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DevOps: What, Who, Why
and How?
January 2019
I have been a
DBA, Consultant,
and Trainer
I am now an
Evangelist at
I’m a Microsoft
MVP & Microsoft
Certified Master
Let’s talk about a company you
might not think of as a tech
“Sysco, an acronym for Systems and Services
Company, is the world's largest broadline food
distributor; it has more than 600,000 clients in a wide
array of fields… The company operates
approximately 330 distribution facilities worldwide;
providing service to over 90 countries.”
Wikipedia ·
Sysco was upgrading its ERP solution
• Standardize processes
• Improve operations
• Protect against outdated legacy systems
The project modernized hardware and infrastructure,
but stuck with existing ERP solutions
Tech Trends 2018 · Corless, de Villiers Garibaldi · Deloitte ·
A problem became apparent
12 upgraded operating
• No significant
operating advantages
• Money already spent
60 non-upgraded
operating companies
• Should we spend
Tech Trends 2018 · Corless, de Villiers Garibaldi · Deloitte ·
Another concern…
• Competitors were modernizing as well
• Spending less than Sysco
• Focusing on simplifying customer experience
Tech Trends 2018 · Corless, de Villiers Garibaldi · Deloitte ·
Here’s who confronted the problem
Changes initiated by Wayne Shurts, CTO
Focus on the “secret sauce” present in the
customizations of the legacy ERP system
Reimagine applications around this using cloud
technologies and modern architectures
Work in an Agile framework embracing DevOps
Tech Trends 2018 · Corless, de Villiers Garibaldi · Deloitte ·
“Our competition and our
customers expect to see things
they’ve never seen before in heavy
Wayne Shurts, Sysco
Tech Trends 2018 · Corless, de Villiers Garibaldi · Deloitte ·
“If you believe that the pace of change
in the world today will only accelerate,
then you need to move to not only a
new method but a new mind-set.”
Wayne Shurts, Sysco
Tech Trends 2018 · Corless, de Villiers Garibaldi · Deloitte ·
DevOps: methods and mindset
What is DevOps?
What is DevOps?
The union of people, process, and products to enable continuous
delivery of value to our end users
An approach that aims at building, testing, and releasing software
quickly and frequently
A framework for managing work in teams of 3-9 members, which
breaks work into timeboxed sprints that are commonly 2 weeks long
What is DevOps?
The union of people, process, and products to enable continuous
delivery of value to our end users
An approach that aims at building, testing, and releasing software
quickly and frequently
An approach to writing software in which teams and customers
collaborate to evolve requirements and solutions
Donovan Brown ·
Compare: agile and DevOps
• Software development
• Emphasis on small
dev teams
• You don’t have to use
agile methods but…
• Emphasis on culture,
automation, cross-
functional teams
including IT, marketing,
support, sales
Scrum is an agile framework
• This can be used with DevOps
• Encourages daily face to face collaboration
• Focuses on delivering quickly
• Acknowledges emerging requirements
What is continuous deployment?
A practice which begins by converting requirements into test cases
which initially fail
An approach that aims at building, testing, and releasing software
quickly and frequently
A practice of frequently merging all developer changes to a main code
What is continuous deployment?
A practice which begins by converting requirements into test cases
which initially fail
An approach that aims at building, testing, and releasing software
quickly and frequently
A practice of frequently merging all developer changes to a main code
Continuous which?
Continuous delivery
Every change is ready to
be deployed – when the
business chooses to
Continuous deployment
Every change is
automatically deployed
Compare: Continuous delivery & DevOps
Continuous delivery
• Set of practices to
• Includes validation and
• Enables continuous
DevOps is the union of people,
process, and products to enable
continuous delivery of value to our end
Donovan Brown, Principal DevOps Manager, Microsoft
Who in your organization
should be involved in
Misguided approach:
We have a DevOps team who does
DevOps for us
Specialists can help you adopt and learn
to improve DevOps practices, but can’t do
DevOps “for you”
“Up until 2015 the DevOps team at SEEK
assumed full responsibility for all builds,
deployments and operational support for
our Hirer and Candidate sites.”
Andrew Hatch, Platform Engineering Manager, SEEK
Andrew Hatch · “Why We Don’t Need a DevOps Team” ·
“It was not an easy job.”
Andrew Hatch, Platform Engineering Manager, SEEK
Andrew Hatch · “Why We Don’t Need a DevOps Team” ·
“We had made rapid advances in our
delivery processes but we still faced torrid
nights on-call with software systems
straining under the sheer volume of
product being deployed to them.”
Andrew Hatch, Platform Engineering Manager, SEEK
Andrew Hatch · “Why We Don’t Need a DevOps Team” ·
Measuring DevOps performance
• Throughput / tempo
• Deployment frequency
• Lead time for changes
• Stability
• Time to restore service
• Change failure rate
• Categorizations
• Elite
• High
• Medium
• Low
2018 State of DevOps Report · Forsgren, Humble, Kim · DORA
Measuring DevOps performance
• Throughput / tempo
• Deployment frequency
• Lead time for changes
• Stability
• Time to restore service
• Change failure rate
• Categorizations
• Elite
• High
• Medium
• Low
2018 State of DevOps Report · Forsgren, Humble, Kim · DORA
Measuring DevOps performance
• Throughput / tempo
• Deployment frequency
• Lead time for changes
• Stability
• Time to restore service
• Change failure rate
• Categorizations
• Elite
• High
• Medium
• Low
2018 State of DevOps Report · Forsgren, Humble, Kim · DORA
Misguided approach:
DevOps is Developers doing Operations
(instead of IT people)
Specialists are still needed in DevOps,
even in small organizations
If small teams provide autonomous support,
what would a specialist such as a DBA do?
• Tailor source control strategies for database code
to work best for the organization
• Automate testing and release of database code
with the right review and approval gates to produce
stable, safe deployments
If small teams provide autonomous support…
• Efficiently identify risky database changes which
require careful code review
• Quickly provision databases which mask or remove
sensitive data for new projects
• Optimize practices to reduce bugs and outages
caused by database code releases
Taryn Pratt ·
DevOps involves everyone
Broad cultural change
• Break down silos: bring
Dev into Ops and Ops
into Dev
• Focus on continuous
delivery of value to end
Gain insights about end
• Marketing
• Sales
• Support
Why should your organization
adopt DevOps?
David Linwood’s “three lenses”
IT & Dev Managers / Team Leaders
The ROI of Database DevOps · Hilbert, Duggan, and Linwood ·
Redgate ·
Let’s oversimplify a bit
CEO - corporate vision, maximize value
CIO / CTO - strategic goals for IS
Managers - tactical approach
The CEO lens
• Lower cost
• Major failures are expensive
• Higher revenue
• Faster time to market than competitors
• Customer satisfaction
Why should CEOs invest in DevOps?
47% of CEOs reported to Gartner that they are
experiencing pressure from their board of directors to
transform their digital business
2017 CEO Survey · Kasey Panetta · Gartner
Why should CEOs invest in DevOps?
Building the right software helps companies gain
more market share than they can by mergers and
“Information Technology and Industry Concentration” · James
Bessen · Boston University School of Law · 2017
Why should CEOs invest in DevOps?
Software core to business operations does not “level
the playing field” between large and small firms. It
“tilts” the playing field in favor of those who use it
most effectively
“Information Technology and Industry Concentration” · James
Bessen · Boston University School of Law · 2017
The Developer Coefficient 2018 · Stripe and Harris Poll
The CIO lens
• Throughput of the department
• Ability to collaborate
• Quality of services to the customer
• How to hire and retain good staff
• Employee satisfaction
By 2020… “50% of the CIOs that
have not transformed their
capabilities will be displaced from
the digital leadership team.”
Gartner Predicts, 2016
Gartner Predicts ·
Why should CIOs invest in DevOps?
2017 Forrester Research survey
• 64% of respondents said their businesses are
dissatisfied with time to release new features to
• Only 23% of enterprises are releasing at least
The Forrester Wave: Continuous Delivery and Release
Automation, Q3 2017
The Developer Coefficient 2018, Stripe and Harris Poll
The manager lens
• Team performance
• Number and impact of defects
• Recovering from failure
• Minimize the impact of failure on
the customer and the team
Accelerate, Forsgren, Humble and Kim, 2018, p49
Why should managers invest in DevOps?
PerformanceDrives Drives
Why should managers invest in DevOps?
• DevOps uses measurable global outcomes
• DevOps can advance the rate of these outcomes
by setting goals universal to all teams
• This tears down the “wall of confusion” epitomized
by dev teams being measured by throughput, IT
teams being measured by stability
Accelerate, Forsgren, Humble and Kim, 2018
How can your organization
start implementing DevOps?
“If you are currently testing the Agile-
DevOps waters, it’s time to wade in. Be
like the explorer who burned his boat so
that he couldn’t return to his familiar life.”
Tech Trends 2018 · Deloitte ·
Two approaches
Top Down
• Executive acts as
• Identify innovators
• Seed prototype
Bottom Up
• Practitioners transform
• Prototype
• Seek leadership
support for broader
cultural change
team-based development
and preserve data
database deployments
performance& availability
Start your journey: contact
DevOps: What, who, why and how?

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DevOps: What, who, why and how?

  • 1. DevOps: What, Who, Why and How? January 2019
  • 2. @Kendra_Little I have been a DBA, Consultant, and Trainer I am now an Evangelist at Redgate I’m a Microsoft MVP & Microsoft Certified Master
  • 3. Let’s talk about a company you might not think of as a tech innovator
  • 4. “Sysco, an acronym for Systems and Services Company, is the world's largest broadline food distributor; it has more than 600,000 clients in a wide array of fields… The company operates approximately 330 distribution facilities worldwide; providing service to over 90 countries.” Wikipedia ·
  • 5. Sysco was upgrading its ERP solution • Standardize processes • Improve operations • Protect against outdated legacy systems The project modernized hardware and infrastructure, but stuck with existing ERP solutions Tech Trends 2018 · Corless, de Villiers Garibaldi · Deloitte ·
  • 6. A problem became apparent 12 upgraded operating companies • No significant operating advantages • Money already spent 60 non-upgraded operating companies • Should we spend more? Tech Trends 2018 · Corless, de Villiers Garibaldi · Deloitte ·
  • 7. Another concern… • Competitors were modernizing as well • Spending less than Sysco • Focusing on simplifying customer experience Tech Trends 2018 · Corless, de Villiers Garibaldi · Deloitte ·
  • 8. Here’s who confronted the problem
  • 9. Changes initiated by Wayne Shurts, CTO Focus on the “secret sauce” present in the customizations of the legacy ERP system Reimagine applications around this using cloud technologies and modern architectures Work in an Agile framework embracing DevOps Tech Trends 2018 · Corless, de Villiers Garibaldi · Deloitte ·
  • 10. “Our competition and our customers expect to see things they’ve never seen before in heavy doses.” Wayne Shurts, Sysco Tech Trends 2018 · Corless, de Villiers Garibaldi · Deloitte ·
  • 11. “If you believe that the pace of change in the world today will only accelerate, then you need to move to not only a new method but a new mind-set.” Wayne Shurts, Sysco Tech Trends 2018 · Corless, de Villiers Garibaldi · Deloitte ·
  • 14. What is DevOps? The union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to our end users An approach that aims at building, testing, and releasing software quickly and frequently A framework for managing work in teams of 3-9 members, which breaks work into timeboxed sprints that are commonly 2 weeks long A B C
  • 15. What is DevOps? The union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to our end users An approach that aims at building, testing, and releasing software quickly and frequently An approach to writing software in which teams and customers collaborate to evolve requirements and solutions Donovan Brown · Agile Scrum
  • 16. Compare: agile and DevOps Agile • Software development approach • Emphasis on small dev teams DevOps • You don’t have to use agile methods but… • Emphasis on culture, automation, cross- functional teams including IT, marketing, support, sales
  • 17. Scrum is an agile framework • This can be used with DevOps • Encourages daily face to face collaboration • Focuses on delivering quickly • Acknowledges emerging requirements
  • 18. What is continuous deployment? A practice which begins by converting requirements into test cases which initially fail An approach that aims at building, testing, and releasing software quickly and frequently A practice of frequently merging all developer changes to a main code line A B C
  • 19. What is continuous deployment? A practice which begins by converting requirements into test cases which initially fail An approach that aims at building, testing, and releasing software quickly and frequently A practice of frequently merging all developer changes to a main code line o_continuous_deployment CI TDD
  • 20. Continuous which? Continuous delivery Every change is ready to be deployed – when the business chooses to deploy Continuous deployment Every change is automatically deployed
  • 21. Compare: Continuous delivery & DevOps Continuous delivery • Set of practices to standardize deployments • Includes validation and feedback DevOps • Enables continuous delivery
  • 22. DevOps is the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to our end users Donovan Brown, Principal DevOps Manager, Microsoft
  • 23. Who in your organization should be involved in DevOps?
  • 24. Misguided approach: We have a DevOps team who does DevOps for us
  • 25. Specialists can help you adopt and learn to improve DevOps practices, but can’t do DevOps “for you”
  • 26. “Up until 2015 the DevOps team at SEEK assumed full responsibility for all builds, deployments and operational support for our Hirer and Candidate sites.” Andrew Hatch, Platform Engineering Manager, SEEK Andrew Hatch · “Why We Don’t Need a DevOps Team” ·
  • 27. “It was not an easy job.” Andrew Hatch, Platform Engineering Manager, SEEK Andrew Hatch · “Why We Don’t Need a DevOps Team” ·
  • 28. “We had made rapid advances in our delivery processes but we still faced torrid nights on-call with software systems straining under the sheer volume of product being deployed to them.” Andrew Hatch, Platform Engineering Manager, SEEK Andrew Hatch · “Why We Don’t Need a DevOps Team” ·
  • 29. Measuring DevOps performance • Throughput / tempo • Deployment frequency • Lead time for changes • Stability • Time to restore service • Change failure rate • Categorizations • Elite • High • Medium • Low 2018 State of DevOps Report · Forsgren, Humble, Kim · DORA ·
  • 30. Measuring DevOps performance • Throughput / tempo • Deployment frequency • Lead time for changes • Stability • Time to restore service • Change failure rate • Categorizations • Elite • High • Medium • Low 2018 State of DevOps Report · Forsgren, Humble, Kim · DORA ·
  • 31. Measuring DevOps performance • Throughput / tempo • Deployment frequency • Lead time for changes • Stability • Time to restore service • Change failure rate • Categorizations • Elite • High • Medium • Low 2018 State of DevOps Report · Forsgren, Humble, Kim · DORA ·
  • 32. Misguided approach: DevOps is Developers doing Operations (instead of IT people)
  • 33. Specialists are still needed in DevOps, even in small organizations
  • 34. If small teams provide autonomous support, what would a specialist such as a DBA do? • Tailor source control strategies for database code to work best for the organization • Automate testing and release of database code with the right review and approval gates to produce stable, safe deployments
  • 35. If small teams provide autonomous support… • Efficiently identify risky database changes which require careful code review • Quickly provision databases which mask or remove sensitive data for new projects • Optimize practices to reduce bugs and outages caused by database code releases
  • 36. Taryn Pratt ·
  • 37. DevOps involves everyone Broad cultural change • Break down silos: bring Dev into Ops and Ops into Dev • Focus on continuous delivery of value to end users Gain insights about end users • Marketing • Sales • Support
  • 38. Why should your organization adopt DevOps?
  • 39. David Linwood’s “three lenses” CEO CIO / CTO IT & Dev Managers / Team Leaders The ROI of Database DevOps · Hilbert, Duggan, and Linwood · Redgate ·
  • 40. Let’s oversimplify a bit CEO - corporate vision, maximize value CIO / CTO - strategic goals for IS Managers - tactical approach
  • 41. The CEO lens • Lower cost • Major failures are expensive • Higher revenue • Faster time to market than competitors • Customer satisfaction
  • 42. Why should CEOs invest in DevOps? 47% of CEOs reported to Gartner that they are experiencing pressure from their board of directors to transform their digital business 2017 CEO Survey · Kasey Panetta · Gartner
  • 43. Why should CEOs invest in DevOps? Building the right software helps companies gain more market share than they can by mergers and acquisitions “Information Technology and Industry Concentration” · James Bessen · Boston University School of Law · 2017
  • 44. Why should CEOs invest in DevOps? Software core to business operations does not “level the playing field” between large and small firms. It “tilts” the playing field in favor of those who use it most effectively “Information Technology and Industry Concentration” · James Bessen · Boston University School of Law · 2017
  • 45. The Developer Coefficient 2018 · Stripe and Harris Poll
  • 46. The CIO lens • Throughput of the department • Ability to collaborate • Quality of services to the customer • How to hire and retain good staff • Employee satisfaction
  • 47. By 2020… “50% of the CIOs that have not transformed their capabilities will be displaced from the digital leadership team.” Gartner Predicts, 2016 Gartner Predicts ·
  • 48. Why should CIOs invest in DevOps? 2017 Forrester Research survey • 64% of respondents said their businesses are dissatisfied with time to release new features to customers • Only 23% of enterprises are releasing at least monthly The Forrester Wave: Continuous Delivery and Release Automation, Q3 2017
  • 49. The Developer Coefficient 2018, Stripe and Harris Poll
  • 50. The manager lens • Team performance • Number and impact of defects • Recovering from failure • Minimize the impact of failure on the customer and the team
  • 51. Accelerate, Forsgren, Humble and Kim, 2018, p49 Why should managers invest in DevOps? Continuous Delivery Software Delivery Performance Organizational PerformanceDrives Drives
  • 52. Why should managers invest in DevOps? • DevOps uses measurable global outcomes • DevOps can advance the rate of these outcomes by setting goals universal to all teams • This tears down the “wall of confusion” epitomized by dev teams being measured by throughput, IT teams being measured by stability Accelerate, Forsgren, Humble and Kim, 2018
  • 53. How can your organization start implementing DevOps?
  • 54. “If you are currently testing the Agile- DevOps waters, it’s time to wade in. Be like the explorer who burned his boat so that he couldn’t return to his familiar life.” Tech Trends 2018 · Deloitte ·
  • 55. Two approaches Top Down • Executive acts as catalyst • Identify innovators • Seed prototype projects Bottom Up • Practitioners transform practices • Prototype • Seek leadership support for broader cultural change
  • 56. Standardize team-based development Protect and preserve data Automate database deployments Monitor performance& availability
  • 57. Start your journey: contact