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Sana Pathan et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 3( Version 1), March 2014, pp.812-815 812 | P a g e
Web Content Flexibility through Mobile App
Sana Pathan1
, Rajeshri Khairnar2
, Monika Kanade3
, Sanyuja Karwal4
(P.V.G.’s COE, Nasik, Department of Computer Science, Pune University)
(P.V.G.’s COE, Nasik, Department of Computer Science, Pune University)
(P.V.G.’s COE, Nasik, Department of Computer Science, Pune University)
(P.V.G.’s COE, Nasik, Department of Computer Science, Pune University)
E-commerce is very efficient & effective, but it needs programming knowledge to manage.many small
organizations do not have human resource for this task and cannot support cost for hiring programmers or tech-
support.thus, many applications providers create CMS apps to enable the e-commerce website to be created and
with friendly UI. By developing iOS app WCFMA, it can handle this dynamic nature of content manipulation.
WCFMA is specifically designed to enable non-technical users,to modify the existing contents as and when
required in an intuitive and real-time fashion.and instead of downloading or capturing product images to be
displayed on websites from separate camera devices,take it from the mobile device(iphone) itself and edit the
image like never before in the app and once done upload it on the web server. The website will fetch this
updated images and display i tat an appropriate will efficiently serve to dynamically manage websites
of buisness whitch needs to change their web content at regular intervals where the owner or staff of the
organization can handle their website from their iphone app.
Keywords - App(Mobile Application),ios(Apple’s operating system),CMS(Content Management System),
UI(User Interface),WCMS(Web Content Management System), WCFMA(Web Content Flexibility through
I. Introduction
E-commerce is very efficient and effective,
but it needs programming knowledge to manage.
Many small organizations do not have human
resource for this task and cannot support cost for
hiring programmers or tech-support. Thus, many
application providers create content management
system applications to enable the e-commerce
website to be created and managed through friendly
UI. Therefore, WCFMA will solve this by developing
iOS app which can handle this dynamic nature of
content management. Web Content Management
System (WCMS) is a significant aspect of E-
commerce enterprises, which can improve the
effectiveness of management, and maintenance in
Web applications. It aims to solve content
management and publication, website resources
issue. The project will help to create a powerful, user-
friendly App for managing, maintaining and
publishing a database comprising updated
information in the form of text and graphical images.
The proposed system is specifically designed to
enable non-technical users with no knowledge of
computer programming, graphic imaging tools, or
markup languages such as HTML to add fresh
content to a website or to modify the existing
contents as and when required in an intuitive and
real-time manner. As a result, a technically
competent Website management team is not required,
and thus the cost and flexibility of the Website
management process is significantly improved.
A system which is simple to use for non
technical staff and which has a clear user interface
and which is just plain fast. Instead of downloading
or capturing product Images to be displayed in
websites from separate camera devices, it can be
taken from the mobile device (iPhone) itself and edit
the image like never before in the phone app and
once done upload it to web server will ease like
accessing the website itself. The website will fetch
these updated images and display it at appropriate
location. It will efficiently serve to dynamically
manage websites of business which needs to change
their data content at regular intervals where the
owner or staff of the organization can handle their
website from their phone App. This content
management system is a foundational website
application platform for website management and
information distribution and is an auxiliary tool
system for dynamic content management having
powerful image processing tool embedded in it. It
enables the user to quickly maintain and manage the
high performance dynamic website.
II. Design and Implementation Constraints
The primary design constraint is the mobile
technology. Since the application is designated for
ipads/iphone, limited screen size and resolution will
Sana Pathan et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 3( Version 1), March 2014, pp.812-815 813 | P a g e
be a major design consideration. Creating a user
friendly interface which is both effective and easily
manageable will pose difficult challenges. Other
constraints such as limited memory and processing
power are also worth considering. The system is
meant to be quick and responsive, even when dealing
with large volume of data, so each feature must be
designed and implemented with efficiency in mind.
III. Software requirements:
 iOS (version 6.1.3), Xcode 4.6
 The website should be running on a computer
workstation or server class PC or a high-
performance laptop PC with minimum of
following configuration.
 There should be an easy access to the internet
from the Monitoring station machine that the
website is running on.
 Content management Application device should
be a portable one and should be battery powered
& rechargeable. (i.e. iphone)
IV. Hardware requirements
 iPhone
 system requirements:
Name Minimum
System Pentium IV or newest
Hard Disk 40 GB
Monitor 15 VGA Color
RAM 512 Mb
V. System Design
5.1 Basic structure of system
The app will efficiently serve to dynamically
manage websites of business which needs to change
their data content at regular intervals where the
owner or staff of the organization can handle their
website from their phone App.
Fig 1. shows the basic structure of proposed
Here instead of using computer system we
will use the phone app. When the user wants to
change the contents of website he will use the
WCFMA to manipulate the contents through his
iphone It includes iphone app ie.WCFMA, web
server, web site etc. When user wants to change the
contents of web site then he/she gathers the data or
contents of website and then by sending SOAP
request through webservice to webserver change the
contents of website instantly, every time the SOAP
request is needed to change the contents of website.
After getting contents the app will provide different
content editing tools and effects such as carousal
,rotational, linear effects and so on. After applying
different effects the contents will be uploaded on
website in few minutes and user can see the current
updates on website.
5.2 GPU image filters
The GPUImage framework is a BSD-
licensed iOS library that lets you apply GPU-
accelerated filters and other effects to images, live
camera video, and movies. In comparison to Core
Image (part of iOS 5.0), GPUImage allows you to
write your own custom filters, supports deployment
to iOS 4.0, and has a simpler interface. However, it
currently lacks some of the more advanced features
of Core Image, such as facial detection.
For massively parallel operations like processing
images or live video frames, GPUs have some
significant performance advantages over CPUs. On
an iPhone 4, a simple image filter can be over 100
times faster to perform on the GPU than an
equivalent CPU-based filter.
5. 3 Web Service:
web service is, "a software system designed
to support interoperable machine-to-machine
interaction over a network". Web service is an
interface for your software. We may have web user
interface or a thick client (desktop) user interface for
our software. Imagine web service as another similar
interface. This interface is not for humans but for
softwares. Web/thick client directly serves end user
as an interface to interact with the software. Web
service serves as an interface to software developers.
Using web service as an API,developers can build
external systems that will interact with the software.
5.4 Soap Web Service:
SOAP, originally defined as Simple Object
Access Protocol, is a protocol specification for
exchanging structured information in the
implementation of Web Services in computer
networks. It relies on XML Information Set for its
message format, and usually relies on other
Application Layer protocols, most notably Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol (SMTP), for message negotiation and
transmission. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
is a standard protocol specification for message
exchange based on XML. Communication between
the web service and client happens using
XMLmessages. SOAP defines the rules for
communication like what are all the tags that should
be used in XML and their meaning.
This project system will provide you with
the end-user tools required to update content of your
own websites through a user-friendly App (iphone
App) which is simple, clear and has good graphical
Sana Pathan et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 3( Version 1), March 2014, pp.812-815 814 | P a g e
interface. The proposed system is specifically to
enable non-technical users to manage contents. As a
result, a technically competent website management
team is not required, and thus the cost of the website
management process is significantly reduced and
flexibility improved. Large-scale changes can be
made to the site much easier. Instead of downloading
or capturing product images to be displayed in
websites from separate camera devices, it can be
taken from the mobile device (iPhone) itself and edit
the image Ideal for the organizations such as news
papers, which require instant updates onto their
This is the proposed system. Here instead of
using a comp system we will use the app. when The
admin or the owner wants to change the contents of
website…he will use the cms to manipulate the
contents through his iphone. Since the device is
portable we can do the manipulation anywhere
anytime within few minutes.
Fig1:Basic structure
VI. Workflow details
Fig 2: workflow of system
This diagram shows the basic flow of our
project system. Firstly, when the owner will open his
app, he will be asked for authentication. Then he will
enter his username and password. Then it checks
valid username and password in its db. After
successful authentication user home page screen will
appear on the app. The app will contain various
options for managing the website.
If the owner wants to update a new image,
then he will have to select that particular image. Then
we can select the image to be uploaded. We will have
two options – we can browse for any image from the
phone gallery or we can immediately capture the
photo thru phone itself. The app is also provide with
different image editing tools such as Crop,
brightness, sharpness,effects,filter,color adjustments,
orientation and so on.
Then the image will successfully uploaded.
Similarly if the owner wants to update a text, then he
will have to select that particular text. The app is also
provided with different text editing tools such as
bold, italic, underline font style, size, color and so on.
Then the text will successfully uploaded.
VII.Mathematical definition
S= {M,W,D}
M= CMS(iPhoneapp)
W= Web Server
Sana Pathan et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 3( Version 1), March 2014, pp.812-815 815 | P a g e
D= Website
M = {M1, M2, M3, M4, M5}
W = {W1, W2, W3, W4}
M2= Gather Data
M4=Manipulate Contents
M5=Upload Contents
W1=Manage Website
W2=Display Original Website
W3=Processing Contents
W4=Update Website
Fig 2: Mapping Constraints
Figure 3: Venn diagram
VIII. Applications
It is an auxiliary tool system for dynamic
content management having powerful image
processing tool embedded in it. It enables the user to
quickly maintain and manage the high-performance
dynamic website.
 News Channels
 News Papers
 E-Government
 Travel and tourism
 E-learning
 Online shopping
 E-court
 Designers
 Clothing and foot wears
 Jewelers
IX. Conclusion
Web site content encourages site visitors to
stay longer and make frequent repeat visits. When
up-to-date and relevant web content becomes
available, the customer experience is greatly
improved translating into increased customer (or
employee) satisfaction and loyalty.
 Affordable Solutions and reduced cost
 Anytime, anywhere web content manipulation
 Faster updating without having knowledge of
X. Acknowledgement
We take great pleasure in presenting our
project paper titled "Web content exibility through
Mobile App" based on The mobile device i.e.
iPhone is based on the ios operating system.
We must express our gratitude to my guide
Prof. A. G. Patil for his guidance and
encouragement without which this extensive work
would not have been possible. We convey our sincere
thanks to Prof. M.T. Jagtap Head Of Computer
Engineering Department, and all the Staff Members
having spared their valuable time for our cause. We
would also like to thank Dr. N. S. Walimbe,
principal (P.V.G's COE, Nashik).
Finally, We express our deepest gratitude to
our family and friends who encouraged us since the
beginning and provided us with their insightful
reviews to help us make our project successful.
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content management system”, Multimedia
Technology (ICMT), 2011 International
Conference, Hangzhou, 26-28 July 2011, 3305
- 3307
[2]. Nath, M., Arora, “Content management
system : Comparative case study”, A.
Software Engineering and Service Sciences
(ICSESS), 2010 IEEE International
Conference,Beijing,16-18 July 2010, 624 - 627
[3]. Nuo Li , Mao-zhong Jin and Yu-Qing Lan, “A
lightweight multimedia Web content
management system”, Information Reuse and
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  • 1. Sana Pathan et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 3( Version 1), March 2014, pp.812-815 812 | P a g e Web Content Flexibility through Mobile App Sana Pathan1 , Rajeshri Khairnar2 , Monika Kanade3 , Sanyuja Karwal4 1 (P.V.G.’s COE, Nasik, Department of Computer Science, Pune University) 2 (P.V.G.’s COE, Nasik, Department of Computer Science, Pune University) 3 (P.V.G.’s COE, Nasik, Department of Computer Science, Pune University) 4 (P.V.G.’s COE, Nasik, Department of Computer Science, Pune University) ABSTRACT E-commerce is very efficient & effective, but it needs programming knowledge to manage.many small organizations do not have human resource for this task and cannot support cost for hiring programmers or tech- support.thus, many applications providers create CMS apps to enable the e-commerce website to be created and with friendly UI. By developing iOS app WCFMA, it can handle this dynamic nature of content manipulation. WCFMA is specifically designed to enable non-technical users,to modify the existing contents as and when required in an intuitive and real-time fashion.and instead of downloading or capturing product images to be displayed on websites from separate camera devices,take it from the mobile device(iphone) itself and edit the image like never before in the app and once done upload it on the web server. The website will fetch this updated images and display i tat an appropriate will efficiently serve to dynamically manage websites of buisness whitch needs to change their web content at regular intervals where the owner or staff of the organization can handle their website from their iphone app. Keywords - App(Mobile Application),ios(Apple’s operating system),CMS(Content Management System), UI(User Interface),WCMS(Web Content Management System), WCFMA(Web Content Flexibility through mobileapp)… I. Introduction E-commerce is very efficient and effective, but it needs programming knowledge to manage. Many small organizations do not have human resource for this task and cannot support cost for hiring programmers or tech-support. Thus, many application providers create content management system applications to enable the e-commerce website to be created and managed through friendly UI. Therefore, WCFMA will solve this by developing iOS app which can handle this dynamic nature of content management. Web Content Management System (WCMS) is a significant aspect of E- commerce enterprises, which can improve the effectiveness of management, and maintenance in Web applications. It aims to solve content management and publication, website resources issue. The project will help to create a powerful, user- friendly App for managing, maintaining and publishing a database comprising updated information in the form of text and graphical images. The proposed system is specifically designed to enable non-technical users with no knowledge of computer programming, graphic imaging tools, or markup languages such as HTML to add fresh content to a website or to modify the existing contents as and when required in an intuitive and real-time manner. As a result, a technically competent Website management team is not required, and thus the cost and flexibility of the Website management process is significantly improved. A system which is simple to use for non technical staff and which has a clear user interface and which is just plain fast. Instead of downloading or capturing product Images to be displayed in websites from separate camera devices, it can be taken from the mobile device (iPhone) itself and edit the image like never before in the phone app and once done upload it to web server will ease like accessing the website itself. The website will fetch these updated images and display it at appropriate location. It will efficiently serve to dynamically manage websites of business which needs to change their data content at regular intervals where the owner or staff of the organization can handle their website from their phone App. This content management system is a foundational website application platform for website management and information distribution and is an auxiliary tool system for dynamic content management having powerful image processing tool embedded in it. It enables the user to quickly maintain and manage the high performance dynamic website. II. Design and Implementation Constraints The primary design constraint is the mobile technology. Since the application is designated for ipads/iphone, limited screen size and resolution will RESEARCH ARTICLE OPEN ACCESS
  • 2. Sana Pathan et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 3( Version 1), March 2014, pp.812-815 813 | P a g e be a major design consideration. Creating a user friendly interface which is both effective and easily manageable will pose difficult challenges. Other constraints such as limited memory and processing power are also worth considering. The system is meant to be quick and responsive, even when dealing with large volume of data, so each feature must be designed and implemented with efficiency in mind. III. Software requirements:  iOS (version 6.1.3), Xcode 4.6  The website should be running on a computer workstation or server class PC or a high- performance laptop PC with minimum of following configuration.  There should be an easy access to the internet from the Monitoring station machine that the website is running on.  Content management Application device should be a portable one and should be battery powered & rechargeable. (i.e. iphone) IV. Hardware requirements  iPhone  system requirements: Name Minimum Requirements System Pentium IV or newest Hard Disk 40 GB Monitor 15 VGA Color RAM 512 Mb V. System Design 5.1 Basic structure of system The app will efficiently serve to dynamically manage websites of business which needs to change their data content at regular intervals where the owner or staff of the organization can handle their website from their phone App. Fig 1. shows the basic structure of proposed system. Here instead of using computer system we will use the phone app. When the user wants to change the contents of website he will use the WCFMA to manipulate the contents through his iphone It includes iphone app ie.WCFMA, web server, web site etc. When user wants to change the contents of web site then he/she gathers the data or contents of website and then by sending SOAP request through webservice to webserver change the contents of website instantly, every time the SOAP request is needed to change the contents of website. After getting contents the app will provide different content editing tools and effects such as carousal ,rotational, linear effects and so on. After applying different effects the contents will be uploaded on website in few minutes and user can see the current updates on website. 5.2 GPU image filters The GPUImage framework is a BSD- licensed iOS library that lets you apply GPU- accelerated filters and other effects to images, live camera video, and movies. In comparison to Core Image (part of iOS 5.0), GPUImage allows you to write your own custom filters, supports deployment to iOS 4.0, and has a simpler interface. However, it currently lacks some of the more advanced features of Core Image, such as facial detection. For massively parallel operations like processing images or live video frames, GPUs have some significant performance advantages over CPUs. On an iPhone 4, a simple image filter can be over 100 times faster to perform on the GPU than an equivalent CPU-based filter. 5. 3 Web Service: web service is, "a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network". Web service is an interface for your software. We may have web user interface or a thick client (desktop) user interface for our software. Imagine web service as another similar interface. This interface is not for humans but for softwares. Web/thick client directly serves end user as an interface to interact with the software. Web service serves as an interface to software developers. Using web service as an API,developers can build external systems that will interact with the software. 5.4 Soap Web Service: SOAP, originally defined as Simple Object Access Protocol, is a protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of Web Services in computer networks. It relies on XML Information Set for its message format, and usually relies on other Application Layer protocols, most notably Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), for message negotiation and transmission. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a standard protocol specification for message exchange based on XML. Communication between the web service and client happens using XMLmessages. SOAP defines the rules for communication like what are all the tags that should be used in XML and their meaning. This project system will provide you with the end-user tools required to update content of your own websites through a user-friendly App (iphone App) which is simple, clear and has good graphical
  • 3. Sana Pathan et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 3( Version 1), March 2014, pp.812-815 814 | P a g e interface. The proposed system is specifically to enable non-technical users to manage contents. As a result, a technically competent website management team is not required, and thus the cost of the website management process is significantly reduced and flexibility improved. Large-scale changes can be made to the site much easier. Instead of downloading or capturing product images to be displayed in websites from separate camera devices, it can be taken from the mobile device (iPhone) itself and edit the image Ideal for the organizations such as news papers, which require instant updates onto their websites. This is the proposed system. Here instead of using a comp system we will use the app. when The admin or the owner wants to change the contents of website…he will use the cms to manipulate the contents through his iphone. Since the device is portable we can do the manipulation anywhere anytime within few minutes. Fig1:Basic structure VI. Workflow details Fig 2: workflow of system This diagram shows the basic flow of our project system. Firstly, when the owner will open his app, he will be asked for authentication. Then he will enter his username and password. Then it checks valid username and password in its db. After successful authentication user home page screen will appear on the app. The app will contain various options for managing the website. If the owner wants to update a new image, then he will have to select that particular image. Then we can select the image to be uploaded. We will have two options – we can browse for any image from the phone gallery or we can immediately capture the photo thru phone itself. The app is also provide with different image editing tools such as Crop, brightness, sharpness,effects,filter,color adjustments, orientation and so on. Then the image will successfully uploaded. Similarly if the owner wants to update a text, then he will have to select that particular text. The app is also provided with different text editing tools such as bold, italic, underline font style, size, color and so on. Then the text will successfully uploaded. VII.Mathematical definition S= {M,W,D} Where, M= CMS(iPhoneapp) W= Web Server
  • 4. Sana Pathan et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 3( Version 1), March 2014, pp.812-815 815 | P a g e D= Website M = {M1, M2, M3, M4, M5} W = {W1, W2, W3, W4} Where, M1=Authentication M2= Gather Data M3=Edit M4=Manipulate Contents M5=Upload Contents W1=Manage Website W2=Display Original Website W3=Processing Contents W4=Update Website Fig 2: Mapping Constraints Figure 3: Venn diagram VIII. Applications It is an auxiliary tool system for dynamic content management having powerful image processing tool embedded in it. It enables the user to quickly maintain and manage the high-performance dynamic website.  News Channels  News Papers  E-Government  Travel and tourism  E-learning  Online shopping  E-court  Designers  Clothing and foot wears  Jewelers IX. Conclusion Web site content encourages site visitors to stay longer and make frequent repeat visits. When up-to-date and relevant web content becomes available, the customer experience is greatly improved translating into increased customer (or employee) satisfaction and loyalty.  Affordable Solutions and reduced cost  Anytime, anywhere web content manipulation  Faster updating without having knowledge of HTML. X. Acknowledgement We take great pleasure in presenting our project paper titled "Web content exibility through Mobile App" based on The mobile device i.e. iPhone is based on the ios operating system. We must express our gratitude to my guide Prof. A. G. Patil for his guidance and encouragement without which this extensive work would not have been possible. We convey our sincere thanks to Prof. M.T. Jagtap Head Of Computer Engineering Department, and all the Staff Members having spared their valuable time for our cause. We would also like to thank Dr. N. S. Walimbe, principal (P.V.G's COE, Nashik). Finally, We express our deepest gratitude to our family and friends who encouraged us since the beginning and provided us with their insightful reviews to help us make our project successful. REFERENCES [1]. Yukong Zhang, “WFCMS: An excellent web content management system”, Multimedia Technology (ICMT), 2011 International Conference, Hangzhou, 26-28 July 2011, 3305 - 3307 [2]. Nath, M., Arora, “Content management system : Comparative case study”, A. Software Engineering and Service Sciences (ICSESS), 2010 IEEE International Conference,Beijing,16-18 July 2010, 624 - 627 [3]. Nuo Li , Mao-zhong Jin and Yu-Qing Lan, “A lightweight multimedia Web content management system”, Information Reuse and Integration, 2004. IRI 2004. Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference, 8-10 Nov. 2004, 85 - 90 [4]. He Liduo and Chen Yan, “Design and implementation of Web Content Management System by J2EE-based three-tier architecture Applying in maritime and shipping business”, Information Management and Engineering (ICIME), 2010 The 2nd IEEE International Conference, Chengdu,16-18 April 2010, 513 - 517