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Off the beaten path…….
Building SharePoint
Enterprise Platforms
Andy Talbot
February 02nd, 2016
Building enterprise platforms - off the beaten path - SharePoint User Group UK (North West Region) 2016
Building enterprise platforms - off the beaten path - SharePoint User Group UK (North West Region) 2016
Andy Talbot
/AndyTalbot @SharePointAndy

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Introduction to DevOps
Introduction to DevOpsIntroduction to DevOps
Introduction to DevOps

This document provides an introduction to DevOps presented by Sri Parthasarathy from cPrime. It discusses how DevOps aims to break down silos between development and operations teams to allow for more frequent deployments through automating processes. DevOps requires both teams to work closely together across the entire development lifecycle from coding to deployment. The presentation outlines some of the technical aspects involved in DevOps including continuous integration, infrastructure as code, automated testing, and continuous delivery.

operationsagile processesdevops
Overcoming More Impediments to Agile Transformation - Distributed Teams, Scal...
Overcoming More Impediments to Agile Transformation - Distributed Teams, Scal...Overcoming More Impediments to Agile Transformation - Distributed Teams, Scal...
Overcoming More Impediments to Agile Transformation - Distributed Teams, Scal...

This document discusses three key challenges to scaling agile adoption: distributed teams, hybrid projects, and scaling agile in general. It provides advice on overcoming these challenges, including establishing clear communication for distributed teams, creating a hybrid project management office to manage both agile and non-agile teams, and ensuring the right organizational culture and support is in place for large-scale agile transformation. Polls are included to gauge attendees' experience with these topics.

agile developmenthybrid projectsdistributed teams
Cleveland Agile Group - A Manager's Perspective on Agile in an Enterprise
Cleveland Agile Group - A Manager's Perspective on Agile in an EnterpriseCleveland Agile Group - A Manager's Perspective on Agile in an Enterprise
Cleveland Agile Group - A Manager's Perspective on Agile in an Enterprise

This document provides an overview of a manager's perspective on implementing Agile practices in an enterprise setting. It discusses how the company got started with Agile through coaching, choosing tools through dot voting, and emphasizing starting small and limiting work in progress. The presentation then covers how the team has grown, their current structure using Kanban and timeboxing, and their high-level process of progressive elaboration, story mapping, and delivery. It ends by discussing challenges of Agile at scale, advice for large companies, and considerations around not losing sight of outcomes and questioning practices.

agileagile software developmentcleag
Collab365 Summit
100% FREE…..100% ONLINE…..100% AWESOME!
• LIVE TV Channel (from Microsoft Redmond) – 3 days covering IT PRO, DEV & BIZ
• Content covering Azure, Office 365 , SharePoint and Microsoft Learning
• Multiple Languages
Content Covered
This session includes:
• Pain points
• Lessons learnt
• Sensible questions
• Common sense thoughts
…you decide what applies to you!
SharePoint On-Prem IS ALIVE!
“When it comes to the cloud, we’re “all
in,” but we’re also realistic. We have a
large on-premises installed base that’s
important to us, and we’re committed to
future releases of the server.”
– Jared Spataro, Senior Director,
Microsoft Office Division, “Yammer and
Enterprise Social Roadmap Update”
March 2013
Understand your Vision

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Scrum & Kanban Introduction
Scrum & Kanban IntroductionScrum & Kanban Introduction
Scrum & Kanban Introduction

This document provides an overview of Agile development methods Scrum and Kanban. It defines Scrum roles like Product Owner and Scrum Master, and processes like sprints, daily stand-ups, and retrospectives. Sprints are time-boxed iterations where a cross-functional team works on user stories to deliver working software. Kanban uses visual boards and limits work-in-progress to manage workflow and continuously improve processes through small experiments. While Scrum is more prescriptive, both are empirical and aim to deliver value continuously through feedback loops.

software developmentkanbanagile software development
Having the Correct Context for an Agile Transformation
Having the Correct Context for an Agile TransformationHaving the Correct Context for an Agile Transformation
Having the Correct Context for an Agile Transformation

3 years, 5 business units, 20 lines of business, and over 100 teams.  With so many interactions, having the correct context for Agile was (and still is) key to an ongoing transformation. Remember, we're not all Spotify!

agile software developmentscaleexperience
Overcoming Impediments to Agile Transformation
Overcoming Impediments to Agile TransformationOvercoming Impediments to Agile Transformation
Overcoming Impediments to Agile Transformation

Join us for a highly interactive and customized Agile Webinar that will uncover the most prominent, common and troubling roadblocks experienced by organizations trying to adopt agile and will offer solutions to overcome these obstructions!

agile developmentagilagile project management
The G-Spot – Governance!
Governance is SERIOUS stuff and
you can’t afford to not think about it.
“SharePoint Governance is a
guideline of rules within your
organisation, including what, why,
when, where and how
#SPGovManifesto” – Andy Talbot(!)
The SharePoint Governance
Manifesto’ -
IT Governance
According to the IT Governance Institute,
there are five areas of focus:
• Strategic Alignment
• Value Delivery
• Resource Management
• Risk Management
• Performance Measures
Read more here:
Good Governance
• Consensus Orientated
• Participatory
• Follows the rule of law
• Effective and Efficient
• Accountable
• Transparent
• Responsive
• Equitable and Inclusive
Quality Assurance
• Can you afford not too?
• Maintains standards
• What’s more expensive; testing or
loss of service / poor user
• It should be baked into ALL
deployments and configuration

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5 Keys to Building a Successful DevOps Culture featuring Mandi Walls
5 Keys to Building a Successful DevOps Culture featuring Mandi Walls5 Keys to Building a Successful DevOps Culture featuring Mandi Walls
5 Keys to Building a Successful DevOps Culture featuring Mandi Walls

The document provides 5 keys to building a successful DevOps culture: 1. Set clear and measurable goals that matter to stakeholders across teams. 2. Gain executive support by focusing on goals that benefit multiple teams and influence informal leaders. 3. Start with pilot projects on representative work to practice the cultural and technical aspects of DevOps. 4. Provide training to all teams on new tools and processes while prioritizing the learning work. 5. Continually share progress and successes through various internal and external channels to evangelize DevOps.

Agile for Everyone
Agile for EveryoneAgile for Everyone
Agile for Everyone

In this slide deck I collected basic things you better to know about Agile and its most popular frameworks: - Where did Agile come from? - What is usually implied when people say "we're implementing Agile"? - When Agile works well? - Scrum and its basic characteristics - Typical confusions - Agile at scale of whole enterprise - Typical pitfalls and mistakes

agileagile software developmentscrum
Taking innovations to product reality using nav principles
Taking innovations to product reality using nav principlesTaking innovations to product reality using nav principles
Taking innovations to product reality using nav principles

The document discusses how to take innovations to product reality using NAV (Nimbleness, Agility, Velocity) principles. It emphasizes the importance of leadership, having the right team and organization, implementing minimal but effective processes, focusing on the right product based on user needs, effective communication, and passion. It provides examples of how NAV can help accelerate innovation processes and get products to market faster through approaches like rapid development, close feedback loops, and empowering teams. The key is having leadership, teams, and an environment that promotes NAV to help drive innovations to reality.

Understand test types
• Understand what to test AND when
• Update test plans to reflect changes:
- Platform changes
- New developments
• Don’t undervalue your QA team
Go a little deeper
Understand what each type of
test area means
• Who is/will be doing this task?
• Who is assigned to work on this task?
• Who’s head will roll if this goes wrong?
• Who has the authority to take decision?
• Anyone who can tell me more about this
• Any stakeholders already identified?
• Anyone whose work depends on this task?
• Who has to be kept updated about the
RACI Example
Choose a
Pre-heat the
Bake dinner in

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DevOps: The Future is Already Here — It’s Just Unevenly Distributed
DevOps: The Future is Already Here — It’s Just Unevenly DistributedDevOps: The Future is Already Here — It’s Just Unevenly Distributed
DevOps: The Future is Already Here — It’s Just Unevenly Distributed

The document discusses the history and evolution of DevOps. It traces how DevOps began as a grassroots movement among practitioners and led to numerous DevOps conferences starting in 2009. It also outlines how DevOps aims to break down silos between development and operations teams to improve organizational alignment, reduce lead times, and provide faster feedback. A key part of DevOps is taking an end-to-end view of application delivery and focusing on continuous integration, delivery, and deployment.

devopsdevops daysit operations
Synerzip-Agile2016-Top10 Webinar
Synerzip-Agile2016-Top10 WebinarSynerzip-Agile2016-Top10 Webinar
Synerzip-Agile2016-Top10 Webinar

The document summarizes key takeaways from the Agile2016 conference attended by the authors. It includes a list of 19 tracks at the conference and the authors' top 14 learnings. Some of the notable learnings discussed scaling agile, lean UX practices, the architect role, modern agile principles and #NoEstimates. The document promotes the services of Synerzip for agile software product development.

AGILE2016 Conference Top 10 Presented by Synerzip
AGILE2016 Conference Top 10 Presented by SynerzipAGILE2016 Conference Top 10 Presented by Synerzip
AGILE2016 Conference Top 10 Presented by Synerzip

Fresh from #Agile2016, Check out @Synerzip Top 10 #Takeaways by @HemantElhence @vinayakj. The latest development methods, technologies, tools, leadership principles, management philosophies, policies and processes fresh from AGILE2016 - the world's largest conference for Agile methodology. Agile2016 Top 12 - 1. Lean UX 2. Modern Agile 3. Lean UX Toolkit 4. Agile is Mindset 5. DevOps Antipatterns 6. Lean Startup Subsumed 7. Design Thinking 8. #NoEstimates 9. Roles Not Personas 10. Architecture/ Architect 11. Visual Test Automation 12. Scaling Agile About Synerzip - Synerzip offers in-depth expertise in Agile software product development to venture funded small/mid-sized software companies focused on social media, mobile, big data analytics, cloud and enterprise software. It was established in 2004 and is based in the United States, with its software development center in India. Synerzip works as a co-development partner for venture-backed software companies in their growth phase. Following Agile practices, it seamlessly dovetails with each client’s engineering team helping them scale up, in a flexible, capital-efficient and frictionless manner.

agile2016agile software developmentoffshore
Roles & Responsibilities
Introduce clear separation of duties
• SharePoint Product Owner
• Configuration Manager
• Platform SMEs
• Functional SMEs
• Support SMEs
• Trainers
• QA / Testers
• Requirement Gatherers
Roles & Responsibilities
Different each role comes a mix of
responsibilities. e.g.
• Leadership
• Support
• Management
• Planning
• Strategy
Understand who is responsible for what in
your organisation
Release Management
Typical responsibilities:
• Deployment Management
• Environments Management
• Release Process Management
• Build Management
• Configuration Management
• Change Management
Be careful....
Sometimes we overlook things
(shocking!). Maybe we didn’t
stop to consider:
• When will product support
• Base or Project cost?
• How long can I keep my

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Story Mapping in Depth
Story Mapping in DepthStory Mapping in Depth
Story Mapping in Depth

The story map plans a drone delivery service targeting professional customers like Patrice the deli owner. The MVP focuses on delivering small packages efficiently and safely within cities. Subsequent releases expand the service to more customers and locations while ensuring regulatory approval and community acceptance through minimal noise and environmental impact. The core value is fast, personalized delivery that saves customers time and money.

leanstory mappingagile
Applying Agile Team Management
Applying Agile Team ManagementApplying Agile Team Management
Applying Agile Team Management

Huan Ho presented on enterprise agility at the HR West Conference on March 7th, 2016. He discussed the fundamentals of agile project management including comparing the waterfall and agile approaches. Ho also provided a case study of how he successfully applied agile principles like sprints, daily scrums, and retrospectives to improve his team's performance, engagement, and ability to innovate. Finally, he discussed challenges of agile adoption, common tools used, and introduced his company Rallyteam which provides an agile collaboration platform.

Webinar: What You Can Do with Kanban
Webinar: What You Can Do with KanbanWebinar: What You Can Do with Kanban
Webinar: What You Can Do with Kanban

Michael de la Maza gave a presentation on using kanban. He began with an overview of his background and credentials in agile coaching. He then discussed how corporations can become too complicated for humans to understand, and introduced kanban as a way to make companies more effective by making processes simpler and more visual. The presentation covered the history and principles of kanban, how to create an initial kanban board with states and workflows, and examples of electronic and physical kanban boards in use. It concluded with a survey on attendees' plans to implement kanban boards.

webinarkanbanproject management
Staying Current
It’s important:
• Understand vendor product and
strategy developments
• Helps you to plan ahead for
• Underpins personal
development planning (right?)
It’s important:
• To be current
• Relevant
• Stored in an appropriate place
(e.g. don’t store SharePoint DR
docs in SharePoint!)
• Version controlled
• Maintained
Typical Documentation
At a minimum the following
should be documented:
• On boarding process
• Build & Configuration
• DR plan
• HLD’s & LLD’s
• Test plans
Successive Layers of Defence
• Project Governance
• Architecture Governance
• Information Governance
• Release Management
• Quality Assurance

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Agile at Scale: Lessons From the Mongolian Horde and Others
Agile at Scale: Lessons From the Mongolian Horde and OthersAgile at Scale: Lessons From the Mongolian Horde and Others
Agile at Scale: Lessons From the Mongolian Horde and Others

As agile methodologies go mainstream, enterprises want to know how they can make agile work at scale. Unfortunately, becoming an agile organization is not as simple as following a canned methodology. Join Matthew Lawrence, Atlassian Group Product Manager for Agile at Scale Solutions, to learn how the concept of agile organizations goes back thousands of years, why agile is a cultural phenomenon and, how you can be as agile as a Mongolian horde to help drive cultural change.

Agile leadership assessment
Agile leadership assessmentAgile leadership assessment
Agile leadership assessment

This document summarizes an agile leadership assessment of an individual. The assessment scored the individual a 0 out of 100 in several key areas of agile leadership, including setting clear expectations, goal setting, coaching employees, involvement in development, and attitude. All scores were 0%, indicating the individual needs to improve in all areas assessed by developing agile leadership skills. No strengths were identified. The assessment suggests the individual needs to work on and improve all leadership skills measured.

Shared Platforms
• Solution delivery aligns to
platform capacity
• Changes are communicated to
all platform stakeholders
• Peer review opportunities
• Switching on features may
affect others (e.g. Auditing)
SharePoint Centre of
See Andrew Woodward’s deck
from SPC12:
Resources & People
• Often we ask for more system
resource, but don’t plan for
more human resources
• Do we on-board people
properly, or are they left
guessing on your standards,
processes, etc.
Embracing Talent
Ask yourself:
• Do you encourage and foster learning
and development?
• Do you recognise emerging talent?
• Shouldn’t each capability have a base
achievement standard? E.g.
Certification, internal standards, etc.
• Does training align with product
Technology is nothing without people

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Ecotechsy : Artículo 1.6 - Donde esta el consumo energético
Ecotechsy : Artículo 1.6 - Donde esta el consumo energéticoEcotechsy : Artículo 1.6 - Donde esta el consumo energético
Ecotechsy : Artículo 1.6 - Donde esta el consumo energético

Ecotechsy : Hemos visto el efecto que causa la actividad humana en el planeta; pero para dar soluciones es importante conocer donde esta el consumo energético mundial.

consumo energéticojavier trespalaciosecotechsy
Voca w3
Voca w3Voca w3
Voca w3

This document contains definitions of key terms related to biomes and ecosystems: Biome refers to a community of plants and animals found in a particular environment. Biosphere is the part of Earth where life exists. Ecosystem encompasses all living and non-living things in an area and how they interact. Community is a group of organisms that live together in the same area. Dominant refers to what is most prominent. Latitude is the distance from the equator. Regime is a system of government. Terrestrial means on land. Geography is the study of Earth's features and how people organize within areas. Tropics are hot areas near the equator. Arctic is the cold area near the North Pole.

Departamento de Presidente Hayes
Departamento de Presidente HayesDepartamento de Presidente Hayes
Departamento de Presidente Hayes

Departamento de Presidente Hayes Ubicación Actividades Resaltantes Sitios Turísticos Informaciones Útiles Autor de la Presentacion

Capturing User Feedback
Ask yourself:
• Do we really LISTEN?
• Is it EASY for users to feedback?
• Do we REVIEW feedback?
delivery against customer
• Do we let GOOD IDEAS DIE?
Sometimes we need to realign for
various different reasons, e.g.
• Mergers & acquisitions
• Improve efficiency and effectiveness
• Senior management changes
• Market response
• Change of strategy
Have we thought about how we would
approach this if the need arose?
Who makes the Decisions?
Carefully consider who should AND
shouldn’t be making different types
of decisions. Worryingly it’s not
always the right people, e.g.
• Project Managers making technical
decisions (tick boxing?)
• Techies making business decisions
• Power Brokers (you know the type!)
Do decisions support the vision? “To
Steer…. Governance….”
It’s important to:
• Have a communication plan
• Get across the intended value
• Set expectation
• Use it to promote cultural
• Show that you listened
• Promote recent successes
• Warn about service disruption

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futurePROOF: Paid Content
futurePROOF: Paid ContentfuturePROOF: Paid Content
futurePROOF: Paid Content

A presentation by Euan Mackay - Managing Consultant at Kantar Media - on people's willingness to pay for different media


Las tres oraciones describen los tres sectores de la economía: el sector primario se refiere a la agricultura, ganadería y pesca; el sector secundario incluye la industria y la construcción; y el sector terciario abarca los servicios como el comercio, el turismo, la banca y la administración pública.

actividades económicasprimariasectores económicos
Investigacion de mercados_evaluacion_final
Investigacion de mercados_evaluacion_finalInvestigacion de mercados_evaluacion_final
Investigacion de mercados_evaluacion_final

Este documento presenta un proyecto de investigación de mercados realizado para la empresa Salsamentaría Quilichao. El estudio buscó aplicar Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura para mejorar la calidad del producto principal de la empresa, la salsa de tomate. Se realizó una encuesta para analizar las preferencias y hábitos de consumo de los clientes, y se concluyó que existe una alta demanda para el producto y la empresa es viable si implementa mejoras en sus procesos de producción.

Guiding Principles
• Set an internal expectation
• Encourage commitment and
• Encourage early warning of
• Enjoy what you do!
Support Framework
• Establish triage process
• Understand your estate
• Identify trends, update training and FAQs
• Encourage community feedback, possibly
with Gamification techniques
Capacity Planning
• Recertification process?
• Monitor growth
• Storage reduction opportunities
• Plan for Site Quotas & Content
• Understand boundaries, limits and
thresholds, and respect them!
• Migrations
• Site creation control
• Auditing
• Service Separation
• Storage Tiers / IOPS
Does existing
Determine the
future needs
to consolidate
Determine if
can support
Load Planning
• Profile expected traffic patterns
(account for time differences in
different countries)
• Understand usage age patterns of
each web app – determine the
best architectures to fit (e.g
Collaboration – large read / write)
• Understand caching options and
what they do (which can impact
platform capacity)
• Office Web Apps (SP2010)

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El documento describe las máquinas y estructuras. Define una máquina como algo que nos ayuda a realizar un trabajo con menos esfuerzo. Luego enumera las seis máquinas simples y sus partes, así como las máquinas complejas y sus componentes. También describe las herramientas, los tipos de estructuras y sus partes.

Digital Metrics: What to Measure, How, and Why
Digital Metrics: What to Measure, How, and WhyDigital Metrics: What to Measure, How, and Why
Digital Metrics: What to Measure, How, and Why

So you have a website, blog, social media, and other digital platforms, but how do you know if your efforts are worthwhile? How do you know if you should measure unique page views, organic reach, retweets, or some other metric? This presentation explores how to figure out which digital metrics matter most for your organization, and how to use them to take meaningful action and advance your mission. We revieww hich digital metrics matter most for your organization, key metrics (almost) every organization should be capturing, and tools and processes for collecting, reporting, and putting data into action. This presentation features case studies and how-tos for collecting and reporting data from digital platforms such as websites, blogs, Facebook, and Twitter.

social mediasocial media marketinggoogle analytics
Cultura física
Cultura físicaCultura física
Cultura física

El documento describe el concepto de cultura física y educación física. Define la cultura física como un sistema de vida basado en valores como la salud, la belleza, el esfuerzo y el equilibrio. También valora el deporte por forjar el carácter y expresar lo mejor del ser humano. Por otro lado, define la educación física como la educación de la salud física y mental, cuyo objetivo es enseñar a los estudiantes a cuidar su cuerpo y mantener su salud.

Get the Balance right
• What will come first, Load or
• Do you understand your points
of failure?
• Have you planned for the
Architecture / Topologies
• Properly planned?
• Physical & Logical design
• Use it to understand how to
change your farm/s
• Traditional vs Streamlined
Technical diagrams for SharePoint
• Understand the difference
between scaling UP and scaling
• Plan Content Databases
(quotas, thresholds, warnings,
migration process)
• Understand caches (e.g. Blob,
distributed, object, page)
• System Logs
• Performance
• Growth
• Usage
• Functional Requests
• Support Issues
….are you being PROACTIVE or REACTIVE?

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Planificación Energética Territorial (PET) en ciudades Colombianas
Planificación Energética Territorial (PET) en ciudades ColombianasPlanificación Energética Territorial (PET) en ciudades Colombianas
Planificación Energética Territorial (PET) en ciudades Colombianas

Este documento habla sobre la planificación energética territorial en ciudades colombianas. Explica que la mayoría del consumo energético mundial y colombiano está en ciudades, y que hay grandes pérdidas de energía en el proceso de producción y distribución. También destaca la necesidad de reducir el consumo en edificios existentes y futuros, y de tener una visión a largo plazo para el desarrollo sostenible de las ciudades.

petplanificación energética territorialenergy
give the best solutions on training and devlopment
give the best solutions on training and devlopmentgive the best solutions on training and devlopment
give the best solutions on training and devlopment

This document outlines the key aspects of training and development (T&D) in organizations. It defines T&D and distinguishes between training, which provides skills for present jobs, and development, which focuses on long-term learning beyond current roles. The document then describes the T&D process, including determining needs, setting objectives, selecting methods, implementation, and evaluation. It also covers orientation, management development, and career planning to help employees maintain job and career security through ongoing skills development.



Hardware Considerations
• Do you understand your hardware
refresh cycle?
• If on a managed platform, do you
understand your suppliers refresh
cycle and limitations? Understand
exit strategies too
• Will purchase restrictions prevent
changes in topology
• Does your company have a cloud
strategy for the future?
• Do you know what to do if you
introduce new hardware (e.g. update
SQL Alias, web.config, etc.)
3rd Party Tools
• Upgrade ready?
• Infrastructure requirements
• Training
• Support model
• Understand your procurement
• Licencing, perpetual or annual?
Have we planned for growth
e.g. enough seats
vNext Ready?
• Understand your corporate
• Be as upgrade ready as possible
• Understand deprecated features
• Learn architectural changes, both
logical and physical
• Microsoft Product Line
Architecture (PLA)
"How would Microsoft deploy this
technology?" or "how would Microsoft
do it?" It was from this simple question
that the PLA was born.
Outsourced Functions
Typical for support and
development capabilities.
Take time to:
• Understand the ‘Continuum of
Cultural Characteristics’
• Agree on standards
• Agree communication methods
• Understand the QA process
• Major public holidays (different
from country to country)

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How to Ease Scaleup Growing Pains - from Startup to Scaleup without the pain
How to Ease Scaleup Growing Pains - from Startup to Scaleup without the painHow to Ease Scaleup Growing Pains - from Startup to Scaleup without the pain
How to Ease Scaleup Growing Pains - from Startup to Scaleup without the pain

Learn how to reinvent yourself when your startup enters the scale-up phase. #startups #scaleups #growth #pitfalls

What You Need to Know Before Upgrading to SharePoint 2013
What You Need to Know Before Upgrading to SharePoint 2013What You Need to Know Before Upgrading to SharePoint 2013
What You Need to Know Before Upgrading to SharePoint 2013

Ready to join the SharePoint 2013 revolution but not sure what is involved? Are you in the middle of a migration that is behind schedule? This presentation walks you through general guidelines and common pitfalls to avoid so your transition to SharePoint 2013 will be successful. Speaker Suzanne George discusses tips and tricks to ensure a successful SharePoint 2013 implementation and describe common mistakes that organizations make during the transition. Whether you are in the middle of migrating to SharePoint 2013 or you are just thinking about implementation, this session will give you tools that will help you successfully deploy SharePoint within your organization. Presenter Suzanne George, MCTS, is a Senior Technical Architect a Perficient. She has developed, administered, and architected website applications since 1995 and has worked with top 100 companies such as Netscape, AOL, Sun Microsystems, and Verio. Her experience includes custom applications and SharePoint integration with applications such as ESRI, Deltek Accounting Software, and SAP. Suzanne sits on the MSL IT Manager Advisory Council, was a contributing author for SharePoint 2010 Administrators and presents at SharePoint Saturdays around the country.

perficientsharepoint 2013sharepoint
Twin Cities Developer User Group Presentation April 2012
Twin Cities Developer User Group Presentation April 2012Twin Cities Developer User Group Presentation April 2012
Twin Cities Developer User Group Presentation April 2012

This document provides information about an upcoming Twin Cities Developer User Group meeting, including a safe harbor statement, introductions, sponsors, and group rally points. It then discusses architectural best practices like database design, naming conventions, reusable code structure, documentation, and governor limit tips. Finally, it outlines potential adoption challenges for developers to consider and asks when to use Visualforce versus pure HTML. The overall summary is that this document outlines details and topics for an upcoming developer user group meeting.

• 99.9% uptime really means ‘x’
downtime allowance
• Understand why you’re making a
• SP’s, CU’s, PU’s, COD, etc.
Understand the differences -
might fix one thing and break
What Availability Uptime Really
Availability % Downtime per year Downtime per month* Downtime per week
90% ("one nine") 36.5 days 72 hours 16.8 hours
95% 18.25 days 36 hours 8.4 hours
97% 10.96 days 21.6 hours 5.04 hours
98% 7.30 days 14.4 hours 3.36 hours
99% ("two nines") 3.65 days 7.20 hours 1.68 hours
99.5% 1.83 days 3.60 hours 50.4 minutes
99.8% 17.52 hours 86.23 minutes 20.16 minutes
99.9% ("three nines") 8.76 hours 43.8 minutes 10.1 minutes
99.95% 4.38 hours 21.56 minutes 5.04 minutes
99.99% ("four nines") 52.56 minutes 4.32 minutes 1.01 minutes
99.999% ("five nines") 5.26 minutes 25.9 seconds 6.05 seconds
99.9999% ("six nines") 31.5 seconds 2.59 seconds 0.605 seconds
99.99999% ("seven nines") 3.15 seconds 0.259 seconds 0.0605 seconds
Backup & DR
• You’ve planned for it, right?
• Test annually
• RPO’s/RTO’s still correct?
• Have you over engineered? e.g.
If no point in time recovery,
why are you SQL full logging?
• Understand what dependent
applications and process maybe
Facilities &
Processes &
You cannot know it all.....
• SharePoint Centre of Excellence
• Developers
• BA’s
• Trainers
• Product Owners
• SMEs
• Design Working Group
• Information Governance (SPIG )
• Steering Committees…

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Doing It Right:  The SharePoint WayDoing It Right:  The SharePoint Way
Doing It Right: The SharePoint Way

Through numerous years of eating, drinking and sleeping SharePoint I have come to realize that there is 1 thing that has never changed. That 1 thing is a question and the answer to that question is the most important thing in all of SharePoint. That question is "What direction should my organization be going and how do we get there?". The question or a very close form of that question is asked anytime something bad happens to the current environment or software, the current environment or software is up for renewal, new technology is introduced and last but not least, during yearly budget planning. Most companies will fall into one of the following categories: • Current application is no longer suitable due to company growth, lack of functionality or • Current application company that created & supported it no longer exists. • Starting from scratch and SharePoint has been chosen now deciding which way to go and where to start? • Currently utilizing SharePoint but not exactly the way Microsoft intended • Need to upgrade to continue support Regardless of the current situation your organization is in the end goal for all is success and success is measured by the usage of the application. Yes folks user adoption IS more important than being on time or under budget. Otherwise, what was the point of the entire project that I am sure took months and sometimes years to plan and implement. In this session I will take you through where to start, keys to choosing the right path for your organization and most importantly implement SharePoint in a way user adoption meets your goals and of course come in on time and on par with the budget.

sharepointgovernanceuser adoption
Governance - O365 How It's Affected & Where Do I Start
Governance - O365 How It's Affected & Where Do I StartGovernance - O365 How It's Affected & Where Do I Start
Governance - O365 How It's Affected & Where Do I Start

Office365 governance is affected by changes introduced by Office365. Key areas of governance for Office365 include OneDrive, Yammer, development processes, and third party tools. It is important to establish governance policies, procedures, roles and responsibilities to manage these services and ensure compliance, security and business value. Governance starts with developing a free template and forming a cross-functional governance team to develop and maintain policies.

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Salesforce Application Lifecycle Management presented to EA Forum by Sam Garf...
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Sam Garforth presented this at the Salesforce Enterprise Architect Forum on January 12th 2017. It covers governance and best practices for developing, deploying and supporting applications running on the Salesforce platform, whether these be apps or configurations of Sales or Service Cloud or Communities.

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Reasons for Failure
The ‘C’ Word – CHANGE!
“Changing behaviours at work requires
changing the environment that
surrounds people when they’re at
work” Marc D Anderson (@sympmarc)
Is it time for gamification as an
approach to facilitating changing
“Questions are guaranteed
in life; answers aren't”
Good Bye for Now!
Andy Talbot
/AndyTalbot @SharePointAndy

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Mike Maadarani is an architect, trainer, and presenter with over 20 years of experience in app development and architecture. He provides consulting services focused on enterprise content management, search, and publishing sites. This document outlines the key steps in a SharePoint migration lifecycle including analyze, plan, execute, assess, and sustain. It discusses analyzing content, systems, and custom code, planning the target structure and remediation needs, executing the migration of services, sites and content, assessing the new environment, and sustaining it over time. People knowledge, realistic timelines, and commitment are identified as keys to a successful migration project.

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Data management solutions always look good “on paper”. When it's just a matter of proposals and ROI projections on gleaming white stock, the “abstract” seems perfect. It's only when you go live, and real people get involved that things can get messy. If you don't have a clear, strategic implementation plan in place, who knows what could happen. You need a plan. And Synergis has a proven plan. During this webcast, you’ll discover... • Why creating alignment and generating positive buzz are essential to success • What 6 critical steps must be followed to insure successful implementation • Which best practices will make you a hero • The most common pitfalls that impact ROI

SAFe and DevOps - better together
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SAFe and DevOps - better together

This document discusses DevOps and its relationship to SAFe. It begins with introductions and defines DevOps. It then discusses key principles of DevOps like culture, automation, lean flow, measurement, and recovery. It outlines the different teams involved in DevOps and how it breaks down silos. The rest of the document discusses how to assess value streams and identify bottlenecks. It also outlines the explore, integrate, deploy, and release dimensions of a continuous delivery pipeline in SAFe. It concludes by providing information on a SAFe DevOps certification course.

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Building enterprise platforms - off the beaten path - SharePoint User Group UK (North West Region) 2016

  • 1. Off the beaten path……. Building SharePoint Enterprise Platforms #suguk Andy Talbot February 02nd, 2016
  • 5. Collab365 Summit 100% FREE…..100% ONLINE…..100% AWESOME! • LIVE TV Channel (from Microsoft Redmond) – 3 days covering IT PRO, DEV & BIZ • Content covering Azure, Office 365 , SharePoint and Microsoft Learning • Multiple Languages SIGN UP NOW!
  • 6. Content Covered This session includes: • Pain points • Lessons learnt • Sensible questions • Common sense thoughts …you decide what applies to you!
  • 7. SharePoint On-Prem IS ALIVE! “When it comes to the cloud, we’re “all in,” but we’re also realistic. We have a large on-premises installed base that’s important to us, and we’re committed to future releases of the server.” – Jared Spataro, Senior Director, Microsoft Office Division, “Yammer and Enterprise Social Roadmap Update” March 2013 Ref: still-not-dead-and-even-on-prem-is-not-dead/
  • 9. The G-Spot – Governance! Governance is SERIOUS stuff and you can’t afford to not think about it. “SharePoint Governance is a guideline of rules within your organisation, including what, why, when, where and how #SPGovManifesto” – Andy Talbot(!) The SharePoint Governance Manifesto’ -
  • 10. IT Governance According to the IT Governance Institute, there are five areas of focus: • Strategic Alignment • Value Delivery • Resource Management • Risk Management • Performance Measures Read more here: nance/it-governance-definition-and- solutions.html
  • 11. Good Governance • Consensus Orientated • Participatory • Follows the rule of law • Effective and Efficient • Accountable • Transparent • Responsive • Equitable and Inclusive
  • 12. Quality Assurance • Can you afford not too? • Maintains standards • What’s more expensive; testing or loss of service / poor user experience? • It should be baked into ALL deployments and configuration change/s
  • 13. Understand test types • Understand what to test AND when • Update test plans to reflect changes: - Platform changes - New developments • Don’t undervalue your QA team REF: osts/Post.aspx?ID=122
  • 14. Go a little deeper Understand what each type of test area means
  • 15. RACI R RESPONSIBLE: • Who is/will be doing this task? • Who is assigned to work on this task? A ACCOUNTABLE: • Who’s head will roll if this goes wrong? • Who has the authority to take decision? C CONSULTED: • Anyone who can tell me more about this task? • Any stakeholders already identified? I INFORMED: • Anyone whose work depends on this task? • Who has to be kept updated about the progress?
  • 16. RACI Example DAD MOM SON DAUGHTER Choose a recipe C A/R C C Grocery Shopping R Pre-heat the oven R Prepare ingredients A R Bake dinner in oven A/R
  • 17. Roles & Responsibilities Introduce clear separation of duties e.g. • SharePoint Product Owner • Configuration Manager • Platform SMEs • Functional SMEs • Support SMEs • Trainers • QA / Testers • Requirement Gatherers
  • 18. Roles & Responsibilities Different each role comes a mix of responsibilities. e.g. • Leadership • Support • Management • Planning • Strategy Understand who is responsible for what in your organisation
  • 19. Release Management Typical responsibilities: • Deployment Management • Environments Management • Release Process Management • Build Management • Configuration Management • Change Management
  • 20. Be careful.... Sometimes we overlook things (shocking!). Maybe we didn’t stop to consider: • When will product support stop? • Base or Project cost? • How long can I keep my resources?
  • 21. Staying Current It’s important: • Understand vendor product and strategy developments • Helps you to plan ahead for change • Underpins personal development planning (right?)
  • 22. Documentation It’s important: • To be current • Relevant • Stored in an appropriate place (e.g. don’t store SharePoint DR docs in SharePoint!) • Version controlled • Maintained
  • 23. Typical Documentation At a minimum the following should be documented: • On boarding process • Build & Configuration • DR plan • HLD’s & LLD’s • Test plans
  • 24. Successive Layers of Defence • Project Governance • Architecture Governance • Information Governance • Release Management • Quality Assurance
  • 25. Shared Platforms • Solution delivery aligns to platform capacity • Changes are communicated to all platform stakeholders • Peer review opportunities (DWG?) • Switching on features may affect others (e.g. Auditing)
  • 26. SharePoint Centre of Excellence See Andrew Woodward’s deck from SPC12: /SharePoint- Conference/2012/SPC214
  • 27. Resources & People • Often we ask for more system resource, but don’t plan for more human resources • Do we on-board people properly, or are they left guessing on your standards, processes, etc.
  • 28. Embracing Talent Ask yourself: • Do you encourage and foster learning and development? • Do you recognise emerging talent? • Shouldn’t each capability have a base achievement standard? E.g. Certification, internal standards, etc. • Does training align with product roadmap? Technology is nothing without people
  • 29. Capturing User Feedback Ask yourself: • Do we really LISTEN? • Is it EASY for users to feedback? • Do we REVIEW feedback? • Do we MEASURE THE VALUE of delivery against customer feedback? • Do we let GOOD IDEAS DIE?
  • 30. Realignment Sometimes we need to realign for various different reasons, e.g. • Mergers & acquisitions • Improve efficiency and effectiveness • Senior management changes • Market response • Change of strategy Have we thought about how we would approach this if the need arose?
  • 31. Who makes the Decisions? Carefully consider who should AND shouldn’t be making different types of decisions. Worryingly it’s not always the right people, e.g. • Project Managers making technical decisions (tick boxing?) • Techies making business decisions • Power Brokers (you know the type!) Do decisions support the vision? “To Steer…. Governance….”
  • 32. Communication It’s important to: • Have a communication plan • Get across the intended value • Set expectation • Use it to promote cultural change • Show that you listened • Promote recent successes • Warn about service disruption INFORM, Awareness INVOLVE, Engagement INTEGRATE, Commitment
  • 33. Guiding Principles • Set an internal expectation • Encourage commitment and quality • Encourage early warning of issues • Enjoy what you do!
  • 34. Support Framework • Establish triage process • Understand your estate • Identify trends, update training and FAQs • Encourage community feedback, possibly with Gamification techniques
  • 35. Capacity Planning • Recertification process? • Monitor growth • Storage reduction opportunities • Plan for Site Quotas & Content Databases • Understand boundaries, limits and thresholds, and respect them! • Migrations • Site creation control • Auditing • Service Separation • Storage Tiers / IOPS Does existing hardware meet company’s needs Determine the company’s future needs Identify opportunities to consolidate Determine if existing infrastructure can support anticipated growth Implement Capacity Planning
  • 36. Load Planning • Profile expected traffic patterns (account for time differences in different countries) • Understand usage age patterns of each web app – determine the best architectures to fit (e.g Collaboration – large read / write) • Understand caching options and what they do (which can impact platform capacity) • Office Web Apps (SP2010)
  • 37. Get the Balance right • What will come first, Load or Capacity? • Do you understand your points of failure? • Have you planned for the future?
  • 38. Architecture / Topologies • Properly planned? • Physical & Logical design Documented? • Use it to understand how to change your farm/s • Traditional vs Streamlined topologies Technical diagrams for SharePoint 2013: us/library/cc263199.aspx
  • 39. Scaling • Understand the difference between scaling UP and scaling OUT • Plan Content Databases (quotas, thresholds, warnings, migration process) • Understand caches (e.g. Blob, distributed, object, page)
  • 40. Monitoring • System Logs • Performance • Growth • Usage • Functional Requests • Support Issues ….are you being PROACTIVE or REACTIVE?
  • 41. Hardware Considerations • Do you understand your hardware refresh cycle? • If on a managed platform, do you understand your suppliers refresh cycle and limitations? Understand exit strategies too • Will purchase restrictions prevent changes in topology • Does your company have a cloud strategy for the future? • Do you know what to do if you introduce new hardware (e.g. update SQL Alias, web.config, etc.)
  • 42. 3rd Party Tools • Upgrade ready? • Infrastructure requirements understood? • Training • Support model • Understand your procurement framework • Licencing, perpetual or annual? Have we planned for growth e.g. enough seats
  • 43. vNext Ready? • Understand your corporate roadmap • Be as upgrade ready as possible • Understand deprecated features • Learn architectural changes, both logical and physical • Microsoft Product Line Architecture (PLA) "How would Microsoft deploy this technology?" or "how would Microsoft do it?" It was from this simple question that the PLA was born.
  • 44. Outsourced Functions Typical for support and development capabilities. Take time to: • Understand the ‘Continuum of Cultural Characteristics’ • Agree on standards • Agree communication methods • Understand the QA process • Major public holidays (different from country to country)
  • 45. Patching • 99.9% uptime really means ‘x’ downtime allowance • Understand why you’re making a change. • SP’s, CU’s, PU’s, COD, etc. Understand the differences - • READ THE RELEASE NOTES! It might fix one thing and break another
  • 46. What Availability Uptime Really Means Availability % Downtime per year Downtime per month* Downtime per week 90% ("one nine") 36.5 days 72 hours 16.8 hours 95% 18.25 days 36 hours 8.4 hours 97% 10.96 days 21.6 hours 5.04 hours 98% 7.30 days 14.4 hours 3.36 hours 99% ("two nines") 3.65 days 7.20 hours 1.68 hours 99.5% 1.83 days 3.60 hours 50.4 minutes 99.8% 17.52 hours 86.23 minutes 20.16 minutes 99.9% ("three nines") 8.76 hours 43.8 minutes 10.1 minutes 99.95% 4.38 hours 21.56 minutes 5.04 minutes 99.99% ("four nines") 52.56 minutes 4.32 minutes 1.01 minutes 99.999% ("five nines") 5.26 minutes 25.9 seconds 6.05 seconds 99.9999% ("six nines") 31.5 seconds 2.59 seconds 0.605 seconds 99.99999% ("seven nines") 3.15 seconds 0.259 seconds 0.0605 seconds
  • 47. Backup & DR • You’ve planned for it, right? • Test annually • RPO’s/RTO’s still correct? • Have you over engineered? e.g. If no point in time recovery, why are you SQL full logging? • Understand what dependent applications and process maybe affected Facilities & Infrastructure Processes & Procedures Operational BC / DR Plan
  • 48. You cannot know it all..... • SharePoint Centre of Excellence • Developers • BA’s • Trainers • Product Owners • SMEs • Design Working Group • Information Governance (SPIG ) • Steering Committees…
  • 50. The ‘C’ Word – CHANGE! “Changing behaviours at work requires changing the environment that surrounds people when they’re at work” Marc D Anderson (@sympmarc) Is it time for gamification as an approach to facilitating changing behaviours?
  • 51. Questions? “Questions are guaranteed in life; answers aren't”
  • 52. Good Bye for Now! Andy Talbot SharePoint&Office365Consultant SUGUKIOMLeader|Collab365LIVETVHost /AndyTalbot @SharePointAndy