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Future Proofing SEO
by Patrick Altoft
What I’m talking about
• Penalties
• Making users love you
• How great sites are winning the SEO race
• How to make your site great
• Being memorable
• Content strategy
• Getting social
• Links
Sites that Google thinks are low quality got
wiped out
• Duplicate content
• Poor “return to search” metrics
(voucher sites & car classified sites)
• Lots of low value pages
• Thin content
Rather than having some
huge change that happens on
a given day.
You are more likely in the
future to see Panda deployed
gradually as we rebuild the
index. So you are less likely to
see these large scale sorts of
Merchant update?

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[PUBCON 2013] Post-Click Marketing: Landing Page Optimization[PUBCON 2013] Post-Click Marketing: Landing Page Optimization
[PUBCON 2013] Post-Click Marketing: Landing Page Optimization

Janet Driscoll Miller's presentation from the Pubcon 2013 session "Post-Click Marketing: Landing Page Optimization."

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Search Engine Marketing for PR Professionals: What You Need to Know for 2014
Search Engine Marketing for PR Professionals: What You Need to Know for 2014Search Engine Marketing for PR Professionals: What You Need to Know for 2014
Search Engine Marketing for PR Professionals: What You Need to Know for 2014

The rules for both SEO (search engine optimization) and paid search advertising keep changing. But in some cases, what's old is new again - content is more critical than ever! That means PR professionals are uniquely suited to leverage search marketing strategies and squeeze more benefits out of PR tactics. Join PRSA Georgia and seminar leader Stacy Williams, founder and president of Atlanta-based Prominent Placement, to get caught up on the latest in SEM and get prepared to implement strategically sound and measurable SEM strategies in 2014. You will: - Learn how to determine what types of content and topics your audiences are looking for; then, create it and make it easy to be found online. - Find out how social engagement benefits SEO, and how to effectively use keywords in hashtags. - Hear what to do and what not to do regarding Google's new rules for links in online press releases and the best way to leverage bylined articles. - Discover how to use paid search ads in a crisis, and what to do when negative mentions of your company show up in search engine results. - Take away strategies for measuring the impact of SEM efforts. Seminar speaker Stacy Williams established Prominent Placement, a full-service, award-winning and industry leading search marketing agency, in 2001. She has more than 20 years of experience in marketing and was named the 2012 Search Engine Marketer of the Year by Technology Association of Georgia. Stacy is also past president of SEMPO Atlanta, a local chapter of the global Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization.

prsearch engine marketingpublic relations
Introduction to SEO
Introduction to SEOIntroduction to SEO
Introduction to SEO

This lengthy (150+ slides), but very comprehensive presentation is designed to help experienced SEOs train those new to the practice over a 2-3 hour, interactive session. It covers the search engine landscape, the SEO process, keyword research, link building and the emergence of social media as a ranking signal.

rand fishkinseomozseo
Poor quality sites just don’t perform as well
Historically a mediocre company with a below average site could implement an
aggressive link strategy based on mediocre links and generate top rankings.
Now Google actively penalises for bad links & content rather than just devaluing them
Does Google like your business model?
Unnatural Links
Google has manually penalised
thousands of sites for having
unnatural links
We run a penalty recovery service
and have helped over 35 brands
recover from their penalties in the
past 6 months
Artificial intelligence algorithm designed to identify
sites that fit a pattern of manipulating the algorithm
by building unnatural links to get rankings higher than
the site deserves

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Getting Found in 2014
Getting Found in 2014Getting Found in 2014
Getting Found in 2014

Getting Found in 2014 provides 12 tips for generating more organic search engine results and increasing brand visibility online. It recommends verifying and completing your Google+ Local and Places page; checking and resolving inconsistencies in your business name, address, and phone number listings; getting listed on authoritative local directories; submitting an XML sitemap to search engines; optimizing meta descriptions and alt text; leveraging social media like Facebook and ensuring content is mobile friendly. It also advises focusing on quality over quantity of content and links, and creating content that answers user questions rather than targeting specific keywords.

What is SEO? - Basic SEO Guide for Beginners.pptx
What is SEO? - Basic SEO Guide for Beginners.pptxWhat is SEO? - Basic SEO Guide for Beginners.pptx
What is SEO? - Basic SEO Guide for Beginners.pptx

SEO is the practice of optimizing a website to increase organic search engine rankings and traffic. Key aspects of SEO include on-page optimization through keyword research, content writing and structural elements, as well as off-page optimization such as link building. When done effectively over time, SEO provides free traffic and exposure that can convert visitors into customers and sales.

seo for beginnerseo powerpointseo tip
Seo types
Seo typesSeo types
Seo types

On page optimization involves techniques done on a website's own pages like keywords, meta tags, headings and internal links to boost search rankings. Off page optimization uses external links from other sites through methods like link building, social bookmarking and article submissions. Key aspects of on page optimization include title tags, meta descriptions and headings to properly convey page content to search engines.

seo typesbasics of seoseo
Link Devaluation
A gradual drop in
rankings since 22nd
November could be due
to link devaluation
(November 22nd was also a
Panda update too)
Do people love you?
It’s unquantifiable, tough to explain to clients & impossible
to make a business case for but love is slowly & steadily
becoming part of the Google algorithm
Google can tell whether people love your website & is
rewarding the most loved websites with higher rankings.
Panda downgraded sites that people didn’t love – why
wouldn’t Google reward sites that people do love?
How can Google understand love?
Hundreds of user engagement
signals are analysed and fed into
an artificial intelligence algorithm
The algorithm learns how to
detect whether users love a site
or not (probably with the help of
seed sites)
Remember, Chrome has 33%
market share & Analytics is in
use on over 10m websites
How artificial intelligence
shapes the algorithm
New algorithm
• Based on what we know
about sites that are loved, do
we think that people love
your site?
Old Algorithm
• Let’s score you on various
trust signals & see how you

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Web Analytics Course

Teaching the basics of website analytics, including segmentation, context, comparison, and measurement.

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SEO 101: How to Get Started Winning Google Search Traffic

This document provides an overview of SEO best practices. It covers: 1. Setting up important SEO accounts like Google Search Console and Google My Business. 2. Conducting keyword research to identify target keywords and search volumes. 3. On-site optimization factors like optimizing content for relevance and user engagement, as well as technical elements like titles, descriptions and linking. 4. Off-site optimization techniques to build backlinks, like getting listed on directories, guest blogging and creative projects. The goal is to help readers understand key elements of SEO and provide strategies to improve search engine rankings.

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SEO Competitive Analysis - Sample Report
SEO Competitive  Analysis - Sample ReportSEO Competitive  Analysis - Sample Report
SEO Competitive Analysis - Sample Report

SEO Competitor Sample Report - sharing some points regarding Competitor Analysis such as Find your SEO Competitor, Analyze for Keywords, Cover All SEO Factors (On-Page Optimization/ Off- Page Optimization, Competitor back links, Content Length Issues. Want to know more about seo analysis click here

competitive analysis reportseo competitor analysis checklist
Great sites are winning
• Doing SEO for a great site is 10x easier than doing SEO for a mediocre site
• For most companies this is the difference between success and failure in an SEO campaign
People love John Lewis
People love M&S
What can I do?
• Want to know how Google sees your site? Just ask
your visitors.
• Every site should be permanently asking for
feedback from different groups of people
• Adopt a mantra of continual improvement & use
survey scores as a KPI

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Off Page SEO Techniques
Off Page SEO TechniquesOff Page SEO Techniques
Off Page SEO Techniques

Inbound links play a key role in determining search engine rankings. The quality of links matters more than just the quantity, with more authoritative, topically relevant pages carrying more weight. PageRank is Google's algorithm that measures page importance, with pages on sites like Google and Yahoo scoring highest. Getting links from .edu, .gov, and other authoritative sites provides the most benefit. The best links are one way, topically relevant, and not overcrowded on pages. Participating in link schemes or farms undermines rankings.

off page optimization techniquesseo optimization
Do you want to rank higher in search engines!
Do you want to rank higher in search engines!Do you want to rank higher in search engines!
Do you want to rank higher in search engines!

This PPT is about 5 remarkable Tips to Improve Your SEO With Social Media. Comment below if you see improvements in keywords ranking.

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SEO and Digital Marketing strategy for Start-ups
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SEO and Digital Marketing strategy for Start-ups

This presentation was prepared by Krishna Kumar, founder and Managing Director of Website Jungle (, a leading Web Design and Digital Agency in the NJ and NYC metro area. · You have a website or a SAAS product but it doesn’t generate the leads you expected? · SEO fundamentals: How Google ranks websites, myths vs facts · Keyword Analysis: Shortlisting and leveraging the most effective keywords · On-page and Off-page SEO techniques. · Creative content writing: Driving traffic through Innovative and unique content · Pay Per Click (PPC) strategy · Comprehensive Digital Marketing Techniques · Executive’s guide to Online Marketing goals: Determining you marketing budget

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Content Strategy
Our Data Insights team analysed visits across one of the UK’s largest
retail ecommerce websites and found that users who engaged with a
piece of content such as an article, forum thread or video on the site
before reaching a product or category page were 5 times more valuable
than users who arrived directly on a product or category page.
Users who engage with quality content place more trust in the brand so
convert at a higher rate, purchase more products and have a greater
tendency to make repeat purchases
Increasing brand trust, improving conversion rates and encouraging
larger sale values are all vital elements of any digital marketing campaign
Attribution modelling
Adding attribution modelling into the mix demonstrates even further why a strong
content strategy is so important – on average non-brand organic SEO is 40% more
valuable than a traditional “last click wins” methodology would show.
Content strategy increases assisted conversions
Content makes your site memorable
Our research shows that 40% of ecommerce transactions are carried out
24 hours or more after users first visit the website
Being memorable
Only 40% of revenue is attributable to users who buy on the first visit – most of your
customers will need to remember you and find you a second time

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SEO - a brief introduction

A short introduction to SEO we use at Geronimo What it means, what can you do to help your website. What's SEM and how does it work (the basics!) Thanks go to Eaon Prichard

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B2B marketers have unique challenges, ranging from a long sales cycle with multiple "touches" to being in a complex space with rapidly evolving language and keywords. Stacy Williams' presentation to B2BCamp Atlanta shows how B2B marketers can best leverage search engine marketing (both SEO and paid search).

ppcgooglepay-per-click advertising
Jon Wuebben | SearchLove San Diego, 'Optimizing Content in a World of Never E...
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Most people in this industry know the ins and outs of the Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird Google updates. But how many of us understand exactly how content and SEO are interlinked? In this talk, Jon is going to teach us how to adopt a more advanced approach to optimizing our content, talking through real case studies and the latest algorithm changes

jon wuebbendistilledsearch
Content Audit
• Typography
• Readability
• Spelling/grammar
• Shareability
• Keyword use
• Copyscape report on
stolen content
• Social media shares
Shareable Content
• Brainstorming
• Competitor Analysis
• Examples &
screenshots from
• Research Q&A on
Yahoo Answers,
Quora, Facebook,
• Search for questions
in Analytics data &
keyword tool data
• Gap Analysis of
current content
• Examples &
screenshots from
competitors etc
User Generated
• Reviews –
incentivisation etc
• Q&A section or Q&A
on product pages etc
• Forums, blog
comments, guest
blog posts, in-depth
content reviews
• Examples &
screenshots from
competitors etc
Site Structure
• Where does content
need to go (blog or
Q&A etc)
• How should the
sections be
• Design & UI
• Interlinking between
• Examples &
screenshots from
Content Roadmap
• Monthly or weekly
content plan
• Special events &
• Blog calendar
• PR calendar
Content Strategy Framework
People are already doing this
If you don’t have a user
review strategy – why not?
Questions & Answers
Why wouldn’t you do this?

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Link building pptLink building ppt
Link building ppt

Link building involves creating inbound links to a website from external sites to improve search engine rankings and increase targeted traffic. It is important to build quality links from relevant sites through methods like email outreach, guest blogging, and directory submissions. An effective link building strategy focuses on creating valuable content that other sites will want to link to organically over time in order to achieve business objectives through increased visibility and rankings.

Search Engine Marketing - Dead and Buried? Click Asia Summit 2011
Search Engine Marketing - Dead and Buried? Click Asia Summit  2011Search Engine Marketing - Dead and Buried? Click Asia Summit  2011
Search Engine Marketing - Dead and Buried? Click Asia Summit 2011

This document discusses the evolution of search engine marketing and the rise of social media. It notes that major developments like the growth of social networks like Facebook and Twitter, and new search engine features like Google Instant and Places have made SEO more difficult but have also integrated social media into SEM. The document argues that while social media poses some threats, SEM is not dead but changing - social signals now impact search rankings, and successful strategies require an integrated approach combining SEO, social media, and content marketing.

pagetrafficclick asiasearch engine marketing dead
Online marketing workshop april13
Online marketing workshop april13Online marketing workshop april13
Online marketing workshop april13

This document provides an agenda and overview for an online marketing workshop presented by Sam Shetty in April 2013. The workshop covers various topics related to online marketing including search engine optimization (SEO), Google Analytics, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, mobile websites, and conversion rate optimization. It also discusses trends in online spending in Australia, the changing consumer purchase journey, and how to focus online marketing efforts on consumer needs and goals rather than just promoting the business.

External Reviews
• Build users trust
• Improve conversion rates
• Increase basket size
• Improve Quality Score for PPC
Why wouldn’t you do this?
How many sites are hard to
use on a mobile device or
What’s your conversion rate
on Safari?
Our data for 30m UK users in
August puts Safari at over 30%
market share with most visits
coming from iPad and iPhone
use – Safari is the most
popular browser on lots of
ecommerce sites
Usability & Conversion Rates
This sounds hard, can we ignore SEO?
For an established business the new rules of SEO are a tough sell
because businesses need information about ROI to sign off projects
and struggle to implement new ways of working
Maybe you can just ignore SEO?

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Online marketing workshop   melbourne nov 13Online marketing workshop   melbourne nov 13
Online marketing workshop melbourne nov 13

Netregistry is Australia's largest domain name and web hosting provider. They offer a range of online solutions to help businesses get and grow online, including domain names, web hosting, email, web design, website security, and online marketing. Sam Shetty has worked with Netregistry for 8 years advising and helping clients with their online strategies. The presentation discusses search engine optimization, search engine advertising, social media marketing, and conversion rate optimization as strategies to help businesses succeed online.

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Discover Your Searchability Factor by SEO King
Discover Your Searchability Factor by SEO KingDiscover Your Searchability Factor by SEO King
Discover Your Searchability Factor by SEO King

The document provides information about Eugene Macarius, who is described as a digital marketing strategist and SEO consultant. It lists his professional experiences, which include roles at Standard Chartered Bank and Catholic Church of Singapore, as well as implementing customer relationship and loyalty programs. It also notes that he manages 360 digital marketing campaigns for businesses, is a mentor for various programs, and is certified in search engine optimization. The document appears to be profiling Eugene Macarius and his background and qualifications in digital marketing.

businesssmall businessmarketing
SEO and Conversion Optimization
SEO and Conversion OptimizationSEO and Conversion Optimization
SEO and Conversion Optimization

How traffic acquisition and engagement drive digital marketing strategies. Guest lecture for Assistant Professor of Marketing, Brian Spaid, Ph.D. for October 2015

search engine optimizationsearch engine marketinggoogle
The new rules of The Internet
Look at it another way - Google is just mirroring real life and ranking sites that users
want to see. If people don’t like your site this will impact everything you do online.
If you don’t focus on making users love you then how will you get traffic?
• PPC – Google will bring these factors into the Quality Score algorithm sooner or later
• Direct – if users don’t love you will they still visit your site directly?
• Social media – unloved sites never succeed in social media
• Affiliates – can you afford to pay commission for all your sales/leads?
• Conversions – users convert better if they love the site
It’s not about growth
Look at all the brands who have lost huge amounts of revenue due to
Panda, Penguin and unnatural links.
SEO is no longer just about growth.
For some businesses SEO is just about forward thinking to protect market
share and make sure the next major update doesn’t ruin your business.
Link strategy
The only way to future-proof your link strategy is to make links a natural
by-product of your normal marketing strategy
As you might expect, this isn’t easy. How many links does your marketing
strategy deliver every month at the moment?
If you sit back and wait for links to arrive you won’t get enough to rank
Client PR
Blog Outreach
Social MediaCrisis Comms
Public Affairs
Other SEO
Client does some great stuff over here
Most agency/client linkbuilding relationships work like this
Agency does some other stuff over there

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The document discusses various topics related to running a successful website including search engine optimization (SEO), search engine advertising (PPC), and social media marketing. It provides an overview of each topic, highlighting key aspects like the importance of keyword research for SEO, how paid advertising can help drive traffic, and how social media allows businesses to engage with customers online. The presentation also emphasizes the importance of understanding customer needs and providing valuable content across online channels.


Presentation from Adaptive Consultancy deomonstrating how to optimise the use of all sources of traffic to your website.

seo servicegoogle adwordse-commerce

This document provides an overview of key factors for running a successful website, including tools for monitoring traffic, increasing visitors, social media strategies, and SEO best practices. It discusses how buyers complete most of their purchase process online before contacting companies, and emphasizes the importance of understanding customers' goals and challenges rather than just promoting company features. The presentation aims to help businesses better engage online audiences and drive traffic through strategic website optimization and social media integration.

running a succesful website
It should work something like this
Corporate Comms
Every marketing task can be performed by the client or the agency – usually an agile agency will
fill the gaps where the client doesn’t have in-house resource
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Futureproofing your SEO strategy

  • 1. Future Proofing SEO by Patrick Altoft
  • 2. What I’m talking about • Penalties • Making users love you • How great sites are winning the SEO race • How to make your site great • Being memorable • Content strategy • Getting social • Links
  • 3. Panda Sites that Google thinks are low quality got wiped out • Duplicate content • Poor “return to search” metrics (voucher sites & car classified sites) • Lots of low value pages • Thin content
  • 4. Panda Rather than having some huge change that happens on a given day. You are more likely in the future to see Panda deployed gradually as we rebuild the index. So you are less likely to see these large scale sorts of changes. Merchant update?
  • 5. Poor quality sites just don’t perform as well Historically a mediocre company with a below average site could implement an aggressive link strategy based on mediocre links and generate top rankings. Now Google actively penalises for bad links & content rather than just devaluing them
  • 6. Does Google like your business model?
  • 7. Unnatural Links Google has manually penalised thousands of sites for having unnatural links We run a penalty recovery service and have helped over 35 brands recover from their penalties in the past 6 months
  • 8. Penguin Artificial intelligence algorithm designed to identify sites that fit a pattern of manipulating the algorithm by building unnatural links to get rankings higher than the site deserves
  • 9. Link Devaluation A gradual drop in rankings since 22nd November could be due to link devaluation (November 22nd was also a Panda update too)
  • 10. Do people love you? It’s unquantifiable, tough to explain to clients & impossible to make a business case for but love is slowly & steadily becoming part of the Google algorithm Google can tell whether people love your website & is rewarding the most loved websites with higher rankings. Panda downgraded sites that people didn’t love – why wouldn’t Google reward sites that people do love?
  • 11. How can Google understand love? Hundreds of user engagement signals are analysed and fed into an artificial intelligence algorithm The algorithm learns how to detect whether users love a site or not (probably with the help of seed sites) Remember, Chrome has 33% market share & Analytics is in use on over 10m websites
  • 12. How artificial intelligence shapes the algorithm New algorithm • Based on what we know about sites that are loved, do we think that people love your site? Old Algorithm • Let’s score you on various trust signals & see how you perform
  • 13. Great sites are winning • Doing SEO for a great site is 10x easier than doing SEO for a mediocre site • For most companies this is the difference between success and failure in an SEO campaign Panda ?
  • 16. What can I do? • Want to know how Google sees your site? Just ask your visitors. • Every site should be permanently asking for feedback from different groups of people • Adopt a mantra of continual improvement & use survey scores as a KPI •
  • 17. Content Strategy Our Data Insights team analysed visits across one of the UK’s largest retail ecommerce websites and found that users who engaged with a piece of content such as an article, forum thread or video on the site before reaching a product or category page were 5 times more valuable than users who arrived directly on a product or category page. Users who engage with quality content place more trust in the brand so convert at a higher rate, purchase more products and have a greater tendency to make repeat purchases Increasing brand trust, improving conversion rates and encouraging larger sale values are all vital elements of any digital marketing campaign
  • 18. Attribution modelling Adding attribution modelling into the mix demonstrates even further why a strong content strategy is so important – on average non-brand organic SEO is 40% more valuable than a traditional “last click wins” methodology would show. Content strategy increases assisted conversions
  • 19. Content makes your site memorable Our research shows that 40% of ecommerce transactions are carried out 24 hours or more after users first visit the website
  • 20. Being memorable Only 40% of revenue is attributable to users who buy on the first visit – most of your customers will need to remember you and find you a second time
  • 21. Content Audit Document • Typography • Readability • Spelling/grammar • Shareability • Keyword use • Copyscape report on stolen content • Social media shares Shareable Content • Brainstorming • Competitor Analysis • Examples & screenshots from competitors Informative Content • Research Q&A on Yahoo Answers, Quora, Facebook, Twitter • Search for questions in Analytics data & keyword tool data • Gap Analysis of current content • Examples & screenshots from competitors etc User Generated Content • Reviews – implementation, incentivisation etc • Q&A section or Q&A on product pages etc • Forums, blog comments, guest blog posts, in-depth content reviews • Examples & screenshots from competitors etc Site Structure • Where does content need to go (blog or Q&A etc) • How should the sections be structured • Design & UI • Interlinking between sections • Examples & screenshots from competitors Content Roadmap Document • Monthly or weekly content plan • Special events & calendar • Blog calendar • PR calendar Content Strategy Framework
  • 22. People are already doing this
  • 23. Reviews If you don’t have a user review strategy – why not?
  • 24. Questions & Answers Why wouldn’t you do this?
  • 25. External Reviews • Build users trust • Improve conversion rates • Increase basket size • Improve Quality Score for PPC Why wouldn’t you do this?
  • 26. Usability How many sites are hard to use on a mobile device or iPad? What’s your conversion rate on Safari? Our data for 30m UK users in August puts Safari at over 30% market share with most visits coming from iPad and iPhone use – Safari is the most popular browser on lots of ecommerce sites
  • 28. This sounds hard, can we ignore SEO? For an established business the new rules of SEO are a tough sell because businesses need information about ROI to sign off projects and struggle to implement new ways of working Maybe you can just ignore SEO?
  • 29. The new rules of The Internet Look at it another way - Google is just mirroring real life and ranking sites that users want to see. If people don’t like your site this will impact everything you do online. If you don’t focus on making users love you then how will you get traffic? • PPC – Google will bring these factors into the Quality Score algorithm sooner or later • Direct – if users don’t love you will they still visit your site directly? • Social media – unloved sites never succeed in social media • Affiliates – can you afford to pay commission for all your sales/leads? • Conversions – users convert better if they love the site
  • 30. It’s not about growth Look at all the brands who have lost huge amounts of revenue due to Panda, Penguin and unnatural links. SEO is no longer just about growth. For some businesses SEO is just about forward thinking to protect market share and make sure the next major update doesn’t ruin your business.
  • 31. Link strategy The only way to future-proof your link strategy is to make links a natural by-product of your normal marketing strategy As you might expect, this isn’t easy. How many links does your marketing strategy deliver every month at the moment? If you sit back and wait for links to arrive you won’t get enough to rank
  • 32. Relationships Client PR Strategy Corporate Comms Media Relations Blog Outreach Social MediaCrisis Comms Internal Comms Public Affairs Agency SEO Strategy Linkbuilding Keyword Research Other SEO projects Onsite Optimisation Client does some great stuff over here Most agency/client linkbuilding relationships work like this Agency does some other stuff over there
  • 33. It should work something like this Marketing Corporate Comms Links Media Relations Links Blog Outreach Links SEO Keywords Technical SEO Social Media Links Crisis Comms Links Reputation Management Internal Comms SEO Training Public Affairs Links Every marketing task can be performed by the client or the agency – usually an agile agency will fill the gaps where the client doesn’t have in-house resource