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The digital


End of Season Drink
Moterra, Honselersdijk (NL) 

Stefan Jenart
Digitale Strateeg
His name is Bart His name is Dirk
Digital customer journey

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Creating a digital marketing strategy
Creating a digital marketing strategyCreating a digital marketing strategy
Creating a digital marketing strategy

The document outlines a proposed digital marketing strategy for the Irish Football Association (IFA). It begins with a situational analysis of IFA and its current lack of a structured marketing strategy. The strategy identifies key audience targets and proposes using multiple digital channels including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and paid search. An action plan details content initiatives on each channel linked to upcoming football matches and events. A budget of £1,045 is allocated across channels for the first year. Progress will be measured through analytics tools tracking engagement metrics on each platform. The critical actions defined aim to optimize IFA's website and enable analytics tracking across all digital activities.

digital portrush
Social Media Trends 2023 - MarketingTrips.pdf
Social Media Trends 2023 - MarketingTrips.pdfSocial Media Trends 2023 - MarketingTrips.pdf
Social Media Trends 2023 - MarketingTrips.pdf

Decentralized social networks are emerging as the next trend, allowing individual users more control over their data and experience. As concerns grow over privacy and data usage on mainstream platforms, decentralized networks run by consumers rather than corporations offer an alternative. However, challenges remain around moderation and preventing toxicity without centralized oversight. In 2023, one or two decentralized networks may start to gain significant traction if they can address these issues, putting pressure on major platforms to offer users more choice and autonomy.

social mediamarketingtrips
Virtual Influencers marketing- Digital digest 2_ AC
Virtual Influencers marketing- Digital digest 2_ ACVirtual Influencers marketing- Digital digest 2_ AC
Virtual Influencers marketing- Digital digest 2_ AC

A POV about Virtual influencers and their impact on consumer behaviour and the market. A depth into who is following them, and how are they connecting with the consumers.

marketingvirtual realitydigital marketing
It’s not about e-commerce or websites or technology.
It’s about changed behaviour.
First we change technology
Then technology changes us
Digital customer journey
Digital customer journey

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Paid- Owned-Earned Media
Paid- Owned-Earned MediaPaid- Owned-Earned Media
Paid- Owned-Earned Media

The terms earned, owned and paid media have become very popular in the digital marketing space. Together they can be applied as a simple way for digital marketers to categorize and ultimately prioritize all of the media options they have today.

Digital Marketing Strategy Presentation (PDF)
Digital Marketing Strategy Presentation (PDF) Digital Marketing Strategy Presentation (PDF)
Digital Marketing Strategy Presentation (PDF)

Digital Marketing Strategy: A Plan of action to achieve our defined marketing goals for business. Every company must follow a digital marketing strategy to promote their business. Digital Marketing Strategy Framework To create a good digital strategy we must understand the client business and goals of business. Prepare plan for at least for 3 months to 1 year, so digital marketing team can have a proper framework to implement various digital strategies. A comprehensive plan is required for following strategies > SEO > Google Ads > Social Media Marketing > Email Marketing > Inbound Marketing Call us on 9052425444 for learning digital marketing course.

digital marketingdigital marketing strategydigital marketing strategy ppt
Engagement, Retention and Monetization
Engagement, Retention and MonetizationEngagement, Retention and Monetization
Engagement, Retention and Monetization

Key learnings: -Using advanced analytics to uncover monetization opportunities -Types of campaigns you should automate to drive engagement and save you time -Lifecycle optimization to take you from activation to repeat purchase -Tap into dormant and churned users for new monetization opportunities

user retentionclevertapapp monetization
First, a story
One of our holiday destinations
Remember these?
These made life a little bit easier

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Programmatic AD Buying - A Tactical Guide
Programmatic AD Buying - A Tactical GuideProgrammatic AD Buying - A Tactical Guide
Programmatic AD Buying - A Tactical Guide

This document provides an overview of programmatic ad buying and real-time bidding (RTB). It defines programmatic ad buying as using software to automate the purchase of digital ads in real-time or otherwise, as opposed to traditional manual processes. It clarifies that while RTB refers to real-time auctions, programmatic buying also allows for guaranteed impressions. The document explains that programmatic technology makes ad buying more efficient and cheaper compared to traditional human-driven processes. It also provides examples of targeting tactics that can be used like audience, contextual, and site-based targeting.

display ads tacticsreal time biddingprogrammatic buying
digital marketing of coca cola adidas and american tourister
digital marketing of coca cola adidas and american touristerdigital marketing of coca cola adidas and american tourister
digital marketing of coca cola adidas and american tourister

This document provides an analysis of the digital marketing strategies of Coca Cola, Adidas, and American Tourister. It begins with an acknowledgement and table of contents, then discusses each brand's social media presence and campaigns. For Coca Cola, it examines strategies on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, and campaigns like "Share a Coke." For Adidas, it discusses building hype on launches through social media and user-generated content. For American Tourister, it outlines campaigns on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. The document also lists malls chosen for the study and discusses branding strategies used by Coca Cola.

digital marketingcoca colaadidas
Digital Marketing Strategy for a Cosmetic Brand - Love Beauty and Planet (A U...
Digital Marketing Strategy for a Cosmetic Brand - Love Beauty and Planet (A U...Digital Marketing Strategy for a Cosmetic Brand - Love Beauty and Planet (A U...
Digital Marketing Strategy for a Cosmetic Brand - Love Beauty and Planet (A U...

The digital marketing strategy outlines a detailed behavioral analysis on the Indian consumer journey from research > evaluation > consideration > purchase in the beauty industry. The digital marketing plan for the beauty brand has been created taking key insights from beauty consumer footprints and their behavior on the key digital channels to improve the beauty brand's discoverability and desirability on the top digital platforms.

beauty and fashionbeauty branddigital strategy
“Vergeet de gps niet mee te nemen!”
Preparing the trip was a matter of
not forgetting to bring this guy
Now we have this
What happens when you don’t
prepare for a trip anymore
It’s getting even easier

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Digital marketing-overview (1)
Digital marketing-overview (1)Digital marketing-overview (1)
Digital marketing-overview (1)

An effective digital strategy will help you take the right decisions to make a company successful online. A strategy process model provides a framework that gives a logical sequence to follow to ensure inclusion of all key activities of strategy development and implementation. We recommend the SOSTAC planning approach.

digital marketing
Reimagine Growth 3 - Session 2 - Planning your ASO strategy from 0 to 100
Reimagine Growth 3 - Session 2 - Planning your ASO strategy from 0 to 100Reimagine Growth 3 - Session 2 - Planning your ASO strategy from 0 to 100
Reimagine Growth 3 - Session 2 - Planning your ASO strategy from 0 to 100

Key learnings: -Why ASO should be part of your mobile marketing strategy -How to define priorities and ASO KPIs -How to spy on your competition to inform your ASO strategy -Why localization should be at the heart of your ASO strategy -How to optimize your ASO strategy over time

mobile marketingasostrategy
Whats app promotions & marketing - Market your Product & Services using WhatsApp
Whats app promotions & marketing - Market your Product & Services using WhatsAppWhats app promotions & marketing - Market your Product & Services using WhatsApp
Whats app promotions & marketing - Market your Product & Services using WhatsApp

Market your product & services using WhatsApp – The Tool for Next Generation Marketers India is one of the fastest-growing markets for instant messaging applications. 600 million WhatsApp users, 65 million are in India. The service helps connect better with the clients in the metro cities and across India “Cash-rich-time-poor” customers find it convenient to go through the latest stock and also block/book the items to be home-delivered High Conversion rate, in case of customers using WhatsApp the conversion is as high as 80% Nearly seven out of 10 enquiries that come to them on WhatsApp convert into business

whats app marketingwhats app promotionswhatsapp bulk sms marketing
My behaviour changed.
Induced by technology, 

I changed the way I prepare for driving.
First we change technology.
Then technology changes us.
Behaviour change
& New decision funnel
Another story

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Digital Marketing Strategy 101
Digital Marketing Strategy 101Digital Marketing Strategy 101
Digital Marketing Strategy 101

This document provides guidance on developing a digital marketing strategy in 3 sentences or less: The document discusses the importance of having a clear digital marketing strategy and assessing your capabilities before developing your strategy. It also emphasizes that a digital strategy can improve any business by lowering costs and increasing profits. The document provides a checklist to help businesses evaluate their current digital marketing approach across key areas like strategic planning, data integration, and customer experience.

Airbnb Social Media Strategy
Airbnb Social Media StrategyAirbnb Social Media Strategy
Airbnb Social Media Strategy

This document outlines Airbnb's proposed social media strategy for 2017. The objectives are to create more loyal brand ambassadors and grow their social media community by increasing engagement on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. The strategy involves campaigns to encourage sharing through hashtags, gathering customer stories, and using new features like Instagram stories and LinkedIn Publisher. Roles and a response plan are defined, and metrics like follower counts will be used to measure results.

Importance of Building your online presence
Importance of Building your online presenceImportance of Building your online presence
Importance of Building your online presence

Building online presence for your small business is crucial as it enhances your business visibility and lead generation. The entire world is online and everyone wants information on Google. Hence, its important that every small business has its online presence for better Business growth.

online businessonline presencesmall business
When buying a new coffee machine:
This is how people
came to a decision:
Pre-internet Internet
Digital customer journey

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Vioale digital marketing proposal 2
Vioale digital marketing proposal 2Vioale digital marketing proposal 2
Vioale digital marketing proposal 2

This document proposes content marketing strategies for fashion brands. It notes that today's shoppers research purchases online and want information throughout the shopping process. Content marketing allows fashion brands to truly connect with customers by making the customer the hero of content, weaving the brand purpose throughout, and linking online and offline experiences. Proven tactics include upgrading e-commerce sites for easier navigation, turning brand fans into ambassadors through user-generated content, and linking in-store and online ordering. When brands connect emotionally with consumers through content, they see growth triple that of competitors.

digital marketingproposaltredo media
Upcoming Trends in Digital Marketing in 2024.pptx
Upcoming Trends in Digital Marketing in 2024.pptxUpcoming Trends in Digital Marketing in 2024.pptx
Upcoming Trends in Digital Marketing in 2024.pptx

The document discusses several digital marketing trends anticipated for 2024, including: 1) AI will revolutionize content creation by enabling high-quality, scalable content generation to free up marketer time for strategy. 2) Video content will remain dominant on YouTube, so marketers should prioritize engaging video creation and leverage YouTube features. 3) Instagram will increasingly focus on e-commerce with shoppable posts and in-app checkout, blending discovery and purchases. 4) Voice search will impact SEO approaches through optimization for conversational and long-tail keywords relevant to voice queries.

digital marketingdigital mediatrends
Innovation in customer engagement
Innovation in customer engagementInnovation in customer engagement
Innovation in customer engagement

Floris Regouin discusses Samsung's approach to customer engagement and innovation. Samsung implemented a clear CRM strategy to get, keep, and grow customers through a centralized database and continuous enrichment. They engage customers across touchpoints like mobile, print, websites and more. Samsung also tests innovative campaigns using historic customer data to optimize relevance and stimulate purchases. Their efforts have led to over 300 million emails delivered with low opt-outs and engagement of over 240,000 people. Regouin advocates starting with a vision, breaking it down, and continuously testing and innovating engagement strategies.

by Wijs
trendsdigital trends
Fijn Venushaar
Adiantum raddianum
I knew what I wanted, before
entering the Garden Centre
Pre-internet Internet
Flowers are still 

(often) an impulsive buy
New decision funnel, because of 

new availability of information.

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Fotografie anno 2016
Fotografie anno 2016Fotografie anno 2016
Fotografie anno 2016

Presentatie door Stijn Aelgoet van Panobirds op het innovatie-event van Wijs.

by Wijs
virtual realitytrendsinnovation
Strateeg en ia zijn bij wijs
Strateeg en ia zijn bij wijsStrateeg en ia zijn bij wijs
Strateeg en ia zijn bij wijs

Een blik achter de schermen met Sharon: het leven van een informatiearchitect en strateeg binnen het werkveld bij Wijs.

by Wijs
information architectiainformatiearchitect
The insight activation studio
The insight activation studioThe insight activation studio
The insight activation studio

Presentatie door Tom De Ruyck van InSites Consulting op het innovatie-event van Wijs.

by Wijs
trendsdigital trends
We used to go to the library
We moved on to the internet, but a computer
was still a place you had to go to.
Now, it is everywhere
New decision funnel, because new availability of information.

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Digital marketing for e-commerce
Digital marketing for e-commerceDigital marketing for e-commerce
Digital marketing for e-commerce

The document discusses how the internet has changed consumer behavior and decision making processes. It explains that with more accessible information online, the consumer research phase has expanded. Marketers need to provide helpful content throughout the consumer journey, from awareness to advocacy, and across paid, owned, and earned channels. An integrated approach is needed to understand the complete funnel and close loops from online to offline actions. Triggers can be used to encourage sharing and advocacy. The entire customer journey should be mapped and measured using key performance indicators.

ecommercedigital marketing
Backbase webinar feat. Jim Marous: State of the Digital Customer Journey
Backbase webinar feat. Jim Marous: State of the Digital Customer Journey Backbase webinar feat. Jim Marous: State of the Digital Customer Journey
Backbase webinar feat. Jim Marous: State of the Digital Customer Journey

Customer loyalty and retention, two of the most important considerations in measuring business success in banking, are created by truly knowing your customer and offering a superior customer experience. However, banks need to improve customer experience, and digital channels are the best way to achieve this. Many FIs know this already, yet still find it difficult to seize the opportunity, despite knowing many customer pain points, such as no real onboarding process, a personalization gap, and lack of a seamless omni-channel experience. In this new Backbase webinar, we have talked to the renowned industry thought leader Jim Marous, co-publisher of The Financial Brand and publisher of the Digital Banking Report, about the importance of digital channels, about onboarding, and about the multi-channel process. The webinar agenda covers: The importance of digital channels Digital onboarding The commitment to the digital The real online customer experience: the omni-channel process

60 seconds onboardingcustomer experiencefinovate demo
The Digital Customer Journey
The Digital Customer JourneyThe Digital Customer Journey
The Digital Customer Journey

This document discusses how technology and the internet have changed consumer behavior and decision making processes. Some key points: 1. The information phase of the consumer journey has become more important due to the ubiquitous availability of information online. Consumers now do extensive research online before making purchase decisions. 2. Marketers need to shift from "awareness advertising" to providing helpful information to consumers during their research phase through content marketing. 3. The experience of using a product is also more important as consumers share their opinions online. Marketers should build triggers to encourage positive word-of-mouth sharing of products. 4. Understanding consumer context is crucial to provide relevant information instead of interruptive advertising. Data needs

Behaviour change
Behaviour change

New decision funnel
digital customer journey
Information is always, 


and frictionless available.

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Tutorial on the McKinsey/Harvard "Customer Decision Journey" by John Sing
Tutorial on the McKinsey/Harvard "Customer Decision Journey" by John SingTutorial on the McKinsey/Harvard "Customer Decision Journey" by John Sing
Tutorial on the McKinsey/Harvard "Customer Decision Journey" by John Sing

Today, our customers engage whether to do business with us in fundamentally different ways, relying heavily on digital interactions, evaluating a constantly shifting array of options, and affecting our future business by their post-purchase continual engagement through social media, recommendations, and reviews. A new customer buying model is the new normal. First described in 2009, continually refined since, this is my tutorial on this proven McKinsey / Harvard paradigm. Essential info. I also have an IT-specific version of this presentation on ( "Will your 2015 IT Roadmap Drive Business Success?" ) which supplements this presentation by describing the deep implications to the IT technology organization, and best practices for IT and the business to address these implications successfully. The URL for that presentation (you may cut/paste) is:

digital marketingexperiencebusiness model
The mobile consumer in belgium
The mobile consumer in belgiumThe mobile consumer in belgium
The mobile consumer in belgium

Davy Tollenaere presented his research about mobile internet in Belgium to Marketing students of Hogent and inspired them about the possibilities of mobile marketing. In addition to that, he showcased a branding campaign for Switch, an Apple reseller, by Wijs. Discover more mobile numbers onë-anno-2013

by Wijs
belgium mobileswitchmobile benchmarks
The Future of Finance: rebundled
The Future of Finance: rebundledThe Future of Finance: rebundled
The Future of Finance: rebundled

Woensdag 12/5 organiseerde Wijs het eerste Future of Finance event te Gent. Naast hapjes, drankjes en Tesla testritten, maakten we vooral tijd voor enkele vernieuwende visies op de toekomst van de financiële sector.

by Wijs
digital customer journey
digital customer journey
The research phase 

gets bigger
digital customer journey
Because of
This research phase 

gets bigger
digital customer journey
This gets more important

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Saving The World With UX
Saving The World With UXSaving The World With UX
Saving The World With UX

The document proposes using UX design principles to positively influence human behavior and address societal issues like famine, racism, drugs, and misbehavior. It suggests gamification concepts like "Famineville" to encourage donations for famine relief by satisfying human urges for progression. To combat racism, a "Cultural Advisor" mobile app could use virtual experiences to build understanding between cultures. A "Determination Package" using sensors and sponsors could help track drug rehabilitation progress. And a "Karma Currency" system employing positive and negative karma could discourage misbehavior and incentivize good deeds. The key takeaway is that designing for human behavior over simply customers could create digital solutions to world problems.

by Wijs
uxgamificationinternet of things
Influencing offline sales with online interaction - GAUC
Influencing offline sales with online interaction - GAUCInfluencing offline sales with online interaction - GAUC
Influencing offline sales with online interaction - GAUC

The document discusses optimizing online and offline marketing strategies by analyzing customer data and metrics. It recommends combining online and offline teams to work towards shared goals. Case studies show that high involvement products like glasses may generate more online leads for offline sales. Analyzing metrics like conversion rates, purchase timelines, and profit margins can provide insights on how to improve performance for different product types through coordinated online and offline efforts. The overall message is that a hybrid online-offline approach considering customer data can optimize sales.

by Wijs
offline salesonline
Presentatie hackathon twinspiration.key
Presentatie hackathon twinspiration.keyPresentatie hackathon twinspiration.key
Presentatie hackathon twinspiration.key

Deze presentatie over de Hackathons bij digital agency Wijs heb ik gegeven op de 2de Twinspirations op 18/10/2013 bij Sven Hubin en Lesley Arens in Oudenaarde. Je leest er hoe we de hackathons bij hebben ervaren en wat de talrijke resultaten waren. En achteraan, 3de laatste slide: mijn belangrijkste tip om er zelf een te organiseren!

people managementretentielearning
digital customer journey
This gets more important
Because of this
digital customer journey
This gets more important
Because of this
More power for
through social
Pre-internet Internet
€ €
conversion conversion
digital customer journey
New decision funnel 

goes beyond 

the moment of purchase

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CRM Metrix presented: "IS SOCIAL MEDIA THE ALMIGHTY CONSUMER TOUCHPOINT?" Where: Chicago WAW at the Hard Rock Chicago When: June 9, 2010 Who: Hemen Patel

digital marketing strategiesmeasuredigital marketing
New Shopper Journeys: The Influence of Digital Touchpoints
New Shopper Journeys: The Influence of Digital TouchpointsNew Shopper Journeys: The Influence of Digital Touchpoints
New Shopper Journeys: The Influence of Digital Touchpoints

At the Advertising Research Foundation’s (ARF) 2011 annual re:think convention, a key issues forum presentation was held entitled New Shopper Journeys: The Influence of Digital Touchpoints. The presentation explores how digital has an effect on shopper’s behaviors. Presentation is given by Alex Charlton- Director at essential research, Mike Hess- EVP of Research at Carat N.A., & Beth Uyenco- Global Research Director at Microsoft.

market researchre:thinkbrand

The document discusses key findings from a survey of 2,000 urban Indian shoppers regarding the influence of digital technologies on in-store retail purchases. Some of the main points covered include: - 21% of in-store retail purchases are influenced by digital technologies such as smartphones, computers, tablets and in-store devices. This percentage is expected to grow significantly with increasing smartphone and internet penetration. - The digital influence factor is consistent across different age groups and product categories. SEC A populations have a digital influence factor that is 3-5 times higher than other socio-economic classes. - Shoppers who use digital touchpoints during shopping have a 40% higher conversion rate and spend 25% more on average than

1. information phase becomes more important
2. use phase needs more attention
3. word of mouth becomes powerful
New decision funnel: 

go beyond the purchase
1. Information phase 2. Use phase 3. Word of mouth
Emphasis on content marketing
Stop ‚creating awareness’ with advertising,
start providing information 

with content marketing.

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Customer Experience and Mapping Your Digital Journey
Customer Experience and Mapping Your Digital JourneyCustomer Experience and Mapping Your Digital Journey
Customer Experience and Mapping Your Digital Journey

The document discusses mapping your digital journey and adapting to technological changes. It outlines the customer journey through different stages from discovery to advocacy. Key trends like social media, mobility, and big data are transforming the customer experience. To succeed, organizations must understand these trends, develop a digital strategy and channel plan, and view themselves as digital businesses that are adaptable to new technologies and customer needs. The overall message is that mapping the digital customer journey and having a digital transformation strategy are essential for future success.

customer experiencedigital marketing
Corporate Recruitment life cycle model: SAAA by Alexander Crepin
Corporate Recruitment life cycle model: SAAA  by Alexander Crepin Corporate Recruitment life cycle model: SAAA  by Alexander Crepin
Corporate Recruitment life cycle model: SAAA by Alexander Crepin

Workshop Recruitment Strategy, introducing the SAAA Corporate Recruiting model for success in today's dynamic global recruiting landscape.

hiringhiring managersearching
User Journey Mapping | barcamp Nürnberg 2016
User Journey Mapping | barcamp Nürnberg 2016 User Journey Mapping | barcamp Nürnberg 2016
User Journey Mapping | barcamp Nürnberg 2016

Was sind User Journey Maps und wie können 
sie erfolgreich dabei helfen neuen Kunden zu gewinnen
 und bestehende Kunden zu binden.

service designdesigncx
Digital customer journey
Pre-internet Internet
€ €
conversion conversion
digital customer journey
Digital customer journey

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#Firmday 22 oct London Broadbean Technology - Applying data to build an effec...
#Firmday 22 oct London Broadbean Technology - Applying data to build an effec...#Firmday 22 oct London Broadbean Technology - Applying data to build an effec...
#Firmday 22 oct London Broadbean Technology - Applying data to build an effec...

#Firmday 22 oct London Broadbean Technology - Applying data to build an effective talent acquisition strategy

the forum for inhouse recruitment managersthe firm
Communicating with today's consumer (by @vrederik / Wijs)
Communicating with today's consumer (by @vrederik / Wijs)Communicating with today's consumer (by @vrederik / Wijs)
Communicating with today's consumer (by @vrederik / Wijs)

Inspirational presentation on how digital has changed consumers' behavior and expectations. "Digital has been a gamechanger for Marketing & Communication. Today's consumers expect highly personalized and relevant communication. They use a great number of tools and media. They decide for themselves what channels to use when communicating with companies and brands. Furthermore, they want this communication to be always-on, instant, and seamless." Originally presented at Digital & The Future of Utilities (Cronos event on Oct. 23, 2014).

dataemail marketingsearch engines
Google's guide to Micro Moments: Winning the moments that matter
Google's guide to Micro Moments: Winning the moments that matterGoogle's guide to Micro Moments: Winning the moments that matter
Google's guide to Micro Moments: Winning the moments that matter

The document discusses how consumers are increasingly engaging with brands and making purchasing decisions across multiple devices and moments. It argues that companies need to focus on succeeding in these "micro-moments" by being present across consumer touchpoints, providing useful and relevant information quickly, and connecting marketing efforts across devices and channels. The document provides strategies and best practices for companies to be there, be useful, be quick, and connect the dots in order to capitalize on opportunities in consumers' micro-moments of need, want, or curiosity.

ppcadvertisingmobile marketing
Recepten op basis
van ingrediënten
die je al hebt
Een boodschappenlijstje
So… no more advertising?
Change advertising into
information using context.
The same data becomes information for some 

or advertising for others 

depending on the context of that consumer.

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Micromoments Guide to Winning the Shift to Mobile
Micromoments Guide to Winning the Shift to MobileMicromoments Guide to Winning the Shift to Mobile
Micromoments Guide to Winning the Shift to Mobile

Mobile has forever changed what we expect of brands. It's fractured the consumer journey into hundreds of real-time, intent-driven micro-moments. Each is a critical opportunity for brands to shape our decisions and preferences.

digital marketinginternet marketingmarketing
Micromoments Mobile Guide by Google
Micromoments Mobile Guide by GoogleMicromoments Mobile Guide by Google
Micromoments Mobile Guide by Google

The document provides a guide for brands to succeed in micro-moments by being present when consumers have intent in the moment across their journey. It discusses how micro-moments are critical touchpoints that determine consumer outcomes. To win micro-moments, brands must be there when moments occur, be useful by providing relevant information, and be quick to satisfy consumers' immediate needs. The guide provides strategies and examples for brands to master micro-moments, especially on mobile, and measure their effectiveness.

Micromoments guide to winning shift to mobile
Micromoments guide to winning shift to mobileMicromoments guide to winning shift to mobile
Micromoments guide to winning shift to mobile

Author - Google Guide to winning the shift to mobile This document was created by Google and is being shared for information purposes. Google owns all copyrights.

advertisinglocal marketingseo
If I want to buy a car, and I find a bunch of paper
advertising for diapers in my mailbox - they go
straight into the bin.
If I want to buy a car, and I find a bunch of paper
advertising for cars in my mailbox - I take them with
me to the couch and read them all night.
The age of context
spam advertising info
less context more context
‣ demographic (segmentation)
‣ search word
‣ location
‣ friends
‣ browser history
‣ activity (work, home, bar)
‣ …
The age of context
Potential need: 

location closest shop
Potential need: 

home delivery next week
17:55 PM 22:11 PM

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Google Micromoments Guide to Winning the Shift to Mobile
Google Micromoments Guide to Winning the Shift to MobileGoogle Micromoments Guide to Winning the Shift to Mobile
Google Micromoments Guide to Winning the Shift to Mobile

It’s essential for brands to meet consumers in their moments of need. But how you meet them is equally important. If a brand’s message isn’t useful or relevant, people will simply move on to another brand. Here’s how marketers can create a strategy based on usefulness.

mobile marketingcontent marketingmarketing
Micromoments by Google
Micromoments by GoogleMicromoments by Google
Micromoments by Google

The document provides a guide for brands to succeed in micro-moments, which are critical touchpoints when consumers turn to their devices to take action. It outlines three essential strategies: 1) Be there - anticipate micro-moments in your industry and commit to being present to help consumers; 2) Be useful - provide relevant information to meet consumers' needs in the moment; 3) Be quick - mobile experiences need to be fast and frictionless as micro-moments happen swiftly. It also highlights how Red Roof Inn mastered these strategies through targeted search ads for stranded travelers.

mobile marketinginternetmobile
Micro-Moments: Your Guide to Winning the Shift to Mobile
Micro-Moments: Your Guide to Winning the Shift to MobileMicro-Moments: Your Guide to Winning the Shift to Mobile
Micro-Moments: Your Guide to Winning the Shift to Mobile

The document provides a guide for brands to succeed in micro-moments by being present when consumers have intent in the moment across their journey. It discusses how micro-moments are critical touchpoints that determine consumer outcomes. To win micro-moments, brands must be there when moments occur, be useful by providing relevant information, and be quick to satisfy consumers' immediate needs. The guide provides strategies and examples for brands to master micro-moments, especially on mobile, and measure their effectiveness.

‣ demographic (segmentation)
‣ search word
‣ location
‣ friends
‣ browser history
‣ activity (work, home, bar)
‣ …
The age of context - Future vision
We might get tomato’s delivered 

at our door while making pasta.
Recap: Be present as a supplier of information 

in the entire customer journey
Stop YELLING and start HELPING!
1. Information phase 2. Use phase 3. Word of mouth

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Digital entrepreneurship for independent financial agents.
Digital entrepreneurship for independent financial agents.Digital entrepreneurship for independent financial agents.
Digital entrepreneurship for independent financial agents.

The document discusses 4 forces shaping the digital world: 1. Changed consumer behavior due to the availability of online information. Consumers now research products online rather than relying on branding. 2. The importance of owning the front-end experience with users. Winners are those who own the connection with the end user through their user experience. 3. The internet is disappearing as its own distinct space and becoming integrated into all objects and daily life. 4. The need for a user-centric and contextual approach. Understanding the user's context and needs is key rather than focusing on products alone. Companies should adapt to changing consumer behavior and channels while staying true to their core strengths.


The document discusses how Febreze initially struggled when first launched due to ineffective marketing that portrayed it as a solution for eliminating odors, rather than an enhancer. After conducting consumer research, P&G discovered people saw Febreze as a reward after cleaning. P&G then marketed Febreze as a finishing touch rather than a cleaning product, which led to increased sales. The document argues that effective marketing and presentation are important for any product or person to be successful, and shares details about the shipping app Shyp.

The future of mobile in 2016, DBD media agency and Google, LISTEX Summer Sess...
The future of mobile in 2016, DBD media agency and Google, LISTEX Summer Sess...The future of mobile in 2016, DBD media agency and Google, LISTEX Summer Sess...
The future of mobile in 2016, DBD media agency and Google, LISTEX Summer Sess...

DBD Media and Google, share thoughts on the future is mobile in 2016. Case studies, statistics, trends, industry comparisons. For LISTEX Summer Session, May 2016, a snowsports trade networking event.

listex summer sessionskiingmobile
‣ get the experience of your products/services right!
‣ even more important in times of social media
‣ every ‚physical’ product will get a digital counterpart, 

the least you have to do is become responsive (Mobile)
‣ UX (user experience) important in all its forms
Use phase
There’s always room for a layer of User Experience
Digital customer journey
Make buying really easy

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Chat will be the next big platform
Chat will be the next big platformChat will be the next big platform
Chat will be the next big platform

The document discusses how technology and information availability is changing behaviors and decision making processes. It provides examples of how planning a trip or purchasing a washing machine in the 1990s involved more steps and friction compared to today where information is readily available. It also discusses trends around the internet becoming more integrated and dominated by chat platforms where information comes to users implicitly. The key points are that technology changes behaviors, the information revolution will continue, and skills like conversational interfaces will be important for the future.

The Future Shape of Digital | Chartered Institute of Marketing
The Future Shape of Digital | Chartered Institute of MarketingThe Future Shape of Digital | Chartered Institute of Marketing
The Future Shape of Digital | Chartered Institute of Marketing

There is an assumption that the internet opens up possibilities for customers, but in reality people tend to stick to a small number of sites they know and trust, forming online "villages". Within these villages, marketers are taking the role of recommending products and services to customers based on their online behavior, similar to a village shopkeeper. Effective digital marketing requires creating an ongoing dialogue with customers by listening first and marketing second in a way that blurs the line between advertising and desired content. Maintaining trust is also vital, which can be done by distinguishing between impersonal data and personal customer information and being transparent about data usage. As more information is produced daily than people can process, customers want computers and personalized technology to do more of

digital marketingdigital media futuredigital media
The Future of Mobile (mobile minds)
The Future of Mobile (mobile minds)The Future of Mobile (mobile minds)
The Future of Mobile (mobile minds)

The future of mobile and where brands interact in the mobile space ... or better, what is the motivation of customer to go mobile for your brand !?

blackberryandroidmobile storytelling
Make repeat purchase really easy and personal
with a interior designer choosing plants for you
The customer doesn’t care 

about distribution challenges
Own the relationship with the customer
Alibaba, the
most valuable
retailer, has no
Uber, the
world’s largest
taxi company,
owns no fleet.
AirBnb, the
provider owns no
real estate.
Facebook, the
most popular
media owner,
creates no
Platform companies, owning the front-end.

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Teradata Connect 2014 Unofficial Summary
Teradata Connect 2014 Unofficial SummaryTeradata Connect 2014 Unofficial Summary
Teradata Connect 2014 Unofficial Summary

Teradata connect is conference on the power of data-driven digital marketing. The conference had a number of inspiring keynotes from Google, Facebook, Wired and Virgin Galactic to name a few. This is an unofficial summary perspective on the conference...that from an Australian technology startup - Key takeaways: 1. Customer data is like a currency - access is earned through demonstrated value 2. Technology is re-enabling the era of personalised, contextually relevant interactions…but at mass scale 3. Data savvy businesses will win

teradata connectmarketing conferencepersonalised marketing
Mobile Experience
Mobile ExperienceMobile Experience
Mobile Experience

This document discusses the results of a study conducted by the mobile marketing agency Plastic Mobile to understand what engages consumers on mobile apps. The study found that successful retail mobile apps rely on visuals like images to engage consumers because images can be processed more instinctively than text. It also found that the opening experience, and how quickly an app loads, strongly impacts the user's first impression. The study evaluated apps from Pizza Pizza, Best Buy, and Hyatt, and found consumer sentiments toward Hyatt declined after a negative app experience. The document also discusses VF Corp.'s approach to mobile, including how some of its brands like The North Face use dedicated apps versus mobile-optimized sites.

Mobile Marketing Automation
Mobile Marketing AutomationMobile Marketing Automation
Mobile Marketing Automation

Mobile apps have unlocked hidden potential for marketing through mobile automation. When developed effectively, apps can dramatically boost conversion rates through interactive campaigns. Successful apps are original, mobile-friendly, and offer clear benefits to users like engaging experiences or convenience. Marketers are leveraging apps' ability to capture full user attention on mobile devices to create synergies between online and offline interactions.

technologymarketing automationmobile marketing
Don’t stop at just building a great product!

Encourage Word of Mouth
1. Information phase 2. Use phase 3. Word of mouth
Fogg’s behaviour model
Plants are emotion and people already have 

a natural tendency to share

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Sally Witzky, Founder & Chief Digital Strategist of Traction Group, spoke at the Virginia Franchise Forum on Friday, February 25, 2011. Topic: Digital Marketing in our High-Touch, Fast-Paced, Multi-Media World. Slides are copyright of Traction Group LLC.

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Micro-Moments: Your Guide to Winning the Shift to Mobile (by Google)

Micro-Moments: Your Guide to Winning the Shift to Mobile (by Google*) Learn more about Mobile Solutions, at Hellas Marketing [] * Source: Google

A Short History of Digital Marketing
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Lecture given to Goldsmiths Social Media Marketing Students at ICCE . More details

digitalinternet marketingdigital marketing
Stimulate sharing.
Digital customer journey
Digital customer journey
Digital customer journey

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This document summarizes key insights from interviews with Belgian retailers about e-commerce opportunities and challenges. The main points are: 1) Belgian retailers see opportunities in e-commerce but view it as part of an integrated online and offline retail strategy. 2) There are three main "battlefields" or priorities: knowing your customers, prioritizing customer needs, and building customer familiarity with your brand. 3) A digital maturity model is presented to help retailers assess their capabilities across the three battlefields and identify next steps to improve e-commerce integration and performance.

by Wijs
e-commercebelgium e-commercedigital maturity model
Future of print
Future of printFuture of print
Future of print

The document discusses the future of print and how print and technology will connect going forward. It notes that while products are now easily obtainable, print allows for emotional interaction and storytelling through our five senses. Print will remain relevant by combining with technology through on-demand and on-location digital printing. This allows print to transform the digital customer journey and differentiate brands through creative identity and specialized technology. Ultimately, the document argues that print is the future of digital media.

by Wijs
graphic designprintbrand management
Influencing offline sales with online interaction - GAUC 2014
Influencing offline sales with online interaction - GAUC 2014Influencing offline sales with online interaction - GAUC 2014
Influencing offline sales with online interaction - GAUC 2014

David Vansteenbrugge and Dries Bultynck talked about influencing offline sales with online interaction on the GAUC event in august 2014.

by Wijs
offline salesinfluencingonline interaction
Digital customer journey
Digital customer journey
‣ WoM = using the network of your fans as channel
‣ WoM leads to awareness
‣ WoM leads to consideration
Word of Mouth
digital customer journey
This gets more important
Because of this
More power for
Mouse through
social media.
This research phase 

gets bigger
Because of

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Mobile Day - Mobile Advertising
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We don't have to explain that mobile and the associated Mobile advertising opportunities are growing rapidly, you just know it is! Are you interested in the possibilities of mobile advertising? Do you want to know what this could mean for your business?

by Wijs
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Mobile Day - How mobile influences the customer journey
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Mobile Day - How mobile influences the customer journey

Let there be no doubt: mobile should be prominent in every digital strategy today. Actually you should even start all reasoning from "mobile first". But the concept "mobile" is not a technology, nor is it a specific device with it's specific screen size. Mobile stands for the fundamental change in the decision making process of consumers. Using this insight as the base of all your strategies will deliver results. We dig deeper into this strategic approach during this presentation.

by Wijs
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The document discusses the efforts of VDAB, the public employment service of Flanders, to transition their website and digital services to be mobile-friendly. It outlines how VDAB analyzed usage data showing a large increase in smartphone usage and developed a responsive website in an iterative process, starting with key job search functions before rolling out to more site sections. The presentation provides recommendations for other organizations to initiate change by starting small, involving stakeholders, and scaling solutions without breaking existing services.

by Wijs
information architectinformatiearchitectmobile marketing
Understand the digital customer journey.
Understand the digital customer journey.
Don’t just be the conversion nerd.
digital customer journey
Conversion is
digital customer journey
But it is
by the
Conversion is

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by Wijs
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Lieselotte Van Tieghem, Sales- & Marketing Manager bij Wijs, gaf deze presentatie voor het eerst op het Oracle event op 14/05/2014. Ze heeft het o.a. over data en daar slimmer mee omgaan, uw klanten beter te leren kennen in hun context, 1 op 1 communicatie, closing the loop & the sweet spot.

by Wijs
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UBA Trends 2014
UBA Trends 2014UBA Trends 2014
UBA Trends 2014

UBA Trends Day bood een overzicht van nieuwe trends op vlak van consumer insights, innovatie, communicatietechnieken en research. Deze presentatie vat de belangrijkste items samen.

by Wijs
What you should remember:
New decision funnel, because new availability of information.
‣ changed behaviour
‣ changed decision funnel
‣ Focus on User Experience in your relationship
‣ the whole journey
‣ more emphasis on research over awareness
‣ use content marketing
‣ more information on the use of your product
‣ Stimulate sharing

the digital customer

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Nog niet zo heel lang geleden vroeg de Ambrassade ons om 32 communicatiemedewerkers uit de jeugdsector in te wijden in de geheimen van de Informatie-architectuur. Naast een stevige inleiding over usability kwamen we terecht bij de 10 concepten die een Informatie architect mee moet hebben.

by Wijs
information architectinformatiearchitectinternet marketing
Logistics and ecommerce
Logistics and ecommerceLogistics and ecommerce
Logistics and ecommerce

This document discusses shifts and opportunities in e-commerce. It notes that consumers are focusing more on products than brands, and that e-commerce is becoming integrated with offline shopping. Mobile commerce is growing as people want freedom of when, where and how they shop. Cross-border shopping is also increasing. The document outlines challenges like delivery bottlenecks and high shipping costs, and opportunities to address these through improved delivery options and alternative payment models that don't limit consumer freedom.

by Wijs
ecommerceretailingdistribution channels
Feweb on tour - whackathon
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Feweb on tour - whackathon

Jonas Goderis sprak op Feweb over de hackathon van afgelopen zomer bij Wijs, beter gekend als de whackathon.

by Wijs
fewebfeweb on tourwhackathon
Be present in that
journey by being helpful.


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Philippe Benmohamed sprak op Feweb over hoe hij een stage bij Wijs versierde, om de kantoren uiteindelijk nooit meer te verlaten.

by Wijs
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Digital Trends for 2014 - DMF13
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Digital Trends for 2014 - DMF13

"Every new technology starts by copying the old technology". Bart De Waele gives his personal opinion on the digital trends for 2014. Every digital device gets a digital interface: UX design will become an even more important skill. Be prepared to flip your value chain. Think Digital.

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Belgische Benchmarks - Google Think Performance
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Op donderdag 26 september 2013 was er het Google Think Performance event. Dit zijn alvast enkele cijfers die wij onthielden.

by Wijs
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Wijs bvba
Voorhavenlaan 31/3

9000 GENT
09 335 22 80

09 330 09 83
BE 0473.071.275
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