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Cloud CDN User Manual Guide
Password -Based Access 
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click „Forgot your password „ to request a new one.

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DNS in the Cloud
DNS in the CloudDNS in the Cloud
DNS in the Cloud

This document discusses DNS services in the cloud, comparing Route53 and Dynect. It provides an overview of DNS concepts like primary and secondary servers, caching, and forwarding. It also covers features for traffic management with DNS like health checks, round robin, weighted round robin, active failover, and latency-based routing. The document demonstrates an active failover configuration with Route53.

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Adobe Summit AEM Customer Care Presentation 2018 - Top 5 Common Pitfalls to Avoid. Presenters Ameeth Palla, Mukund Palwankar, Andrew Khoury

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S & A Solutions is a Drupal consulting company that has moved some of its clients' Drupal sites to the cloud on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Two case studies are described. For the first site, moving to AWS and optimizing the configuration improved page load times by 30-40%. For the second slower site, benchmarking showed the AWS setup had double the performance of the existing dedicated server hosting. Both sites saw benefits from the scalability and easier management that AWS provided for their Drupal applications.

Once you have entered your credentials successfully, you’ll get to see your dashboard. 
1.Click „Resources‟ given in the left hand side panel of your dashboard
You‟ll be redirected to a screen „CDN Resources‟
Click CDN Resource Wizard on the right hand side of the panel of your dashboard.
Now, create your 
CloudOYECDN Resource in 4 easy steps 

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This document discusses various patterns for horizontally scaling an AEM implementation. It begins by defining performance and scalability, and notes that pre-Oak scalability patterns are covered. Eight common use cases for scaling AEM are then described and solutions proposed: 1) high volume delivery, 2) high frequency input, 3) high processing input, 4) high volume input, 5) many editors, 6) geo-distributed editors, 7) many DAM assets, and 8) geo-distributed disaster recovery. For each use case, one or more solution patterns are outlined in one to three sentences.

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The document proposes a secure and high-performance web server system called Hi-sap. Hi-sap divides web objects into partitions and runs server processes under different user privileges for each partition. This achieves security by preventing scripts in one partition from accessing others. It also improves performance by pooling server processes to fully utilize embedded interpreters, unlike prior systems. The document outlines Hi-sap's design, implementation on Linux with SELinux, and evaluation showing its high performance and scalability compared to alternative approaches.

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Request routing in CDN
Request routing in CDNRequest routing in CDN
Request routing in CDN

The document discusses improving request routing mechanisms in content delivery networks. It outlines comparing CDN and non-CDN networks, analyzing request routing techniques like DNS-based routing. The author proposes a new CDN DNS request routing technique, simulates and compares it to existing techniques. Results show the proposed technique reduces packet loss and round-trip time by using client location to directly route requests. Local load balancing techniques are also evaluated, with round-trip found to perform best.

cdnrequest routingdns
1.Select the type for creation of a new CDN resource in your control panel. 
2.Click HTTP 
3.Click Next
Now, fill in: 1. CDN Hostname: Enter your domain name, i.e. the URL of your website. For e.g. www. 2. Enable SSL: SSL is optional. Drag the bar to enable it, else leave it as it is. 3. Content Origin: It is by default set on PULL, as you‟re required to pull the data from multiple locations during CDN resource creation 4. Origins: Type in your website‟s IP address, if you‟re using more than one origin. (You site should remain the same as your domain name entered above) 5. ClickNextNote: Please type the full hostname and ensure that it does not end with „‟, otherwise SSL will be enabled automatically.

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Given at DrupalJam 2015 - Netherlands. This presentation explains some of the fundamental issues you have to overcome when designing software for distributed systems that can fail. Also called "Cloud" in other terminologies. The presentation uses AWS components to explain these fundamentals and uses Drupal as the example application. The example is by no means perfect, but gives you a good idea how to design your system from scratch. Technologies used: Cloudformation EC2 Instances RDS MySQL Database Elastic Load Balancer ElastiCache (Memcache) Example can be found here: Take note that the example does not include components such as VPC for simplicity, but it is highly recommended to add this.

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This document discusses configuring DNS in AWS VPCs using both internal Route 53 DNS and external on-premise DNS. It includes the following steps: 1. Create an EC2 instance in the VPC and connect to it. 2. Configure the VPC to support DNS resolution and hostnames. 3. Create a private hosted zone in Route 53 and an internal DNS record pointing to the EC2 instance. 4. Change the EC2 instance's DNS settings to point to an on-premise DNS server IP to allow resolution of external DNS names. 5. Update the VPC DHCP options set to point all instances to the on-premise DNS server. Reboot instances for the change

STEP3Edge Locations
You’ll be redirected to a screen ‘Edge Groups’ 
Now, select the Global CDN checkbox.
1. Click ‘Create CDN Resource’. 
You have successfully created your CloudOYECDN Resource.
How to edit the settings of yourCDN Resource

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Caching with Memcached and APC
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Caching with Memcached and APC

Today's high-traffic web sites must implement performance-boosting measures that reduce data processing and reduce load on the database, while increasing the speed of content delivery. One such method is the use of a cache to temporarily store whole pages, database recordsets, large objects, and sessions. While many caching mechanisms exist, memcached provides one of the fastest and easiest-to-use caching servers. Coupling memcached with the alternative PHP cache (APC) can greatly improve performance by reducing data processing time. In this talk, Ben Ramsey covers memcached and the pecl/memcached and pecl/apc extensions for PHP, exploring caching strategies, a variety of configuration options to fine-tune your caching solution, and discusses when it may be appropriate to use memcached vs. APC to cache objects or data.

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Apache httpd v2.4 provides significant improvements for high performance and suitability for the cloud. Some key enhancements include improved reverse proxy capabilities, load balancing, bandwidth control, timeouts, and logging. Benchmark results show that Apache httpd can match or exceed the performance of Nginx for certain workloads. Overall, Apache httpd 2.4 remains highly competitive for both traditional and cloud-based web serving.

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1. Click Resources given in the left hand side panel of your dashboard. 
2. Your Cloud CDN Resource is given in your domain name. 
3. Select edit option from the drop down bar of Action button on the right hand side panel of your dashboard. 
4. Now, click action icon corresponding to you domain name. 
5. You‟ll be shown 3 options: Advanced Reporting, Edit and Delete 
6. Select „Edit‟ to make the required changes in your created CDN resource 
Go back to your dashboard
You will be directed to CDN Resource Properties page 
Now, do the required changes and click on the save button given on the right hand side panel of your dashboard.
How to check the advanced reporting of your CDN Resource
1. Click Resources given in the left hand side panel of your dashboard. 
2. Your Cloud CDN Resource is given in your domain name. 
3. Select edit option from the drop down bar of Action button on the right hand side panel of your dashboard. 
4. Now, click action icon corresponding to you domain name. 
5. You‟ll be shown 3 options: Advanced Reporting, Edit and Delete 
6. Select „Advanced Reporting‟ to check advanced reporting of your CDN Resources. 
Go back to your dashboard

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- Scalability & Availability for the Global Markets - Global scaled Scalability, Availability and Security - Architecture for 100, 1K, 100K, 500K, 1M and 10M global users - Auto-Scaling - Understand Cloud Services - Cloud Demo(AWS, GCP, Azure and Cloudflare) - Wrap-Up

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Web Performance Optimization with HTTP/3. This is the English version of my previous slide in Korean.

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This webinar discusses how to tune a ColdFusion environment for high performance. It explains how Webapper works with HOSTING to optimize ColdFusion servers, achieving 50 requests per second across 8 servers with no bottlenecks or slowdowns. Key aspects covered include optimizing Java Virtual Machine settings, configuring appropriate thread pool sizes, and monitoring performance metrics. Attendees are encouraged to contact Webapper or HOSTING for help optimizing their own ColdFusion environments.

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You will be directed to Advanced Reporting page
Choose your Start & End Time for Advanced 
Filter Your Advance Reporting 
•Click Start Time 
•Next, choose the desired date from the calendar Boot Virtual Server 
You can also see & set the time according to your 
location time-zone 
•Simply drag the bar 
•Click Apply. Your status will be shown at the below
Choose your location. 
Filter Your Location 
•Click Locations 
•Next, choose the desired location from the list. 
•Click Apply
You will get information related to bandwidth and cache utilizationof selected time frame

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A year ago we started a big change in FTBpro. We completely changed the visual design, moved to a single page architecture and started exploring new ways to minimise load on our servers - both when serving our actual website, and mobile API responses.We'll focus on how scaling considerations are now an integral part of our architecture, which enabled us to serve 20x more traffic than we did 1 year ago, with the same setup and with no additional costs.

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This document discusses how bookmarklets can function as applications by interacting with web pages in a secure manner. It describes how the bookmarklet uses elementFromPoint for fast hit detection, resets CSS to robustly render its UI, and transmits data to a server through signed cross-domain POST messages for security. Examples of embedding the bookmarklet code on a page and customizing its appearance are also provided.

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Getting a Grip on CDN Performance - Why and HowGetting a Grip on CDN Performance - Why and How
Getting a Grip on CDN Performance - Why and How

View CDN performance data, learn how you can collect data on CDN performance and get tips on improving CDN performance.

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How to perform websiteCDN integration?
Website CDN Integration 
You have the following options for CDN resource creation: 
Partial site integration 
Full site integration
Partial Site Integration 
•Once CNAME is setup, edit your website HTML code. 
•Change all the “static content” link to use the URL of 
•Remain the existing URL link for “dynamic content” which requires frequent change 
This can be explained with help of the following example: 
•CDN Hostname: Your CDN hostname should be like 
The result is as follows: 
•On CDN 
•On CDN 
•Request goes back to the origin
Full Site Integration 
•Once CNAME is setup, the origin ( is served through CDN. 
•Set a “no-cache” http header at the origin on dynamic files/folders, in this case “dynamic.db” 
This can be explained with the help of following example: 
•CDN Hostname: 
The result is as follows: 
•On CDN 
•On CDN 
•Request goes back to the origin

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Improve Page Render Time with Amazon Cloudfront

Amazon's CloudFront provides a self-served CDN solution without a contract. In this talk we will walk through the steps to set up CloudFront. We will also talk about how we measure page render time and take a look at how using CloudFront affects page render time for Polyvore in different countries. Slides from Polyvore Tech Talk #1

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With web users often leaving a site if it doesn't load in less than three seconds, having a slow blog not only harms your traffic, but it can have a detrimental effect on your business too. This presentation shows you three simple steps to optimize your blog's load time, to ensure you not only keep new visitors happy, but ensure they join your existing community and keep coming back.

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The document discusses content delivery networks (CDNs), which provide advantages over typical hosting by distributing content storage across multiple servers located closer to users. This results in faster page load times, less bandwidth usage, and no single point of failure compared to traditional hosting with a single server. The document also provides tutorials and information on setting up CDNs with WordPress as well as listing several popular CDN providers.

•by masmanx
How to verify if the website is on CDN
Please check
What is onAppCDN DNS redirection?
It is a tool to simulate real time DNS redirection result. To log on, go to :

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Caching the Uncacheable [Long Version]

(Surge 2014) This is a longer version of our Velocity 2014 slides around caching dynamic content. Topic: In the past, CDNs have been used to cache and distribute static objects. But issues around invalidation, staleness, and lack of visibility have prevented us from using CDNs to fully leverage the benefits of caching when it comes to dynamic content. Today, using a real-time, modern CDN that provides instant cache invalidation and real-time analytics allows for instantaneous control over dynamic content caching.

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The document provides information on creating one's own website, including: 1) It discusses the basic definitions of a webpage and website, and that designing a good website requires more than just assembling a few pages. 2) It outlines the basic process of designing a website, including choosing a platform like HTML/CSS, a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, or a website builder. 3) It explains some of the benefits of using a CMS like WordPress over traditional coding, such as ease of use, allowing multiple users, and improving site maintenance.

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Web caching and content distribution networks aim to improve performance and reduce bandwidth usage. Caching stores previously requested content for future use. Proxies and CDNs place cached content on edge servers near users. When a request is made, the user is redirected to the closest cached copy to minimize latency. CDNs use DNS to map requests to nearby surrogate servers that hold replicated content. This allows the content to be served locally instead of traveling over long distances to the origin server.

How to compareCDN content with Debugger?
It is a tool to test if CDN edge server is returning good result. To log on , go to :
Detailed Reporting 
CDN helps to perform detailed reporting based on the bandwidth statistics. Select the following filters: 
•Date and Time range 
•CDN resources 

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AWS Summit London 2014 | Dynamic Content Acceleration (300)AWS Summit London 2014 | Dynamic Content Acceleration (300)
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This session is recommended for people who are new to content distribution networks (CDNs) and have a need to decrease server load and speed up their website’s load time. In this mid-level technical session you will be able to learn more about improving the performance of web sites and web applications using Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Router 53. Learn how to assess whether your web applications will benefit from caching and how to optimize the delivery of static and dynamic content to boost performance and improve your customers' experience in using your applications.

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Extending Your Applications to the Edge with CDNs
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Extending Your Applications to the Edge with CDNs

CDNs have traditionally been considered "black box" services with lack of control and visibility. Modern applications and DevOps culture require more flexibility, customization, and insight into your infrastructure, and how content is being served. In this talk, we'll explore how you can use content delivery networks as an extension of your applications, with full control, flexibility, and transparency at the network edge.

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This document provides information about CertifyMe exam preparation products for IBM exam 000-252 on WebSphere Application Server networking deployment. It details important information for users such as how to access the latest version of exam preparation materials, how to provide feedback, and copyright restrictions. The bulk of the document consists of sample exam questions and answers to help users prepare for the 000-252 exam.

Advanced Reporting 
Advanced reporting can be performed with the HTTP Status code of CDN resource. This will show the total number of http requests for a specific period.
Caching Mechanism 
Generally, there are 3 levels of content expiry settings in an OnAppCDN solution: 
Origin Server –Here end users may modify the cache control header at the origin server (where the content is hosted), egApache configor htaccessrule. 
CDN Resource Level -Customers may configure the CDN site's content expiry setting at CP by navigating to [ CDN Resource] -> Create/Edit CDN Resource -> Enable Advanced Settings. 
Cloud Owner Level -Cloud owner may configure the global content expiry time in the dashboard. The default time is 60 minutes. 
The maximum cache size for a file is 2GB (HTTP PULL). Anything larger than 2GB can still be served by the CDN edge server, however it would not be cached.
Use of Curl Command 
The curl request to the origin URL can be made as : Cache-Control: max-age=2592000, publicExpires: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 12:10:17 GMTContent-Type: image/pngFirst Request to CDN url: [cs.yap@onappgw~]$ curl -I platform.pngHTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 12:10:47 GMTContent-Type: image/pngContent-Length: 123842Connection: keep-aliveLast-Modified: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 12:18:34 GMT 
Cache-Control: max-age=2592000, public 
Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 12:10:47 GMT 
X-Edge-Location: Amsterdam, NL 
X-Cache: MISS 
Accept-Ranges: bytes 
[cs.yap@onappgw~]$ curl -I 
HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 12:10:17 GMT 
Server: Apache/2.2.27 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.27 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 mod_bwlimited/1.4 PHP/5.4.28 
Last-Modified: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 12:18:34 GMT 
Accept-Ranges: bytes 
Content-Length: 123842
Purge and Prefetch 
Purge function can be used to clear the cache in the CDN edge server. Once the cache is cleared, when a visitor request comes in again, the CDN edge server will PULL from the origin, and get the latest up-to-date content. You can purge on file path: 
You can issue a Full Site Purge, where all cache files under CDN resource “” will be cleared 
With prefetchcommand, you can pre-populate the files from the origin to the CDN edge server to ensure that the files are ready to be cached in the CDN edge server before the visitors request for it. 
The prefetchis in urlpath format, for example:

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Attend this session to dive deeper into AWS's content delivery service, Amazon CloudFront. Learn how you can use CloudFront to accelerate the delivery of your APIs or applications, including content that cannot be cached, to global clients. We'll also walk you through how you can use Lambda@Edge, which gives you the ability to execute custom code inline with your CloudFront events to customize applications. With Lambda@Edge, you can now generate custom responses right at the edge, allowing you to leverage CloudFront to reduce end-to-end latency and more efficiently filter traffic to your back-end origin servers. We'll walk you through Lambda@Edge use cases and walk through a demo to show how this works.

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Cdn optimizely and how latency affects load speed

When you implement the Optimizely snippet according to our best practices, you may wonder how Optimizely will affect your site's load speed.

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Cloud CDN User Manual Guide

  • 3. Password -Based Access Logon to Enter your Username & Password In case, you have forgotten your password, click „Forgot your password „ to request a new one.
  • 5. Once you have entered your credentials successfully, you’ll get to see your dashboard. 1.Click „Resources‟ given in the left hand side panel of your dashboard
  • 6. You‟ll be redirected to a screen „CDN Resources‟
  • 7. Click CDN Resource Wizard on the right hand side of the panel of your dashboard.
  • 8. TYPE SELECT Now, create your CloudOYECDN Resource in 4 easy steps 1 PROPERTIES 2 EDGE LOCATIONS 3 ADVANCED SETTINGS 4
  • 10. 1.Select the type for creation of a new CDN resource in your control panel. 2.Click HTTP 3.Click Next
  • 12. Now, fill in: 1. CDN Hostname: Enter your domain name, i.e. the URL of your website. For e.g. www. 2. Enable SSL: SSL is optional. Drag the bar to enable it, else leave it as it is. 3. Content Origin: It is by default set on PULL, as you‟re required to pull the data from multiple locations during CDN resource creation 4. Origins: Type in your website‟s IP address, if you‟re using more than one origin. (You site should remain the same as your domain name entered above) 5. ClickNextNote: Please type the full hostname and ensure that it does not end with „‟, otherwise SSL will be enabled automatically.
  • 14. You’ll be redirected to a screen ‘Edge Groups’ Now, select the Global CDN checkbox.
  • 15. 1. Click ‘Create CDN Resource’. You have successfully created your CloudOYECDN Resource.
  • 16. How to edit the settings of yourCDN Resource
  • 17. 1. Click Resources given in the left hand side panel of your dashboard. 2. Your Cloud CDN Resource is given in your domain name. 3. Select edit option from the drop down bar of Action button on the right hand side panel of your dashboard. 4. Now, click action icon corresponding to you domain name. 5. You‟ll be shown 3 options: Advanced Reporting, Edit and Delete 6. Select „Edit‟ to make the required changes in your created CDN resource Go back to your dashboard
  • 18. You will be directed to CDN Resource Properties page Now, do the required changes and click on the save button given on the right hand side panel of your dashboard.
  • 19. How to check the advanced reporting of your CDN Resource
  • 20. 1. Click Resources given in the left hand side panel of your dashboard. 2. Your Cloud CDN Resource is given in your domain name. 3. Select edit option from the drop down bar of Action button on the right hand side panel of your dashboard. 4. Now, click action icon corresponding to you domain name. 5. You‟ll be shown 3 options: Advanced Reporting, Edit and Delete 6. Select „Advanced Reporting‟ to check advanced reporting of your CDN Resources. Go back to your dashboard
  • 21. You will be directed to Advanced Reporting page
  • 22. Choose your Start & End Time for Advanced Reporting Filter Your Advance Reporting •Click Start Time •Next, choose the desired date from the calendar Boot Virtual Server You can also see & set the time according to your location time-zone •Simply drag the bar •Click Apply. Your status will be shown at the below
  • 23. Choose your location. Filter Your Location •Click Locations •Next, choose the desired location from the list. •Click Apply
  • 24. You will get information related to bandwidth and cache utilizationof selected time frame
  • 25. How to perform websiteCDN integration?
  • 26. Website CDN Integration You have the following options for CDN resource creation: Partial site integration Full site integration
  • 27. Partial Site Integration •Once CNAME is setup, edit your website HTML code. •Change all the “static content” link to use the URL of •Remain the existing URL link for “dynamic content” which requires frequent change This can be explained with help of the following example: •CDN Hostname: Your CDN hostname should be like •Origin: The result is as follows: •On CDN •On CDN •Request goes back to the origin
  • 28. Full Site Integration •Once CNAME is setup, the origin ( is served through CDN. •Set a “no-cache” http header at the origin on dynamic files/folders, in this case “dynamic.db” This can be explained with the help of following example: •CDN Hostname: •Origin: The result is as follows: •On CDN •On CDN •Request goes back to the origin
  • 29. How to verify if the website is on CDN
  • 31. What is onAppCDN DNS redirection?
  • 32. It is a tool to simulate real time DNS redirection result. To log on, go to :
  • 33. How to compareCDN content with Debugger?
  • 34. It is a tool to test if CDN edge server is returning good result. To log on , go to :
  • 36. Detailed Reporting CDN helps to perform detailed reporting based on the bandwidth statistics. Select the following filters: •Date and Time range •CDN resources •Locations
  • 37. Advanced Reporting Advanced reporting can be performed with the HTTP Status code of CDN resource. This will show the total number of http requests for a specific period.
  • 38. Caching Mechanism Generally, there are 3 levels of content expiry settings in an OnAppCDN solution: Origin Server –Here end users may modify the cache control header at the origin server (where the content is hosted), egApache configor htaccessrule. CDN Resource Level -Customers may configure the CDN site's content expiry setting at CP by navigating to [ CDN Resource] -> Create/Edit CDN Resource -> Enable Advanced Settings. Cloud Owner Level -Cloud owner may configure the global content expiry time in the dashboard. The default time is 60 minutes. The maximum cache size for a file is 2GB (HTTP PULL). Anything larger than 2GB can still be served by the CDN edge server, however it would not be cached.
  • 39. Use of Curl Command The curl request to the origin URL can be made as : Cache-Control: max-age=2592000, publicExpires: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 12:10:17 GMTContent-Type: image/pngFirst Request to CDN url: [cs.yap@onappgw~]$ curl -I platform.pngHTTP/1.1 200 OKServer: nginxDate: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 12:10:47 GMTContent-Type: image/pngContent-Length: 123842Connection: keep-aliveLast-Modified: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 12:18:34 GMT Cache-Control: max-age=2592000, public Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 12:10:47 GMT X-Edge-IP: X-Edge-Location: Amsterdam, NL X-Cache: MISS Accept-Ranges: bytes [cs.yap@onappgw~]$ curl -I HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 12:10:17 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.27 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.27 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 mod_bwlimited/1.4 PHP/5.4.28 Last-Modified: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 12:18:34 GMT Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 123842
  • 40. Purge and Prefetch Purge Purge function can be used to clear the cache in the CDN edge server. Once the cache is cleared, when a visitor request comes in again, the CDN edge server will PULL from the origin, and get the latest up-to-date content. You can purge on file path: You can issue a Full Site Purge, where all cache files under CDN resource “” will be cleared Prefetch With prefetchcommand, you can pre-populate the files from the origin to the CDN edge server to ensure that the files are ready to be cached in the CDN edge server before the visitors request for it. The prefetchis in urlpath format, for example:
  • 41. For Sales Information Contact No: India -18002122022 US –18882883570 Email: For Customer Support Contact No: 91-120-666-7718/19 Email: