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Faster Java EE Builds
with Gradle
 Ryan Cuprak
 @ctjava
Introducing Gradle
• Open source build automation system
• Apache 2.0 License
• Builds upon Apache Ant and Maven
• First released in 2007
• Uses a Groovy-based DSL (not XML)
• Uses directed acyclic graph to determine build order
• Supports multiple languages: Java, C++, C, etc.
• Rich plug-in architecture
• Convention over configuration but easily
Introducing Gradle
• Build file can be versioned like dependencies.
Ever run Ant 1.9 file with Ant 1.6?
• Background daemon reduces build-time
• Supports incremental builds
• Built-in profiling support
• Build projects in parallel and some tasks*
• Built-in Ant/Maven integration
• Supported central repositories:
• Maven Central
• Jcenter
• Ivy

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Scala play-framework

The Play Framework is a web framework for Java and Scala that provides a lightweight and scalable architecture built on Akka. It allows for the creation of RESTful applications with non-blocking I/O and real-time capabilities. Play embraces modern web technologies and includes features for persistence, security, internationalization and more.

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Spring Framework - Core
Spring Framework - CoreSpring Framework - Core
Spring Framework - Core

Introduction to the Spring Framework: Generar description IoC container Dependency Injection Beans scope and lifecycle Autowiring XML and annotation based configuration Additional features

iocspring frameworkdependency injection
Next stop: Spring 4
Next stop: Spring 4Next stop: Spring 4
Next stop: Spring 4

In this presentation I will go through latest features being added in Spring 3.1/3.2 one more time and also will try to look behind the scene on what new features are comming in Spring 4 which should be released at the end of this year.

Build System Evolution
Gradle versus Maven
Feature Gradle Maven
Fully configurable DAG ✅ ❌
Task Exclusion ✅ ❌
Dry Run ✅ ❌
Advanced Task Ordering ✅ ❌
Custom Distributions ✅ ❌
Repository Aware Cache ✅ ❌
Version Conflict Resolution ✅ ❌
File Based Dependencies ✅ ❌
Finalizers ✅ ❌
Custom Dependency Scopes ✅ ❌
ReplaceByRules ✅ ❌
Why Gradle?
1. Do you need to learn Groovy?
No (Good idea)
2. Do you need to completely refactor your code base?
3. Do you need additional IDE plugins?
4. Do you need to change your build process?
5. Do you need to port your entire build system over?
No – can port over individual modules
6. Can you embed custom Ant logic?

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Don't Wait! Develop Responsive Applications with Java EE7 Instead
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The document discusses how to develop responsive applications with Java EE7. It focuses on using asynchronous processing and non-blocking I/O to maximize throughput and handle many requests. Key technologies discussed include JAX-RS 2.0 asynchronous processing, the Concurrency Utilities, the WebSocket API, and non-blocking I/O in Servlet 3.1. Code examples are provided for implementing asynchronous processing using these different Java EE 7 technologies.

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Apache DeltaSpike the CDI toolbox
Apache DeltaSpike the CDI toolboxApache DeltaSpike the CDI toolbox
Apache DeltaSpike the CDI toolbox

CDI portable extensions are one of greatest features of Java EE allowing the platform to be extended in a clean and portable way. But allowing extension is just part of the story. CDI opens the door to a whole new eco-system for Java EE, but it’s not the role of the specification to create these extensions. Apache DeltaSpike is the project that leads this brand new eco-system by providing useful extension modules for CDI applications as well as tools to ease the creation of new ones. In this session, we’ll start by presenting the DeltaSpike toolbox and show how it helps you to develop for CDI. Then we’ll describe the major extensions included in DeltaSpike, including 'configuration', 'scheduling' and 'data'.

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Angular beans
Angular beansAngular beans
Angular beans

This document introduces AngularBeans, which aims to integrate AngularJS with Java EE backends using CDI. Some key points: - AngularBeans allows defining Angular services using CDI beans, and enables features like dependency injection, JSON-RPC calls, and real-time capabilities between the frontend and backend. - It supports concepts of single-page applications and thin server architectures. AngularBeans services can make HTTP requests, handle events, and communicate over websockets. - Examples show how to create an AngularBean that exposes methods to the frontend, handle requests and return responses, access the backend via JSON-RPC calls, and implement real-time functionality using events and websockets.

7. Must all dependencies originate from a repository?
8. Can artifacts be pushed to a repository?
9. Can Jenkins initiate Gradle builds?
Why Gradle for Java EE?
Java EE projects are:
 Large
 Complex
 Contain many dependencies
 Ant lacks dependency management
Large Ant files are a nightmare to debug
Maven isn’t flexible
 Custom plugins aren’t the solution
 Evolving slowly
 Installation similar to Ant/Maven
 Download and install from
 Set environment variables:
 gradle = ant = mvn
Key Gradle Files
Build file build.gradle
Configuration settings settings.gradle
Local settings ~/.gradle/
Local repository (project)/.gradle
build.gradle = pom.xml = build.xml

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This document provides an overview of Spring and Spring Boot frameworks. It discusses the history of Java and Spring, how Spring provides inversion of control and dependency injection. It also covers Spring MVC for web applications, Spring Data for data access, and how Spring Boot aims to simplify configuration. The document concludes with discussing some next steps including looking at Spring Security, Spring Cloud, and using Spring with other JVM languages.

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Spring 3.1 introduced several eagerly awaited features including bean definition profiles (a.k.a., environment-specific configuration), enhanced Java-based application and infrastructure configuration (a la XML namespaces), and a new cache abstraction. This session will provide attendees a high-level overview of these major new features plus a quick look at additional enhancements to the framework such as the new c: namespace for constructor arguments, support for Servlet 3.0, improvements to Spring MVC and REST, and Spring's new integration testing support for profiles and configuration classes. In addition, this talk will introduce new features under development in the Spring 3.2 roadmap.

Introduction to Spring Framework
Introduction to Spring FrameworkIntroduction to Spring Framework
Introduction to Spring Framework

Fundamentals of Spring Framework and an introduction to Spring Core, Web (MVC), Security and Test modules

springspringframeworkweb development
Gradle Daemon
Gradle daemon is enabled by default
(Disable for continuous build environments!)
Displaying status
gradle –status
Stopping daemon:
gradle –stop
Disabling daemon:
Add org.gradle.daemon=false to ~/.gradle
Project Creation
To start a new project:
 gradle init – creates a new project
 Uses pom.xml if present.
 Imports multi-model projects
 Optionally specify –type <type>
 java-library
 scala-library
 groovy-library
 basic (default) – no src directories created.
 Central repository defaults to jcenter()
Project Creation…
 gradle init --type java-library
Default Project Layout
Initial Gradle File

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The document provides an overview of key concepts in advanced Java programming including the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), assertions, Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Java servlets, and Java Server Pages (JSP). It describes the JVM as a software layer that converts Java bytecode into machine code so it can run on any platform. It also outlines the components of the JVM and how assertions are used for programming by contract and verifying pre- and post-conditions. The document further explains how JDBC provides Java applications access to databases via SQL and the different types of JDBC drivers. It also summarizes how servlets handle HTTP requests and the basic servlet classes, and how JSP pages are compiled

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Play vs Grails Smackdown - Devoxx France 2013

Play and Grails are Java web frameworks that aim to enhance developer experience. The author developed the same application using both frameworks to compare their features. Some key differences included: - Database configuration and schema generation were simpler in Grails using GORM, while Play used EBean and evolutions. - URL mapping was defined in a Groovy file in Grails, and a routes file in Play. - Grails used Groovy Server Pages for views with tags, while Play used Scala templates. - Both supported features like validation, jobs, feeds, and email, but implementations differed, such as using plugins in Grails and direct APIs in Play. - Testing was supported through plugins

Command line – listing tasks
gradle –q tasks
All tasks runnable from root project
Build tasks
assemble - Assembles the outputs of this project.
build - Assembles and tests this project.
buildDependents - Assembles and tests this project and all
projects that depend on it.
buildNeeded - Assembles and tests this project and all projects
it depends on.
classes - Assembles classes 'main'.
clean - Deletes the build directory.
jar - Assembles a jar archive containing the main classes.
testClasses - Assembles classes 'test'.
Tasks Continued…
Build Setup tasks
init - Initializes a new Gradle build. [incubating]
wrapper - Generates Gradle wrapper files. [incubating]
Documentation tasks
javadoc - Generates Javadoc API documentation for the
main source code.
Tasks Continue…
Help tasks
components - Displays the components produced by root
project 'scratch'. [incubating]
dependencies - Displays all dependencies declared in root
project 'scratch'.
dependencyInsight - Displays the insight into a specific
dependency in root project 'scratch'.
help - Displays a help message.
model - Displays the configuration model of root project
'scratch'. [incubating]
projects - Displays the sub-projects of root project 'scratch'.
properties - Displays the properties of root project 'scratch'.
tasks - Displays the tasks runnable from root project 'scratch'.
Verification tasks
check - Runs all checks.
test - Runs the unit tests.
Sample Output
gradle build

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mysql connector replication "mysql cluster"
Projects versus Tasks
Project 1 Project 2
Project 3
Task 1
Task 3
Task 2
Depends on
Task 1
Task 2
Depends on
Task 1
Task 3
Task 2
Depends on
Task 3
Depends on
Understanding build.gradle
apply(options: Map<String,?>)
buildscript(config: Closure)
dependencies(config: Closure)
configurations(config: Closure)
setDescription(description: String)
setVersion(version: Object)
file(path: Object)
task(args: Map<String,?>,name: String)
Project is an implicit object.
Project.apply plugin: ‘java
Understanding Gradle Tasks
dependsOn(tasks: Object…)
doFirst(action: Closure)
doLast(action: Closure)
setDescription(description: String)
setEnabled(enabled: boolean)
setGroup(group: String)
Tasks are built on the Task object.
Defining Tasks

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Task Dependencies
Grouping Tasks
Grouping Tasks
Custom Group
Plugin ID Automatically
Works With Description
java java-base Java compilation/testing
application java,distribution
ear java Java EE Support
maven java,war Maven publishing
war java Assembles WAR files
java, distribution Support for tar/zip
distributions for Java
idea java Generates IDEA files
eclipse java,groovy,
Generates Eclipse files
Third party:

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Multi-Module Projects
Multi-Module Projects
Hierarchical Layout Flat Layout
Hierarchical Layout: Example Project
Hierarchical Layout: Top Level
build.gradle gradle.settings

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Hierarchical Layout: Second Level
 gradle.settings for ctcore/migrate/ctweb: = 'ctjava’
 migrate/ctweb dependencies on ctcore
compile project (':ctcore’)
IDE Support
IDE Support
IDE Separate Plugin Java EE Support
IDEA (free) No Yes
IDEA (paid) No Yes
NetBeans Yes Depends
Eclipse Yes Yes
Eclipse Gradle Support

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NetBeans Gradle Support
Multi-project Java EE projects not recognized.
IntelliJ Support
Legacy Project
NetBeans EE Project to Gradle
File System Project Representation

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NetBeans EE Project to Gradle
Java Source
WAR Plugin
Local JARs
NetBeans EE Project to Gradle
Web resource
Java EE
Local JAR
WAR Plugin Configuration
Configuration Description
from Adds a file-set to the root of the archive
webInf Adds a file-set to the WEB-INF dir.
classpath Adds a file-set to the WEB-INF/lib dir
webAppDirName The name of the web application source directory, relative
to the project directory.
webXml Copies a file to WEB-INF/web.xml

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JavaScript Minification
Minification Output
Google Minifier
JavaScript Minification…
 Extend JavaExec Task to invoke Minifier
JavaScript Minification…
gradle -PjsOptimize=true build
Node/Webpack Integration
Node Gradle Plugin
Supports: NodeJS, Yarn, Grunt, Gulp

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James Gosling initiated the Java language project in 1991. The first public implementation of Java was released as Java 1.0 in 1995. Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems in 2010. Java is an object-oriented programming language that is platform independent and promises "Write Once, Run Anywhere". A key component of Java is the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) which is responsible for memory allocation and provides a runtime environment for executing Java bytecode.

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Generating JPA Meta-Model
Create custom plugin to run Java Annotation Processor:
Custom Annotation Processor
Custom annotation processor
Custom Annotation Processor
Custom annotation processor
Custom Annotation Processor:
Build Plugin
Exclude everything
but JPA entities
Custom annotation processor

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Gradle - Build system evolved
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Gradle - Build system evolved

Gradle is a general-purpose build automation tool. It combines the power and flexibility of Ant with the dependency management and conventions of Maven into a more effective way to build. Its powered by Groovy DSL. Presentation discusses what and why Gradle with demo for java, groovy, web, multi-project and grails projects.

Gradle - time for a new build
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Gradle - time for a new build

- Gradle is a build automation tool that uses a Groovy-based domain-specific language to define software builds. - It aims to provide flexibility, performance, and ease of use for builds of any size, from small to large multi-project builds. - Gradle supports many languages and frameworks including Java, Groovy, Scala, and C/C++ and integrates with tools like Maven and Ant.

EAR Projects
Project Output
Contents of EAR
EAR Project
EAR plugin
Provided Scope – Non-WAR Projects
• providedCompile is a configuration on WAR plugin.
• Non-WAR projects must add a custom scope.
jaxb Code Generation

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In this session, Markus will explain how to build OpenCms with Gradle from Source. He will explain the benefits and advantages as well as the difficulties in building OpenCms with Gradle. Markus will show how to build and import OpenCms modules with Gradle. This includes creating an OpenCms module automatically from source out of the repository (Nexus). Markus will also talk about: - Continuous Developement with OpenCms - Building an OpenCms .war file with external configuration

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Gradle: The Build System you have been waiting for!
Gradle: The Build System you have been waiting for!Gradle: The Build System you have been waiting for!
Gradle: The Build System you have been waiting for!

Gradle is a build automation tool that uses Groovy as its configuration language. It aims to provide a flexible, customizable, and extensible build system that understands Ant and Maven builds. Gradle builds upon the concepts of Ant and Maven but aims to provide a more flexible and customizable build system. It supports various programming languages and frameworks out of the box and has plugins for additional functionality. Gradle builds are defined using Groovy build scripts and it supports various IDEs and continuous integration servers.

Gradle - Build System
Gradle - Build SystemGradle - Build System
Gradle - Build System

A general- ‐purpose build automation tool. It can automate building, testing, deployment, publishing, generate documentation etc. Designed to take advantage of convention over configuration. Combines the power and flexibility of Ant with the dependency management and conventions of Maven into a more effective way to build.

build toolgradlegroovy
Generating JAX-WS Client
 Generate JAX-WS client for WSDL using wsimport
 Plugin:
 Generated source code:
 build/generated-src/wsimport
Generating JAX-WS Client
Generating JAX-WS Client
Generated Source Code
 Build Docker images from project output:
 Transmode/gradle-docker -
 Build/publish docker files from build script – not Dockerfile
 bmuschko/gradle-docker-plugin -
 docker-remote-api – interacts with Docker via remote API
 docker-java-application – creates/pushes docker images for java
 Run Docker containers during build
 palantir/gradle-docker -
 docker – building and pushing docker images
 docker-compose - populating placeholders in a docker-compose
 docker-run – starting/stopping/status on named images

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Gradle notes
Gradle notesGradle notes
Gradle notes

Gradle is a build automation tool that uses Groovy as its DSL. It supports multi-project builds, dependency management between projects, and customizable tasks. Gradle uses a build file called build.gradle to define tasks, dependencies, and plugins. It provides built-in tasks for common operations like compiling Java code and packaging JAR files.

gradle notes
Introduction to gradle
Introduction to gradleIntroduction to gradle
Introduction to gradle

Gradle is an open source build automation system that builds upon the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven and introduces a Groovy-based domain-specific language (DSL) instead of the XML form used by Apache Maven for declaring the project configuration.

gradlebuildbuild tool
Gradle: The Build system you have been waiting for
Gradle: The Build system you have been waiting forGradle: The Build system you have been waiting for
Gradle: The Build system you have been waiting for

Gradle is the build system you have been waiting for or maybe the build system that has been waiting for you. The adoption rate is incredible from being the new Google Android development tools build system to most new Java opensource projects to JavaScript based front-end and back-end projects.

Building Docker Images
Simple Docker Example – Run
Available Tasks:
• dockerRun
• dockerStop
• dockerRunStatus
• dockerRemoveContainer
Docker & Testing
 Launch PostgreSQL Docker container before unit tests
 Test cleanup:
 Leave container running if any tests fail
 Destroy container if tests succeed
Docker & Testing

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An introduction to maven gradle and sbt
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An introduction to maven gradle and sbt

An introduction on maven, gradle and sbt. This presentation shows how to setup a project, manage dependencies and build it using automated tools

mavenbuild toolgradle

This document introduces GradleFx, a Flex build tool that uses Gradle. It discusses key features of GradleFx such as supporting SWC, SWF, and AIR compilation; tasks for cleaning, compiling, packaging, and testing; and conventions for project structure and dependencies. Advanced topics covered include compiler options, JVM arguments, dependency configurations, and additional steps for AIR projects and FlexUnit testing. An example Gradle build script is provided.

Javaone - Gradle: Harder, Better, Stronger, Faster
Javaone - Gradle: Harder, Better, Stronger, Faster Javaone - Gradle: Harder, Better, Stronger, Faster
Javaone - Gradle: Harder, Better, Stronger, Faster

This document discusses Gradle, an open-source build automation tool for multi-language software development. It provides an overview of what Gradle is, why developers use it, and how to get started with basic Gradle builds. Key points include that Gradle uses conventions over configuration, supports multiple programming languages and build scenarios, and provides features like caching and daemonization for faster, more reproducible builds.

Docker Database Testing
Parameter Substitution: persistence.xml
Parameter Substitution: build.gradle
Testing with Arquillian/Selenium

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Make Your Build Great Again (DroidConSF 2017)
Make Your Build Great Again (DroidConSF 2017)Make Your Build Great Again (DroidConSF 2017)
Make Your Build Great Again (DroidConSF 2017)

Slow builds have been plaguing Android development since the very beginning, especially for large multi-dex projects. As libraries tend to grow in size and the more libraries an application consumes it will slow down the build, especially when an application goes over the mutli-dex limit. Libraries aren't the only thing that can slow down the build, adding many Gradle plugins and repositories can increase the time it takes to configure the Gradle build. This talk will be centered around how I was able to decrease Yammer for Android's Gradle build times by optimizing our use of the Android Gradle plugin and the Gradle setup of our multi-project build and will give several tools and tips on how to help you profile and decrease your build times as well.

Android gradle-build-system-overview
Android gradle-build-system-overviewAndroid gradle-build-system-overview
Android gradle-build-system-overview

August 7th, I attended a meetup of GDG Beijing, and give a presentation:Android Gradle Build System-Overview. Mainly cover build system background knowledge, source code, interesting part of code, writing a plugin.

Android presentation - Gradle ++
Android presentation - Gradle ++Android presentation - Gradle ++
Android presentation - Gradle ++

Friday session where we explained what is gradle and some of the hidden features and possibilities that gradle gives to developers to customize their builds in a clean and easy way.

 View Dependencies:
gradle -q ctweb:dependencies
 Build GUI:
gradle –gui
 Profiling:
gradle –profile
 Dryrun
gradle –m build
Reasons to Convert
 Incremental compilation
 Better dependency management/control
 Customizable without needing plugins
 Supports multiple languages/platforms
 Build system can be versioned

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