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CSS Background
Image Tutorial With
This content was originally published at
The background image is probably one of
the CSS properties which all of us,
front-end developers, used at least a few
times in our careers. Most people think
that there can’t be anything unusual
about background-image, but after a quick
research, I have a different conclusion.
There are lots of questions asked about
CSS background image every day in
Facebook groups and lots of unknown
tricks which can help us to achieve
amazing effects and make stunning apps
and websites.
That’s the reason I decided to create
this article to show you what magic can
be done using such a simple CSS property.
I gathered seven tips and tricks I
believe will be the most useful and
create some code examples where you can
check what’s going on there for you.
And, if as usually if you don’t like
reading, jump to our Youtube channel for
a video version.
CSS background image on Youtube
Let’s check what’s behind the background!
1. How to fit a background image perfectly to a
Let’s start from something that’s more
tip than a trick. How often it happened
to you that you had to struggle with your
background image to make in perfectly
fitted and not stretched and
Let me show you the way how to make your
background image always perfectly fitted
to your browser window!

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2. How to use multiple background images with CSS?
Hm, and what if I’d like to add more then
one image in the background?
That’s possible and not very difficult,
but can give a nice result while you’ve
got an idea to mix two graphics into
something beautiful.
I personally think that it’s super useful
when we want to add a pattern on the top
of a background image, so that’s what I
will show you in this example.
Let’s see how it works!
3. How to create a triangular background image?
Another exciting CSS background image
trick is a triangular background image.
It creates a really beautiful effect,
especially when we would like to show
some totally different options like day
and night, or winter and summer.
It is done by creating two divs, both for
the full viewport, then it’s needed to
add a background image to both of them,
and next, the second div needs a clip-
path property to create a triangle shape.
Let’s see the code and result!
4. How to add a gradient overlay to my background
The fourth trick I’d like to show you in
this article is about overlay on the
background image.
It can be useful when you would like to
put some text on the image, but it’s too
light, and text is not visible, but it
can also improve the image itself.
For example, sunset images can be
strengthened by adding a pink-orange
gradient or red to transparent gradient.
Let’s see how we can easily add a
gradient overlay to the background image!
5. How to create a color-changing background image
And what if you can decide which color is
the best as an overlay for your
background image? Then animations on
background images are really useful.
Using an animated overlay can give your
website a great final effect, and for
sure, people will remember it.
Let’s see what we can do using background
images and animations in CSS!

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6. How to make a grid background image?
Sometimes it’s a great idea to go a
little bit more crazy, especially if the
project is about art or photography, then
a nice background image can be created
with CSS grid and CSS background image.
Oh, if you don’t know what’s CSS grid
check it out here.
Let’s take a look!
7. How to set a background image as a text color?
Using background image with background-
clip you can achieve a beautiful effect
of the background image for text.
In some cases, it may be very useful,
especially when you’d like to create a
big text header, but not as boring as a
normal color.
Let’s see the stunning effect we can get!
Conclusion on CSS background image
In this article, you could see 7
different tips and tricks to make amazing
things with the background image.
I’m pretty sure those hints will be
helpful and allow you to get amazing
results on your layouts. If you’d like to
check out some more interesting CSS tips
and tricks, check out our latest CSS
borders tips and tricks article and one
of the previous CSS tips and tricks.
If you have ever used any customized
solution for your background let me know
in the comments, I will be happy to find
out what more can be done with CSS
background image property.
Thank you for reading
Table of contents:
• 1. How to fit a background image
perfectly to a viewport?
• 2. How to use multiple background
images with CSS?
• 3. How to create a triangular
background image?
• 4. How to add a gradient overlay to my
background image?
• 5. How to create a color-changing
background image animation?
• 6. How to make a grid background
• 7. How to set a background image as a
text color?
• Conclusion

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The document provides instructions for three tasks: 1. Prepping files to be sent to ACE by naming and saving files as PDFs with the team name and labeling and emailing them to the instructor. 2. For an upcoming web production project, students are asked to think about design elements they find interesting on websites to discuss for the project. 3. For the next week's class, students are assigned to read several articles on wireframing in preparation for starting some web work and advancing toward a video project.

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The document provides information about WordPress meetups held on the first Saturday of each month. The upcoming meetup will focus on WordPress and CSS, covering new CSS technologies, plugins, frameworks, and tools. Future meetups will discuss page builders and themes. The meetups involve introductions from attendees, questions, demonstrations, and discussions. CSS is described as important for styling websites built with WordPress. Inline CSS, page-wide CSS, site-wide CSS, and plugins can be used to add styling. Free plugins like SiteOrigin CSS Editor and paid options like CSSHero allow editing CSS for WordPress sites.

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From discovery to planning to coding to delivery. This short presentation was given at WP Bootcamp Austin 2015.


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Css background image

  • 2. This content was originally published at *** The background image is probably one of the CSS properties which all of us, front-end developers, used at least a few times in our careers. Most people think that there can’t be anything unusual about background-image, but after a quick research, I have a different conclusion. There are lots of questions asked about CSS background image every day in Facebook groups and lots of unknown tricks which can help us to achieve amazing effects and make stunning apps and websites. That’s the reason I decided to create this article to show you what magic can be done using such a simple CSS property. I gathered seven tips and tricks I believe will be the most useful and create some code examples where you can check what’s going on there for you. And, if as usually if you don’t like reading, jump to our Youtube channel for a video version.
  • 3. CSS background image on Youtube Let’s check what’s behind the background!
  • 4. 1. How to fit a background image perfectly to a viewport? Let’s start from something that’s more tip than a trick. How often it happened to you that you had to struggle with your background image to make in perfectly fitted and not stretched and unattractive? Let me show you the way how to make your background image always perfectly fitted to your browser window!
  • 5. 2. How to use multiple background images with CSS? Hm, and what if I’d like to add more then one image in the background? That’s possible and not very difficult, but can give a nice result while you’ve got an idea to mix two graphics into something beautiful. I personally think that it’s super useful when we want to add a pattern on the top of a background image, so that’s what I will show you in this example. Let’s see how it works!
  • 6. 3. How to create a triangular background image? Another exciting CSS background image trick is a triangular background image. It creates a really beautiful effect, especially when we would like to show some totally different options like day and night, or winter and summer. It is done by creating two divs, both for the full viewport, then it’s needed to add a background image to both of them, and next, the second div needs a clip- path property to create a triangle shape. Let’s see the code and result!
  • 7. 4. How to add a gradient overlay to my background image? The fourth trick I’d like to show you in this article is about overlay on the background image. It can be useful when you would like to put some text on the image, but it’s too light, and text is not visible, but it can also improve the image itself. For example, sunset images can be strengthened by adding a pink-orange gradient or red to transparent gradient. Let’s see how we can easily add a gradient overlay to the background image!
  • 8. 5. How to create a color-changing background image animation? And what if you can decide which color is the best as an overlay for your background image? Then animations on background images are really useful. Using an animated overlay can give your website a great final effect, and for sure, people will remember it. Let’s see what we can do using background images and animations in CSS!
  • 9. 6. How to make a grid background image? Sometimes it’s a great idea to go a little bit more crazy, especially if the project is about art or photography, then a nice background image can be created with CSS grid and CSS background image. Oh, if you don’t know what’s CSS grid check it out here. Let’s take a look!
  • 10. 7. How to set a background image as a text color? Using background image with background- clip you can achieve a beautiful effect of the background image for text. In some cases, it may be very useful, especially when you’d like to create a big text header, but not as boring as a normal color. Let’s see the stunning effect we can get!
  • 11. Conclusion on CSS background image In this article, you could see 7 different tips and tricks to make amazing things with the background image. I’m pretty sure those hints will be helpful and allow you to get amazing results on your layouts. If you’d like to check out some more interesting CSS tips and tricks, check out our latest CSS borders tips and tricks article and one of the previous CSS tips and tricks. If you have ever used any customized solution for your background let me know in the comments, I will be happy to find out what more can be done with CSS background image property. Thank you for reading Table of contents: • 1. How to fit a background image perfectly to a viewport? • 2. How to use multiple background images with CSS? • 3. How to create a triangular background image? • 4. How to add a gradient overlay to my background image?
  • 12. • 5. How to create a color-changing background image animation? • 6. How to make a grid background image? • 7. How to set a background image as a text color? • Conclusion