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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics….a nation at risk! Jeffrey Piontek Hawaii Technology Academy
Goals today Look at the data and research. What does it mean? How can we use it? What are people doing to solve the problem? Tying it all together.
1990 curriculum Solve problems Remember the textbook Follow directions Work alone "Cover" the curriculum
2010 curriculum Ask: Find problems Investigate: Multiple sources/media Create: Engage actively in learning Discuss: Collaborate; diverse views Reflect: Learn how to learn

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Empowering Learning
Empowering LearningEmpowering Learning
Empowering Learning

The document is a blueprint for education technology in California from 2014-2017. It was created by an Education Technology Task Force convened by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to address the need for all students to have access to technology and develop 21st century skills. The task force gathered input from stakeholders across the state and made recommendations in four areas: learning, teaching, assessment, and infrastructure to help ensure no student is left offline and can fully participate in modern education.

America’s Scientific Greatness?
America’s Scientific Greatness?America’s Scientific Greatness?
America’s Scientific Greatness?

The document discusses America's declining scientific leadership and competitiveness in science and technology. It notes that the US is training and retaining fewer scientists compared to countries like China. Several statistics are presented showing declining performance in areas like math, science and engineering education in the US compared to other nations. Reasons proposed for this decline include underfunding of education, difficulties obtaining student visas, and a perception that more opportunities now exist abroad. The document argues that strengthening STEM education is key to maintaining US innovation and security in the future.

Best IT Training and Certification Resources
Best IT Training and Certification ResourcesBest IT Training and Certification Resources
Best IT Training and Certification Resources

This document discusses the changing skills demands in the 21st century workplace due to factors such as automation, globalization, and demographic shifts. It argues that students will need strong academic skills in math, reading and science as well as broader competencies like problem solving and communication to succeed. Specifically, it notes that most new jobs will require postsecondary education and that advanced math courses in particular correlate with higher earnings and college completion rates, preparing students for both college and career. It also examines how numeracy is increasingly important for tasks like financial planning, health decisions, and civic participation.

microsoft dumpsvmware dumpscisco dumps
Old Rules, New Game Old Rules Economics use capital Capital is mobile, and it seeks productivity Old Game Productivity used labor Education of the few, labor by the masses Education  process reflect  a community New Game Productivity uses technology & knowledge Education of all, knowledge for the masses Educational  results create  a community
Really Big (and Hard) Questions.. How do we prepare our students for success in a knowledge based, technology driven, globally competitive world? How do we align to our community aspirations for quality of life & strategies for economic opportunity? How do we transform our schools into high performing environments where students are expected to be and are high achievers?
The Primary aim of education is not to enable students to do well in school, but to help them do well in the life they will lead outside of school.
So where is this all leading…. STEM EDUCATION

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World is flat coras 030607 (4)
World is flat coras 030607 (4)World is flat coras 030607 (4)
World is flat coras 030607 (4)

The document discusses the challenges America faces in maintaining its competitive edge in the globalized world. It argues that the US must educate students to meet this challenge by having them take a rigorous college preparatory curriculum in high school to ensure they are ready for postsecondary education and careers. The future will be difficult if America does not lead in this new flat world through improving education. It also notes that jobs now and in the future will require strong skills in math, science, technology, and problem solving.

international competitionpolitics

The document discusses STEM education in Nigeria. It notes that while the government has recognized the importance of STEM and taken some steps like providing bursaries, these efforts have been largely ineffective in addressing Nigeria's challenges in STEM. It discusses how non-profits and foundations are trying to bridge the gap, with a focus on experiential or hands-on learning. The document concludes by envisioning what Nigeria could look like if STEM education was truly prioritized and effective, with a STEM-literate population and workforce that supports industry growth and wealth creation.

NSF IUSE Ideas Lab In Engineering: Provoking Action!
NSF IUSE Ideas Lab In Engineering:  Provoking Action!NSF IUSE Ideas Lab In Engineering:  Provoking Action!
NSF IUSE Ideas Lab In Engineering: Provoking Action!

Dr. Gregory Washington, Dean of UCI’s Henry Samueli School of Engineering, delivers a riveting message to provoke educators in the NSF IUSE Ideas lab to action. The world is changing rapidly, but we still educate the same way. We need a STEM-o-lution!

nsfuniversity of california irvinensf iuse ideas lab
U.S. students must compete in a new global economy. Hershey is opening their next plant in…… MEXICO!!!
The Flattening The fall of the Berlin Wall  The rise of the Internet  Work flow software  Open source  Outsourcing  Off shoring  Supply chaining  In sourcing  In-forming The steroids - Digital, Mobile, Personal and Virtual.
“ The World is Flat” Thomas Friedman Major Science Programs Protein Science Quantum Research Nanotechnology Developmental and Reproductive Biology Science, March 17, 2006;311:1548-1549 China Bets Big on Big Science
“ The World is Flat” Thomas Friedman Engineering Programs Next-generation broadband Large-scale oil and gas exploration Transgenic plant breeding Drug development Manned moon exploration Science, March 17, 2006;311:1548-1549 China Bets Big on New Science

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Accc keynote final june 4 th 2011
Accc keynote final june 4 th 2011Accc keynote final june 4 th 2011
Accc keynote final june 4 th 2011

This document discusses six revolutions shaping the future: technology, global economics, global power balances, demographics, climate change, and personal identity. For each revolution, the document outlines key trends and their implications for community colleges. Regarding technology, it notes that disruptive technologies are changing industries and education models. For global economics, it highlights the rise of emerging economies and a more multi-polar world. Regarding demographics, it discusses aging populations and lower birth rates in developed nations. The document advocates for colleges to prepare students for this changing world through strategies like international partnerships, language learning, and credential recognition.

FIT Alberta Collaboration Part I of II_Labour market information and ICT_may ...
FIT Alberta Collaboration Part I of II_Labour market information and ICT_may ...FIT Alberta Collaboration Part I of II_Labour market information and ICT_may ...
FIT Alberta Collaboration Part I of II_Labour market information and ICT_may ...

Presented by Tracy Biernacki-Dusza on behalf of the Focus on Information Technology program (FIT), an umbrella program developed by the Information and Communications Technology Council. (ICTC) This presentation was giving at the 3rd annual Futures in ICT Collaboration event hosted at SAIT polytechnic. For more information about the FIT program, ICTC, and other youth initiatives please visit: Follow us at @FOCUSITca

Because Sometimes Size Does Matter
Because Sometimes Size Does MatterBecause Sometimes Size Does Matter
Because Sometimes Size Does Matter

The document discusses how the size of populations in countries like China and India impact education and career opportunities. It notes that China will soon have the largest English-speaking population in the world and has more high-IQ individuals than the total population of North America. It argues that education programs need to prepare students for globally competitive, high-skill careers that may not yet exist by utilizing current and future technologies.

“ The World is Flat” Thomas Friedman Travel by car in Goa is slow and time consuming. The Internet is the ultimate super-highway India Investment in “Highway”  Spurring Economic Growth Personal Communication, John McFadden, VP, CIO Loyola College
“In the international competition to have the biggest and best supply of knowledge workers, America is falling behind." Bill Gates Manufacturing has chased cheap labor Science and Technology will chase an  educated workforce
China - increased 161% (207,500) Japan – increased 42% (103,200) South Korea – increased 140% (56,500) India – over 100,000/yr USA – decreased 20% (59,500) So did anything change nationally or Internationally? Engineering Graduates  1980 - 2000
Where are we now? (2007)  More than  600,000  engineers graduated from institutions of higher education in China.  In India, the figure was  350,000 . In America, it was about  70,000 .  In 2001 only  41 percent  of U.S. eighth-graders had a math teacher who had majored in mathematics at the undergraduate or graduate level or studied the subject for teacher certification -- international average of  71 percent .  For the cost of  one chemist or one engineer  in the United States, a company can hire about  five  chemists in China or  11  engineers in India. Last year chemical companies  closed 70  facilities in the United States and have tagged 40 more for closure. Of 120 chemical plants being built around the world with price tags of $1 billion or more,  one  is in the United States and  50  are in China. In 2001, U.S. industry spent more on tort litigation than on research and development.

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Specialty Math And Science High Schools
Specialty Math And Science High SchoolsSpecialty Math And Science High Schools
Specialty Math And Science High Schools

This document discusses the potential of specialty math and science high schools to address the shortage of scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians (STEM) in the United States. It argues that these schools have a proven track record of producing graduates who pursue further education and careers in STEM fields at higher rates than typical high schools. The document calls for expanding the number of these specialized schools to help boost the domestic supply of STEM talent through a $180 million annual investment over 5 years to triple enrollment in such schools.

150609 c4 e-universityinnovationecosystems
150609 c4 e-universityinnovationecosystems150609 c4 e-universityinnovationecosystems
150609 c4 e-universityinnovationecosystems

This document discusses factors that contribute to successful university-driven technology innovation ecosystems. It identifies MIT, Stanford University, and the University of Cambridge as having created some of the world's most successful ecosystems, as evidenced by Silicon Valley and Kendall Square. Key factors for success include strong university research, exposure of students to cutting-edge science, merit-based funding, and collaboration between universities, government, and the private sector. The document also examines models for developing innovation ecosystems and notes it can take 10-15 years of stable development for meaningful results.

Learning 2.0 Intro21st
Learning 2.0 Intro21stLearning 2.0 Intro21st
Learning 2.0 Intro21st

The document discusses 10 trends that will impact education for the future, including an aging population, the importance of social and intellectual capital, personalized education, the role of technology, and the need for schools to prepare students with 21st century skills. It also discusses how education is shifting from traditional models to new approaches that incorporate emerging technologies, collaboration, creativity, and student-centered learning. Schools will need to change and adapt their practices to meet the needs of students in this new digital world.

Job Growth 2005-2025   Manufacturing   Health Care, Biotechnology, Technology Examples: scientific publications, global health, science education, program management, software development, biotech business, healthcare-technology.
2/3 of jobs require some education beyond high school Skill requirements are the same for  College  or  Work Write and speak clearly Use technology to communicate fully  Critical thinking and problem solving skills Job Growth 2005-2025
Impetus for Change “ Poor Science Education Could Unravel the U.S. Economy” There should be a greater emphasis “to study the frontier areas of science” Congressman Bart Gordon  –  Chair, House Committee on Science and Technology
“Every country I have visited understands that good education, healthcare, and economic development are the path to the future—every country, that is, except for the U.S.” Craig Barrett  – Intel Board Chair (7/08)

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Girls and Technology
Girls and TechnologyGirls and Technology
Girls and Technology

American schools need to promote STEM education to compete globally and prepare students for technical jobs of the future. Younger students, especially girls, have little interest and experience in technology fields. Schools should design courses and projects with girls in mind, using interesting titles and contextual, collaborative projects and choices. Effective methods for attracting and retaining girls include early exposure, role models, and building confidence without competition.

by Lori
NYC Talk
NYC TalkNYC Talk
NYC Talk

The document discusses the changing nature of literacy and learning in the digital age. It argues that the Internet has become the defining technology for reading and learning for this generation. However, current education policies are not adequately preparing students for online reading comprehension, which requires distinct skills from offline reading. The document proposes a model called Internet Reciprocal Teaching to teach online reading comprehension skills in one-to-one laptop classrooms.

Creating A Global Focus On STEM Education
Creating A Global Focus On STEM EducationCreating A Global Focus On STEM Education
Creating A Global Focus On STEM Education

TIES was founded in 1999 to support STEM education and innovative schools for underserved communities. It has since expanded to be a national consulting group focusing on STEM education. TIES works to develop STEM networks and programs in states to fuel economic development. STEM education is important for developing problem-solvers and innovators needed for a global economy. It engages students in understanding the world through design-based learning and applying STEM concepts. STEM education prepares students with skills like critical thinking needed for the 21st century.

Four Basic Ingredients to Remain Competitive: Smart people -- nurtured by education Smart ideas -- enabled by R&D The right environment for collaboration -- developed by wise tax policy and funding IT connectivity, broadband, and local content to connect to the culture--achieved via tech literacy Craig Barrett  – Intel Board Chair (7/08)
The Gathering Storm “The United States takes deserved pride in the vitality of its economy, which forms the foundation of our high quality of life, our national security, and our hope that our children and grandchildren will inherit ever-greater opportunities. That vitality is derived in large part from the productivity of well-trained people and the steady stream of scientific and technical innovations they produce.” Source:  Rising Above a Gathering Storm  (Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences, 2006)   The Latest Greatest (Scariest) report:
The Latest Greatest (Scariest) report: Rising Above The Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century: An Agenda for American Science and Technology, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine Co chairs: Norman Augustine: Retired CEO of Lockheed Martin Craig Barrett, CEO of Intel
The Gathering Storm- 4 Proposals Increase America's talent pool by vastly improving K-12 mathematics and science education.  Sustain and strengthen the nation's commitment to long-term basic research. Develop, recruit, and retain top students, scientists, and engineers from both the United States and abroad. The United States should be considered the most attractive setting in the world to study and conduct research, the report says.  Ensure that the United States is the premier place in the world for innovation. This can be accomplished by actions such as modernizing the U.S. patent system, realigning tax policies to encourage innovation, and ensuring affordable broadband Internet access, the report says.

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LTS Exploring parental influence
LTS Exploring parental influenceLTS Exploring parental influence
LTS Exploring parental influence

- Three-quarters of parents say most future jobs will require basic math and science. Half think jobs will require more science training in 15 years. - When given options to spend extra school money, 46% of parents chose improving math and science education. - Parents see STEM as preparing students for innovation/entrepreneurship (76%) and 21st century skills like problem-solving (69%). - However, one-third of parents don't see the clear connection between STEM and developing critical thinking skills.

What Is STEM and Why Should I Care?
What Is STEM and Why Should I Care? What Is STEM and Why Should I Care?
What Is STEM and Why Should I Care?

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) careers are some of the hottest jobs in Pennsylvania. In this webinar, we introduce you to some of the most in-demand STEM careers and share with you some resources for helping your son or daughter begin exploring all the exciting opportunities that are available.


This document summarizes an announcement from Educational Testing Service about changing the name of their ICT Literacy Assessment to the iSkills assessment. It then provides an introduction to a report on the need for higher education to address gaps in students' information and communication technology proficiencies to prepare them for success. The report discusses how technology has transformed learning, work, and everyday life, making ICT skills essential for individuals and society. It aims to provide data on ICT literacy levels to help colleges evaluate and improve their approaches.

Build public support for making improvement in STEM performance a national priority. Motivate U.S. students and adults, using a variety of incentives, to study and enter STEM careers, with a special effort geared to those in currently underrepresented groups. Upgrade K–12 mathematics and science teaching to foster higher student achievement.  Boost and sustain funding for basic research, especially in the physical sciences and engineering. To sustain American competitiveness in science and engineering, we need a focused, long-term, comprehensive initiative by the public and private sectors to:
America’s Pressing Challenge:  Building A Stronger Foundation America’s Pressing Challenge – Building a Stronger Foundation: A Companion to Science and Engineering Indicators (2006) National Science Board (NSF) The NSB identifies priorities: strong public support for the value of STEM education for all students and citizens, a high quality teaching force, appropriate learning opportunities for all students effective guidance counseling on STEM education and careers, and assessment tools that reinforce learning in STEM fields.
So if all the research says what we need to do then why haven’t we done it yet?? The global economy is changing the nature of work and the kinds of jobs young people will enter are changing. Students need higher levels of knowledge and skills than ever before to succeed in workplaces of the 21 st  century.
A Focus on STEM Innovation. Competition. Technology. Information. As these forces change our world, they also change the face of science and mathematics education. Change from just finding the answer to identifying the problem;  emphasis on computation to reasoning and problem solving;  paper and pencil-driven to computer-driven;  doing routine tasks to discovering new paths for ideas,  working alone to working in groups.  Instead of "filtering out" students, science and mathematics expands the future options of all students.

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Need for change
Need for changeNeed for change
Need for change

The document discusses several issues regarding education in the US compared to other countries. It notes that while countries like China and South Korea are graduating high numbers of engineers, the US is declining in this field. Experts say the US needs to change how it educates engineering students and who it educates to stay competitive. It provides various statistics showing countries that outperform the US in areas like time spent in school, test scores, and graduation rates. Suggested changes include improving teacher training, making education more rigorous and focused on 21st century skills, increasing communication about higher education opportunities, and developing more effective school leadership.

Need For Change
Need For ChangeNeed For Change
Need For Change

The document discusses issues with engineering education in the US compared to other countries like China and South Korea. It notes that while other countries are graduating record numbers of engineers, America's contribution to the field is declining. Experts say the US needs to change how it educates engineering students and who it educates in order to stay competitive globally. A variety of statistics are presented comparing education in the US to other nations.

The retiring baby boomers zach mahaney
The retiring baby boomers zach mahaneyThe retiring baby boomers zach mahaney
The retiring baby boomers zach mahaney

The document discusses how baby boomers are beginning to retire, creating workforce challenges. It notes that demographics in the US will change dramatically as baby boomers exit the workforce and prime-age populations shrink. Additionally, skills requirements are rising even for blue-collar jobs, and many future jobs will require postsecondary education. However, the US is falling behind internationally in areas like the number of students pursuing STEM degrees. This skills gap could undermine the US economy if not addressed.

New research from ACT shows that  the level of readiness needed to enter jobs offering a livable wage is  not  lower than that needed for college.  Therefore, all high school students need to graduate ready for college. The demands of college and work are dramatically different today than a generation ago,  and it is the job of high schools to prepare students for these demands. Source: Graduation Pays, NGA Center for Best Practices, , 2005  STEM for Everyone!
Expectations are the same for both college and “good jobs” American Diploma Project found a high degree of convergence. The knowledge and skills that high school graduates will need to be successful in college are the same as those they will need to be successful in a job that:  pays enough to support a family well above the poverty level,  provides benefits, and  offers clear pathways for career advancement through further education and training.
Preparing for and Completing College in the U.S.A.
Out of every 100 ninth graders….

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The retiring baby boomers zach mahaney
The retiring baby boomers zach mahaneyThe retiring baby boomers zach mahaney
The retiring baby boomers zach mahaney

A presentation to convince people of the value of college and why postsecondary education is improtant in the global job market that exists today

Landscape of the MSCS Programs in California
Landscape of the MSCS Programs in CaliforniaLandscape of the MSCS Programs in California
Landscape of the MSCS Programs in California

A sound education in information technology fuels the success of individuals as well as corporations in modern life. Information technology offers numerous opportunities but faces unique challenges in the United States. In a populous state like California, where Computer Science (CS) has been taught at the college level since the 1950s, these problems are even acute. This article provides an overview of the current state of affairs in CS in California. We include wisdom from lessons learned from efforts to offer quality education in both public and private universities in California. In particular, we focus on the differential school system and the educational landscape of CS education in this state.

An Overview of Computer Science Master Degree Programs in the State of Califo...
An Overview of Computer Science Master Degree Programs in the State of Califo...An Overview of Computer Science Master Degree Programs in the State of Califo...
An Overview of Computer Science Master Degree Programs in the State of Califo...

A sound education in information technology fuels the success of individuals as well as corporations in the modern life. Information technology offers numerous opportunities but faces unique challenges in the United States. In a populous state like California, where Computer Science (CS) has been taught at the college level since the 1950s, these problems are even acute. This article provides an overview of the current state of affairs in CS in California. We include wisdom from lessons learned from efforts to offer quality education in both public and private universities in California. In particular, we focus on the differential school system and the educational landscape of CS education in this state.

graduate educationcaliforniastem education.
68 will graduate from high school
40 will enter college
26 are still enrolled in the sophomore year
18 will graduate from college

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A sound education in information technology fuels the success of individuals as well as corporations in the modern life. Information technology offers numerous opportunities but faces unique challenges in the United States. In a populous state like California, where Computer Science (CS) has been taught at the college level since the 1950s, these problems are even acute. This article provides an overview of the current state of affairs in CS in California. We include wisdom from lessons learned from efforts to offer quality education in both public and private universities in California. In particular, we focus on the differential school system and the educational landscape of CS education in this state.

graduate educationcaliforniastem education
AACTE Wilbur Cohen Lecture - Teachers teaching and learning
AACTE Wilbur Cohen Lecture - Teachers teaching and learningAACTE Wilbur Cohen Lecture - Teachers teaching and learning
AACTE Wilbur Cohen Lecture - Teachers teaching and learning

1. The document discusses international comparisons of educational systems and what can be learned from the highest performing countries. 2. It analyzes where countries stand in terms of educational performance based on PISA test scores, and policies of top performing countries that could help improve other systems. 3. Examples of effective policies in the highest performing countries include distributed leadership in schools, strong teacher professional development focused on classroom practices, and school autonomy combined with accountability.

Nsba 2014 webinar
Nsba 2014 webinarNsba 2014 webinar
Nsba 2014 webinar

The document discusses the implications of STEM education for K-12 schools and school board leaders. It argues that STEM is as fundamental to 21st century education as the humanities were in the 20th century. Emerging K-12 STEM practice emphasizes applied, hands-on learning in addition to traditional academics. This pedagogical shift integrates subjects like engineering, computer science, and career technical education with liberal arts. The document provides examples of STEM programs from schools around the world and argues that STEM must be adapted to local cultures and communities to be effective.

Basic Knowledge/Skills English Language (spoken) Reading Comprehension  (in English) Writing in English  (grammar, spelling, etc.) Mathematics Science Government/Economics Humanities/Arts Foreign Languages History/Geography “ Are They Really Ready To Work?” Applied Skills Critical Thinking/Problem  Solving Oral Communication Written Communication Teamwork/Collaboration Diversity Information Technology  Application Leadership Creativity/Innovation Lifelong Learning/Self  Direction Professionalism/Work Ethic Ethics/Social Responsibility
Job Outlook 2002,  National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)
M athematics E ngineering T echnology S cience

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10-10-04_01 Kendall Starkweather
10-10-04_01 Kendall Starkweather10-10-04_01 Kendall Starkweather
10-10-04_01 Kendall Starkweather

This document discusses the importance of technology and engineering (T&E) education within STEM. It outlines how T&E education can help develop problem solving and innovation skills. The document also reviews the history of STEM education in the US and goals for improving T&E education through developing standards, inquiry-based learning, and engaging activities. Success is defined as increasing the number of STEM graduates and careers. The challenges are integrating T&E within STEM and overcoming silos between disciplines.

Re@l future leaders
Re@l future leadersRe@l future leaders
Re@l future leaders

Event Description As we think about how our children will be able to compete and lead in the Global Market for generations to come; we need to answer the following questions. How do we revitalize our National Infrastructure? How to we reverse water contamination that has crippled our natural water supply over the last 100 years? How do we protect the privacy of our citizens when data is being created at immeasurable rates of growth year after year? All of these questions will take bright minds and education in Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics. Gary Allen of ModernMinds ( will present an opportunity for investors to take a leading position in the production, distribution and adoption of new S.T.E.M Education platform. This is an investment in our children's' future.

Need For Change Powerpoint
Need For Change PowerpointNeed For Change Powerpoint
Need For Change Powerpoint

This PowerPoint presentation serves as a Call to Action for American educators in light of our ever-growing global economy and "flattening" of the world.

So what does this mean to Science Teachers and  Science Professionals?
"Science is built of facts as a house is built of bricks; but an accumulation of facts is no more science than a pile of bricks is a house."        It means we need a scientifically and “informationally” literate society…..remember Sputnik?
Comprehending Literacy in a Global Era (Jan this one is for you) Prose Literacy Search Comprehend Use continuous text Documents Literacy Search Comprehend  Act upon Use non-continuous text in various formats Quantitative Literacy Identify numerical representations and ideas Perform computations and solve problems either alone or sequentially Use numbers embedded in printed materials Act with mathematical intent to complete tasks Technological Literacy Navigate and search using electronic sources Production and problem solving Compare and use ever-changing media and information Act upon media and technology based information
What is Science Literacy?   An awareness of the conventions and methods of science so that scientific information is both accessible to and useable by the student. Strategies to remain current with a rapidly changing and constantly evolving science knowledge base.

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CMAST - STEM Education Development Org
CMAST - STEM Education Development OrgCMAST - STEM Education Development Org
CMAST - STEM Education Development Org

There is a growing consensus that the US needs to improve STEM education, especially for minorities and women, to remain competitive globally and fill future workforce needs. Currently, US students perform below average in math and science, minorities and women are underrepresented in STEM degrees and careers, and over half of states have low high school graduation rates. Addressing these issues will require commitment from government, private sector, and non-profits to increase opportunities in STEM education and careers.

IoT Talent Strategy: Global STEM Alliance announcement
IoT Talent Strategy: Global STEM Alliance announcementIoT Talent Strategy: Global STEM Alliance announcement
IoT Talent Strategy: Global STEM Alliance announcement

Some more background here on the Global STEM Alliance being introduced by the New York Academy of Sciences and Cisco for reading ahead of the press conference at 9.30am CET this morning.

Developing P-16 STEM Partnerships
Developing P-16 STEM PartnershipsDeveloping P-16 STEM Partnerships
Developing P-16 STEM Partnerships

This document summarizes Dr. Michael Uden's work developing STEM partnerships between P-16 institutions. It discusses the history and benefits of STEM education, outlines effective STEM curriculum approaches, and describes the programs and grants Dr. Uden helped establish including a STEM camp for underrepresented middle school students and opportunities for pre-service teachers. The document provides an overview of Dr. Uden's vision and accomplishments in building STEM partnerships across different educational levels and communities.

p-16hawaii international conference on educationstem
Using information literacy as an inquiry process  to increase science literacy
Synonymous Concepts Identify a  problem. Form a hypothesis(es). Review the literature. Decide on a procedure. Collect and analyze data. Derive conclusion. Formulate questions based on information needs. Identify a variety of sources of information. Use strategies for locating information. Critically evaluate information. Organize information for practical application. Apply information in critical thinking and problem solving.  Produce and communicate new knowledge. Scientific Processes Information Literacy
“ Topical” research question Responding to directives and mechanics Print resources only Memorizing THE resources, THE route, and the THE answer Accepting the librarian and teacher as THE experts Turning in a report to the teacher “ Essential” research question Self-directed planning An array of print and electronic sources Learning an information problem solving process to use for life Using the entire information landscape - resources, experts, and peers Communicating to an audience, taking action, and justifying opinions  FROM TO Shift Thinking About Student Research
So at what grade level should we start?? Children in elementary school will change not just jobs, but their entire careers five times over their working years. Gartner Group, 1995 The job you perform today will no longer be done. The job you perform tomorrow has not yet been invented.

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Technology Leadership
Technology LeadershipTechnology Leadership
Technology Leadership

The document discusses how the skills needed for today's workforce have changed and how education needs to adapt. It argues that basic skills are no longer enough and that students must learn skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and effective communication. It also highlights how technologies can help transform education by making it more engaging, flexible and empowering students to learn.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas and Happy HolidaysMerry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

The document describes various Christmas tree displays from around the world, including: - The Capitol Christmas tree in Washington D.C. decorated by schoolchildren. - The largest Christmas tree display in the world in Gubbio, Italy composed of 500 lights and 40,000 feet of wire. - A Christmas tree projected onto the Grand Prince Hotel Akasaka in Tokyo. - Trees illuminating landmarks in Prague, Venice, Moscow, Lisbon, and small German villages. - Show-stopping department store trees in Paris and festive scenes in St. Peter's Square in Rome. - Madrid's lottery tree and the gift tree from Norway in London's Trafalgar Square. - Christmas markets in

presentsnew year#celebrate
Christmas sing along
Christmas sing alongChristmas sing along
Christmas sing along

The document contains lyrics to 14 Christmas songs. It includes classic songs like "Frosty the Snowman", "Deck the Halls", and "Silent Night". The songs celebrate different aspects of Christmas like playing in the snow, decorating with holly, and the birth of Jesus. They describe both the religious and secular traditions and symbols associated with the Christmas holiday season.

christmasholidaysholidays and special days
Lifelong Learning Those who do not continue to learn will become science illiterates and virtually unemployable.
“In the international competition to have the biggest and best supply of knowledge workers, America is falling behind." Bill Gates
“We are at a crossroad in our nation as we enter a century that we know will be dominated by science, engineering, technology and education.”  “A convergence of science, technology and engineering is taking place.” Martin C. Jischke- Purdue University President
“By 2010, more than 90% of all scientists and engineers in the world will live in OUTSIDE THE U.S.A!” Martin C. Jischke- Purdue University President

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The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, a virgin engaged to Joseph from the house of David, and told her she would conceive and bear a son named Jesus. Mary was living in Nazareth and was surprised by Gabriel's message. Luke 1:26-27, 30-31 (NRSV). The passage then describes Joseph and Mary traveling to Bethlehem for the census called by Emperor Augustus, but finding no room in the inn so taking refuge in a stable, where Mary gave birth to Jesus and placed him in a manger. Luke 2:1-7 (NRSV). The summary combines details from the two passages in Luke about the annunciation to Mary and Jesus's birth in Bethlehem.

Getting to Giving
Getting to GivingGetting to Giving
Getting to Giving

This document discusses how Christmas can be disappointing if people focus only on getting gifts, but it can be a blessing if they understand the privilege of giving. It contrasts a "getting" mindset of self-centeredness and materialism with a "giving" mindset found in biblical teachings and examples. Key points include: how the desire and ability to give comes from devotion to God and our example of Christ giving himself for us, and how the act of giving is a privilege according to passages like 2 Corinthians 8-9 and Matthew 25. Ultimately, we are encouraged to give our hearts to God and show love for others through our example, service, time, talents and prayers.

holidays and special daysholidayschrist
Christmas Trees
Christmas Trees Christmas Trees
Christmas Trees

This document describes various Christmas tree displays from around the world. It notes the decorated Capitol Christmas tree in Washington D.C., the largest light display in Italy, a projected tree in Tokyo, illuminated trees in Prague and the Czech Republic, a tall glass tree in Venice, festivities in Moscow and an enormous tree in Lisbon. It also explains the symbolic meaning behind the lyrics of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" and describes Christmas traditions at Arlington Cemetery.

christjeff piontekchristmas
ENGINEERS  make a world of difference by turning ideas into reality. Engineers question and challenge the things we encounter in everyday life. They seek to improve the products we use in all aspects of our lives.  A degree in engineering is preparation for many different careers in almost any field. Why Engineering?
Educators, parents, and business leaders need to promote the benefits and rewards of pursuing a career in science and technology. All too often, these careers are seen as the domain of nerds and geeks, instead of inventors and leaders. Our attitudes even discourage people from these fields by promoting how hard they are instead of how rewarding they can be.  Source: AeA, Advancing The Business Of Technology, 2005
Aeronautical Engineering Agricultural Engineering Astronautical Engineering Audio Engineering Automotive Engineering Biological Engineering Biomedical Engineering Ceramic Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Construction Engineering Electrical Engineering Environmental Engineering Fire Protection Engineering  Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering Industrial Engineering Manufacturing Engineering Materials and Metallurgy Engineering Mechanical Engineering Minerals, Metals, and Materials Engineering  Nuclear Engineering Ocean Engineering Optical Engineering Surveying Engineering   Acoustical Engineering Marine Engineering  Software Engineering
Massachusetts leads the nation They have integrated engineering skills and standards in all science and math courses.  They assess these skills to assure that students are engaged in critical thinking.  So why did they do it?

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Venturing into the cloud
Venturing into the cloudVenturing into the cloud
Venturing into the cloud

This document discusses how Google Apps tools can be used in education. It provides an overview of Google Apps for Education, which allows schools to manage student and staff accounts under the school's domain. Key Google Apps tools for educational use include Gmail for communication, Google Docs for collaboration, and Google Forms/Sheets for data collection and analysis. Examples are given of how various Google Apps can be embedded in classroom lessons and used for professional development, projects, and administrative tasks. The document advocates for adopting Google Apps to improve access, collaboration, and technology skills among students and staff.

brain basedinstructional technologyeducation and training
Digital Citizenship
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Digital Citizenship

Presentation about digital citizenship and society today.


This document discusses the need to update school curriculum for the 21st century. It notes how the skills students need have changed from recall and following directions to skills like problem-solving, collaboration, and reflecting on how to learn. New technologies like blogs, wikis and social media have also changed how students live and learn. The document argues schools must transform by emphasizing skills like critical thinking, creativity, communication and using technologies to engage students in active learning.

Business needs People trained in IT People who can be technicians People who can be scientists and engineers People who understand mathematics
Current and foreseeable state STEM graduates leaving US Not enough graduates to fill pipeline Not enough STEM prepared teachers to start in elementary school
Evidence Read the NYTimes, Wall Street Journal or Financial Times on any day Reports from employers Reports from higher education
More evidence STEM jobs = 13% of employment in MA 1/3 of gross state product Generate jobs in other fields

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Differentiated Instruction
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Differentiated Instruction

This is a differentiated instruction presentation from Computer Using Educators of British Columbia.

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Alaska Society for Technology Education Keynote
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Alaska Society for Technology Education Keynote

The document discusses the experience of 21st century learners and what is needed in the classroom. It notes that today's students are used to highly customized and digital experiences where they are constantly connected and able to access information instantly. It also discusses the literacy skills needed, including being effective communicators and collaborators. Finally, it suggests that classrooms should focus on problem solving, use digital tools, design real-world projects, have authentic audiences, and provide customized learning to engage 21st century students.

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Education Summit "Digital Exposure"
Education Summit "Digital Exposure"Education Summit "Digital Exposure"
Education Summit "Digital Exposure"

The document discusses how learning is changing from isolated and generic learning to connected, personalized, and lifelong learning. It notes that knowledge is moving from individuals to networks of individuals. It argues that schools need to change from their traditional models to adapt to this new landscape where learning is mobile, networked, global, and collaborative. It provides eight shifts that schools and learners need to make, such as learning to interact with strangers, developing an online presence or "G-portfolio", becoming skilled with digital tools, learning to manage and synthesize information, developing skills to evaluate sources of information, following personal passions, and learning how to be lifelong learners.

education reformpiontekeducation
Still more evidence Of 30 fields expected to grow, 20 are STEM and 5 more related Most need AA; 1/2 need BA If not here, then where in the world Stats: Dept of Workforce Dev, Carrie Connaway, MA DOE
Measurable Goals To raise the level of STEM achievement of all students To increase significantly the number of students interested in & motivated to study STEM
And To increase the number of qualified STEM teachers  To improve & provide equitable STEM instruction, curriculum
Where are we? Where do we want to be? How do we get there? STEM Education

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Accountability in online charters
Accountability in online chartersAccountability in online charters
Accountability in online charters

Student Success Academy (SSA) is a public charter school that offers both in-person and online learning programs. SSA struggles with accountability issues regarding parental involvement in students' online learning. Specifically, many parents complete lessons and assessments for their children without proper supervision. This allows progress to be inaccurately reported and leads to discrepancies between students' online performance and in-person assessments. SSA has implemented some accountability measures, like required passwords for parents, but these have proven ineffective as parents often simply provide their passwords to students. The lack of genuine parental involvement and accountability threatens students' learning and the accuracy of progress reports.

online learninginstructional technologyvirtuallearning
Augmented Reality and Gaming in Education
Augmented Reality and Gaming in EducationAugmented Reality and Gaming in Education
Augmented Reality and Gaming in Education

This is the presentation from #reinventingeducation ( where I showcase programs to enhance education and "gamification" of education. Links from Reinventing the Classroom Presentation May 1, 2014 London Tube System AR DAQRI (4D System) Anatomy 4D Element Cubes Avatar Reality ( Crytek Engine ( AR Flashcards AR Solar System (cost) AR Sightseeing Avatar Reality Program Videos Learn AR GE Wind and Turbine AR Iron Man Mask AR BMW AR System AR History Program

instructional technologyeducational technologyjeffpiontek
5+ mistakes of Virtual Education
5+ mistakes of Virtual Education5+ mistakes of Virtual Education
5+ mistakes of Virtual Education

People believe that online education is easy, that students are automatically engaged and that teachers already know how to use technology. NOT!!!

virtual educationonline learningvirtuallearning
Where are we?---Bill Gates “ America’s high schools are obsolete. By obsolete, I don’t just mean that our high schools are broken, flawed, and under-funded– though a case could be made for every one of those points. By obsolete, I mean that our high schools – even when they’re working exactly as designed – cannot teach our kids what they need to know today.” So if the High Schools are obsolete…how about the Universities?
Where are we?--- Universities KathySierra
If you studied math, science, or engineering at a four-year college in the US, much of what you learned is useless, forgotten, or obsolete.  Analysis to Action:Undergraduate Education in STEM; Disconnect between: how we  teach  math and science how mathematicians and scientists actually work Often teach encyclopedias of facts without engagement in the process Assessment often does not evaluate understanding Where are we?--- Universities
Where do we want to be?--- The new three R’s: Rigor – making sure all students are given a challenging curriculum that prepares them for college or work Relevance – making sure kids have courses and projects that clearly relate to their lives and their goals Relationships – making sure kids have a number of adults who know them, look out for them, and push them to achieve… Parent, S chool, University, and Business  Involvement

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Leadership and Change in Education -- 21st Century Skills
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Leadership and Change in Education -- 21st Century Skills

The document discusses education in the 21st century and beyond. It notes that students today are digital natives who are constantly connected, have highly customized experiences, and interaction is expected. Effective learners are lifelong learners, natural navigators, critical thinkers, effective communicators and creators, and effective global collaborators. The networked student focuses on problem solving, embraces digital tools, designs challenges for real-world problems, and has an authentic audience. Education needs to provide customized learning experiences that are relevant and focused on networked and connected learning.

21st centurybloghoughton mifflin
Ascd slides 2012
Ascd slides 2012Ascd slides 2012
Ascd slides 2012

This document discusses 21st century leadership and data-driven success in elementary mathematics education. It notes how the digital world is increasingly connected and how a student's digital footprint will carry more weight than a resume. It advocates for blended and personalized learning approaches that customize learning experiences and share responsibilities between teachers and technology. The document presents an example of how an adaptive learning program individualizes mathematics instruction for two students over 15 months based on their unique needs and progression.

Microsoft excel training module
Microsoft excel training moduleMicrosoft excel training module
Microsoft excel training module

The document is a tutorial for learning how to use Microsoft Excel. It contains 10 steps: 1. The table of contents shows the topics 2. Click on topic links to begin learning 3. Learn at your own pace by clicking action buttons 4. Use the tutorial as a reference once familiar with Excel The tutorial covers Excel basics like the screen, menus, worksheets, entering formulas and data, formatting, charts, and printing. It provides instructions on common tasks and encourages self-paced learning through the interactive material.

microsoftinstructional technologyexcel
How do we get there? “STEM” Education Vision There needs to be an enhanced curriculum in science, technology, engineering, and math, with a strong emphasis on discovery. This will stimulate the interest of young people in science and provide a pipeline of young Americans who are capable, critical decision makers prepared to seize the opportunities in the expanding fields of science. To be most effective, this enhanced curriculum must include an appropriate support structure.
Change Management Anticipate and Embrace Change “ If you don’t like change . . . You’re going to like obsolescence  even less.” -- Gen. Shinseki (Head of veterans affairs)
Managing Complex Change Vision CHANGE Skills + Incentive + Resources + Action   Plan +
Managing Complex Change Vision Skills + Incentive + Resources + Action   Plan + Confusion

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RFID Privacy
RFID Privacy RFID Privacy
RFID Privacy

RFID (radio-frequency identification) tags are electronic chips that emit radio signals and can be used to track items. Tags can be active (with an internal power source) or passive. RFID systems are used by many retailers and libraries to track inventory and speed up processes like checkouts. Tags are affixed to items and read by scanners. While RFID provides benefits like faster inventory and reduced labor, there are also privacy and security concerns about how data is collected and used.

scannersjeffrey piontekpiontek
Gravity Gravity
IGNITE Session ISTE 2013
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IGNITE Session ISTE 2013

This is the presentation that goes along with the videos that were posted on Youtube.

Managing Complex Change Vision Skills + Incentive + Resources + Action   Plan + Anxiety
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Managing Complex Change Vision Skills + Incentive + Resources + Action   Plan + FRUSTRATION
Managing Complex Change Vision Skills + Incentive + Resources + Action   Plan + TREADMILL

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Measuring the Impact of Network Latency at Twitter
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Widya Salim and Victor Ma will outline the causal impact analysis, framework, and key learnings used to quantify the impact of reducing Twitter's network latency.

Best Programming Language for Civil Engineers
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Best Programming Language for Civil Engineers

The integration of programming into civil engineering is transforming the industry. We can design complex infrastructure projects and analyse large datasets. Imagine revolutionizing the way we build our cities and infrastructure, all by the power of coding. Programming skills are no longer just a bonus—they’re a game changer in this era. Technology is revolutionizing civil engineering by integrating advanced tools and techniques. Programming allows for the automation of repetitive tasks, enhancing the accuracy of designs, simulations, and analyses. With the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning, engineers can now predict structural behaviors under various conditions, optimize material usage, and improve project planning.

programmingcodingcivil engineering
Pigging Solutions Sustainability brochure.pdf
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Pigging Solutions Sustainability brochure.pdf

Sustainability requires ingenuity and stewardship. Did you know Pigging Solutions pigging systems help you achieve your sustainable manufacturing goals AND provide rapid return on investment. How? Our systems recover over 99% of product in transfer piping. Recovering trapped product from transfer lines that would otherwise become flush-waste, means you can increase batch yields and eliminate flush waste. From raw materials to finished product, if you can pump it, we can pig it.

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Change Management Think Outside the Box Be Creative Go Beyond the Obvious Convergance
STEM Professionals in 2020 Analytical skills Practical ingenuity Design creativity Communication skills Business and management skills
STEM Professionals in 2020 Leadership skills High ethical standards Strong sense of professionalism Lifelong learning skills Agility & flexibility

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Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection
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Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection

Cybersecurity is a major concern in today's connected digital world. Threats to organizations are constantly evolving and have the potential to compromise sensitive information, disrupt operations, and lead to significant financial losses. Traditional cybersecurity techniques often fall short against modern attackers. Therefore, advanced techniques for cyber security analysis and anomaly detection are essential for protecting digital assets. This blog explores these cutting-edge methods, providing a comprehensive overview of their application and importance.

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Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling in real world
Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling  in real worldImplementations of Fused Deposition Modeling  in real world
Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling in real world

The presentation showcases the diverse real-world applications of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) across multiple industries: 1. **Manufacturing**: FDM is utilized in manufacturing for rapid prototyping, creating custom tools and fixtures, and producing functional end-use parts. Companies leverage its cost-effectiveness and flexibility to streamline production processes. 2. **Medical**: In the medical field, FDM is used to create patient-specific anatomical models, surgical guides, and prosthetics. Its ability to produce precise and biocompatible parts supports advancements in personalized healthcare solutions. 3. **Education**: FDM plays a crucial role in education by enabling students to learn about design and engineering through hands-on 3D printing projects. It promotes innovation and practical skill development in STEM disciplines. 4. **Science**: Researchers use FDM to prototype equipment for scientific experiments, build custom laboratory tools, and create models for visualization and testing purposes. It facilitates rapid iteration and customization in scientific endeavors. 5. **Automotive**: Automotive manufacturers employ FDM for prototyping vehicle components, tooling for assembly lines, and customized parts. It speeds up the design validation process and enhances efficiency in automotive engineering. 6. **Consumer Electronics**: FDM is utilized in consumer electronics for designing and prototyping product enclosures, casings, and internal components. It enables rapid iteration and customization to meet evolving consumer demands. 7. **Robotics**: Robotics engineers leverage FDM to prototype robot parts, create lightweight and durable components, and customize robot designs for specific applications. It supports innovation and optimization in robotic systems. 8. **Aerospace**: In aerospace, FDM is used to manufacture lightweight parts, complex geometries, and prototypes of aircraft components. It contributes to cost reduction, faster production cycles, and weight savings in aerospace engineering. 9. **Architecture**: Architects utilize FDM for creating detailed architectural models, prototypes of building components, and intricate designs. It aids in visualizing concepts, testing structural integrity, and communicating design ideas effectively. Each industry example demonstrates how FDM enhances innovation, accelerates product development, and addresses specific challenges through advanced manufacturing capabilities.

fdmffffused deposition modeling
What's New in Copilot for Microsoft365 May 2024.pptx
What's New in Copilot for Microsoft365 May 2024.pptxWhat's New in Copilot for Microsoft365 May 2024.pptx
What's New in Copilot for Microsoft365 May 2024.pptx

This is a slide deck that showcases the updates in Microsoft Copilot for May 2024

microsoftmicrosoft copilot
How do we achieve this? Creativity + STEM 21st century literacy Constructivism – learn by building. World building Hawaii  is realistically helping to lead the way. Globally.  Hunch: Obama and all other politicians will   get it!  …… and will support efforts to spread what is done successfully. Paradigm shift on how we learn and play.
Science Today, with students creating their own learning
Students design, program, and animate their own games. This is STEM meets creativity. It develops: - Mathematical/logical thinking in programming. - Art skills to create the graphic and audio assets.  - Creative thinking to produce a compelling game.

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論文紹介:A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation ...
論文紹介:A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation ...論文紹介:A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation ...
論文紹介:A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation ...

Jindong Gu, Zhen Han, Shuo Chen, Ahmad Beirami, Bailan He, Gengyuan Zhang, Ruotong Liao, Yao Qin, Volker Tresp, Philip Torr "A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation Models" arXiv2023

Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems
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Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems

Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

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Scratch and Curricula
Game Academies In the future, much learning (and entertainment) will be in 3D worlds. Collaborating with the MIT Media Lab to combine the world’s best authoring tools with the world’s best 3D. Avatar Reality –(founded by Henk Rogers, Tetris) company in Honolulu – has leading solution currently being tested at HTA.
Game Academy  3D Students will be able to practice their Mandarin in magical ways, immersed in online Yuan Ming Yuan, ancient gardens full of mystical creatures and historical figures. One-to-one practice and dialogue with live students from Beijing, role-playing with you in the gardens. Children invent these worlds.
Practice your Mandarin in Yuan Ming Yuan

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TrustArc Webinar - 2024 Data Privacy Trends: A Mid-Year Check-In

Six months into 2024, and it is clear the privacy ecosystem takes no days off!! Regulators continue to implement and enforce new regulations, businesses strive to meet requirements, and technology advances like AI have privacy professionals scratching their heads about managing risk. What can we learn about the first six months of data privacy trends and events in 2024? How should this inform your privacy program management for the rest of the year? Join TrustArc, Goodwin, and Snyk privacy experts as they discuss the changes we’ve seen in the first half of 2024 and gain insight into the concrete, actionable steps you can take to up-level your privacy program in the second half of the year. This webinar will review: - Key changes to privacy regulations in 2024 - Key themes in privacy and data governance in 2024 - How to maximize your privacy program in the second half of 2024

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Support en anglais diffusé lors de l'événement 100% IA organisé dans les locaux parisiens d'Iguane Solutions, le mardi 2 juillet 2024 : - Présentation de notre plateforme IA plug and play : ses fonctionnalités avancées, telles que son interface utilisateur intuitive, son copilot puissant et des outils de monitoring performants. - REX client : Cyril Janssens, CTO d’ easybourse, partage son expérience d’utilisation de notre plateforme IA plug & play.

WPRiders Company Presentation Slide Deck
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WPRiders Company Presentation Slide Deck

YOUR RELIABLE WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT TEAM — FOR LASTING SUCCESS WPRiders is a web development company specialized in WordPress and WooCommerce websites and plugins for customers around the world. The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, but our team members are located all over the world. Our customers are primarily from the US and Western Europe, but we have clients from Australia, Canada and other areas as well. Some facts about WPRiders and why we are one of the best firms around: More than 700 five-star reviews! You can check them here. 1500 WordPress projects delivered. We respond 80% faster than other firms! Data provided by Freshdesk. We’ve been in business since 2015. We are located in 7 countries and have 22 team members. With so many projects delivered, our team knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to WordPress and WooCommerce. Our team members are: - highly experienced developers (employees & contractors with 5 -10+ years of experience), - great designers with an eye for UX/UI with 10+ years of experience - project managers with development background who speak both tech and non-tech - QA specialists - Conversion Rate Optimisation - CRO experts They are all working together to provide you with the best possible service. We are passionate about WordPress, and we love creating custom solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. At WPRiders, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in accountability, in doing the right thing, as well as in transparency and open communication. You can read more about WPRiders on the About us page.

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Revolutionize your transportation processes with our cutting-edge RPA software. Automate repetitive tasks, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency in the logistics sector with our advanced solutions.

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Through Simulation, Conduct Experiments Too Dangerous or Too Expensive in the Real World
STEM Professionals in 2020 Ingenuity of ………………. Problem Solving of ……… Scientific Insight of ……… Creativity of ………………. Determination of ………… Leadership of ……………. Conscience of …………… Vision of ………………….. Curiosity of ……………….. Lillian Gilbreth Gordon Moore Albert Einstein Pablo Picasso Wright Brothers Bill Gates Eleanor Roosevelt Martin Luther King, Jr. A Small Child

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Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf

As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

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“ Garfield” by Jim Davis The Future of STEM … Use STEM to build communities that solve human problems
Developing a Shared Agenda finding common ground… INDUSTRY Retention; early student interest;  relevance Shorten ramp-up  time on large,  complex projects Early exposure to complex concepts   Early hands-on  taught throughout  the curriculum ACADEMIA FOR DIFFERENT REASONS FOR DIFFERENT REASONS SIMILAR OBJECTIVES SIMILAR OBJECTIVES FAVORS VALUES IN ORDER TO TO IMPROVE
We can talk and dream about the glorious schools of the future ---

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Each moment we live  never was before and will never be again.
And yet what we teach children in school that  2 + 2 = 4 and Paris is the capital of France. What we should be teaching them is what they are.
You are a marvel. You are unique. We should be saying: “Do you know what you are?
You may become a Shakespeare,  a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. In all the world there is no other child exactly like you. Photo by Evert Odekerken

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You have the capacity for anything. Yes, you are a marvel.” ~  Pablo Casals
Let’s start a new conversation about our children, one that puts them at the center and supports them to live in this new and ever changing world. Each and everyone of them  deserve more from us…….. So how do we do that???

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Willard Wirtz There aren’t two worlds -- education and work, there is one world -- life.
“ It is not the strongest species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.”  ~Charles Darwin

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Thank you on behalf of our children! Interested in 21 st  Century Tools Blog’s Wiki’s and Podcast’s Oh My! Available at Booth 1140- book signing at 2:00 and 5:00PM [email_address]   Facebook Twitter Blog:

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Combating Stem

  • 1. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics….a nation at risk! Jeffrey Piontek Hawaii Technology Academy
  • 2. Goals today Look at the data and research. What does it mean? How can we use it? What are people doing to solve the problem? Tying it all together.
  • 3. 1990 curriculum Solve problems Remember the textbook Follow directions Work alone "Cover" the curriculum
  • 4. 2010 curriculum Ask: Find problems Investigate: Multiple sources/media Create: Engage actively in learning Discuss: Collaborate; diverse views Reflect: Learn how to learn
  • 5. Old Rules, New Game Old Rules Economics use capital Capital is mobile, and it seeks productivity Old Game Productivity used labor Education of the few, labor by the masses Education process reflect a community New Game Productivity uses technology & knowledge Education of all, knowledge for the masses Educational results create a community
  • 6. Really Big (and Hard) Questions.. How do we prepare our students for success in a knowledge based, technology driven, globally competitive world? How do we align to our community aspirations for quality of life & strategies for economic opportunity? How do we transform our schools into high performing environments where students are expected to be and are high achievers?
  • 7. The Primary aim of education is not to enable students to do well in school, but to help them do well in the life they will lead outside of school.
  • 8. So where is this all leading…. STEM EDUCATION
  • 9. U.S. students must compete in a new global economy. Hershey is opening their next plant in…… MEXICO!!!
  • 10. The Flattening The fall of the Berlin Wall The rise of the Internet Work flow software Open source Outsourcing Off shoring Supply chaining In sourcing In-forming The steroids - Digital, Mobile, Personal and Virtual.
  • 11. “ The World is Flat” Thomas Friedman Major Science Programs Protein Science Quantum Research Nanotechnology Developmental and Reproductive Biology Science, March 17, 2006;311:1548-1549 China Bets Big on Big Science
  • 12. “ The World is Flat” Thomas Friedman Engineering Programs Next-generation broadband Large-scale oil and gas exploration Transgenic plant breeding Drug development Manned moon exploration Science, March 17, 2006;311:1548-1549 China Bets Big on New Science
  • 13. “ The World is Flat” Thomas Friedman Travel by car in Goa is slow and time consuming. The Internet is the ultimate super-highway India Investment in “Highway” Spurring Economic Growth Personal Communication, John McFadden, VP, CIO Loyola College
  • 14. “In the international competition to have the biggest and best supply of knowledge workers, America is falling behind." Bill Gates Manufacturing has chased cheap labor Science and Technology will chase an educated workforce
  • 15. China - increased 161% (207,500) Japan – increased 42% (103,200) South Korea – increased 140% (56,500) India – over 100,000/yr USA – decreased 20% (59,500) So did anything change nationally or Internationally? Engineering Graduates 1980 - 2000
  • 16. Where are we now? (2007) More than 600,000 engineers graduated from institutions of higher education in China. In India, the figure was 350,000 . In America, it was about 70,000 . In 2001 only 41 percent of U.S. eighth-graders had a math teacher who had majored in mathematics at the undergraduate or graduate level or studied the subject for teacher certification -- international average of 71 percent . For the cost of one chemist or one engineer in the United States, a company can hire about five chemists in China or 11 engineers in India. Last year chemical companies closed 70 facilities in the United States and have tagged 40 more for closure. Of 120 chemical plants being built around the world with price tags of $1 billion or more, one is in the United States and 50 are in China. In 2001, U.S. industry spent more on tort litigation than on research and development.
  • 17. Job Growth 2005-2025 Manufacturing Health Care, Biotechnology, Technology Examples: scientific publications, global health, science education, program management, software development, biotech business, healthcare-technology.
  • 18. 2/3 of jobs require some education beyond high school Skill requirements are the same for College or Work Write and speak clearly Use technology to communicate fully Critical thinking and problem solving skills Job Growth 2005-2025
  • 19. Impetus for Change “ Poor Science Education Could Unravel the U.S. Economy” There should be a greater emphasis “to study the frontier areas of science” Congressman Bart Gordon – Chair, House Committee on Science and Technology
  • 20. “Every country I have visited understands that good education, healthcare, and economic development are the path to the future—every country, that is, except for the U.S.” Craig Barrett – Intel Board Chair (7/08)
  • 21. Four Basic Ingredients to Remain Competitive: Smart people -- nurtured by education Smart ideas -- enabled by R&D The right environment for collaboration -- developed by wise tax policy and funding IT connectivity, broadband, and local content to connect to the culture--achieved via tech literacy Craig Barrett – Intel Board Chair (7/08)
  • 22. The Gathering Storm “The United States takes deserved pride in the vitality of its economy, which forms the foundation of our high quality of life, our national security, and our hope that our children and grandchildren will inherit ever-greater opportunities. That vitality is derived in large part from the productivity of well-trained people and the steady stream of scientific and technical innovations they produce.” Source: Rising Above a Gathering Storm (Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences, 2006) The Latest Greatest (Scariest) report:
  • 23. The Latest Greatest (Scariest) report: Rising Above The Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century: An Agenda for American Science and Technology, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine Co chairs: Norman Augustine: Retired CEO of Lockheed Martin Craig Barrett, CEO of Intel
  • 24. The Gathering Storm- 4 Proposals Increase America's talent pool by vastly improving K-12 mathematics and science education. Sustain and strengthen the nation's commitment to long-term basic research. Develop, recruit, and retain top students, scientists, and engineers from both the United States and abroad. The United States should be considered the most attractive setting in the world to study and conduct research, the report says. Ensure that the United States is the premier place in the world for innovation. This can be accomplished by actions such as modernizing the U.S. patent system, realigning tax policies to encourage innovation, and ensuring affordable broadband Internet access, the report says.
  • 25. Build public support for making improvement in STEM performance a national priority. Motivate U.S. students and adults, using a variety of incentives, to study and enter STEM careers, with a special effort geared to those in currently underrepresented groups. Upgrade K–12 mathematics and science teaching to foster higher student achievement. Boost and sustain funding for basic research, especially in the physical sciences and engineering. To sustain American competitiveness in science and engineering, we need a focused, long-term, comprehensive initiative by the public and private sectors to:
  • 26. America’s Pressing Challenge: Building A Stronger Foundation America’s Pressing Challenge – Building a Stronger Foundation: A Companion to Science and Engineering Indicators (2006) National Science Board (NSF) The NSB identifies priorities: strong public support for the value of STEM education for all students and citizens, a high quality teaching force, appropriate learning opportunities for all students effective guidance counseling on STEM education and careers, and assessment tools that reinforce learning in STEM fields.
  • 27. So if all the research says what we need to do then why haven’t we done it yet?? The global economy is changing the nature of work and the kinds of jobs young people will enter are changing. Students need higher levels of knowledge and skills than ever before to succeed in workplaces of the 21 st century.
  • 28. A Focus on STEM Innovation. Competition. Technology. Information. As these forces change our world, they also change the face of science and mathematics education. Change from just finding the answer to identifying the problem; emphasis on computation to reasoning and problem solving; paper and pencil-driven to computer-driven; doing routine tasks to discovering new paths for ideas, working alone to working in groups. Instead of "filtering out" students, science and mathematics expands the future options of all students.
  • 29. New research from ACT shows that the level of readiness needed to enter jobs offering a livable wage is not lower than that needed for college. Therefore, all high school students need to graduate ready for college. The demands of college and work are dramatically different today than a generation ago, and it is the job of high schools to prepare students for these demands. Source: Graduation Pays, NGA Center for Best Practices, , 2005 STEM for Everyone!
  • 30. Expectations are the same for both college and “good jobs” American Diploma Project found a high degree of convergence. The knowledge and skills that high school graduates will need to be successful in college are the same as those they will need to be successful in a job that: pays enough to support a family well above the poverty level, provides benefits, and offers clear pathways for career advancement through further education and training.
  • 31. Preparing for and Completing College in the U.S.A.
  • 32. Out of every 100 ninth graders….
  • 33. 68 will graduate from high school
  • 34. 40 will enter college
  • 35. 26 are still enrolled in the sophomore year
  • 36. 18 will graduate from college
  • 37.  
  • 38. Basic Knowledge/Skills English Language (spoken) Reading Comprehension (in English) Writing in English (grammar, spelling, etc.) Mathematics Science Government/Economics Humanities/Arts Foreign Languages History/Geography “ Are They Really Ready To Work?” Applied Skills Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Oral Communication Written Communication Teamwork/Collaboration Diversity Information Technology Application Leadership Creativity/Innovation Lifelong Learning/Self Direction Professionalism/Work Ethic Ethics/Social Responsibility
  • 39. Job Outlook 2002, National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)
  • 40. M athematics E ngineering T echnology S cience
  • 41. So what does this mean to Science Teachers and Science Professionals?
  • 42. "Science is built of facts as a house is built of bricks; but an accumulation of facts is no more science than a pile of bricks is a house."       It means we need a scientifically and “informationally” literate society…..remember Sputnik?
  • 43. Comprehending Literacy in a Global Era (Jan this one is for you) Prose Literacy Search Comprehend Use continuous text Documents Literacy Search Comprehend Act upon Use non-continuous text in various formats Quantitative Literacy Identify numerical representations and ideas Perform computations and solve problems either alone or sequentially Use numbers embedded in printed materials Act with mathematical intent to complete tasks Technological Literacy Navigate and search using electronic sources Production and problem solving Compare and use ever-changing media and information Act upon media and technology based information
  • 44. What is Science Literacy? An awareness of the conventions and methods of science so that scientific information is both accessible to and useable by the student. Strategies to remain current with a rapidly changing and constantly evolving science knowledge base.
  • 45. Using information literacy as an inquiry process to increase science literacy
  • 46. Synonymous Concepts Identify a problem. Form a hypothesis(es). Review the literature. Decide on a procedure. Collect and analyze data. Derive conclusion. Formulate questions based on information needs. Identify a variety of sources of information. Use strategies for locating information. Critically evaluate information. Organize information for practical application. Apply information in critical thinking and problem solving. Produce and communicate new knowledge. Scientific Processes Information Literacy
  • 47. “ Topical” research question Responding to directives and mechanics Print resources only Memorizing THE resources, THE route, and the THE answer Accepting the librarian and teacher as THE experts Turning in a report to the teacher “ Essential” research question Self-directed planning An array of print and electronic sources Learning an information problem solving process to use for life Using the entire information landscape - resources, experts, and peers Communicating to an audience, taking action, and justifying opinions FROM TO Shift Thinking About Student Research
  • 48. So at what grade level should we start?? Children in elementary school will change not just jobs, but their entire careers five times over their working years. Gartner Group, 1995 The job you perform today will no longer be done. The job you perform tomorrow has not yet been invented.
  • 49. Lifelong Learning Those who do not continue to learn will become science illiterates and virtually unemployable.
  • 50. “In the international competition to have the biggest and best supply of knowledge workers, America is falling behind." Bill Gates
  • 51. “We are at a crossroad in our nation as we enter a century that we know will be dominated by science, engineering, technology and education.” “A convergence of science, technology and engineering is taking place.” Martin C. Jischke- Purdue University President
  • 52. “By 2010, more than 90% of all scientists and engineers in the world will live in OUTSIDE THE U.S.A!” Martin C. Jischke- Purdue University President
  • 53. ENGINEERS make a world of difference by turning ideas into reality. Engineers question and challenge the things we encounter in everyday life. They seek to improve the products we use in all aspects of our lives. A degree in engineering is preparation for many different careers in almost any field. Why Engineering?
  • 54. Educators, parents, and business leaders need to promote the benefits and rewards of pursuing a career in science and technology. All too often, these careers are seen as the domain of nerds and geeks, instead of inventors and leaders. Our attitudes even discourage people from these fields by promoting how hard they are instead of how rewarding they can be. Source: AeA, Advancing The Business Of Technology, 2005
  • 55. Aeronautical Engineering Agricultural Engineering Astronautical Engineering Audio Engineering Automotive Engineering Biological Engineering Biomedical Engineering Ceramic Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Construction Engineering Electrical Engineering Environmental Engineering Fire Protection Engineering Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering Industrial Engineering Manufacturing Engineering Materials and Metallurgy Engineering Mechanical Engineering Minerals, Metals, and Materials Engineering Nuclear Engineering Ocean Engineering Optical Engineering Surveying Engineering Acoustical Engineering Marine Engineering Software Engineering
  • 56. Massachusetts leads the nation They have integrated engineering skills and standards in all science and math courses. They assess these skills to assure that students are engaged in critical thinking. So why did they do it?
  • 57. Business needs People trained in IT People who can be technicians People who can be scientists and engineers People who understand mathematics
  • 58. Current and foreseeable state STEM graduates leaving US Not enough graduates to fill pipeline Not enough STEM prepared teachers to start in elementary school
  • 59. Evidence Read the NYTimes, Wall Street Journal or Financial Times on any day Reports from employers Reports from higher education
  • 60. More evidence STEM jobs = 13% of employment in MA 1/3 of gross state product Generate jobs in other fields
  • 61. Still more evidence Of 30 fields expected to grow, 20 are STEM and 5 more related Most need AA; 1/2 need BA If not here, then where in the world Stats: Dept of Workforce Dev, Carrie Connaway, MA DOE
  • 62. Measurable Goals To raise the level of STEM achievement of all students To increase significantly the number of students interested in & motivated to study STEM
  • 63. And To increase the number of qualified STEM teachers To improve & provide equitable STEM instruction, curriculum
  • 64. Where are we? Where do we want to be? How do we get there? STEM Education
  • 65. Where are we?---Bill Gates “ America’s high schools are obsolete. By obsolete, I don’t just mean that our high schools are broken, flawed, and under-funded– though a case could be made for every one of those points. By obsolete, I mean that our high schools – even when they’re working exactly as designed – cannot teach our kids what they need to know today.” So if the High Schools are obsolete…how about the Universities?
  • 66. Where are we?--- Universities KathySierra
  • 67. If you studied math, science, or engineering at a four-year college in the US, much of what you learned is useless, forgotten, or obsolete. Analysis to Action:Undergraduate Education in STEM; Disconnect between: how we teach math and science how mathematicians and scientists actually work Often teach encyclopedias of facts without engagement in the process Assessment often does not evaluate understanding Where are we?--- Universities
  • 68. Where do we want to be?--- The new three R’s: Rigor – making sure all students are given a challenging curriculum that prepares them for college or work Relevance – making sure kids have courses and projects that clearly relate to their lives and their goals Relationships – making sure kids have a number of adults who know them, look out for them, and push them to achieve… Parent, S chool, University, and Business Involvement
  • 69. How do we get there? “STEM” Education Vision There needs to be an enhanced curriculum in science, technology, engineering, and math, with a strong emphasis on discovery. This will stimulate the interest of young people in science and provide a pipeline of young Americans who are capable, critical decision makers prepared to seize the opportunities in the expanding fields of science. To be most effective, this enhanced curriculum must include an appropriate support structure.
  • 70. Change Management Anticipate and Embrace Change “ If you don’t like change . . . You’re going to like obsolescence even less.” -- Gen. Shinseki (Head of veterans affairs)
  • 71. Managing Complex Change Vision CHANGE Skills + Incentive + Resources + Action Plan +
  • 72. Managing Complex Change Vision Skills + Incentive + Resources + Action Plan + Confusion
  • 73. Managing Complex Change Vision Skills + Incentive + Resources + Action Plan + Anxiety
  • 74. Managing Complex Change Vision Skills + Incentive + Resources + Action Plan + RESISTANCE
  • 75. Managing Complex Change Vision Skills + Incentive + Resources + Action Plan + FRUSTRATION
  • 76. Managing Complex Change Vision Skills + Incentive + Resources + Action Plan + TREADMILL
  • 77. Change Management Think Outside the Box Be Creative Go Beyond the Obvious Convergance
  • 78.  
  • 79. STEM Professionals in 2020 Analytical skills Practical ingenuity Design creativity Communication skills Business and management skills
  • 80. STEM Professionals in 2020 Leadership skills High ethical standards Strong sense of professionalism Lifelong learning skills Agility & flexibility
  • 81. How do we achieve this? Creativity + STEM 21st century literacy Constructivism – learn by building. World building Hawaii is realistically helping to lead the way. Globally. Hunch: Obama and all other politicians will get it! …… and will support efforts to spread what is done successfully. Paradigm shift on how we learn and play.
  • 82.  
  • 83. Science Today, with students creating their own learning
  • 84. Students design, program, and animate their own games. This is STEM meets creativity. It develops: - Mathematical/logical thinking in programming. - Art skills to create the graphic and audio assets. - Creative thinking to produce a compelling game.
  • 86. Game Academies In the future, much learning (and entertainment) will be in 3D worlds. Collaborating with the MIT Media Lab to combine the world’s best authoring tools with the world’s best 3D. Avatar Reality –(founded by Henk Rogers, Tetris) company in Honolulu – has leading solution currently being tested at HTA.
  • 87. Game Academy 3D Students will be able to practice their Mandarin in magical ways, immersed in online Yuan Ming Yuan, ancient gardens full of mystical creatures and historical figures. One-to-one practice and dialogue with live students from Beijing, role-playing with you in the gardens. Children invent these worlds.
  • 88. Practice your Mandarin in Yuan Ming Yuan
  • 89. Talk and Role Play with Students in Beijing
  • 91. Design the algorithms that grow the flora and fauna.
  • 92. Create Worlds Create Worlds
  • 99. Through Simulation, Conduct Experiments Too Dangerous or Too Expensive in the Real World
  • 100. STEM Professionals in 2020 Ingenuity of ………………. Problem Solving of ……… Scientific Insight of ……… Creativity of ………………. Determination of ………… Leadership of ……………. Conscience of …………… Vision of ………………….. Curiosity of ……………….. Lillian Gilbreth Gordon Moore Albert Einstein Pablo Picasso Wright Brothers Bill Gates Eleanor Roosevelt Martin Luther King, Jr. A Small Child
  • 101. “ Garfield” by Jim Davis The Future of STEM … Use STEM to build communities that solve human problems
  • 102. Developing a Shared Agenda finding common ground… INDUSTRY Retention; early student interest; relevance Shorten ramp-up time on large, complex projects Early exposure to complex concepts Early hands-on taught throughout the curriculum ACADEMIA FOR DIFFERENT REASONS FOR DIFFERENT REASONS SIMILAR OBJECTIVES SIMILAR OBJECTIVES FAVORS VALUES IN ORDER TO TO IMPROVE
  • 103. We can talk and dream about the glorious schools of the future ---
  • 105. Each moment we live never was before and will never be again.
  • 106. And yet what we teach children in school that 2 + 2 = 4 and Paris is the capital of France. What we should be teaching them is what they are.
  • 107. You are a marvel. You are unique. We should be saying: “Do you know what you are?
  • 108. You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. In all the world there is no other child exactly like you. Photo by Evert Odekerken
  • 109. You have the capacity for anything. Yes, you are a marvel.” ~ Pablo Casals
  • 110. Let’s start a new conversation about our children, one that puts them at the center and supports them to live in this new and ever changing world. Each and everyone of them deserve more from us…….. So how do we do that???
  • 111. STEM
  • 112.  
  • 113.  
  • 114.  
  • 115. Willard Wirtz There aren’t two worlds -- education and work, there is one world -- life.
  • 116. “ It is not the strongest species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.” ~Charles Darwin
  • 117. Thank you on behalf of our children! Interested in 21 st Century Tools Blog’s Wiki’s and Podcast’s Oh My! Available at Booth 1140- book signing at 2:00 and 5:00PM [email_address] Facebook Twitter Blog: