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Delivering Beautiful and Fast Images
Doug Sillars
July 3, 2018
Contact Me:
Doug Sillars
Freelance Developer Relations
Performance Audits: Web/Native
Fast and Beautiful Images: DublinJS
Standing in Line Standing on the
edge of a virtual
Mobile Delays
Solving a Math
Large Downloads Induce Delays in Rendering
3s: 53% of Users Abandon Mobile Sites
500ms: 26% Frustration
8% Engagement
100ms: 1% Revenue Walmart & Amazon (Desktop 2001)
4% Mobile Users Throw Their Phones
Images make up 50% of Web Content
HTTPArchive mobile websites 15/02/18
Image Performance Analysis
4 Simple Image Optimizations
4 Simple Image Optimizations
1. Quality
2. Format
3. Sizing
4. Lazy Loading
4 Simple Image Optimizations
1. Quality
2. Format
3. Sizing
4. Lazy Loading
4 Simple Image Optimizations
1. Quality
2. Format
3. Sizing
4. Lazy Loading
Image Quality
Image size is reduced by
removing pixel information
Image Quality
magick -quality 85 riga.jpg riga85.jpg
Recommends 85% quality on all images
Image Quality Use “In The Wild”
500,000 mobile sites
Analyzed 3/15/18
Image Quality Use “In The Wild”
Median Savings (50th percentile):
• 2.83 seconds faster page load
• 419KB less data
2.8 MB
1.3 MB
274 KB
Graphing the Results
Graphing the Results
Automate Quality vs. File Size
• Butteraugli
• SSIM: Structural SIMilarity
cjpeg-dssim jpegoptim ireland.jpg
628-934 KB
Graphing the Results
• Test Load on Motorola G4:
4 Simple Image Optimizations
1. Quality
2. Format
3. Sizing
4. Lazy Loading
Image Formats – Average Size
HTTPArchive mobile websites 15/02/18
Image Formats – Average Size
HTTPArchive mobile websites 15/02/18
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
Images drawn as shapes
infinitely scalable
XML - Can be added inline to HTML document
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
Images drawn as shapes
infinitely scalable
XML - Can be added inline to HTML document
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
Images drawn as shapes
infinitely scalable
XML - Can be added inline to HTML document
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
Image Formats – Average Size
HTTPArchive mobile websites 15/02/18
Convert File Format,f_auto/v1526279646/ireland_mwnkwo.jpg
convert ireland_cjpeg_dssim.jpg ireland.webp
433-505 KB,f_auto/v1526279646/ireland_mwnkwo.jpg
Image Format: WebP
<source width = "100%" type="image/webp" srcset="ireland.webp">
<img width = "100%" src="ireland_cjpeg_dssim.jpg"
alt="Mizen Head, Ireland">
File Format: WebP
Image Format Use “In The Wild”
500,000 mobile sites
Analyzed 3/15/18
Image Format Use “In The Wild”
500,000 mobile sites
Analyzed 3/15/18
4 Simple Image Optimizations
1. Quality
2. Format
3. Sizing
4. Lazy Loading
Image Sizing
Image Sizing
Image Sizing
Image Sizing
Image Sizing
12,979,000 pixels
519,000 pixels
12,460,000 pixels
Image Sizing
12,979,000 pixels
519,000 pixels
12,460,000 pixels
Image Sizing
Image Sizing
Responsive Images:
Generate a set of images
25 KB difference in size
Responsive Images
625,000 pixels
106,000 pixels
519,000 pixels
Responsive Breakpoint Generation
Responsive Images
Responsive Images
Responsive Images
Responsive Images
Image Format
Create responsive WebP
mogrify -format webp *.jpg
Responsive Images + Client Hints
Responsive Images + Client Hints
Responsive Images Use “In The Wild”
500,000 mobile sites
Analyzed 3/15/18
Responsive Images Use “In The Wild”
442,000 mobile sites
Analyzed 3/15/18
Sample Website
Sample Website
4 Simple Image Optimizations
1. Quality
2. Format
3. Sizing
4. Lazy Loading
Web Usage
Web Usage
Lazy Loading
Lazy Loading Use “In The Wild”
442,000 mobile sites
Analyzed 3/15/18
Lazy Loading Use “In The Wild”
442,000 mobile sites
Analyzed 3/15/18
Lazy Loading
Preview Images
Optimizing Content Delivery
Preview Images
Preview Images
4 Simple Image Optimizations
1. Quality
2. Format
3. Sizing
4. Lazy Loading
Image Optimizations – 500k sites
100 score for:
1. Quality
2. Format
3. Sizing
4. Lazy Loading
Image Optimizations – 500k sites
100 score for:
1. Quality
2. Format
3. Sizing
4. Lazy Loading
Image Optimizations – 500k sites
100 score for:
1. Quality
2. Format
3. Sizing
4. Lazy Loading
Image Optimizations – 500k sites
100 score for:
1. Quality
2. Format
3. Sizing
4. Lazy Loading
Image Optimizations – 500k sites
100 score for:
1. Quality
2. Format
3. Sizing
4. Lazy Loading
Animated GIFs
Original MP4
1.4 MB
Animated GIFs
Animated GIFs
Animated GIF
3.8 MB
270% larger
Animated GIFs
Animated GIFs
MP4: 256 colors
93% smaller
Animated GIFs
Video Tags:
<video loop autoplay muted playsinline controls = "false” src="goats.mp4”/>
Video is not pre-loaded, will be last to download
Img tags are fast!
<source type="video/mp4" srcset=”goats.mp4">
<source type="image/webp" srcset=”goats.webp">
<img src=”goats.gif">
Animated GIFs
Responsive Breakpoints
Images and Video
can be Beautiful AND Fast

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