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Data Modeling with
Michael Hunger, Neo Technology
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Spring Cloud
is a

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1. The Importance of Graphs in Government
1. The Importance of Graphs in Government1. The Importance of Graphs in Government
1. The Importance of Graphs in Government

The document discusses how graph databases can help governments address challenges like fraud detection, cybersecurity, and intelligence analysis. It provides examples of how Neo4j has helped organizations like Lockheed Martin, the US Army, and NASA optimize processes and save time and money by integrating diverse data sources and analyzing relationships within the data. The document promotes Neo4j's graph data platform for its flexibility, performance, and ability to handle large, interconnected datasets in real-time.

Introduction to Azure Databricks
Introduction to Azure DatabricksIntroduction to Azure Databricks
Introduction to Azure Databricks

Databricks is a Software-as-a-Service-like experience (or Spark-as-a-service) that is a tool for curating and processing massive amounts of data and developing, training and deploying models on that data, and managing the whole workflow process throughout the project. It is for those who are comfortable with Apache Spark as it is 100% based on Spark and is extensible with support for Scala, Java, R, and Python alongside Spark SQL, GraphX, Streaming and Machine Learning Library (Mllib). It has built-in integration with many data sources, has a workflow scheduler, allows for real-time workspace collaboration, and has performance improvements over traditional Apache Spark.

azure databricks
Neo4j GraphSummit London March 2023 Emil Eifrem Keynote.pptx
Neo4j GraphSummit London March 2023 Emil Eifrem Keynote.pptxNeo4j GraphSummit London March 2023 Emil Eifrem Keynote.pptx
Neo4j GraphSummit London March 2023 Emil Eifrem Keynote.pptx

Neo4j Founder and CEO Emil Eifrem shares his story on the origins of Neo4j and how graph technology has the potential to answer the world's most important data questions.

#graph data platform#graph data science#graph databases
Graph Database
A graph database...
A graph database...
NO: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork

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Workshop Tel Aviv - Graph Data Science
Workshop Tel Aviv - Graph Data ScienceWorkshop Tel Aviv - Graph Data Science
Workshop Tel Aviv - Graph Data Science

This document outlines an upcoming workshop on graph technology and data science using Neo4j. The workshop will cover knowledge graphs, graph algorithms, graph machine learning techniques, and use cases. It will include demonstrations of algorithms like node similarity and centrality measures on graphs. Attendees will learn how graph databases like Neo4j can power graph analytics and machine learning to gain insights from connected data.

graphsummitneo4jgraph database
RDBMS to Graph
RDBMS to GraphRDBMS to Graph
RDBMS to Graph

Relational databases were conceived to digitize paper forms and automate well-structured business processes, and still have their uses. But RDBMS cannot model or store data and its relationships without complexity, which means performance degrades with the increasing number and levels of data relationships and data size. Additionally, new types of data and data relationships require schema redesign that increases time to market. A native graph database like Neo4j naturally stores, manages, analyzes, and uses data within the context of connections meaning Neo4j provides faster query performance and vastly improved flexibility in handling complex hierarchies than SQL.

Supply Chain Twin Demo - Companion Deck
Supply Chain Twin Demo - Companion DeckSupply Chain Twin Demo - Companion Deck
Supply Chain Twin Demo - Companion Deck

The document is a presentation deck on building a supply chain twin using Neo4j and Google technologies. It discusses how supply chain data can be modeled as a graph and stored in Neo4j to power use cases like identifying product and part shortfalls, evaluating supply chain risk, and enabling scenario planning. The deck outlines an architecture that ingests supply chain data from Google BigQuery into Neo4j, then leverages Neo4j technologies like Graph Data Science, Bloom, and Keymaker to operationalize queries and deliver insights to applications.

A graph database...
NO: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork
YES: for storing data that is structured as a graph
A graph database...
NO: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork
YES: for storing data that is structured as a graph
remember linked lists, trees?
A graph database...
NO: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork
YES: for storing data that is structured as a graph
remember linked lists, trees?
graphs are the general-purpose data structure
A graph database...
NO: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork
YES: for storing data that is structured as a graph
remember linked lists, trees?
graphs are the general-purpose data structure
“A relational database may tell you the average age of everyone
in this place,
but a graph database will tell you who is most likely to buy you a

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Future of Data Engineering
Future of Data EngineeringFuture of Data Engineering
Future of Data Engineering

Video and slides synchronized, mp3 and slide download available at URL Chris Riccomini talks about the current state-of-the-art in data pipelines and data warehousing, and shares some of the solutions to current problems dealing with data streaming and warehousing. Filmed at Chris Riccomini works as a Software Engineer at WePay.

chris riccominiinfoqqcon
Amsterdam - The Neo4j Graph Data Platform Today & Tomorrow
Amsterdam - The Neo4j Graph Data Platform Today & TomorrowAmsterdam - The Neo4j Graph Data Platform Today & Tomorrow
Amsterdam - The Neo4j Graph Data Platform Today & Tomorrow

This document provides an overview of the Neo4j Graph Data Platform. Some key points: - Neo4j is a native graph database that is well-suited for connected data use cases that are growing exponentially. Graph databases can handle relationships better than relational databases and support relationship queries better than NoSQL databases. - The Neo4j Graph Data Platform includes the native graph database, development tools, data science and analytics capabilities, and an ecosystem of integrations. It can be deployed anywhere including as a service on AuraDB. - Neo4j has pioneered the graph database category since 2010 and continues to drive innovation with features like graph-RBAC security, graph data

Data Lake Overview
Data Lake OverviewData Lake Overview
Data Lake Overview

The data lake has become extremely popular, but there is still confusion on how it should be used. In this presentation I will cover common big data architectures that use the data lake, the characteristics and benefits of a data lake, and how it works in conjunction with a relational data warehouse. Then I’ll go into details on using Azure Data Lake Store Gen2 as your data lake, and various typical use cases of the data lake. As a bonus I’ll talk about how to organize a data lake and discuss the various products that can be used in a modern data warehouse.

data lakeadls gen2modern data warehouse
You know relational
You know relational
You know relational

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Workshop - Neo4j Graph Data Science
Workshop - Neo4j Graph Data ScienceWorkshop - Neo4j Graph Data Science
Workshop - Neo4j Graph Data Science

The document discusses graph data science techniques in Neo4j. It provides an overview of graph algorithms categories including pathfinding and search, centrality and importance, community detection, similarity, heuristic link prediction, and node embeddings and machine learning. It also summarizes 60+ graph data science techniques available in Neo4j across these categories and how they can be accessed and deployed. Finally, it discusses graph embeddings and graph native machine learning in Neo4j, covering techniques like Node2Vec, GraphSAGE, and FastRP.

graphsummitneo4jgraph data science
Optimizing Your Supply Chain with the Neo4j Graph
Optimizing Your Supply Chain with the Neo4j GraphOptimizing Your Supply Chain with the Neo4j Graph
Optimizing Your Supply Chain with the Neo4j Graph

With the world’s supply chain system in crisis, it’s clear that better solutions are needed. Digital twins built on knowledge graph technology allow you to achieve an end-to-end view of the process, supporting real-time monitoring of critical assets.

Graph database Use Cases
Graph database Use CasesGraph database Use Cases
Graph database Use Cases

This document provides an overview of graph databases and their use cases. It begins with definitions of graphs and graph databases. It then gives examples of how graph databases can be used for social networking, network management, and other domains where data is interconnected. It provides Cypher examples for creating and querying graph patterns in a social networking and IT network management scenario. Finally, it discusses the graph database ecosystem and how graphs can be deployed for both online transaction processing and batch processing use cases.

cyphergraph databaseopen source
You know relational
foo bar
You know relational
foo barfoo_bar
You know relational
foo barfoo_bar
You know relational
foo barfoo_bar

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Data Warehouse or Data Lake, Which Do I Choose?
Data Warehouse or Data Lake, Which Do I Choose?Data Warehouse or Data Lake, Which Do I Choose?
Data Warehouse or Data Lake, Which Do I Choose?

Today’s data-driven companies have a choice to make – where do we store our data? As the move to the cloud continues to be a driving factor, the choice becomes either the data warehouse (Snowflake et al) or the data lake (AWS S3 et al). There are pro’s and con’s for each approach. While the data warehouse will give you strong data management with analytics, they don’t do well with semi-structured and unstructured data with tightly coupled storage and compute, not to mention expensive vendor lock-in. On the other hand, data lakes allow you to store all kinds of data and are extremely affordable, but they’re only meant for storage and by themselves provide no direct value to an organization. Enter the Open Data Lakehouse, the next evolution of the data stack that gives you the openness and flexibility of the data lake with the key aspects of the data warehouse like management and transaction support. In this webinar, you’ll hear from Ali LeClerc who will discuss the data landscape and why many companies are moving to an open data lakehouse. Ali will share more perspective on how you should think about what fits best based on your use case and workloads, and how some real world customers are using Presto, a SQL query engine, to bring analytics to the data lakehouse.

datadata managementdataversity
Graph Data Modeling Best Practices(Eric_Monk).pptx
Graph Data Modeling Best Practices(Eric_Monk).pptxGraph Data Modeling Best Practices(Eric_Monk).pptx
Graph Data Modeling Best Practices(Eric_Monk).pptx

The document discusses best practices for graph data modeling in Neo4j. It describes different types of modeling including whiteboarding, instance modeling, logical modeling, physical modeling, and tuned modeling. Each type of modeling has a different focus such as conceptual understanding, answering questions, enabling data loading, and optimizing performance. The document provides tips for each modeling type and examples to illustrate graph structures. It also covers topics like relationship types, constraints, indexing, and validating the model.

Get Started with the Most Advanced Edition Yet of Neo4j Graph Data Science
Get Started with the Most Advanced Edition Yet of Neo4j Graph Data ScienceGet Started with the Most Advanced Edition Yet of Neo4j Graph Data Science
Get Started with the Most Advanced Edition Yet of Neo4j Graph Data Science

The document discusses Neo4j's graph data science capabilities. It highlights that Neo4j provides tools for graph algorithms, machine learning pipelines for tasks like node classification and link prediction, and a graph catalog for managing graph projections from the underlying database. The document also notes that Neo4j's capabilities allow users to leverage relationships in connected data to answer business questions.

You know relational
foo barfoo_bar
You know relational
now consider relationships...
You know relational
now consider relationships...
You know relational
now consider relationships...

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Intro to Neo4j and Graph Databases
Intro to Neo4j and Graph DatabasesIntro to Neo4j and Graph Databases
Intro to Neo4j and Graph Databases

These webinar slides are an introduction to Neo4j and Graph Databases. They discuss the primary use cases for Graph Databases and the properties of Neo4j which make those use cases possible. They also cover the high-level steps of modeling, importing, and querying your data using Cypher and touch on RDBMS to Graph.

Enterprise guide to building a Data Mesh
Enterprise guide to building a Data MeshEnterprise guide to building a Data Mesh
Enterprise guide to building a Data Mesh

Making Data Mesh simple, Open Source and available to all; without vendor lock-in, without complex tooling and to use an approach centered around ‘specifications’, existing tools and baking in a ‘domain’ model.

data meshbig datakafka
Fast Focus: SQL Server Graph Database & Processing
Fast Focus: SQL Server Graph Database & ProcessingFast Focus: SQL Server Graph Database & Processing
Fast Focus: SQL Server Graph Database & Processing

Short presentation on the graph database and processing support in SQL Server 2017 (plus new stuff in 2019) as presented at Live 360! SQL Live

You know relational
now consider relationships...
You know relational
now consider relationships...
You know relational
now consider relationships...

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Graph based data models
Graph based data modelsGraph based data models
Graph based data models

The document provides an outline for a presentation on graph-based data models. It introduces some key concepts about graphs and how they are used to model real-world interconnected data. It discusses how early adopters of graph technologies grew by focusing on data relationships. The document also covers graph data structures, graph databases, and graph query languages like Cypher and Gremlin.

nosqlgraph databasesdata models
Neo4j graph database
Neo4j graph databaseNeo4j graph database
Neo4j graph database

An Introduction to Neo4j Graph database, Cypher query language. Comparison between Neo4j and Graph Database

neo4jgraph databaserdbms
Using Graph Databases For Insights Into Connected Data.
Using Graph Databases For Insights Into Connected Data.Using Graph Databases For Insights Into Connected Data.
Using Graph Databases For Insights Into Connected Data.

Graph databases address one of the great macroscopic business trends of today: leveraging complex and dynamic relationships in highly connected data to generate insight and competitive advantage. Whether we want to understand relationships between customers, elements in a telephone or data center network, entertainment producers and consumers, or genes and proteins, the ability to understand and analyze vast graphs of highly connected data will be key in determining which companies outperform their competitors over the coming decade. In this session, I am going to cover following graph database concepts mainly w.r.t Neo4j. High level view of Graph Space Power of Graph Databases Data Modeling with Graphs Cypher : Graph Query language Building a Graph Database Application Graphs in Real World / Common Use cases Predictive Analysis with Graph Theory

connected datagraph databasegraph theory
We're talking about a
Property Graph
We're talking about a
Property Graph
We're talking about a
Property Graph

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The document provides an overview of NoSQL databases and MongoDB. It discusses: - What NoSQL is and why it was created - The different categories of NoSQL databases, including key-value stores, document databases, column family stores, and graph databases - MongoDB specifically, including its flexible schema, horizontal scalability, replication support, and data modeling approach - Comparisons between relational and NoSQL databases

No sql – rise of the clusters
No sql – rise of the clustersNo sql – rise of the clusters
No sql – rise of the clusters

This document provides an overview of SQL and NoSQL databases. It discusses how relational databases using SQL emerged as the dominant data storage approach but faced challenges in scaling to big data workloads. NoSQL databases were developed to address these scaling needs by using non-relational data models like key-value, document, and column-oriented structures that are better suited to distributed architectures. The document outlines the history and characteristics of SQL and relational databases and how NoSQL databases address needs like scalability that drove their emergence in the big data era.


The document provides an overview of NoSQL and MongoDB. It discusses that NoSQL databases were built for large datasets and cloud applications. It covers some of the main types of NoSQL databases like document stores, key-value stores, and column family stores. The document also compares NoSQL to SQL/relational databases, discussing how NoSQL is more flexible and scales horizontally. MongoDB is presented as a popular document-oriented NoSQL database, covering its flexible schema, horizontal scaling, and replication features.

We're talking about a
Property Graph
Properties (each a key+value)
We're talking about a
Property Graph
Properties (each a key+value)
+ Indexes (for easy look-ups)
Aggregate vs.
Connected Data-Model
NOSQL Databases

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Graph db
Graph dbGraph db
Graph db

The document discusses using graph databases for insights into connected data. It provides an overview of graph databases, comparing them to relational databases and NoSQL stores. It discusses how graph databases are better suited than other models for richly connected data due to their native support of relationships. The document also covers graph data modeling, the Cypher query language, examples of graph databases in real world domains, and aspects of graph database internals like scalability.

Graph analysis over relational database
Graph analysis over relational databaseGraph analysis over relational database
Graph analysis over relational database

Incontro del 23/05/2018 Nowadays graph visualization and analysis is a fundamental tool for developers, analysts, business executives, and really anyone who needs to understand his data in order to extract information from it and see all the present interactions. Unfortunately, most graph visualization tools do not have the ability to integrate with a relational database. Arcade Analytics is a graph visualization tool that enables users to have more control over their data: it sits on top of the user's database and allows the users to query data and show it in a graph. One of the most attractive features of Arcade Analytics is that it allows users to query data from a relational database and visualize the relational database content as a graph. Arcade's RDBMS connector allows users to perform a graph analysis over your RDBMS without any migration, in this way you can visually inspect relationships and connections within your RDBMS and treat your data as a graph. Speaker: Gabriele Ponzi

Graph Databases - Where Do We Do the Modeling Part?
Graph Databases - Where Do We Do the Modeling Part?Graph Databases - Where Do We Do the Modeling Part?
Graph Databases - Where Do We Do the Modeling Part?

Graph processing and graph databases have been with us for a while. However, since their physical implementations are the same for every database in production (Node connected to node, or triplets), there's a perception that data modeling (and data modelers) have no role on projects where graph databases are used. This month we'll talk about where graph databases are a best fit in a modern data architecture and where data models add value.

data managementdatadata modeling
“There is a significant downside - the whole approach works
really well when data access is aligned with the aggregates, but
what if you want to look at the data in a different way? Order
entry naturally stores orders as aggregates, but analyzing
product sales cuts across the aggregate structure. The
advantage of not using an aggregate structure in the database
is that it allows you to slice and dice your data different ways
for different audiences.
This is why aggregate-oriented stores talk so much about map-
Martin Fowler
Aggregate Oriented Model
The connected data model is based on fine grained elements
that are richly connected, the emphasis is on extracting many
dimensions and attributes as elements.
Connections are cheap and can be used not only for the
domain-level relationships but also for additional structures
that allow efficient access for different use-cases. The fine
grained model requires a external scope for mutating
operations that ensures Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and
Durability - ACID also known as Transactions.
Michael Hunger
Connected Data Model
Data Modeling
Why Data Modeling
๏What is modeling?
๏Aren‘t we schema free?
๏How does it work in a
๏Where should modeling
happen? DB or Application

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This document provides an overview of different database models, including the relational, document, and graph models. The graph model stores data as connected vertices and edges, allowing for index-free adjacency and flexible, schema-agnostic modeling of relationships. This makes the graph model well-suited for applications involving social networks, recommendations, and other domains where relationships are important. The document compares querying and traversing graph data to other models using examples involving modeling a social network.


This document summarizes a research paper that evaluates Cassandra and MongoDB NoSQL databases for processing unstructured data using Hadoop streaming. It proposes a system with three stages: data preparation where data is downloaded from Cassandra servers to file systems; data transformation where JSON data is converted to other formats using MapReduce; and data processing where non-Java executables run on the transformed data. The document reviews related work on Cassandra and Hadoop performance and discusses the data models of key-value, document, column-oriented, and graph databases. It concludes that comparing Cassandra and MongoDB can help process unstructured data and outline new approaches.

unstructured dataschema less databasesecondary indexes

NoSql is an approach to database design that enables the storage and querying of data outside the traditional structures found in relational databases

Data Models
Model mis-match
Real World Model
Model mis-match
Application Model Database Model
Trinity of models

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aRangodb, un package per l'utilizzo di ArangoDB con R
aRangodb, un package per l'utilizzo di ArangoDB con RaRangodb, un package per l'utilizzo di ArangoDB con R
aRangodb, un package per l'utilizzo di ArangoDB con R

Lingua talk: Italiano. Descrizione: In questo talk parleremo di come integrare e utilizzare ArangoDB, un database multi-modello con supporto nativo ai grafi, con R. Presenteremo quindi aRangodb, il package che abbiamo sviluppato per interfacciarsi in modo più semplice e intuitivo al database. Nel corso del talk mostreremo come il package possa essere utilizzato in ambito data science usando alcuni case studies concreti. Speaker: Gabriele Galatolo - Data Scientist - Kode srl

Ted Willke, Senior Principal Engineer & GM, Datacenter Group, Intel at MLconf SF
Ted Willke, Senior Principal Engineer & GM, Datacenter Group, Intel at MLconf SFTed Willke, Senior Principal Engineer & GM, Datacenter Group, Intel at MLconf SF
Ted Willke, Senior Principal Engineer & GM, Datacenter Group, Intel at MLconf SF

Abstract: How graphs became just another big data primitive Graph-shaped data is used in product recommendation systems, social network analysis, network threat detection, image de-noising, and many other important applications. And, a growing number of these applications will benefit from parallel distributed processing for graph featuring engineering, model training, and model serving. But today’s graph tools are riddled with limitations and shortcomings, such as a lack of language bindings, streaming support, and seamless integration with other popular data services. In this talk, we’ll argue that the key to doing more with graphs is doing less with specialized systems and more with systems already good at handling data of other shapes. We’ll examine some practical data science workflows to further motivate this argument and we’ll talk about some of the things that Intel is doing with the open source community and industry to make graphs just another big data primitive.

#mlconf #machinelearning #tedwillke

Graph databases are a type of NoSQL database designed to handle large networks of structured, semi-structured, or unstructured data. They are well-suited for domains involving entities and relationships between entities. Some examples of graph databases include Neo4j, Oracle NoSQL DB, and Graphbase. Graph databases prioritize relationships between data, unlike traditional SQL databases. They are useful for applications involving large, dynamic networks like social media sites.

no sql databases
Whiteboard --> Data
Whiteboard --> Data
Whiteboard --> Data
knows knows
Whiteboard --> Data
knows knows

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Oslo baksia2014
Oslo baksia2014Oslo baksia2014
Oslo baksia2014

Domain Driven Design is a software development process that focuses on finding a common language for the involved parties. This language and the resulting models are taken from the domain rather than the technical details of the implementation. The goal is to improve the communication between customers, developers and all other involved groups. Even if Eric Evan's book about this topic was written almost ten years ago, this topic remains important because a lot of projects fail for communication reasons. Relational databases have their own language and influence the design of software into a direction further away from the Domain: Entities have to be created for the sole purpose of adhering to best practices of relational database. Two kinds of NoSQL databases are changing that: Document stores and graph databases. In a document store you can model a "contains" relation in a more natural way and thereby express if this entity can exist outside of its surrounding entity. A graph database allows you to model relationships between entities in a straight forward way that can be expressed in the language of the domain. In this talk I want to look at the way a multi model database that combines a document store and a graph database can help you to model your problems in a way that is understandable for all parties involved, and explain the benefits of this approach for the software development process.

domain driven designpolyglot persistencemulti-model database
GraphSummit London Feb 2024 - ABK - Neo4j Product Vision and Roadmap.pptx
GraphSummit London Feb 2024 - ABK - Neo4j Product Vision and Roadmap.pptxGraphSummit London Feb 2024 - ABK - Neo4j Product Vision and Roadmap.pptx
GraphSummit London Feb 2024 - ABK - Neo4j Product Vision and Roadmap.pptx

Andreas presents an inside look at the latest Neo4j innovations that enable relationship-driven intelligence at scale. Learn more about the newest cloud integrations and product enhancements that make Neo4j an essential choice for developers building apps with interconnected data and generative AI.

#neo4j#cloud technologyllms #knowledge graphs #genai
3. Relationships Matter: Using Connected Data for Better Machine Learning
3. Relationships Matter: Using Connected Data for Better Machine Learning3. Relationships Matter: Using Connected Data for Better Machine Learning
3. Relationships Matter: Using Connected Data for Better Machine Learning

The document discusses how graph databases and graph data science can be used to enhance machine learning models by incorporating relationship data. It provides examples of how organizations are using Neo4j's graph data science platform to improve predictive models in areas like fraud detection, health outcomes, and supply chain reliability. The platform includes over 50 graph algorithms, graph-native machine learning workflows, and the ability to train, apply, and manage predictive models on graph data.

Whiteboard --> Data
knows knows
// Cypher query - friend of a friend
start n=node(0)
match (n)--()--(foaf)
return foaf
You traverse the graph
You traverse the graph

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Graph Databases in the Microsoft Ecosystem
Graph Databases in the Microsoft EcosystemGraph Databases in the Microsoft Ecosystem
Graph Databases in the Microsoft Ecosystem

With SQL Server and Cosmos Db we now have graph databases broadly available, after being studied for decades in Db theory, or being a niche approach in Open Source with Neo4J. And then there are services like Microsoft Graph and Azure Digital Twins that give us vertical implementations of graph. So let's make a walkaround of graphs in the MIcrosoft ecosystem.

BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf
BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdfBT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf
BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf

Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

neo4jneo4j webinarsgraph database
Harnessing the Power of NLP and Knowledge Graphs for Opioid Research
Harnessing the Power of NLP and Knowledge Graphs for Opioid ResearchHarnessing the Power of NLP and Knowledge Graphs for Opioid Research
Harnessing the Power of NLP and Knowledge Graphs for Opioid Research

Gursev Pirge, PhD Senior Data Scientist - JohnSnowLabs

neo4jgraph databasepharma
// lookup starting point in an index
START n=node:People(name = ‘Andreas’)
You traverse the graph
// lookup starting point in an index
START n=node:People(name = ‘Andreas’)
You traverse the graph
// then traverse to find results
START me=node:People(name = ‘Andreas’
MATCH (me)-[:FRIEND]-(friend)-[:FRIEND]-(friend2)
RETURN friend2
SELECT skills.*, user_skill.*
FROM users
JOIN user_skill ON = user_skill.user_id
JOIN skills ON user_skill.skill_id = WHERE = 1
START user = node(1)
MATCH user -[user_skill]-> skill
RETURN skill, user_skill

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GraphRAG for LifeSciences Hands-On with the Clinical Knowledge Graph
GraphRAG for LifeSciences Hands-On with the Clinical Knowledge GraphGraphRAG for LifeSciences Hands-On with the Clinical Knowledge Graph
GraphRAG for LifeSciences Hands-On with the Clinical Knowledge Graph

Tomaz Bratanic Graph ML and GenAI Expert - Neo4j

neo4jgraph databasepharma
Leveraging the Graph for Clinical Trials and Standards
Leveraging the Graph for Clinical Trials and StandardsLeveraging the Graph for Clinical Trials and Standards
Leveraging the Graph for Clinical Trials and Standards

Katja Glaß OpenStudyBuilder Community Manager - Katja Glaß Consulting Marius Conjeaud Principal Consultant - Neo4j

neo4graph databasepharma
Biomedical Knowledge Graphs for Data Scientists and Bioinformaticians
Biomedical Knowledge Graphs for Data Scientists and BioinformaticiansBiomedical Knowledge Graphs for Data Scientists and Bioinformaticians
Biomedical Knowledge Graphs for Data Scientists and Bioinformaticians

Dmitrii Kamaev, PhD Senior Product Owner - QIAGEN

neo4graph databasepharma
An Example
What language do they speak here?
Language Country
What language do they speak here?
Language Country
What language do they speak here?
Language Country

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Atelier - Architecture d’applications de Graphes - GraphSummit Paris
Atelier - Architecture d’applications de Graphes - GraphSummit ParisAtelier - Architecture d’applications de Graphes - GraphSummit Paris
Atelier - Architecture d’applications de Graphes - GraphSummit Paris

Atelier - Architecture d’applications de Graphes Participez à cet atelier pratique animé par des experts de Neo4j qui vous guideront pour découvrir l’intelligence contextuelle. En utilisant un jeu de données réel, nous construirons étape par étape une solution de graphes ; de la construction du modèle de données de graphes à l’exécution de requêtes et à la visualisation des données. L’approche sera applicable à de multiples cas d’usages et industries.

graph databaseneo4j
Atelier - Innover avec l’IA Générative et les graphes de connaissances
Atelier - Innover avec l’IA Générative et les graphes de connaissancesAtelier - Innover avec l’IA Générative et les graphes de connaissances
Atelier - Innover avec l’IA Générative et les graphes de connaissances

Atelier - Innover avec l’IA Générative et les graphes de connaissances Allez au-delà du battage médiatique autour de l’IA et découvrez des techniques pratiques pour utiliser l’IA de manière responsable à travers les données de votre organisation. Explorez comment utiliser les graphes de connaissances pour augmenter la précision, la transparence et la capacité d’explication dans les systèmes d’IA générative. Vous partirez avec une expérience pratique combinant les relations entre les données et les LLM pour apporter du contexte spécifique à votre domaine et améliorer votre raisonnement. Amenez votre ordinateur portable et nous vous guiderons sur la mise en place de votre propre pile d’IA générative, en vous fournissant des exemples pratiques et codés pour démarrer en quelques minutes.

graph database#gen ai
Neo4j - Product Vision and Knowledge Graphs - GraphSummit Paris
Neo4j - Product Vision and Knowledge Graphs - GraphSummit ParisNeo4j - Product Vision and Knowledge Graphs - GraphSummit Paris
Neo4j - Product Vision and Knowledge Graphs - GraphSummit Paris

Dr. Jesús Barrasa, Head of Solutions Architecture for EMEA, Neo4j Découvrez les dernières innovations de Neo4j, et notamment les dernières intégrations cloud et les améliorations produits qui font de Neo4j un choix essentiel pour les développeurs qui créent des applications avec des données interconnectées et de l’IA générative.

graph databaseknowledge graphs
Need to model the relationship
What if the cardinality changes?
Or we go many-to-many?

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Neo4j - Product Vision and Knowledge Graphs - GraphSummit Paris
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Neo4j - Product Vision and Knowledge Graphs - GraphSummit Paris

Dr. Jesús Barrasa, Head of Solutions Architecture for EMEA, Neo4j Découvrez les dernières innovations de Neo4j, et notamment les dernières intégrations cloud et les améliorations produits qui font de Neo4j un choix essentiel pour les développeurs qui créent des applications avec des données interconnectées et de l’IA générative.

graph databaseknowledge graphs
FLOA - Détection de Fraude - GraphSummit Paris
FLOA -  Détection de Fraude - GraphSummit ParisFLOA -  Détection de Fraude - GraphSummit Paris
FLOA - Détection de Fraude - GraphSummit Paris

Thibault Gossé, Chief Data & AI Officer, FLOA Martin Schubenel, Fraud Project Manager, FLOA

graph databasefraud detectionneo4j
SOPRA STERIA - GraphRAG : repousser les limitations du RAG via l’utilisation ...
SOPRA STERIA - GraphRAG : repousser les limitations du RAG via l’utilisation ...SOPRA STERIA - GraphRAG : repousser les limitations du RAG via l’utilisation ...
SOPRA STERIA - GraphRAG : repousser les limitations du RAG via l’utilisation ...

Romain CAMPOURCY – Architecte Solution, Sopra Steria Patrick MEYER – Architecte IA Groupe, Sopra Steria La Génération de Récupération Augmentée (RAG) permet la réponse à des questions d’utilisateur sur un domaine métier à l’aide de grands modèles de langage. Cette technique fonctionne correctement lorsque la documentation est simple mais trouve des limitations dès que les sources sont complexes. Au travers d’un projet que nous avons réalisé, nous vous présenterons l’approche GraphRAG, une nouvelle approche qui utilise une base Neo4j générée pour améliorer la compréhension des documents et la synthèse d’informations. Cette méthode surpasse l’approche RAG en fournissant des réponses plus holistiques et précises.

graph databasegraphragneo4j
Or we want to qualify the relationship?
Start talking about
Explicit Relationship
Relationship Properties

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Charles Gouwy, Business Product Leader, Adeo Services (Groupe Leroy Merlin) Alors que leur Knowledge Graph est déjà intégré sur l’ensemble des expériences d’achat de leur plateforme e-commerce depuis plus de 3 ans, nous verrons quelles sont les nouvelles opportunités et challenges qui s’ouvrent encore à eux grâce à leur utilisation d’une base de donnée de graphes et l’émergence de l’IA.

graph databaseknowledge graphsneo4j
GraphSummit Paris - The art of the possible with Graph Technology
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Sudhir Hasbe, Chief Product Officer, Neo4j Join us as we explore breakthrough innovations enabled by interconnected data and AI. Discover firsthand how organizations use relationships in data to uncover contextual insights and solve our most pressing challenges – from optimizing supply chains, detecting fraud, and improving customer experiences to accelerating drug discoveries.

graph databaseneo4j
GraphSummit Singapore | Enhancing Changi Airport Group's Passenger Experience...
GraphSummit Singapore | Enhancing Changi Airport Group's Passenger Experience...GraphSummit Singapore | Enhancing Changi Airport Group's Passenger Experience...
GraphSummit Singapore | Enhancing Changi Airport Group's Passenger Experience...

Dr. Sean Tan, Head of Data Science, Changi Airport Group Discover how Changi Airport Group (CAG) leverages graph technologies and generative AI to revolutionize their search capabilities. This session delves into the unique search needs of CAG’s diverse passengers and customers, showcasing how graph data structures enhance the accuracy and relevance of AI-generated search results, mitigating the risk of “hallucinations” and improving the overall customer journey.

What’s different?
What’s different?
๏ Implementation of maintaining relationships is left up
to the database
๏ Artificial keys disappear or are unnecessary
๏ Relationships get an explicit name
• can be navigated in both directions
Relationship specialisation
Bidirectional relationships

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Leonard Jayamohan, Partner & Generative AI Lead, Deloitte This keynote will reveal how Deloitte leverages Neo4j’s graph power for groundbreaking digital twin solutions, achieving a staggering 100x performance boost. Discover the essential role knowledge graphs play in successful generative AI implementations. Plus, get an exclusive look at an innovative Neo4j + Generative AI solution Deloitte is developing in-house.

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Maruthi Prithivirajan, Head of ASEAN & IN Solution Architecture, Neo4j Get an inside look at the latest Neo4j innovations that enable relationship-driven intelligence at scale. Learn more about the newest cloud integrations and product enhancements that make Neo4j an essential choice for developers building apps with interconnected data and generative AI.

GraphSummit Singapore | The Art of the Possible with Graph - Q2 2024
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Neha Bajwa, Vice President of Product Marketing, Neo4j Join us as we explore breakthrough innovations enabled by interconnected data and AI. Discover firsthand how organizations use relationships in data to uncover contextual insights and solve our most pressing challenges – from optimizing supply chains, detecting fraud, and improving customer experiences to accelerating drug discoveries.

Weighted relationships
Keep on adding relationships
Use the building blocks
๏ Nodes
๏ Relationships
๏ Properties name: value

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Sudheer Mechineni, Head of Application Frameworks, Standard Chartered Bank Discover how Standard Chartered Bank harnessed the power of Neo4j to transform complex data access challenges into a dynamic, scalable graph database solution. This keynote will cover their journey from initial adoption to deploying a fully automated, enterprise-grade causal cluster, highlighting key strategies for modelling organisational changes and ensuring robust disaster recovery. Learn how these innovations have not only enhanced Standard Chartered Bank’s data infrastructure but also positioned them as pioneers in the banking sector’s adoption of graph technology.

GraphAware - Transforming policing with graph-based intelligence analysis
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GraphAware - Transforming policing with graph-based intelligence analysis

Petr Matuska, Sales & Sales Engineering Lead, GraphAware Western Australia Police Force’s adoption of Neo4j and the GraphAware Hume graph analytics platform marks a significant advancement in data-driven policing. Facing the challenges of growing volumes of valuable data scattered in disconnected silos, the organisation successfully implemented Neo4j database and Hume, consolidating data from various sources into a dynamic knowledge graph. The result was a connected view of intelligence, making it easier for analysts to solve crime faster. The partnership between Neo4j and GraphAware in this project demonstrates the transformative impact of graph technology on law enforcement’s ability to leverage growing volumes of valuable data to prevent crime and protect communities.

graph database
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David Pond, Lead Product Manager, Neo4j Get an inside look at the latest Neo4j innovations that enable relationship-driven intelligence at scale. Learn more about the newest cloud integrations and product enhancements that make Neo4j an essential choice for developers building apps with interconnected data and generative AI.

graph database
Anti-pattern: rich properties
name: “Canada”
languages_spoken: “[ ‘English’, ‘French’ ]”
Normalize Nodes
Anti-Pattern: Node represents multiple
Split up in separate concepts

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Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf

As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

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WPRiders Company Presentation Slide Deck
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YOUR RELIABLE WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT TEAM — FOR LASTING SUCCESS WPRiders is a web development company specialized in WordPress and WooCommerce websites and plugins for customers around the world. The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, but our team members are located all over the world. Our customers are primarily from the US and Western Europe, but we have clients from Australia, Canada and other areas as well. Some facts about WPRiders and why we are one of the best firms around: More than 700 five-star reviews! You can check them here. 1500 WordPress projects delivered. We respond 80% faster than other firms! Data provided by Freshdesk. We’ve been in business since 2015. We are located in 7 countries and have 22 team members. With so many projects delivered, our team knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to WordPress and WooCommerce. Our team members are: - highly experienced developers (employees & contractors with 5 -10+ years of experience), - great designers with an eye for UX/UI with 10+ years of experience - project managers with development background who speak both tech and non-tech - QA specialists - Conversion Rate Optimisation - CRO experts They are all working together to provide you with the best possible service. We are passionate about WordPress, and we love creating custom solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. At WPRiders, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in accountability, in doing the right thing, as well as in transparency and open communication. You can read more about WPRiders on the About us page.

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Challenge: Property or Relationship?
๏ Can every property be replaced by a relationship?
• Hint: triple stores. Are they easy to use?
๏ Should every entities with the same property values be
Object Mapping
๏ Similar to how you would map objects to a relational
database, using an ORM such as Hibernate
๏ Generally simpler and easier to reason about
๏ Examples
• Java: Spring Data Neo4j
• Ruby: Active Model
๏ Why Map?
• Do you use mapping because you are scared of SQL?
• Following DDD, could you write your repositories
directly against the graph API?
CONNECT for fast access
In-Graph Indices
Relationships for querying
๏ like in other databases
• same structure for different use-cases (OLTP and
OLAP) doesn‘t work
• graph allows: add more structures
๏ Relationships should the primary means to access
nodes in the database
๏ Traversing relationships is cheap – that’s the whole
design goal of a graph database
๏ Use lookups only to find starting nodes for a query
Data Modeling examples in Manual

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This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and slides: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection
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Cybersecurity is a major concern in today's connected digital world. Threats to organizations are constantly evolving and have the potential to compromise sensitive information, disrupt operations, and lead to significant financial losses. Traditional cybersecurity techniques often fall short against modern attackers. Therefore, advanced techniques for cyber security analysis and anomaly detection are essential for protecting digital assets. This blog explores these cutting-edge methods, providing a comprehensive overview of their application and importance.

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Anti-pattern: unconnected graph
name: “Jones” name: “Jones”
name: “Jones”
name: “Jones”
name: “Jones”
name: “Jones”
name: “Jones” name: “Jones”
name: “Jones”
name: “Jones”
name: “Jones”
Pattern: Linked List
Pattern: Multiple Relationships
Pattern-Trees:Tags and Categories

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Pattern-Tree: Multi-Level-Tree
Pattern-Trees: R-Tree (spatial)
Example:Activity Stream
Graph Evolution

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Java Servlet programs

Evolution: Relationship to Node
. . .
see Hyperedges
Combine multiple Domains in a Graph
๏ you start with a single domain
๏ add more connected domains as your system evolves
๏ more domains allow to ask different queries
๏ one domain „indexes“ the other
๏ Example Facebook Graph Search
• social graph
• location graph
• activity graph
• favorite graph
• ...
Notes on the Graph Data Model
๏Schema free, but constraints
๏Model your graph with a whiteboard and a wise man
๏Nodes as main entities but useless without connections
๏Relationships are first level citizens in the model and database
๏Normalize more than in a relational database
๏use meaningful relationship-types, not generic ones like IS_
๏use in-graph structures to allow different access paths
๏evolve your graph to your needs, incremental growth
Realworld Examples

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Choose our Linux Web Hosting for a seamless and successful online presence
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Our Linux Web Hosting plans offer unbeatable performance, security, and scalability, ensuring your website runs smoothly and efficiently. Visit-

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Real World Use Cases:
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•[A] ACL from Hell
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•[A] ACL from Hell
•[B] Timely recommendations

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Kief Morris rethinks the infrastructure code delivery lifecycle, advocating for a shift towards composable infrastructure systems. We should shift to designing around deployable components rather than code modules, use more useful levels of abstraction, and drive design and deployment from applications rather than bottom-up, monolithic architecture and delivery.

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論文紹介:A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation ...
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Jindong Gu, Zhen Han, Shuo Chen, Ahmad Beirami, Bailan He, Gengyuan Zhang, Ruotong Liao, Yao Qin, Volker Tresp, Philip Torr "A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation Models" arXiv2023

Real World Use Cases:
•[A] ACL from Hell
•[B] Timely recommendations
•[C] Global collaboration
[A] ACL from Hell
[A] ACL from Hell
๏ Customer:
• leading consumer utility company with tons and
tons of users
๏ Goal:
• comprehensive access control administration
for customers
๏ Benefits:
• Flexible and dynamic architecture
• Exceptional performance
• Extensible data model supports new
applications and features
• Low cost
[A] ACL from Hell
๏ Customer:
• leading consumer utility company with tons and
tons of users
๏ Goal:
• comprehensive access control administration
for customers
๏ Benefits:
• Flexible and dynamic architecture
• Exceptional performance
• Extensible data model supports new
applications and features
• Low cost
• A Reliable access control administration system for
5 million customers, subscriptions and agreements
• Complex dependencies between groups, companies,
individuals, accounts, products, subscriptions, services and
• Broad and deep graphs (master customers with 1000s of
customers, subscriptions & agreements)

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Scaling Connections in PostgreSQL Postgres Bangalore(PGBLR) Meetup-2 - Mydbops
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This presentation, delivered at the Postgres Bangalore (PGBLR) Meetup-2 on June 29th, 2024, dives deep into connection pooling for PostgreSQL databases. Aakash M, a PostgreSQL Tech Lead at Mydbops, explores the challenges of managing numerous connections and explains how connection pooling optimizes performance and resource utilization. Key Takeaways: * Understand why connection pooling is essential for high-traffic applications * Explore various connection poolers available for PostgreSQL, including pgbouncer * Learn the configuration options and functionalities of pgbouncer * Discover best practices for monitoring and troubleshooting connection pooling setups * Gain insights into real-world use cases and considerations for production environments This presentation is ideal for: * Database administrators (DBAs) * Developers working with PostgreSQL * DevOps engineers * Anyone interested in optimizing PostgreSQL performance Contact for PostgreSQL Managed, Consulting and Remote DBA Services

[A] ACL from Hell
๏ Customer:
• leading consumer utility company with tons and
tons of users
๏ Goal:
• comprehensive access control administration
for customers
๏ Benefits:
• Flexible and dynamic architecture
• Exceptional performance
• Extensible data model supports new
applications and features
• Low cost
• A Reliable access control administration system for
5 million customers, subscriptions and agreements
• Complex dependencies between groups, companies,
individuals, accounts, products, subscriptions, services and
• Broad and deep graphs (master customers with 1000s of
customers, subscriptions & agreements)
name: Andreas
subscription: sports
service: NFL
account: 9758352794
agreement: ultimate
subscribes to
has plan
provides group: graphistas
promotion: fall
member of
company: Neo
Technologyworks with
gets discount on
subscription: local
subscribes to
provides service: Ravens
[B] Timely Recommendations
[B] Timely Recommendations
๏ Customer:
• a professional social network
• 35 millions users, adding 30,000+ each day
๏ Goal: up-to-date recommendations
• Scalable solution with real-time end-user
• Low maintenance and reliable architecture
• 8-week implementation
[B] Timely Recommendations
๏ Customer:
• a professional social network
• 35 millions users, adding 30,000+ each day
๏ Goal: up-to-date recommendations
• Scalable solution with real-time end-user
• Low maintenance and reliable architecture
• 8-week implementation
๏ Problem:
• Real-time recommendation imperative to attract new
users and maintain positive user retention
• Clustered MySQL solution not scalable or fast enough
to support real-time requirements
๏ Upgrade from running a batch job
• initial hour-long batch job
• but then success happened, and it became a day
• then two days
๏ With Neo4j, real time recommendations

Recommended for you

[B] Timely Recommendations
๏ Customer:
• a professional social network
• 35 millions users, adding 30,000+ each day
๏ Goal: up-to-date recommendations
• Scalable solution with real-time end-user
• Low maintenance and reliable architecture
• 8-week implementation
๏ Problem:
• Real-time recommendation imperative to attract new
users and maintain positive user retention
• Clustered MySQL solution not scalable or fast enough
to support real-time requirements
๏ Upgrade from running a batch job
• initial hour-long batch job
• but then success happened, and it became a day
• then two days
๏ With Neo4j, real time recommendations
job: talking
name: Allison
job: plumber
name: Tobias
job: coding
name: Peter
job: building
name: Emil
job: plumber
name: Stephen
job: DJ
name: Delia
job: barking
name: Tiberius
job: dancer
[C] Collaboration on Global Scale
[C] Collaboration on Global Scale
๏ Customer: a worldwide software leader
• highly collaborative end-users
๏ Goal: offer an online platform for global collaboration
• Highly flexible data analysis
• Sub-second results for large, densely-connected data
• User experience - competitive advantage
[C] Collaboration on Global Scale
๏ Customer: a worldwide software leader
• highly collaborative end-users
๏ Goal: offer an online platform for global collaboration
• Highly flexible data analysis
• Sub-second results for large, densely-connected data
• User experience - competitive advantage
• Massive amounts of data tied to members, user
groups, member content, etc. all interconnected
• Infer collaborative relationships through user-
generated content
• Worldwide Availability

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[C] Collaboration on Global Scale
๏ Customer: a worldwide software leader
• highly collaborative end-users
๏ Goal: offer an online platform for global collaboration
• Highly flexible data analysis
• Sub-second results for large, densely-connected data
• User experience - competitive advantage
• Massive amounts of data tied to members, user
groups, member content, etc. all interconnected
• Infer collaborative relationships through user-
generated content
• Worldwide Availability
Asia North America Europe
[C] Collaboration on Global Scale
๏ Customer: a worldwide software leader
• highly collaborative end-users
๏ Goal: offer an online platform for global collaboration
• Highly flexible data analysis
• Sub-second results for large, densely-connected data
• User experience - competitive advantage
• Massive amounts of data tied to members, user
groups, member content, etc. all interconnected
• Infer collaborative relationships through user-
generated content
• Worldwide Availability
Asia North America Europe
Asia North America Europe
How to get started?
How to get started?
๏ Documentation

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How to get started?
๏ Documentation
How to get started?
๏ Documentation
How to get started?
๏ Documentation
How to get started?
๏ Documentation

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How to get started?
๏ Documentation
• - tutorials+reference
How to get started?
๏ Documentation
• - tutorials+reference
How to get started?
๏ Documentation
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‣Data Modeling Examples
How to get started?
๏ Documentation
• - tutorials+reference
‣Data Modeling Examples

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‣Data Modeling Examples
How to get started?
๏ Documentation
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‣Data Modeling Examples
• Neo4j in Action
How to get started?
๏ Documentation
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‣Data Modeling Examples
• Neo4j in Action
How to get started?
๏ Documentation
• - tutorials+reference
‣Data Modeling Examples
• Neo4j in Action
• Good Relationships

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• - tutorials+reference
‣Data Modeling Examples
• Neo4j in Action
• Good Relationships
๏ Worldwide one-day Neo4j Trainings
How to get started?
๏ Documentation
• - tutorials+reference
‣Data Modeling Examples
• Neo4j in Action
• Good Relationships
๏ Worldwide one-day Neo4j Trainings
๏ Get Neo4j
How to get started?
๏ Documentation
• - tutorials+reference
‣Data Modeling Examples
• Neo4j in Action
• Good Relationships
๏ Worldwide one-day Neo4j Trainings
๏ Get Neo4j
How to get started?
๏ Documentation
• - tutorials+reference
‣Data Modeling Examples
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Really, once you start
thinking in graphs
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Data Modeling with Neo4j

  • 1. Data Modeling with Neo4j 1 Michael Hunger, Neo Technology @neo4j | @mesirii |
  • 2. (Michael) -[:WORKS_ON]-> (Neo4j) ME Spring Cloud Community Cypher console community graph Server 2
  • 3. 3
  • 8. A graph database... 7 NO: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork
  • 9. A graph database... 7 NO: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork YES: for storing data that is structured as a graph
  • 10. A graph database... 7 NO: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork YES: for storing data that is structured as a graph remember linked lists, trees?
  • 11. A graph database... 7 NO: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork YES: for storing data that is structured as a graph remember linked lists, trees? graphs are the general-purpose data structure
  • 12. A graph database... 7 NO: not for charts & diagrams, or vector artwork YES: for storing data that is structured as a graph remember linked lists, trees? graphs are the general-purpose data structure “A relational database may tell you the average age of everyone in this place, but a graph database will tell you who is most likely to buy you a beer.”
  • 13. 8
  • 22. You know relational 8 now consider relationships...
  • 23. You know relational 8 now consider relationships...
  • 24. You know relational 8 now consider relationships...
  • 25. You know relational 8 now consider relationships...
  • 26. You know relational 8 now consider relationships...
  • 27. You know relational 8 now consider relationships...
  • 28. 8
  • 29. 9
  • 30. We're talking about a Property Graph 9
  • 31. We're talking about a Property Graph 9 Nodes
  • 32. We're talking about a Property Graph 9 Nodes Relationships
  • 37. 12 “There is a significant downside - the whole approach works really well when data access is aligned with the aggregates, but what if you want to look at the data in a different way? Order entry naturally stores orders as aggregates, but analyzing product sales cuts across the aggregate structure. The advantage of not using an aggregate structure in the database is that it allows you to slice and dice your data different ways for different audiences. This is why aggregate-oriented stores talk so much about map- reduce.” Martin Fowler Aggregate Oriented Model
  • 38. 13 The connected data model is based on fine grained elements that are richly connected, the emphasis is on extracting many dimensions and attributes as elements. Connections are cheap and can be used not only for the domain-level relationships but also for additional structures that allow efficient access for different use-cases. The fine grained model requires a external scope for mutating operations that ensures Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability - ACID also known as Transactions. Michael Hunger Connected Data Model
  • 40. Why Data Modeling 15 ๏What is modeling? ๏Aren‘t we schema free? ๏How does it work in a graph? ๏Where should modeling happen? DB or Application
  • 49. Whiteboard --> Data 20 Andreas Peter Emil Allison knows knows knows knows // Cypher query - friend of a friend start n=node(0) match (n)--()--(foaf) return foaf
  • 50. 21
  • 51. You traverse the graph 21
  • 52. You traverse the graph 21
  • 53. // lookup starting point in an index START n=node:People(name = ‘Andreas’) Andreas You traverse the graph 21
  • 54. // lookup starting point in an index START n=node:People(name = ‘Andreas’) Andreas You traverse the graph 21 // then traverse to find results START me=node:People(name = ‘Andreas’ MATCH (me)-[:FRIEND]-(friend)-[:FRIEND]-(friend2) RETURN friend2
  • 55. 21
  • 56. SELECT skills.*, user_skill.* FROM users JOIN user_skill ON = user_skill.user_id JOIN skills ON user_skill.skill_id = WHERE = 1 22 START user = node(1) MATCH user -[user_skill]-> skill RETURN skill, user_skill
  • 58. What language do they speak here? Language Country
  • 59. What language do they speak here? Language Country
  • 60. What language do they speak here? Language Country
  • 62. Need to model the relationship language_code language_name word_count Language country_code country_name flag_uri language_code Country
  • 63. What if the cardinality changes? language_code language_name word_count country_code Language country_code country_name flag_uri Country
  • 64. Or we go many-to-many? language_code language_name word_count Language country_code country_name flag_uri Country language_code country_code LanguageCountry
  • 65. Or we want to qualify the relationship? language_code language_name word_count Language country_code country_name flag_uri Country language_code country_code primary LanguageCountry
  • 70. What’s different? ๏ Implementation of maintaining relationships is left up to the database ๏ Artificial keys disappear or are unnecessary ๏ Relationships get an explicit name • can be navigated in both directions
  • 74. Keep on adding relationships name word_count Language name flag_uri Country POPULATION_SPEAKS population_fraction SIMILAR_TO ADJACENT_TO
  • 76. Use the building blocks ๏ Nodes ๏ Relationships ๏ Properties name: value RELATIONSHIP_NAME
  • 77. Anti-pattern: rich properties name: “Canada” languages_spoken: “[ ‘English’, ‘French’ ]”
  • 79. Anti-Pattern: Node represents multiple concepts name flag_uri language_name number_of_words yes_in_language no_in_language currency_code currency_name Country
  • 80. USES_CURRENCY Split up in separate concepts name flag_uri currency_code currency_name Country name number_of_words yes no Country SPEAKS Currency currency_code currency_name
  • 81. Challenge: Property or Relationship? ๏ Can every property be replaced by a relationship? • Hint: triple stores. Are they easy to use? ๏ Should every entities with the same property values be connected?
  • 82. Object Mapping ๏ Similar to how you would map objects to a relational database, using an ORM such as Hibernate ๏ Generally simpler and easier to reason about ๏ Examples • Java: Spring Data Neo4j • Ruby: Active Model ๏ Why Map? • Do you use mapping because you are scared of SQL? • Following DDD, could you write your repositories directly against the graph API?
  • 83. CONNECT for fast access In-Graph Indices
  • 84. Relationships for querying ๏ like in other databases • same structure for different use-cases (OLTP and OLAP) doesn‘t work • graph allows: add more structures ๏ Relationships should the primary means to access nodes in the database ๏ Traversing relationships is cheap – that’s the whole design goal of a graph database ๏ Use lookups only to find starting nodes for a query Data Modeling examples in Manual
  • 85. Anti-pattern: unconnected graph name: “Jones” name: “Jones” name: “Jones” name: “Jones” name: “Jones” name: “Jones” name: “Jones” name: “Jones” name: “Jones” name: “Jones” name: “Jones”
  • 93. Evolution: Relationship to Node 59 Peter SENT_EMAIL Michael Peter EMAIL_FROM Michael EMAIL_TO Email Emil EMAIL_CC Community TAGGED . . . see Hyperedges
  • 94. Combine multiple Domains in a Graph ๏ you start with a single domain ๏ add more connected domains as your system evolves ๏ more domains allow to ask different queries ๏ one domain „indexes“ the other ๏ Example Facebook Graph Search • social graph • location graph • activity graph • favorite graph • ...
  • 95. Notes on the Graph Data Model ๏Schema free, but constraints ๏Model your graph with a whiteboard and a wise man ๏Nodes as main entities but useless without connections ๏Relationships are first level citizens in the model and database ๏Normalize more than in a relational database ๏use meaningful relationship-types, not generic ones like IS_ ๏use in-graph structures to allow different access paths ๏evolve your graph to your needs, incremental growth 61
  • 97. 63
  • 99. 63 Real World Use Cases: •[A] ACL from Hell
  • 100. 63 Real World Use Cases: •[A] ACL from Hell •[B] Timely recommendations
  • 101. 63 Real World Use Cases: •[A] ACL from Hell •[B] Timely recommendations •[C] Global collaboration
  • 102. [A] ACL from Hell 64
  • 103. [A] ACL from Hell ๏ Customer: • leading consumer utility company with tons and tons of users ๏ Goal: • comprehensive access control administration for customers ๏ Benefits: • Flexible and dynamic architecture • Exceptional performance • Extensible data model supports new applications and features • Low cost 64
  • 104. [A] ACL from Hell ๏ Customer: • leading consumer utility company with tons and tons of users ๏ Goal: • comprehensive access control administration for customers ๏ Benefits: • Flexible and dynamic architecture • Exceptional performance • Extensible data model supports new applications and features • Low cost 64 • A Reliable access control administration system for 5 million customers, subscriptions and agreements • Complex dependencies between groups, companies, individuals, accounts, products, subscriptions, services and agreements • Broad and deep graphs (master customers with 1000s of customers, subscriptions & agreements)
  • 105. [A] ACL from Hell ๏ Customer: • leading consumer utility company with tons and tons of users ๏ Goal: • comprehensive access control administration for customers ๏ Benefits: • Flexible and dynamic architecture • Exceptional performance • Extensible data model supports new applications and features • Low cost 64 • A Reliable access control administration system for 5 million customers, subscriptions and agreements • Complex dependencies between groups, companies, individuals, accounts, products, subscriptions, services and agreements • Broad and deep graphs (master customers with 1000s of customers, subscriptions & agreements) name: Andreas subscription: sports service: NFL account: 9758352794 agreement: ultimate owns subscribes to has plan includes provides group: graphistas promotion: fall member of offered discounts company: Neo Technologyworks with gets discount on subscription: local subscribes to provides service: Ravens includes
  • 107. [B] Timely Recommendations ๏ Customer: • a professional social network • 35 millions users, adding 30,000+ each day ๏ Goal: up-to-date recommendations • Scalable solution with real-time end-user experience • Low maintenance and reliable architecture • 8-week implementation 65
  • 108. [B] Timely Recommendations ๏ Customer: • a professional social network • 35 millions users, adding 30,000+ each day ๏ Goal: up-to-date recommendations • Scalable solution with real-time end-user experience • Low maintenance and reliable architecture • 8-week implementation 65 ๏ Problem: • Real-time recommendation imperative to attract new users and maintain positive user retention • Clustered MySQL solution not scalable or fast enough to support real-time requirements ๏ Upgrade from running a batch job • initial hour-long batch job • but then success happened, and it became a day • then two days ๏ With Neo4j, real time recommendations
  • 109. [B] Timely Recommendations ๏ Customer: • a professional social network • 35 millions users, adding 30,000+ each day ๏ Goal: up-to-date recommendations • Scalable solution with real-time end-user experience • Low maintenance and reliable architecture • 8-week implementation 65 ๏ Problem: • Real-time recommendation imperative to attract new users and maintain positive user retention • Clustered MySQL solution not scalable or fast enough to support real-time requirements ๏ Upgrade from running a batch job • initial hour-long batch job • but then success happened, and it became a day • then two days ๏ With Neo4j, real time recommendations name:Andreas job: talking name: Allison job: plumber name: Tobias job: coding knows knows name: Peter job: building name: Emil job: plumber knows name: Stephen job: DJ knows knows name: Delia job: barking knows knows name: Tiberius job: dancer knows knows knows knows
  • 110. [C] Collaboration on Global Scale 66
  • 111. [C] Collaboration on Global Scale ๏ Customer: a worldwide software leader • highly collaborative end-users ๏ Goal: offer an online platform for global collaboration • Highly flexible data analysis • Sub-second results for large, densely-connected data • User experience - competitive advantage 66
  • 112. [C] Collaboration on Global Scale ๏ Customer: a worldwide software leader • highly collaborative end-users ๏ Goal: offer an online platform for global collaboration • Highly flexible data analysis • Sub-second results for large, densely-connected data • User experience - competitive advantage 66 • Massive amounts of data tied to members, user groups, member content, etc. all interconnected • Infer collaborative relationships through user- generated content • Worldwide Availability
  • 113. [C] Collaboration on Global Scale ๏ Customer: a worldwide software leader • highly collaborative end-users ๏ Goal: offer an online platform for global collaboration • Highly flexible data analysis • Sub-second results for large, densely-connected data • User experience - competitive advantage 66 • Massive amounts of data tied to members, user groups, member content, etc. all interconnected • Infer collaborative relationships through user- generated content • Worldwide Availability Asia North America Europe
  • 114. [C] Collaboration on Global Scale ๏ Customer: a worldwide software leader • highly collaborative end-users ๏ Goal: offer an online platform for global collaboration • Highly flexible data analysis • Sub-second results for large, densely-connected data • User experience - competitive advantage 66 • Massive amounts of data tied to members, user groups, member content, etc. all interconnected • Infer collaborative relationships through user- generated content • Worldwide Availability Asia North America Europe Asia North America Europe
  • 115. How to get started? 67
  • 116. How to get started? ๏ Documentation 67
  • 117. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • 67
  • 118. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • 67
  • 119. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • ‣ 67
  • 120. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • ‣ 67
  • 121. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • ‣ • - tutorials+reference 67
  • 122. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • ‣ • - tutorials+reference 67
  • 123. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • ‣ • - tutorials+reference ‣Data Modeling Examples 67
  • 124. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • ‣ • - tutorials+reference ‣Data Modeling Examples • 67
  • 125. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • ‣ • - tutorials+reference ‣Data Modeling Examples • 67
  • 126. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • ‣ • - tutorials+reference ‣Data Modeling Examples • • Neo4j in Action 67
  • 127. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • ‣ • - tutorials+reference ‣Data Modeling Examples • • Neo4j in Action 67
  • 128. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • ‣ • - tutorials+reference ‣Data Modeling Examples • • Neo4j in Action • Good Relationships 67
  • 129. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • ‣ • - tutorials+reference ‣Data Modeling Examples • • Neo4j in Action • Good Relationships ๏ Worldwide one-day Neo4j Trainings 67
  • 130. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • ‣ • - tutorials+reference ‣Data Modeling Examples • • Neo4j in Action • Good Relationships ๏ Worldwide one-day Neo4j Trainings ๏ Get Neo4j 67
  • 131. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • ‣ • - tutorials+reference ‣Data Modeling Examples • • Neo4j in Action • Good Relationships ๏ Worldwide one-day Neo4j Trainings ๏ Get Neo4j • 67
  • 132. How to get started? ๏ Documentation • ‣ • - tutorials+reference ‣Data Modeling Examples • • Neo4j in Action • Good Relationships ๏ Worldwide one-day Neo4j Trainings ๏ Get Neo4j • • 67
  • 133. 68
  • 134. 68 Really, once you start thinking in graphs it's hard to stop Recommendations MDM Systems Management Geospatial Social computing Business intelligence Biotechnology Making Sense of all that data your brain access control linguistics catalogs genealogyrouting compensation market vectors
  • 135. 68 Really, once you start thinking in graphs it's hard to stop Recommendations MDM Systems Management Geospatial Social computing Business intelligence Biotechnology Making Sense of all that data your brain access control linguistics catalogs genealogyrouting compensation market vectors What will you build?