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Fernando López
Telefónica I+D
Cloud Architects, FIWARE,
Kenneth Nagin
Cloud Chapter Lead, FIWARE
• FIWARE Lab Cloud Hosting: Overview and Architecture
• FIWARE Lab: Basic functionalities
–FIWARE Compute Services
–FIWARE Network Services
–FIWARE Storage Services
• FIWARE Lab: PaaS, working with Blueprints
• Reference Information
FIWARE Lab Cloud Hosting: Overview
and Architecture
FIWARE Lab Cloud Hosting

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OpenStack: Security Beyond Firewalls
OpenStack: Security Beyond FirewallsOpenStack: Security Beyond Firewalls
OpenStack: Security Beyond Firewalls

OpenStack security is a huge topic. In these slides I presented at the OpenStack Day, I analyzed cloud security the network to the application layer, going through specific layers, some in common between OpenStack itself and the applications.

cloud computingbyodstrong authentication
How to Develop OpenStack
How to Develop OpenStackHow to Develop OpenStack
How to Develop OpenStack

I intended to describe how to start in OpenStack develop. First of all, you should be familiar with its code. We have done that by code reviewing.

Alfresco Certificates
Alfresco Certificates Alfresco Certificates
Alfresco Certificates

This session will provide a guide to Alfresco truststores and keystores. Several live examples will be shown, including the replacement of existing cryptographic stores or certificates. Additionally, a troubleshooting configuration guide for mTLS communication will be provided.

FIWARE Lab Cloud Hosting
Cloud Portal
SDC Monitoring
Compute Object Storage
•Account: Manages identity and organizations; provides authentication and authorization for other services
(OpenStack Keystone)
•Compute: Manages the lifecycle of compute instances. Responsibilities include spawning, scheduling and
decommissioning of VMs (OpenStack Nova)
•Network: Enable Network-Connectivity-as-a-Service for other services, e.g. Compute, (OpenStack Neutron)
– Persistent block storage for running compute instances (OpenStack Cinder)
– Stores and retrieves arbitrary unstructured data object and provide storage for other services, e.g. Image,
(OpenStack Swift)
• Image: Stores and retrieves VM disk images used by compute (OpenStack Glance)
• Monitoring: Monitoring information about VMs
• SDC: Deploying Software in VMs
• PaaS Manager
– Working with regions
– Creating Tiers and deploying Blueprints
Fiware cloud developers week brussels
FIWARE Lab Cloud – Multiregion

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(Re)Indexing Large Repositories in Alfresco
(Re)Indexing Large Repositories in Alfresco(Re)Indexing Large Repositories in Alfresco
(Re)Indexing Large Repositories in Alfresco

This document discusses reindexing large repositories in Alfresco. It covers the Alfresco SOLR architecture, the indexing process, scenarios that require reindexing, alternatives for deployment during reindexing to minimize downtime, monitoring and profiling tools, and future improvements planned for Search Services 2.0 to optimize indexing performance. Benchmark results are presented showing improvements that reduced reindexing time for 1.2 billion documents from 21 days to 10 days.

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Elk ruminating on logs
Elk ruminating on logsElk ruminating on logs
Elk ruminating on logs

During this brief walkthrough of the setup, configuration and use of the toolset we will show you how to find the trees from the forest in today's modern cloud environments and beyond.

Hacking on OpenStack\'s Nova source code
Hacking on OpenStack\'s Nova source codeHacking on OpenStack\'s Nova source code
Hacking on OpenStack\'s Nova source code

Understanding the source code of an open source project is essential not only to developers, but also to operators. Nova, being the main project of OpenStack, covers the core functionality in which OpenStack provides. Therefore understanding the inner structure of Nova should be beneficial to people related in all aspects. This talk is about the structure of Nova\'s source code with an example to help you to understand the overall process scheme of OpenStack. At the end, I briefly introduce how you can contribute to the OpenStack community.

• Creating an account
• Understanding organizations
– Mapped to OS tenants
• Signing in in Cloud Portal
Add new user
Enter your email and password
to access to the FIWARE Lab.
If you do not have it or forgot it,
sign up or request for a new
FIWARE Lab: Basic functionalities
FIWARE Lab: Basic functionalities
• Create keypair (private key)
• Create security group (incoming ports to VM, e.g. 22 for ssh)
• Deploy an instance
–choice from a library of predefined images, e.g. Centros, Ubuntu, etc.
–choice flavor of resource configuration (vCPU, memory, user disk, ephemeral disk).
–choice security group.
–choice keypair to ssh into VM.
–specify configuration scripts (optional).
• Associate public IP with VM.
• Create private networks and associate to VMs.
• Create storage volumes and attach to VM.

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Introducing Gridiron Security and Compliance Management Platform and Enclave ...
Introducing Gridiron Security and Compliance Management Platform and Enclave ...Introducing Gridiron Security and Compliance Management Platform and Enclave ...
Introducing Gridiron Security and Compliance Management Platform and Enclave ...

View more (including full video and transcript) at: The Aptible Update Webinar Series is a quarterly presentation that covers recent features and changes to the Enclave deployment platform and Gridiron security management products. The Aptible Update Webinar Series is a quarterly presentation that covers recent features and changes to the Enclave deployment platform and Gridiron security management products. These webinars feature technical sessions led by Aptible engineers, live demonstrations, customer examples, and Q&A with the Aptible team. This Aptible Update Webinar covers: - A preview of Gridiron, our security management and compliance platform - Improvements to the Enclave deployment process for reliability, predictability and speed - Enclave database logging - The Enclave CLI for Windows - Continual efforts to strengthen Enclave security

hipaahipaa compliancedevops
Discovering the 2 in Alfresco Search Services 2.0
Discovering the 2 in Alfresco Search Services 2.0Discovering the 2 in Alfresco Search Services 2.0
Discovering the 2 in Alfresco Search Services 2.0

This document summarizes a presentation about Alfresco Search Services 2.0. Key points include: - Solr was updated to remove the custom content store and leverage more built-in Solr features like replication and backups. This improved performance and reduced disk usage. - New date fields were added that break dates down into individual components like year, month, day, etc. to enable more granular search queries. - Asynchronous maintenance actions were introduced to schedule and retry tasks like reindexing, purging, and fixing index issues in the background. - Security was enhanced with support for mutual TLS and storing passwords in JVM properties instead of plain text files. Performance tracking and indexing controls

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Deploying Containerised Open-Source CSP Platforms
Deploying Containerised Open-Source CSP PlatformsDeploying Containerised Open-Source CSP Platforms
Deploying Containerised Open-Source CSP Platforms

Alfresco and Nuxeo in Action! Slides for Hyland FOSDEM 2022 presentation

Create keypair
You must create a keypair
to access to the servers.
Security groups
Create a Security Group
Create and edit Security Group rules
Launch Instances
Launch new

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Security model for a remote company
Security model for a remote companySecurity model for a remote company
Security model for a remote company

Security model for a remote company like Qovery. Usage of OICD, Kubernetes, double auth, Hashicorp Vault and Boundary

Cosmos, Big Data GE Implementation
Cosmos, Big Data GE ImplementationCosmos, Big Data GE Implementation
Cosmos, Big Data GE Implementation

This document provides an overview of big data and the Cosmos big data platform from Telefonica. It discusses what big data is, how much data exists, and common tools for working with big data like Hadoop and MapReduce. It then describes the Cosmos platform, how to create clusters and access data using REST APIs or command line tools. Examples are given for querying data using Hive and writing MapReduce applications.

Service Discovery using etcd, Consul and Kubernetes
Service Discovery using etcd, Consul and KubernetesService Discovery using etcd, Consul and Kubernetes
Service Discovery using etcd, Consul and Kubernetes

Overview of Service Discovery and Service Discovery using etcd, Consul, Kubernetes and Docker. Presented at Open source meetup, Bangalore(

Launch Instances
Launch Instances
Allocate IP to a project
Allocate new IP
Allocate Floating IP

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Security Issues in OpenStack
Security Issues in OpenStackSecurity Issues in OpenStack
Security Issues in OpenStack

Presentation of a Master thesis project that analyzed security issues in OpenStack Object Storage - open source cloud storage software.

cloud computing
NATS: Simple, Secure and Scalable Messaging For the Cloud Native Era
NATS: Simple, Secure and Scalable Messaging For the Cloud Native EraNATS: Simple, Secure and Scalable Messaging For the Cloud Native Era
NATS: Simple, Secure and Scalable Messaging For the Cloud Native Era

The majority of middleware and messaging systems in use were built in a time that did not have the concept of scale and real-time data that developers operate in today. With the rise of Cloud Native and Microservices architectures as a design principle and the emphasis on simplicity, speed, and flexibility that come with it, developers need a messaging protocol to match. Enter NATS. NATS is a remarkably lightweight messaging protocol, and extremely flexible and resilient. It is just a few MB in size, and can scale to publish tens of millions of message from a single server.

OpenStack Security Project
OpenStack Security ProjectOpenStack Security Project
OpenStack Security Project

Learn about the OpenStack Security Project, the projects we're working on, and how you can get involved.

Instances Overview
Access to the instance
FIWARE Network
• Multi-tenancy: Do I need to isolate tenants?
– Even if you trust them, you might want isolation.
– Tenant creates his own network(s) and router(s) allowing complex network
topologies for multi-tier applications.
• Create private network with subnets.
• Create router and interfaces.
• Set gateway.
• Deploy instance on network.
Create your own network
Create a new

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OpenStack Architecture
OpenStack ArchitectureOpenStack Architecture
OpenStack Architecture

OpenStack is the open source cloud platform that enables Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). This slideshare explains the architecture of OpenStack.

cloudopenstack cloudopenstack
Shmoocon 2013 - OpenStack Security Brief
Shmoocon 2013 - OpenStack Security BriefShmoocon 2013 - OpenStack Security Brief
Shmoocon 2013 - OpenStack Security Brief

This summary provides an overview of the key points from the OpenStack security document: 1. OpenStack is an open source cloud computing platform consisting of several interrelated components like Nova, Swift, Keystone, etc. Each component has its own REST API and is responsible for a certain functionality like compute, storage, identity, etc. 2. The document discusses various security aspects and pain points related to different OpenStack components like authentication tokens, message buses, REST APIs, volumes, and intrusion detection. 3. It also covers strategies for incident response, forensics, and reporting vulnerabilities in OpenStack. Maintaining chain of custody for evidence and providing forensic access to tenants are highlighted. 4. Finally, the

Setting up your virtual infrastructure using FIWARE Lab Cloud
Setting up your virtual infrastructure using FIWARE Lab CloudSetting up your virtual infrastructure using FIWARE Lab Cloud
Setting up your virtual infrastructure using FIWARE Lab Cloud

Brief description how to use FIWARE Lab Cloud to deploy your resources and the differents steps and recomendations that you have to follow to resolve any problem

openstackfiware lab
Add subnet associate to the previous network
Add subnet
Add subnet associate to the previous network
Add Network
Address (CIDR)
Define DNS
Create a router
Assign router
Set gateway
Assign a
to the router

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Intro to the FIWARE Lab
Intro to the FIWARE LabIntro to the FIWARE Lab
Intro to the FIWARE Lab

Intro to the FIWARE Lab: Setting Up Your Virtual Infrastructure Using FIWARE Lab Cloud, by Fernando López. 1st FIWARE Summit, Málaga, Dec. 13-15, 2016.

iotinfrastructurevirtual infrastructure
Masterless Puppet Using AWS S3 Buckets and IAM Roles
Masterless Puppet Using AWS S3 Buckets and IAM RolesMasterless Puppet Using AWS S3 Buckets and IAM Roles
Masterless Puppet Using AWS S3 Buckets and IAM Roles

Sydney based cloud consultancy Cloudten's Richard Tomkinson shows how masterless Puppet can be used in concert with AWS's services including Lambda to automate server builds and manage code deployments

Setting up your virtual infrastructure using fi lab cloud webminar
Setting up your virtual infrastructure using fi lab cloud webminarSetting up your virtual infrastructure using fi lab cloud webminar
Setting up your virtual infrastructure using fi lab cloud webminar

This document provides instructions for setting up virtual infrastructure on FI-LAB Cloud using OpenStack. It discusses creating an account, deploying servers, adding security groups and IPs. It also covers using containers and volumes for storage and deploying application components using blueprint templates to launch multi-tier applications on the cloud platform.

Set gateway
Select the
Assign subnet
Double Click on
router name
Assign subnet
Add interface
Assign subnet
Select the network
to connect

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Devnet 1005 Getting Started with OpenStack
Devnet 1005 Getting Started with OpenStackDevnet 1005 Getting Started with OpenStack
Devnet 1005 Getting Started with OpenStack

Install OpenStack within a VM on your own laptop. Acquaint yourself with the development environment. Learn your way around Horizon (GUI) and the CLI to view and operate an OpenStack cloud. Activate and operate integrations to Cisco network elements

FIWARE Primer - Learn FIWARE in 60 Minutes
FIWARE Primer - Learn FIWARE in 60 MinutesFIWARE Primer - Learn FIWARE in 60 Minutes
FIWARE Primer - Learn FIWARE in 60 Minutes

FIWARE ( is a collection of well-integrated Open Source tools (e.g. OpenStack, Hadoop, Docker, ...) that provides a set of RESTful APIs that allows for easy development of cloud-based applications. Haven't you yet heard about it? Sit down and enjoy the ride! The talk will present FIWARE main APIs and discuss a small example of FIWARE-based application for context-aware data management.

cloudfiwareinternet of things
Federico Michele Facca - FIWARE Primer - Learn FIWARE in 60 Minutes
Federico Michele Facca - FIWARE Primer - Learn FIWARE in 60 MinutesFederico Michele Facca - FIWARE Primer - Learn FIWARE in 60 Minutes
Federico Michele Facca - FIWARE Primer - Learn FIWARE in 60 Minutes

FIWARE ( is a collection of well-integrated Open Source tools (e.g. OpenStack, Hadoop, Docker, ...) that provides a set of RESTful APIs that allows for easy development of cloud-based applications. Haven't you yet heard about it? Sit down and enjoy the ride! The talk will present FIWARE main APIs and discuss a small example of FIWARE-based application for context-aware data management.

fiwarecodemotion milan 2015
Deploy a new instance: Networking
Select the network
to connect
Create a volume
Attach a volume to an instance
Volume attached

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Cloud Platform Symantec Meetup Nov 2014
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Cloud Platform Symantec Meetup Nov 2014

Openstack Lessons learned Continuous Integration and Deployment using Openstack Tuning Openstack for High Availability and Performance in Large Production Deployments

Quick overview of Openstack architecture
Quick overview of Openstack architectureQuick overview of Openstack architecture
Quick overview of Openstack architecture

The document provides an overview of OpenStack, including: - OpenStack is an open source cloud computing platform consisting of interrelated components that provide infrastructure as a service. - The major components are Nova (compute), Glance (image), Swift (object storage), Cinder (block storage), Quantum (networking), Keystone (identity), and Horizon (dashboard). - Each component has multiple sub-components that work together to provide services like compute, storage, networking, and identity/access management.

Private Cloud with Open Stack, Docker
Private Cloud with Open Stack, DockerPrivate Cloud with Open Stack, Docker
Private Cloud with Open Stack, Docker

Motivation, considerations, approach on adopting private cloud. Discussion on using Open Stack, Docker for building private clouds.

iaas paas saas openstack docker cloud
FIWARE Object Store, i.e. OpenStack Swift
• Create container
• Upload objects, i.e. files
• Download objects
• Storlets (to be deployed)
– Small computer programs that can be deployed and get executed inside a Swift cluster in an isolated manner.
– Bring the compute to the data thus saving on the bandwidth required to bring the data to the compute.
– Based on a Swift cluster empowered with the storlet engine Swift middleware and Docker, which allows the execution
of user written code inside Swift in an isolated manner.
Object Storage API
• Authentication to get initial token
username='' password='mypassword' curl -d '{"auth": {"passwordCredentials":
{"username":"'$username'", "password":"'$password'"}}}'  -H 'Content-type: aplication/json'  -vvv
• Use initial token to get tenant
curl -H 'x-auth-token: '$token
• Authenticate tenant to get token for Object Storage
curl -d '{"auth": {"passwordCredentials": {"username":"'$username'", "password":"'$password'"},
"tenantId":"'$tenantId'"}}'  -H 'Content-type: aplication/json'
• Object Storage URL
FIWARE Lab: PaaS, working with
• Deploying components for your application.
• Create blueprint templates.
• Create Tiers on a blueprint template.
• Launch blueprint templates -> create blueprint instances.
• See details of the blueprint instance.
• Check the SW installed on the blueprint instance.

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Openstack workshop @ Kalasalingam
Openstack workshop @ KalasalingamOpenstack workshop @ Kalasalingam
Openstack workshop @ Kalasalingam

This document provides an overview of an OpenStack workshop held at Kalasalingam Institute of Technology on September 26th 2015. It defines cloud computing and the different cloud models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS). It then discusses the core OpenStack components like Compute (Nova), Identity (Keystone), Networking (Neutron), Image (Glance), Block Storage (Cinder), Object Storage (Swift), Orchestration (Heat), and Telemetry (Ceilometer). It also covers concepts like hypervisors, security groups, public/private/hybrid clouds. Finally, it provides examples of commands to manage resources using different OpenStack services.

openstackprivate cloudworkshop
Workshop - Openstack, Cloud Computing, Virtualization
Workshop - Openstack, Cloud Computing, VirtualizationWorkshop - Openstack, Cloud Computing, Virtualization
Workshop - Openstack, Cloud Computing, Virtualization

This document provides an overview of an OpenStack workshop held at Kalasalingam Institute of Technology on September 26th 2015. It defines cloud computing and the different cloud models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS). It then discusses the core OpenStack components like Compute (Nova), Identity (Keystone), Networking (Neutron), Image (Glance), Block Storage (Cinder), Object Storage (Swift), Orchestration (Heat), and Telemetry (Ceilometer). It also covers concepts like hypervisors, security groups, networking, and provides examples of CLI commands for interacting with the different services.

The Challenges of Becoming Cloud Native
The Challenges of Becoming Cloud NativeThe Challenges of Becoming Cloud Native
The Challenges of Becoming Cloud Native

Talk presented at Cloud Native London meetup, 4th July 2017 Demos available online @

Real scenario
• Users want to define lots of parameters.
– Password, ports, default installation.
• Users want to install several things in the same server.
– Tomcat + git, tomcat + java + git, …
• Users need to deploy complex environment.
– One server for Tomcat, another for MySQL, …
• Some parameters are unknown before instantiate the system.
Deploy example
Blueprint template: fiware1
• Blueprint Template: platform specification to be deployed.
• Tier: Each kind of software and server to be deployed.
• Each Tier can be deployed in one or several servers (e.g.
tomcat, 2-5 servers).
• Blueprint Instance: Deployed in the testbed.
Tier 1: Tomcat
Tier 2: Context Broker Tier 3: MongoDB
Server: 1 Server: 1
Servers: 2-5
Context Broker
Context Broker
Create a new blueprint template
Press the option
“Blueprint Templates”
from menu
You can open the Catalog of
Blueprint Template or create
from the scratch.
Create a new blueprint template
You should introduce the
“Name” and the

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What's new in Docker - InfraKit - Docker Meetup Berlin 2016
What's new in Docker - InfraKit - Docker Meetup Berlin 2016What's new in Docker - InfraKit - Docker Meetup Berlin 2016
What's new in Docker - InfraKit - Docker Meetup Berlin 2016

This document provides an overview of Docker and its products and initiatives: 1. Docker provides tools for container isolation using Linux kernel features like namespaces and cgroups. It also utilizes image layers for packaging applications. 2. Docker's products focus on the developer experience through tools like Docker for Mac/Windows, as well as orchestration with Swarm mode and services in Docker 1.12. 3. For operations, Docker provides tools to integrate with load balancers, templates, and other infrastructure through products like Docker Universal Control Plane and Docker Cloud. Docker is building tools to program infrastructure as code.

distributed computingdockerapis
As a Service: Cloud Foundry on OpenStack - Lessons Learnt
As a Service: Cloud Foundry on OpenStack - Lessons LearntAs a Service: Cloud Foundry on OpenStack - Lessons Learnt
As a Service: Cloud Foundry on OpenStack - Lessons Learnt

According to OpenStack users survey, Cloud Foundry is the 2nd most popular workload on OpenStack. You want to deploy Cloud Foundry on OpenStack or already have. What's next? Cloud Foundry continues to evolve with revolutionary changes, e.g move from bosh-micro to bosh-init, using the new eCPI, move to Diego etc. Same with OpenStack, e.g changes from Keystone v2 to v3, from Liberty to Mitaka, network plugins changes etc. Both IaaS and PaaS layers are changing frequently. How do you do in-place updates/upgrades/operational tasks without impacting user experience at both the layers? In this talk will discuss our lessons learnt operating hybrid Cloud Foundry deployments on top of OpenStack over the last two years and how we used underlying technologies to seamlessly operate them

PowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint PresentationPowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint Presentation

- Alfresco solutions can be provisioned and deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud platform. This provides advantages like infinite resources, pay as you go pricing, rapid scalability, and provisioning speed. - AWS services like EC2, S3, and EBS allow deployment of virtual servers and storage. DevOps tools like Puppet can help automate configuration and provisioning. - Deploying Alfresco on AWS provides opportunities for auto scaling, historical usage statistics from monitoring, and a potential Alfresco admin console for management of the AWS environment. However, challenges include network and storage configuration and automated provisioning of new nodes

Add tiers
To add new Tier,
press “hh-template” name.
Add tiers
After press “Add Tier” you see
this windows to define
the servers of this tier.
You must select a Keypair
to access to those servers.
You should specify the
maximum, minimum and
number of servers
Add software in tier
Install software pressing
the mouse right click.
Add software in tier
Edit special attributes like
default port.

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"OpenStack — more than just software". Tom Fifield, OpenStack
"OpenStack — more than just software". Tom Fifield, OpenStack"OpenStack — more than just software". Tom Fifield, OpenStack
"OpenStack — more than just software". Tom Fifield, OpenStack

OpenStack is a cloud computing platform that provides access to computing, networking, and storage resources. It consists of a collection of RESTful web services that work together to manage all aspects of a cloud, including launching virtual machines, attaching storage, and configuring networks. When a user requests a new server, the compute service coordinates with the image, networking, and storage services to start a new virtual machine on a compute node that has the necessary resources available.


The document provides an overview of various cloud computing, big data, and web development projects. It summarizes achievements in cloud infrastructure using OpenStack and OpenShift, building Hadoop clusters for big data analytics, and developing web applications. It outlines next steps of integrating OpenShift with OpenStack, implementing real-time data processing using HBase, and automating matching between farmers and food processors for a web application.

Proto kubernetes onswitc_hengines_tue100418
Proto kubernetes onswitc_hengines_tue100418Proto kubernetes onswitc_hengines_tue100418
Proto kubernetes onswitc_hengines_tue100418

In this deck from the 2018 Swiss HPC Conference, Saverio Proto from SWITCH presents: Kubernetes as a Service Built on OpenStack. "At SWITCH we are looking to provide a container platform as a Service solution. We are working on Kubernetes leveraging the Openstack cloud provider integration. In this talk we show how to re-use the existing keystone credentials to access the K8s cluster, how to obtain PVCs using the Cinder storage class and many other nice integration details." Watch the video: Learn more: and Sign up for our insideHPC Newsletter:

Add software in tier
Connect network
Drag&Drop the network
to connect the tier..
Introduce an alias to
together several tiers.
Launch a Blueprint Template -> Blueprint Instance
Press “Action” and select
“Launch Template” to launch
the Instance.

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.NET Core Apps: Design & Development
.NET Core Apps: Design & Development.NET Core Apps: Design & Development
.NET Core Apps: Design & Development

This talk cover the principles and the best practices in creation of flexible Microsoft .NET Core-based applications in connection with Microsoft Azure services, as well as tools and libraries that greatly simplify the development, configuration and deployment of applications. Also, attention paid to some pitfalls that may be encountered while using .NET Core. This presentation by Andrii Antilikatorov, Consultant at GlobalLogic Kharkiv, was delivered at GlobalLogic Kharkiv MS TechTalk #2 on November 4, 2017.

Introduction to FIWARE technology
Introduction to FIWARE  technologyIntroduction to FIWARE  technology
Introduction to FIWARE technology

This document provides an overview of FIWARE technology and the FIWARE Foundation. It discusses how FIWARE uses an open standard NGSI-LD API to manage context information and share data across domains. FIWARE provides a platform for building smart solutions by gathering, processing and analyzing real-world data from various sources. The FIWARE Foundation promotes the adoption of FIWARE technologies globally and has grown to over 400 members within 4 years.

DW2020 Data Models - FIWARE Platform
DW2020 Data Models - FIWARE PlatformDW2020 Data Models - FIWARE Platform
DW2020 Data Models - FIWARE Platform

A brief introduction to FIWARE Technology and Smart Data models with explanation about the integration of Digital Twin in Water Sector.

fiwaredigital twinsmart data models
Launch a Blueprint Template -> Blueprint Instance
You should specify the “Name”
and “Description” for
your blueprint.
Firstly, the deployment
of infrastructure.
Secondly, the
of the software.
Finally, if all was ok.
Pressing the name you can
see the tiers of this blueprint.

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FIWARE and Smart Data Models
FIWARE and Smart Data ModelsFIWARE and Smart Data Models
FIWARE and Smart Data Models

FIWARE provides an open standard for managing context and digital twin data to enable the development of smart solutions across multiple sectors. The FIWARE context broker uses NGSI APIs to integrate data from different sources and build a digital twin representation of the real world. Smart data models define common data models for different domains to increase interoperability and reduce development costs when building smart applications. The smart data models initiative is led by several organizations and aims to create a community for defining and maintaining open data models using an agile process.

fiwarengsi-ldsmart data models
How to deploy a smart city platform?
How to deploy a smart city platform?How to deploy a smart city platform?
How to deploy a smart city platform?

First overview of the deployment of Smart City Platform, Powered by FIWARE solutions following the recommendation of the FIWARE DevOps lesson learns. We introduce the concepts and the requirements to explain why we have adopted this approach based on Docker and Docker Compose and the reason behind the Orchestration of services, applied in this presentation into Docker Swarm. Finally, we provide the reason, why should be use the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with Terraform and Ansible.

Building the Smart City Platform on FIWARE Lab
Building the Smart City Platform on FIWARE LabBuilding the Smart City Platform on FIWARE Lab
Building the Smart City Platform on FIWARE Lab

Description of a Smart City Platform, what is the offering of FIWARE in terms of the Smart City Platform with general concepts about the standards used and a complete architecture of services. The relationship of Smart Cities and Cloud for deployment of solutions, with the specific case of the FIWARE Lab. This is our OpenStack environment free for use for the FIWARE Ecosystem to deploy Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to test the "Powered by FIWARE" solutions.

cloud computingfiwareopenstack
Press it to get information
of your server.
Reference Information
• FIWARE Cloud Portal:
– Documentation:
• FIWARE Cloud Infrastructure
– Account:
– SDC:
– PaaS Manager:
• FIWARE eLearning Platform
• More detailed presentation
– Slides:

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Data Modeling with NGSI, NGSI-LD
Data Modeling with NGSI, NGSI-LDData Modeling with NGSI, NGSI-LD
Data Modeling with NGSI, NGSI-LD

NGSI-LD provides a more complex data model than NGSIv2 by introducing properties, relationships, and additional metadata. It evolves NGSIv2 to support linked data by making payloads valid JSON-LD. This allows for a navigable knowledge graph compared to the simpler NGSIv2 model. The document discusses the differences between the two models and provides examples of creating and reading entity data in each.

FIWARE and Robotics
FIWARE and RoboticsFIWARE and Robotics
FIWARE and Robotics

How can FIWARE and Standardised Context Data Management create synergies between Robotic Systems and other Smart Solutions. How to integrate Real-Time Operating System (ROS) with FIWARE Orion Context Broker. ● What is a Robotic System? ● How to get/put context data out from/into robotic systems?

Big Data and Machine Learning with FIWARE
Big Data and Machine Learning with FIWAREBig Data and Machine Learning with FIWARE
Big Data and Machine Learning with FIWARE

Introduction to Big Data and how FIWARE manage it through the different approaches. What are the differences between Apache Flink and Spark approaches. Introduction to FIWARE Connectors to manage NGSI context information. Brief introduction to Machine Learning with FIWARE technology

fiwarefiware cosmosapache flink
Fiware cloud developers week brussels
If you have any question or problem contact to
You can go to stackoverflow and ask question with
the tag fiware and/or filab.
Fiware cloud developers week brussels

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Operational Dashboards with FIWARE WireCloud
Operational Dashboards with FIWARE WireCloudOperational Dashboards with FIWARE WireCloud
Operational Dashboards with FIWARE WireCloud

Introduction to the cutting-edge end-user (software) development, RIA and semantic technologies to offer a next-generation end-user centred web application mashup platform through FIWARE WireCloud.

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Creating a Context-Aware solution, Complex Event Processing with FIWARE Perseo
Creating a Context-Aware solution, Complex Event Processing with FIWARE PerseoCreating a Context-Aware solution, Complex Event Processing with FIWARE Perseo
Creating a Context-Aware solution, Complex Event Processing with FIWARE Perseo

Introduction to Complex Event Processing (CEP). How FIWARE deals with CEP through FIWARE Perseo. How to connect FIWARE Perseo with FIWARE Orion Context Broker. How can we define an event with Event Processing Language (EPL) and what are the predefined actions to include in FIWARE Perseo.

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FIWARE Identity Management and Access Control
FIWARE Identity Management and Access ControlFIWARE Identity Management and Access Control
FIWARE Identity Management and Access Control

Introduction to the security components used in FIWARE architecture. What is the standard communication of the oAuth2.0 standard. What about the fine grane access to the information using XACML standard. How to use JWT with FIWARE Secure components. What are the different types of accessing support are allowed. How to offer security access to your applications using these components. What is eIDAS and eID and how to integrate them in the FIWARE Security architecture. Finally an overview of the Data Usage Control using FIWARE Security components

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Fiware cloud developers week brussels

  • 1. FIWARE Cloud Fernando López Telefónica I+D Cloud Architects, FIWARE, @flopezaguilar Kenneth Nagin IBM Cloud Chapter Lead, FIWARE
  • 2. Content • FIWARE Lab Cloud Hosting: Overview and Architecture • FIWARE Lab: Basic functionalities –FIWARE Compute Services –FIWARE Network Services –FIWARE Storage Services • FIWARE Lab: PaaS, working with Blueprints • Reference Information 2
  • 3. FIWARE Lab Cloud Hosting: Overview and Architecture 3
  • 4. FIWARE Lab Cloud Hosting 4
  • 5. FIWARE Lab Cloud Hosting Cloud Portal PaaS SDC Monitoring Account 5 Compute Object Storage
  • 6. Summary •Account: Manages identity and organizations; provides authentication and authorization for other services (OpenStack Keystone) •Compute: Manages the lifecycle of compute instances. Responsibilities include spawning, scheduling and decommissioning of VMs (OpenStack Nova) •Network: Enable Network-Connectivity-as-a-Service for other services, e.g. Compute, (OpenStack Neutron) •Storage: – Persistent block storage for running compute instances (OpenStack Cinder) – Stores and retrieves arbitrary unstructured data object and provide storage for other services, e.g. Image, (OpenStack Swift) • Image: Stores and retrieves VM disk images used by compute (OpenStack Glance) • Monitoring: Monitoring information about VMs • SDC: Deploying Software in VMs • PaaS Manager – Working with regions – Creating Tiers and deploying Blueprints 6
  • 8. FIWARE Lab Cloud – Multiregion 8
  • 9. Account • Creating an account – • Understanding organizations – Mapped to OS tenants • Signing in in Cloud Portal – – SSO 9
  • 10. Add new user Enter your email and password to access to the FIWARE Lab. If you do not have it or forgot it, sign up or request for a new one. 10
  • 11. FIWARE Lab: Basic functionalities 11
  • 12. FIWARE Lab: Basic functionalities • Create keypair (private key) • Create security group (incoming ports to VM, e.g. 22 for ssh) • Deploy an instance –choice from a library of predefined images, e.g. Centros, Ubuntu, etc. –choice flavor of resource configuration (vCPU, memory, user disk, ephemeral disk). –choice security group. –choice keypair to ssh into VM. –specify configuration scripts (optional). • Associate public IP with VM. • Create private networks and associate to VMs. • Create storage volumes and attach to VM. 12
  • 13. Create keypair You must create a keypair to access to the servers. 13
  • 14. Security groups Create a Security Group 14
  • 15. Create and edit Security Group rules 15
  • 19. Allocate IP to a project Allocate new IP 19
  • 22. Access to the instance 22
  • 23. FIWARE Network • Multi-tenancy: Do I need to isolate tenants? – Even if you trust them, you might want isolation. – Tenant creates his own network(s) and router(s) allowing complex network topologies for multi-tier applications. • Create private network with subnets. • Create router and interfaces. • Set gateway. • Deploy instance on network. 23
  • 24. Create your own network Create a new Network 24
  • 25. Add subnet associate to the previous network Add subnet 25
  • 26. Add subnet associate to the previous network Add Network Address (CIDR) Define DNS server 26
  • 27. Create a router Assign router name 27
  • 30. Assign subnet Double Click on the router name 30
  • 32. Assign subnet Select the network to connect 32
  • 33. Deploy a new instance: Networking Select the network to connect 33
  • 35. Attach a volume to an instance 35
  • 37. FIWARE Object Store, i.e. OpenStack Swift • Create container • Upload objects, i.e. files • Download objects • Storlets (to be deployed) – Small computer programs that can be deployed and get executed inside a Swift cluster in an isolated manner. – Bring the compute to the data thus saving on the bandwidth required to bring the data to the compute. – Based on a Swift cluster empowered with the storlet engine Swift middleware and Docker, which allows the execution of user written code inside Swift in an isolated manner.
  • 38. Object Storage API • _User_and_Programmers_Guide • Authentication to get initial token username='' password='mypassword' curl -d '{"auth": {"passwordCredentials": {"username":"'$username'", "password":"'$password'"}}}' -H 'Content-type: aplication/json' -vvv • Use initial token to get tenant curl -H 'x-auth-token: '$token • Authenticate tenant to get token for Object Storage curl -d '{"auth": {"passwordCredentials": {"username":"'$username'", "password":"'$password'"}, "tenantId":"'$tenantId'"}}' -H 'Content-type: aplication/json' • Object Storage URL 38
  • 39. FIWARE Lab: PaaS, working with Blueprints 39
  • 40. FIWARE PaaS • Deploying components for your application. • Create blueprint templates. • Create Tiers on a blueprint template. • Launch blueprint templates -> create blueprint instances. • See details of the blueprint instance. • Check the SW installed on the blueprint instance. 40
  • 41. Real scenario • Users want to define lots of parameters. – Password, ports, default installation. • Users want to install several things in the same server. – Tomcat + git, tomcat + java + git, … • Users need to deploy complex environment. – One server for Tomcat, another for MySQL, … • Some parameters are unknown before instantiate the system. 41
  • 42. Deploy example Blueprint template: fiware1 • Blueprint Template: platform specification to be deployed. • Tier: Each kind of software and server to be deployed. • Each Tier can be deployed in one or several servers (e.g. tomcat, 2-5 servers). • Blueprint Instance: Deployed in the testbed. Tier 1: Tomcat Tier 2: Context Broker Tier 3: MongoDB Server: 1 Server: 1 Servers: 2-5 Context Broker Context Broker 42
  • 43. Create a new blueprint template 43 Press the option “Blueprint Templates” from menu You can open the Catalog of Blueprint Template or create one from the scratch.
  • 44. Create a new blueprint template 44 You should introduce the “Name” and the “Description”.
  • 45. Add tiers 45 To add new Tier, press “hh-template” name.
  • 46. Add tiers 46 After press “Add Tier” you see this windows to define the servers of this tier. You must select a Keypair to access to those servers. You should specify the maximum, minimum and current number of servers
  • 47. Add software in tier 47 Install software pressing the mouse right click.
  • 48. Add software in tier 48 Edit special attributes like default port.
  • 49. Add software in tier 49
  • 50. Connect network 50 Drag&Drop the network to connect the tier.. Introduce an alias to connect together several tiers.
  • 52. Launch a Blueprint Template -> Blueprint Instance 52 Press “Action” and select “Launch Template” to launch the Instance.
  • 53. Launch a Blueprint Template -> Blueprint Instance 53 You should specify the “Name” and “Description” for your blueprint.
  • 56. Demo 56 Finally, if all was ok. Pressing the name you can see the tiers of this blueprint.
  • 57. Demo 57 Press it to get information of your server.
  • 60. Documentation • FIWARE Cloud Portal: – Documentation: upm • FIWARE Cloud Infrastructure – Account: – SDC: – PaaS Manager: • FIWARE eLearning Platform – • More detailed presentation – Slides: 60
  • 62. If you have any question or problem contact to You can go to stackoverflow and ask question with the tag fiware and/or filab. 62