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Bridging the
Digital Divide
    TechNet 2012
     Bobbi Newman
Let‟s talk about

Digital Natives
Zickuhr, 2011
Bridging the Digital Divide: It's more than teaching computer skills to seniors

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The Digital Divide
The  Digital  DivideThe  Digital  Divide
The Digital Divide

The document discusses the digital divide, which refers to the gap between those who have access to digital technology and information versus those with limited or no access. It provides examples of digital divides in different countries and regions, finding divides based on income level in Canada and the US, insufficient infrastructure and costs in China, and age and education in Europe. It then discusses some approaches to overcoming the digital divide, such as initiatives that provide low-cost laptops and education programs, as well as international cooperation and local programs to help residents access technology and digital skills.

by NDU
the digital divide
The ramifications of digital divide
The ramifications of digital divideThe ramifications of digital divide
The ramifications of digital divide

The document discusses various digital divides caused by socioeconomic, infrastructure, content, universal access, gender, and skills factors. These digital divides impact forms of capital like social capital by restricting people's ability to network; knowledge capital by limiting access to information and skills development; and human capital by reducing populations' collective skills, knowledge, and abilities. Addressing digital divides could help maximize these different types of capital within and between countries.

ME 216 ICT in Industry "Digital Divide"
ME 216 ICT in Industry "Digital Divide"ME 216 ICT in Industry "Digital Divide"
ME 216 ICT in Industry "Digital Divide"

The document discusses the digital divide, which refers to the gap between those who have access to modern information and communication technologies (ICTs) like the internet, and those who do not. It notes that while access to ICTs has spread rapidly in industrialized countries, the growth has been uneven in developing nations. This can further widen socioeconomic divides. Some key points made include that over 40% of people live on less than $2 per day, making basic internet access unaffordable, and that disparities exist between countries in areas like number of scientists and engineers, which influence technological development. The true significance of the digital divide is its potential economic effects, as access to ICTs and information is increasingly important

Bridging the Digital Divide: It's more than teaching computer skills to seniors
Bridging the Digital Divide: It's more than teaching computer skills to seniors
The Myth of
the Digital
Being digitally literate is about
   far more than access to
 technology, it is about using
       technology well.

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ICT & Digital Divide John Jacob
ICT & Digital Divide   John JacobICT & Digital Divide   John Jacob
ICT & Digital Divide John Jacob

The document defines key terms related to information and communication technology (ICT) and the digital divide. It discusses debates around prioritizing ICT development, both criticisms and arguments in support. United Nations Millennium Development Goals related to ICT access are outlined. The document explores how ICTs can support education, health, small and medium enterprises, and governance. It analyzes dimensions of the digital divide and importance of closing the gap, proposing strategies to increase access and relevance of ICTs.

digital divideict
Digital Citizenship
Digital CitizenshipDigital Citizenship
Digital Citizenship

This document defines the key elements of digital citizenship including digital access, communication, literacy, etiquette, security, rights and responsibilities, law, commerce, and health and wellness. It notes that digital access refers to equal opportunities to engage with technology, though divides exist based on socio-economic status, infrastructure, content, gender, skills, and universal access. Each element is explained briefly and an example is given. References are provided at the end.

Digital citizenship powerpoint poe
Digital citizenship powerpoint poeDigital citizenship powerpoint poe
Digital citizenship powerpoint poe

This document discusses the digital divide and its consequences. It defines the digital divide as the gap between those who have access to computers and the internet versus those who do not. It explains that lack of access to technology puts poorer nations at an economic disadvantage and prevents schools from teaching vital tech skills. The document suggests ways for governments to help solve this issue, such as providing cheaper tech alternatives, improving rural infrastructure, and offering training to help people learn new technologies.

We are floating (or sinking) in a
      sea of technology.
The illiterate of the 21st century
 will not be those who cannot
          read and write,
     but those who cannot
  learn, unlearn, and relearn.
             - Alvin Toffler
Bridging the Digital Divide: It's more than teaching computer skills to seniors
We are exposed to more
mediated messages in one day
than our great-grandparents
were exposed to in a year
-Center for Media Literacy

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Digital divide linear powerpoint
Digital divide linear powerpointDigital divide linear powerpoint
Digital divide linear powerpoint

The document discusses the digital divide, which refers to unequal access to technology and differences in how people use technology. It identifies several dimensions of the divide, including availability of services, skills, support, and content. There are three main stages of the divide: the economic divide due to lack of access, the usability divide due to lack of digital literacy, and the empowerment divide due to unequal participation. To address the divide, the document recommends improving access to computers and internet, increasing digital literacy, and embracing technology within communities. It also discusses the role of schools in helping to level the digital playing field through teacher training, technology support, and curriculum integration.

Digital divide
Digital divideDigital divide
Digital divide

The document discusses the digital divide, which is the gap between individuals and societies with regards to their access to and use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). It notes several types of digital divides, including socioeconomic divides, urban/rural divides, and international divides. It provides statistics on internet access and usage rates in various countries and populations to illustrate these divides. It discusses some of the barriers to access and initiatives being taken by governments and organizations to help bridge the digital divide, including improving infrastructure, increasing access points, developing skills, and ensuring relevant online content. The conclusion emphasizes that technology alone will not bridge the divide and that education is also needed to equip people with the ability to use technologies.

digital divide
The impact of digital divide powerpoint
The impact of digital divide powerpointThe impact of digital divide powerpoint
The impact of digital divide powerpoint

The document discusses the digital divide, particularly in India and developing nations. It describes how those in remote, poor areas lack access to modern technology, education, and healthcare as a result. The document then discusses efforts by organizations like First Mile Solutions to bridge this divide by providing internet access and technology to underserved communities. Local governments are also taking measures to address the digital divide through funding initiatives that send outdated tech to developing areas and help children access education resources online. A world map shows how computer adoption has grown globally over the past 20 years and is expected to continue increasing.

66 million Americans are
basic digital literacy skills
          -Usdan 2012
You keep using that word.
I do not think it means what you
         think it means.
Digital Literacy?
    Media Literacy
    Visual Literacy
 Computer Literacy?
Technology Literacy?
Information Literacy?

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Introduction to the Global Digital Divide
Introduction to the Global Digital DivideIntroduction to the Global Digital Divide
Introduction to the Global Digital Divide

Introduction and brief overview the Global Digital Divide. Definition Internet access & Globalization of technology and technology skills Challenges of Global Digital Access World Summit on the Information Society Education & Economics Effective Government Cultural and Economic differences Social Class and Access to Technology Individuals with disability

Digital divide
Digital divideDigital divide
Digital divide

The document discusses the digital divide, which refers to the gap between those who have access to computers and the Internet, and those who do not. The digital divide is related to three types of capital: social, knowledge, and human. Lack of digital access prevents the development of social networks and communication, access to online education, and the ability to enhance skills. Potential solutions proposed include providing free Internet access in public places and schools, as well as subsidized broadband and devices for low-income households.

Digital divide
Digital divideDigital divide
Digital divide

The document discusses the digital divide, which refers to unequal access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) between individuals, households, businesses and nations. The digital divide exists due to differences in access to the internet, skills to use digital technologies, and ability to afford ICT services. Lower income households are much less likely to have internet access compared to higher income households. Reducing the digital divide requires improving access to affordable broadband, increasing digital literacy, and ensuring online content is relevant and accessible to underserved groups.

Digital Literacy is the ability to use
   information and communication
    technologies to find, evaluate,
       create, and communicate
information, requiring both cognitive
          and technical skills.
         -ALA Digital Literacy Taskforce (2011)
A Digitally Literate Person:

   Possesses the variety of skills –
technical and cognitive – required to
 find, understand, evaluate, create,
and communicate digital information
     in a wide variety of formats
       -ALA Digital Literacy Taskforce (2011)
A Digitally Literate Person:

 Is able to use diverse technologies
   appropriately and effectively to
    retrieve information, interpret
results, and judge the quality of that
       -ALA Digital Literacy Taskforce (2011)
A Digitally Literate Person:

 Understands the relationship
 between technology, life-long
learning, personal privacy, and
  stewardship of information
    -ALA Digital Literacy Taskforce (2011)

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Digital devide in india
Digital devide in indiaDigital devide in india
Digital devide in india

The document discusses the digital divide in India. It defines the digital divide as the gap between those who have access to computers and the internet versus those who do not. In India, the digital divide exists between rural and urban areas, as well as between socioeconomic classes. The government has launched several initiatives under its Digital India program to bridge the digital divide, such as expanding broadband access, increasing mobile penetration, developing digital literacy programs, and increasing e-governance services. However, the digital divide in India still poses challenges to the country's economic growth and global competitiveness. Efforts are needed to expand access to ICT for rural and lower-income populations.

Digital Divide Introduction
Digital Divide IntroductionDigital Divide Introduction
Digital Divide Introduction

The document discusses the digital divide, which refers to the gap between those who have access to the internet and technology versus those who do not. It identifies two main aspects of the digital divide: access to computers and related technologies, as well as technological literacy and the ability to use technologies effectively. The document then discusses some potential solutions to bridging the digital divide, such as government policies, NGO programs to increase digital literacy, and initiatives that provide affordable access through technologies like mobile phones and low-cost laptops.

Digital divide & globalization
Digital divide & globalizationDigital divide & globalization
Digital divide & globalization

Presentation held by Mr.Goran Mitreski as a part of the Digital Divide Session at the 8th SEEITA and 7th MASIT Open Days Conference, 14th-15th October, 2010

A Digitally Literate Person:

     Uses these skills and the
    appropriate technology to
communicate and collaborate with
 peers, colleagues, family, and on
   occasion, the general public
     -ALA Digital Literacy Taskforce (2011)
A Digitally Literate Person:

   Uses these skills to actively
 participate in civic society and
contribute to a vibrant, informed,
    and engaged community
     -ALA Digital Literacy Taskforce (2011)
Five Literacies

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The Global Digital Divide
The Global Digital DivideThe Global Digital Divide
The Global Digital Divide

The document discusses the digital divide between developed and developing countries like the Philippines and India. It finds that while mobile phone usage has increased significantly in both countries, internet usage remains lower than in developed nations. Specifically, it notes that mobile phone subscription has more than doubled in the Philippines since 2004, with over 25% of the population owning phones. However, internet usage in the Philippines and India is still only around 3-28%, which is lower than other Asia-Pacific and global averages. While both countries have seen growth, the document concludes that a large digital divide still exists between high-income and lower-income countries in the region in terms of technology access and use.

digital divideindiainternet
Digital Divide & Digital Inequality Presentation
Digital Divide & Digital Inequality PresentationDigital Divide & Digital Inequality Presentation
Digital Divide & Digital Inequality Presentation

This document discusses the digital divide and digital inequality. It defines the digital divide as the gap between those who have access to computers and the internet versus those who do not. Digital inequality refers to socioeconomic factors like income, age, education, and location that limit technology access. It provides statistics on global internet and broadband access and adoption to demonstrate the gaps. It also discusses factors contributing to the digital divide like infrastructure costs, deregulation, and the lack of universal service fund support for broadband. Potential solutions discussed include increasing community access points, partnering with libraries, and providing technology training.

digital dividedigital inequalityedtech
The Digital Divide by Cade Hall
The Digital Divide by Cade HallThe Digital Divide by Cade Hall
The Digital Divide by Cade Hall

The document discusses the digital divide between aging employees and advancing technology. It notes that if employees are not regularly trained on new technologies, they will fall behind quickly. It recommends implementing regular training sessions to showcase new technologies and allow open discussion to address questions. It also notes that while technology differences can be frustrating, patience is important, especially for Christians.

Bridging the Digital Divide: It's more than teaching computer skills to seniors
Network Smarts

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Digital Divide
Digital Divide Digital Divide
Digital Divide

The document discusses the issue of the digital divide and efforts to address it. It provides background on the digital divide, how it affects people globally. It presents a case study on Guangxi Province in China where access to technology is limited. It then discusses the One Laptop Per Child initiative that aims to provide affordable laptops to children in developing areas to help bridge the digital divide. It outlines a student group's action plan to raise awareness and funds to support this initiative to address unequal access to technology worldwide.

Digital Divide
Digital DivideDigital Divide
Digital Divide

A presentation about definition, extent and reasons for digital divide, impact of the web and attempts to bridge the digital divide. I gave this speech in my ESL class at Portland State University in December 2008

digital divide media literacy
REGOS Bogor ICT Volunteers Programme Profile Gnome.Asia
REGOS Bogor ICT Volunteers Programme Profile Gnome.AsiaREGOS Bogor ICT Volunteers Programme Profile Gnome.Asia
REGOS Bogor ICT Volunteers Programme Profile Gnome.Asia

This document discusses digital inclusion efforts in Indonesia through the Indonesia ICT Volunteers program. It notes that a digital divide exists due to inequalities in infrastructure and digital literacy. The solution is digital inclusion to equip communities with computer and internet skills. Stakeholders like government, businesses, academics and civil society must collaborate on strategic plans. In 2011, ICT volunteers were established in most Indonesian provinces to support communities' ICT use. The Bogor ICT Volunteers program called REGOS works in schools since 2012, providing: 1) ICT support and infrastructure development for schools, 2) ICT training for non-ICT teachers, and 3) assistance for students to use ICT productively.

21st Century Skills
   Framework –
Adapted for Libraries
   and Museums
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Learning And Innovation
Information, Media, And
Life And

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Kegiatan Relawan TIK Indonesia 2011
Kegiatan Relawan TIK Indonesia 2011Kegiatan Relawan TIK Indonesia 2011
Kegiatan Relawan TIK Indonesia 2011

Relawan TIK Indonesia berdiri pada 2011 untuk membangun jembatan antara supply dan demand di bidang TIK, antar komunitas TIK, dan antara pegiat TIK dengan pemerintah dan perusahaan. Organisasi ini terdiri dari berbagai latar belakang dan melakukan berbagai kegiatan seperti pembentukan anggota, pelatihan, sosialisasi, dan kerjasama.

ictindonesiarelawan tik
Bridging the social_divide
Bridging the social_divideBridging the social_divide
Bridging the social_divide

The document discusses strategies for gaining senior management support for social media programs. It notes that 42% of senior managers do not currently support social media. To gain their buy-in, it is important to relate social media to business objectives and show its impact on key metrics like reach, strategic goals, and financial outcomes. The presentation provides examples of how to demonstrate value through measurement frameworks and evidence of social media's benefits like increased knowledge sharing and a better customer experience. It advocates establishing a coordinated cross-functional team to represent the organization with a unified voice online.

social media strategysocial media
LCTY: Bridging the Digital Divide - Demonstrating Enterprise Social Tools
LCTY: Bridging the Digital Divide - Demonstrating Enterprise Social ToolsLCTY: Bridging the Digital Divide - Demonstrating Enterprise Social Tools
LCTY: Bridging the Digital Divide - Demonstrating Enterprise Social Tools

The document discusses bridging the digital divide between digital natives and digital immigrants in enterprises. It defines digital natives as those who grew up with technology and digital immigrants as those who adopted technology later. It demonstrates how enterprise social software can provide social networking tools within organizations to both groups by allowing control, security, integration and access across devices.

sametimenoteslotusphere comes to you
Hobb’s Four
Tool Skills and
Authorship and Creation

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OLPC Oceania: Bridging the Digital Divide
OLPC Oceania: Bridging the Digital DivideOLPC Oceania: Bridging the Digital Divide
OLPC Oceania: Bridging the Digital Divide

Talk by Michael Hutak, Australian Institute for International Affairs, Sydney, 29 March 2011 From the perspectives of humanitarian aid, human development and human rights, contributing to global efforts to bridge the digital divide should be an urgent and central priority of Australia’s aid program.

one laptop per childpacificaustralia
Bridging technology divide
Bridging technology divideBridging technology divide
Bridging technology divide

Ideas for bridging the technology divide with mobile applications. Presented on Mahidol 2010, Bangkok.

Colin Rhinesmith - New Approaches to Bridging the Digital Divide - GCS16
Colin Rhinesmith - New Approaches to Bridging the Digital Divide - GCS16Colin Rhinesmith - New Approaches to Bridging the Digital Divide - GCS16
Colin Rhinesmith - New Approaches to Bridging the Digital Divide - GCS16

This document summarizes a presentation on new approaches to bridging the digital divide. It found that digital inclusion organizations use a four-part strategy: providing low-cost broadband, digital literacy training, low-cost computers, and public computing centers. These organizations connect to broader city initiatives but few use outcomes evaluation. Addressing digital divide requires understanding how poverty limits broadband adoption and emphasizing human connections over technology access alone. Recommendations include addressing ability to pay over willingness, sustaining inclusion programs, and developing evaluation frameworks.

gigabit city summittechnologygcs16
Online social
the ability to read, write and
     interact across a range of
platforms, tools and media from
    signing and orality through
handwriting, print, TV, radio and
 film, to digital social networks.

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Tentang Relawan TIK Indonesia
Tentang Relawan TIK IndonesiaTentang Relawan TIK Indonesia
Tentang Relawan TIK Indonesia

Dokumen tersebut merangkum program kerja Relawan TIK Indonesia dalam upaya meningkatkan literasi digital masyarakat Indonesia untuk mencapai target Masyarakat Informasi pada tahun 2015, meliputi peningkatan kapasitas relawan, sosialisasi ke masyarakat, dan kolaborasi dengan berbagai pihak.

indonesiarelawan tik
Bridging the digital divide: How schools can prepare students to be good digi...
Bridging the digital divide: How schools can prepare students to be good digi...Bridging the digital divide: How schools can prepare students to be good digi...
Bridging the digital divide: How schools can prepare students to be good digi...

Abstract As technology moves at a rapid pace it is important to review how students from low socio economic areas are catered for. Schools in these areas face many challenges; how they address these issues impacts on the students’ participation and skills as digital and global citizens. The government is implementing policies and funding to reduce the digital divide, but is it enough to prepare students from low socio economic areas to function effectively as digital citizens.

digital dividedigital citizenship
Fight the Digital Divide South Africa
Fight the Digital Divide South AfricaFight the Digital Divide South Africa
Fight the Digital Divide South Africa

Fight the Digital Divide is a non-profit-campaign. We collect PCs in good condition and send them to institutions who need these goods but can't afford them. Our actual campaign helps a school in a township near Johannesburg (South-Africa)

digital dividesouth africacomputers
                                                          Bobbi Newman
•   ALA supports FCC proposal to fund digital literacy training through public libraries. (2012,
    April 3).District Dispatch. Retrieved from
•   Aspen Institute to Advance Recommendations of the Knight Commission. (2010, May
    18).Knight Foundation. Retrieved from
•   Becker, S., Crandall, M. D., Fisher, K. E., Kinney, B., Landry, C., & Rocha, A. (2010).
    Opportunity for American Library Association. (2011). The state of America's libraries: A
    report from the American Library Association. Chicago, IL: American Library Association.
    Retrieved from
•   Clochesy, J. M. (2008). The experience of diversity by generation: how to bridge the
    differences. Diversity Factor, 16(4), 1
•   Dempsey, B. (2007). What boomers want. Library Journal, 132(12), 36-39.
•   DiMaggio, P., & Hargittai, E. (2001). From the „digital divide‟ to „digital inequality‟: Studying
    internet use as penetration increases. Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University: Center
    for the Arts and Cultural Policy Studies.
•   Elmore, L. (2010). Generation gaps. Women In Business, 62(2), 8.
•   Federal Communications Commission. (2010). Connecting America: The National
    Broadband Plan. Washington, D.C: Federal Communications Commission.
•   Fox, A. (2011). Mixing it up. HR Magazine, 56(5), 22.
•   Genachowski, J. (2011, November). FCC & “Connect to Compete” tackle barriers to broadband adoption,
    Face Sheet for Chairman Genachowski Remarks on Broadband Adoption, Speech presented in
    Washington, D.C. Retrieved from
•   Gilbert, J. (2011). The millennials: a new generation of employees, a new set of engagement policies.
    Ivey Business Journal, 75(5), 26.
•   Hoffman, J., Bertot, J. C., Davis, D. M., & Clark, L. (2011). Libraries connect communities: public library
    funding & technology access study 2010-2011. Chicago: American Library Association. Retrieved from
•   Institute of Museum and Library Services (2009). Museums, Libraries, and 21st Century Skills (IMLS-
    2009-NAI-01). Washington, D.C. Retrieved from
•   Jenkins, H., Clinton, K., Purushotma, R., Robison, A., & Weigel, M. (2006). Confronting the challenges of
    participatory culture: Media education for the 21st century. Retrieved from
•   Johnson, L. (2010). Resolving Intergenerational Workplace Conflict. Baseline, (107), 17.
•   Jones, C., Ramanau, R., Cross, S., & Healing, G. (2010). Net generation or Digital Natives: Is there a
    distinct new generation entering university? Computers & Education, 54(3), 722–732.
•   Lancaster, L.C., (2003). The click and clash of generations. Library Journal, 36-39.
•   Lippincott, J. K. (2007). Student Content Creators: Convergence of Literacies. EDUCAUSE Review, 42(6),
•   Margaryan, A., Littlejohn, A., & Vojt, G. (2011). Are digital natives a myth or reality ? University
    students ‟ use of digital technologies. Computers & Education, 56(2), 429–440.
•   McCarty, M. (2011). Welcome to the new world of work. Officepro, 71(5), 34.
•   O'Donovan, E. (2009). Managing generational diversity. District Administration, 45(8), 68.
•   Pita, K. (2012). Five Generations in the Workplace. Fairfield County Business Journal, 48(8), 27.
•   Prenksy, M. (2001), “Digital natives, digital immigrants”, On the Horizon, Vol. 9 No. 5, pp. 1-6.

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Connect To Survive - The Digital Divide
Connect To Survive  - The Digital DivideConnect To Survive  - The Digital Divide
Connect To Survive - The Digital Divide

The document discusses several topics related to connecting and surviving the digital divide: 1. It outlines how Web 2.0 tools like blogs, social networks, and content sharing platforms have created a new knowledge paradigm where value is created through collaboration and connectivity. Those who do not embrace these changes may become isolated. 2. It examines how different generations have varying levels of digital literacy and expectations of how technology should be used. This creates challenges for organizations with multigenerational workforces. 3. It notes that while online consultation can increase participation, barriers like age, income, and skills still contribute to a "digital divide." Not all groups are equally able to engage through digital means alone.

Education Technology in Indonesia
Education Technology in Indonesia Education Technology in Indonesia
Education Technology in Indonesia

This document provides an overview of education technology in Indonesia. It details the education system levels from kindergarten through higher education. It notes that Indonesia has over 250,000 schools, 2.6 million teachers, and 50 million students. However, it also faces challenges like inequality of access, underqualified teachers, lack of infrastructure in rural areas, and corruption. The document explores technology usage in schools as well as government efforts to improve the education system. It also compares Indonesia's education system to Finland's and notes both similarities and differences between the two countries.

Bridging the Digital Divide with Education, Technology, and Outreach
Bridging the Digital Divide with Education, Technology, and OutreachBridging the Digital Divide with Education, Technology, and Outreach
Bridging the Digital Divide with Education, Technology, and Outreach

Bridging the Digital Divide with Education, Technology, and Outreach from the OLPC project's perspective. We look at approaches to children and learning. We also look at ways in which we bypass a lack of infrastructure, teacher rigor, and cultural barriers. OLPC now reaches all continents, including Antarctica!

san franciscoxolinux
•   Rheingold, H. (2012). Net smart: How to thrive online. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
•   Richtel, M. (2012, May 29). Wasting Time Is New Divide in Digital Era. New York Times Online. Retrieved
•   Saveri, A., Rheingold, H., & Vian, K. (2005). Technologies of cooperation. Palo Alto CA. Retrieved from
•   Selwyn, N. (2009). The digital native – myth and reality. Aslib Proceedings, 61(4), 364–379.
•   Tennant, R. (2010, September 29). Managing Personal Change. Digital Libraries, Library Journal.
    Retrieved from
•   The Knight Commision on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy. (2009). Informing
    Communities: Sustaining Democracy in the Digital Age. Washington, DC: The Aspen Institute.
•   Thoman, E., Jolls, T., & Center for Media Literacy. (2008).Literacy for the 21st century: An overview and
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•   Usdan, J. (2012, July 23). FCC Chairman Announces Jobs-Focused Digital Literacy Partnership Between
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•   Zickuhr, K. (2010). Generations 2010. Washington, D.C: Pew Research Center‟s Internet and American
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•   Zickuhr, K. (2011). Generations and their gadgets. English. Washington, D.C: Pew Research Center‟s
    Internet and American Life Project.
•   Zickuhr, K., & Smith, A. (2012). Digital differences. Washington, D.C: Pew Research Center‟s Internet and
    American Life Project.

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Bridging the Digital Divide: It's more than teaching computer skills to seniors

  • 1. Bridging the Digital Divide TechNet 2012 Bobbi Newman @librarianbyday
  • 7. The Myth of the Digital Native
  • 8. Being digitally literate is about far more than access to technology, it is about using technology well.
  • 9. We are floating (or sinking) in a sea of technology.
  • 10. The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. - Alvin Toffler
  • 12. We are exposed to more mediated messages in one day than our great-grandparents were exposed to in a year -Center for Media Literacy
  • 14. 66 million Americans are without basic digital literacy skills -Usdan 2012
  • 15. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  • 16. Digital Literacy? Media Literacy Visual Literacy Computer Literacy? Technology Literacy? Information Literacy?
  • 17. Digital Literacy is the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills. -ALA Digital Literacy Taskforce (2011)
  • 18. A Digitally Literate Person: Possesses the variety of skills – technical and cognitive – required to find, understand, evaluate, create, and communicate digital information in a wide variety of formats -ALA Digital Literacy Taskforce (2011)
  • 19. A Digitally Literate Person: Is able to use diverse technologies appropriately and effectively to retrieve information, interpret results, and judge the quality of that information -ALA Digital Literacy Taskforce (2011)
  • 20. A Digitally Literate Person: Understands the relationship between technology, life-long learning, personal privacy, and stewardship of information -ALA Digital Literacy Taskforce (2011)
  • 21. A Digitally Literate Person: Uses these skills and the appropriate technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, colleagues, family, and on occasion, the general public -ALA Digital Literacy Taskforce (2011)
  • 22. A Digitally Literate Person: Uses these skills to actively participate in civic society and contribute to a vibrant, informed, and engaged community -ALA Digital Literacy Taskforce (2011)
  • 29. 21st Century Skills Framework – Adapted for Libraries and Museums by Institute of Museum and Library Services
  • 35. Tool Skills and Access
  • 38. Online social responsibility and digital citizenship
  • 40. the ability to read, write and interact across a range of platforms, tools and media from signing and orality through handwriting, print, TV, radio and film, to digital social networks.
  • 42. Questions? Bobbi Newman
  • 43. References • ALA supports FCC proposal to fund digital literacy training through public libraries. (2012, April 3).District Dispatch. Retrieved from supports-fcc-proposal-to-fund-digital-literacy-training-through-public-libraries/ • Aspen Institute to Advance Recommendations of the Knight Commission. (2010, May 18).Knight Foundation. Retrieved from release/aspen-institute-to-advance-recommendations-of-the/ • Becker, S., Crandall, M. D., Fisher, K. E., Kinney, B., Landry, C., & Rocha, A. (2010). Opportunity for American Library Association. (2011). The state of America's libraries: A report from the American Library Association. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. Retrieved from cas_libraries_report_2011.pdf • Clochesy, J. M. (2008). The experience of diversity by generation: how to bridge the differences. Diversity Factor, 16(4), 1 • Dempsey, B. (2007). What boomers want. Library Journal, 132(12), 36-39. • DiMaggio, P., & Hargittai, E. (2001). From the „digital divide‟ to „digital inequality‟: Studying internet use as penetration increases. Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University: Center for the Arts and Cultural Policy Studies. • Elmore, L. (2010). Generation gaps. Women In Business, 62(2), 8. • Federal Communications Commission. (2010). Connecting America: The National Broadband Plan. Washington, D.C: Federal Communications Commission. • Fox, A. (2011). Mixing it up. HR Magazine, 56(5), 22.
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  • 45. References • Rheingold, H. (2012). Net smart: How to thrive online. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. • Richtel, M. (2012, May 29). Wasting Time Is New Divide in Digital Era. New York Times Online. Retrieved from online.html?_r=3&pagewanted=all) • Saveri, A., Rheingold, H., & Vian, K. (2005). Technologies of cooperation. Palo Alto CA. Retrieved from • Selwyn, N. (2009). The digital native – myth and reality. Aslib Proceedings, 61(4), 364–379. doi:10.1108/00012530910973776 • Tennant, R. (2010, September 29). Managing Personal Change. Digital Libraries, Library Journal. Retrieved from change/ • The Knight Commision on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy. (2009). Informing Communities: Sustaining Democracy in the Digital Age. Washington, DC: The Aspen Institute. • Thoman, E., Jolls, T., & Center for Media Literacy. (2008).Literacy for the 21st century: An overview and orientation guide to media literacy education. Santa Monica, CA: Center for Media Literacy. • Usdan, J. (2012, July 23). FCC Chairman Announces Jobs-Focused Digital Literacy Partnership Between Connect2Compete and the 2,800 American Job Centers. Retrieved from • Why Broadband Service in the U.S. Is So Awful. (2010).Scientific American. Retrieved from • Williamson, K. (2009). Creating the new village green: the impact of the retirement of the baby boomers on the public library. Aplis, 22(2), 83-88. • Zickuhr, K. (2010). Generations 2010. Washington, D.C: Pew Research Center‟s Internet and American Life Project. • Zickuhr, K. (2011). Generations and their gadgets. English. Washington, D.C: Pew Research Center‟s Internet and American Life Project. • Zickuhr, K., & Smith, A. (2012). Digital differences. Washington, D.C: Pew Research Center‟s Internet and American Life Project.

Editor's Notes

  3. Zickuhr, K. (2011). Generations and their gadgets. English. Washington, D.C: Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project