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Fun ways to deal with difficult people for meetings, presentations, focus groups and courses
If you are running an event like a meeting, presentation, sales pitch, focus group, or course
You may have to deal with some funky behaviour like people coming in late, texting 
on their phone, or falling asleep
But what can you do if you can’t tell them off

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Dealing with Difficult People 2016
Dealing with Difficult People 2016Dealing with Difficult People 2016
Dealing with Difficult People 2016

The document outlines the key learning objectives of a course on dealing with difficult people. Participants will learn to recognize behavioral traits, determine appropriate actions, confront people when needed, apply preventative strategies, explain what conflict is, and use resolution techniques. It discusses different types of difficult behaviors and personalities, including hostile, aggressive, complainers, quiet, super agreeable, negative, and know-it-alls. The document provides strategies for dealing with difficult people by focusing on changing one's own approach rather than trying to change the other person or situation.

Dealing with difficult people
Dealing with difficult peopleDealing with difficult people
Dealing with difficult people

Dealing with difficult people is only as stressful as you allow it to be. By discovering what makes them difficult we start understanding how to deal with them

How to succeed in Difficult Conversations
How to succeed in Difficult ConversationsHow to succeed in Difficult Conversations
How to succeed in Difficult Conversations

The objective of this module is to Identify difficult interpersonal situations Learn how to initiate and close conversations in difficult situations Minimize destructive conversations Develop precise questions to conduct a skillful conversation. Engage in open and productive conversations

communicationinterpersonal skills
Like when the person misbehaving is senior to you
A prospect
Or a paying customer
You need to take control without losing your cool!

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Handling difficult people
Handling difficult peopleHandling difficult people
Handling difficult people

Difficult people can range from mildly irritating to the totally impossible to deal with. Here are some handy tips to handle them.

difficult people
Dealing with difficult people
Dealing with difficult peopleDealing with difficult people
Dealing with difficult people

This Presentations talks about knowing more about your personality, know more about different types of people that might be difficult. Finally, tips on how to deal with them. Remember: You could be one of the difficult people so be fair :)

Crucial Conversation by jennifer v. soriano
Crucial Conversation by jennifer v. sorianoCrucial Conversation by jennifer v. soriano
Crucial Conversation by jennifer v. soriano

This document summarizes key points from the book "Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High" by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler. It defines crucial conversations as important discussions where opinions differ and emotions run high. Such conversations include disagreements with bosses, spouses, or coworkers. The document notes that people often handle these conversations poorly when under pressure. It outlines skills taught in the book for having dialogue where all parties can respectfully share their perspectives to find mutually agreeable solutions. These include focusing on understanding different viewpoints rather than just asserting your own and working to develop a shared understanding.

Take a deep breath and remind yourself
That the bad behaviour is probably not about you
“My son is ill at home”

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Dealing with difficult people
Dealing with difficult people Dealing with difficult people
Dealing with difficult people

The document discusses strategies for dealing with difficult people. It identifies different types of difficult personalities, including aggressors like "The Tank" and passives like "The Whiner." Effective communication is key, such as being aware of body language and generational differences. The document recommends maintaining confidence, having realistic expectations, not trying to change the difficult person, refusing to play their games, and creating a strategy for dealing with them. Specific techniques are outlined, like pacing, backtracking, clarifying intent, and agreeing to disagree. Scenarios provide examples of difficult situations and strategies to address them.

Handle difficult people
Handle difficult peopleHandle difficult people
Handle difficult people

Slides to accompany a bite-size training session on handling difficult people. Full training materials including Session Leaders Notes, Delegate Workbook and any Activity handouts can be purchased licence-free from Prices start from £30 + VAT

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Crucial conversations deadwood presentation
Crucial conversations deadwood presentationCrucial conversations deadwood presentation
Crucial conversations deadwood presentation

We all have difficult conversations in our lives that we have a natural tendency to avoid. However, effective organizations and effective individuals know how and when to hold these conversations.

crucial conversationshard conversationsdifficult conversations
“I have no reason to be here”
“I got no sleep last night and it is hot in this room”
Use these 5 fun strategies

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This document discusses different types of difficult people and how to deal with them. It identifies aggressive people who try to control situations, argumentative people who discredit others' views, blowhards who don't know what they're talking about but act like experts, indecisive people who overanalyze and never commit to decisions, pessimists who bring down morale, chronic complainers who provide little useful information, and more. It concludes by noting that difficult people are everywhere, and the best way to handle them is through effective communication skills. Mastering how to communicate with unreasonable people can lead to less stress, stronger relationships, and greater leadership abilities.

Radical Candor: No BS, helping your team create better work.
Radical Candor: No BS, helping your team create better work.Radical Candor: No BS, helping your team create better work.
Radical Candor: No BS, helping your team create better work.

Inspired by Google's Kim Scott, the Digital Surgeons team adapts Radical Candor to fit with their agile & innovative approach to designing the future of experiences. Source: Candor, Inc.

designproject managementmarketing
Dealing with difficult people
Dealing with difficult peopleDealing with difficult people
Dealing with difficult people

The document discusses how to deal with difficult people by following four steps: understanding yourself, managing yourself, understanding the other person, and doing something to change the relationship. It defines types of difficult people and common beliefs they may hold. Some tips for influencing others include starting with compliments, praising progress, and letting the other person save face. Interviews can help understand someone's values to predict their behavior and find approaches to respect them. Having an action plan that anticipates reactions is also advised for dealing with difficult individuals.

#1 easy way to deal with lateness
Because you can’t do this: “we are going to have a chat about timekeeping!”
Close the door and start on time! Don’t reward what you don’t want by waiting
And because no-one likes to do this (walk into a session that has already started)

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Your customers aren't difficult! They're just different!
Your customers aren't difficult!  They're just different!Your customers aren't difficult!  They're just different!
Your customers aren't difficult! They're just different!

This document discusses how to effectively handle difficult customers in a customer service setting. It begins by defining what constitutes a difficult customer and noting that the goal is to change how such customers are labeled. Labeling a customer as difficult can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, as it leads representatives to expect negative behaviors and treat the customer abruptly. Instead, the document recommends adopting a "CLEAR" communication approach: listen actively, empathize with the customer's situation, apologize genuinely, resolve the problem, and release negative feelings. With this approach, representatives can de-escalate challenging situations and focus on serving the customer respectfully.

Making Difficult Conversations Easier
Making Difficult Conversations EasierMaking Difficult Conversations Easier
Making Difficult Conversations Easier

This document outlines strategies for having difficult conversations effectively. It discusses how assumptions, fears, roles and personalities can make conversations difficult. It emphasizes active listening skills like maintaining eye contact and acknowledging feelings. Reframing issues and separating people from problems are presented as ways to facilitate understanding. Role playing difficult scenarios is suggested as practice to apply the strategies. The overall message is that difficult conversations require preparation and focus to have positive outcomes.

What Got You Here Wont Get You There
What Got You Here Wont Get You ThereWhat Got You Here Wont Get You There
What Got You Here Wont Get You There

A classic in understanding the plateaux and impasse we seem to reach in our lives and how to break thru and go past our past.

He won’t be late again and neither will the rest of us
Sorry guys!
You didn’t delay your session, inconvenience the 
people who were on time, get stressed or 
annoyed and you got an apology… all without 
saying a word
#2 easy way to deal with discontent

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Difficult Conversations
Difficult ConversationsDifficult Conversations
Difficult Conversations

This document provides guidance on having difficult conversations effectively and respectfully. It emphasizes getting clear on the key issues and one's own perspective, considering the other person's viewpoint, and focusing on understanding each other and resolving conflicts together through open-ended questions, active listening, and validating each other's perspectives rather than blaming. The goal is to have a respectful discussion and work toward an mutually agreeable outcome.

difficult conversationsnegotiationdialogue
Customer Service & Conflict Resolution Training
Customer Service & Conflict Resolution TrainingCustomer Service & Conflict Resolution Training
Customer Service & Conflict Resolution Training

The document outlines a training on customer service, conflict resolution, and telephone etiquette. It covers important statistics on customer service and its impact on business. It teaches seven steps of good telephone etiquette and the six rules of effective customer service. The training also provides strategies for conflict resolution, such as controlling anger, defusing hostile situations, finding solutions, and following up. The lessons aim to help representatives improve customer satisfaction and retention.

Office management administration masterclass_fokas_april 2015_condensed
Office management administration masterclass_fokas_april 2015_condensedOffice management administration masterclass_fokas_april 2015_condensed
Office management administration masterclass_fokas_april 2015_condensed

This document outlines an office management and administration skills masterclass. The training programme will cover personal development, stress management, professional development, office management, minute-taking, and office space management. Specific topics include defining resilience and assertiveness, measuring assertiveness, saying no strategies, developing a personal development plan, stress types and management, building credibility, networking, management principles, roles and skills, resource management, minute-taking fundamentals, ergonomic office design, and applying Feng Shui principles to office redesign. The goal is to provide skills and strategies to enhance personal and professional effectiveness in an administrative role.

office professionalbuilding credibilitystress management
If the group is just generally unhappy, don’t ignore it, deal with it head on
If the session is optional 
If the session is optional
Start by stating the purpose of the event and who would benefit from it, then let 
or make, the people who feel they would not benefit leave
If the session is mandatory

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An experienced administrative professional seeks an administrative assistant position. The candidate has strong skills in MS Office applications, communication, organization, and multi-tasking. As an administrative assistant for 15 years, the candidate has experience coordinating travel, meetings, and providing confidential support. References and resume are available upon request for further consideration.

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Business grammar __practice_(new_edition)
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Business grammar __practice_(new_edition)

This document provides a glossary of grammatical terms and an overview of various English grammar topics. It includes definitions of terms like adjective, adverb, article, auxiliary verb, conditional, gerund, infinitive, modal verb, noun, object, participle, passive voice, preposition, pronoun, relative clause, subject, tense, and verb. It then covers specific grammar points through 44 units, with each unit focusing on a different construct like the present simple tense, present continuous tense, past tense, conditionals, modal verbs, relative clauses, articles, and more. Exercises are provided to practice each concept.

13 Best Practices of Office Management
13 Best Practices of Office Management 13 Best Practices of Office Management
13 Best Practices of Office Management

Find out how to effectively manage your office with these 13 best practices. It covers everything from improving staff productivity and promoting teamwork to reducing wait times and delays for your clients.

office managementproductivityteamwork
Talk about how people feel about the event first
If it threatens to carry on too long or become too destructive 
start questions with ‘considering’
Like this
Considering we ARE moving to Alaska, what would you like to 
get out of the session today?

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Murray ian
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Murray ian

This document discusses Henry Murray's theory of psychological needs and their influence on personality. It provides an overview of Murray's conceptualization of needs as unconscious forces that organize perception and behavior. Murray identified 27 psychogenic needs such as achievement, affiliation, aggression, and dominance. The document lists these needs and notes that while some are temporary, others are deeply ingrained. It also discusses Murray's view that needs function unconsciously but significantly influence personality.

Work life balance
Work life balanceWork life balance
Work life balance

Here is a presentation which facilitates the learner to know what is Work life Balance? Gives us tips to balance work and life, and also emphasis the importance of work life balance through comical strips. This presentation can clearly frame a outlook of Work life balance.

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Useful phrases to begin each section in your emails in English.
Useful phrases to begin each section in your emails in English.Useful phrases to begin each section in your emails in English.
Useful phrases to begin each section in your emails in English.

This document provides guidance on proper business correspondence etiquette, including how to address the recipient, reference the reason for writing, request or provide information, close the letter, and include a sample business letter confirming an order. Key points covered are using "Dear" followed by the recipient's title and name if known, referencing the reason for contact such as a previous letter or call, using polite language like "could you" or "I would be grateful if" for requests, thanking the recipient for their help, and closing with "yours sincerely" or "best regards".

Repeat until everyone is happy to get on with the 
session despite their reservations
#3 easy way to deal with 20 questions
Sometimes you might need to reign people in when they get off-track
If they are irrelevant questions say: ‘let’s talk about that afterwards since 
it’s not a group issue’

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Writing reports and proposals
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Writing reports and proposals

This document provides guidance on writing effective reports and proposals. It emphasizes the importance of clarity of purpose and considering the reader's expectations. Reports are meant to lead to action and should be well-structured with an introduction, body and summary. Key aspects of a good report include clearly defined objectives, understanding the intended audience, and logical organization. Proposals must persuade and differentiate to gain acceptance, while avoiding being too clever, complicated or pompous. Facts should be prioritized over opinions.

Business Grammar Builder
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Business Grammar Builder

This document provides definitions for common grammar terms used in analyzing and describing the structure of the English language. It defines terms related to verbs like tense, aspect, voice, and modals. It also defines terms for other parts of speech like nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and clauses. The definitions are concise and focus on the essential meaning and usage of each grammar term.

Assertiveness skills-basics
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Assertiveness skills-basics

The document provides an overview of assertiveness skills. It begins by introducing Howard, who faces problems at work due to an inability to communicate assertively with subordinates and bosses or say no to unreasonable demands. This leads to an explanation of why developing assertiveness skills is important. The document then outlines objectives which include explaining what assertiveness is, listing benefits, comparing behavior patterns, and describing various assertiveness skills and strategies. It provides definitions of assertiveness, discusses passive, assertive, and aggressive behaviors, and explains the liberation cycle of becoming more assertive through positive affirmations and expectations.

If the questions are relevant (but there are just too many)
Say: ‘Let’s get back to our session since we are running out of time’
Fun Ways To Deal With Difficult People
Use the strategies for dealing with dominant types

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Formal reports and proposals
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Formal reports and proposals

The document provides guidance on preparing formal reports and proposals. It outlines the essential elements that should be included such as a cover letter, title page, table of contents, executive summary, headings within the body, introduction, discussion of the issue, relevant information and options, conclusion and recommendation, references, and appendices. The document instructs the reader to include background information, findings from research, figures/tables, possible solutions, costs associated with solutions, and a justification for the recommended course of action. It emphasizes organizing the content in a logical flow and following formatting guidelines.

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My ppt @ bec doms on business communication

The document discusses various types of business communication and report writing. It covers topics such as correspondence, emails, resumes, cover letters, meeting agendas, minutes, and report structure. Key points include the five steps to report writing, components of formal reports, guidelines for effective business communication, and tips for resumes, references, and avoiding bias in language.

my ppt @ bec doms on business communication
Reports & Proposals
Reports & ProposalsReports & Proposals
Reports & Proposals

There are several types of reports used in organizations, including memorandum reports, progress reports, periodic reports, and justification reports. Memorandum reports are often used for internal communication and contain an introduction, body, and conclusion. Progress reports inform management of the project's rate of progress and goals. Periodic reports regularly keep others informed of operations. Justification reports provide reasons for changes or decisions. Effective written reports are tactful, impersonal, positive, active, unified, coherent, clear, concise, and readable. Proposals attempt to persuade someone of the writer's qualifications in exchange for compensation and include an introduction, problem statement, objectives, plan, available resources, cost, and summary.

Fun Ways To Deal With Difficult People
If one or two people dominate the meeting and no-one else can get a word in
“My experience is blah blah blah”
Subtly discourage them using your position in the room

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Test your knowledge of emailing for business in English with this 15 question quiz! Test your knowledge of useful phrases, grammar and vocabulary, thinking about formal and informal style, your reader and your purpose. Answers are at the end. Brought to you by If you find it useful please give it a like and subscribe to and the mybusinessenglish YouTube channel.

business englishemailsinformal emails
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Case Study slide presentation on Security Data Protection and Audits in the subject - Office Management.

Email writing: Apologising Phrases
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Email writing: Apologising Phrases

The most important words and phrases for apologising in emails and letters with a business English focus. Phrases using 'sorry', 'apologise' (apologize), 'apologies', and 'regret', which help you say sorry in informal, neutral and formal writing. Lots of grammar, vocabulary tips and examples given.

apologizing phrasesapologiesapologising in english
Without turning your back on them move to a position where you will not have eye contact
Sitting on their desk is also a great way to include them with your proximity but give 
the floor to the rest of the class
Fun Ways To Deal With Difficult People
Fun Ways To Deal With Difficult People

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Bernadette Boas is a 25-year corporate executive and consultant who provides training on managing difficult people and situations through her company Ball of Fire, Inc. The training document outlines tips for having difficult conversations, including addressing issues early, listening carefully, and establishing solutions. It encourages participants to reflect on how they handled past difficult conversations and to implement tips from the training. The document advertises Bernadette's books, radio show, webinars and other programs to help people develop skills for confronting conflict confidently rather than with aggression.

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Professionalism in the work place
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Professionalism in the work place

Professionalism in art has this difficulty: To be professional is to be dependable, to be dependable is to be predictable, and predictability is esthetically boring - an anti-virtue in a field where we hope to be astonished and startled and at some deep level refreshed.

professionalpersonal brandingperformance

Personality refers to the set of traits and behaviors that characterize an individual. It has both internal elements like thoughts and genetics as well as external and observable behaviors. Personality is relatively stable but can be shaped by both heredity and environment. There are several theories for describing personality types including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Big Five model. Understanding personality is important in organizational behavior for predicting behaviors, managing diversity, and achieving person-job fit.

Fun Ways To Deal With Difficult People
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Fun Ways To Deal With Difficult People

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Do you know what is your personality type and what role emotions play in one's personality. This presentation helps you to explore all the personality types.

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If you are an introvert perhaps this remix of a secular resource focused on best practices for networking might be helpful.

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The document provides guidance on effectively dealing with difficult situations that may arise during training sessions by outlining common mistakes facilitators make and recommending more effective responses. It discusses issues like domination by one participant, low participation, disagreements between participants, going off topic, and poor time management, and offers strategies for refocusing discussions, increasing involvement, and addressing conflicts constructively. The overall goal is for facilitators to take control of sessions in a way that keeps things informative yet fun for all individuals involved.

Try mentioning something they said earlier. No-one is humiliated and the near miss 
really makes people perk up
Fun Ways To Deal With Difficult People
While you are talking very slowly walk towards them. Make sure you don’t just look 
directly at them, that would be a bit creepy
Fun Ways To Deal With Difficult People

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Aggression management
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Aggression management

The document provides tips for managing aggressive individuals and situations. It recommends stopping potential trouble at the door rather than inside. When speaking to an aggressive person, ask open questions, allow them to speak, and find a calm tone without domination. Offering options for negotiating a resolution, such as asking them to calm down while staying, can help diffuse tensions better than suppression. Maintaining eye contact but avoiding staring is advised, as is speaking without hidden meanings that could further upset the individual.

Good & poor
Good & poorGood & poor
Good & poor

This document provides tips for improving communication skills, especially for shy people. It stresses the importance of good communication skills for personal and professional success. Some key tips include actively listening in conversations, maintaining confident body language, speaking confidently while making eye contact, and being clear in written communication by proofreading. The document advises shy people to remain relaxed, open, and confident to appear easygoing when communicating with others. Good communication is framed as essential for building successful businesses and relationships.

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Running workshops is about being an entertainer - AJSmart
Running workshops is about being an entertainer - AJSmartRunning workshops is about being an entertainer - AJSmart
Running workshops is about being an entertainer - AJSmart

The document discusses how to make workshops entertaining for participants. It emphasizes that as the presenter, you need to focus on keeping people engaged through your performance and ability to entertain. Some tips include setting a comfortable environment, giving an introduction to set expectations, making it about the participants, focusing on making the process fun rather than just the results, and knowing your material well. It stresses the importance of reviewing afterwards to improve for next time. The overall message is that workshops require presenting in an engaging, entertaining way in order to hold people's attention and make their time worthwhile.

workshopsajsmartdesign thinking
This also works really well if someone is nodding off
Fun Ways To Deal With Difficult People
Fun Ways To Deal With Difficult People
It works like magic

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Mary Budd's guide to managing ever so fabulously

This document provides a satirical set of guidelines for poor management practices across various areas including project planning, budgets, performance reviews, interpersonal skills, teamwork, policy development, working abroad, terminations, and an author biography. The "guidelines" promote counterproductive, disrespectful, and legally questionable behaviors such as setting unrealistic deadlines, withholding important information, favoritism, public criticism, and unprofessional termination practices. The tone and content suggest this is not genuine management advice but rather a critique of toxic management through absurd examples of what not to do.

141. Assertive Tech and Practice explained by S. Lakshmanan, Psychologist
141. Assertive Tech and Practice explained by S. Lakshmanan, Psychologist141. Assertive Tech and Practice explained by S. Lakshmanan, Psychologist
141. Assertive Tech and Practice explained by S. Lakshmanan, Psychologist

Many of us don’t handle interpersonal relationships well, particularly at work. Instead of feeling good about ourselves, our reactions and responses to others often make us feel tongue-tied and inadequate, on the one hand, and angry and critical on the other. Here are some of the ways to deal with everyday situations and come out feeling good. Please, subscribe, share in the following youtube channel:

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RPL Netguides Training: Customer Service
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RPL Netguides Training: Customer Service

The Netguides program at Reading Public Library trains high school students (we'll expand the program in the future!) to help patrons through one-on-one technology training sessions and assistance in computer classes. For more information, see the Netguides information page at

Ta da, you now own the room. Want to see more fun stuff?
Click the slide decks to view them in a new window
Want to know how to make spiffy slides? Article 10 training

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