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//Build// Mini 2015
Universal Windows Platform、Edge、Visual Studio Code、
• Microsoft MVP (ASP.NET)
• TechDays 2014 講師
• MVP 2015 微軟實戰課程日 講師
• html5 & javascript程式開發實戰書籍共同作者
• K.NET 社群創辦成員
• Study4.TW 社群成員
About Me
• Windows 10 Universal Windows Platform
• Edge
• Visual Studio
• Cross Platform App - Cordova
Universal Windows Platform
Windows 10
Windows 10
Home Mobile Pro Eterprise Education Mobile Enterprise
PC、平板電腦 智慧型手機和小
on Windows 10
Home for小型企
on Windows 10
Pro for 中大型
on Windows 10
for 學校職員、
Windows 10 上市的第一年提供 Windows 7、Windows 8.1 和 Windows Phone 8.1 裝置免費升級
Windows 10 Home、Windows 10 Mobile 和 Windows 10 Pro 完整版。
One store, one dev center
Surface Hub
Universal Windows Platform
• Windows 8 Universal apps
• Windows 8 (8.1)
• Windows Phone
• Universal Windows Platform
• 手機、平板電腦、電腦,以及即將加
入的 Xbox
Windows Platform
Core APIs
Phone Small Tablet
(Tablet or Laptop)
& All-in-OnesPhablet Large Tablet
Xbox IoTSurface Hub Holographic
Windows 10
One Store +
One Dev Center
Reuse Existing
One SDK +
User Interface
User Inputs
One Universal Windows Platform
• create a single app package
• Unified Developer Platform - 統一開發平台
• provides a guaranteed core API layer across devices
• Adaptive Code
• across all device types
• Best developer experience for
building Universal Windows apps
• Deploy/Debug/Profile
• Simulator
• Local Machine
• Mobile Emulators
• Remote Machine
• Device
• XAML Designer/Intellisense
Windows 10
All other features work at parity with
Windows 10, except:
• Deploy/Debug/Profile
• Mobile Emulators
• Remote Machine
• Device
• XAML Intellisense
• No WACK (Server R2)
Windows 8.1
Windows Server 2012 R2
All other features work at parity with
Windows 10, except:
• Deploy/Debug/Profile
• Remote Machine
• Device
• XAML Intellisense
Windows 7
• C++, C#, Visual Basic, and JavaScript
• DirectX , XAML, Html
• Add Extensions
• Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation
• IsTypePresent
bool isHardwareButtonsAPIPresent =
if (isHardwareButtonsAPIPresent)
+= HardwareButtons_CameraPressed;
• Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation
• IsTypePresent,IsEventPresent, IsMethodPresent,
bool isHardwareButtons_CameraPressedAPIPresent =
("Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons", "CameraPressed");
Universal Windows Platform Bridge
UWP Bridge
project-islandwoodproject-astoria Project Centennial Project Westminster
Windows 10 UWP
Project Astoria (java)
• 最大程度的Reuse code - Build Windows apps for phones with
few code changes
• Use a Microsoft interoperability library
• Test and debug your app from your preferred IDE
• 部份Android UI會轉換為Windows Phone原生UI (Not 100%)
• 使用java直接呼叫Windows Phone專用API(動態磚)
Project Astoria (java)
Your Android Code
(Project Astoria SDK & App analysis)
Your app in the
Windows Store
Your IDE
(Project Astoria Plugins)
Your dev
Live tiles
Project Islandwood (Objective c)
• Import Xcode® projects into Visual Studio
• Build and debug your Objective-C code from Visual Studio
• future - support Swift
• Success project - Candy Crash Saga
Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge
I am IE Who am I ?
Microsoft Edge
• Project Spartan
• New rendering engine Base onTrident 重新改寫
• IE11 on Win 10 + for 企業舊系統使用 ( 盡早升級應用系統 )
• 不再支援IE專用技術(ActiveX、VBScript…)
• 符合更多HTML5、JavaScript標準
New & updated HTML5 features
• @supports
• Flexbox standards update
• dppx unit
• transform-style: preserve-3d
• Filter effects
Storage & networking
• HTTP/2
• Content security policy
• Web Crypto API updates
• HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security
Media & RTC
• Media capture
• WebAudio
• Video Tracks
• WAV Audio support
Input & Editing
• Touch events
• Pointer lock API
• Media Queries L4 - Interaction
• Selection API
• Gamepad API
• ES6 Math, Number, String, RegExp &
Object built-ins
• Arrow functions, Enhanced object
literal, Template strings, Default,
Rest, Spread
• Map, Set, Weakmap, __proto__,
• Let, Const, Promises, Classes
DOM & Graphics
• SVG foreignobject
• SVG attribute animation
• Complete WebGL support
• DOM event constructors
• DOM Level 3 XPath
Preview Release
In development
Mobile Issues
• Use IE redirect to
• Use Chrome redirect to
Change User Agent String
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Chrome/39.0.2171.71 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.0
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.1.25 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Version/8.0 Safari/600.1.25
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/35.0
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Chrome/40.0.2214.93 Safari/537.36
Visual Studio
Visual Studio 2015
Visual Studio 2015
Visual Studio 2015
• Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova
• Visual Studio Emulator for Android
• Visual Studio Tools for Universal Windows App Development
• Git 版本控制加強
• CodeLens
Visual Studio 2015
• Support bower package manager
• bower.json
• bower install
• bower_components folder
Visual Studio Code
• Editor
• Support
• Intellisense
• Version Control - Git
Visual Studio Code
Cross Platform App Tool
Hybrid App
Native APP Web APP Hybrid APP
Hybrid App
• Cross platform
• Fast - Web to app
• 對講求高效的app較不合適(Game、3D)
• UI驗體較無法發揮平台特性
Hybrid App Dev
• PhoneGap / Cordova
• written once,run everywhere
• 跨平台通用的JavaScript API
• Titanium
• 針對特定平台制定API,追求提供平台特性的使用者體驗
• 使用特定的IDE開發工具
Cross Platform App Dev
C# + XIB C# + AXML C# + XAML
Native UI Native UI Native UI
Black Box
Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova
• Build apps for iOS, Android, and Windows
• Build mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
• Flexibility to use any JavaScript framework
• Native device access with support for common
and custom plug-ins exposed as JavaScript APIs
Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova
• 封装Native的功能,提供跨平台一致性Device API
• 將Html、CSS、JavaScript 打包成APP
Microsoft Services Custom API’s
Application LogicUser Experience
Open-source front-end frameworks
Mobile Platform Development
Examples of plugins for interfacing with device capabilities
Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova
• Android
• Physical device
• New Visual Studio Android Emulator
• Android Emulator, belonging to the Android SDK
• Apache Ripple Emulator
Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova
• iOS
• Physical device
• iOS Emulator
• Apache Ripple Emulator
Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova
• Windows
• Physical device
• Visual Studio emulators for Windows Phone and Windows
//Build// Mini 2015 課後問卷
• 每週三會有常態性聚會活動 (於星巴克裕誠店,近巨蛋捷運站)

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Build mini - Windows 10 Dev & Cross platform Dev

Editor's Notes

  1. Project Hello Win 10 Windows Device Family Extension SDK
  2. 筆記功能 閱讀模式
  3. Demo Intellisense Demo command line Demo Customization
  4. Project Template +bootstrap +Winjs