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Keir Bowden

HTML5 and JQueryMobile
CCT Dev Zone 2013
About me
 CTO of BrightGen
 4.5 Years
 2 Years JQueryMobile
Mobile web app
 Web pages
 Access via browser
 Basic device features
 Transactional
 Mobile UI framework
 Touch optimized
 Cross Device
 Built on JQuery

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Overview on Mobile Cross Platform Development
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Overview on Mobile Cross Platform Development

This document discusses mobile cross-platform development. It defines three flavors of cross-platform development: web apps using frameworks like TravelMate and Kumbaya; hybrid apps using frameworks like Wikipedia and NBC iPad; and compiled apps using frameworks like Mooniz and Shadowgun. Web apps are regular web pages loaded in a browser. Hybrid apps run HTML5/JavaScript in a native wrapper using a webview. Compiled apps compile code into native apps for each platform. The document advises choosing a cross-platform approach wisely based on factors like SDK lock-in, control, and performance.

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AngularJS is a structural framework for building dynamic web applications. It uses HTML as a template language and extends HTML's syntax to build application components clearly. Angular's data binding and dependency injection reduce the code needed. It works entirely in the browser, making it compatible with any server technology. AngularJS addresses HTML's limitations for dynamic views by allowing declarative programming rather than imperative DOM manipulation. It provides structure, organization, modularity and reusable components for building applications.

How to optimize your blog for mobile traffic
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How to optimize your blog for mobile traffic

This document discusses how to optimize a blog for mobile traffic. It begins by noting that mobile web usage is growing and will soon surpass desktop usage. It then examines options in WordPress for mobile optimization, including building a separate mobile site, using a mobile-optimized theme, or developing a responsive design. Each approach has pros and cons. A responsive design allows content to automatically adjust for different devices but is more expensive, while a mobile theme is easier to implement but provides less branding control. Testing tools are outlined to evaluate a site's mobile performance. Overall load times and reducing dependencies are emphasized as important factors for optimizing a blog for mobile users.

optimize mobile trafficmobileresponsive
Progressive enhancement
 Layered approach
 HTML for basic devices
 Enhance through CSS
 Enhance through JavaScript
HTML5 custom attributes
Single page application
Business logic
 Visualforce controller

 Client side JavaScript
– Rest API
– JavaScript remoting

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Testing Responsive Webdesign
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Brief overview about the testing tools in responsive webdesign projects. Original Slideshow:

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Smart Browsers and HTML5 Web Apps for Chrome Web Store, presented to the San Diego HTML5 Web Apps and RefreshSD groups on 2011-02-08

Developing apps on Maemo with Nokia Web Runtime
Developing apps on Maemo with Nokia Web RuntimeDeveloping apps on Maemo with Nokia Web Runtime
Developing apps on Maemo with Nokia Web Runtime

This presentation discusses Nokia's Web Runtime platform for developing web applications and widgets that can run on mobile devices. The Web Runtime allows developers to create apps using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that can be installed and run similarly to native apps. It also provides access to device capabilities and is a scalable way to build cross-platform apps. The presentation demonstrates creating a simple widget and provides a roadmap for future development of the Web Runtime platform on additional Nokia devices.

JavaScript remoting
 Controller method
JavaScript remoting
 Invoke via JavaScript

 Callback function
Sample application
 Todo list
 View/Complete/Create Tasks
 Group tasks
 Create groups
 JQueryMobile 1.3.1
 JavaScript

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Mobile web application development
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Mobile web application development

The document discusses developing mobile web applications. It notes that the mobile market is growing rapidly and that web apps can target many devices without requiring installation. It recommends targeting iOS and Android platforms and considering other platforms like Windows Phone. It outlines technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript that are well-supported on mobile. The document also provides resources and tools to help with mobile development and things to consider like lower screen resolution and bandwidth limitations for mobile users.

Mobile Web vs Native App
Mobile Web vs Native AppMobile Web vs Native App
Mobile Web vs Native App

This document compares native mobile apps to mobile web apps. It discusses advantages of mobile web apps like easier updates, no installation needed, better compatibility, easier to obtain and share, cannot be deleted, and lower development costs. It also discusses when a native app makes more sense, such as for speed in areas like SQL queries, methods, programming languages, and front-end performance. The document also covers responsive web design, single page applications, MVVM frameworks, and using web sockets for real-time messaging.

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multi platform mobile development using titanium
multi platform mobile development using titaniummulti platform mobile development using titanium
multi platform mobile development using titanium

Multi-platform mobile application development allows creating apps that can run across different devices using a single code base. Titanium, an open source framework from Appcelerator, uses JavaScript to build native mobile apps that can run on iOS, Android, and BlackBerry. It provides APIs to access native device capabilities while maintaining a consistent programming model. The document demonstrates a proof of concept multi-sport news app built with Titanium that pulls data from cloud services, stores cached data locally, and presents a native user experience across platforms.

Feedback / follow up
 @bob_buzzard

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Salesforce CLI
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London's Calling 2018 - No Connection, No Problem
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No Connection? No Problem!
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