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Deep Dive Into Elasticsearch
Kunal Kapoor
Software Consultant
Knoldus Software LLP
● What is Elasticsearch
● Getting Started
● Key Terminologies
● CRUD Operations
● Understanding the physical layout
● What happens when you index a document
● How to make an inverted index mutable
● How per-segment search works
● How a delete operation works
● Segment Merging
What is Elasticsearch
● Search engine based on Lucene.
● Provides near real-time search
● Distributed
● Fault Tolerant
● Notable users:
– Facebook
– Github
– LinkedIn
Getting Started
● Download the elasticsearch distribution from
● To start the elasticsearch server run the following
command from within the extracted directory
– ./bin/elasticsearch
● Once the server or node is created you can check the
health of your cluster by running
– curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/health?v'

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Elasticsearch From the Bottom Up

The talk covers how Elasticsearch, Lucene and to some extent search engines in general actually work under the hood. We'll start at the "bottom" (or close enough!) of the many abstraction levels, and gradually move upwards towards the user-visible layers, studying the various internal data structures and behaviors as we ascend. Elasticsearch provides APIs that are very easy to use, and it will get you started and take you far without much effort. However, to get the most of it, it helps to have some knowledge about the underlying algorithms and data structures. This understanding enables you to make full use of its substantial set of features such that you can improve your users search experiences, while at the same time keep your systems performant, reliable and updated in (near) real time.

Introduction to Elasticsearch
Introduction to ElasticsearchIntroduction to Elasticsearch
Introduction to Elasticsearch

This document provides an overview and introduction to Elasticsearch. It discusses the speaker's experience and community involvement. It then covers how to set up Elasticsearch and Kibana locally. The rest of the document describes various Elasticsearch concepts and features like clusters, nodes, indexes, documents, shards, replicas, and building search-based applications. It also discusses using Elasticsearch for big data, different search capabilities, and text analysis.

Elasticsearch Introduction
Elasticsearch IntroductionElasticsearch Introduction
Elasticsearch Introduction

Elasticsearch is a distributed, open source search and analytics engine built on Apache Lucene. It allows storing and searching of documents of any schema in JSON format. Documents are organized into indexes which can have multiple shards and replicas for scalability and high availability. Elasticsearch provides a RESTful API and can be easily extended with plugins. It is widely used for full-text search, structured search, analytics and more in applications requiring real-time search and analytics of large volumes of data.

elasticsearch featureselasticsearchelasticsearch overview
Key Terminologies
● Node - A node is a single server that is part of your
cluster, stores your data, and participates in the cluster’s
indexing and search capabilities
● Cluster - A cluster is a collection of one or more nodes
(servers) that together holds your entire data and
provides indexing and search capabilities across all
● Index - An index is a collection of documents that have
somewhat similar characteristics.
Key Terminologies
● Type - A type is a logical category/partition of your index.
It is defined for documents that have a set of common
● Shard – A shard is basically an lucene index. Contains
the documents and various data structures that help in
CRUD Operations
● Indexing a document
– curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/test/test/1?pretty' -d '{"text":"Hello World"}'
● Updating a document
– curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/test/test/1?pretty' -d '{"text":"Hello"}'
● Delete a document
– curl -XDELETE 'localhost:9200/test/test/1?pretty'
● Search a document
– curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/test/_search?pretty' -d '{"query":
{ "match": {"text": "hello" }}}'
Understanding the physical layout

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This document discusses Elasticsearch, an open source search engine that can handle large volumes of data in real time. It is based on Apache Lucene, a full-text search engine, and was developed by Shay Banon in 2010. Elasticsearch stores data in JSON documents and works by indexing these documents so they can be quickly searched. Some key advantages include being RESTful, scalable, simple and transparent, and fast. Disadvantages include only supporting JSON for requests and responses as well as some challenges around processing. The document recommends starting with the official Elasticsearch documentation.

Elasticsearch presentation 1
Elasticsearch presentation 1Elasticsearch presentation 1
Elasticsearch presentation 1

This document provides an introduction and overview of Elasticsearch. It discusses installing Elasticsearch and configuring it through the elasticsearch.yml file. It describes tools like Marvel and Sense that can be used for monitoring Elasticsearch. Key terms used in Elasticsearch like nodes, clusters, indices, and documents are explained. The document outlines how to index and retrieve data from Elasticsearch through its RESTful API using either search lite queries or the query DSL.

elasticsearch full text search maruf571
An Introduction to Elastic Search.
An Introduction to Elastic Search.An Introduction to Elastic Search.
An Introduction to Elastic Search.

Talk given for the #phpbenelux user group, March 27th in Gent (BE), with the goal of convincing developers that are used to build php/mysql apps to broaden their horizon when adding search to their site. Be sure to also have a look at the notes for the slides; they explain some of the screenshots, etc. An accompanying blog post about this subject can be found at

developersolrweb development
(Lucene indices)
Deep Dive Into Elasticsearch
Inverted Index
● Data structure storing a mapping, from content such as
words or numbers, to its locations in a database file, or a
set of documents.
● Provides full-text search
● Consists of 2 parts
– Sorted Dictionary
– Postings
● Immutable

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This document provides an overview of Elasticsearch, including: - It is a NoSQL database that indexes and searches JSON documents in real-time. Documents are distributed across a cluster of servers for high performance and availability. - Elasticsearch uses Lucene under the hood for indexing and search. It is part of the ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) stack and is open source. - Documents are organized into indexes and types, similar to databases and tables. Documents can be created, updated, and deleted via a RESTful API.

Elastic stack Presentation
Elastic stack PresentationElastic stack Presentation
Elastic stack Presentation

The document introduces the ELK stack, which consists of Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, and Beats. Beats ship log and operational data to Elasticsearch. Logstash ingests, transforms, and sends data to Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch stores and indexes the data. Kibana allows users to visualize and interact with data stored in Elasticsearch. The document provides descriptions of each component and their roles. It also includes configuration examples and demonstrates how to access Elasticsearch via REST.

ELK Stack
ELK StackELK Stack
ELK Stack

The document provides an introduction to the ELK stack, which is a collection of three open source products: Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. It describes each component, including that Elasticsearch is a search and analytics engine, Logstash is used to collect, parse, and store logs, and Kibana is used to visualize data with charts and graphs. It also provides examples of how each component works together in processing and analyzing log data.

What happens when you index a
● The node that receives the request becomes the
controller for that request.
● That node determines the shard in which the document
should reside on the basis of the documents Id.
– shard = hash(document_id) % number_of_primary_shards
● The request is then forwarded to the appropriate node
which contains the shard.
● The node forwards the request to the appropriate shard.
What happens when you index a
● The shard performs analysis on the document and creates the
appropriate inverted index which is helpful for searching.
● The request is then sent to the replica shards.
● The documents are analyzed by the standard analyzer by
● It split the documents on white-space and lowercases the
● The documents are then ready to be inserted in the inverted
What happens when you index a
“text”:”Elasticsearch is an awesome search engine”
“text:”Elasticsearch is not a database”
elasticsearch, is, an, awesome, search, engine, elasticsearch,not, a, database

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Centralized log management is implemented using the Elastic Stack including Filebeat, Logstash, Elasticsearch, and Kibana. Filebeat ships logs to Logstash which transforms and indexes the data into Elasticsearch. Logs can then be queried and visualized in Kibana. For large volumes of logs, Kafka may be used as a buffer between the shipper and indexer. Backups are performed using Elasticsearch snapshots to a shared file system or cloud storage. Logs are indexed into time-based indices and a cron job deletes old indices to control storage usage.

Elastic search Walkthrough
Elastic search WalkthroughElastic search Walkthrough
Elastic search Walkthrough

Elasticsearch is an open-source, distributed search and analytics engine built on Apache Lucene. It allows storing, searching, and analyzing large volumes of data quickly and in near real-time. Key concepts include being schema-free, document-oriented, and distributed. Indices can be created to store different types of documents. Mapping defines how documents are indexed. Documents can be added, retrieved, updated, and deleted via RESTful APIs. Queries can be used to search for documents matching search criteria. Faceted search provides aggregated data based on search queries. Elastica provides a PHP client for interacting with Elasticsearch.

elasticsearch elastica
Terms Document1 Document2
elasticsearch ✓ ✓
is ✓ ✓
an ✓ -
awesome ✓ -
search ✓ -
engine ✓ -
not - ✓
a - ✓
database - ✓
How to make an inverted index
● Earlier, the whole inverted index would be rewritten to
disk with the changes.
● Very costly approach
● Lucene introduced the concept of per-segment search.
● Now a Lucene index would mean a collection of
segments plus a commit point.
● A commit point is a file that contains the list of segments
that are ready for search.
How per-segment search works?
● New documents are collected in an in-memory buffer.
● Every so often, the buffer is commited (refresh)
– A new supplementary segment with a commit point is
written to file-system cache.
– The transaction log is updated with the request for a
full commit later.
● The buffer is cleared and the segment is made available
for search.
In-memory Buffer
Transaction Log

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Getting Started with Elastic Stack. Detailed blog for the same

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Elasticsearch in Netflix
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Elasticsearch in Netflix

The document discusses Netflix's use of Elasticsearch for querying log events. It describes how Netflix evolved from storing logs in files to using Elasticsearch to enable interactive exploration of billions of log events. It also summarizes some of Netflix's best practices for running Elasticsearch at scale, such as automatic sharding and replication, flexible schemas, and extensive monitoring.

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elasticsearch가 무엇인지 간단하게 알려주는 ppt

How a delete operation works?
● Every shard in the Elasticsearch node maintains a .del file
along with the commit point.
● .del file lists which documents in which segments have
been deleted.
● When a delete request is encountered, the appropriate
document is marked as deleted.
● The deleted document will still match the search query but
will be filtered later on.
● Later the document is purged from the file-system while
segment merging.
Segment Merging
● Each segment consumes file handles, memory, and CPU
● The more the number of segments, the slower the search
will be.
● Elasticsearch solves this problem by merging segments
in the background.
● Small segments are merged into bigger segments.
● This is the moment when those old deleted documents
are purged from the file-system.
Segment Merging
● This is how the merge process works:-
– The merge process selects a few segments of similar
size and merges them into a new bigger segment in
the background.
– The new segment is flushed to disk.
– A new commit point is written that includes the new
segment and excludes the old, smaller segments.
– The new segment is opened for search.
– The old segments are deleted.
● The Definitive Guide by Clinton Gormley and Zachary

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An Intro to Elasticsearch and Kibana

Visualize some of Austin's open source data using Elasticsearch with Kibana. ObjectRocket's Steve Croce presented this talk on 10/13/17 at the DBaaS event in Austin, TX.

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Elasticsearch cluster deep dive

This is a 10 minutes talk about how Elasticsearch manages its cluster. It goes over, master election, fault detection, cluster state update protocol, network partitionning, shard allocation and shard recovery.

shard recoverynetwork partitionfault detection
● The Definitive Guide by Clinton Gormley and Zachary

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Deep Dive Into Elasticsearch

  • 1. Deep Dive Into Elasticsearch Kunal Kapoor Software Consultant Knoldus Software LLP
  • 2. AGENDA ● What is Elasticsearch ● Getting Started ● Key Terminologies ● CRUD Operations ● Understanding the physical layout ● What happens when you index a document ● How to make an inverted index mutable ● How per-segment search works ● How a delete operation works ● Segment Merging
  • 3. What is Elasticsearch ● Search engine based on Lucene. ● Provides near real-time search ● Distributed ● Fault Tolerant ● Notable users: – Facebook – Github – CERN – LinkedIn
  • 4. Getting Started ● Download the elasticsearch distribution from ● To start the elasticsearch server run the following command from within the extracted directory – ./bin/elasticsearch ● Once the server or node is created you can check the health of your cluster by running – curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/health?v'
  • 5. Key Terminologies ● Node - A node is a single server that is part of your cluster, stores your data, and participates in the cluster’s indexing and search capabilities ● Cluster - A cluster is a collection of one or more nodes (servers) that together holds your entire data and provides indexing and search capabilities across all nodes. ● Index - An index is a collection of documents that have somewhat similar characteristics.
  • 6. Key Terminologies ● Type - A type is a logical category/partition of your index. It is defined for documents that have a set of common fields. ● Shard – A shard is basically an lucene index. Contains the documents and various data structures that help in searching.
  • 7. CRUD Operations ● Indexing a document – curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/test/test/1?pretty' -d '{"text":"Hello World"}' ● Updating a document – curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/test/test/1?pretty' -d '{"text":"Hello"}' ● Delete a document – curl -XDELETE 'localhost:9200/test/test/1?pretty' ● Search a document – curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/test/_search?pretty' -d '{"query": { "match": {"text": "hello" }}}'
  • 12. Inverted Index ● Data structure storing a mapping, from content such as words or numbers, to its locations in a database file, or a set of documents. ● Provides full-text search ● Consists of 2 parts – Sorted Dictionary – Postings ● Immutable
  • 13. What happens when you index a document? ● The node that receives the request becomes the controller for that request. ● That node determines the shard in which the document should reside on the basis of the documents Id. – shard = hash(document_id) % number_of_primary_shards ● The request is then forwarded to the appropriate node which contains the shard. ● The node forwards the request to the appropriate shard.
  • 14. What happens when you index a document? ● The shard performs analysis on the document and creates the appropriate inverted index which is helpful for searching. ● The request is then sent to the replica shards. ● The documents are analyzed by the standard analyzer by default. ● It split the documents on white-space and lowercases the documents. ● The documents are then ready to be inserted in the inverted index
  • 15. What happens when you index a document? { “text”:”Elasticsearch is an awesome search engine” } { “text:”Elasticsearch is not a database” }
  • 16. elasticsearch, is, an, awesome, search, engine, elasticsearch,not, a, database
  • 17. Terms Document1 Document2 elasticsearch ✓ ✓ is ✓ ✓ an ✓ - awesome ✓ - search ✓ - engine ✓ - not - ✓ a - ✓ database - ✓
  • 18. How to make an inverted index mutable? ● Earlier, the whole inverted index would be rewritten to disk with the changes. ● Very costly approach ● Lucene introduced the concept of per-segment search. ● Now a Lucene index would mean a collection of segments plus a commit point. ● A commit point is a file that contains the list of segments that are ready for search.
  • 19. How per-segment search works? ● New documents are collected in an in-memory buffer. ● Every so often, the buffer is commited (refresh) – A new supplementary segment with a commit point is written to file-system cache. – The transaction log is updated with the request for a full commit later. ● The buffer is cleared and the segment is made available for search.
  • 21. How a delete operation works? ● Every shard in the Elasticsearch node maintains a .del file along with the commit point. ● .del file lists which documents in which segments have been deleted. ● When a delete request is encountered, the appropriate document is marked as deleted. ● The deleted document will still match the search query but will be filtered later on. ● Later the document is purged from the file-system while segment merging.
  • 22. Segment Merging ● Each segment consumes file handles, memory, and CPU cycles. ● The more the number of segments, the slower the search will be. ● Elasticsearch solves this problem by merging segments in the background. ● Small segments are merged into bigger segments. ● This is the moment when those old deleted documents are purged from the file-system.
  • 23. Segment Merging ● This is how the merge process works:- – The merge process selects a few segments of similar size and merges them into a new bigger segment in the background. – The new segment is flushed to disk. – A new commit point is written that includes the new segment and excludes the old, smaller segments. – The new segment is opened for search. – The old segments are deleted.
  • 24. References ● The Definitive Guide by Clinton Gormley and Zachary Tong ●
  • 26. References ● The Definitive Guide by Clinton Gormley and Zachary Tong ●

Editor's Notes

  1. 1. It allows you to explore your data at a speed. 2. Distributed-- 2 or more servers can be started at different locations and the data will be stored on both of them. 3. fault- Es-index is distributed across different nodes As the nodes are distributed across different zones, it is unlikely that a failure affects both the servers at the same time
  2. Es is configured to use multicast out of the box.In multicast it sends UDP pings across the local network to discover the nodes. Other nodes receive this ping and respond thus creating a cluster. Not good for production as it can also discover unwanted nodes if cluster name is same Thus unicast is used which accepts IpAddress of nodes that you want to add in the cluster
  3. A node has multiple shards within themAn Es index can span across multiple nodes through shards. A shard is the lowest level worker that contains the data that is inserted in the index.
  4. A lucene index or a shard contains various segments that are like mini indicesThese indices contain the datastructures required by elasticsearch to provide near-real time search.