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Flying in the Cloud
The journey to
the Cloud with
IBM Power
Rafael Sene – |
• Cloud
• Containers
• Kubernetes
• App Modernization
• Cool Stuff from IBM
“The rise of the cloud is more than just another platform
shift that gets geeks excited. It will undoubtedly transform
the information technology (IT) industry, but it will also
profoundly change the way people work and companies
operate. It will allow digital technology to penetrate every
nook and cranny of the economy and of society, creating
some tricky political problems along the way”
The Economist, Oct 25th 2008

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Cloud computing hybrid architecture
Cloud computing   hybrid architectureCloud computing   hybrid architecture
Cloud computing hybrid architecture

This document discusses virtualization and cloud computing, specifically hybrid cloud architectures. It defines hybrid cloud as a cloud computing environment where an organization provides and manages some resources in-house and has others provided externally from a public cloud provider. The document outlines the key considerations for hybrid cloud planning, examines hybrid cloud architecture which combines a private cloud with at least one public cloud, and discusses the advantages of cost efficiency, isolation, availability and flexibility as well as the disadvantages of data beyond the firewall and greater internal IT maintenance required.

cloud computinghybrid architecture
Cloud Computing Business Models
Cloud Computing Business ModelsCloud Computing Business Models
Cloud Computing Business Models

The document discusses cloud computing, including its definition, deployment models (private, public, hybrid, community clouds), service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS), benefits (pay-as-you-go, flexibility, scalability, ease of use), and challenges (network reliability, security, vendor lock-in). It provides an overview of key topics within cloud computing.

business modelscloud computing
Introduction to cloud Computing
Introduction to cloud ComputingIntroduction to cloud Computing
Introduction to cloud Computing

Presentation gives a basic information or introduction about what is cloud computing, what are the different types & models of cloud computing available in the market, basic architecture of cloud, what are the concerns/points you should consider before going for cloud and who are the top cloud providers.

saasiaasprivate cloud
Current State
$21.2 billion
$20.4 billion
$10.3 billion
$4 billion
*Results of the fourth quarter of 2018
The Game of Clouds
Flying in the cloud
Flying in the cloud

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Cloud Computing for Libraries
Cloud Computing for LibrariesCloud Computing for Libraries
Cloud Computing for Libraries

The presentation on 'Cloud Computing for Libraries' helps understand the basics of cloud computing, its necessary in libraries, trends in library automation, important service providers of cloud computing and required components for implementing the same.

cloud computing for librariescloud computingsaas
Cloud Computing and Edge Computing(CTO Kieun Park) - Edge Computing Seminar
Cloud Computing and Edge Computing(CTO Kieun Park) - Edge Computing SeminarCloud Computing and Edge Computing(CTO Kieun Park) - Edge Computing Seminar
Cloud Computing and Edge Computing(CTO Kieun Park) - Edge Computing Seminar

Cloud computing provides centralized computing resources via the internet while edge computing distributes some computing capabilities to local endpoints. As technologies like IoT and 5G emerge, edge computing is growing in importance to support applications requiring low latency. Edge computing complements cloud computing by handling data and tasks locally when immediate response times are needed, while still utilizing cloud infrastructure for storage and analytics. Both cloud and edge computing are key to enabling technologies like smart cities that generate large amounts of data from distributed devices.

naver cloud platformedge computingcloud trend
Taiye Lambo - Auditing the cloud
Taiye Lambo - Auditing the cloudTaiye Lambo - Auditing the cloud
Taiye Lambo - Auditing the cloud

The document summarizes key points from a presentation on cloud computing security best practices. It discusses auditing practices from several organizations, including ENISA, CSA, and Microsoft. ENISA recommendations include personnel security practices, supply chain assurance, operational security controls like change management and logging, and software integrity protections. The presentation provides an overview of cloud computing concepts and case studies on government and commercial cloud users.

Cloud is all about
open-source, so the
vendor lock-in is not in
the base technology,
but it is in the
ecosystem around it.
Flying in the cloud
The Cloud
Paradigm that
allows on-demand
network access to
shared computing

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Cloud computing
Cloud computingCloud computing
Cloud computing

Cloud computing involves providing scalable computing resources and services to multiple external customers over the Internet. It allows users to access software, platforms, and infrastructure remotely through shared servers. There are three main types of cloud services: Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Cloud computing offers advantages like reduced costs, universal access, automatic updates, and improved performance compared to traditional computing methods. However, it also poses disadvantages such as requiring a constant Internet connection and potential security and data loss issues.

cloud computinghistorycloud computing applications
Introduction to Cloud Computing and Cloud Infrastructure
Introduction to Cloud Computing and Cloud InfrastructureIntroduction to Cloud Computing and Cloud Infrastructure
Introduction to Cloud Computing and Cloud Infrastructure

Introduction, Cloud Infrastructure: Cloud computing, Cloud computing delivery models and services, Ethical issues, Cloud vulnerabilities, Cloud computing at Amazon, Cloud computing the Google perspective, Microsoft Windows Azure and online services, Open-source software platforms for private clouds.

cloud computingcloud infrastructureopen source software platforms for private clouds
Design and inplementation of hybrid cloud computing architecture based on clo...
Design and inplementation of hybrid cloud computing architecture based on clo...Design and inplementation of hybrid cloud computing architecture based on clo...
Design and inplementation of hybrid cloud computing architecture based on clo...

This slide is prepared by G.Aishwarya of Global Academy Of Technology, Bangalore, under the guidance of Miss. Gopika P(Asst. Professor), Global Academy Of Technology on 04/05/16, as part of 8th Semester, Technical Seminar of VTU curriculum for Computer Science and Engineering Department for 2010 Scheme.

hybrid cloud designhybrid cloud architecturehybrid cloud computing architecture
• on-demand self-service
can request and receive access to a service offering
Key Cloud
• on-demand self-service
can request and receive access to a service offering
• broad network access
services should be easily accessed
Key Cloud
• on-demand self-service
can request and receive access to a service offering
• broad network access
services should be easily accessed
• resource pooling
resources are not being used by one customer can be used by
another customer
Key Cloud
• on-demand self-service
can request and receive access to a service offering
• broad network access
services should be easily accessed
• resource pooling
resources are not being used by one customer can be used by
another customer
• rapid elasticity
ability to easily grow to satisfy user demand
Key Cloud

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Cloud computing – An Overview
Cloud computing – An OverviewCloud computing – An Overview
Cloud computing – An Overview

This document provides an overview of cloud computing, including its evolution, definitions, characteristics, service models, deployment models, benefits, challenges, and case studies. It discusses the key technologies that enable cloud computing such as virtualization, web services, and software as a service. Several real-world examples of organizations using cloud computing are presented, including Google, Amazon, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft,, and government agencies. The document also examines the economics of cloud computing and traditional data centers.

saascloud computing

The presentation is based on the speech of Rajkumar Buyya on Cloud Bus Toolkit. Amit Kumar Nath (CSE, DU) and I made this presentation to provide a brief description about some useful cloud bus toolkit, such as, Aneka, CloudSim, Broker, Cloud Maker, Workflow.

Transitioning to Hybrid Cloud
Transitioning to Hybrid CloudTransitioning to Hybrid Cloud
Transitioning to Hybrid Cloud

This document summarizes a presentation by Michael Curry from IBM on August 21, 2014 about transitioning to hybrid cloud. It discusses trends like mobile, social, big data and cloud that are driving organizations toward hybrid models. It outlines IBM's investments in cloud computing and services like SoftLayer. It also describes IBM's BlueMix platform for developing and deploying applications in a hybrid manner across public and private clouds and how it provides capabilities like predefined patterns, services and integration tools.

cloudibmhybrid cloud
• on-demand self-service
can request and receive access to a service offering
• broad network access
services should be easily accessed
• resource pooling
resources are not being used by one customer can be used by
another customer
• rapid elasticity
ability to easily grow to satisfy user demand
• measured service
must have the ability to measure usage, the “pay as you go”
feature of cloud
Key Cloud
live demo
* as a Service
• Software as a Service
SaaS - the capability to use the provider’s applications
running on a cloud infrastructure.
Service Models

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Introduction to Cloud Computing
Introduction to Cloud ComputingIntroduction to Cloud Computing
Introduction to Cloud Computing

Cloud computing provides on-demand access to shared computing resources like networks, servers, storage, applications and services over the internet. It aims to address growing IT needs like increasing server capacity, reducing costs through pay-per-use models, and integrating external web applications. Cloud computing exhibits characteristics of utility computing, virtualization, and elastic scalability. The key service models are Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Cloud deployment models include private, public, community and hybrid clouds.

cloud computing
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Introduction to Cloud ComputingIntroduction to Cloud Computing
Introduction to Cloud Computing

The document provides an overview of cloud computing concepts including: - The evolution of distributed, grid, and cloud computing models. - The essential characteristics of cloud computing including on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured service. - The different types of cloud services including SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS and examples of prominent cloud providers like Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

cloud computingsaaspaas
What the heck is cloud?
What the heck is cloud?What the heck is cloud?
What the heck is cloud?

The document discusses the concept of cloud computing. It defines cloud computing according to analysts and NIST as a scalable, on-demand pool of shared computing resources that can be accessed over the internet. The document outlines the characteristics of public clouds and different types of cloud services including SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. It discusses the benefits of cloud computing such as cost savings, time savings, increased agility and scalability. Some concerns with security and reliability are also addressed. The document concludes by encouraging experimenting with non-critical systems and hybrid cloud solutions.

technologycloud computingrackspace community partners
• Software as a Service
SaaS - the capability to use the provider’s applications
running on a cloud infrastructure.
• Platform as a Service
PaaS - the capability to deploy onto the cloud infrastructure
applications created using programing languages, libraries,
services, and tools supported by the provider.
Service Models
• Software as a Service
SaaS - the capability to use the provider’s applications
running on a cloud infrastructure.
• Platform as a Service
PaaS - the capability to deploy onto the cloud infrastructure
applications created using programing languages, libraries,
services, and tools supported by the provider.
• Infrastructure as a Service
IaaS - capability to provision processing, storage, networks,
and other fundamental computing resources where the
consumer is able to deploy and run arbitrary software.
Service Models
You Manage Others Manage
IaaS PaaS SaaS

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Avoiding Cloud Outage
Avoiding Cloud OutageAvoiding Cloud Outage
Avoiding Cloud Outage

Building cross-region and cross could high availability into your app, a real life use case by Gigaspaces, Nati Shalom, Funder & CTO, Gigaspaces Achieving high levels of availability and disaster recovery in a cloud environment requires the implementation of patterns and practices that introduce redundancy through multi-zone, multi-region, and multi-cloud deployments. As we move towards implementing higher availability, we cannot escape the direct increase in the accidental complexity of the deployment architecture resulting from lack of cloud portability and deployment lifecycle automation. We present how high availability and disaster recovery were achieved in reality by using the Cloudify open source framework on top of AWS. This approach applies to not just AWS but also other public clouds and private cloud environments such as Eucalyptus. The resulting reference architecture provides portable PostgreSQL replication and disaster recovery as well as application tier scalability across zones, regions, and public/private clouds through a unified deployment workflow.

2013 Future of Cloud Computing - 3rd Annual Survey Results
2013 Future of Cloud Computing - 3rd Annual Survey Results2013 Future of Cloud Computing - 3rd Annual Survey Results
2013 Future of Cloud Computing - 3rd Annual Survey Results

The document is a summary of the 3rd Annual Survey 2013 on the Future of Cloud Computing conducted by North Bridge and GigaOM Research. Some key findings from the survey include: - Hybrid cloud models are expected to become the norm with hybrid cloud usage projected to increase from 27% today to 43% in the next 5 years. - Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) saw the biggest growth of 29% from 2012, followed by Platform as a Service (PaaS) at 22% growth. - Security remains the top barrier to cloud adoption but concerns are easing. Cost is now a growing concern compared to previous surveys where it was the top driver for adoption.

cloud computingsaasplatform as a service
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Introduction to Cloud ComputingIntroduction to Cloud Computing
Introduction to Cloud Computing

Introduction to the Cloud Computing Cloud introduction and overview Cloud Computing Technology Hardware & software Infrastructure Different clouds Risks Cloud Services Applications Regulatory Issues & Limitations

cloud computing
Public and
The cloud infrastructure is
provisioned for exclusive use by a
single organization comprising
multiple consumers (e.g., business
units). It may be owned, managed,
and operated by the organization, a
third party, or some combination of
them, and it may exist on or off
The cloud infrastructure is
provisioned for exclusive use by a
specific community of consumers
from organizations that have
shared concerns (e.g., mission,
security requirements, policy, and
compliance considerations). It may
be owned, managed, and operated
by one or more of the organizations
in the community, a third party, or
some combination of them, and it
may exist on or off premises.
The cloud infrastructure is
provisioned for open use by the
general public. It may be owned,
managed, and operated by a
business, academic, or government
organization, or some combination
of them. It exists on the premises
of the cloud provider.

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OpenStack and Cloud Foundry - Pair the leading open source IaaS and PaaS
OpenStack and Cloud Foundry - Pair the leading open source IaaS and PaaSOpenStack and Cloud Foundry - Pair the leading open source IaaS and PaaS
OpenStack and Cloud Foundry - Pair the leading open source IaaS and PaaS

OpenStack is the leading open source Infrastructure-as-a-Service, and Cloud Foundry has become the leading open source Platform-as-a-Service. Deploying them together is a natural fit for your next generation systems of engagement. This special joint meetup of the OpenStack NY and NYC Cloud Foundry communities will give both audiences an introduction to these popular open source IaaS and PaaS projects. The presentation will describe the compelling advantages of each technology, and then explain how they can be integrated, optimized, and scaled to provide a complete cloud application hosting solution.

cloudopenstackcloud foundry
cloud computing presentation with latest
cloud computing presentation with latestcloud computing presentation with latest
cloud computing presentation with latest

cloud computing presentation

Cloud ppt for college students for their projects
Cloud ppt for college students for their projectsCloud ppt for college students for their projects
Cloud ppt for college students for their projects

Good cloud security controls and procedures

cloud computing
The cloud infrastructure is a
composition of two or more distinct
cloud infrastructures (private,
community, or public) that remain
unique entities, but are bound
together by standardized or
proprietary technology that
enables data and application
portability (e.g., cloud bursting for
load balancing between clouds).
Kubernetes and
Write a Dockerfile that pulls
an image from DockerHub
(registry), builds a container
that has a shared volume
with the host.
Write once, run anywhere.
In any architecture!
Flying in the cloud

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Cloud computing course and tutorials
Cloud computing course and tutorialsCloud computing course and tutorials
Cloud computing course and tutorials

Learn more about cloud computing technologies with it's benefits. Free Cloud Computing tutorials and Free Cloud computing course with Questions.

cloud computingcloud computing benifitswhat is cloud computing
Cloud Computing_2015_03_05
Cloud Computing_2015_03_05Cloud Computing_2015_03_05
Cloud Computing_2015_03_05

The document provides background information on the instructor for a cloud computing course. It introduces Tudor Marius Cosmin as the instructor and outlines his professional experience in cloud delivery and IT management. It also reviews the course timetable and provides an overview of topics to be covered in the first session, including a history of cloud computing, fundamental concepts and terminology, cloud characteristics and delivery models, and benefits and challenges of cloud computing.

Impact of busines model elements on cloud computing adoption
Impact of busines model elements on cloud computing adoptionImpact of busines model elements on cloud computing adoption
Impact of busines model elements on cloud computing adoption

This document discusses key aspects of cloud computing including definitions, characteristics, service and deployment models, current adoption trends, and future predictions. It provides an overview of cloud computing including the evolution of the market in response to needs for scalability, cost pressures, and managing complex technologies. The main cloud computing models of Software as a Service, Platform as a Service, and Infrastructure as a Service are described along with the benefits each provides different types of users. Private, public, hybrid and community cloud deployment models are also outlined. Current adoption trends are reviewed for consumers, providers and enterprises along with statistics on cloud adoption in Slovenia and market value predictions for 2015. Research challenges around cloud computing are noted to involve considerations for adoption related to business advantage,

business modelsloveniaresearch
Virtualization VS
Host OS
Host OS
Container Engine
As container adoption grows,
orchestration and management
are needed:
• Automated deployment,
scaling, and management of
containerized applications.
• Self-healing.
• Automated rollouts and
rollbacks of applications.
Open sourced in 2014
77% of containers are
managed by Kubernetes
200% Increase in
Kubernetes adoption since
With your containerized
application, you can use a
helm chart to deploy your
pod and expose it via a
service, running in a node of
your cluster with the
necessary resources
according the number of
replicas defined.
A Pod is a Kubernetes abstraction that represents a group
of one or more application and some shared resources for
those containers. It is the basic building block of
Kubernetes - the smallest and simplest unit in the
Kubernetes object model that you create or deploy.
Containers should only be scheduled together
in a single Pod if they are tightly coupled and
need to share resources such as disk.
The containers in a Pod share an IP Address and
port space, are always co-located and co-
scheduled, and run in a shared context on the
same Node.
Kubelet is a process responsible for communication
between the Kubernetes Master and the Node, which
manages the Pods and the containers running on a
Container runtime is responsible for pulling the
container image from a registry, unpacking the
container, and running the application.

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Cloud Computing genral for all concepts.pptx
Cloud Computing genral for all concepts.pptxCloud Computing genral for all concepts.pptx
Cloud Computing genral for all concepts.pptx

Cloud computing provides on-demand access to shared computing resources like networks, servers, storage, applications and services via the internet. It has three service models - Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS). There are four deployment models - public, private, hybrid and community clouds. Key enabling technologies include virtualization, distributed resource management and reservation-based provisioning to meet service level agreements.

cloud computing

The document discusses the potential for OpenStack to be the future of cloud computing. It describes how OpenStack provides an operating system for hybrid clouds that can augment and replace proprietary infrastructure software. The timing is optimal for OpenStack to accelerate the shift to cloud computing as enterprises look to adopt cloud solutions and ensure new applications can access corporate data and systems. OpenStack is an open source project that could emerge as the standard approach and prevent vendor lock-in.

open stack
Zpryme Report on Cloud and SAS Solutions
Zpryme Report on Cloud and SAS SolutionsZpryme Report on Cloud and SAS Solutions
Zpryme Report on Cloud and SAS Solutions

The document provides an overview of the history and development of cloud computing and software-as-a-service (SaaS) technologies and their potential benefits for utilities. It discusses how utilities initially struggled with smart grid modernization due to fragmented systems and big data challenges. The emergence of cloud hosting, SaaS and managed services has enabled even small and mid-sized utilities to realize the benefits of a fully integrated smart grid infrastructure. The document then covers key concepts around cloud computing models, virtualization, and the opportunities that SaaS and cloud-based analytics present for improved utility operations and planning.

Source Code
Source Code
Source Code
Source Code
Every piece of technology we have
talked until now works on POWER,
out of the box!

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Deployment of private cloud infrastructure.
Deployment of private cloud infrastructure.Deployment of private cloud infrastructure.
Deployment of private cloud infrastructure.

Here it's a very descriptive presentation on OpenStack and it's various modules, about cloud computing and it's various manifestations.

cloud computingopenstack

IBM Bluemix is IBM's platform as a service (PaaS) that allows developers to quickly build, deploy, and manage applications on the cloud. Bluemix embraces Cloud Foundry as an open source PaaS and extends it with IBM services, third party services, and community built services. It provides developers with tools to author web and mobile apps and to continuously deploy apps on the cloud infrastructure using various runtimes like Java, Ruby, and JavaScript. Bluemix also offers a variety of ready-to-use services like databases, messaging, and analytics that can be integrated into apps.

Introduction Of Cloud Computing
Introduction Of Cloud ComputingIntroduction Of Cloud Computing
Introduction Of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is affecting the software development process. It provides resources over the internet rather than requiring direct physical access. This allows developers to access resources from anywhere and reduces costs since users only pay for what they use. Cloud computing introduces new concepts like mesh computing and pay-per-use services. Research is investigating how cloud computing reduces development costs and time by making services easily accessible. However, security and privacy concerns remain an issue with storing data on external provider networks rather than locally.

Where can
I get
Flying in the cloud
Flying in the cloud

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Cloud computing by Luqman
Cloud computing by LuqmanCloud computing by Luqman
Cloud computing by Luqman

The document provides an overview of cloud computing including its popularity, definitions, benefits, key technology drivers like virtualization and SOA, top cloud providers like Amazon and Google, different cloud services and types, challenges, and real-world case studies demonstrating benefits like cost savings and faster deployment times.

cloud computing
OSCON 2013 - The Hitchiker’s Guide to Open Source Cloud Computing
OSCON 2013 - The Hitchiker’s Guide to Open Source Cloud ComputingOSCON 2013 - The Hitchiker’s Guide to Open Source Cloud Computing
OSCON 2013 - The Hitchiker’s Guide to Open Source Cloud Computing

And while the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (HHGTTG) is a wholly remarkable book it doesn’t cover the nuances of cloud computing. Whether you want to build a public, private or hybrid cloud there are free and open source tools that can help provide you a complete solution or help augment your existing Amazon or other hosted cloud solution. That’s why you need the Hitchhiker’s Guide to (Open Source) Cloud Computing (HHGTCC) or at least to attend this talk understand the current state of open source cloud computing. This talk will cover infrastructure-as-a-service, platform-as-a-service and developments in big data and how to more effectively deploy and manage open source flavors of these technologies. Specific the guide will cover: Infrastructure-as-a-Service – The Systems Cloud – Get a comparison of the open source cloud platforms including OpenStack, Apache CloudStack, Eucalyptus and OpenNebula Platform-as-a-Service – The Developers Cloud – Learn about the tools that abstract the complexity for developers and used to build portable auto-scaling applications ton CloudFoundry, OpenShift, Stackato and more. Data-as-a-Service – The Analytics Cloud – Want to figure out the who, what, where, when and why of big data? You’ll get an overview of open source NoSQL databases and technologies like MapReduce to help parallelize data mining tasks and crunch massive data sets in the cloud. Network-as-a-Service – The Network Cloud – The final pillar for truly fungible network infrastructure is network virtualization. We will give an overview of software-defined networking including OpenStack Quantum, Nicira, open Vswitch and others. Finally this talk will provide an overview of the tools that can help you really take advantage of the cloud. Do you want to auto-scale to serve millions of web pages and scale back down as demand fluctuates. Are you interested in automating the total lifecycle of cloud computing environments You’ll learn how to combine these tools into tool chains to provide continuous deployment systems that will help you become agile and spend more time improving your IT rather than simply maintaining it. [Finally, for those of you that are Douglas Adams fans please accept the deepest apologies for bad analogies to the HHGTTG.]

xenopen sourcexen project
Deployment of private cloud infrastructure copy
Deployment of private cloud infrastructure   copyDeployment of private cloud infrastructure   copy
Deployment of private cloud infrastructure copy

The document discusses deploying a private cloud infrastructure using open source software like OpenStack and MostlyLinux. It would create a cost-effective private cloud architecture as an alternative to proprietary solutions. The summaries would provide high-level overviews of key sections in 3 sentences or less.

IBM Cloud
Flying in the cloud
IBM Cloud

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Cloud Computing & CloudStack Open Source
Cloud Computing & CloudStack Open SourceCloud Computing & CloudStack Open Source
Cloud Computing & CloudStack Open Source

Ahmad Shah Sultani presented on cloud computing using the Apache CloudStack open source platform. He discussed the history and characteristics of cloud computing, different service models (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS), and types of cloud storage. He also explained concepts like virtualization and the benefits of using open source software to build clouds. Sultani demonstrated how to deploy CloudStack on virtualized servers to create a private cloud and manage virtual machines through its web-based user interface.

cloud computingcloudopen source

Cloud computing is Internet based development and use of computer technology. It is a style of computing in which dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources are provided as a service over the Internet. Users need not have knowledge of, expertise in, or control over the technology infrastructure "in the cloud" that supports them. Cloud computing is a hot topic all over the world nowadays, through which customers can access information and computer power via a web browser. As the adoption and deployment of cloud computing increase, it is critical to evaluate the performance of cloud environments. Currently, modeling and simulation technology has become a useful and powerful tool in cloud computing research community to deal with these issues. Cloud simulators are required for cloud system testing to decrease the complexity and separate quality concerns. Cloud computing means saving and accessing the data over the internet instead of local storage. In this paper, we have provided a short review on the types, models and architecture of the cloud environment.

cloud computingload balancingdata center
Cloud computing What Why How
Cloud computing What Why HowCloud computing What Why How
Cloud computing What Why How

The document discusses cloud computing from the perspectives of application developers, quality assurance teams, and enterprises. It provides rationales for why cloud computing can reduce capital expenditures and operational expenditures compared to maintaining their own on-premise hardware and software. The document also summarizes the NIST definition of cloud computing and describes its essential characteristics, service models, and deployment models.

aitrafiul ahadasian institute of technology
Flying in the cloud
Flying in the cloud
IBM Cloud Private
for Data

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This document provides an overview of Oracle's cloud computing strategy. It discusses how Oracle aims to make cloud computing fully enterprise-grade by supporting both public and private clouds. It also describes Oracle's PaaS platform, which provides products to build public or private application platforms as a cloud service. Finally, it outlines how enterprises can evolve their current IT infrastructure to incorporate more cloud-like characteristics over time through grid computing, virtualization, self-service access, and internal chargeback for resources used.

Chip Design Curriculum development Residency program
Chip Design Curriculum development Residency programChip Design Curriculum development Residency program
Chip Design Curriculum development Residency program

The document describes a 5-day residency program hosted by the OpenPOWER Academic Discussion Group (ADG) at NIE Mysore from June 6-10, 2022. The program aims to bridge industry and academia knowledge in chip design by developing curriculum on OpenPOWER technology and training lab assistants. Engineers and academicians with 5+ years experience in chip design/verification are eligible to participate. They will collaborate on developing course materials and lab exercises to teach undergraduate students in fields like ECE and CSE. The program seeks to help fulfill India's goals in chip design manpower and self-reliance through initiatives like Make in India and the India Semiconductor Mission.

chiplet soc silicon interposer packaging openpoweropenpower openpowerpower
Basics of Digital Design and Verilog
Basics of Digital Design and VerilogBasics of Digital Design and Verilog
Basics of Digital Design and Verilog

This document provides an overview of digital design and Verilog. It discusses binary numbers and boolean algebra as the foundation of digital systems. It also describes logic gates, combinational and sequential circuits, finite state machines, and datapath and control units. Finally, it introduces Verilog, describing different modeling types like gate level, behavioral, dataflow, and switch level modeling. It positions Verilog as a hardware description language used to more easily design digital circuits compared to manual drawing.

opnepower power9 power isa veriloglogic gatesfsm
A key challenge that slows down AI adoption is the abundant but untamed data
that is not ready for AI.
With ICP4D collect, organize and analyze your data all in a single platform.
Try it for FREE at
IBM Multi-cloud

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180 nm Tape out experience using Open POWER ISA
180 nm Tape out experience using Open POWER ISA180 nm Tape out experience using Open POWER ISA
180 nm Tape out experience using Open POWER ISA

The Libre-SOC Project aims to create an entirely Libre-Licensed, transparently-developed fully auditable Hybrid 3D CPU-GPU-VPU, using the Supercomputer-class OpenPOWER ISA as the foundation. Our first test ASIC is a 180nm "Fixed-Point" Power ISA v3.0B processor, 5.1mm x 5.9mm, as a proof-of-concept for the team, whose primary expertise is in Software Engineering. Software Engineering training brings a radically different approach to Hardware development: extensive unit tests, source code revision control, automated development tools are normal. Libre Project Management brings even more: bug trackers, mailing lists, auditable IRC logs and a wiki are standard fare for Libre Projects that are simply not normal Industry-Standard practice. This talk therefore goes through the workflow, from the original HDL through to the GDS-II layout, showing how we were able to keep track of the development that led to the IMEC 180nm tape-out in July 2021. In particular, by following a parallel development process involving "Real" and "Symbolic" Cell Libraries, developed by Chips4Makers, will be shown how our developers did not need to sign a Foundry NDA, but were still able to work side-by-side with a University that did. With this parallel development process, the University upheld their NDA obligations, and Libre-SOC were simultaneously able to honour its Transparency Objectives.

openpower power isa libresoc
Workload Transformation and Innovations in POWER Architecture
Workload Transformation and Innovations in POWER Architecture Workload Transformation and Innovations in POWER Architecture
Workload Transformation and Innovations in POWER Architecture

IT Industry is going through two major transformations. One is adaption of AI and tight integration of the same in the commercial applications and enterprise workflow. Two the transformation in software architecture through the concepts like microservices and the cloud native architecture. These transformation alongside the aggressive adaption of IoT/mobile and 5G in all our day today activities is making the world operate in more real time manner which opens-up a new challenge to improve the hardware architecture to adapt to these requirements. These above two major transformation pushes the boundary of the entire systems stack making the designer rethink hardware. This talk presents you a picture of how the enterprise Industry leading POWER architecture is transforming to fulfill the performance demands of these newer generation workloads with primary focus on the AI acceleration on the chip.

openpower power9 power isa
OpenPOWER Workshop at IIT Roorkee
OpenPOWER Workshop at IIT RoorkeeOpenPOWER Workshop at IIT Roorkee
OpenPOWER Workshop at IIT Roorkee

July 16th 2021 , Friday for our newest workshop with DoMS, IIT Roorkee, Concept to Solutions using OpenPOWER Stack. It's time to discover advances in #DeepLearning tools and techniques from the world's leading innovators across industries, research, and public speakers. Register here:

openpower power9 power10
Thank You!
Rafael Sene – |

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