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Microservices and cloud native apps
The rise of cloud apps and Microservices
Why Microservices
Faster Time to Market = address customer needs
more rapidly w/ a more pliable product construction
& composition model
Lower Deployment Costs = change production live
with ultimate granularity
More Revenue Opportunities = can monetize all
aspects of the solution (services, data, rules) based on
more composability options
Business Drivers
Faster Time to Market = more flexible development
cycles (timing, tooling, deployment models)
Faster & More Precise Change Management =
Leverages advanced DevOps tactics for “live”
updates/rollbacks in production
Maximum Capacity = Infinite scale w/ code +
Azure services
Technical Drivers

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Spring cloud for microservices architecture
Spring cloud for microservices architectureSpring cloud for microservices architecture
Spring cloud for microservices architecture

I'm covering a new trend in distributed enterprise architecture – microservices. How the leading technology companies like Netflix and Amazon come to use that approach. How does it help them to scale their infrastructure. And how the newest set of tools in the Spring family would help you to apply those design principles in practice. Spring has always been about patterns and Spring Cloud brings you implementation of several widespread ones for distributed apps. And we'll try to show why DevOps should come in front of Microservices approach

microservicesspring cloudjava
Architecting Modern Data Platforms
Architecting Modern Data PlatformsArchitecting Modern Data Platforms
Architecting Modern Data Platforms

Welcome to my post on ‘Architecting Modern Data Platforms’, here I will be discussing how to design cutting edge data analytics platforms which meet the ever-evolving data & analytics needs for the business.

data architecturedata analyticsbig data
Azure App Modernization
Azure App ModernizationAzure App Modernization
Azure App Modernization

The document discusses various options for modernizing applications, including rehosting, refactoring, rearchitecting, and rebuilding apps. Rehosting involves moving apps to cloud infrastructure with minimal changes. Refactoring leverages existing code while taking advantage of cloud capabilities. Rearchitecting involves major code revisions for cloud-native apps and microservices. Rebuilding apps is building new apps using cloud-native platforms from the ground up. The document provides benefits, definitions, considerations, and technologies for each option to help determine the best modernization approach.

azuremicrosoft azureapp modernize
What is a Microservice
App 1
2 4
App 1 App 2
application approach
application approach
• Does one thing well (functionality driven)
• Is developed by a small cross-functional team
• Can be built with task-appropriate
• Communicates over well-defined
interfaces/protocols (lightweight)
• Has a unique logical name (URI) that can be
• Is independent code and configuration (&
optionally state)
• Deploys independently
• Scales independently
• Gets upgraded independently
Microservice applications are composed of small, independently versioned, and scalable customer-
focused services that communicate with each other over standard protocols with well-defined interfaces.
What is different – distributed state
The microservices approach has a graph of interconnected microservices where state is typically scoped
to the microservice and various technologies are used. Each microservice manages and stores its own
Business value of Microservices
Faster time to market
Competitive differentiation
Improved collaboration
with partners
Workforce management
What a Microservice is not
• A service implemented with a small amount of code
• A simple API to a more complex service implemented as
part of a Monolithic application
• A service built and delivered without automation of testing
and deployment and operations
• A service built on mutable compute infrastructure that is
updated and patched separately from software deployment
• A service that has dependencies on its peers that prevent it
from being changed and updated independently
• A large, coarse-grained service or Monolithic set of services
packaged in a Docker container
• A service exposed via API by another party; a published API
• A component, module, service, or capability, labeled as a
“Microservice" by a vendor, over which you do not have
deployment and management control consistent with your
other Microservices

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Azure Migrate
Azure MigrateAzure Migrate
Azure Migrate

This document provides an overview of Mustafa Kara's background and expertise in datacenter transformation. It discusses his 10 years of experience in roles such as senior consultant, Azure MVP, technical manager, and technical trainer. It then outlines his work as a speaker and writer for Microsoft events, Virtual Academy, universities, and personal websites. The rest of the document discusses strategies for transforming the datacenter, including moving from on-premises physical servers and VMs to a hybrid cloud model using public cloud off-premises and cloud on-premises. It highlights tools like Azure Migrate and database migration services that can help analyze costs and migrate applications, VMs, and data.

azure migrateazure migrate sunumuazure migrate ppt
From Monolithic to Microservices
From Monolithic to Microservices From Monolithic to Microservices
From Monolithic to Microservices

This document discusses the transition from monolithic architecture to microservices architecture. It begins by outlining challenges with monolithic systems like long development cycles and difficulties scaling. It then defines microservices as loosely coupled services that have bounded contexts. The document provides examples of how to evolve a monolith to microservices by starting with existing services and gradually decomposing the monolith. It acknowledges challenges in distributed systems and eventual consistency that come with microservices. Overall, the document presents microservices as enabling faster innovation, increased agility and delighted customers compared to monolithic systems.

Microsoft Azure - Introduction to microsoft's public cloud
Microsoft Azure - Introduction to microsoft's public cloudMicrosoft Azure - Introduction to microsoft's public cloud
Microsoft Azure - Introduction to microsoft's public cloud

This document provides an overview of Microsoft Azure, Microsoft's public cloud platform. It discusses Azure's infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) offerings, as well as other services like compute, storage, networking, databases, web apps, and identity and access management. Usage statistics show that Azure trails only Amazon Web Services (AWS) in market share of public cloud providers. The document outlines how to sign up for a free Azure trial account and lists additional Microsoft resources for learning about Azure.

business modeltechnologyazure
Service Oriented Architecture vs Microservices
Moving to the cloud
Refactoring a Monolith into Microservices
Refactoring a Monolith into Microservices

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Design patterns for microservice architecture
Design patterns for microservice architectureDesign patterns for microservice architecture
Design patterns for microservice architecture

The presentation from our online webinar "Design patterns for microservice architecture". Full video from webinar available here: If you’re a CTO or a Lead Developer and you’re planning to design service-oriented architecture, it’s definitely a webinar tailored to your needs. Adrian Zmenda, our Lead Dev, will explain: - when microservice architecture is a safe bet and what are some good alternatives - what are the pros and cons of the most popular design patterns (API Gateway, Backend for Frontend and more) - how to ensure that the communication between services is done right and what to do in case of connection issues - why we’ve decided to use a monorepo (monolithic repository) - what we’ve learned from using the remote procedure call framework gRPC - how to monitor the efficiency of individual services and whole SOA-based systems.

microservicesnode.jssoftware development
Introduction of microsoft azure
Introduction of microsoft azureIntroduction of microsoft azure
Introduction of microsoft azure

Introduction of Microsoft Azure, What are the Advantages of Microsoft Azure, Use case scenarios of Azure.

windows azurecloud computingmicrosoft azure
Microservices Design Patterns Explained | Edureka
Microservices Design Patterns Explained | EdurekaMicroservices Design Patterns Explained | Edureka
Microservices Design Patterns Explained | Edureka

YouTube Link: ** Microservices Architecture Training: ** This Edureka's video on Microservices Design Patterns talks about the top design patterns you can use to build applications. In this video, you will learn the following: 1:29 Why do we need Design Patterns? 3:41 What are Design Patterns? 4:28 What are Microservices? 6:00 Principles behind Microservices 10:24 Microservices Design Patterns Follow us to never miss an update in the future. YouTube: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Castbox:

microservices design patternsmicroservices architecture patternsdesign patterns for microservices
Refactoring a Monolith into Microservices
Microservices architectural view points
Microservices best practices
Microservices in Azure

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Azure DevOps
Azure DevOpsAzure DevOps
Azure DevOps

Get a quick overview of the following topics: 1.Azure Boards 2.Azure Pipelines 3.Azure Repos 4.Azure Test Plans 5.Azure Artifacts

Introduction to Microsoft Azure Cloud
Introduction to Microsoft Azure CloudIntroduction to Microsoft Azure Cloud
Introduction to Microsoft Azure Cloud

This is a brief introduction to Microsoft Azure cloud. I used these slides in an intro session for developers. I did few demos during the session that not included in the slide. Brand name and logos are properties of their respective owners.

Practical Microservice Architecture (edition 2022).pdf
Practical Microservice Architecture (edition 2022).pdfPractical Microservice Architecture (edition 2022).pdf
Practical Microservice Architecture (edition 2022).pdf

Are you considering Microservice architecture for your next project? Are you planning to migrate an existing legacy / monolithic application to Microservices? Are you curious about Microservice architecture? If the answer to one of the above questions is YES, then this session is for you. Join me to know all about Microservice architecture: - When to adopt it? - When not to adopt it? - How to assess your team’s readiness to adopt Microservice architecture? - Starting a new project with Microservice architecture. - Migrate an existing project to Microservice architecture. - Microservice architecture main anti-patterns and how to fix them. - Are monoliths really that bad?

Azure application platform
Benefits of Microsoft Azure PaaS
Microservice tools and approaches
• Unable to find a polyglot
solution that works
on-premises and cloud, on
Linux and Windows
• Difficult to scale quickly to
meet surging demands, roll
out upgrades faster with zero
downtimes, and be fault
• Need a prescriptive platform
approach to delivering
microservices; unable to get
started easily
• Delivering same
functionality to multiple
deployment environments
• Ensuring consistency and
avoiding dependency hell
• Unable to migrate and scale
apps while maintaining
• Paying for VMs that are
always on to manage the
unpredictable scale of
processes in your apps
• Having to manage operating
system & security patch
• Tightly coupling event-based
code into business logic of
enterprise apps
Microservice tools and approaches
Customizable, pick best-
of-breed solutions
Easy to build,
deploy, and manage
Microservices at scale
Quick ramp up, sub second
metering, zero ops
Bring your ownPrescriptive framework“Server-less”

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Azure fundamentals
Azure   fundamentalsAzure   fundamentals
Azure fundamentals

Azure Fundamentals Storage Wepapps Cloud Service Virtual Machine Media Services Azure Search Active Directory

azure fundamentalsazuremicrosoft azure
Event-driven microservices
Event-driven microservicesEvent-driven microservices
Event-driven microservices

1) Event-driven microservices involve microservices communicating primarily through events published to an event backbone. This loosely couples microservices and allows for eventual data consistency. 2) Apache Kafka is an open-source streaming platform that can be used to build an event backbone, allowing microservices to reliably publish and subscribe to events. It supports streaming, storage, and processing of event data. 3) Common patterns for event-driven microservices include database per service for independent data ownership, sagas for coordinated multi-step processes, event sourcing to capture all state changes, and CQRS to separate reads from writes.

apache kafkamicroservicesevent-driven
Micro services Architecture
Micro services ArchitectureMicro services Architecture
Micro services Architecture

The document provides an overview of microservices architecture. It discusses key characteristics of microservices such as each service focusing on a specific business capability, decentralized governance and data management, and infrastructure automation. It also compares microservices to monolithic and SOA architectures. Some design styles enabled by microservices like domain-driven design, event sourcing, and functional reactive programming are also covered at a high level. The document aims to introduce attendees to microservices concepts and architectures.

microservicesdddevent sourcing
Microservice tools and approaches
Build your ownPrescriptive platform for
hyperscale applications
Platform optimized for
developer productivity
Developer productivity Infrastructure control
Azure Container ServicesAzure Service FabricAzure Functions
Azure Functions
What is “serverless”?
of servers
How is it different?
client app
Inside client

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Observability - to monitor why applications are dysfunctional on-premise or cloud - integrated into a SIEM

siemcyber securitycyberresilience
Introduction to Microservices
Introduction to MicroservicesIntroduction to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices

This is a small introduction to microservices. you can find the differences between microservices and monolithic applications. You will find the pros and cons of microservices. you will also find the challenges (Business/ technical) that you may face while implementing microservices.

Automating Applications with Habitat - Sydney Cloud Native Meetup
Automating Applications with Habitat - Sydney Cloud Native MeetupAutomating Applications with Habitat - Sydney Cloud Native Meetup
Automating Applications with Habitat - Sydney Cloud Native Meetup

Habitat is an open source tool for automating the build, deployment, and management of applications. It defines a standard lifecycle for applications that includes building, deploying, running, and managing applications and their dependencies. Habitat packages applications and dependencies together, and uses supervisors to manage applications in production. It aims to simplify and standardize the delivery of developer services by automating common tasks like configuration, service discovery, and clustering across different runtime environments.

Why serverless?
• Stateless  Scale
• Not worth deploying a traditional backend
• Workload is sporadic (very low & high scale)
• Dev ops favored versus dedicated ops
• Lots of different services involved that need “glue”
Focus on business logicShip faster Reduced dev ops
Every 15 minutes Clean tableFind and clean invalid data
Photo taken and
WebHook called Stores in blob storage Produces scaled images
Loaded web page
calls WebHook
Completed pageCreate ad based on user profile
File added to
Blob Storage
Transform CSV to data rows
Power BI
Chart graphic

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Implementing dev ops to face a two speed it architecture
Implementing dev ops to face a two speed it architectureImplementing dev ops to face a two speed it architecture
Implementing dev ops to face a two speed it architecture

The document discusses implementing DevOps to address challenges of a "two speed IT" architecture with both innovative and industrialized parts. It proposes adopting a DevOps methodology to break down silos, address execution challenges, and bring startup flexibility to the enterprise. This includes cultural, architectural and DevOps transformations to balance agility and stability across edge applications, core applications and shared services. It provides an example roadmap for a phased DevOps adoption with initial proofs of concept and incremental implementations.

devopsstrategyinnovation edge
Micro services
Micro servicesMicro services
Micro services

Introduction into microservices and overview of Azure service fabric. Overview of basic concepts of microservices and architectural patterns.

AWS re:Invent 2016: Workshop: Migrating Microsoft Applications to AWS (ENT216)
AWS re:Invent 2016: Workshop: Migrating Microsoft Applications to AWS (ENT216)AWS re:Invent 2016: Workshop: Migrating Microsoft Applications to AWS (ENT216)
AWS re:Invent 2016: Workshop: Migrating Microsoft Applications to AWS (ENT216)

In this workshop, we will explore the different approaches to migrating Microsoft applications to AWS. We’ll walk through the concerns and considerations to take into account while planning a migration, and learn how to develop and implement a migration plan to move applications from on-premises (or traditional hosting) to AWS. This session will use a case study format to dive deep into the details of how to successfully plan an application migration. To keep it real, teams will work through planning a SharePoint migration that integrates in with an existing Active Directory.

Excel file saved
to OneDrive
Microsoft Graph API analyzes content Creates new sheets
with charts
Post new
Fetch Invoice
Grab raw
Convert to
API layer
Logic App Function
Azure Service Fabric
Azure Service Fabric is a distributed systems platform that makes it easy to package, deploy, and manage scalable
and reliable microservices. Microservices can be developed in using the Service Fabric programming models, to
deploying guest executables and container images.
Azure Service Fabric

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Business and IT agility through DevOps and microservice architecture powered ...
Business and IT agility through DevOps and microservice architecture powered ...Business and IT agility through DevOps and microservice architecture powered ...
Business and IT agility through DevOps and microservice architecture powered ...

IT needs to run in production in order to generate business value. DevOps is among other things a way of thinking focusing on production software. A business application requires a tailor made platform to generate business value. The combination of application and its platform is a DevOps product. The DevOps team has full responsibility for that product through its entire lifecycle. The microservices architecture promises flexibility, scalability, and optimal use of compute resources. Via independent components with well-defined scope and responsibility, interface, and ownership that are evolved and managed in an automated DevOps process, this architecture leverages current technologies and hard-learned insights from past decades. This session defines the objectives of Business with IT, of microservices and DevOps and introduces Containers and the container platform Kubernetes as crucial ingredients for making DevOps happen.

Microsoft cloud continuum
Microsoft cloud continuumMicrosoft cloud continuum
Microsoft cloud continuum

The document discusses the benefits of cloud computing across several industries and use cases. It outlines how cloud computing provides standardized, automated infrastructure that can quickly scale up or down on demand. This allows organizations to reduce IT costs, improve efficiency, and focus on their core business rather than infrastructure management. The cloud also enables faster development and deployment of applications and services.

cloud continuummicrosoftcontinuum
Microservices in Azure
Microservices in AzureMicroservices in Azure
Microservices in Azure

The document discusses microservices and how Azure supports the microservices architecture for modern applications. It defines microservices and service-oriented architecture as an approach to building applications as independent, interoperable services. It then describes the various Azure PaaS options for hosting microservices, such as App Service, Functions, and Service Fabric. It also covers supporting Azure services for state management, caching, storage, and monitoring microservices applications. Finally, it provides an example topology of a photo sharing solution built with multiple Azure microservices.

Microservices using Service Fabric
Service Fabric
High Availability
Data Partitioning
Automated Rollback
Low Latency High Monitoring
Container Orchestration
& Lifecycle Management
Load Balancing
& FailoverPlacement
Fast Startup &
Windows Server Linux Windows Server Linux
Windows Server Linux
Private Clouds Hosted Clouds
Inside the Service Fabric Platform
Reliability Subsystem
Reliability, Availability,
Replication, Resource
Deployment, Upgrade
and Monitoring
Transport Subsystem
Secure point-to-point communication
Federation Subsystem
Federates a set of nodes to form a consistent scalable fabric
Reliable messaging and
service discovery
Native and Managed APIs
Hosting & Activation
Application Lifecycle
Application Model
Declarative Application Description
Reliable, Scalable, Manageable Scalable Applications
Microservices runtime
Handling server failures

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ArchitectNow - Migrating Legacy .NET Apps to Azure
ArchitectNow - Migrating Legacy .NET Apps to AzureArchitectNow - Migrating Legacy .NET Apps to Azure
ArchitectNow - Migrating Legacy .NET Apps to Azure

This document discusses strategies for migrating legacy .NET applications to Azure. It begins by outlining expectations and common scenarios for legacy vs cloud-native applications. It then covers considerations for migrating different application types like thick clients, websites, and services. Key aspects addressed include database options, security, performance, and pricing. The document provides a 3 step approach of assessment, migration, and optimization. It offers numerous Azure-specific resources and tools to assist with migration.

Disruptive Trends in Application Development
Disruptive Trends in Application DevelopmentDisruptive Trends in Application Development
Disruptive Trends in Application Development

For enterprises trying to stay ahead of the game, having a robust and fast application development program can make or break their market presence. The challenge for developers, however, is to build responsive, devise-agnostic applications in days, not months.

application developmentdockerress
[OpenInfra Days Vietnam 2019] Innovation with open sources and app modernizat...
[OpenInfra Days Vietnam 2019] Innovation with open sources and app modernizat...[OpenInfra Days Vietnam 2019] Innovation with open sources and app modernizat...
[OpenInfra Days Vietnam 2019] Innovation with open sources and app modernizat...

This document discusses innovation and application modernization using open source tools like Kubernetes and containers. It begins by outlining the challenges of migrating applications to the cloud and describes different approaches from simply redeploying applications to fully rearchitecting them. It then discusses how open source tools like Kubernetes and containers can help with application modernization approaches like lift and shift, microservices, machine learning, and IoT solutions. Specific capabilities and scenarios are provided for each along with examples. The document closes by discussing Microsoft's contributions to open source projects in the Kubernetes and container ecosystem.

openinfra days vietnam 2019open sourcesmicrosoft
Stateful microservice
Microservice upgrades
• Upgrade progresses one UD at a time
• Upgrade limited to the code/config
package that changed
Migrating a traditional application to Microservices
1)Traditional app
2)Hosted as guest executable or container in Service Fabric
3)With new microservices added alongside
4)Breaking into microservices
5)Transformed into microservices
The Container Revolution

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Innovation with Open Sources and App Modernization for Developers | Ian Y. Choi
Innovation with Open Sources and App Modernization for Developers | Ian Y. ChoiInnovation with Open Sources and App Modernization for Developers | Ian Y. Choi
Innovation with Open Sources and App Modernization for Developers | Ian Y. Choi

This document discusses innovation with open source tools and application modernization. It begins by outlining the challenges of cloud migration versus modernization. It then covers how applications have shifted from monolithic to microservices architectures using containers and Kubernetes. Various scenarios for containerization and app modernization are presented, including lift-and-shift, microservices, machine learning, and serverless architectures. Microsoft Azure tools that can help with containerization, Kubernetes management, DevOps, and app modernization are also described. The document emphasizes that open source tools and containers allow developers to innovate faster while Azure services provide security, management and governance.

Microservices and docker
Microservices and dockerMicroservices and docker
Microservices and docker

Docker concepts and microservices architecture are discussed. Key points include: - Microservices architecture involves breaking applications into small, independent services that communicate over well-defined APIs. Each service runs in its own process and communicates through lightweight mechanisms like REST/HTTP. - Docker allows packaging and running applications securely isolated in lightweight containers from their dependencies and libraries. Docker images are used to launch containers which appear as isolated Linux systems running on the host. - Common Docker commands demonstrated include pulling public images, running interactive containers, building custom images with Dockerfiles, and publishing images to Docker Hub registry.

Cloud Native Apps
Cloud Native AppsCloud Native Apps
Cloud Native Apps

This document discusses cloud-native applications and serverless computing. It begins with an introduction to cloud-native applications and core technologies like containers, orchestrators, and microservices. Examples are then given of how companies like Fujifilm and ASOS have benefited from serverless architectures on Azure. The document concludes with an overview of Azure serverless services like Functions, Event Grid, Cosmos DB, and Logic Apps and a sample serverless application architecture diagram.

serverlesscloud computingazure
Azure Container Service
• Simplest way to deploy your container
orchestration environment on Azure
• Agile, flexible, and provides choice of orchestrator
• Open source templates for provisioning your
• Easy ramp up to an optimized enterprise grade
container management
• Kubernetes on Azure
Container Service (preview)
• DC/OS Upgrade to 1.8.4
• Open Source Azure
Container Service Engine
• Azure Container Registry (preview)
• VS, VSTS, and VS code integration and
deployment to Azure Container Service
Azure Container Service
Azure Application Platform
Living with Microservices

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Introduction to Azure fundamentals of cloud.pptx
Introduction to Azure fundamentals of cloud.pptxIntroduction to Azure fundamentals of cloud.pptx
Introduction to Azure fundamentals of cloud.pptx

This document provides an overview of cloud computing and its key concepts. It discusses the main types of cloud services including Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). It also covers the major cloud providers Azure and OpenStack and provides examples of common cloud use cases like web and mobile applications, big data analytics, and online storage.

Multi-Containers Orchestration with Live Migration and High-Availability for ...
Multi-Containers Orchestration with Live Migration and High-Availability for ...Multi-Containers Orchestration with Live Migration and High-Availability for ...
Multi-Containers Orchestration with Live Migration and High-Availability for ...

We describe and demonstrate how to build continuous deployment processes for microservices and applications that require a high level of stability and multi-container scalability. In addition, we share the use cases of Docker multi-containers provisioning, full monitoring of their performance and automation of the management processes within the Jelastic cloud solution.

multi-containers orchestrationlive migrationhigh-availability
Cloud Computing101 Azure, updated june 2017
Cloud Computing101 Azure, updated june 2017Cloud Computing101 Azure, updated june 2017
Cloud Computing101 Azure, updated june 2017

Modelos de Cloud Computing - IAAS - PAAS . SAAS - Arquitecturas Serverless- Nubes Privadas y Públicas - Estrategias Híbridas

serverlessazure stackpaas
Balance of responsibility
Balance of control and responsibility
depends on the category of the service
Use immediately with minimal configuration
Existing services are a starting point, with additional
configuration for a custom fit
Building blocks, create your own solution or apps from
Responsibility On-Prem IaaS PaaS SaaS
Designing Microservices
Designing Microservices
Designing Microservices

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Evolving your Architecture to MicroServices
Evolving your Architecture to MicroServicesEvolving your Architecture to MicroServices
Evolving your Architecture to MicroServices

Once-stable industries are rapidly being disrupted as companies move toward digitalization by embracing software at their core. Deploying cloud-native application architectures is at the center of how these businesses are fueling their disruptive character.

Microservices in Azure
Microservices in AzureMicroservices in Azure
Microservices in Azure

This is the slide deck for the DFW Azure User Group meetup of 18 July 2017, presented by Doug Vanderweide and discussing Azure's services that support a microservices architecture.

Modern Architecture in the Cloud of 2018
Modern Architecture in the Cloud of 2018Modern Architecture in the Cloud of 2018
Modern Architecture in the Cloud of 2018

Today, the large public Clouds - Azure and AWS - deploy at high-speed a diversity of services and features. Between Azure Functions, Lambda, Event Grid, Simple Workflow Service or Logic Apps, what to choose? Shall I go on Microservices? Event-Driven? Lambda Architecture? Deploy on Serverless? Containers? Modern Compute? Let's put a bit of order in all that. Enter the Modern Architecture, the foundation of all the new wave of Cloud services and not only. Session focused on application and infrastructure architecture, live examples based on Cloud, perspectives and roadmap of the corresponding services at Microsoft.

Designing Microservices
Designing Microservices
Designing Microservices
Designing Microservices

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Global Azure 2024 - On-Premises to Azure Cloud: .NET Web App Journey
Global Azure 2024 - On-Premises to Azure Cloud: .NET Web App JourneyGlobal Azure 2024 - On-Premises to Azure Cloud: .NET Web App Journey
Global Azure 2024 - On-Premises to Azure Cloud: .NET Web App Journey

In this session, we embark on a transformative journey from traditional on-premises hosting to the dynamic Azure cloud. Focused specifically on .NET web applications, we’ll explore the challenges, strategies, and best practices for migrating your beloved web apps to the Azure ecosystem.

azureazure migrateweb apps
Windows Phone app development overview
Windows Phone app development overviewWindows Phone app development overview
Windows Phone app development overview

The document discusses the infrastructure and APIs available for Windows Phone development. It outlines the core plumbing, common type system, and standard programming model that make up the infrastructure. It then lists many of the Windows Phone Platform APIs that are available for developers to use, including APIs for tasks, controls, media, and more. It also includes code examples and references to Microsoft documentation and resources for Windows Phone development.

windows phonemobile
Microsoft AI Platform Overview
Microsoft AI Platform OverviewMicrosoft AI Platform Overview
Microsoft AI Platform Overview

Microsoft provides an AI platform and tools for developers to build, train, and deploy intelligent applications and services. Key elements of Microsoft's AI offerings include: - A unified AI platform spanning infrastructure, tools, and services to make AI accessible and useful for every developer. - Powerful tools for AI development including deep learning frameworks, coding and management tools, and AI services for tasks like computer vision, natural language processing, and more. - Capabilities for training models at scale using GPU accelerated compute on Azure and deploying trained models as web APIs, mobile apps, or other applications. - A focus on trusted, responsible, and inclusive AI that puts users in control and augments rather than replaces human

artificial intelligencemachine learningazure
Designing Microservices
Designing Microservices
Designing Microservices
Ok, How to I get Started?
• Azure
• Functional
• Models
(Current &
Future State)
• Always On
Options for

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Designing Artificial Intelligence
Designing Artificial IntelligenceDesigning Artificial Intelligence
Designing Artificial Intelligence

Researchers used deep learning techniques like ResNet and data augmentation to improve the accuracy of detecting snow leopards from 63.4% to 90%. They used transfer learning on a ResNet model to extract features from images, then trained a logistic regression classifier on those features to detect snow leopards. They also averaged predictions from multiple images and doubled their training data by flipping images horizontally. This helped improve the model's ability to identify snow leopards in photos.

artificial intelligencemachine learningazure
Immersive Computing
Immersive ComputingImmersive Computing
Immersive Computing

HMD shipments are forecast to grow rapidly over the next few years, reaching around 76 million units by 2020. Immersive computing technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality are poised for growth as they blend physical and digital worlds and allow for natural language and gesture-based interactions. Developers can create immersive applications for these platforms across entertainment, training, manufacturing and other areas using tools like Unity, Windows Mixed Reality and Azure cognitive services.

augmented realitywindows
Java on Windows Azure
Java on Windows AzureJava on Windows Azure
Java on Windows Azure

This document contains configuration information for endpoints and runtime execution for a process. It specifies starting the process with the startup.cmd file and setting it as ready on process start. It lists several endpoints for HTTP, TCP, and other protocols on various ports for input. It also contains SQL connection strings and registry settings for TCP/IP parameters including keep alive times and data retransmissions.

Azure Learning Path:
Functional Matrix
Service Overview
Business Value
(1 highest, 5 lowest)
Technical Complexity
(1 simple, 5 most complex)
Decomposing Functionality of a Stable Architecture
Decomposition Approaches Service Bylaws
Decomposition Example via Functional Matrix
Service Overview
Business Value
(1 highest, 5 lowest)
Technical Complexity
(1 simple, 5 most complex)
Shopping Cart
Bill Presentment, Shipping
Options, Packaging 1 4 4
Account Management
User Account Management,
Preferences, Payment History 1 4 4
Checkout Payment, Tracking 1 2 2
Inventory Management Inventory controls, Reorder 1 1 1
Campaign Management
Ad Management, Sales &
Promotions, Social Manger 1 5 5
High Ranking = Decompose Again

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Microsoft Azure
Microsoft AzureMicrosoft Azure
Microsoft Azure

Azure provides cloud computing services including computing, analytics, networking, storage, and more. It offers virtual machines, databases, websites, and other services that can be accessed from anywhere and scaled up as needed. Azure aims to provide enterprise-grade services that are economical, scalable, and hybrid-ready to work with existing on-premises systems. It has data centers across the world and over 600,000 servers to provide its services globally at scale.

azurecloud computingmicrosoft
Combining Private and Public Clouds into Meaningful Hybrids
Combining Private and Public Clouds into Meaningful HybridsCombining Private and Public Clouds into Meaningful Hybrids
Combining Private and Public Clouds into Meaningful Hybrids

The document discusses hybrid cloud scenarios that combine public and private clouds. It defines private and public clouds and their differences. Private clouds provide more control while public clouds provide scale. Hybrid clouds blend both models. The document outlines several hybrid cloud deployment patterns and application patterns, including using public clouds for variable capacity and private clouds for predictable workloads. It emphasizes the need for cloud-optimized application design and integration across cloud services when building hybrid applications.

private cloudhybrid cloudpublic cloud
CloudConnect 2011 - Building Highly Scalable Java Applications on Windows Azure
CloudConnect 2011 - Building Highly Scalable Java Applications on Windows AzureCloudConnect 2011 - Building Highly Scalable Java Applications on Windows Azure
CloudConnect 2011 - Building Highly Scalable Java Applications on Windows Azure

This document discusses building highly scalable Java applications on Windows Azure. It provides an overview of Windows Azure, including its infrastructure and services. It then covers how to deploy and run Java applications on Azure, including using various Java application servers like Tomcat, Jetty, and GlassFish. It also discusses some considerations for architecting applications to scale on Azure.

java cloud computing windows azure
Decomposition Example via Functional Matrix
Service Overview
Business Value
(1 highest, 5 lowest)
Technical Complexity
(1 simple, 5 most complex)
Shopping Cart
Bill Presentment, Shipping
Options, Packaging 1 4 4
Account Management
User Account Management,
Preferences, Payment History
Access/Auth Service Sign in / Access rights 1 1 1
PaymentHistory Service List all orders (shipped, returns, pending) 2 1 2
Adapts all pages to include users select
preferences 1 5 5
Checkout Payment, Tracking 1 2 2
Inventory Management Inventory controls, Reorder 1 1 1
Campaign Management
Ad Management, Sales &
Promotions, Social Manger 1 5 5
High Ranking = Decompose Again
Team Model
Role Responsibilities Deliverables # of Resources Skillset
Software Architecture
System architecture and
service model
Logical / Physical Design
Functional Matrix
1-2 / Project
Cloud Architect
API Architect
Create Dev, Test,
Production deployment
plan for new solution
DevOps Plan 1-2 / Project
Docker expertise
DevOps expertise
Developers App Builder
Web App / Service / Data
Structures, etc.
As Appropriate
As Needed for your
Quality Assurance
Test scripts for new
application architecture
Test Scripts 1-2 / Project
Bold = Potential Investment Areas
Architectural Modeling – Free Tools & Reference Models
• Solution / Logical:
• Physical:
• Visio 2016 Stencil -
• Stencil organizers services into Azure
service groupings
Comparing App Architectures

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Java on Windows Azure

The document discusses building highly scalable Java applications on Windows Azure. It provides an overview of Windows Azure, including its compute and storage services. It then covers how to deploy and run Java applications on Azure, including using Tomcat, Jetty, GlassFish, and accessing SQL Azure and storage. It discusses current limitations and how the Eclipse tools will support Java development for Azure. Finally, it covers architectural approaches for scaling applications, comparing vertical to horizontal scaling.

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Windows Azure AppFabric
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Windows Azure AppFabric

Windows Azure AppFabric is a platform that provides middleware services for developing and managing cloud applications at scale. It includes services for messaging, caching, identity management, and integrating applications. It also allows building and managing composite applications composed of distributed application components hosted on Windows Azure. The AppFabric platform aims to simplify cloud development by providing these services and capabilities through a consistent programming model.

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Java on Windows Azure (Cloud Computing Expo 2010)
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Java on Windows Azure (Cloud Computing Expo 2010)

Deck delivered at Cloud Computing Expo 2010 Santa Clara - Java on Windows Azure; updated version from JavaOne presentation

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Architectural Modeling
Monolithic Application Microservices Approach
Web App
Visual Studio Team
Services Build and Release Agent
Visual Studio Team
Services Build and Release Agent
Service Fabric
Blob Storage
Blob Storage
Architectural Modeling – Future Possibilities
Microservices Approach
Visual Studio Team
Services Build and Release Agent
Service Fabric
Blob Storage
PowerBI Machine Learning
Thank you!

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Scale as a competitive advantage allows companies to leverage large amounts of data. As data volumes grow exponentially, companies are utilizing cloud computing and distributed architectures to process petabytes of information daily across thousands of servers. This enables new applications, insights, and business models driven by "big data."

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Architecting Cloudy Applications
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Architecting Cloudy Applications

This document provides an overview of architecting cloud applications for scale. It discusses key concepts like horizontal scaling, distributed computing, and common cloud architecture patterns. Specific examples are given of how large companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr architect their systems using horizontal scaling, partitioning, caching, and other techniques to handle massive loads in a scalable way.

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Presentation delivered at JavaOne 2010. Talks about how to use Java to build highly scalable and reliable applications on Windows Azure.


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Designing Microservices

  • 3. The rise of cloud apps and Microservices
  • 4. Why Microservices Faster Time to Market = address customer needs more rapidly w/ a more pliable product construction & composition model Lower Deployment Costs = change production live with ultimate granularity More Revenue Opportunities = can monetize all aspects of the solution (services, data, rules) based on more composability options Business Drivers Faster Time to Market = more flexible development cycles (timing, tooling, deployment models) Faster & More Precise Change Management = Leverages advanced DevOps tactics for “live” updates/rollbacks in production Maximum Capacity = Infinite scale w/ code + Azure services Technical Drivers
  • 5. What is a Microservice App 1 1 2 4 3 App 1 App 2 Monolithic application approach Microservices application approach • Does one thing well (functionality driven) • Is developed by a small cross-functional team • Can be built with task-appropriate languages/frameworks • Communicates over well-defined interfaces/protocols (lightweight) • Has a unique logical name (URI) that can be resolved • Is independent code and configuration (& optionally state) • Deploys independently • Scales independently • Gets upgraded independently Microservice applications are composed of small, independently versioned, and scalable customer- focused services that communicate with each other over standard protocols with well-defined interfaces.
  • 6. What is different – distributed state The microservices approach has a graph of interconnected microservices where state is typically scoped to the microservice and various technologies are used. Each microservice manages and stores its own state.
  • 7. Business value of Microservices Faster time to market Competitive differentiation Improved collaboration with partners Workforce management
  • 8. What a Microservice is not • A service implemented with a small amount of code • A simple API to a more complex service implemented as part of a Monolithic application • A service built and delivered without automation of testing and deployment and operations • A service built on mutable compute infrastructure that is updated and patched separately from software deployment • A service that has dependencies on its peers that prevent it from being changed and updated independently • A large, coarse-grained service or Monolithic set of services packaged in a Docker container • A service exposed via API by another party; a published API • A component, module, service, or capability, labeled as a “Microservice" by a vendor, over which you do not have deployment and management control consistent with your other Microservices
  • 9. Service Oriented Architecture vs Microservices
  • 10. Moving to the cloud
  • 11. Refactoring a Monolith into Microservices
  • 12. Refactoring a Monolith into Microservices
  • 13. Refactoring a Monolith into Microservices
  • 18. Benefits of Microsoft Azure PaaS
  • 19. Microservice tools and approaches • Unable to find a polyglot solution that works consistently on-premises and cloud, on Linux and Windows • Difficult to scale quickly to meet surging demands, roll out upgrades faster with zero downtimes, and be fault resilient • Need a prescriptive platform approach to delivering microservices; unable to get started easily • Delivering same functionality to multiple deployment environments • Ensuring consistency and avoiding dependency hell • Unable to migrate and scale apps while maintaining compatibility • Paying for VMs that are always on to manage the unpredictable scale of processes in your apps • Having to manage operating system & security patch updates • Tightly coupling event-based code into business logic of enterprise apps
  • 20. Microservice tools and approaches Customizable, pick best- of-breed solutions Easy to build, deploy, and manage Microservices at scale Quick ramp up, sub second metering, zero ops Bring your ownPrescriptive framework“Server-less”
  • 21. Microservice tools and approaches Build your ownPrescriptive platform for hyperscale applications Platform optimized for developer productivity Developer productivity Infrastructure control Azure Container ServicesAzure Service FabricAzure Functions
  • 24. How is it different? Complex framework Micro- functionality Outside client app Inside client app Mono-lithic application Loosely coupled components
  • 25. Why serverless? • Stateless  Scale • Not worth deploying a traditional backend • Workload is sporadic (very low & high scale) • Dev ops favored versus dedicated ops • Lots of different services involved that need “glue” Focus on business logicShip faster Reduced dev ops
  • 26. Applications Every 15 minutes Clean tableFind and clean invalid data
  • 27. Applications Photo taken and WebHook called Stores in blob storage Produces scaled images Loaded web page calls WebHook Completed pageCreate ad based on user profile
  • 28. Applications File added to Blob Storage Transform CSV to data rows CSV Power BI Chart graphic
  • 29. Applications Excel file saved to OneDrive Microsoft Graph API analyzes content Creates new sheets with charts
  • 30. Integration Store record Post new invoice Fetch Invoice Grab raw file Convert to JSON API layer API Management Logic App Function
  • 31. Azure Service Fabric Azure Service Fabric is a distributed systems platform that makes it easy to package, deploy, and manage scalable and reliable microservices. Microservices can be developed in using the Service Fabric programming models, to deploying guest executables and container images.
  • 33. Microservices using Service Fabric Microservices Service Fabric High Availability Simple Programming Models Hybrid Operations High Density Hyper-Scale Rolling Upgrades Data Partitioning Automated Rollback Stateful Services Low Latency High Monitoring Container Orchestration & Lifecycle Management Load Balancing Self-Healing Replication & FailoverPlacement Constraints Fast Startup & Shutdown Windows Server Linux Windows Server Linux Azure Windows Server Linux Private Clouds Hosted Clouds
  • 34. Inside the Service Fabric Platform Reliability Subsystem Reliability, Availability, Replication, Resource Management Management Subsystem Deployment, Upgrade and Monitoring Transport Subsystem Secure point-to-point communication Federation Subsystem Federates a set of nodes to form a consistent scalable fabric Communication Subsystem Reliable messaging and service discovery Native and Managed APIs Hosting & Activation Application Lifecycle Application Model Declarative Application Description Reliable, Scalable, Manageable Scalable Applications
  • 38. Microservice upgrades • Upgrade progresses one UD at a time • Upgrade limited to the code/config package that changed Node Node NodeNode Node Node Service Package B Service Package A
  • 39. Migrating a traditional application to Microservices 1)Traditional app 2)Hosted as guest executable or container in Service Fabric 3)With new microservices added alongside 4)Breaking into microservices 5)Transformed into microservices
  • 41. Azure Container Service • Simplest way to deploy your container orchestration environment on Azure • Agile, flexible, and provides choice of orchestrator • Open source templates for provisioning your environment • Easy ramp up to an optimized enterprise grade container management • Kubernetes on Azure Container Service (preview) • DC/OS Upgrade to 1.8.4 • Open Source Azure Container Service Engine • Azure Container Registry (preview) • VS, VSTS, and VS code integration and deployment to Azure Container Service Azure Container Registry
  • 45. Balance of responsibility Balance of control and responsibility depends on the category of the service MOVE-IN READY Use immediately with minimal configuration SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED Existing services are a starting point, with additional configuration for a custom fit BUILD FROM THE GROUND UP Building blocks, create your own solution or apps from scratch Responsibility On-Prem IaaS PaaS SaaS Applications Data Runtime Middleware O/S Virtualization Servers Storage Networking MicrosoftCustomer
  • 56. Ok, How to I get Started? Readiness • Azure Learning Paths Prioritize • Functional Matrix Document • Models (Current & Future State) Start • Always On Options for You
  • 58. Functional Matrix Service Overview Business Value (1 highest, 5 lowest) Technical Complexity (1 simple, 5 most complex) Ranking
  • 59. Decomposing Functionality of a Stable Architecture Decomposition Approaches Service Bylaws
  • 60. Decomposition Example via Functional Matrix Service Overview Business Value (1 highest, 5 lowest) Technical Complexity (1 simple, 5 most complex) Ranking Shopping Cart Bill Presentment, Shipping Options, Packaging 1 4 4 Account Management User Account Management, Preferences, Payment History 1 4 4 Checkout Payment, Tracking 1 2 2 Inventory Management Inventory controls, Reorder 1 1 1 Campaign Management Ad Management, Sales & Promotions, Social Manger 1 5 5 … High Ranking = Decompose Again
  • 61. Decomposition Example via Functional Matrix Service Overview Business Value (1 highest, 5 lowest) Technical Complexity (1 simple, 5 most complex) Ranking Shopping Cart Bill Presentment, Shipping Options, Packaging 1 4 4 Account Management User Account Management, Preferences, Payment History Access/Auth Service Sign in / Access rights 1 1 1 PaymentHistory Service List all orders (shipped, returns, pending) 2 1 2 CustomizeSite Adapts all pages to include users select preferences 1 5 5 Checkout Payment, Tracking 1 2 2 Inventory Management Inventory controls, Reorder 1 1 1 Campaign Management Ad Management, Sales & Promotions, Social Manger 1 5 5 … High Ranking = Decompose Again
  • 62. Team Model Role Responsibilities Deliverables # of Resources Skillset Software Architecture System architecture and service model Logical / Physical Design Functional Matrix 1-2 / Project Cloud Architect API Architect Operations Create Dev, Test, Production deployment plan for new solution DevOps Plan 1-2 / Project Docker expertise DevOps expertise Developers App Builder Web App / Service / Data Structures, etc. As Appropriate As Needed for your Solution Quality Assurance Test scripts for new application architecture Test Scripts 1-2 / Project Bold = Potential Investment Areas
  • 63. Architectural Modeling – Free Tools & Reference Models • Solution / Logical: en-us/solutions/architecture/ • Physical: en-us/azure/architecture/ reference-architectures/ • Visio 2016 Stencil - us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=41937 • Stencil organizers services into Azure service groupings
  • 65. Architectural Modeling Monolithic Application Microservices Approach Web App Visual Studio Team Services Build and Release Agent Visual Studio Team Services Build and Release Agent Service Fabric Blob Storage Blob Storage
  • 66. Architectural Modeling – Future Possibilities Microservices Approach Visual Studio Team Services Build and Release Agent Service Fabric Blob Storage PowerBI Machine Learning Cognitive Services
  • 67. Q&A

Editor's Notes

  1. Craig
  2. You should address the following: - What - Why
  3. You should address the following: - What - Why
  5. Nate We’ll be taking a look at the Service Fabrics Framework (An open source cluster manager you can start using to tackle refactoring monoliths.) ASF Orchestrator Application Partitioner Resource allocator Integrates with ALM tools Distributed systems platform Runs on Azure Runs on-prem Runs on other cloud provider’s platforms Runs on your dev machine!
  6. SPEAKER SCRIPT: (2:30) Service Fabric supports all of these patterns via its runtime vs. attempting to build/scale through devops and developer heroics “Your code” is support by a declarative app model and API for direct control and support. We will demo this in a sec, Each subsystem solves a problem space Management – controls state of the application (which version, health); integrates with VS 2017 Communication – node activation and interop Reliability Subsystem – keeps this running, scaling, and supporting your application Hosting & Activation Subsystem – spins up and down node as part of app lifecycle management Federation Subsystem – mirrors, rebuilds, scales application sets to increase reliability Transport Subsystem – secure point to point messaging between nodes (pattern #3)
  8. You should address the following: - What - Why
  9. SPEAKER SCRIPT: (:30) Discuss the outline for the session Readiness – discuss the online assets Prioritize – an approach to get your services organized, prioritize for a potential POC Document – free tools to document your app Start – Always On options for you
  10. SPEAKER SCRIPT: (2:00) Should this via a browser session, click on a few topics to show instructions, code, best practices
  11. The idea here is to provide a framework for determine which services should be created first. It also establishes a process for scoping additional services. This is effective in getting all stakeholders on the page. TODO: Add an example such as eCommerce to brainstorm on the best services to build first. Now that priority is set what is next?
  12. SPEAKER SCRIPT: (1:00) Now that we have prioritize the functionality we should like at how to decompose those into services. Discuss the 4 types of decomposition. **Might be a good time to be interactive and discuss which the audience likes better and why. ** Then talk about the driving factors for each service. TODO: condense this list or add a visual instead.
  13. SPEAKER SCRIPT: (1:00) Here is a following example of a decomposition or architectural model using a functional matrix. All the “1”’s are low hanging fruit. 2 may be good targets. 4 and above may be an opportunity for further refinement.
  14. SPEAKER SCRIPT: (1:00) I decomposed the Account Management service into more discrete services to help prioritize and identify more low hanging fruit for the POC/MVP.
  15. SPEAKER SCRIPT: (2:00) Microservices solutions will introduce more formal architecture, ops, and QA roles on your project.
  16. SPEAKER SCRIPT: (4:00) Open Visio and show the installed template. Drag-drop something you are comfortable with Show the content/reference logical and physical architectures available to help you get started.
  17. SPEAKER SCRIPT: (1:30) These assets/tools will help you compare and contrast options. To create your store front, you can try a Service Fabric, classic PAAS, or lift/shift your IAAS solution.