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Conviction Model for Incident Reaction Architecture
Monitoring based on Automatic Sensors Alert Detection
Christophe Feltus and Djamel Khadraoui
Public Research Centre Henri Tudor,
29, avenue John F. Kennedy
L-1855 Luxembourg-Kirchberg, Luxembourg
Dynamic distributed wireless networks constitute a critical pillar
for the information system. Nonetheless, the openness of these
networks makes them very sensitive to external attack such as the
DoS. Being able to monitor the conviction level of network
components and to react in a short time once an incident is
detected is a crucial challenge for their survival. In order to face
those problems, research tends to evolve towards more dynamic
solutions that are able to detect and validate network anomalies
and to adapt themselves in order to retrieve a secure
configuration. In this position paper, we complete our previous
works and make the assignment of functions to agents more
contextual. Our approach considers the concept of agent
responsibility that we assigned dynamically to agent and that we
exploit in order to analyze the level of “conviction” in the
component. In this current paper, we provide an insight of the
architecture without depicting the assignment mechanism neither
the conviction calculation.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.2.7: Security, Integrity, and Protection.
General Terms
Management, Measurement, Performance, Design, Reliability,
Experimentation, Security, Standardization, Verification.
Keywords are your own designated keywords.
Wide-area wireless data services are provided by heterogeneous
entities which have to communicate in order to forward
information from A to B. In our case, we consider the security of
this kind of wireless overlay networks. To ensure the security of
the information system, entities have to collaborate in order to
detect, forward, make decision and react in case of attack.
The architecture proposed in ReD project [1] defines an advanced
single management console for security incident detection and
reaction management, as part of a comprehensive Secure
Information Management (SIM) system. Despite its capacity to
detect [15] and characterize attacks, react accurately and
automatically, and manage network equipment policy to protect
the infrastructure, no mechanism has been defined to include the
requirement for autonomous reaction and dynamic self-
reconfiguration of the architecture. Each entity has a
responsibility e.g. detect an intrusion, forward the alert if
necessary, aggregate and correlate the information from possible
multiple sources, decide to apply a new security policy and
disseminate the new policy. But what is the behavior to adopt if
an entity becomes malicious after an attack? Which other entity
will take its responsibility? And how can we assure that this
alternative entity is the more appropriate to take the
Our objective is to extend the solution proposed in [2] with (i) a
set of policies that specifies and represents the responsibilities
assigned to agents, and (ii) with an conviction model able to give
an assurance value based on the verification of responsibility
fulfillment by the assigned agent.
The paper is structured as following: Section II details the ReD
architecture and explains how agents interact in order to detect
incidents and react accordingly. Section III presents the
responsibility model and its instantiation for our use-case
specification. Section IV links the responsibility model to a
conviction model, evaluates the responsibility of the network
components at a period of time (p) and provides a conviction
value for all of them. Section V proves the conceptual validity
from a Lab Case deployment and last section concludes the paper
and introduces future works.
The reaction architecture presented in this section is based on the
ReD project [1]. The ReD (Reaction after Detection) project
defines and designs a solution to enhance the detection/reaction
process and improves the overall resilience of IP networks. ReD
architectures are built around a set of four types of responsibilities
assigned to agents:
PEP (Policy Enforcement Point) enforces, outside the ReD
node, the security policies provided by the PDP.
PIE (Policy Instantiation Engine) is the agent that receives
information about attacks from the ACE and instantiates new
security policies to react to the attack.
PDP (Policy Decision Point) receives the new security policies
defined by the PIE and deploys them at the enforcement points
ACE (Agent Correlation Engine) is the agent in charge of
receiving alerts coming from network nodes, to correlates the
information and to forward confirmed alert to the PIE;
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy
otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,
requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.
SIN'13, November 26-28, 2013, Aksaray, Turkey
Copyright © 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1668-2/12/10... $15.00.
Figure 1. ReD node Architecture mapped with BARWAN case study [14]
Fig. 1 illustrates the ReD architecture applied on the BARWAN
use-case [2]. The flow is supposed to begin with an alert detected
by the automatic sensors (termed IDS). This alert is sent to the
ACE of BuildingA (BuildingA_ACE) agent that does or does not
confirm the alert to the PIE. Afterwards, the PIE decides to apply
new policies or to forward the alert to an ACE from a higher layer
(upper ACE). Its PIE agent sends the policies to the PDP agent,
which decides which PEP is able to implement it in terms of rules
or script on devices (laptop, InfoPad server, fileserver, etc.). Then
the PDP agent returns the new policy to the PEP agent that knows
how to transform a policy into an understandable rule or script for
the component. The Fig. 2 presents a more detailed view of the
architecture of the use case.
As previously explained, ReD specifications are embedded in
reaction policies managed at the multi-agents system (MAS)
management layer. These policies specify the responsibility of
each agent on the network and their evolution according to
reaction. The formalization of the agent responsibilities has been
achieved according to the responsibility model presented in the
next section.
3.1 Responsibility Model
In a non-crisis context, agents are assigned to responsibilities like
PEP, PIE, ACE, etc. By analyzing for instance the activity of
monitoring the fileserver (see Fig. 2), we observe e.g. that the PEP
concerned by that activity has the responsibility to collect the log
file on the firewall, to make a basic correlation between the values
Bay Area Research Wireless Access Network project, conducted at the
University of California at Berkeley.
and the previous log values and to report this analysis to the ACE
in case of suspected alert. In order to perform the monitoring
activity, the PEP is assigned to obligations of achieving some
tasks and he gains in parallel the access rights needed to perform
these tasks. When a crisis occurs, for instance a DoS attack, one
or more PEP agents can be isolated from the rest of the network,
the normal monitoring rules and procedures do no longer work as
usual and it is required to change the responsibility of the agents.
For instance, in the above case, other agents have to fulfill the
responsibilities of the isolated PEP.
Figure 2. Synoptical ReD Architecture
In general, the definition of the agent responsibility is mostly
incomplete. Most of the architectures only consider the agent
against the outcome that it has to produce. Sometimes, advanced
solutions integrate the inputs that those agents request for
performing the outcome. We define the responsibilities as a state
assigned to an agent to signify him its obligations concerning the
task, its accountabilities regarding its obligations, and the rights
and capabilities necessary to perform it. In [3] and [12] we have
proposed an initial responsibility model that can be used to depict
the agent responsibility. That responsibility model has been
upgraded in order to integrate the following concepts:
Fig.3. Responsibility model for Conviction sharing
The assignment is the action of linking an agent to a
responsibility. Delegation process is the transfer of an agent’s
responsibility assignment to another agent.
The accountability is a duty to justify the performance of a task
to someone else under threat of sanction [5]. Accountability is a
type of obligation to report the achievement, maintenance or
avoidance of some given state to an authority and, as
consequence, is associated to an obligation. Accountability
contribute to generate trust or to remove trust depending of the
accountability outcomes [20].
The obligation is the most frequent concept to appear as well in
literature [4] as in industrial and professional frameworks.
Obligation is a duty which links a responsibility with a task that
must be performed. We define a task as an action to use or
transform an object.
The capability describes the requisite qualities, skills or resources
necessary to perform a task. Capability may be declined through
knowledge or know-how, possessed by the agent such as ability to
make decision, its processing time, its faculty to analyze a
problem, and its position on the network.
The right is common component but is not systematically
embedded in all frameworks. Right encompasses facilities
required by an agent to fulfill his obligations e.g. the access right
that the agent gets once he is assigned responsible.
The commitment pledged by the agent related to this assignment
represents his required engagement to fulfill a task and the
conviction that he does it in respect of good practices. The
commitment in MAS has already been subject to many researches
[6]. The semantic analyze of the commitment [7] and [8]
advocates for considering trust between agents as a pragmatic
commitment antecedent [1].
We consider the trust in an agent as the reliance that this agent
act as it is requested. For didactic reason, we consider in this
paper that a trust level of 10 is high and a trust level of 0 is low.
3.2 Agent Responsibility Specifications
Based on the responsibility model defined above, we may
instantiate the responsibility model for each responsibility of the
agents within the network. Because of the size of the paper, only
the four most important meta-concepts are instantiated: the
obligations concerning the task (in red), the capabilities (in blue),
the rights (in green), and commitment represented as a trust value
(in black). Table 1 provides these concepts instantiated for each
responsibilities of the network. The two last columns propose a
mapping of the rights and capabilities which are necessary by
For the PEP, we observe that the responsibility includes
obligations such as the obligation “to retrieve the logs from the
component he monitors” (O1), “to provide an immediate reaction
if necessary” (O2), etc. In order to perform that obligation, he
must have the capabilities “to be on the same network as the
component he controls” (C1), “to be able to communicate with the
PDP” (C2), “to be able to communicate with the facilitator agent”
(C3) and so on. He also must have the right “to read the log file on
the concerned network component” (R1), “to write the log in a
central logs database” (R2), and so on.
Commonly an agent is considered as an encapsulated computer
system [13] that is situated in some environment and that is
capable of flexible, autonomous action in that environment in
order to meet its design objectives [9]. As agents have control
over their own behaviour, they must cooperate and negotiate with
each other to achieve their goals [10]. The convergence of these
agents’ properties and distributed systems behaviour makes the
multi-agent architecture an appropriate mechanism to evaluate the
security (Conviction) of critical infrastructures run by distributed
systems [11]. Nonetheless for such multi-agents systems one
would expect each involved agent to be able to meet its assigned
responsibilities in order to provide efficient monitoring of the
security [14] of a network. Indeed, this is an intrinsic
characteristic of the monitoring system which should be
guaranteed if one is to gain a reliable insight of a network security
posture. The common approach which is to put more emphasis on
the well functioning of the network itself need being augmented
with a critical evaluation of the monitoring system to ensure the
reliability of its operations. This is relevant since links between
entities part of the monitoring system may break, agents with the
task of conducting the verification and measurements may fail to
fulfill their tasks and obligations for a range of raisons including:
Erroneous assignment of their rights or alteration of the latter
during runtime [16].
Agents’ capabilities may be insufficient for accomplishing a
task assigned to them
An accumulation of tasks for an agent may result in an
overload and subsequently a failure to meet some of its
And so forth.
Table 1: Responsibilities instantiation
Obligations concerning Task Capabilities Mapping of
Capabilities to
Mapping of
Rights to
ObligationsLevel of Trust Rights
O1: Must retrieve the logs from the
component it monitors
C1: Is on the same network as the component to control
C2: Be able to communicate with the PDP
C3: Be able to communicate with the facilitator agent
C4: Have enough computing resource to monitor the component
to control
C5: Be able to communicate with the MAS management layer
C6. Must be able to encrypt data
C7. Be able to communicate securely with the ACE
C1, C4, C6, C7 R1, R2, R4
O2: Must provide an immediate reaction if
necessary C1, C2, C4 R3
O3: Must communicate with the facilitator
tin order to get the address of the other
components (PDP, ACE)
O4: Must report the incident to the ACE in
a secure way C5, C6, C7 R5
T: 3,365
R1. Allow to read log file on the concerned network component
R2. Allow to write log in the central logs database
R3. Be able to read the Policy in the MAS management layer
R4. Allow to read and right in the alert database
R5. Allow to read the Public key database
O1: Based on the incident report from the
PEP, must decide which reaction policy is
appropriate to be deployed by the PEP
C1: Has a fast bandwidth
C2: Has high CPU resources
C3: Has a central position on the network
C4. Be able to perform backup of the policy rules
C1, C2 R1, R2, R3
O2: Must communicate with the facilitator
to get the address of the other components
(PDP, PIE, Facilitator) and make back up
C1, C3, C4 R1, R2
T: 4,897
R1. Allow to read the yellow pages database
R2. Allow to read the white page database
R3. Allow to read the policy rules status
O1: Must communicate with the PEP or
others ACE to receive alert message
C1: Has high CPU resources in order to make correlations.
C2: Has a central position on the network
C3: Be able to communicate with all agents
C4. Must be able to decrypt data from the PEP
C5. Must be able to encrypt data to upper ACE
C2, C3, C4 R4
O2. Must correlate the Alerts from different
PEP or from inferior ACE C1 R2, R3
O3. Must confirm the alert to related PIE
C2, C3, R3
O4. Must forward the alert to the upper
ACE C2, C3, C5 R1, R4
T: 8,116
R1. Allow to read policy rules status
R2. Allow to read alert database
R3. Allow to write in the confirmed alert database
R4. Allow to read the Public key database
O1: Must provide IT addresses of the
requested component
C1. Have a position in which it is always available
C2. Has a significant bandwidth depending on the network size
C3. Be able to perform backup of the white page and yellow page
C1, C2 R1, R2, R3
O2: Make a mapping between the
component name and the IP address and
keep backup
C3 R1, R2, R3
T: 5,099
R1. Allow to read and write to the white pages services database
R2. Allow to read and write to the yellow pages services database
R3. Allow to read information about the topology of the network
This call for a clear definition and specification of the conditions
under which an entity part of the monitoring system [17] can, with
reasonable evidence, be expected to fulfill a required task. In
another word, we need to provide the basis for gaining justifiable
conviction that an entity can meet its monitoring responsibilities.
4.1 Predetermination for Agents’
Responsibilities Fulfillment
Although a plethora of conditions may need to be fulfilled for
expecting an agent to meet its obligations, it is imperative that the
followings are met:
Rights: the set of rights entrusted to the agent should be such
that they enable satisfaction of its obligations.
Capability: the overall capability assigned to an agent should
be below its capability. Moreover such capability should
enable it to fulfill its obligations
Level of Trust: should be higher or equal to the minimum level
required specified in Table 1.
Based on the above requirements the conviction for an agent
fulfilling its obligation should be based on the followings:
Conviction “A” for fulfillment of Obligation “O” by an Agent
with right “R”, Capability “C” and Trust “T”: A0 (R, C, T.)
(according to the assurance description from [11]):
A0 (R, C, T) = 0 if (R0 R) (C0 C) (Tp≥T) (1)
A0 (R, C, T) = 1 (2)
R the current rights of the agent
C the current capabilities of the agent
R0 the set of rights necessary for fulfilling obligation O
C0 the set of capabilities necessary for fulfilling obligation O
R0 include in R if for each right R0, i, part of R0, R0,i є R
C0 include in C if for each capability C0, i, part of C0, C0,i є C
Tp the trust at period p.
Relations (1) and (2) imply that the satisfaction of an obligation
can only be guaranteed if the set of rights allocated to the agent and
its current capabilities are both subsets of the set of rights and
capabilities required for the satisfaction of that obligation and if the
trust level at period p (Tp) is higher or at least equal to the
reference T. As illustration, Table 2 provides the set of rights,
capabilities and trust possessed by the agents being assigned to
responsibilities on the network at a period (p). The table reveals for
instance that to make the PEP able to fulfill obligation “O1: Must
retrieve the logs from the component it monitors”, it should be on
the same network than the component to control (C1), have enough
computing resource to monitor the component to control (C4), be
able to encrypt data (C6) and be able to communicate securely with
the ACE (C7). The PEP is also entrusted with a set of rights to
satisfy O1. These include “R1: is allowed to read log file on the
concerned network component”, “R2: is allowed to write log in the
central logs database” and “R4: is allowed to read and write in the
alert database”. The minimum level for the trust parameter
expected from the PEP is set to 3.
Based on the specifications of the responsibilities associated to
each agent provided in Table 1, one can assess whether current
rights, capabilities and trust level of each agent can be sufficient to
fulfill a given obligation. Let’s consider for instance Table 2, the
current deployment of ReD’s agents revealed that all four agents
PEP, PDP, ACE and the facilitator, although the level of trust is
always sufficient, they will not be able to fulfill respectively their
obligations O2, O1, O1, O2. In the case of the PEP, the obligation to
provide an immediate reaction is hampered by the fact that the PEP
lacks the capability to communicate with the PDP (C2). This means
that any appropriate policy cannot be grounded to the PEP and be
implemented in case of abnormally within the system.
Table 2: rights and capabilities of monitoring agents at period t
Obligations concerning Task Current agents’
Current agents’
Conviction of obligation
Level of Trust
O1: Must retrieve the logs from the component it monitors C1, C4, C6, C7 R1, R2, R4 1
O2: Must provide an immediate reaction if necessary C1, C4 R3 0
O3: Must communicate with the facilitator tin order to get
the address of the other components (PDP, ACE)
C3 1
O4: Must report the incident to the ACE in a secure way C5, C6, C7 R5 1
T: 3
O1: Based on the incident report from the PEP, must decide
which reaction policy is appropriate to be deployed by the PEP
C1, C2 R1, R2, 0
O2: Must communicate with the facilitator to get the address
of the other components (PDP, PIE, Facilitator) and make back
C1, C3, C4 R1, R2 1
O1: Must communicate with the PEP or others ACE to
receive alert message C2, C3, R4 0
O2. Must correlate the Alerts from different PEP or from
inferior ACE C1 R2, R3 1
O3. Must confirm the alert to related PIE C2, C3, R3 1
O4. Must forward the alert to the upper ACE C2, C3, C5 R1, R4 1
T: 8
O1: Must provide IT addresses of the requested component C1, C2 R1, R2, R3 1
O2: Make a mapping between the component name and the
IP address and keep backup
R1, R2, R3 0
T: 5
Obligation O1 of the PDP also suffers the lack of R3 which gives
the PDP the right to actually read the policy status and deploy a
problem solving mechanism. The ACE as the agent responsible for
receiving alerts from nodes within the network cannot current meet
its obligation O1 which is about communicating with the PEP and
other ACEs to receive alerts since it cannot decrypt the message
protocol coming from the PEP (C4). The facilitator’s obligation to
keep back up (O1) can hardly be satisfied given the required
capability C3 is currently not there.
Critical infrastructures are more and more present and needs to be
seriously managed and monitor regarding the increasing amount
of threats. This paper presents a solution to automatically react
after an incident on a wireless network based on MAS
architecture. The system initially based on static assignments of
function to agents needed more dynamicity in order to stay
aligned with the new arising risks.
In this position paper, we firstly enhance our previous works by
providing a conceptual representation of the agent responsibilities.
Our solution exploits the concept of agent’s obligations regarding
tasks, the concepts of right and capability required to satisfy an
obligation and the concept of trust that represent the reliance that
an agent to act as it is requested . Secondly, based on that
definition of the agents’ responsibilities, a conviction level can be
estimated in order to determine the confidence that the agent can
meet its responsibilities. In the event of such conviction level
being low, decisions can be made as to whether to shift the
fulfillment of such a responsibility to a different agent.
The architecture that we exploit to demonstrate the enhanced
reaction mechanism relies on ReD, which is being tested and
currently produced in our deployment lab case. Practically ReD
defines the structural bases for the alert mechanism that we have
exploited in the paper in order to illustrate the BARWAN project.
Additional lab case demonstrations are currently running and
more formal result are being generated within the CockpiCI
project [18, 19]. The outcomes of these field experiments already
underline the accuracy of the expected conviction model
outcomes and strengthen to recalculate the assurance value within
trust function perspective.
This research is supported and funded by the European FP7-
Security project “CockpiCI”, Cybersecurity on SCADA: risk
prediction, analysis and reaction tools for Critical Infrastructures.
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New York, NY, USA, 23-32. DOI=10.1145/1655168.1655174

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Conviction model for incident reaction architecture monitoring based on automatic sensors alert detection

  • 1. Conviction Model for Incident Reaction Architecture Monitoring based on Automatic Sensors Alert Detection Christophe Feltus and Djamel Khadraoui Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, 29, avenue John F. Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg-Kirchberg, Luxembourg ABSTRACT Dynamic distributed wireless networks constitute a critical pillar for the information system. Nonetheless, the openness of these networks makes them very sensitive to external attack such as the DoS. Being able to monitor the conviction level of network components and to react in a short time once an incident is detected is a crucial challenge for their survival. In order to face those problems, research tends to evolve towards more dynamic solutions that are able to detect and validate network anomalies and to adapt themselves in order to retrieve a secure configuration. In this position paper, we complete our previous works and make the assignment of functions to agents more contextual. Our approach considers the concept of agent responsibility that we assigned dynamically to agent and that we exploit in order to analyze the level of “conviction” in the component. In this current paper, we provide an insight of the architecture without depicting the assignment mechanism neither the conviction calculation. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.2.7: Security, Integrity, and Protection. General Terms Management, Measurement, Performance, Design, Reliability, Experimentation, Security, Standardization, Verification. Keywords Keywords are your own designated keywords. 1. INTRODUCTION Wide-area wireless data services are provided by heterogeneous entities which have to communicate in order to forward information from A to B. In our case, we consider the security of this kind of wireless overlay networks. To ensure the security of the information system, entities have to collaborate in order to detect, forward, make decision and react in case of attack. The architecture proposed in ReD project [1] defines an advanced single management console for security incident detection and reaction management, as part of a comprehensive Secure Information Management (SIM) system. Despite its capacity to detect [15] and characterize attacks, react accurately and automatically, and manage network equipment policy to protect the infrastructure, no mechanism has been defined to include the requirement for autonomous reaction and dynamic self- reconfiguration of the architecture. Each entity has a responsibility e.g. detect an intrusion, forward the alert if necessary, aggregate and correlate the information from possible multiple sources, decide to apply a new security policy and disseminate the new policy. But what is the behavior to adopt if an entity becomes malicious after an attack? Which other entity will take its responsibility? And how can we assure that this alternative entity is the more appropriate to take the responsibility? Our objective is to extend the solution proposed in [2] with (i) a set of policies that specifies and represents the responsibilities assigned to agents, and (ii) with an conviction model able to give an assurance value based on the verification of responsibility fulfillment by the assigned agent. The paper is structured as following: Section II details the ReD architecture and explains how agents interact in order to detect incidents and react accordingly. Section III presents the responsibility model and its instantiation for our use-case specification. Section IV links the responsibility model to a conviction model, evaluates the responsibility of the network components at a period of time (p) and provides a conviction value for all of them. Section V proves the conceptual validity from a Lab Case deployment and last section concludes the paper and introduces future works. 2. ReD ARCHITECTURE The reaction architecture presented in this section is based on the ReD project [1]. The ReD (Reaction after Detection) project defines and designs a solution to enhance the detection/reaction process and improves the overall resilience of IP networks. ReD architectures are built around a set of four types of responsibilities assigned to agents: PEP (Policy Enforcement Point) enforces, outside the ReD node, the security policies provided by the PDP. PIE (Policy Instantiation Engine) is the agent that receives information about attacks from the ACE and instantiates new security policies to react to the attack. PDP (Policy Decision Point) receives the new security policies defined by the PIE and deploys them at the enforcement points (PEP); ACE (Agent Correlation Engine) is the agent in charge of receiving alerts coming from network nodes, to correlates the information and to forward confirmed alert to the PIE; Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. SIN'13, November 26-28, 2013, Aksaray, Turkey Copyright © 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1668-2/12/10... $15.00.
  • 2. Figure 1. ReD node Architecture mapped with BARWAN case study [14] Fig. 1 illustrates the ReD architecture applied on the BARWAN 1 use-case [2]. The flow is supposed to begin with an alert detected by the automatic sensors (termed IDS). This alert is sent to the ACE of BuildingA (BuildingA_ACE) agent that does or does not confirm the alert to the PIE. Afterwards, the PIE decides to apply new policies or to forward the alert to an ACE from a higher layer (upper ACE). Its PIE agent sends the policies to the PDP agent, which decides which PEP is able to implement it in terms of rules or script on devices (laptop, InfoPad server, fileserver, etc.). Then the PDP agent returns the new policy to the PEP agent that knows how to transform a policy into an understandable rule or script for the component. The Fig. 2 presents a more detailed view of the architecture of the use case. As previously explained, ReD specifications are embedded in reaction policies managed at the multi-agents system (MAS) management layer. These policies specify the responsibility of each agent on the network and their evolution according to reaction. The formalization of the agent responsibilities has been achieved according to the responsibility model presented in the next section. 3. AGENT RESPONSIBILITY 3.1 Responsibility Model In a non-crisis context, agents are assigned to responsibilities like PEP, PIE, ACE, etc. By analyzing for instance the activity of monitoring the fileserver (see Fig. 2), we observe e.g. that the PEP concerned by that activity has the responsibility to collect the log file on the firewall, to make a basic correlation between the values 1 Bay Area Research Wireless Access Network project, conducted at the University of California at Berkeley. and the previous log values and to report this analysis to the ACE in case of suspected alert. In order to perform the monitoring activity, the PEP is assigned to obligations of achieving some tasks and he gains in parallel the access rights needed to perform these tasks. When a crisis occurs, for instance a DoS attack, one or more PEP agents can be isolated from the rest of the network, the normal monitoring rules and procedures do no longer work as usual and it is required to change the responsibility of the agents. For instance, in the above case, other agents have to fulfill the responsibilities of the isolated PEP. Figure 2. Synoptical ReD Architecture
  • 3. In general, the definition of the agent responsibility is mostly incomplete. Most of the architectures only consider the agent against the outcome that it has to produce. Sometimes, advanced solutions integrate the inputs that those agents request for performing the outcome. We define the responsibilities as a state assigned to an agent to signify him its obligations concerning the task, its accountabilities regarding its obligations, and the rights and capabilities necessary to perform it. In [3] and [12] we have proposed an initial responsibility model that can be used to depict the agent responsibility. That responsibility model has been upgraded in order to integrate the following concepts: Fig.3. Responsibility model for Conviction sharing The assignment is the action of linking an agent to a responsibility. Delegation process is the transfer of an agent’s responsibility assignment to another agent. The accountability is a duty to justify the performance of a task to someone else under threat of sanction [5]. Accountability is a type of obligation to report the achievement, maintenance or avoidance of some given state to an authority and, as consequence, is associated to an obligation. Accountability contribute to generate trust or to remove trust depending of the accountability outcomes [20]. The obligation is the most frequent concept to appear as well in literature [4] as in industrial and professional frameworks. Obligation is a duty which links a responsibility with a task that must be performed. We define a task as an action to use or transform an object. The capability describes the requisite qualities, skills or resources necessary to perform a task. Capability may be declined through knowledge or know-how, possessed by the agent such as ability to make decision, its processing time, its faculty to analyze a problem, and its position on the network. The right is common component but is not systematically embedded in all frameworks. Right encompasses facilities required by an agent to fulfill his obligations e.g. the access right that the agent gets once he is assigned responsible. The commitment pledged by the agent related to this assignment represents his required engagement to fulfill a task and the conviction that he does it in respect of good practices. The commitment in MAS has already been subject to many researches [6]. The semantic analyze of the commitment [7] and [8] advocates for considering trust between agents as a pragmatic commitment antecedent [1]. We consider the trust in an agent as the reliance that this agent act as it is requested. For didactic reason, we consider in this paper that a trust level of 10 is high and a trust level of 0 is low. 3.2 Agent Responsibility Specifications Based on the responsibility model defined above, we may instantiate the responsibility model for each responsibility of the agents within the network. Because of the size of the paper, only the four most important meta-concepts are instantiated: the obligations concerning the task (in red), the capabilities (in blue), the rights (in green), and commitment represented as a trust value (in black). Table 1 provides these concepts instantiated for each responsibilities of the network. The two last columns propose a mapping of the rights and capabilities which are necessary by obligation. For the PEP, we observe that the responsibility includes obligations such as the obligation “to retrieve the logs from the component he monitors” (O1), “to provide an immediate reaction if necessary” (O2), etc. In order to perform that obligation, he must have the capabilities “to be on the same network as the component he controls” (C1), “to be able to communicate with the PDP” (C2), “to be able to communicate with the facilitator agent” (C3) and so on. He also must have the right “to read the log file on the concerned network component” (R1), “to write the log in a central logs database” (R2), and so on. 4. MONITORING NEEDS BASED CONVICTION MODEL Commonly an agent is considered as an encapsulated computer system [13] that is situated in some environment and that is capable of flexible, autonomous action in that environment in order to meet its design objectives [9]. As agents have control over their own behaviour, they must cooperate and negotiate with each other to achieve their goals [10]. The convergence of these agents’ properties and distributed systems behaviour makes the multi-agent architecture an appropriate mechanism to evaluate the security (Conviction) of critical infrastructures run by distributed systems [11]. Nonetheless for such multi-agents systems one would expect each involved agent to be able to meet its assigned responsibilities in order to provide efficient monitoring of the security [14] of a network. Indeed, this is an intrinsic characteristic of the monitoring system which should be guaranteed if one is to gain a reliable insight of a network security posture. The common approach which is to put more emphasis on the well functioning of the network itself need being augmented with a critical evaluation of the monitoring system to ensure the reliability of its operations. This is relevant since links between entities part of the monitoring system may break, agents with the task of conducting the verification and measurements may fail to fulfill their tasks and obligations for a range of raisons including: Erroneous assignment of their rights or alteration of the latter during runtime [16]. Agents’ capabilities may be insufficient for accomplishing a task assigned to them An accumulation of tasks for an agent may result in an overload and subsequently a failure to meet some of its responsibilities. And so forth.
  • 4. Table 1: Responsibilities instantiation Obligations concerning Task Capabilities Mapping of Capabilities to Obligations Mapping of Rights to ObligationsLevel of Trust Rights PEP O1: Must retrieve the logs from the component it monitors C1: Is on the same network as the component to control C2: Be able to communicate with the PDP C3: Be able to communicate with the facilitator agent C4: Have enough computing resource to monitor the component to control C5: Be able to communicate with the MAS management layer C6. Must be able to encrypt data C7. Be able to communicate securely with the ACE C1, C4, C6, C7 R1, R2, R4 O2: Must provide an immediate reaction if necessary C1, C2, C4 R3 O3: Must communicate with the facilitator tin order to get the address of the other components (PDP, ACE) C3 O4: Must report the incident to the ACE in a secure way C5, C6, C7 R5 T: 3,365 R1. Allow to read log file on the concerned network component R2. Allow to write log in the central logs database R3. Be able to read the Policy in the MAS management layer R4. Allow to read and right in the alert database R5. Allow to read the Public key database PDP O1: Based on the incident report from the PEP, must decide which reaction policy is appropriate to be deployed by the PEP C1: Has a fast bandwidth C2: Has high CPU resources C3: Has a central position on the network C4. Be able to perform backup of the policy rules C1, C2 R1, R2, R3 O2: Must communicate with the facilitator to get the address of the other components (PDP, PIE, Facilitator) and make back up C1, C3, C4 R1, R2 T: 4,897 R1. Allow to read the yellow pages database R2. Allow to read the white page database R3. Allow to read the policy rules status ACE O1: Must communicate with the PEP or others ACE to receive alert message C1: Has high CPU resources in order to make correlations. C2: Has a central position on the network C3: Be able to communicate with all agents C4. Must be able to decrypt data from the PEP C5. Must be able to encrypt data to upper ACE C2, C3, C4 R4 O2. Must correlate the Alerts from different PEP or from inferior ACE C1 R2, R3 O3. Must confirm the alert to related PIE C2, C3, R3 O4. Must forward the alert to the upper ACE C2, C3, C5 R1, R4 T: 8,116 R1. Allow to read policy rules status R2. Allow to read alert database R3. Allow to write in the confirmed alert database R4. Allow to read the Public key database Facilitator O1: Must provide IT addresses of the requested component C1. Have a position in which it is always available C2. Has a significant bandwidth depending on the network size C3. Be able to perform backup of the white page and yellow page database C1, C2 R1, R2, R3 O2: Make a mapping between the component name and the IP address and keep backup C3 R1, R2, R3 T: 5,099 R1. Allow to read and write to the white pages services database R2. Allow to read and write to the yellow pages services database R3. Allow to read information about the topology of the network This call for a clear definition and specification of the conditions under which an entity part of the monitoring system [17] can, with reasonable evidence, be expected to fulfill a required task. In another word, we need to provide the basis for gaining justifiable conviction that an entity can meet its monitoring responsibilities. 4.1 Predetermination for Agents’ Responsibilities Fulfillment Although a plethora of conditions may need to be fulfilled for expecting an agent to meet its obligations, it is imperative that the followings are met: Rights: the set of rights entrusted to the agent should be such that they enable satisfaction of its obligations. Capability: the overall capability assigned to an agent should be below its capability. Moreover such capability should enable it to fulfill its obligations Level of Trust: should be higher or equal to the minimum level required specified in Table 1. Based on the above requirements the conviction for an agent fulfilling its obligation should be based on the followings: Conviction “A” for fulfillment of Obligation “O” by an Agent with right “R”, Capability “C” and Trust “T”: A0 (R, C, T.) (according to the assurance description from [11]): A0 (R, C, T) = 0 if (R0 R) (C0 C) (Tp≥T) (1) Otherwise:
  • 5. A0 (R, C, T) = 1 (2) With: R the current rights of the agent C the current capabilities of the agent R0 the set of rights necessary for fulfilling obligation O C0 the set of capabilities necessary for fulfilling obligation O R0 include in R if for each right R0, i, part of R0, R0,i є R C0 include in C if for each capability C0, i, part of C0, C0,i є C Tp the trust at period p. Relations (1) and (2) imply that the satisfaction of an obligation can only be guaranteed if the set of rights allocated to the agent and its current capabilities are both subsets of the set of rights and capabilities required for the satisfaction of that obligation and if the trust level at period p (Tp) is higher or at least equal to the reference T. As illustration, Table 2 provides the set of rights, capabilities and trust possessed by the agents being assigned to responsibilities on the network at a period (p). The table reveals for instance that to make the PEP able to fulfill obligation “O1: Must retrieve the logs from the component it monitors”, it should be on the same network than the component to control (C1), have enough computing resource to monitor the component to control (C4), be able to encrypt data (C6) and be able to communicate securely with the ACE (C7). The PEP is also entrusted with a set of rights to satisfy O1. These include “R1: is allowed to read log file on the concerned network component”, “R2: is allowed to write log in the central logs database” and “R4: is allowed to read and write in the alert database”. The minimum level for the trust parameter expected from the PEP is set to 3. 5. DEPLOYMENT LAB CASE CONCEPTUAL VALIDATION Based on the specifications of the responsibilities associated to each agent provided in Table 1, one can assess whether current rights, capabilities and trust level of each agent can be sufficient to fulfill a given obligation. Let’s consider for instance Table 2, the current deployment of ReD’s agents revealed that all four agents PEP, PDP, ACE and the facilitator, although the level of trust is always sufficient, they will not be able to fulfill respectively their obligations O2, O1, O1, O2. In the case of the PEP, the obligation to provide an immediate reaction is hampered by the fact that the PEP lacks the capability to communicate with the PDP (C2). This means that any appropriate policy cannot be grounded to the PEP and be implemented in case of abnormally within the system. Table 2: rights and capabilities of monitoring agents at period t Obligations concerning Task Current agents’ capabilities Current agents’ obligations Conviction of obligation fulfillment Level of Trust PEP O1: Must retrieve the logs from the component it monitors C1, C4, C6, C7 R1, R2, R4 1 O2: Must provide an immediate reaction if necessary C1, C4 R3 0 O3: Must communicate with the facilitator tin order to get the address of the other components (PDP, ACE) C3 1 O4: Must report the incident to the ACE in a secure way C5, C6, C7 R5 1 T: 3 PDP O1: Based on the incident report from the PEP, must decide which reaction policy is appropriate to be deployed by the PEP C1, C2 R1, R2, 0 O2: Must communicate with the facilitator to get the address of the other components (PDP, PIE, Facilitator) and make back up C1, C3, C4 R1, R2 1 T:4 ACE O1: Must communicate with the PEP or others ACE to receive alert message C2, C3, R4 0 O2. Must correlate the Alerts from different PEP or from inferior ACE C1 R2, R3 1 O3. Must confirm the alert to related PIE C2, C3, R3 1 O4. Must forward the alert to the upper ACE C2, C3, C5 R1, R4 1 T: 8 Facili- tator O1: Must provide IT addresses of the requested component C1, C2 R1, R2, R3 1 O2: Make a mapping between the component name and the IP address and keep backup R1, R2, R3 0 T: 5 Obligation O1 of the PDP also suffers the lack of R3 which gives the PDP the right to actually read the policy status and deploy a problem solving mechanism. The ACE as the agent responsible for receiving alerts from nodes within the network cannot current meet its obligation O1 which is about communicating with the PEP and other ACEs to receive alerts since it cannot decrypt the message protocol coming from the PEP (C4). The facilitator’s obligation to keep back up (O1) can hardly be satisfied given the required capability C3 is currently not there.
  • 6. 6. CONCLUSIONS Critical infrastructures are more and more present and needs to be seriously managed and monitor regarding the increasing amount of threats. This paper presents a solution to automatically react after an incident on a wireless network based on MAS architecture. The system initially based on static assignments of function to agents needed more dynamicity in order to stay aligned with the new arising risks. In this position paper, we firstly enhance our previous works by providing a conceptual representation of the agent responsibilities. Our solution exploits the concept of agent’s obligations regarding tasks, the concepts of right and capability required to satisfy an obligation and the concept of trust that represent the reliance that an agent to act as it is requested . Secondly, based on that definition of the agents’ responsibilities, a conviction level can be estimated in order to determine the confidence that the agent can meet its responsibilities. In the event of such conviction level being low, decisions can be made as to whether to shift the fulfillment of such a responsibility to a different agent. The architecture that we exploit to demonstrate the enhanced reaction mechanism relies on ReD, which is being tested and currently produced in our deployment lab case. Practically ReD defines the structural bases for the alert mechanism that we have exploited in the paper in order to illustrate the BARWAN project. Additional lab case demonstrations are currently running and more formal result are being generated within the CockpiCI project [18, 19]. The outcomes of these field experiments already underline the accuracy of the expected conviction model outcomes and strengthen to recalculate the assurance value within trust function perspective. 7. 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