SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Replace this page with your company branding created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),
Improving your project
by using HTML 5 and CSS 3

The old way of developing websites is longwinded and out of
date, The idea of a user viewing a site on any browser and
                                                                                          Around 40% of our
seeing (to the closest pixel) an identical visual experience
originated from Print methodology. Developing this way takes                              time is dedicated
more time than is needed. The cost of your project is based on
time, which if developed for pixel perfection would double the                            to making your
cost of your job.

What you need to remember is that the web, as we used to
                                                                                          website look pixel
know it has changed. We are no longer in 2004 developing for
Internet explorer 6 based on a PC. In this day and age the world
                                                                                          perfect across all
of web stretches across a broader range of devices from mobile
phones, TV’s, hand held pc’s/macs and even Fridges. T  aking this
into account there are an endless number of ways the website we
create can be ‘visually’ rendered.

                         created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),
How it used to work

We used to make a site visually display the same as a f lat design across all
browsers (or as close to as possible). This doesn’t guarantee that the site will
work on all devices/phones.

This method is out dated and doesn’t future proof your project and also makes
your project less accessible. Also developing this way is very time consuming
due to visual differences between then f lat design & the developed project
being pointing out as visual errors.

Image to the right is a f lat visual, this project would be built to display as
close to this visual as possible for all browsers taking more time and make
the cost higher.

                           created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),
Validation W3C

Just because a website validates doesn’t mean it is accessible to
users, or that it functions well on browsers. We must not mistake                         Validation is a tool
                                                                                          to help guide us,
validation for accessibility (WAI) and usability (DDA).

Google state that ‘Validation’ has no effect on the way their
ranking system works. They actually partly rank websites on how
accessible and useable they are across a variety of browsers/                             not a religon we
devices. View their reply to a users question on why thier site
doesn’t validate                                              should follow
                                                                                          without question.

                          created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),
How we develop
by using HTML 5 and CSS 3

•	We use HTML 5 & CSS 3 is more computer friendly, accessibility
  and useability. This Method allows your site to be accessed by a
                                                                                          This speeds up the
  much wider audience than just browsers on a PC/MAC.
                                                                                          build time and
•	Development speed is increased which helps us to complete
  projects faster and to a higher standard.                                               decrease costs on
•	Small amends are not as time consuming, therefore reducing                              your project.
  development time and saving the client money.

•	Future proofing the website by designing and developing to the
  capabilities of the best browsers.

                         created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),
The priority is the content

The most important points you need to remember when
having a website are:                                                                     The user experience
1. Accessibility
Every website should be developed with clean html that can
                                                                                          should be determined
be read by any device, This allows your content to be availible
to all browsers/devices.
                                                                                          by the capabilities of
2. Usability                                                                              the browser they
Making the information usable is also a high requirement.If
the site has been accessed and is not useable on browsers/                                are using.
devices, the website serves no purpose (this will effect your
ranking with Google)

                          created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),
The differences between browsers

An example of how the user experience may differ between more
advanced & less capable browsers/devices

Internet Explorer 6, Screen    Older versions of browsers                   All current modern browsers             CSS 3D animation is only
readers, browers/devices       such as Internet explorer 7/8,               such as Firefox 3.6, Chrome,            supported by Safari at the
with no CSS support.           Firefox 2, Chrome, Opera                     Opera and Safari.                       moment but will be in the
                               and Safari.                                                                          newer versions of Firefox
                                                                                                                    and Chrome due for release
                                                                                                                    in 2011.

                       created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),
Sites already using html5

Here are some examples of sites that have started to use elements of
both HTML5 and CSS3. Y ouTube currently have a BETA version of their
site developed in HTML5 and CSS3.

 Apple                           Nike                                        Google                                   vtech                                               www.vtech.tref

                         created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),
Adaptive design

Adaptive design would mean building your project slightly different and would increase
the build time. Y project would be built with f luid widths so that the user experience
is different depending on the screen size of the user. This way of developing is specialist
and aimed at designing an individual look for each screen size from smart phone and
tablet users to PC/MAC users with wide screen monitors.

Smart         ipad portrait, other tablet       ipad landscape and PC/MACs                      Computers with wide
Phones        technology and small              with the average display                        screen displays
              screen computers                  setting of 1024px width

                             created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),
Summing it up

So to put it simply we work this way to make your content
availible to all and to future proof your site for the future.
Here are some statistics that show W3C’s view of browser
                                                                                             The figures speak
usage across the board.
                                                                                             for themselves.
Computer Browser Statistics for December 2010:
Firefox    IE            Chrome      Safari                Opera
43.5%      27.5%         22.4%       3.8%                  2.2%

Mobile Statistics for June 2010:
Opera          iPhone          Nokia           iPod Touch         Blackberry         Android
26.35%         18.05%          15.84%          8.69%              14.41%             6.69%

IE stats have dropped from 36.2 % in January 2010 to 27.5%
in December 2010. Also the stats for IE6 as of December 2010
are 4.4 %

This shows that there is a steady decline of IE users and a
growing market of other browsers/devices.

                            created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),

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Build your Website with HTML5 and CSS3

  • 1. Replace this page with your company branding created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),
  • 2. Improving your project by using HTML 5 and CSS 3 The old way of developing websites is longwinded and out of date, The idea of a user viewing a site on any browser and Around 40% of our seeing (to the closest pixel) an identical visual experience originated from Print methodology. Developing this way takes time is dedicated more time than is needed. The cost of your project is based on time, which if developed for pixel perfection would double the to making your cost of your job. What you need to remember is that the web, as we used to website look pixel know it has changed. We are no longer in 2004 developing for Internet explorer 6 based on a PC. In this day and age the world perfect across all of web stretches across a broader range of devices from mobile phones, TV’s, hand held pc’s/macs and even Fridges. T aking this browsers. into account there are an endless number of ways the website we create can be ‘visually’ rendered. created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),
  • 3. How it used to work We used to make a site visually display the same as a f lat design across all browsers (or as close to as possible). This doesn’t guarantee that the site will work on all devices/phones. This method is out dated and doesn’t future proof your project and also makes your project less accessible. Also developing this way is very time consuming due to visual differences between then f lat design & the developed project being pointing out as visual errors. Image to the right is a f lat visual, this project would be built to display as close to this visual as possible for all browsers taking more time and make the cost higher. created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),
  • 4. Validation W3C Just because a website validates doesn’t mean it is accessible to users, or that it functions well on browsers. We must not mistake Validation is a tool to help guide us, validation for accessibility (WAI) and usability (DDA). Google state that ‘Validation’ has no effect on the way their ranking system works. They actually partly rank websites on how accessible and useable they are across a variety of browsers/ not a religon we devices. View their reply to a users question on why thier site doesn’t validate should follow without question. created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),
  • 5. How we develop by using HTML 5 and CSS 3 • We use HTML 5 & CSS 3 is more computer friendly, accessibility and useability. This Method allows your site to be accessed by a This speeds up the much wider audience than just browsers on a PC/MAC. build time and • Development speed is increased which helps us to complete projects faster and to a higher standard. decrease costs on • Small amends are not as time consuming, therefore reducing your project. development time and saving the client money. • Future proofing the website by designing and developing to the capabilities of the best browsers. created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),
  • 6. The priority is the content The most important points you need to remember when having a website are: The user experience 1. Accessibility Every website should be developed with clean html that can should be determined be read by any device, This allows your content to be availible to all browsers/devices. by the capabilities of 2. Usability the browser they Making the information usable is also a high requirement.If the site has been accessed and is not useable on browsers/ are using. devices, the website serves no purpose (this will effect your ranking with Google) created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),
  • 7. The differences between browsers An example of how the user experience may differ between more advanced & less capable browsers/devices Internet Explorer 6, Screen Older versions of browsers All current modern browsers CSS 3D animation is only readers, browers/devices such as Internet explorer 7/8, such as Firefox 3.6, Chrome, supported by Safari at the with no CSS support. Firefox 2, Chrome, Opera Opera and Safari. moment but will be in the and Safari. newer versions of Firefox and Chrome due for release in 2011. created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),
  • 8. Sites already using html5 Here are some examples of sites that have started to use elements of both HTML5 and CSS3. Y ouTube currently have a BETA version of their site developed in HTML5 and CSS3. Apple Nike Google vtech www.vtech.tref created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),
  • 9. Adaptive design Adaptive design would mean building your project slightly different and would increase the build time. Y project would be built with f luid widths so that the user experience our is different depending on the screen size of the user. This way of developing is specialist and aimed at designing an individual look for each screen size from smart phone and tablet users to PC/MAC users with wide screen monitors. Smart ipad portrait, other tablet ipad landscape and PC/MACs Computers with wide Phones technology and small with the average display screen displays screen computers setting of 1024px width created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),
  • 10. Summing it up So to put it simply we work this way to make your content availible to all and to future proof your site for the future. Here are some statistics that show W3C’s view of browser The figures speak usage across the board. for themselves. Computer Browser Statistics for December 2010: Firefox IE Chrome Safari Opera 43.5% 27.5% 22.4% 3.8% 2.2% Mobile Statistics for June 2010: Opera iPhone Nokia iPod Touch Blackberry Android 26.35% 18.05% 15.84% 8.69% 14.41% 6.69% IE stats have dropped from 36.2 % in January 2010 to 27.5% in December 2010. Also the stats for IE6 as of December 2010 are 4.4 % This shows that there is a steady decline of IE users and a growing market of other browsers/devices. created by @weallneedheroes (twitter),