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Building Production Grade IoT Platform
Leveraging FIWARE
Parwinder Singh Technical Specialist (ITPF -IoT/EDGE/Cloud/Security)
Satinder Jeet Singh Group Project Manager (IoT Platform Solutions)
NEC Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.
FIWARE Global Summit, Berlin
2 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019
▌IoT Industry Landscape – Present View
▌Common IoT Functions Chain
▌NECTI’s Common IoT Functions (CIF) Architecture
▌FIWARE GES Mapping to CIF
▌A Million Dollar Question ? Functional & Non Functional Compliance
▌Identified Weakness Context
▌Self Service Dashboard Operation View
▌Production Grade Highly Available Deployment for FIWARE
▌NECTI’s FIWARE Driven Success Story/Use Case
▌Performance Results
3 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019
IoT Industry Landscape – Present View
4 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019
Complete IoT Function Chain
“It is important as you embark on your IoT journey that, as you set your goals, you very clearly
identify the business value rather than the technological challenges.”Mark Hung, VP, Gartner Research
5 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019
NECTI’s Common IoT Functions (CIF) Architecture
Actuators Mobile Devices
IP CameraSensors
Data Context Processing
Data Validation &
Data Ingestion
Identity Management
Integration Services
Device Management
Self Service Dashboard
Devices Gateway
RFID Reader
NGSI(NGSI-LD/NGSIv2) Custom Interface
NGSI(NGSI-LD/NGSIv2) Custom Interface
REST/HTTP/HTTPS Bindings IoT Protocols Bindings
Smart City Digital Factory Logistics…
IoT Devices /Data Source
Apps/Services Consumers
Device Interfacing
API Service Gateway/Discovery
Edge/Cloud Infra
UID Services
Device Gateway
Digital Services
Data Visualization
AI/ML Data Analytics
FCAPs & Monitoring
Interfacing Applications
CI/CD Management
Log/Config Management
Service Orchestration
Data History
Business/KPI Reports
Data Agents
6 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019
FIWARE GEs Mapping to CIF
Actuators Mobile Devices
IP CameraSensors
Data Context Processing
Data Validation &
Data Ingestion
Identity Management
Integration Services
Device Management
Self Service Dashboard
Devices Gateway
RFID Reader
NGSI(NGSI-LD/NGSIv2) Custom Interface
NGSI(NGSI-LD/NGSIv2) Custom Interface
REST/HTTP/HTTPS Bindings IoT Protocols Bindings
Smart City Digital Factory Logistics…
IoT Devices /Data Source
Apps/Services Consumers
Device Interfacing
API Service Gateway/Discovery
Edge/Cloud Infra
UID Services
Device Gateway
E-Seal Digital Services
Data Visualization
AI/ML Data Analytics
FCAPs & Monitoring
Interfacing Applications
CI/CD Management
Log/Config Management
Service Orchestration
Data History
Business/KPI Reports
Data Agents
Quantum Leap
IoT Agents
IoT agent/
7 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019
A Million Dollar Question
▌Is FIWARE GEs are of production grade???
l Functionality Compliance
ØYes (to large extent)
lNon Functional compliance at production scale that should measure the following
• Highly Available
• Scalable
• Secure
• Interoperable
• Performance efficient
• Close loop automation
• Service Orchestration
• Centralized FCAPs management that include monitoring, debugging, logging & alarm handling
ØNo (to large extent)
▌What to do then ?
lWeakness & bottleneck Identification
lFeature/Function Enhancement, Strengthening & Hardening
lRemoval of all weakness & bottleneck at design & at implementation level.
8 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019
Identified Weakness Context (1/2)
Client OrionIoT Agent
Synchronous Single threaded call
• Model Validation
• NGSI conversion
• Sync Update to
• Single threaded
context framework
• Parsed & validate
• Store in DB & send
response back
• DB Watcher & parallel
Notification for
subscribed entities
Client OrionIoT Agent
Asynchronous/Multi-processed Call
Resolve: Issue#1
• Cached Validation
• NGSI conversion
• Async Update to
Orion (option)
• Multi processed/
threaded context
• Parsed & validate
• Store in DB & send
response back
• DB Watcher & parallel
Notification for
subscribed entities
Outcome: 4x performance boost
Wilma OrionIoT Agent
Distributed overhead, Data loss chances
• Segregated responsibility
• Latency overhead
• End device’s integration restriction &
distributed call flow
• Data reliability at Orion only following
long data path.
VDG OrionIoT Agent
Abstracted & Reliability
• Abstracted responsibility
• Latency overhead minimised
• Simplification integration due to
functional abstraction in VDG.
• Data reliability & async processing
Resolve: Issue#2
*VDG- Virtual
Device Gateway
Outcome: 20x performance boost
9 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019
Identified Weakness Context (2/2)
Mong DB replication & scalabilityIssue#3
• Primary is taking all load
• Replication using secondary&
read/Write operations is handled
by primary set creating it
bottleneck in the given data path
Resolve: Issue#3
Issue#4 Service Orchestration
• Config Store cluster metadata
mapping of shards
• Router use metadata to interface
the application operations with
• Parallel Read write operations
Shard(replica set)
Shard(replica set)
Shard(replica set)
• Production Grade Orchestration
• Multi-tenant Service Orchestration
• Service Monitoring & Auto
• Upgrade/Update
• Centralized configuration update,
logging & tracing
• Lack of self service dashboard
Resolved: Issue#4 Service Orchestration
• Orchestration using Kubernetes
• Using project/namespace level tenancy deployment
• Use of CNCF components like Prometheus & use of policy
driven event triggers to kick in Auto scaling/healing
• Upgrade/Update using HA proxy with load balance techniques.
• Centralized configuration update, logging & tracing using
Fluentd or ELK and Jaeger.
• Enriched user operations unified dashboard shown (e.g. in
next slide)
10 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019
Self Service Dashboard Operation View
1. Create
2. Add
from Catalog
3. Deploy the
4. Consume
IoT Service
5. Charge by
Billing System
6. Delete the
11 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019
Production Grade Highly Available Deployment Model for FIWARE
NECTI FIWARE Driven Success Story
Logistics Use Case Domain
13 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019
Executive Summary
▌First commercial deployment of FIWARE by NECTI is carried out in the last week of
September successfully for DMICDC Logistics Data Services (DLDS)’s Logistics Data
Bank (LDB) service with the target to track 0.8 million IoT enabled containers entities
per month over FIWARE platform.
▌Since Go-Live (last week of Sep 2019), more than 4+ million (& counting) transactions
has been processed via FIWARE system so far
▌NECTI has enhanced and productized the FIWARE platform as Common Services IoT
Platform for commercial usage for various Smart Industry & Smart city verticals
▌FIWARE IoT Platform has been enhanced from three viewpoints
lFeatures enhancement for design improvement, data reliability, smart data visualization &
functional hardening of various FIWARE GEs e.g. IoT agents, Orion, Draco, Keyrock etc.
lSecurity for devices has been added to offer authentication, authorization in a generic way to
leverage any kind of IDM & security abstraction. It also address the security issues of devices
that may have limited computing power & find hard to process security logics.
lPerformance improvement from 300-400 transaction per sec to 25+K transaction per
second has been achieved. NECTI has achieved it using its own component VDG (Virtual
Device Gateway) along with FIWARE components
14 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019
▌“Logistics Data Bank (LDB) Service” is an overarching solution that integrates the
information available with various agencies across the supply chain to provide detailed
real time information within a single window.
▌User can track and receive status notification for in-transit containers. SMS/E-mail
notification feature is available for registered users.
▌Bulk assignments/Multiple containers can be inter-linked and tracked via a
single/common tracking ID.
▌ Container tracking process flow:
About Logistics Data Bank (LDB) Service
15 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019
Logistics Data Bank (LDB) Coverage at PAN India
95% of
24x7 ROUND
22 Port
16 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019
Without FIWARE
LDB Case Study: Leverage FIWARE In Logistics Domain
Virtual Device Gateway End-to-End data flows
Data ServerIntermediate
Data Server
Front End
ApplicationsFront End
Client Server Model Monolithic Implementation
Lack of Standard Interfaces
Scalability, Security & Interoperability issues
Huge Impact on upgrade/update Long Data path & non real time.
Front End
ApplicationsFront End
Platform Services Model Microservices Implementation
Open & Standard Interfaces
Easily Scalable, Secure & Interoperable
No impact Upgrade/update
Vendor Agnostic device registration & API driven Integration
Shortest data path & real time
Multiple vendor & dependent software components Surging CAPEX & OPEX
FIWARE based Generic Enablers Platform
17 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019
Performance results after configuration optimization
q Enabled multiprocessing at IoT agent
(bottleneck due to single threaded nodeJs framework)
▌Performance KPI business requirement for LDB Business team
lTotal No. of RFID Readers Currently : ~1400
lTotal No. of expected RFID Readers in next 3 years : ~ 3000
lPeak Load per Hour is ~10 K
▌Performance Testing Results measured for LDB over FIWARE Go-Live setup:
Time Throughput
Total Requests Error
1000 60 seconds ~229.8 13790 0%
Performance results before configuration optimization
Performance Results Achieved for LDB on FIWARE
Time Throughput
Total Requests Error
2000 60 seconds 1683.93 100980 0%
18 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019
Performance Testing Results for FIWARE Upgraded architecture (*):
q Multi Node Performance (HA & LB - 3 Nodes).
(Here Throughput can be scaled further w.r.t scale in infra & optimization)
Time Throughput
Total Requests Error
100 160 seconds 9285.45 1485672 0%
Performance Testing Results for FIWARE Upgraded architecture (*):
q Single Node Performance (Non HA/Non LB)
Time Throughput
Total Requests Error
100 160 seconds 26106.30 4179658 0%
Note (*) FIWARE IoT Platform Arch. design enhancement is done using a newly developed VDG
(Virtual Device gateway) component and the given result are taken based on that performance.
This performance is only applicable for data push operation from devices side to the IoT platform.
VDG (Virtual Device Gateway) – A service consists of Security abstraction, data validation &
scheduler of work for other components in the IoT platform. Improves data reliability, performance &
functional interface. This can be perceived & leveraged as digital twin in future.
Performance Results Achieved for FIWARE Common Services IoT PF
19 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019
▌IoT horizon is extending very rapidly with lots of industry player involved.
▌Common IoT services shall be realised through standard i.e. NGSI /NGSI-LD & open
APIs and reference implementation of FIWARE.
▌Production grade solutions comes up with coverage of Functional & Non Functional
Compliance mandate.
▌All weakness & limitation for mission critical properties (i.e. performance, security, data
reliability, operability, availability & connectivity) can be addressed to easily uplift
FIWARE as the best choice candidate for production grade IoT solution.
▌NECTI’s has leveraged the FIWARE to realize its CIF architecture for its end customer
successfully and has also addressed all FIWARE weakness & achieved remarkable
performance throughput (1600 req/sec with existing component optimization &
25K per second with newly developed component) to deliver quality to end customers.
21 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019
End-to-End IoT Service Orchestration - View
Cloud Provisioning
Virtual Resource Provisioning
Kubernetes Cluster Orchestration
FIWARE/IoT Services orchestration
IoT Application Integration Endpoints
Bare Metal Provisioning (OS)
Network Connectivity Configuration
Prerequisites Packages Installation
Node (OSS
Framework Tooling)
End User Service Management

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FIWARE Global Summit - Building Production Grade IoT Platform Leveraging FIWARE

  • 1. Building Production Grade IoT Platform Leveraging FIWARE Parwinder Singh Technical Specialist (ITPF -IoT/EDGE/Cloud/Security) Satinder Jeet Singh Group Project Manager (IoT Platform Solutions) NEC Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. 23-Oct-2019 FIWARE Global Summit, Berlin
  • 2. 2 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019 Agenda ▌IoT Industry Landscape – Present View ▌Common IoT Functions Chain ▌NECTI’s Common IoT Functions (CIF) Architecture ▌FIWARE GES Mapping to CIF ▌A Million Dollar Question ? Functional & Non Functional Compliance ▌Identified Weakness Context ▌Self Service Dashboard Operation View ▌Production Grade Highly Available Deployment for FIWARE ▌NECTI’s FIWARE Driven Success Story/Use Case ▌Performance Results ▌Summary
  • 4. 4 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019 Complete IoT Function Chain Source:Gartner “It is important as you embark on your IoT journey that, as you set your goals, you very clearly identify the business value rather than the technological challenges.”Mark Hung, VP, Gartner Research
  • 5. 5 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019 NECTI’s Common IoT Functions (CIF) Architecture Actuators Mobile Devices IP CameraSensors Data Context Processing Data Validation & Transformation Data Ingestion Identity Management Integration Services Device Management Self Service Dashboard Devices Gateway RFID Reader ……………….. NGSI(NGSI-LD/NGSIv2) Custom Interface NGSI(NGSI-LD/NGSIv2) Custom Interface REST/HTTP/HTTPS Bindings IoT Protocols Bindings Smart City Digital Factory Logistics… CommonIoTServicesPlatform IoT Devices /Data Source Apps/Services Consumers Device Interfacing API Service Gateway/Discovery Edge/Cloud Infra Management UID Services Device Gateway Services Digital Services Data Visualization AI/ML Data Analytics FCAPs & Monitoring REST/HTTP/HTTPS Bindings Interfacing Applications CI/CD Management Log/Config Management Service Orchestration Data History Business/KPI Reports OperationsManagement DataCoreManagement ServiceManagement IoTinfraManagement Data Agents Management
  • 6. 6 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019 FIWARE GEs Mapping to CIF Actuators Mobile Devices IP CameraSensors Data Context Processing Data Validation & Transformation Data Ingestion Identity Management Integration Services Device Management Self Service Dashboard Devices Gateway RFID Reader ……………….. NGSI(NGSI-LD/NGSIv2) Custom Interface NGSI(NGSI-LD/NGSIv2) Custom Interface REST/HTTP/HTTPS Bindings IoT Protocols Bindings Smart City Digital Factory Logistics… CommonIoTServicesPlatform IoT Devices /Data Source Apps/Services Consumers Device Interfacing API Service Gateway/Discovery Edge/Cloud Infra Management UID Services Device Gateway Services E-Seal Digital Services Data Visualization AI/ML Data Analytics FCAPs & Monitoring REST/HTTP/HTTPS Bindings Interfacing Applications CI/CD Management Log/Config Management Service Orchestration Data History Business/KPI Reports OperationsManagement DataCoreManagement ServiceManagement IoTinfraManagement Data Agents Management Orion/Scorpio Draco Quantum Leap IoT Agents Cosmos NGSI/NGSI-LD Wirecloud Keyrock/Autz Wilma/APInf FogFlow IoT agent/ LWM2M.. Wilma/APInfDocker/Swarm DevOpSwarm KnowAge/Biz NGSI/NGSI-LD NGSI/NGSI-LD MqTT/LoRAWAN …… FogFlow
  • 7. 7 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019 A Million Dollar Question ▌Is FIWARE GEs are of production grade??? l Functionality Compliance ØYes (to large extent) lNon Functional compliance at production scale that should measure the following • Highly Available • Scalable • Secure • Interoperable • Performance efficient • Close loop automation • Service Orchestration • Centralized FCAPs management that include monitoring, debugging, logging & alarm handling ØNo (to large extent) ▌What to do then ? lWeakness & bottleneck Identification lFeature/Function Enhancement, Strengthening & Hardening lRemoval of all weakness & bottleneck at design & at implementation level.
  • 8. 8 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019 Identified Weakness Context (1/2) Client OrionIoT Agent Synchronous Single threaded call Issue#1 • Model Validation • NGSI conversion • Sync Update to Orion • Single threaded context framework • Parsed & validate • Store in DB & send response back • DB Watcher & parallel Notification for subscribed entities Client OrionIoT Agent Asynchronous/Multi-processed Call Resolve: Issue#1 • Cached Validation • NGSI conversion • Async Update to Orion (option) • Multi processed/ threaded context • Parsed & validate • Store in DB & send response back • DB Watcher & parallel Notification for subscribed entities Outcome: 4x performance boost Wilma OrionIoT Agent Distributed overhead, Data loss chances • Segregated responsibility • Latency overhead • End device’s integration restriction & distributed call flow • Data reliability at Orion only following long data path. Issue#2 Keyrock I/P VDG OrionIoT Agent Abstracted & Reliability • Abstracted responsibility • Latency overhead minimised • Simplification integration due to functional abstraction in VDG. • Data reliability & async processing Keyrock I/P Resolve: Issue#2 *VDG- Virtual Device Gateway Outcome: 20x performance boost
  • 9. 9 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019 Client Client Identified Weakness Context (2/2) Mong DB replication & scalabilityIssue#3 • Primary is taking all load • Replication using secondary& read/Write operations is handled by primary set creating it bottleneck in the given data path Resolve: Issue#3 Issue#4 Service Orchestration MongoDB MongoDB Primary Secondary Secondary Client MongoDB • Config Store cluster metadata mapping of shards • Router use metadata to interface the application operations with shards • Parallel Read write operations MongoDB MongoDB Shard(replica set) Shard(replica set) Shard(replica set) Mongo Router Config Server • Production Grade Orchestration • Multi-tenant Service Orchestration • Service Monitoring & Auto scaling/healing • Upgrade/Update • Centralized configuration update, logging & tracing • Lack of self service dashboard Resolved: Issue#4 Service Orchestration • Orchestration using Kubernetes • Using project/namespace level tenancy deployment • Use of CNCF components like Prometheus & use of policy driven event triggers to kick in Auto scaling/healing • Upgrade/Update using HA proxy with load balance techniques. • Centralized configuration update, logging & tracing using Fluentd or ELK and Jaeger. • Enriched user operations unified dashboard shown (e.g. in next slide) Client MongoDB
  • 10. 10 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019 Self Service Dashboard Operation View 10 1. Create Environment 2. Add Component from Catalog Service 3. Deploy the Environment 4. Consume IoT Service 5. Charge by Billing System 6. Delete the Environment
  • 11. 11 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019 Production Grade Highly Available Deployment Model for FIWARE
  • 12. NECTI FIWARE Driven Success Story Logistics Use Case Domain
  • 13. 13 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019 Executive Summary ▌First commercial deployment of FIWARE by NECTI is carried out in the last week of September successfully for DMICDC Logistics Data Services (DLDS)’s Logistics Data Bank (LDB) service with the target to track 0.8 million IoT enabled containers entities per month over FIWARE platform. ▌Since Go-Live (last week of Sep 2019), more than 4+ million (& counting) transactions has been processed via FIWARE system so far ▌NECTI has enhanced and productized the FIWARE platform as Common Services IoT Platform for commercial usage for various Smart Industry & Smart city verticals ▌FIWARE IoT Platform has been enhanced from three viewpoints lFeatures enhancement for design improvement, data reliability, smart data visualization & functional hardening of various FIWARE GEs e.g. IoT agents, Orion, Draco, Keyrock etc. lSecurity for devices has been added to offer authentication, authorization in a generic way to leverage any kind of IDM & security abstraction. It also address the security issues of devices that may have limited computing power & find hard to process security logics. lPerformance improvement from 300-400 transaction per sec to 25+K transaction per second has been achieved. NECTI has achieved it using its own component VDG (Virtual Device Gateway) along with FIWARE components
  • 14. 14 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019 ▌“Logistics Data Bank (LDB) Service” is an overarching solution that integrates the information available with various agencies across the supply chain to provide detailed real time information within a single window. ▌User can track and receive status notification for in-transit containers. SMS/E-mail notification feature is available for registered users. ▌Bulk assignments/Multiple containers can be inter-linked and tracked via a single/common tracking ID. ▌ Container tracking process flow: About Logistics Data Bank (LDB) Service
  • 15. 15 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019 Logistics Data Bank (LDB) Coverage at PAN India 95% of INDIAN PORTS COVERED 50+ TOLL PLAZAS 18M+ CONTAINER S HANDLED 135+ CFS/ICDS 1400+ RFID READERS 24x7 ROUND THE CLOCK OPERATIONS 400+ OPERATORS PAN INDIA AND GROWING … 22 Port TERMINALS
  • 16. 16 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019 with FIWARE Without FIWARE LDB Case Study: Leverage FIWARE In Logistics Domain Virtual Device Gateway End-to-End data flows Intermediate Data ServerIntermediate Data Server Application MidllewareApplication Midlleware Front End ApplicationsFront End Applications Intermediate Data Processing Servers Application Middleware LDB Application Client Server Model Monolithic Implementation Lack of Standard Interfaces Scalability, Security & Interoperability issues Huge Impact on upgrade/update Long Data path & non real time. Application MidllewareApplication Midlleware Front End ApplicationsFront End Applications FIWARE GEs LDB Application Platform Services Model Microservices Implementation Open & Standard Interfaces Easily Scalable, Secure & Interoperable No impact Upgrade/update Vendor Agnostic device registration & API driven Integration Shortest data path & real time Saving CAPEX & OPEX Multiple vendor & dependent software components Surging CAPEX & OPEX VDG VDG VDG DataSources(IoTDevice) FIWARE based Generic Enablers Platform *Abstractedviewdue todataconfidentiality LDB APP
  • 17. 17 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019 Performance results after configuration optimization q Enabled multiprocessing at IoT agent (bottleneck due to single threaded nodeJs framework) ▌Performance KPI business requirement for LDB Business team lTotal No. of RFID Readers Currently : ~1400 lTotal No. of expected RFID Readers in next 3 years : ~ 3000 lPeak Load per Hour is ~10 K ▌Performance Testing Results measured for LDB over FIWARE Go-Live setup: Threads/Connect ions Time Throughput (Requests/second) Total Requests Error 1000 60 seconds ~229.8 13790 0% Performance results before configuration optimization Performance Results Achieved for LDB on FIWARE Threads/Connect ions Time Throughput (Requests/second) Total Requests Error 2000 60 seconds 1683.93 100980 0%
  • 18. 18 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019 Performance Testing Results for FIWARE Upgraded architecture (*): q Multi Node Performance (HA & LB - 3 Nodes). (Here Throughput can be scaled further w.r.t scale in infra & optimization) Threads/Connect ions Time Throughput (Requests/second) Total Requests Error 100 160 seconds 9285.45 1485672 0% Performance Testing Results for FIWARE Upgraded architecture (*): q Single Node Performance (Non HA/Non LB) Threads/Connect ions Time Throughput (Requests/second) Total Requests Error 100 160 seconds 26106.30 4179658 0% Note (*) FIWARE IoT Platform Arch. design enhancement is done using a newly developed VDG (Virtual Device gateway) component and the given result are taken based on that performance. This performance is only applicable for data push operation from devices side to the IoT platform. VDG (Virtual Device Gateway) – A service consists of Security abstraction, data validation & scheduler of work for other components in the IoT platform. Improves data reliability, performance & functional interface. This can be perceived & leveraged as digital twin in future. Performance Results Achieved for FIWARE Common Services IoT PF
  • 19. 19 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019 Summary ▌IoT horizon is extending very rapidly with lots of industry player involved. ▌Common IoT services shall be realised through standard i.e. NGSI /NGSI-LD & open APIs and reference implementation of FIWARE. ▌Production grade solutions comes up with coverage of Functional & Non Functional Compliance mandate. ▌All weakness & limitation for mission critical properties (i.e. performance, security, data reliability, operability, availability & connectivity) can be addressed to easily uplift FIWARE as the best choice candidate for production grade IoT solution. ▌NECTI’s has leveraged the FIWARE to realize its CIF architecture for its end customer successfully and has also addressed all FIWARE weakness & achieved remarkable performance throughput (1600 req/sec with existing component optimization & 25K per second with newly developed component) to deliver quality to end customers.
  • 21. 21 © NEC Technologies India Private Limited 2019 IoTPlatform- as-a-Service Infrastructure as-aService End-to-End IoT Service Orchestration - View Cloud Provisioning Virtual Resource Provisioning Kubernetes Cluster Orchestration FIWARE/IoT Services orchestration IoT Application Integration Endpoints Bare Metal Provisioning (OS) Network Connectivity Configuration Prerequisites Packages Installation Service Orchestration Node (OSS Automated Deployment Framework Tooling) #Node 1 #Node 2 #Node…N** End User Service Management Endpoints/Interfaces Infra-as-a- Service Platform-as-a- Service SaaS