main driver is the ability to manufacture in existing, depreciated CMOS fabs in 6” or 8”. Despite potential cost benefits for LEDs, the mass adoption of GaN-on-Si technology for LED applications remains unclear. Opinions regarding the chance of success for LED-on-Si vary widely in the LED industry from unconditional enthusiasm to unjustified skepticism. Virtually all major LED makers are researching GaN-on-Si LED, but few have made it the core of their strategy and technology roadmap. Among the proponents, only Lattice Power, Plessey and Toshiba have moved to production and are offering commercial LED-on-Si. At Yole Développement, we believe that although significant improvements have been achieved, there are still some technology hurdles (performance, yields, CMOS compatibility). We consider that if the technology hurdles are cleared, GaN-on-Si LEDs will be adopted by some LED manufacturers, but will not become the industry standard. We expect that Silicon will capture less than 5% of LED manufacturing by 2020. GaN-ON-Si TECHNOLOGY WILL BE WIDELY ADOPTED BY POWER ELECTRONICS APPLICATIONS The power electronics market addresses applications such as AC to DC or DC to AC conversion, which is always associated with substantial energy losses that increase with higher power and operating frequencies. Incumbent silicon based technology is reaching its limit and it is difficult to meet higher requirements. GaN based power electronics have the potential to significantly improve efficiency at both high power and frequencies while reducing device complexity and weight. Power GaN are therefore emerging as a substitution to the silicon based technology. Today, Power GaN remains at its early stage and presents only a tiny part of power electronics market. We are quite optimistic about the adoption of GaN-on-Si technology for Power GaN devices. GaN-on-Si technology have brought to market the first GaN devices. Contrary to the LED industry, where GaN-on-Sapphire technology is main stream and presents a challenging target, GaN-on-Si will dominate the GaN based power electronics market because of its lower cost and CMOS compatibility. Although GaN based devices remain more expensive than Si based devices today, the overall cost of GaN devices for some applications are expected to be lower than Si devices three years from now, according to some manufacturers.

gan;gan-on-si;led;power electronics;cmos;yole;repo
brain computer-interfaces PPT
 brain computer-interfaces PPT brain computer-interfaces PPT
brain computer-interfaces PPT

This document provides an overview of brain-computer interfaces (BCI). It discusses the history and development of BCI, including early work using electrodes implanted in monkeys. The document outlines different approaches to BCI, including invasive, semi-invasive, and non-invasive methods. Applications mentioned include providing communication assistance and environmental control for disabled individuals, enhancing video games, and monitoring brain states. Several current BCI projects are also briefly described, and the conclusion discusses BCI's potential therapeutic benefits and role in human enhancement.

marketting of futuristic product
Virtual Worlds massively multiplayer online real-life/rogue-like games  or MMORLGs, the user can edit and alter their  avatar  at will, allowing them to play a more dynamic role, or multiple roles.

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Why You Need In-House Collaborative Robot Expertise
Why You Need In-House Collaborative Robot ExpertiseWhy You Need In-House Collaborative Robot Expertise
Why You Need In-House Collaborative Robot Expertise

In-house robotics expertise is essential to adding robots on your work floor. This program focuses on training your current workforce.

collaborative robotsoutsourcingmanufacturing
AWS re:Invent 2016: Bringing Deep Learning to the Cloud with Amazon EC2 (CMP314)
AWS re:Invent 2016: Bringing Deep Learning to the Cloud with Amazon EC2 (CMP314)AWS re:Invent 2016: Bringing Deep Learning to the Cloud with Amazon EC2 (CMP314)
AWS re:Invent 2016: Bringing Deep Learning to the Cloud with Amazon EC2 (CMP314)

Algorithmia is a startup with a mission to make state of the art machine learning discoverable by everyone&emdash;they offer the largest algorithm marketplace in the world, with over 2500 algorithms supporting tens of thousands of application developers. Algorithma is the first company to make deep learning, one of the most conceptually difficult areas of computing, accessible to any company via microservices. In this session, you learn how this startup has selected and optimized Amazon EC2 instances for various algorithms (including the latest generation of GPU optimized instances), to create a flexible and scalable platform. They also share their architecture and best practices for getting any computationally-intensive application started quickly.

tom 'elvis' jonesaws cloudaws reinvent
[DSC 2016] 系列活動:李宏毅 / 一天搞懂深度學習
[DSC 2016] 系列活動:李宏毅 / 一天搞懂深度學習[DSC 2016] 系列活動:李宏毅 / 一天搞懂深度學習
[DSC 2016] 系列活動:李宏毅 / 一天搞懂深度學習

深度學習 ( Deep Learning ) 是機器學習 ( Machine Learning ) 中近年來備受重視的一支,深度學習根源於類神經網路 ( Artificial Neural Network ) 模型,但今日深度學習的技術和它的前身已截然不同,目前最好的語音辨識和影像辨識系統都是以深度學習技術來完成,你可能在很多不同的場合聽過各種用深度學習做出的驚人應用 ( 例如:最近紅遍大街小巷的 AlphaGo ),聽完以後覺得心癢癢的,想要趕快使用這項強大的技術,卻不知要從何下手學習,那這門課就是你所需要的。 這門課程將由台大電機系李宏毅教授利用短短的一天議程簡介深度學習。以下是課程大綱: 什麼是深度學習 深度學習的技術表面上看起來五花八門,但其實就是三個步驟:��定好類神經網路架構、訂出學習目標、開始學習,這堂課會簡介如何使用深度學習的工具 Keras,它可以幫助你在十分鐘內完成深度學習的程式。另外,有人說深度學習很厲害、有各種吹捧,也有人說深度學習只是個噱頭,到底深度學習和其他的機器學習方法有什麼不同呢?這堂課要剖析深度學習和其它機器學習方法相比潛在的優勢。 深度學習的各種小技巧 雖然現在深度學習的工具滿街都是,想要寫一個深度學習的程式只是舉手之勞,但要得到好的成果可不簡單,訓練過程中各種枝枝節節的小技巧才是成功的關鍵。本課程中將分享深度學習的實作技巧及實戰經驗。 有記憶力的深度學習模型 機器需要記憶力才能做更多事情,這段課程要講解遞迴式類神經網路 ( Recurrent Neural Network ),告訴大家深度學習模型如何可以有記憶力。 深度學習應用與展望 深度學習可以拿來做甚麼?怎麼用深度學習做語音辨識?怎麼用深度學習做問答系統?接下來深度學習的研究者們在意的是什麼樣的問題呢? 本課程希望幫助大家不只能了解深度學習,也可以有效率地上手深度學習,用在手邊的問題上。無論是從未嘗試過深度學習的新手,還是已經有一點經驗想更深入學習,都可以在這門課中有所收穫。

deep learning
What are some things your kids might be playing?
Virtual Worlds Review

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Data Science - Part XVII - Deep Learning & Image Processing
Data Science - Part XVII - Deep Learning & Image ProcessingData Science - Part XVII - Deep Learning & Image Processing
Data Science - Part XVII - Deep Learning & Image Processing

This lecture provides an overview of Image Processing and Deep Learning for the applications of data science and machine learning. We will go through examples of image processing techniques using a couple of different R packages. Afterwards, we will shift our focus and dive into the topics of Deep Neural Networks and Deep Learning. We will discuss topics including Deep Boltzmann Machines, Deep Belief Networks, & Convolutional Neural Networks and finish the presentation with a practical exercise in hand writing recognition technique.

machine learningdeep neural networkimage processing
Deep Learning through Examples
Deep Learning through ExamplesDeep Learning through Examples
Deep Learning through Examples

Suggestions: 1) For best quality, download the PDF before viewing. 2) Open at least two windows: One for the Youtube video, one for the screencast (link below), and optionally one for the slides themselves. 3) The Youtube video is shown on the first page of the slide deck, for slides, just skip to page 2. Screencast: Video recording: (Thanks to Al Friedrich!) In this talk, we take Deep Learning to task with real world data puzzles to solve. Data: - Higgs binary classification dataset (10M rows, 29 cols) - MNIST 10-class dataset - Weather categorical dataset - eBay text classification dataset (8500 cols, 500k rows, 467 classes) - ECG heartbeat anomaly detection - Powered by the open source machine learning software Contributors welcome at: - To view videos on H2O open source machine learning software, go to:

deep learninghadoopmath
Educators as Game Designers Workshop - 2
Educators as Game Designers Workshop - 2Educators as Game Designers Workshop - 2
Educators as Game Designers Workshop - 2

The document lists 10 ways to engage learners through games and gamification including using augmented reality games, personalized quest-based learning, game-based learning labs, gamified professional development for educators, mobile scavenger hunt games, escape room style educational games, political simulation games, educational games for social change, classroom simulations, and bringing alternate reality games to the classroom. It also provides examples and links to resources for each approach.

Why do Students like MUVES?

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Integrating technology with literacy
Integrating technology with literacyIntegrating technology with literacy
Integrating technology with literacy

This document provides a list of over 30 websites and software tools that can be used to integrate technology into literacy instruction for students in grades K-2. The links cover topics like phonics, spelling, reading, writing, storytelling, drawing, audio recording, image searching, and text-to-speech. Credit is given to the instructional technology specialist who compiled the resource list.

10 Great Websites For the SMART Board
10 Great Websites For the SMART Board10 Great Websites For the SMART Board
10 Great Websites For the SMART Board

There are so many great interactive websites that work well with the SMART Board. Come and learn about 10 of the presenters favorites. This presentation is from the SUCCESS Conference that took place on August 20th and 21st, 2009 in Arlington, VA.

professional developementelementary educationelementary
Building a new [virtual] learning world
Building a new [virtual] learning worldBuilding a new [virtual] learning world
Building a new [virtual] learning world

Are you ready to consider gaming in your curriculum? This presentation is a discussion starter for the ALIA schools seminar Learning in a Changing World.

virtual worldsdigital technologygaming
MMORPG Your kids might already be playing! Recognize any?

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Emerging Technologies
Emerging TechnologiesEmerging Technologies
Emerging Technologies

The document discusses emerging technologies that can be used in classrooms, including virtual worlds, gaming, social networking, mobile devices, and more. It provides examples of how these technologies can be used educationally by motivating students and allowing them to learn collaboratively in simulated environments. Resources and tools are presented for using these technologies across various subject areas at different grade levels.

education emergingtech
Games vs networks_2006
Games vs networks_2006Games vs networks_2006
Games vs networks_2006

Conference at Ecole d'Art de Poitiers, 2006 How to curate games online and offline by


This document contains 10 links to various educational resources for children including wooden toys, computer games, math games, and early childhood programs. The links cover topics like learning French, multiplication, music notes, and early childhood services. Overall, the document provides a collection of external resources related to developing children's educational skills through play and games.

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Video Games And Higher Order Thinking
Video Games And Higher Order ThinkingVideo Games And Higher Order Thinking
Video Games And Higher Order Thinking

This document lists over 20 online games and simulations that can be used to teach higher order thinking skills. It also provides several books and websites for more information on using video games for learning. Some of the games listed include Food Force, Stop Disasters, Peacemaker, and Dimension Math. The document recommends resources like books by Marc Prensky, James Paul Gee, and John Palfrey to learn more about how video games can help children learn. Websites from organizations like the Federation of American Scientists and articles from sources like Wired magazine are also provided as additional resources.

Happy friday 2013 01-18
Happy friday 2013 01-18Happy friday 2013 01-18
Happy friday 2013 01-18

This document is a weekly newsletter containing various links to videos, websites, launches and announcements across different topics like music, movies, technology and more. Some of the items included are a mobile application called "Décima a la décima" by Jorge Drexler, a website called "" that allows creating a fake Facebook boyfriend profile for $39, a competition from Axe to send someone to space called "Axe Apollo: ticket to space", and a demonstration of Windows 8. The newsletter ends with thanks and encouragement to keep dancing and having fun.

KSDE games resources
KSDE games resourcesKSDE games resources
KSDE games resources

Links and resources supporting a PowerPoint presentation given at a workshop at the KSDE conference in Wichita, KS October 25, 2010


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Technology in My Classroom? Yikes!
Technology in My Classroom? Yikes!Technology in My Classroom? Yikes!
Technology in My Classroom? Yikes!

Presentation for a professional development workshop for teachers. The goal is to get the teachers excited about integrating technology into their curriculum and classroom operations.

school2021st century learningweb 20
Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture
Flipped Classroom: The Full PictureFlipped Classroom: The Full Picture
Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture

For more information about this, go to

technologyflipped classroom. learning theoryvideo in the classroo.
Herramientas colaborativas
Herramientas colaborativasHerramientas colaborativas
Herramientas colaborativas

Herramientas colaborativas para trabajar: editores de texto, plataformas de escritura colaborativa, mapas conceptuales y diagramas, brainstorming y whiteboards, discusión, polls, encuestas, mobile p2p network, estadisticas online, etc

toolsinternetcolaborative tools

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Internetsafety networkedparent
Internetsafety networkedparentInternetsafety networkedparent
Internetsafety networkedparent

This document provides resources on internet safety and digital literacy for parents and educators. It lists numerous websites that discuss positive and safe uses of technology as well as digital footprints and privacy. The document aims to help parents and educators teach children how to safely and responsibly use the internet and social media.

Math & Science Computer Games
Math & Science Computer GamesMath & Science Computer Games
Math & Science Computer Games

Computer games can be effective learning tools when used appropriately in the classroom. Some key points: - Research shows that educational computer simulations allow students to apply knowledge better than traditional lectures alone. Games turn dull lessons into engaging experiences. - Several universities and organizations have created science and math games that teach concepts through simulations and problem-solving. Examples include physics games on sound and energy. - Teachers can find ready-made vocabulary, science, and math games online or create their own using templates for Jeopardy, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, and other formats. Scoring can track student progress.

2010 math science interactive games
Power Up Your Professional Learning Network
Power Up Your Professional Learning NetworkPower Up Your Professional Learning Network
Power Up Your Professional Learning Network

This is the presentation file that accompanies my conference keynote session on maximizing a professional learning network with interactive technologies.

They probably read -
Gaming and Social Networks

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Power Up Your Professional Learning Network
Power Up Your Professional Learning NetworkPower Up Your Professional Learning Network
Power Up Your Professional Learning Network

This document provides a comprehensive list of online tools and resources for building a personal learning network (PLN) including social networks, blogs, wikis, microblogs, RSS feeds, collaborative workspaces, presentations, photo sharing, discussions and more. It also lists specific PLN groups on sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Ning and Second Life and invites the reader to join the author's own PLN through following her blogs, wiki and social media accounts.

Short michael
Short michaelShort michael
Short michael

The document describes the author's interest and experiences in digital frontiers, adventure, robots, games, anime, and military service. It outlines their current educational pursuits in game development and mentions upcoming projects. Links are provided for references related to influences and experiences mentioned. Contact information is included at the end.


This document contains links to various online resources about educational media, tools development, theory and experimentation, and game development. The resources are in Thai and include blog posts, websites, and slideshow presentations covering topics like online educational media, developing educational tools, experimental learning theories, applying concepts, and game development.   2M:8S

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This document contains links to various online resources about educational media and tools development. It includes links grouped under the categories of educational media, tools development, theory experiment, application, and game development. The links direct to blog posts and websites discussing topics such as online educational media, educational game development, and experimental theories.

Dai karen
Dai karenDai karen
Dai karen

The document discusses instructional data analysis and data teams. It defines a data team as a group of educators that collaboratively uses data to identify opportunities for improvement, develop plans to address them, implement changes, and reflect on results. The document outlines the data team process and provides examples of how data can be analyzed, including examining frequency distributions by subgroup, common core strand analysis, and comparing p-values. It emphasizes using data to inform instructional decisions and continually assessing the impact of changes made by data teams.


This document provides a summary of educational websites for students in grades K-12 to use during the summer for fun and learning. It discusses websites broken down by grade level and includes resources for parents and teachers. A variety of websites are listed covering subjects like reading, math, science, languages and more. The document aims to help students continue learning over the summer in an enjoyable way through educational online resources.   3M:32S

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My google classroom
My google classroomMy google classroom
My google classroom

This document provides an overview of resources for using Google tools in the classroom. It lists over 80 links to Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, forms and other tools for lessons, assessments, projects and classroom management. Sample lessons are described that utilize forms, spreadsheets and docs for activities in various subjects. Key resources are highlighted for finding lesson plans, training materials and tools for students and teachers. The assignment asks attendees to upload 5 documents to Google Drive and share them to demonstrate using Google docs.

2025 future of education final
2025 future of education final2025 future of education final
2025 future of education final

This document discusses future trends in education from 2012 to 2035. It provides information on current topics in education, science, technology and jobs. Some of the key points made are: 1) By 2025, education models may shift away from grade-based structures to peer groups organized by interest. Buildings will get smaller and more environmentally friendly. 2) Jobs that may become obsolete by 2025 include traditional desks, language labs, homework, and standardized tests. Skills needed for future jobs include social intelligence, cross-cultural competence, and virtual collaboration. 3) Emerging jobs include cyber security specialists, genetic counselors, organic farmers, and medical records administrators, to name a few. Stem

Technology buffet for new teachers march 2012
Technology buffet for new teachers march 2012Technology buffet for new teachers march 2012
Technology buffet for new teachers march 2012

This document provides information about new teacher training opportunities and classroom technology resources. It discusses a technology proficiency self-assessment, effective habits of 21st century teachers including adapting, communicating, collaborating and leading, and emerging technology trends like smaller mobile devices, self-driving cars, and digital tattoos. Videos are recommended for educators to stay informed on technology integration and innovations impacting K-12 students.

edtech web20 newteachers

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Technology to support the common core 2012
Technology to support the common core 2012Technology to support the common core 2012
Technology to support the common core 2012

The document discusses the mission and goals of the Common Core standards, which aim to provide consistent expectations for what students should learn to prepare them for college and careers. It outlines the key shifts in literacy and math required by the Common Core, including an emphasis on nonfiction reading, close reading of text-based evidence, and ensuring texts are appropriately complex. It also lists the reading, writing, speaking/listening, and language standards that make up the Common Core and provides links to sample unit plans and other teaching resources to support Common Core implementation.

Ellenville common core
Ellenville common coreEllenville common core
Ellenville common core

The document provides an overview of a professional development session focused on the Common Core Standards for literacy in grades K-2. It discusses key concepts like close reading, academic vocabulary, and scaffolding complex texts. Examples and resources are given for how to implement these strategies in the classroom through activities targeting areas like vocabulary, language structure, and text complexity.

Aviary suite tutorial feb 2012
Aviary suite tutorial feb 2012Aviary suite tutorial feb 2012
Aviary suite tutorial feb 2012

This document provides an overview of the Aviary suite of online editing tools, including Phoenix for image editing, Peacock for adding effects to images, Myna for audio editing, Roc for music creation, Toucan for working with color palettes, Raven for vector editing, and Falcon for image markup. Links and video tutorials are provided for each tool to help users get started with the Aviary suite after creating an account.


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