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Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint
Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint
Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint
Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint

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Webinar: Microsoft SharePoint-The Ultimate Enterprise Collaboration PlatformWebinar: Microsoft SharePoint-The Ultimate Enterprise Collaboration Platform
Webinar: Microsoft SharePoint-The Ultimate Enterprise Collaboration Platform

SharePoint is a web application framework and platform. SharePoint integrates intranet, content management, and document management.SharePoint is mostly used by midsize businesses and large departments. SharePoint comprises a multipurpose set of Web technologies backed by a common technical infrastructure. Topics covered: 1. Demystify Microsoft SharePoint Server 2. SharePoint evolution; Opportunities for developers using SharePoint technologies 3.Cloud App model and Apps in SharePoint 2013 4. Use Case : Provider Hosted and Auto Hosted App

Microsoft SharePoint - Edureka Webinar
Microsoft SharePoint - Edureka WebinarMicrosoft SharePoint - Edureka Webinar
Microsoft SharePoint - Edureka Webinar

This document provides information about a Microsoft SharePoint 2013 training course offered by Edureka. The course covers topics such as the SharePoint platform and features for enterprise content management, business process management, business intelligence, and enterprise search. It also discusses programming models, developer tools, and includes demos of custom web parts, business connectivity services, and custom branding in SharePoint 2013. The course aims to help participants learn how to develop apps and customize sites, components, and metadata solutions in SharePoint.

Microsoft SharePoint 2013 : The Ultimate Enterprise Collaboration Platform
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 : The Ultimate Enterprise Collaboration PlatformMicrosoft SharePoint 2013 : The Ultimate Enterprise Collaboration Platform
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 : The Ultimate Enterprise Collaboration Platform

Microsoft SharePoint 2013 is an Enterprise Collaboration Platform which offers a wide range of integrated solutions including Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Enterprise Social Networking, Business process management (BPM), Web Content Management (WCM), Business Intelligence (BI), Enterprise Search etc. Currently more than 80% of Fortune 500 companies are using Microsoft SharePoint solutions and the numbers are growing with the new Cloud Based SharePoint Online. Developers can use Cloud App Model and leverage familiar programming models and development tools to create custom solutions for Mobility, Social and Collaboration Search and Workflows.

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SharePoint Adoption Faces Three Barriers: Mobile, Social, Cloud
Microsoft Doesn't Advise You Customize SharePoint 2013
How does the user feel when they are
finished with using SharePoint?
“User experience” from Wikipedia
Image from The Conversation Prism

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Microsoft Sharepoint 2013 : The Ultimate Enterprise Collaboration Platform
Microsoft Sharepoint 2013 : The Ultimate Enterprise Collaboration PlatformMicrosoft Sharepoint 2013 : The Ultimate Enterprise Collaboration Platform
Microsoft Sharepoint 2013 : The Ultimate Enterprise Collaboration Platform

Microsoft SharePoint 2013 is an Enterprise Collaboration Platform which offers a wide range of integrated solutions including Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Enterprise Social Networking, Business process management (BPM), Web Content Management (WCM), Business Intelligence (BI), Enterprise Search etc. Currently more than 80% of Fortune 500 companies are using Microsoft SharePoint solutions and the numbers are growing with the new Cloud Based SharePoint Online. Developers can use Cloud App Model and leverage familiar programming models and development tools to create custom solutions for Mobility, Social and Collaboration Search and Workflows.

Amplexor Sharepoint 2013 seminar
Amplexor Sharepoint 2013 seminarAmplexor Sharepoint 2013 seminar
Amplexor Sharepoint 2013 seminar

This document provides a comparison of features available across different versions of SharePoint including SharePoint 2013, SharePoint Online, and external access. It outlines capabilities for analytics, search, apps/coding models, social/collaboration features, administration tools, and deprecated features from prior versions. The document contains links to Microsoft documentation and third party articles for additional information.


This document provides a comparison of features available across different versions of SharePoint including SharePoint 2013. It outlines features for internal and external users on SharePoint Server and SharePoint Online. It also lists capabilities in areas like search, apps, social and content management that have been improved or added in SharePoint 2013.

Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint
The Form v Function Ratio by Dan Antion
Image from “Explain IA Poster”
Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint

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Intro to SharePoint's Social APIs - SharePoint Sat NYC 2013

Developer's introduction to the SharePoint Social APIs including the client side object models, REST and oData, and Server object model.

Monitoring SharePoint 2010
Monitoring SharePoint 2010Monitoring SharePoint 2010
Monitoring SharePoint 2010

This document provides resources for monitoring SharePoint 2010 using SharePoint tools. It lists the author's contact information and links to their blog, website, and social media profiles. It also includes links to the main SharePoint 2010 site, the SharePoint team blog, the SharePoint Developer Dashboard tool, a post about configuring the Developer Dashboard feature, and the ULS Viewer code on MSDN. The document is copyrighted by Microsoft and contains a disclaimer.

monitoring sharepointmicrosoft sharepointsharepoint 2010
Case Study for a SharePoint SDLC
Case Study for a SharePoint SDLCCase Study for a SharePoint SDLC
Case Study for a SharePoint SDLC

This document summarizes a presentation on developing a SharePoint solution using an iterative SDLC approach. It discusses building the necessary team roles, requirements gathering, different service delivery models for customizing SharePoint, and adapting agile methodologies. Change management is also highlighted as critical, including adopting organic development cycles and gathering user feedback. The presentation provides a case study example of applying this iterative SDLC cycle for a successful SharePoint implementation.

project managementgov20requirements analysis
Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint
Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint
Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint
Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint

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Presentation April 9, 2011 at DayOne of Microsoft Convergence in Atlanta by Marie-Michelle Strah, PhD, BroadPoint Technologies, John Dooley, Microsoft, and John Herbstritt, BroadPoint Technologies.

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Social HR / HR 2.0 - not just social media (beyond social recruiting, social learning etc). Slides from webinar: (start at 1 minute 20 seconds).

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SPS Jersey 2014 - Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint
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SPS Jersey 2014 - Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint

Building solutions in SharePoint isn’t simply about getting the functionality right based on the business requirements. Developers must think about the entire user experience (UX), which goes far beyond the technical aspects of the solution. It’s no longer good enough to meet the specifications. We must exceed them in terms of usability. This takes many developers out of their comfort zones and into the messy world of end users. In this interactive session, we’ll discuss questions like: * How should the user feel when they use this piece of functionality? * Will they perceive that this functionality saves them work or creates new work? * How will the functionality compare to what they see on the consumer Web? * How can we use technologies which haven’t historically been considered mainstream SharePoint developer tools (like jQuery and CSS) to make SharePoint feel more like the sites people love? Whether you're an executive sponsor, end user, power user, developer, or IT Pro, there are bound to be some takeaways for you as you adapt SharePoint to meet your organization's needs.

microsoft sharepointuser experienceux
Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint
Boston Globe, February 02, 2013: Instant gratification is making us perpetually impatient
Ramesh Sitaraman, a computer
science professor at UMass
Amherst, examined the viewing
habits of 6.7 million Internet users
in a study released in 2012. How
long were subjects willing to be
Do you think that’s gotten any longer?
Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint
Images courtesy: Method IT, TechNet

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Bert Johnson, a SharePoint architect and Microsoft Certified Master, gave a presentation on securing the SharePoint platform. He discussed the importance of security given SharePoint's widespread use. He outlined several facets of SharePoint security including planning, authentication, content security, network security, application security, and database security. Johnson also provided resources on locking down SharePoint sites and discussed security best practices for custom development.

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Success of a Connected Business depends on robust architecture that will reuse the existing IT assets and fill the gaps by introducing required architecture layers. Having a iterative approach with a milestone plan helps to overcome the technical and non-technical challenges businesses face during implementation. Middleware and Next-Gen Middleware are the raw materials to build an integrated, secured, monitored and governed Connected Business.

Roadmap to a Connected Business
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Roadmap to a Connected Business

Success of a Connected Business depends on robust architecture that will reuse the existing IT assets and fill the gaps by introducing required architecture layers. Having a iterative approach with a milestone plan helps to overcome the technical and non-technical challenges businesses face during implementation. Middleware and Next-Gen Middleware are the raw materials to build an integrated, secured, monitored and governed Connected Business.

by WSO2
connected business
Image from NetMarketShare – timeframe = Q3 2015
“It works on my machine”
doesn’t cut it.
Image 2: F-Shaped Pattern For Reading Web Content
Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint
Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint

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Success of a Connected Business depends on robust architecture that will reuse the existing IT assets and fill the gaps by introducing required architecture layers. Having a iterative approach with a milestone plan helps to overcome the technical and non-technical challenges businesses face during implementation. Middleware and Next-Gen Middleware are the raw materials to build an integrated, secured, monitored and governed Connected Business.


This document provides a walkthrough guide for Microsoft SharePoint 2010. It begins with an introduction to SharePoint 2010 and its key capabilities such as sites, communities, content, search, insights, and composite applications. The document then outlines seven walkthroughs that demonstrate how to access and use various SharePoint 2010 features through a fictional manufacturing company example. The walkthroughs cover configuring and customizing team sites, using social and collaboration features, managing content and metadata, utilizing business intelligence tools, and building customized solutions. The goal is to highlight the major functional areas of SharePoint 2010 and how they can help meet everyday business needs when combined.

"So you want to raise funding and build a team?"
"So you want to raise funding and build a team?""So you want to raise funding and build a team?"
"So you want to raise funding and build a team?"

Paul Lammers discussed his experience raising funding and building a team for biotech startups. He co-founded Mirna Therapeutics in 2009 and raised over $100 million in funding including $32 million from the state of Texas and $77 million from private investors. Mirna went public in 2015, raising $48 million but was later acquired through a reverse merger in 2017 after a clinical trial failure. Lammers emphasized the importance of building a strong team, traveling extensively to meet with investors, practicing pitch presentations, and having patience and perseverance through the challenges of startup funding and development.

Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint
Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint
It always comes back to “It Depends”
Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint

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Creating a Great User Experience in SharePoint

  • 5. Microsoft SharePoint faces a challenging future: Forrester | PCWorld SharePoint Adoption Faces Three Barriers: Mobile, Social, Cloud
  • 6. SharePoint Microsoft Doesn't Advise You Customize SharePoint 2013
  • 7. How does the user feel when they are finished with using SharePoint? “User experience” from Wikipedia
  • 8. Image from The Conversation Prism
  • 10. The Form v Function Ratio by Dan Antion
  • 11. Image from “Explain IA Poster”
  • 18. Boston Globe, February 02, 2013: Instant gratification is making us perpetually impatient Ramesh Sitaraman, a computer science professor at UMass Amherst, examined the viewing habits of 6.7 million Internet users in a study released in 2012. How long were subjects willing to be patient? Do you think that’s gotten any longer?
  • 20. Images courtesy: Method IT, TechNet
  • 21. Image from NetMarketShare – timeframe = Q3 2015 “It works on my machine” doesn’t cut it.
  • 22. Image 2: F-Shaped Pattern For Reading Web Content
  • 27. It always comes back to “It Depends”
  • 29. The Form v Function Ratio by Dan Antion
  • 30. Email Twitter @sympmarc Blog SPServices SPXSLT Books The Middle Tier Manifesto