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Building Zero Data loss pipelines
with Apache Kafka
By: Avinash Ramineni
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Background Awards & Recognition
Boutique consulting firm centered on building data solutions and
All things Web and Data Engineering, Analytics, ML and User
Experience to bring it all together
Support core Hadoop platform, data engineering pipelines and provide
administrative and devops expertise focused on Hadoop
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● Introduction and terminologies
● How can we lose data ?
● Zero Data Loss Pipelines
○ Producer
○ Kafka Cluster
○ Consumer
● Monitoring for Data Loss
● Summary

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Introducing BinarySortedMultiMap - A new Flink state primitive to boost your ...Introducing BinarySortedMultiMap - A new Flink state primitive to boost your ...
Introducing BinarySortedMultiMap - A new Flink state primitive to boost your ...

Flink Forward San Francisco 2022. Probably everyone who has written stateful Apache Flink applications has used one of the fault-tolerant keyed state primitives ValueState, ListState, and MapState. With RocksDB, however, retrieving and updating items comes at an increased cost that you should be aware of. Sometimes, these may not be avoidable with the current API, e.g., for efficient event-time stream-sorting or streaming joins where you need to iterate one or two buffered streams in the right order. With FLIP-220, we are introducing a new state primitive: BinarySortedMultiMapState. This new form of state offers you to (a) efficiently store lists of values for a user-provided key, and (b) iterate keyed state in a well-defined sort order. Both features can be backed efficiently by RocksDB with a 2x performance improvement over the current workarounds. This talk will go into the details of the new API and its implementation, present how to use it in your application, and talk about the process of getting it into Flink. by Nico Kruber

apache flinkstream processingbig data
Common issues with Apache Kafka® Producer
Common issues with Apache Kafka® ProducerCommon issues with Apache Kafka® Producer
Common issues with Apache Kafka® Producer

Badai Aqrandista, Confluent, Senior Technical Support Engineer This session will be about a common issue in the Kafka Producer: producer batch expiry. We will be discussing the Kafka Producer internals, its common causes, such as a slow network or small batching, and how to overcome them. We will also be sharing some examples along the way!

apache kafka
Disaster Recovery Options Running Apache Kafka in Kubernetes with Rema Subra...
 Disaster Recovery Options Running Apache Kafka in Kubernetes with Rema Subra... Disaster Recovery Options Running Apache Kafka in Kubernetes with Rema Subra...
Disaster Recovery Options Running Apache Kafka in Kubernetes with Rema Subra...

Active-Active, Active-Passive, and stretch clusters are hallmark patterns that have been the gold standard in Apache Kafka® disaster recovery architectures for years. Moving to Kubernetes requires unpacking these patterns and choosing a configuration that allows you to meet the same RTO and RPO requirements. In this talk, we will cover how Active-Active/Active-Passive modes for disaster recovery have worked in the past and how the architecture evolves with deploying Apache Kafka on Kubernetes. We'll also look at how stretch clusters sitting on this architecture give a disaster recovery solution that's built-in! Armed with this information, you will be able to architect your new Apache Kafka Kubernetes deployment (or retool your existing one) to achieve the resilience you require.

apache kafkakafka summitconfluent
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● An open source distributed stream processing platform
○ High Throughput
○ Scalable
○ Low Latency
○ Real-time
○ Fault Tolerant
● Messages are organized as topics
● Producers push messages
● Consumers pull messages
● Kafka doesn't have message acknowledgments, it assumes the consumer keeps tracks of what's been consumed
so far.
Kafka - Basics
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● Each topic has multiple partitions
● Unit of parallelism
● IDs are unique for a partition for a topic
● Makes sure partitions within the same topic are roughly the same size
● Too many partitions ?.
Kafka - Partitions
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Consuming from a Kafka Topic
Kafka Reads -
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● Replication factor
○ Unit of replication is partition
○ Producer ACk
● A partition is owned by a single broker in the cluster, and that broker is called the leader for the partition.
● Producers and Consumers are only served by Leaders
● A Zookeeper cluster is called an “ensemble”.
● Spreads leader partitions evenly on brokers throughout the cluster
Kafka - Cluster

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A visual introduction to Apache Kafka

Introducing Apache Kafka - a visual overview. Presented at the Canberra Big Data Meetup 7 February 2019. We build a Kafka "postal service" to explain the main Kafka concepts, and explain how consumers receive different messages depending on whether there's a key or not.

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Producer Performance Tuning for Apache Kafka
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Producer Performance Tuning for Apache Kafka

Kafka is well known for high throughput ingestion. However, to get the best latency characteristics without compromising on throughput and durability, we need to tune Kafka. In this talk, we share our experiences to achieve the optimal combination of latency, throughput and durability for different scenarios.

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Kafka - Cluster
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● Any Kafka client (a producer or consumer) communicates only with the leader partition for data
○ All other partitions exist for redundancy and failover.
○ Follower partitions are responsible for copying new records from their leader partitions.
○ Follower partitions have an exact copy of the contents of the leader. Such partitions are called in-sync replicas (ISR).
Kafka - ISR (In Sync Replica)
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● Failures Happen
● Systems need to be designed to tolerate failure
● Expect failures and design systems to handle them
Distributed Systems
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● Producer
○ Acks =0, 1, all
○ Batch size, linger time
○ Broker is down
○ Block.on.buffer.full = false
● Kafka Cluster
○ Disk writes/flush are asynchronous
■ Hardware crashes
○ Metadata corruption
○ Kafka Bugs
● Consumer
○ Offset management
■ Offsets are committed before processing the messages completely
How can we lose data ?

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Kafka is a distributed messaging system that allows for publishing and subscribing to streams of records, known as topics. Producers write data to topics and consumers read from topics. The data is partitioned and replicated across clusters of machines called brokers for reliability and scalability. A common data format like Avro can be used to serialize the data.

Introducing the Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator
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Introducing the Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator

Flink Forward San Francisco 2022. The Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator provides a consistent approach to manage Flink applications automatically, without any human interaction, by extending the Kubernetes API. Given the increasing adoption of Kubernetes based Flink deployments the community has been working on a Kubernetes native solution as part of Flink that can benefit from the rich experience of community members and ultimately make Flink easier to adopt. In this talk we give a technical introduction to the Flink Kubernetes Operator and demonstrate the core features and use-cases through in-depth examples." by Thomas Weise

stream processingbig dataapache flink
Introduction to Apache Kafka
Introduction to Apache KafkaIntroduction to Apache Kafka
Introduction to Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming apps. It was developed by LinkedIn in 2011 to solve problems with data integration and processing. Kafka uses a publish-subscribe messaging model and is designed to be fast, scalable, and durable. It allows both streaming and storage of data and acts as a central data backbone for large organizations.

apache kafkascalajava
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● At-least once delivery semantics
● Out-of-order delivery semantics
● Kafka Cluster
● Each component in the pipeline makes sure that they are not loosing the messages
○ Producer
■ Takes the responsibility of making sure that messages are successfully delivered to Kafka Brokers
○ Kafka Cluster
■ Reliable and Resilient
○ Consumers
■ Takes the responsibility for consuming all messages from Kafka Cluster with the understanding
● Messages can be delivered more than once and have idempotency logic
● Operates with understanding of retention policy of the brokers, number of partitions for the
topics, etc.
● Manages check pointing and committing offsets
Zero Data loss pipelines
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● Handle cases where broker is unavailable / down / network
○ Local Spooling
○ Low Latency store
○ Backup cluster
● Ack = all ?
○ Consistency Vs Availability
■ Min ISR < = R
● (ex: replication factor = 3 min isr =2)
● Latency Vs Throughput
○ Batch size and linger time
● Standardardized on Message schema
○ Sequence Id, Timestamp, originating service
| 15
● Configure broker to make sure that no messages are lost at the broker end and can survive hardware failures using below
○ Partitions
■ Spread leader partitions evenly on brokers throughout the cluster
● Balances the load
■ Partition replication
● Replication Factor (R < = size of the cluster) (network congestion?)
● Sufficient replication sets to preserve data
● Rack awareness
○ Data Retention
■ Too much retention can be a problem
■ Leader election scenarios (unclean leader election)
○ Zookeeper availability
● DR / Backup
○ Mirror Maker to replicate the messages to another cluster
Kafka Cluster
| 16
● Failure Detection
○ Reassign replications on the dead brokers
○ Monitor for under replicated partitions
● Kafka Cluster sizing
○ Disk
○ Network
Kafka Cluster

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Introduction to Kafka Streams

Kafka Streams is a new stream processing library natively integrated with Kafka. It has a very low barrier to entry, easy operationalization, and a natural DSL for writing stream processing applications. As such it is the most convenient yet scalable option to analyze, transform, or otherwise process data that is backed by Kafka. We will provide the audience with an overview of Kafka Streams including its design and API, typical use cases, code examples, and an outlook of its upcoming roadmap. We will also compare Kafka Streams' light-weight library approach with heavier, framework-based tools such as Spark Streaming or Storm, which require you to understand and operate a whole different infrastructure for processing real-time data in Kafka.

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Stream processing with Apache Flink (Timo Walther - Ververica)
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Speaker: Timo Walther ( Video: Talk presented during Bangalore Kafka group's stream processing meetup at Hotstar

A Deep Dive into Kafka Controller
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A Deep Dive into Kafka Controller

Presentation at Strata Data Conference 2018, New York The controller is the brain of Apache Kafka. A big part of what the controller does is to maintain the consistency of the replicas and determine which replica can be used to serve the clients, especially during individual broker failure. Jun Rao outlines the main data flow in the controller—in particular, when a broker fails, how the controller automatically promotes another replica as the leader to serve the clients, and when a broker is started, how the controller resumes the replication pipeline in the restarted broker. Jun then describes recent improvements to the controller that allow it to handle certain edge cases correctly and increase its performance, which allows for more partitions in a Kafka cluster.

apache kafkajun raostrata
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Kafka Sizing
Recommended approach: Simulate load using load generation tools that ship with Kafka
Simplest: size based on disk-space (data ingest rate * data retention)
A little better: disk and network throughput requirements
Example: 1 TB/day —> 277MB/s. Replication 3 , Consumers 10
● Disk throughput = ingest * replication *2 (for lagging readers) = 277 * 3 * 2 = 1662 MB/s
● Network read throughput = ingest * (replication -1+ consumers)=277 *(3-1+10) = 3323 MB/s
● Network write throughput = ingest rate * replication = 277 * 3 = 831 MB /s
Network (e.g. 10 GBE): (3323+831)/1250 = 3.3 nodes
Disk (e.g. 6 drives & 70MB/s): 1662 /(6*70) = 3.95 nodes
Plan for double, so 8 kafka nodes
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● Understand the data retention period and design accordingly (need to keep up with the producers)
○ Parallelism = number of partitions
■ Max consumers = partitions
○ Proper checkpointing and offset management
■ Set Autocommit disabled and commit offset after processing the message
■ Commit less often and Asynchronously
■ Checkpoint frequency
○ Expect at least once delivery of a message and have idempotency logic
| 19
● QC Check Topic
○ Message sequence Id
○ Message counts per time bucket (10 mins? )
○ Reconcile on the number of messages produced and number of messages consumed numbers
● Kafka Audit System
○ Chaperone
○ Kafka Monitor
● Continuously monitor for issues
○ Monitor for producer errors -
■ number of retries and counts in retry database
○ Monitor Consumer Lag, fetch rate, fetch latency, records per request
○ Monitor for workload skews
● Capture Metrics
Monitor for Data Loss
| 20
● Guaranteeing zero data loss is not just Kafka’s problem
● Zero data loss pipelines require operations (Kafka cluster) and development teams (Producer /
consumer) working together
● Anticipate failures and design code to handle
● Gracefully Shutdown your application

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Apache kafka
Apache kafkaApache kafka
Apache kafka

This document provides an introduction to Apache Kafka, an open-source distributed event streaming platform. It discusses Kafka's history as a project originally developed by LinkedIn, its use cases like messaging, activity tracking and stream processing. It describes key Kafka concepts like topics, partitions, offsets, replicas, brokers and producers/consumers. It also gives examples of how companies like Netflix, Uber and LinkedIn use Kafka in their applications and provides a comparison to Apache Spark.

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Autoscaling Flink with Reactive Mode
Autoscaling Flink with Reactive ModeAutoscaling Flink with Reactive Mode
Autoscaling Flink with Reactive Mode

Flink Forward San Francisco 2022. Resource Elasticity is a frequently requested feature in Apache Flink: Users want to be able to easily adjust their clusters to changing workloads for resource efficiency and cost saving reasons. In Flink 1.13, the initial implementation of Reactive Mode was introduced, later releases added more improvements to make the feature production ready. In this talk, we’ll explain scenarios to deploy Reactive Mode to various environments to achieve autoscaling and resource elasticity. We’ll discuss the constraints to consider when planning to use this feature, and also potential improvements from the Flink roadmap. For those interested in the internals of Flink, we’ll also briefly explain how the feature is implemented, and if time permits, conclude with a short demo. by Robert Metzger

stream processingbig dataapache flink
Kafka: Internals
Kafka: InternalsKafka: Internals
Kafka: Internals

This session goes through the understanding of Apache Kafka, its components and working with best practices to achieve fault tolerant system with high availability and consistency by tuning Kafka brokers and producer to achieve the best result.

apache kafkacluster computingdistributed systems
Thank You!
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Building zero data loss pipelines with apache kafka

  • 1. Building Zero Data loss pipelines with Apache Kafka By: Avinash Ramineni
  • 3. | 3 About Background Awards & Recognition Boutique consulting firm centered on building data solutions and products All things Web and Data Engineering, Analytics, ML and User Experience to bring it all together Support core Hadoop platform, data engineering pipelines and provide administrative and devops expertise focused on Hadoop
  • 4. | 4 ● Introduction and terminologies ● How can we lose data ? ● Zero Data Loss Pipelines ○ Producer ○ Kafka Cluster ○ Consumer ● Monitoring for Data Loss ● Summary Agenda
  • 5. | 5 ● An open source distributed stream processing platform ○ High Throughput ○ Scalable ○ Low Latency ○ Real-time ○ Fault Tolerant ● Messages are organized as topics ● Producers push messages ● Consumers pull messages ● Kafka doesn't have message acknowledgments, it assumes the consumer keeps tracks of what's been consumed so far. Kafka - Basics
  • 6. | 6 ● Each topic has multiple partitions ● Unit of parallelism ● IDs are unique for a partition for a topic ● Makes sure partitions within the same topic are roughly the same size ● Too many partitions ?. Kafka - Partitions
  • 7. | 7 Consuming from a Kafka Topic Kafka Reads -
  • 8. | 8 ● Replication factor ○ Unit of replication is partition ○ Producer ACk ● A partition is owned by a single broker in the cluster, and that broker is called the leader for the partition. ● Producers and Consumers are only served by Leaders ● A Zookeeper cluster is called an “ensemble”. ● Spreads leader partitions evenly on brokers throughout the cluster Kafka - Cluster
  • 9. | 9 Kafka - Cluster
  • 10. | 10 ● Any Kafka client (a producer or consumer) communicates only with the leader partition for data ○ All other partitions exist for redundancy and failover. ○ Follower partitions are responsible for copying new records from their leader partitions. ○ Follower partitions have an exact copy of the contents of the leader. Such partitions are called in-sync replicas (ISR). Kafka - ISR (In Sync Replica)
  • 11. | 11 ● Failures Happen ● Systems need to be designed to tolerate failure ● Expect failures and design systems to handle them Distributed Systems
  • 12. | 12 ● Producer ○ Acks =0, 1, all ○ Batch size, linger time ○ Broker is down ○ Block.on.buffer.full = false ● Kafka Cluster ○ Disk writes/flush are asynchronous ■ Hardware crashes ○ Metadata corruption ○ Kafka Bugs ● Consumer ○ Offset management ■ Offsets are committed before processing the messages completely How can we lose data ?
  • 13. | 13 ● At-least once delivery semantics ● Out-of-order delivery semantics ● Kafka Cluster ● Each component in the pipeline makes sure that they are not loosing the messages ○ Producer ■ Takes the responsibility of making sure that messages are successfully delivered to Kafka Brokers ○ Kafka Cluster ■ Reliable and Resilient ○ Consumers ■ Takes the responsibility for consuming all messages from Kafka Cluster with the understanding ● Messages can be delivered more than once and have idempotency logic ● Operates with understanding of retention policy of the brokers, number of partitions for the topics, etc. ● Manages check pointing and committing offsets Zero Data loss pipelines
  • 14. | 14 ● Handle cases where broker is unavailable / down / network issue ○ Local Spooling ○ Low Latency store ○ Backup cluster ● Ack = all ? ○ Consistency Vs Availability ■ Min ISR < = R ● (ex: replication factor = 3 min isr =2) ● Latency Vs Throughput ○ Batch size and linger time ● Standardardized on Message schema ○ Sequence Id, Timestamp, originating service Producers
  • 15. | 15 ● Configure broker to make sure that no messages are lost at the broker end and can survive hardware failures using below aspects ○ Partitions ■ Spread leader partitions evenly on brokers throughout the cluster ● Balances the load ■ Partition replication ● Replication Factor (R < = size of the cluster) (network congestion?) ● Sufficient replication sets to preserve data ● Rack awareness ○ Data Retention ■ Too much retention can be a problem ■ Leader election scenarios (unclean leader election) ○ Zookeeper availability ● DR / Backup ○ Mirror Maker to replicate the messages to another cluster Kafka Cluster
  • 16. | 16 ● Failure Detection ○ Reassign replications on the dead brokers ○ Monitor for under replicated partitions ● Kafka Cluster sizing ○ Disk ○ Network Kafka Cluster
  • 17. | 17 Kafka Sizing Recommended approach: Simulate load using load generation tools that ship with Kafka Simplest: size based on disk-space (data ingest rate * data retention) A little better: disk and network throughput requirements Example: 1 TB/day —> 277MB/s. Replication 3 , Consumers 10 ● Disk throughput = ingest * replication *2 (for lagging readers) = 277 * 3 * 2 = 1662 MB/s ● Network read throughput = ingest * (replication -1+ consumers)=277 *(3-1+10) = 3323 MB/s ● Network write throughput = ingest rate * replication = 277 * 3 = 831 MB /s Network (e.g. 10 GBE): (3323+831)/1250 = 3.3 nodes Disk (e.g. 6 drives & 70MB/s): 1662 /(6*70) = 3.95 nodes Plan for double, so 8 kafka nodes
  • 18. | 18 ● Understand the data retention period and design accordingly (need to keep up with the producers) ○ Parallelism = number of partitions ■ Max consumers = partitions ○ Proper checkpointing and offset management ■ Set Autocommit disabled and commit offset after processing the message ■ Commit less often and Asynchronously ■ Checkpoint frequency ○ Expect at least once delivery of a message and have idempotency logic Consumers
  • 19. | 19 ● QC Check Topic ○ Message sequence Id ○ Message counts per time bucket (10 mins? ) ○ Reconcile on the number of messages produced and number of messages consumed numbers ● Kafka Audit System ○ Chaperone ■ ○ Kafka Monitor ● Continuously monitor for issues ○ Monitor for producer errors - ■ number of retries and counts in retry database ○ Monitor Consumer Lag, fetch rate, fetch latency, records per request ○ Monitor for workload skews ● Capture Metrics Monitor for Data Loss
  • 20. | 20 ● Guaranteeing zero data loss is not just Kafka’s problem ● Zero data loss pipelines require operations (Kafka cluster) and development teams (Producer / consumer) working together ● Anticipate failures and design code to handle ● Gracefully Shutdown your application Summary