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6LowPAN &
Raspberry Pi
M2M Community

Cristina Peña Alcega
Carlos Ralli Ucendo
Telefónica Digital



DIY Scenarios & Solutions

• Intro
• Scenario #1: z-wave + REST
• Scenario #2: 6LoWPAN + CoAP

Behind the scenes: Constrained Application Protocol

• Introduction and CoAP Architecture
• Messaging Model, Sub-layers, Reliability, Request/Response rules, and
• Proxying and Caching
• Endpoints and URIs
• Discovery
• Multicast
• Security
• Status, advantages and limitations
• Available implementations

Message Format.
I. DIY Scenarios
& Solutions

How it all started…
Things (Devices) are getting smarter, from Class-1 to Consumer Electronics.
If a Thing is an Internet node, it’s subject of APIzation.
REST is the most successful Internet/Web API.

So we decided to start ourselves investing some 480€ to play with:
- 4 6LowPAN capable Motes (360€), 2 Raspberry PI (120€).
- Plus lots of hours of DIY “fun”!
M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


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IoT Networking
IoT NetworkingIoT Networking
IoT Networking

This document discusses IoT networking and quality of service (QoS) for IoT networks. It begins by describing the characteristics of IoT devices such as low processing power, small size, and energy constraints. It then discusses enabling the classical Internet for IoT devices through standards developed by the IETF, including 6LoWPAN, ROLL, and CoRE. CoRE provides a framework for IoT applications and services discovery. The document concludes by examining policies for QoS in IoT networks to guarantee intended service, covering resource utilization, data timeliness, availability, and delivery.

1. Introduction to IoT
1. Introduction to IoT1. Introduction to IoT
1. Introduction to IoT

The document provides an introduction to IoT including definitions, characteristics, genesis, applications and challenges. It describes the physical design of IoT including IoT devices, protocols, and the generic block diagram of an IoT device. It also describes the logical design including IoT functional blocks, communication models like publish-subscribe, request-response, levels of IoT deployment from level 1 to 6, and enabling technologies.

Internet of thing (IoT and cloud convergence opportunitis and challenges
 Internet of thing (IoT and cloud convergence opportunitis and challenges  Internet of thing (IoT and cloud convergence opportunitis and challenges
Internet of thing (IoT and cloud convergence opportunitis and challenges

This document discusses the convergence of IoT and cloud computing. It describes how IoT platforms have major requirements for connectivity, dynamic management of devices and data, and deriving value from connected devices. The cloud offers resources that can meet these IoT needs, including scalability, elasticity, and ubiquitous access. There are two main convergence approaches - cloud-centric IoT, which brings IoT functionality to the cloud, and IoT-centric cloud, which brings cloud functionality to distributed IoT networks. Examples are given of existing platforms that take each approach. Key challenges of the IoT-cloud convergence include distributed processing and storage of massive IoT data, interoperability, and ensuring real-time communication across devices, applications

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Is CoAP Rocket Science? No, it’s just REST
Traditional REST WEB APIs relays on HTTP-TCP-IP

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


Scenario1: Building a CoAP (IoT) Gateway

M2M Community
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Scenario1: Software Architecture

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Scenario1: Step 1

1.1) Install & compile ccoap in your laptop

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Telefónica Digital


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Hands on with CoAP and Californium
Hands on with CoAP and CaliforniumHands on with CoAP and Californium
Hands on with CoAP and Californium

This document provides an overview of a hands-on workshop on the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP). It outlines the agenda which includes introductions to CoAP, the Californium CoAP framework, and hands-on projects. Attendees will work through example CoAP client and server code using the Californium libraries and test their implementations. Advanced CoAP topics like security, proxies, and resource directories are also discussed.

Iot presentation
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The Internet of things describes physical objects that are embedded with sensors, processing ability, software, and other technologies that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet or other communications networks.


Scenario1: Step 2

1.2) Install Firefox Navigator plus Copper (CU) Plugin

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


Scenario1: Step 3

1.3) Test Firefox Copper with a CoAP server available in the Internet:

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Scenario1: Step 3b

1.3b) GET operation (of a long resource: 5x64bytes blocks):

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


Scenario1: Steps 4 & 5

1.4) Install z-way-server & configure z-wave devices w/ RaspberryPI.
pi@raspberrypi:~$ wget -q -O - | sudo bash

To test installation: http://[IP_address]:8083

1.5) Install libcoap4.0.1 run server example in RaspberryPI.
Download libcoap-4.0.1.tar.gz -
pi@raspberrypi:~$ tar xvzf libcoap-4.0.1.tar.gz
pi@raspberrypi:~$ cd libcoap-4.0.1
pi@raspberrypi:~$ ./configure

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


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IoT transport protocols
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IoT transport protocols

This document discusses various Internet of Things (IoT) protocols. It defines IoT as interconnected devices that can transmit and receive data over a network. It then covers common network topologies and constraints of IoT devices. Several wireless protocols are described in detail, including their typical range, power usage, data rates, and costs. Popular protocols for messaging (MQTT) and REST-like interfaces (CoAP) are also summarized. The document aims to provide an overview of the IoT protocol landscape to help people get started with IoT development.

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IoT Communication Protocols
IoT Communication ProtocolsIoT Communication Protocols
IoT Communication Protocols

This slide features the list of communication protocols that are suitable for Internet of things. It features from http to CoAP


Scenario1: Steps 4 & 5

1.6) Run CoAP server example in RaspberryPI.

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


Scenario1: Step 6
1.6) Test against our RasPI server with Firefox Copper:

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


Scenario1: Step 6b

1.6b) Discover resources of our CoAP-RasPI server with Firefox Copper:

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


Scenario1: Step 6c

1.6c) GET operation (Firefox Copper):

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


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Internet of things (iot)Internet of things (iot)
Internet of things (iot)

This document provides an introduction to the Internet of Things (IOT). It defines IOT as the collection of physical devices connected over the internet that can exchange data with less human involvement. The history and key technologies that enabled IOT are discussed, including wireless sensor networks, RFID, and cloud computing. The document also outlines the typical architecture of an IOT system including sensing, network, service, and application layers. Common IOT standards, protocols, and applications are summarized along with research areas and challenges in IOT development.

Cisco Internet of Things
Cisco Internet of ThingsCisco Internet of Things
Cisco Internet of Things

This document summarizes Cisco's Internet of Things (IoT) solutions and strategy. It notes that IoT adoption is growing rapidly, with 50 billion smart devices projected by 2020. Cisco's IoT system provides an integrated architecture to connect devices, aggregate and analyze data, and deliver business outcomes across industries like manufacturing, transportation, utilities and more. The system includes components for edge computing, security, analytics and application enablement to help customers build customized IoT solutions. Cisco is working with partners to develop its IoT portfolio and address the complex challenges of IoT projects.

Transitioning IPv4 to IPv6
Transitioning IPv4 to IPv6Transitioning IPv4 to IPv6
Transitioning IPv4 to IPv6

This document discusses various techniques for transitioning from IPv4 to IPv6, including dual stacking, tunneling, and translation services. It provides examples of configuring dual stacking and manual IPv6 tunnels on Cisco routers to connect isolated IPv6 networks over an IPv4 infrastructure. Dual stacking allows hosts and devices to run both IPv4 and IPv6 simultaneously, while tunneling encapsulates IPv6 packets in IPv4 to enable connectivity across non-IPv6 networks. The document demonstrates establishing an IPv6 tunnel between two routers and routing IPv6 packets over the tunnel using RIPng.


Scenario1: Step 6d

1.6d) OBSERVE operation (PUSH Notifications) (Firefox Copper):

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


Scenario1: Step 7

1.7) Modify server example to create CoAP resources based on z-wave dev:

- Follow IPSO Alliance Recs:

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


Scenario1: Implementing all this in FI-WARE

We are updating some FI-WARE IoT Ges to support this:
- “FIGWAY” SW to export CoAP resources too.
M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


Scenario1: A nice Project out there

WEBIPOI – Exports RasPI GPIO (wired) devices (CoRE & REST)

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


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An introduction to M2M / IoT technologies
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This 2 x 3-hour course was recently taught to Electronics, Systems and Telecommunications "Master 2" students, at University of Nice.


This document discusses RFID and the Internet of Things (IoT). It describes RFID as an automatic identification technology that uses radio waves to identify objects. The IoT allows physical objects to be connected to the internet and be remotely monitored and controlled. The architecture of an IoT system generally has three layers - a perception layer to collect data from sensors and RFID tags, a network layer to transmit the information, and a service layer to process and analyze the data. RFID has applications in various fields including healthcare, transportation, and access control. Challenges to the wider adoption of RFID include collision problems, security issues, and high tag costs.

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Scenario2: CoAP (6LowPAN) Devices!
Two (or more) Contiki-supported motes

… (own Stack / OS)

“Nooliberry” -> 6LowPAN RasPI GPIO card
Your laptop
- MACOSX, Linux, Windows…

Install Instant-Contiki VM in your Laptop

App coding:
- Device: expose REST Resources over CoAP
- Client: consume REST Resources (CoAP or HTTP)
Web development as usual! Examples:
M2M Community
Telefónica Digital

Scenario2: How it looks like?

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


Scenario2: Who’re already on board?

“Talking at CES today, Cerf described his home's
sensor network, which uses IPv6 radios and the
Arch Rock PhyNet smart grid system to track
information like light levels, temperature, and
humidity. This is important for a wine cellar…”

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital

II. Constrained

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Internet of Things with Cloud Computing and M2M Communication
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The IoT is the network of physical objects with intelligence. It can be more secure with MQTT protocol for Machine to Machine Communication and more storage capability can be achieved by using cloud computing.

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CoAP: Constrained Application Protocol
Constrained Enviroments

Lossy, high packet error rates
Low thtoughpunt of 10s of kbps









Contiki, Tiny OS, …
8-bit microcontrollers
Aprox. 100KB of RAM for code,
heap, data…
No filesystem

CoAP is an application layer protocol that enables web services for even the
most constrained devices and networks, while integrating with the web
architecture and HTTP.
M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


CoAP: Designed for M2M


CoAP implements the REST architectural style:
 can be transparently mapped to HTTP


CoAP goes beyond HTTP providing:

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital

Very low over-head, avoids the need of IPv6 fragmentation
Built-in discovery of services and resources
Multicast support
Asynchronous messages exchanges
Native push notification


CoAP: The Web Architecture vs CoAP Architecture
The interaction model of CoAP is similar to the client/server model of
the Web. However, M2M interactions typically result in a CoAP
implementation acting in both client and server roles.

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


CoAP: Messaging Model




Short fixed-length binary header (4bytes)
Messages must fit in a single IP datagram
 Default IP: 1280bytes,
 6LoWPAN and IEEE802.15.4 127bytes

Messages can be confirmable (CON) or non confirmable (NON).
Naturally runs over UDP and supports :
 multicast IP destination addresses
 DTLS security

Piggy-backed REST request/response
 The response to a CON message is carried in the ACK

Request methods: GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE almost as in
Response methods: 2.xx (success), 4.xx (client error), 5.xx (server

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


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This document provides an overview of predictive analytics, including its evolution, definition, process, tools and techniques. It discusses how predictive analytics is being used across various industries to optimize outcomes, increase revenue and reduce costs. Specific use cases are outlined, such as using IoT sensor data and predictive models to improve risk calculations for auto insurance, optimize energy usage in buildings, enhance customer recommendations, and optimize policy interventions. Business cases focus on how companies in various sectors leverage customer data and predictive analytics to increase digital marketing effectiveness, revenues, and customer loyalty. Overall, the document examines current and emerging applications of predictive analytics across different domains.

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CoAP: Sub-layers

Source: Matthias Kovatsch

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


CoAP: Unreliable Transmission


Tipically, repeated readings from a sensor
If server lacks context to answer the request, sends Reset (RST)
Client can send the same mesage several times to ensure it reaches
the server

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


CoAP: Observing resources without reliability
Source: Klaus Hartke

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


CoAP: Reliable Transmission


Normally bounded to non-reliable transport protocols, CoAP
implements a lightweight reliability mechanism based on:
 Stop&wait retransmisssion for CON
 Duplicated detection for CON and NON

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


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Kong is a scalable, open source API Platform (also known as an API Gateway or API Middleware). Kong was originally built by Kong Inc. (formerly known as Mashape) to secure, manage, and extend over 15,000 Microservices for its API Marketplace, which generates billions of requests per month.


CoAP: Observing resources with reliability
Source: Klaus Hartke

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital



M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


CoAP: Message Format

Source: Matthias Kovatsch
M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


CoAP: Proxying and Caching


CoAP supports caching

Cacheability determined by response code
An option number mask determines if it is a cache key.
Max-age option indicates cache lifetime
Validity checked using the Etag Option


Caching can be at endpoint or intermediary (proxy).


Proxy can be used to
 Improve performance (reduce network load)
 Access sleeping nodes
 Security reasons


Very easy mapping CoAP (Cross-protocol-proxy)HTTP

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


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The constrained application protocol (coap)
The constrained application protocol (coap)The constrained application protocol (coap)
The constrained application protocol (coap)

The CoAP protocol allows for resource-constrained networks and nodes to use RESTful web transfers. It uses UDP as a transport protocol and supports methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. CoAP messages use a simple header format and can include options to provide information like the URI of a requested resource. The protocol supports features like asynchronous messaging, built-in discovery of resources, and optional block transfers to handle larger payloads. Implementations of CoAP are available in several programming languages and it has been integrated into commercial IoT systems and devices.


CoAP: Proxying and Caching

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


CoAP: Endpoints and URIs


A CoAP endpoint is a source or destination of a message.
URI representations for resources:
 coap-URI = "coap:" "//" <HOST> [ ":" <PORT> ] <PATH> [ "?" <QUERY> ]
 coaps-URI = "coaps:" "//" <HOST> [ ":" <PORT> ] <PATH> [ "?" <QUERY> ]

HOST can be an IP address or a registered name.
PORT where CoAP server is located (default CoAP port: 5683)
Example: coap://

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital

Port: 436
Path: sensors/temp
Query: min=10


CoAP: Service and Resource Discovery
1. Discovering the servers:
 If unknown, the client has to learn HOST server

2. Discovering the resources
 The client queries the well known URI of the server on port 5683
 The server returns the list of resources in CoRE Link Format
GET /.well-known/core
<sensors/temp>;sz=512;title=Temperature Sensor;ct=50,
<actuators/jack>;sz=256;title=Hydraulic Jacks;ct=50

3. Both steps can be merged, querying the well known URI of “all

CoAP nodes” using multicast address FF0X:0:0:0:0:0:0:C0A7
Resource Directories can be used
Related spec:
• RFC 5785 defines the a path prefix for "well-known locations“
• RFC 5988 defines the types of web links and a registry for them
• RFC 6690 defines a link format for user Web Link in CORE.

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


CoAP: RESTful Group Communication


CoAP supports making requests to IP multicast groups in NON


Leisure time
CoAP does not support yet the use of multicast with security

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


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The constrained application protocol (CoAP)
The constrained application protocol (CoAP)The constrained application protocol (CoAP)
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The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is a RESTful web transfer protocol for resource-constrained networks and nodes. CoAP uses a simple binary message format carried over UDP that supports asynchronous messaging with optional message confirmation and retransmission. CoAP supports features like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE methods, URIs, content formats and codes that are similar to HTTP but optimized for constrained nodes and networks.

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1) The document discusses emerging open and standardized protocols for the Internet of Things (IoT), as IoT projects currently face challenges selecting technology stacks due to a lack of standardization. 2) It describes several standardized protocols for different layers of the TCP/IP model that are being used for IoT, including IEEE 802.15.4 for the network/link layer, 6LoWPAN for adapting IPv6 packets to IEEE 802.15.4 links, UDP and DTLS for the transport layer, and CoAP and MQTT for the application layer. 3) CoAP is presented as a specialized web transfer protocol for constrained environments like IoT, serving a similar purpose to HTTP with features tailored

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gogo6 IPv6 Video Series. Event, presentation and speaker details below: EVENT gogoNET LIVE! 4: IPv6 & The Internet of Things. November 12 – 14, 201, Silicon Valley, California Agenda: PRESENTATION IoT Field Area Network Solutions & Integration of IPv6 Standards Abstract: Presentation video: Interview video: SPEAKER Patrick Grossetete - Technical Marketing Engineer (IoT), Cisco Bio/Profile: MORE Learn more about IPv6 on the gogoNET social network and our online training courses Get free IPv6 connectivity with Freenet6 Subscribe to the gogo6 IPv6 Channel on YouTube Follow gogo6 on Twitter Like gogo6 on Facebook

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CoAP: Security




CoAP is secured using Datagram TLS (RFC6347) over UDP.
The endpoint initiates session to the server and, after the DTLS
handshake, it can send the 1st CoAP request.
All CoAP messages are sent as DTLS “application data”.
DTLS adds a limited per-datagram overhead of aprox 13 bytes.
Security info (e.g. keys, ACLs) must be provided during the
provisioning of the device.
The device can be in 1 of 4 security modes:
 NoSec: DTLS is disabled. Can be combined with alternative security
(e.g. IPSEC)
 PreSharedKey: DTLS enabled, preshared keys authenticate peers or
groups of peers.
 RawPublicKey: DTLS enabled, asymmetric keys without certificate.
 Certificate: DTLS enabled, asymmetric keys with x.509 certificate.

DTLS is not appropriate to group keying (multicast).

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


CoAP: Status, Advantages and Limitations


Proposed standard since July, 2013: draft-ietf-core-coap-18.




Designed for M2M, IoT
Easily mapped to HTTP, compatible with Proxy infrastructures.
Easy to map legacy protocols to CoAP
Extensions: push notifications, discovery and Multicast.

Limitations and work in progress:
 End to end secure connection required for CoAP/HTTP mapping at a
proxy using DTLS/TLS.
 Securing multicast communications.
 Semantics should be standardized.
 Caching of requests should also be allowed

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital


CoAP: available implementations





Contiki-2.6: Erbium
C: libcoap
.NET (C#): CoAPSharp
JAVA: Californium
Firefox JavaScript browser plugin: Copper,

 Squid 3.1.9 with transparent HTTP-CoAP mapping module
 jcoap Proxy
 Californium cf-proxy

Updated List:

M2M Community
Telefónica Digital

CoAP Course for m2m and Internet of Things scenarios

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CoAP Course for m2m and Internet of Things scenarios

  • 1. CoAP 6LowPAN & Raspberry Pi M2M Community Cristina Peña Alcega Carlos Ralli Ucendo Telefónica Digital 19.12.2013 (@CrisisP) (@carlosralli)
  • 2. Index I II DIY Scenarios & Solutions • Intro • Scenario #1: z-wave + REST • Scenario #2: 6LoWPAN + CoAP Behind the scenes: Constrained Application Protocol • Introduction and CoAP Architecture • Messaging Model, Sub-layers, Reliability, Request/Response rules, and • Proxying and Caching • Endpoints and URIs • Discovery • Multicast • Security • Status, advantages and limitations • Available implementations Message Format.
  • 3. I. DIY Scenarios & Solutions
  • 4. 01 How it all started… Things (Devices) are getting smarter, from Class-1 to Consumer Electronics. If a Thing is an Internet node, it’s subject of APIzation. REST is the most successful Internet/Web API. CoRE /CoAP So we decided to start ourselves investing some 480€ to play with: - 4 6LowPAN capable Motes (360€), 2 Raspberry PI (120€). - Plus lots of hours of DIY “fun”! M2M Community Telefónica Digital 4
  • 5. 02 Is CoAP Rocket Science? No, it’s just REST Traditional REST WEB APIs relays on HTTP-TCP-IP CoRE/CoAP = REST APIs over UDP-IP M2M Community Telefónica Digital 5
  • 6. 03 Scenario1: Building a CoAP (IoT) Gateway M2M Community Telefónica Digital 6
  • 7. 04 Scenario1: Software Architecture M2M Community Telefónica Digital 7
  • 8. 05 Scenario1: Step 1 1.1) Install & compile ccoap in your laptop M2M Community Telefónica Digital ? 8
  • 9. 06 Scenario1: Step 2 1.2) Install Firefox Navigator plus Copper (CU) Plugin M2M Community Telefónica Digital ? 9
  • 10. 07 Scenario1: Step 3 1.3) Test Firefox Copper with a CoAP server available in the Internet: coap:// M2M Community Telefónica Digital 10
  • 11. 08 Scenario1: Step 3b 1.3b) GET operation (of a long resource: 5x64bytes blocks): coap:// M2M Community Telefónica Digital 11
  • 12. 09 Scenario1: Steps 4 & 5 1.4) Install z-way-server & configure z-wave devices w/ RaspberryPI. pi@raspberrypi:~$ wget -q -O - | sudo bash To test installation: http://[IP_address]:8083 1.5) Install libcoap4.0.1 run server example in RaspberryPI. Download libcoap-4.0.1.tar.gz - pi@raspberrypi:~$ tar xvzf libcoap-4.0.1.tar.gz pi@raspberrypi:~$ cd libcoap-4.0.1 pi@raspberrypi:~$ ./configure pi@raspberrypi:~$make M2M Community Telefónica Digital 12
  • 13. 10 Scenario1: Steps 4 & 5 1.6) Run CoAP server example in RaspberryPI. M2M Community Telefónica Digital 13
  • 14. 11 Scenario1: Step 6 1.6) Test against our RasPI server with Firefox Copper: coap://[2a02:9113:****:1f00:b***:****:****:***f]:5683/ M2M Community Telefónica Digital 14
  • 15. 12 Scenario1: Step 6b 1.6b) Discover resources of our CoAP-RasPI server with Firefox Copper: coap://[2a02:9113:****:1f00:b***:****:****:***f]:5683/ M2M Community Telefónica Digital 15
  • 16. 13 Scenario1: Step 6c 1.6c) GET operation (Firefox Copper): coap://[2a02:9113:****:1f00:b***:****:****:***f]:5683/ M2M Community Telefónica Digital 16
  • 17. 14 Scenario1: Step 6d 1.6d) OBSERVE operation (PUSH Notifications) (Firefox Copper): coap://[2a02:9113:****:1f00:b***:****:****:***f]:5683/ M2M Community Telefónica Digital 17
  • 18. 15 Scenario1: Step 7 1.7) Modify server example to create CoAP resources based on z-wave dev: - Follow IPSO Alliance Recs: M2M Community Telefónica Digital 18
  • 19. 16 Scenario1: Implementing all this in FI-WARE We are updating some FI-WARE IoT Ges to support this: - “FIGWAY” SW to export CoAP resources too. M2M Community Telefónica Digital 19
  • 20. 17 Scenario1: A nice Project out there WEBIPOI – Exports RasPI GPIO (wired) devices (CoRE & REST) M2M Community Telefónica Digital ? 20
  • 21. 18 Scenario2: CoAP (6LowPAN) Devices! Two (or more) Contiki-supported motes … (own Stack / OS) “Nooliberry” -> 6LowPAN RasPI GPIO card Your laptop - MACOSX, Linux, Windows… Install Instant-Contiki VM in your Laptop App coding: - Device: expose REST Resources over CoAP - Client: consume REST Resources (CoAP or HTTP) Web development as usual! Examples: M2M Community Telefónica Digital 21
  • 22. 19 Scenario2: How it looks like? M2M Community Telefónica Digital 22
  • 23. 20 Scenario2: Who’re already on board? “Talking at CES today, Cerf described his home's sensor network, which uses IPv6 radios and the Arch Rock PhyNet smart grid system to track information like light levels, temperature, and humidity. This is important for a wine cellar…” M2M Community Telefónica Digital 23
  • 25. 01 CoAP: Constrained Application Protocol Internet Constrained Enviroments    Low-power Lossy, high packet error rates Low thtoughpunt of 10s of kbps Sensor Resources CoAP HTTP Proxy Server HTTP Client CoAP UDP 6LoWPAN 802.15.4     Contiki, Tiny OS, … 8-bit microcontrollers Aprox. 100KB of RAM for code, heap, data… No filesystem CoAP is an application layer protocol that enables web services for even the most constrained devices and networks, while integrating with the web architecture and HTTP. M2M Community Telefónica Digital 25
  • 26. 02 CoAP: Designed for M2M • CoAP implements the REST architectural style:  can be transparently mapped to HTTP • CoAP goes beyond HTTP providing:      M2M Community Telefónica Digital Very low over-head, avoids the need of IPv6 fragmentation Built-in discovery of services and resources Multicast support Asynchronous messages exchanges Native push notification 26
  • 27. 02 CoAP: The Web Architecture vs CoAP Architecture The interaction model of CoAP is similar to the client/server model of the Web. However, M2M interactions typically result in a CoAP implementation acting in both client and server roles. M2M Community Telefónica Digital 27
  • 28. 03 CoAP: Messaging Model • • • • • • • Short fixed-length binary header (4bytes) Messages must fit in a single IP datagram  Default IP: 1280bytes,  6LoWPAN and IEEE802.15.4 127bytes Messages can be confirmable (CON) or non confirmable (NON). Naturally runs over UDP and supports :  multicast IP destination addresses  DTLS security Piggy-backed REST request/response  The response to a CON message is carried in the ACK Request methods: GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE almost as in HTTP. Response methods: 2.xx (success), 4.xx (client error), 5.xx (server error). M2M Community Telefónica Digital 28
  • 29. 04 CoAP: Sub-layers Source: Matthias Kovatsch M2M Community Telefónica Digital 29
  • 30. 05 CoAP: Unreliable Transmission • • • Tipically, repeated readings from a sensor If server lacks context to answer the request, sends Reset (RST) Client can send the same mesage several times to ensure it reaches the server M2M Community Telefónica Digital 30
  • 31. 06 CoAP: Observing resources without reliability Source: Klaus Hartke M2M Community Telefónica Digital 31
  • 32. 07 CoAP: Reliable Transmission • Normally bounded to non-reliable transport protocols, CoAP implements a lightweight reliability mechanism based on:  Stop&wait retransmisssion for CON  Duplicated detection for CON and NON M2M Community Telefónica Digital 32
  • 33. 08 CoAP: Observing resources with reliability Source: Klaus Hartke M2M Community Telefónica Digital 33
  • 35. 10 CoAP: Message Format Source: Matthias Kovatsch M2M Community Telefónica Digital 35
  • 36. 11 CoAP: Proxying and Caching • CoAP supports caching     Cacheability determined by response code An option number mask determines if it is a cache key. Max-age option indicates cache lifetime Validity checked using the Etag Option • Caching can be at endpoint or intermediary (proxy). • Proxy can be used to  Improve performance (reduce network load)  Access sleeping nodes  Security reasons • Very easy mapping CoAP (Cross-protocol-proxy)HTTP M2M Community Telefónica Digital 36
  • 37. 12 CoAP: Proxying and Caching M2M Community Telefónica Digital 37
  • 38. 13 CoAP: Endpoints and URIs • • • • • A CoAP endpoint is a source or destination of a message. URI representations for resources:  coap-URI = "coap:" "//" <HOST> [ ":" <PORT> ] <PATH> [ "?" <QUERY> ]  coaps-URI = "coaps:" "//" <HOST> [ ":" <PORT> ] <PATH> [ "?" <QUERY> ] HOST can be an IP address or a registered name. PORT where CoAP server is located (default CoAP port: 5683) Example: coap://     M2M Community Telefónica Digital Host: Port: 436 Path: sensors/temp Query: min=10 38
  • 39. 14 CoAP: Service and Resource Discovery 1. Discovering the servers:  If unknown, the client has to learn HOST server 2. Discovering the resources  The client queries the well known URI of the server on port 5683  The server returns the list of resources in CoRE Link Format GET /.well-known/core <sensors/temp>;sz=512;title=Temperature Sensor;ct=50, <actuators/jack>;sz=256;title=Hydraulic Jacks;ct=50 3. Both steps can be merged, querying the well known URI of “all 4. CoAP nodes” using multicast address FF0X:0:0:0:0:0:0:C0A7 Resource Directories can be used Related spec: • RFC 5785 defines the a path prefix for "well-known locations“ • RFC 5988 defines the types of web links and a registry for them • RFC 6690 defines a link format for user Web Link in CORE. M2M Community Telefónica Digital 39
  • 40. 15 CoAP: RESTful Group Communication • CoAP supports making requests to IP multicast groups in NON • • Leisure time CoAP does not support yet the use of multicast with security M2M Community Telefónica Digital 40
  • 41. 16 CoAP: Security • • • • • • • CoAP is secured using Datagram TLS (RFC6347) over UDP. The endpoint initiates session to the server and, after the DTLS handshake, it can send the 1st CoAP request. All CoAP messages are sent as DTLS “application data”. DTLS adds a limited per-datagram overhead of aprox 13 bytes. Security info (e.g. keys, ACLs) must be provided during the provisioning of the device. The device can be in 1 of 4 security modes:  NoSec: DTLS is disabled. Can be combined with alternative security (e.g. IPSEC)  PreSharedKey: DTLS enabled, preshared keys authenticate peers or groups of peers.  RawPublicKey: DTLS enabled, asymmetric keys without certificate.  Certificate: DTLS enabled, asymmetric keys with x.509 certificate. DTLS is not appropriate to group keying (multicast). M2M Community Telefónica Digital 41
  • 42. 17 CoAP: Status, Advantages and Limitations • Proposed standard since July, 2013: draft-ietf-core-coap-18. • Advantages:     • Designed for M2M, IoT Easily mapped to HTTP, compatible with Proxy infrastructures. Easy to map legacy protocols to CoAP Extensions: push notifications, discovery and Multicast. Limitations and work in progress:  End to end secure connection required for CoAP/HTTP mapping at a proxy using DTLS/TLS.  Securing multicast communications.  Semantics should be standardized.  Caching of requests should also be allowed M2M Community Telefónica Digital 42
  • 43. 18 CoAP: available implementations • Implementations       • • Contiki-2.6: Erbium C: libcoap .NET (C#): CoAPSharp Python: JAVA: Californium Firefox JavaScript browser plugin: Copper, Proxies:  Squid 3.1.9 with transparent HTTP-CoAP mapping module  jcoap Proxy  Californium cf-proxy Updated List: ons M2M Community Telefónica Digital 43