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Cloud Computing
 im Unternehmen

      Lothar Wieske
     DB Systel GmbH

Cloud Computing …

… an Intelligent Symbiosis of

      Enterprise IT and Internet IT


Cloud Computing

Mobile Computing

Social Computing
On-Demand Self Service


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Cloud architecture
Cloud architectureCloud architecture
Cloud architecture

The document discusses cloud architecture which involves delivering IT services over the internet on demand. It describes cloud architecture as having layers implemented using data centers, with core middleware providing a runtime environment. The bottom layer uses virtualization techniques for customization, isolation, quality of service guarantees. Programming level virtualization creates portable runtime environments, while core middleware supports functions like pricing, service level agreements, and accounting.

MS Azure
MS AzureMS Azure
MS Azure

This presentation is a basic description of Microsoft Azure. It gives an idea about the Azure - What is Azure?, What are its advantages? and it also enlists a few services provided by Microsoft Azure. The basic idea of Billing and cost management is also provided in the presentation along with the comparison of Azure with AWS and Google Cloud. This presentation also enlists a few business partners of Microsoft Azure.


This document defines cloud computing and its service models of infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). It discusses key characteristics of cloud computing including on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, and rapid elasticity. Example vendors for each service model and benefits of cloud computing are also summarized. Contact information is provided for further information.

Broad Network Access

Resource Pooling

Rapid Elasticity

Measured Service


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Comparison of Cloud Providers
Comparison of Cloud ProvidersComparison of Cloud Providers
Comparison of Cloud Providers

Comparison of Cloud Providers - Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and Oracle Cloud

amazon web servicesmicrosoft azuregoogle cloud platform
Azure vs AWS
Azure vs AWSAzure vs AWS
Azure vs AWS

The document provides an overview comparison of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure on key areas such as features and capabilities, performance/scale/reliability, cost, developer productivity, and management. It finds that AWS focuses more on infrastructure as a service while Azure emphasizes platform as a service. Both offer comprehensive SDKs and tools for developers but Azure may have a productivity edge through tighter integration with Microsoft products. The document also notes differences in pricing models and management consoles between the two cloud platforms.

All about paas_iaas_saas_29.01.2015
All about paas_iaas_saas_29.01.2015All about paas_iaas_saas_29.01.2015
All about paas_iaas_saas_29.01.2015

The document provides an overview of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). It discusses the history and evolution of cloud computing. It then describes the key characteristics and benefits of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. For each layer, examples of common providers are given. Reasons for using PaaS over self-managed infrastructure are explained, such as faster time to market and lower costs. Considerations for choosing a PaaS provider are also outlined.

Cloud Computing
                            Essential Characteristics

On-Demand        Broad Network        Resource            Rapid                    Measured
Self-Service        Access             Pooling           Elasticity                 Service

                                    Service Model

     Infrastructure                   Platform                           Software
          as a                          as a                               as a
         Service                      Service                            Service

                            Essential Characteristics

     Public               Private                   Hybrid                    Community
     Cloud                Cloud                     Cloud                       Cloud



 Is Not

A Stack!

Service Model

Infrastructure     Platform              Software
     as a            as a                  as a
    Service        Service               Service


Demo: Availability


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Cloud platform comparison
Cloud platform comparison Cloud platform comparison
Cloud platform comparison

AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure are three major cloud platforms that provide on-demand access to computing resources and services over the internet. They differ in their availability zones, market share, popularity, number of worldwide users, services offered, historical downtime, pricing and billing styles, and startup discount programs. For example, AWS has the largest market share and user base while Azure and Google Cloud offer startup programs like AWS Activate, Google Cloud for Startups, and Microsoft for Startups to provide discounted credits and support.

cloud computingaws compareaws vs azure vs gcloud
Cloud Computing Demystified
Cloud Computing DemystifiedCloud Computing Demystified
Cloud Computing Demystified

The document discusses cloud computing, including its origins from distributed and utility computing, and its key components and advantages. Cloud computing provides scalable, secured, and highly available computation resources and software as a service via the internet. It abstracts away the complexity of software for end users. Major cloud providers and services are also mentioned such as Amazon EC2, S3, and Microsoft Azure for infrastructure, storage, and platform services.

azurecloud computingec2
IBM Bluemix
IBM Bluemix IBM Bluemix
IBM Bluemix

IBM Bluemix is a cloud platform as a service (PaaS) developed by IBM that supports several programming languages and services as well as integrated DevOps tools to build, run, deploy and manage applications on the cloud. It is based on Cloud Foundry open technology and runs on SoftLayer infrastructure, providing developers flexibility and the ability to auto-scale applications. The document discusses Bluemix features and services and provides examples of applications developed by the author on the Bluemix platform.

Service Model

Infrastructure     Platform               Software
as a                 as a                   as a
Service            Service                Service


Demo: Elasticity

Service Model

Infrastructure     Platform                      Software
as a                 as a                          as a
Service            Service                       Service


Demo: Tenancy


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Software as a Service
Software as a ServiceSoftware as a Service
Software as a Service

SaaS (Software as a Service) involves hosting applications online and providing access to customers via the internet on a pay-per-use basis. Some key benefits of SaaS include lower upfront costs than purchasing software licenses, reduced IT requirements as maintenance is handled by the provider, and the ability to access applications from anywhere. However, SaaS also presents security and availability risks if the provider's systems go down. Service level agreements are used to define the service quality customers can expect.

Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing

The document discusses cloud computing, defining it as computing capabilities provided over the internet, including IT resources, software, and information. It notes cloud computing provides scalable resources and is accessed on demand. The document also discusses private, public, and hybrid cloud models; common cloud computing attributes like pooled computing, elastic scaling, and pay-per-use models; examples of cloud products; and trends like enterprises building private clouds and the shifting skills of IT workers.

Az900 study guide_section2
Az900 study guide_section2Az900 study guide_section2
Az900 study guide_section2

This document provides study material for the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals exam. It lists links to Microsoft documentation on various Azure services and components that are covered in the exam, including Azure regions, resource groups, compute services, storage, databases, analytics, artificial intelligence, serverless computing, and management tools. The links are organized under headings that align with the topics and modules in the Skylines Academy AZ-900 course.

Demo: Identity

        Multi-Tenant Database

Blobs     Tables     Queues     RDBMS

            File Systems

               Basically Available
                   Soft State
              Eventual consistency


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Introduction to Cloud Computing - COA101
Introduction to Cloud Computing - COA101Introduction to Cloud Computing - COA101
Introduction to Cloud Computing - COA101

Here are my slides for my recent guest lecture to Computer Science freshers at Loughborough University. In this talk I introduce some of the key concepts around cloud computing, and show how major players like Google have built industrial scale data centres with their own bespoke technologies. I also explore the role of Linux in cloud computing, and look at opportunities for computer scientists to get involved in cloud computing in each of its facets - Infrastructure, Platform and Software as a Service

coa101cloud computingmicrosoft azure
Cloud computing
Cloud computingCloud computing
Cloud computing

No matter which provider you choose, you'll find that almost every cloud has these core characteristics: It's virtual Imagine racks of servers, humming along in a data center. Together, these servers become a massive pool of resources. Divide this "pool" into multiple virtual servers, and you create a "cloud." It can be secure For the utmost security, create a private cloud on dedicated hardware. But always remember to put appropriate security measures in place, no matter which cloud you choose. It's flexible and scalable Since virtual servers aren't physical, they are super flexible, giving you what you need at the moment. Spin up a server in minutes, and take it down just as easily. It can be affordable You'll get the greatest cost savings in the public cloud, where your virtual servers run on physical servers that you share with other customers. It's open (or closed) In the open cloud, you can easily move your cloud around—without being locked into one provider or a closed, proprietary technology. It can be secure and affordable A hybrid cloud gives you the benefits of both public and private clouds. For example, you can put public-facing components in a public cloud, while storing customer-sensitive data in a private cloud.The “cloud” in cloud computing can be defined as the set of hardware, networks, storage, services, and interfaces that combine to deliver aspects of computing as a service. Cloud services include the delivery of software, infrastructure, and storage over the Internet (either as separate components or a complete platform) based on user demand.Cloud computing has four essential characteristics: elasticity and the ability to scale up and down, self-service provisioning and automatic deprovisioning, application programming interfaces (APIs), billing and metering of service usage in a pay-as-you-go model.The world of the cloud has lots of participants: • The end user who doesn’t have to know anything about the underlying technology. • Business management who needs to take responsibility for the governance of data or services living in a cloud. Cloud service providers must provide a predictable and guaranteed service level and security to all their constituents. •The cloud service provider who is responsible for IT assets and maintenance.•The cloud service provider who is responsible for IT assets and maintenance.Cloud computing can completely change the way companies use technology to service customers, partners, and suppliers. Some businesses, such as Google and Amazon, already have most of their IT resources in the cloud. They have found that it can eliminate many of the complex constraints from the traditional computing environment, including space, time, power, and cost.

saasdeep diveiaas
Cloud computing simple ppt
Cloud computing simple pptCloud computing simple ppt
Cloud computing simple ppt

The document provides an introduction to cloud computing, defining key concepts such as cloud, cloud computing, deployment models, and service models. It explains that cloud computing allows users to access applications and store data over the internet rather than locally on a device. The main deployment models are public, private, community, and hybrid clouds, while the main service models are Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). IaaS provides fundamental computing resources, PaaS provides development platforms, and SaaS provides software applications to users. The document discusses advantages such as lower costs and universal access, and disadvantages including internet dependence and potential security issues.

                     Partition Tolerance

CAP-Theorem: You can have at most two of these
Two-Sided Markets

Cloud Governance



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Cloud computing lecture 1Cloud computing lecture 1
Cloud computing lecture 1

The document provides an overview of cloud computing concepts including definitions, characteristics, deployment and service models. It defines cloud computing as providing on-demand access to computing resources and applications over the internet. The key characteristics are on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured service. The common deployment models are public, private and hybrid clouds. The main service models are Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).

Cloud Computing
Cloud ComputingCloud Computing
Cloud Computing

The document discusses cloud computing, including definitions, common attributes, service layers, implementation types, trends, and applications. It defines cloud computing as IT capabilities provided over the internet, including massively scalable computing power, storage, and services. Key aspects include pooled resources, virtualization, elastic scaling, flexible pricing, and services delivered over the internet. The document outlines common service layers including SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS and provides examples of implementation types like private, public, and hybrid clouds. It also discusses trends in cloud computing and popular cloud applications and services.

cloud computing
Cloud Architecture + Cloud Architects / Jan 24th 2012
Cloud Architecture + Cloud Architects / Jan 24th 2012Cloud Architecture + Cloud Architects / Jan 24th 2012
Cloud Architecture + Cloud Architects / Jan 24th 2012

This document summarizes key concepts in cloud architecture. It discusses infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, and software as a service. Other topics covered include cost optimization, agility, availability, resiliency, stability, security, compute resources, storage, networking, platforms, information management, identity, enterprise applications, and social applications in the cloud. It also briefly discusses provisioning tools and deploying applications on cloud platforms.


                                                                      Compliance Bound

                                                      Revenue Bound

                            Risk Bound
Social Media   Productivity   LOB Apps                     LOB Apps
 Wiki/Blog     Email/Office     Multi                        Single
                               Tenant                       Instance

  10.000          1.000         100                              10

Email Cost Comparision (Monthly)

                                      Mobile Executive

                                      Information Worker

                                      Occasional User

  $25,18          $25,08

On Premise      Cloud Based       Exchange Online        Google Apps
                              n = 15.000


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Ubi Zen 2.1 - por que middlewares ?
Ubi Zen   2.1 - por que middlewares ?Ubi Zen   2.1 - por que middlewares ?
Ubi Zen 2.1 - por que middlewares ?

The document discusses middleware, which resides between applications and underlying platforms like operating systems and databases. Middleware coordinates communication between different layers or components while isolating the complexity of distribution. Its primary role is to enable communication between distributed applications, databases, and devices. Middleware provides services like event handling, streaming, and device categorization in both centralized and peer-to-peer models.

Steps Towards Cloud Computing / Apr 9th 2013
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Steps Towards Cloud Computing / Apr 9th 2013

This document outlines steps towards cloud computing. It discusses key technologies like big data, cloud computing, mobile computing and social computing. It also discusses how workloads are shifting from systems of record to systems of engagement. The document advocates for adopting an infrastructure as a service model using OpenStack for commodity cloud computing. It emphasizes the importance of having cross-functional skills, disruptive innovation, cloud governance and a DevOps culture. Finally, it discusses concepts like T-shaped people, complexity, antifragility and having the right people, processes and technologies.

RubyConf 2012: Custom Reverse Proxies
RubyConf 2012: Custom Reverse ProxiesRubyConf 2012: Custom Reverse Proxies
RubyConf 2012: Custom Reverse Proxies

Abstracting Features Into Custom Reverse Proxies (Or: Making Better Lemonade From Chaos) Life isn't always simple. We often have to deal with a mishmash of applications, languages, and servers. How can we begin to standardize functionality across this chaos? Custom reverse proxies to the rescue! Using Ruby and EventMachine, learn how you can abstract high-level features and functionality into fast reverse proxies that can improve scalability, save time, and make the world happy. - See how we've applied this across a diverse set of web service APIs to standardize the implementation of authentication, request throttling, analytics, and more. - See how this can save development time, eliminate code duplication, make your team happy, make the public happy, and make you a hero. - See how this can be applied to any TCP-based application for a wide-variety of use cases. - Still think your situation is complicated? Learn about the U.S. Government's plans to standardize API access across the entire federal government. With some reverse proxy magic, this isn't quite as difficult or as foolhardy as it may first sound. It also comes with some nice benefits for both the public audience and government developers.

reverse proxiesrubyrubyconf
Datacenter Cost (Monthly)

Stealth IT



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Drupal as Base For Your NEXT Mobile App

This document discusses using Drupal as the backend system to manage data and content for mobile applications built with Titanium. Drupal provides out-of-the-box functionality for user management, content, search, and views via its Services API. Titanium allows building native iOS and Android apps using this data, with its modular approach and support for local and remote data, rich media APIs, and location services. Code examples demonstrate logging users in, listing content, and searching within mobile apps connected to content and user data stored in Drupal.

Introduction To Linked Data
Introduction To Linked DataIntroduction To Linked Data
Introduction To Linked Data

This document introduces Linked Data and provides an overview of its key concepts and benefits. It discusses how Linked Data builds on existing web standards by linking structured data across websites on the web. It also outlines practical steps for publishing Linked Data, such as identifying data to publish, assigning unique URLs, and linking data to existing datasets. The goal of Linked Data is to extend the web into a global data space by creating a decentralized "Web of Data."

API Management in the Federal Government (D.C. Web API User Group)
API Management in the Federal Government (D.C. Web API User Group)API Management in the Federal Government (D.C. Web API User Group)
API Management in the Federal Government (D.C. Web API User Group)

The document discusses API management in the federal government. It describes how the federal government has implemented API management through a shared API management service called, which provides API documentation, keys, access control, rate limiting, and analytics for federal agencies. The service started as a pilot project and now aims to help agencies manage and publish their APIs through a centralized platform.

Cloud Computing im Unternehmen / Jan 25th 2011
Mobile Computing
                            Information Policy
Social Computing
                        Eventual Consistency

Availability   Elasticity       Tenancy      Workloads

IT Transformation


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The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013
The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013
The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013

The document discusses the importance of storytelling in web design. It argues that storytelling is how humans naturally gather and process information, and that websites should incorporate story elements like characters, plots, and settings to effectively engage users. Specific examples of websites that successfully use stories are provided. The presentation encourages designers to think of themselves as modern storytellers and to integrate narrative elements into their design process from the beginning of a project.

user experience designexperience designweb design
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[WSO2 Summit APAC 2020] A Decentralized Reference Architecture for Cloud-nati...[WSO2 Summit APAC 2020] A Decentralized Reference Architecture for Cloud-nati...
[WSO2 Summit APAC 2020] A Decentralized Reference Architecture for Cloud-nati...

The number of microservices running in enterprises increases daily. As a result, service composition, governance, security, and observability are becoming a challenge to implement and incorporate. A “cell-based” architecture is an approach that can be applied to current or desired development and technologies to address these issues. This technology-neutral approach helps cloud-native dev teams become more efficient, act in a more self-organized manner, and speed overall release times. In this deck, Asanka will introduce the "cell-based" architecture, which is decentralized, API-centric, cloud-native and microservices friendly. He will explain the role of APIs in the cell-based approach, as well as examine how real applications are built as cells. Asanka will explore the metrics and approaches that can be used to measure the effectiveness of the architecture and explore how organizations can implement the cell approach. Watch the session on-demand here:

by WSO2
cell-based architecturereference architecturecloud native
Cloud Computing and Libraries
Cloud Computing and LibrariesCloud Computing and Libraries
Cloud Computing and Libraries

The document discusses how cloud computing can transform library services by eliminating redundancies, allowing for greater collaboration and discovery. It notes that cloud computing will change society as electricity did by providing cheap, ubiquitous computing resources. Libraries are discussed as embracing the cloud to spend less time on repetitive tasks like cataloging bestsellers and more on unique collections, with the cloud seen as the new infrastructure for libraries.

Eventual Consistency
Two-Sided Markets

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