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DIY Scriptable Cache
•  Caching 101
•  Mobile & Desktop Scriptable Cache
        –  Concept
        –  6 Steps to Building a Scriptable Cache
        –  Advanced Optimizations
•  Q&A

The Value of a Scriptable Cache
•  A dedicated cache, not affected by other sites
•  A robust cache, not cleared by power cycles
•  Better file consolidation
        –  Works in more cases
        –  Cache Friendly
        –  Less requests without more bytes
•  Enable Advanced Optimizations
        –  Robust Prefetching, Async CSS/JS…
•  The Secret to Eternal Youth

Not For The Faint of Heart!
•  DIY Scriptable Cache isn’t simple
        –  No magic 3 lines of code
•  Requires HTML & Resource modifications
        –  Some of each
•  The code samples are pseudo-code
        –  They don’t cover all edge cases
        –  They’re not optimized
        –  They probably have syntax errors


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This document describes building a hybrid data cluster with MongoDB and PostgreSQL. It discusses using PostgreSQL's Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) to allow PostgreSQL to query and join data stored in MongoDB collections. The document provides steps to set up a sharded MongoDB cluster, install the MongoDB FDW extension in PostgreSQL, and create foreign tables in PostgreSQL that map to MongoDB collections to allow complex SQL queries on MongoDB data. Live demonstrations are provided of inserting, updating, querying data across the hybrid cluster.

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Memcached Study
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Memcached Study

Memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory caching system that is used to speed up dynamic web applications by caching objects in memory to reduce database load. It works by storing objects in memory to allow for fast retrieval, improving response times significantly. Major companies that use memcached include Facebook, Yahoo, Amazon, and LiveJournal. It provides features like consistent hashing for object distribution, multithreading, and replication.

Fluent 2012 v2
Fluent 2012   v2Fluent 2012   v2
Fluent 2012 v2

This document discusses how bookmarklets can function as applications by interacting with web pages in a secure manner. It describes how the bookmarklet uses elementFromPoint for fast hit detection, resets CSS to robustly render its UI, and transmits data to a server through signed cross-domain POST messages for security. Examples of embedding the bookmarklet code on a page and customizing its appearance are also provided.

Caching 101
What is a Cache?
•  Storage of previously seen data

•  Reduces costs
•  Accelerates results

•  Sample savings:
        –  Computation costs (avoid regenerating
        –  Network costs (avoid retransmitting content)

Cache Types


Caching - Expiry
•  Cache Expiry Controlled by Headers
        –  HTTP/1.0: Expires
        –  HTTP/1.1: Cache-Control

•  ETAG/Last-Modified Enables Conditional GET
        –  Fetch Resource “If-Modified-Since”

•  CDN/Server Cache can be manually purged


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PostgreSQL connections at scale was the presentation by our external speaker at our 8th opensource database meetup. The presentation helps you comprehend on database connections with its cost, gauge the need for a connection pooler, Pgbouncer overview with its features, monitoring, and deployment best practices.

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Clug 2012 March web server optimisation

These slides show how to reduce latency on websites and reduce bandwidth for improved user experience. Covering network, compression, caching, etags, application optimisation, sphinxsearch, memcache, db optimisation

Web Optimization Level: Paranoid
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Web Optimization Level: Paranoid

The document discusses various techniques for optimizing web performance, ranging from beginner to advanced levels. At the beginner level, it recommends avoiding redirects, enabling client-side caching, and reducing DOM elements. At the medium level, it suggests minifying JavaScript and CSS. More advanced techniques include image compression, combining files, and server-side gzip compression. The document also provides optimization tips for databases like MongoDB and recommends using asynchronous and non-blocking I/O for costly operations. It advocates for client-side templating to reduce bandwidth usage and improve cacheability.

Stale Cache
•  Outdated data in cache
            –  Affects Browser Cache the most
•  Versioning
            –  Add a version number to the filename
            –  Change the version when the file changes
            –  Unique filename = long caching – stale cache


Cache Sizes - Desktop
•  Ranges from 75MB to 250MB
•  Fits about 90-300 pages
         –  Average desktop page size is ~800 KB
•  Cycles fully every 1-4 days
         –  Average user browses 88 pages/day

Cache Sizes - Mobile
•  Ranges from 0 MB to 25MB
•  Fits about 0-60 pages (Average size ~400KB)
•  Memory Cache a bit bigger, but volatile

         •  Caching is useful and important
         •  Cache sizes are too small
           –  Especially on Mobile
         •  Cache hasn’t evolved with the times
           –  Stopped evolving with HTTP/1.1 in 2004
         •  Browser Cache evolved least of all
           –  Browsers adding smart eviction only now
           –  Still no script interfaces for smart


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1. A website is loaded by a browser through a multi-step process involving DNS lookups, TCP connections, downloading resources like HTML, CSS, JS, and images. This process can be slow due to the number of individual requests and dependencies between resources. 2. Ways to optimize the loading process include making the server fast, inlining critical resources, gzip compression, an optimized caching strategy, optimizing file delivery through techniques like CDNs and HTTP/2, bundling resources, optimizing images, avoiding unnecessary domains, minimizing web fonts, and JavaScript techniques like PJAX. Minifying assets can also speed up loading.

MongoDB WiredTiger Internals
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MongoDB WiredTiger Internals

This presentation drills down into the architectural design of MongoDB's storage layer api and detailed view of WiredTiger.

Website performance optimization QA
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Website performance optimization QA

This document discusses web performance optimization and provides guidance on ensuring high performance web applications. It covers why performance is important, key performance metrics to measure, common areas to profile like client and server-side processing, requirements for performance testing like goals and load thresholds, and tools for performance testing and profiling like JMeter, dotTrace and SQL Server Profiler. The document also outlines best practices for integrating performance testing into the development workflow when issues are found or time allows before a release.

Scriptable Cache
Scriptable Browser Cache - Concept
•  A cache accessible via JavaScript
         –  Get/Put/Delete Actions
•  What is it good for?
         –  Cache parts of a page/resource
         –  Adapt to cache state
         –  Load resources in different ways
•  Why don’t browsers support it today?
         –  Most likely never saw the need
         –  Useful only for advanced websites
         –  Not due to security concerns (at least not good

Intro to HTML5 localStorage
•  Dedicated Client-Side Storage
         –  HTML5 standard
         –  Replaces hacky past solutions
•  Primarily used for logical data
         –  Game high-score, webmail drafts…
•  Usually limited to 5 MB
•  Enables simple get/put/remove commands
•  Supported by all modern browsers
         –  Desktop: IE8+, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera
         –  BB 6.0+, most others (

Step 0: Utilities


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This slide is about the basics of web performance gives the insite of all the things we can do to achieve high performing web apps

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Optimizing Your Frontend Performance
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Optimizing Your Frontend Performance

This document discusses various techniques for optimizing frontend performance, including: 1. Using hardware, backend, and frontend optimizations like combined and minified files, CSS sprites, browser caching headers, and content delivery networks. 2. Analyzing performance with tools like Firebug, YSlow, and Google Page Speed to identify opportunities. 3. Specific techniques like gzipping, avoiding redirects, placing scripts at the bottom, and making Ajax cacheable can improve performance.

Storage talk
Storage talkStorage talk
Storage talk

MongoDB stores data in files on disk that are broken into variable-sized extents containing documents. These extents, as well as separate index structures, are memory mapped by the operating system for efficient read/write. A write-ahead journal is used to provide durability and prevent data corruption after crashes by logging operations before writing to the data files. The journal increases write performance by 5-30% but can be optimized using a separate drive. Data fragmentation over time can be addressed using the compact command or adjusting the schema.

Step 1: Store & Load Resources

Step 2: Recover on error

Step 3: LRU Cache – Cache State

Step 3: LRU Cache – Storing items


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Engage 2013 - Multi Channel Data CollectionEngage 2013 - Multi Channel Data Collection
Engage 2013 - Multi Channel Data Collection

The document discusses methods for collecting multi-channel data across different domains and platforms. It describes how cross-domain tracking works using shared cookies to pass visitor IDs between sites. It also covers using iframes to collect data across domains by adding tracking code or using postMessages. Additionally, it discusses collecting event-based data using selectors and JavaScript events, and capturing video playback events with HTML5 event listeners.

engage 2013
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Nginx: Accelerate Rails, HTTP Tricks

Nginx is a web server that is faster, uses less memory and is more stable than Apache under load. It is better suited for Rails applications and cloud computing. Nginx acts as a proxy, routing requests to application servers. It can perform request filtering, like caching requests, and authentication checks without modifying Rails application code using custom Nginx modules. This allows separating infrastructure concerns from application logic.

Reverse proxy & web cache with NGINX, HAProxy and Varnish
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Reverse proxy & web cache with NGINX, HAProxy and Varnish

Discover the very wide world of web servers, in addition to the basic web deliverance fonctionnality, we will cover the reverse proxy, the resource caching and the load balancing. Nginx and apache HTTPD will be used as web server and reverse proxy, and to illustrate some caching features we will also present varnish a powerful caching server. To introduce load balancers we will compare between Nginx and Haproxy.

reverse proxycachevarnish
Step 3: LRU Cache – Getting items

Post Step 3: Revised Run Script

Step 4: Versioning

What Have We Created So Far?
•  Scriptable LRU Cache
         –  Enforces size limits
         –  Recovers from errors
•  Dedicated Cache
         –  Not affected by browsing other sites
•  Robust Cache
         –  Not affected by Mobile Cache Sizes
         –  Survives Power Cycle and Process Reset
•  Still Has Limitations:
         –  Only works on same domain
         –  Resources fetched sequentially


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Your WordPress site has the potential to level up. Learn about WordPress optimization with these 5 expert tips.

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This document provides tips and tricks for optimizing SSIS packages, including documenting code, establishing naming conventions, leveraging community tasks and components, configuring Visual Studio settings, designing data flows, handling errors, executing tasks in parallel, tuning data flows and queries, optimizing bulk inserts, managing buffer sizes, and monitoring packages. Key recommendations include breaking solutions into logical units, selecting the right SQL technologies, determining data volumes and locations, reusing code through templates, and dropping indexes or batching updates to improve performance.

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Building the Enterprise infrastructure with PostgreSQL as the basis for stori...
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In my talk, I will tell how we built a geographically distributed system of personal data storage based on Open Source software and PostgreSQL. The concept of the inCountry business is to provide customers with a ready-to-use infrastructure for personal data storage. Our business customers are ensured that their customer’s personal data is securely stored within their country’s borders. We wrote an API and SDK and built a variety of services. Our system complies with generally accepted security standards (SOC Type 1, Type 2, PCI DSS, etc.). We built our infrastructure with Consul, Nomad, and Vault, used PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch as a storage system, Nginx, Jenkins, Artifactory, other tools to automate management and deployment. We have assembled our development and management teams - DevOps, Security, Monitoring, and DBA. We use both cloud providers and bare-metal servers located in different regions of the world. Development of the system architecture and ensuring the stability of the infrastructure, consistent and secure operation of all its components is the main task facing our teams.

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Step 5: Cross-Domain Resources
•  Why Cross Domain?
         –  Enables Domain Sharding
         –  Various Architecture Reasons
•  Solution: Self-Registering Scripts
         –  Scripts load themselves into the cache
         –  Added to the page as standard scripts
         –  Note that one URL stores data as another URL

Step 6: Fetching Resources In Parallel

Step 6: Parallel Resources + Cache Check

Step 6: Parallel Downloads, with Cache


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Zend Server Data Caching
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Zend Server Data Caching

This document provides a practical guide to caching data with Zend Server. It introduces the Zend Data Cache API and shows how to cache the results of a function that retrieves recent blog posts from a database. The function is modified to first check the cache for the results before querying the database. If no results are found in the cache, it queries the database and stores the results in the cache. By caching frequently accessed data, significant performance improvements can be achieved by reducing database queries. The document also discusses best practices for caching, such as profiling applications to identify bottlenecks and determining appropriate cache lifetimes based on how often data changes.

Performance Optimization using Caching | Swatantra Kumar
Performance Optimization using Caching | Swatantra KumarPerformance Optimization using Caching | Swatantra Kumar
Performance Optimization using Caching | Swatantra Kumar

This document discusses various caching techniques that can be used to improve performance optimization. It defines caching as temporarily storing frequently accessed data for rapid access. The main reasons for using caching are to reduce database queries, external service requests, computation time, and filesystem access in order to lighten server load and send less data. Techniques covered include full page, partial page, SQL query, processing result, pre-generation, web service response, and browser caching. The document also discusses different storage options for caching like MySQL query cache, disk storage, Memcache, and Redis and emphasizes the importance of defining unique cache keys.

Hosting huge amount of binaries in JCR
Hosting huge amount of binaries in JCRHosting huge amount of binaries in JCR
Hosting huge amount of binaries in JCR

Introducing Apache Jackrabbit VFS DataStore which can be used as binary data store in an enterprise scale backend as well as S3DataStore.

What Have We Created?
•  Scriptable LRU Cache
         –  Enforces size limits
         –  Recovers from errors
•  Dedicated Cache
         –  Not affected by browsing other sites
•  Robust Cache
         –  Not affected by Mobile Cache Sizes
         –  Survives Power Cycle and Process Reset
•  Works across domains
•  Resources downloaded in parallel

Understanding localStorage Quota
•  Many browsers use UTF-16 for characters
         –  Effectively halves the storage space
         –  Safest to limit capacity to 2 MB
•  Best value: Cache CSS & JavaScript
         –  Biggest byte-for-byte impact on page load
         –  Lowest variation allows for longest caching
         –  Images are borderline too big for capacity
•  Remember: Quotas are per top-level-domain
         –  * share the same quota

Advanced Optimizations
Adaptive Consolidation
•  Fetch Several Resources with One Request
         –  Store them as Fragments
•  Adapt to Browser Cache State
         –  If resources aren’t in cache, fetch them as one file
         –  If some resources are in cache, fetch separate files
         –  Optionally consolidate missing pieces


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This document discusses different types of caching in ASP.NET, including output caching, data caching, object caching, class caching, and configuration caching. Output caching stores rendered HTML pages in memory to return cached copies to subsequent requests rather than regenerating pages. Data caching stores data from data sources in memory to fulfill future requests from the cache rather than accessing the data source again. Object caching stores objects like data-bound controls in server memory. Class caching caches compiled web pages or services in server memory. Configuration caching stores application configuration information in server memory.

your browser, my storage
your browser, my storageyour browser, my storage
your browser, my storage

This document discusses approaches for storing data on the client side beyond a page refresh without transmitting it to the server. It reviews the history of cookies, Flash cookies, Gears, and other approaches. It then summarizes modern approaches like Application Cache, Web Storage, Web SQL Database, IndexedDB, and the File API which allow persistent local storage on the client. It concludes with tips for using these storage options and libraries to help manage offline data.

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Scaling in Mind (Case study of Drupal Core)

Introduce Scaling design in Drupal core, from drupal 6 to drupal 7. This slides for PHP Conference Taiwan 2014.

Adaptive vs. Simple Consolidation - #2

•  User browsers Page A, then Page B
         –  Assume each JS file is 20KB in Size



Adaptive vs. Simple Consolidation - #2

•  User browsers Page A, then Page B
         –  Assume each JS file is 20KB in Size



Adaptive vs. Simple Consolidation - #3
           •  External & Inline Scripts are often related
           •  Breaks Simple Consolidation
           •  Doesn’t break Adaptive Consolidation

Robust Prefetching
•  In-Page Prefetching
         –  Fetch CSS/JS Resources at top of page, to be
            used later
•  Next-Page Prefetching
         –  Fetch resources for future pages
•  Robust and Predictable
         –  Not invalidated due to content type change in FF
         –  Not invalided by cookies set in IE
         –  Not reloaded when entering same URL in Safari
         –  …


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Mini-Training: To cache or not to cache

In today’s systems , the time it takes to bring data to the end-user can be very long, especially under heavy load. An application can often increase performance by using an appropriate caching system. There are many caching level that you can use in our application today : CDN, In-Memory/Local Cache, Distributed Cache, Outut Cache, Browser Cache, Html Cache

distributed cachehtmlcache
Caching on the web
Caching on the webCaching on the web
Caching on the web

Caching is an important technique for improving performance on the web. It allows frequently requested resources like documents, images, and scripts to be stored locally for faster retrieval. Caching can occur at various levels including in the browser, network through CDNs, on servers through tools like Nginx, and within applications using memoization and cache stores. Defining appropriate caching policies and strategies using HTTP headers is key to an efficient caching implementation.

Masterclass Live: Amazon EMR
Masterclass Live: Amazon EMRMasterclass Live: Amazon EMR
Masterclass Live: Amazon EMR

Abhishek Sinha is a senior product manager at Amazon for Amazon EMR. Amazon EMR allows customers to easily run data frameworks like Hadoop, Spark, and Presto on AWS. It provides a managed platform and tools to launch clusters in minutes that leverage the elasticity of AWS. Customers can customize clusters and choose from different applications, instances types, and access methods. Amazon EMR allows separating compute and storage where the low-cost S3 can be used for persistent storage while clusters are dynamically scaled based on workload.

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Async JS/CSS
•  Async JS: Run scripts without blocking page
         –  Doable without Scriptable Cache
         –  Scriptable Cache allows script prefetching
         –  Eliminates need to make fetch scripts block
•  Async CSS: Download CSS without blocking
         –  CSS ordinarily delay resource download & render
         –  You can’t always know when a CSS file loaded
         –  Scriptable Cache enables “onload” event
         –  Can still block rendering if desired

•  Caching is good – you should use it!
•  Scriptable Cache is better
         –  More robust
         –  More reasonably sized on Mobile
         –  Enables important optimizations
•  The two aren’t mutually exclusive
         –  “store” files should be cacheable
         –  Images should likely keep using regular cache

Or… Use the Blaze Scriptable Cache!
•  Blaze automates Front-End Optimization
          –  No Software, Hardware or Code Changes needed
          –  All the pitfalls and complexities taken care of
•  Blaze optimizes Mobile & Desktop Websites
          –  Applying the right optimizations for each client

See how much faster Blaze
can make your site with our
Free Report:
Contact Us:


DIY Scriptable Cache
   Guy Podjarny, CTO
    twitter: @guypod

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Mobile & Desktop Cache 2.0: How To Create A Scriptable Cache

  • 1. DIY Scriptable Cache Guy  Podjarny,  CTO   twi;er:  @guypod  
  • 2. Agenda •  Caching 101 •  Mobile & Desktop Scriptable Cache –  Concept –  6 Steps to Building a Scriptable Cache –  Advanced Optimizations •  Q&A 2  
  • 3. The Value of a Scriptable Cache •  A dedicated cache, not affected by other sites •  A robust cache, not cleared by power cycles •  Better file consolidation –  Works in more cases –  Cache Friendly –  Less requests without more bytes •  Enable Advanced Optimizations –  Robust Prefetching, Async CSS/JS… •  The Secret to Eternal Youth 3  
  • 4. Not For The Faint of Heart! •  DIY Scriptable Cache isn’t simple –  No magic 3 lines of code •  Requires HTML & Resource modifications –  Some of each •  The code samples are pseudo-code –  They don’t cover all edge cases –  They’re not optimized –  They probably have syntax errors 4  
  • 6. What is a Cache? •  Storage of previously seen data •  Reduces costs •  Accelerates results •  Sample savings: –  Computation costs (avoid regenerating content) –  Network costs (avoid retransmitting content) 6  
  • 7. Cache Types Gateway   -­‐  Server  resources  from  the  faster  intranet   -­‐  Shared  per  organizaHon   Browser   CDN  Edge   -­‐  Eliminates  network  Hme   -­‐  reduces  roundtrip  Hme  –  latency   -­‐  Shared  by  one  user   -­‐  Shared  by  all  users   Server-­‐Side   -­‐  Reduces  server  load   -­‐  Faster  turnaround  for  response   -­‐  Shared  by  all  users   7  
  • 8. Caching - Expiry •  Cache Expiry Controlled by Headers –  HTTP/1.0: Expires –  HTTP/1.1: Cache-Control •  ETAG/Last-Modified Enables Conditional GET –  Fetch Resource “If-Modified-Since” •  CDN/Server Cache can be manually purged 8  
  • 9. Stale Cache •  Outdated data in cache –  Affects Browser Cache the most •  Versioning –  Add a version number to the filename –  Change the version when the file changes –  Unique filename = long caching – stale cache file.v1.js   file.v2.js   var  today  =  “11/10/26”   var  today  =  “11/10/27”   9  
  • 10. Cache Sizes - Desktop •  Ranges from 75MB to 250MB •  Fits about 90-300 pages –  Average desktop page size is ~800 KB •  Cycles fully every 1-4 days –  Average user browses 88 pages/day 10  
  • 11. Cache Sizes - Mobile •  Ranges from 0 MB to 25MB •  Fits about 0-60 pages (Average size ~400KB) •  Memory Cache a bit bigger, but volatile 11  
  • 12. Conclusion •  Caching is useful and important •  Cache sizes are too small –  Especially on Mobile •  Cache hasn’t evolved with the times –  Stopped evolving with HTTP/1.1 in 2004 •  Browser Cache evolved least of all –  Browsers adding smart eviction only now –  Still no script interfaces for smart caching 12  
  • 14. Scriptable Browser Cache - Concept •  A cache accessible via JavaScript –  Get/Put/Delete Actions •  What is it good for? –  Cache parts of a page/resource –  Adapt to cache state –  Load resources in different ways •  Why don’t browsers support it today? –  Most likely never saw the need –  Useful only for advanced websites –  Not due to security concerns (at least not good ones) 14  
  • 15. Intro to HTML5 localStorage •  Dedicated Client-Side Storage –  HTML5 standard –  Replaces hacky past solutions •  Primarily used for logical data –  Game high-score, webmail drafts… •  Usually limited to 5 MB •  Enables simple get/put/remove commands •  Supported by all modern browsers –  Desktop: IE8+, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera –  BB 6.0+, most others ( 15  
  • 16. Step 0: Utilities var  sCache  =  {  …          //  Short  name  for  localStorage          db:  localStorage,          //  Method  for  fetching  an  URL  in  sync          getUrlSync:  funcHon  (url)  {                  var  xhr  =  new  XMLH;pRequest();          ‘GET’,  url,  false);                  xhr.send(null);                  if  (xhr.status==200)  {    return  xhr.responseText;                  }  else  {    return  null;                  }          }   …}   16  
  • 17. Step 1: Store & Load Resources var  sCache  =  {  …          //  Method  for  running  an  external  script          runExtScript:  funcHon  (url)  {                  //  Check  if  the  data  is  in  localStorage                  var  data  =  db.getItem(url);                  if  (!data)  {    //  If  not,  fetch  it      data  =  getUrlSync(url);      //  Store  it  for  later  use    db.setItem(url,  data);                  }                  //  Run  the  script  dynamically                  addScriptElement(data);          }   …}   17  
  • 18. Step 2: Recover on error var  sCache  =  {  …          runExtScript:  funcHon  (url)  {                  //  Check  if  the  data  is  in  localStorage                  var  data  =  db  &&  db.getItem(url);                  if  (!data)  {    //  If  not,  fetch  it      data  =  $.get(url);    //  Store  it  for  later  use    try  {  db.setItem(url,  data)  }  catch(e)  {  }                  }                  //  Run  the  script  dynamically                  addScriptElement(data);          }   …}   18  
  • 19. Step 3: LRU Cache – Cache State var  sCache  =  {  …          //  Meta-­‐Data  about  the  cache  capacity  and  state            dat:  {size:  0,  capacity:  2*1024*1024,  items:  {}  },          //  Load  the  cache  state  and  items  from  localStorage          load:  funcHon()  {                  var  str  =  db  &&  db.getItem(“cacheData”);                  if  (data)  {  dat  =  JSON.parse(x);  }          },            //  Persist  an  updated  state  to  localStorage          save:  funcHon()  {                  var  str  =  JSON.stringify(dat);                  try  {db.setItem(“cacheData”,  str);  }  catch(e)  {  }          },   …  }   19  
  • 20. Step 3: LRU Cache – Storing items var  sCache  =  {  …          storeItem:  funcHon(name,  data)  {                  //  Do  nothing  if  the  single  item  is  greater  than  our  capacity                  if  (data.length  >  dat.capacity)  return;                  //  Make  room  for  the  object                  while(dat.items.length  &&  (dat.size  +  data.length)  >  dat.capacity)  {                          var  elem  =  dat.pop();  //  Remove  the  least  recently  used  element                          try  {  db.removeItem(;  }  catch(e)  {  }                          dat.size  -­‐=  elem.size;                    }                  //  Store  the  new  element  in  localStorage  and  the  cache                  try  {      db.setItem(name,  data);    dat.size  +=  data.length;    dat.items.push  ({name:  name,  size:  data.length});                  }  catch(e)  {  }          }  …     20  
  • 21. Step 3: LRU Cache – Getting items var  sCache  =  {  …          getItem:  funcHon(name)  {                  //  Try  to  get  the  item                  var  data  =  db  &&  db.getItem(name);                  if  (!data)  return  null;                  //  Move  the  element  to  the  top  of  the  array,  marking  it  as  used                  for(var  i=0;i<dat.items.length;i++)  {    if  (dat.items[i].name  ===  name)  {              dat.items.unshiw(dat.items.splice(i,-­‐1));              break;    }                  }                  return  data;          }   …}   21  
  • 22. Post Step 3: Revised Run Script var  sCache  =  {  …          runExtScript:  funcHon  (url)  {                  //  Check  if  the  data  is  in  the  cache                  var  data  =  getItem(url);                  if  (!data)  {    //  If  not,  fetch  it      data  =  $.get(url);    //  Store  it  for  later  use    storeItem(url,  data);                  }                  //  Run  the  script                  addScriptElement(data);          }   …}   22  
  • 23. Step 4: Versioning //  Today:  File  version  1   sCache.load();   sCache.runExtScript(‘res.v1.js’);;     //  Tomorrow:  File  version  2   sCache.load();   sCache.runExtScript(‘res.v2.js’);;     //  Old  files  will  implicitly  be  pushed  out  of  the  cache     //  Also  work  with  versioning  using  signature  on  content   23  
  • 24. What Have We Created So Far? •  Scriptable LRU Cache –  Enforces size limits –  Recovers from errors •  Dedicated Cache –  Not affected by browsing other sites •  Robust Cache –  Not affected by Mobile Cache Sizes –  Survives Power Cycle and Process Reset •  Still Has Limitations: –  Only works on same domain –  Resources fetched sequentially 24  
  • 25. Step 5: Cross-Domain Resources •  Why Cross Domain? –  Enables Domain Sharding –  Various Architecture Reasons •  Solution: Self-Registering Scripts –  Scripts load themselves into the cache –  Added to the page as standard scripts –  Note that one URL stores data as another URL h;p://   h;p://   alert(1);   sCache.storeItem(   ‘h;p://’,   ’alert(1)’);   25  
  • 26. Step 6: Fetching Resources In Parallel <script>sCache.load()</script>     <script>   //  Resources  downloaded  in  parallel   doc.write(“<scr”+”ipt  src=‘h;p://’></scr”+”ipt>”);   doc.write(“<scr”+”ipt  src=‘h;p://’></scr”+”ipt>”);   </script>     <!-­‐-­‐    Scripts  won’t  run  unHl  previous  ones  complete,  and  data  is  cached  -­‐-­‐>   <script>sCache.runExtScript(‘h;p://’);  </script>   <script>sCache.runExtScript(‘h;p://’);  </script>   <!-­‐-­‐    Note  the  different  URLs!  -­‐-­‐>     <script>;</script>   26  
  • 27. Step 6: Parallel Resources + Cache Check var  sCache  =  {  …          loadResourceViaWrite:  funcHon  (path,  file)  {                  //  Check  if  the  data  is  in  the  cache                  var  data  =  getItem(url);                  if  (!data)  {    //  If  not,  doc-­‐write  the  store  URL    doc.write(“<scr”+”ipt  src=‘”  +  path  +              “store.”  +  file  +  //  Add  the  “store.”  prefix            “’></scr”+”ipt>”);                  }          }   …}   27  
  • 28. Step 6: Parallel Downloads, with Cache <script>sCache.load()</script>     <script>   //  Resources  downloaded  in  parallel,  only  if  needed   sCache.loadResourceViaWrite("h;p://”,”foo.v1.js”);   sCache.loadResourceViaWrite("h;p://”,”bar.v1.js”);   </script>     <!-­‐-­‐    Scripts  won’t  run  unHl  previous  ones  complete,  and  data  is  cached  -­‐-­‐>   <script>sCache.runExtScript(‘h;p://’);  </script>   <script>sCache.runExtScript(‘h;p://’);  </script>   <!-­‐-­‐    Note  the  different  URLs!  -­‐-­‐>     <script>;</script>   28  
  • 29. What Have We Created? •  Scriptable LRU Cache –  Enforces size limits –  Recovers from errors •  Dedicated Cache –  Not affected by browsing other sites •  Robust Cache –  Not affected by Mobile Cache Sizes –  Survives Power Cycle and Process Reset •  Works across domains •  Resources downloaded in parallel 29  
  • 30. Understanding localStorage Quota •  Many browsers use UTF-16 for characters –  Effectively halves the storage space –  Safest to limit capacity to 2 MB •  Best value: Cache CSS & JavaScript –  Biggest byte-for-byte impact on page load –  Lowest variation allows for longest caching –  Images are borderline too big for capacity •  Remember: Quotas are per top-level-domain –  * share the same quota 30  
  • 32. Adaptive Consolidation •  Fetch Several Resources with One Request –  Store them as Fragments •  Adapt to Browser Cache State –  If resources aren’t in cache, fetch them as one file –  If some resources are in cache, fetch separate files –  Optionally consolidate missing pieces h;p://   h;p://   alert(1);   sCache.storeItem(‘/foo.v1.js’,   ’alert(1)’);   h;p://   sCache.storeItem(‘/bar.v1.js’,   ’alert(2)’);   alert(2);     32  
  • 33. Adaptive vs. Simple Consolidation - #2 •  User browsers Page A, then Page B –  Assume each JS file is 20KB in Size OpGmizaGon   Total  JS  Requests   Total  JS  Bytes   None   3   60KB   Simple  ConsolidaHon   2   100KB   AdapHve  ConsolidaHon   1   60KB   Page  A   Page  B   <script  src=“a.js”></script>   <script  src=“a.js”></script>   <script  src=“b.js”></script>   <script  src=“b.js”></script>   <script  src=“c.js”></script>   33  
  • 34. Adaptive vs. Simple Consolidation - #2 •  User browsers Page A, then Page B –  Assume each JS file is 20KB in Size OpGmizaGon   Total  JS  Requests   Total  JS  Bytes   None   4   80KB   Simple  ConsolidaHon   2   140KB   AdapHve  ConsolidaHon   2   80KB   Page  A   Page  B   <script  src=“a.js”></script>   <script  src=“a.js”></script>   <script  src=“b.js”></script>   <script  src=“b.js”></script>   <script  src=“c.js”></script>   <script  src=“c.js”></script>   <script  src=“d.js”></script>   34  
  • 35. Adaptive vs. Simple Consolidation - #3 •  External & Inline Scripts are often related •  Breaks Simple Consolidation •  Doesn’t break Adaptive Consolidation StoreAll.js   a.js   var  mode=1;   sCache.storeItem(‘a.js’,’var  mode=1;’)   sCache.storeItem(‘b.js’,’alert(userType);’)   b.js   alert(userType);   OpHmized  Page:   Page:   <script  src=“a.js”></script>   <script>sCache.runExtScript(‘a.js’)</script>   <script>   <script>   var  userType  =  “user”;   var  userType  =  “user”;   If  (mode==1)  userType  =  “admin”;   If  (mode==1)  userType  =  “admin”;   </script>   </script>   <script  src=“b.js”></script>   <script>sCache.runExtScript(‘b.js’)</script>   35  
  • 36. Robust Prefetching •  In-Page Prefetching –  Fetch CSS/JS Resources at top of page, to be used later •  Next-Page Prefetching –  Fetch resources for future pages •  Robust and Predictable –  Not invalidated due to content type change in FF –  Not invalided by cookies set in IE –  Not reloaded when entering same URL in Safari –  … 36  
  • 37. Async JS/CSS •  Async JS: Run scripts without blocking page –  Doable without Scriptable Cache –  Scriptable Cache allows script prefetching –  Eliminates need to make fetch scripts block •  Async CSS: Download CSS without blocking –  CSS ordinarily delay resource download & render –  You can’t always know when a CSS file loaded –  Scriptable Cache enables “onload” event –  Can still block rendering if desired 37  
  • 38. Summary •  Caching is good – you should use it! •  Scriptable Cache is better –  More robust –  More reasonably sized on Mobile –  Enables important optimizations •  The two aren’t mutually exclusive –  “store” files should be cacheable –  Images should likely keep using regular cache 38  
  • 39. Or… Use the Blaze Scriptable Cache! •  Blaze automates Front-End Optimization –  No Software, Hardware or Code Changes needed –  All the pitfalls and complexities taken care of •  Blaze optimizes Mobile & Desktop Websites –  Applying the right optimizations for each client See how much faster Blaze can make your site with our Free Report: Contact Us: 39  
  • 40. QuesGons?   DIY Scriptable Cache Guy Podjarny, CTO twitter: @guypod