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1© blackdot 2017
Practical strategies for advancing
customer & business outcomes in the
digital age
2© blackdot 2017
We deliver integrated people, process & technology solutions that
transform the customer experience & accelerate growth
Blackdot exists to drive
3© blackdot 2017
‘New Buyer’ Readiness Scalable Operating Models Frontline of the Future
End-To-End Marketing & Sales Transformation Across People, Process & Technology
How We Help Clients
Focused growth
strategies that deliver
enhanced customer
experience, loyalty &
Optimal resource
allocation to support
effective & efficient
marketing & sales
Integrated frameworks
to drive accelerated
acquisition, growth &
Empowered managers
equipped to drive
significant impact on
frontline performance
Critical mass of
marketing & sales
people delivering more
consistent out-
Technology-Enabled Customer Transformation
Human-Centred Transformation
4© blackdot 2017
Session Flow
Accelerating Marketing & Sales Transformation
Which Transformation Pathway Fits Best For You?
Panel Discussion
Perspectives From Different Sectors
Coffee & Networking
Blackdot Speakers
Marty Nicholas
Managing Director
Abhik Sengupta
Executive Director,
Client Solutions
David Manifold
Director, Health
David Wilson-Dowse
Capability Director
Justin Bock
Director, Banking &
Financial Services
Maeve McGuinness
Engagement Manager

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What You'll Learn - The current state of RevOps (survey results from 2,462 B2B practitioners!) - The biggest challenges & barriers that hinder companies transitioning to revenue ops for the first time - The steps companies are taking today to fix the customer journey & deliver a unified customer experience across their go-to-market teams (sales, marketing, customer success, and operations) - Real-world examples & stories “from the field”, from world-class RevOps executives and practitioners

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MarTech 2017 - CMG's Agile Marketing in the Enterprise
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MarTech 2017 - CMG's Agile Marketing in the Enterprise

[Presentation from MarTech 2017] The job of the marketing leader has never been more challenging and complex. We head 24/7, always-on, revenue-generating machines. But success in today's rapidly-changing environment requires new capabilities, new organizational structures, and new operations to enable greater adaptability, learning, speed, and ultimately, market impact. In other words, marketers must be agile. In this session, CMG Parter, Russ Lange, Level 3 North America Marketing VP, Gavin McKelvey, and Mozilla Senior Director of Marketing Operations, Chad Weiner, share insights you can use to scale Agile Marketing.

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IDC Best Practices in B2B Sales Methodologies
IDC Best Practices in B2B Sales MethodologiesIDC Best Practices in B2B Sales Methodologies
IDC Best Practices in B2B Sales Methodologies

This document summarizes IDC's research on best practices in sales methodologies. It finds that most companies use multiple sales methodologies, and that integrating a sales methodology into a company's sales force automation system positively impacts sales performance. It recommends customizing sales methodologies to a company's unique business model and culture, and maintaining methodology training as an ongoing process rather than a one-time event.

5© blackdot 2017
2. Experimenting
with Digital
3. Shifting Buying
4. Empowered by
5. Expecting
1. Reliant on
Physical Channels
But Are You Keeping Up With Your Customer?
We’re All Transforming
Industrial Products
Financial Services
Retail & Consumer Products
Health Sciences
6© blackdot 2017
Why Progress Doesn’t Come Fast Enough
Common Obstacles to Transformation
New Data / Tech /
Content Capability
Mindset Personalisation
at Scale
Re-Design Process
Single Customer
Buy-In Channel &
Role Mix
Literacy Acumen &
Insight Lift
2. Experimenting
with Digital
3. Shifting Buying
4. Empowered by
5. Expecting
1. Reliant on
Physical Channels
7© blackdot 2017
Blackdot’s Marketing & Sales Integration Maturity Model
What Does The Maturity Process Look Like?
Aligned Campaigns
& Accountabilities
Integrated E2E
2. Experimenting
with Digital
3. Shifting Buying
4. Empowered by
5. Expecting
1. Reliant on
Physical Channels
8© blackdot 2017
How to Move Faster Depending On The Current State Of Your Organisation
4 Common Pathways For Accelerating Transformation
Organisational Reset
Winning Back Frontline Trust & Belief
Data-Driven ‘Double-Down’
Optimising Customer & Business
Rapid Operational Reinvention
People, Process & Technology ‘Packages’
Disciplined Start
Gaining Traction for Transformation
Low High
Operational Maturity

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Definitive Guide to Sales Enablement
Definitive Guide to Sales EnablementDefinitive Guide to Sales Enablement
Definitive Guide to Sales Enablement

The number one industry guide to sales enablement. Also available online at

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The Death of the B2B Sales Rep 1.0
The Death of the B2B Sales Rep 1.0The Death of the B2B Sales Rep 1.0
The Death of the B2B Sales Rep 1.0

We are seeing a massive change in how organizations identify, procure, and implement solutions. This changes the role of the B2B sales rep. Learn how to be ready for the change.

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Getting Started With Marketing Automation
Getting Started With Marketing AutomationGetting Started With Marketing Automation
Getting Started With Marketing Automation

Rob Gurley provides an overview of marketing automation. He defines marketing automation as technology that tracks, prioritizes, and analyzes leads, customers, and accounts across marketing channels. Gurley discusses why companies should use marketing automation to improve accountability, strategic decision making, and ROI. He outlines common features of marketing automation platforms like email automation, campaign management, reporting, and lead scoring. Gurley also discusses best practices like increasing relevant content, reducing complexity, and template-based content creation to maximize marketing automation.

content strategymarketing automation
9© blackdot 2017
Gaining Traction for Transformation
Pathway 1 – Disciplined Start
Common Practice Best Practice
Best Practice
Integrated M&S Execution
Prove the value of the integrated engine
Frontline Ownership
Actively involve & provide accountability
Tangible Business Outcomes
Pursue a resonant commercial objective
Be Disciplined & Win Fast
Do agile well & earn the right for more
Be Agile & Fail Fast
Embrace quarantined test & learns
A major FI wanted to leverage it’s B2C
marketing capability into a traditional B2B
relationship selling model.
An ‘agile’ pilot was launched, however it
did not pursue clear business outcomes &
did not gain operational sales buy-in.
Operational Maturity
Common Practice
Channel Experimentation
Test components of the engine
Frontline Engagement
Build interest & address cynicism
Business Case
Clear intentions & project objectives
10© blackdot 2017
Common Practice
Platform Implementation
Focus on the ‘silver bullet’ solution
Transformation Program
‘Big bang’, multi-year complex project
Clear Vision
Anticipated customer or business benefits
People, Process & Technology ‘Packages’
Pathway 2 – Rapid Operational Reinvention
Common Practice Best Practice
Best Practice
New Operating Model
Focus on people, process and
Continuous Value
Fast, tangible & consistent benefits-
Detailed Blueprint
Defined sequencing & dependencies
Packages of New DNA
People, process & technology evolution
Top-Down Transformation
Leader-driven program management
A global tech business with a traditional,
siloed operating model, on an aggressive
growth trajectory, was at risk of losing
touch with customers.
Whilst the business imperative for change
was high, transformation ‘scar tissue’ &
near-term target pressure stalled
operational maturity.
Operational Maturity
11© blackdot 2017
Winning Back Frontline Trust & Belief
Pathway 3 – Organisational Reset
Common Practice Best Practice
Best Practice
Enterprise Leverage
Find pockets of excellence then push to
New Mindset & Behaviours
Build buy-in across head, heart & guts
Responsive Frontline Problem
How do we solve real staff problems?
Faster, Better, Easier
Enable a new Ex to unlock a new Cx
Solution Adoption
Change, Communications & Capability
Operational Maturity
A large Pharma company invested globally
in a new technology platform to enhance
multi-channel capability.
A poor deployment plan resulted in the
frontline not engaging, with utilisation and
belief in the tool rapidly declining.
Common Practice
Organisational Alignment
Get everyone on the same page
New Capabilities
Leverage the new technology
Change Management
How do we convince our staff?
12© blackdot 2017
Common Practice Best Practice
Optimising Customer & Business Outcomes
Pathway 4 – Data-Driven ‘Double-Down’
Best Practice
Shared Customer Accountability
Cx is everyone’s responsibility
‘Outside-In’ Optimisation
Drive ongoing reinvention via customer
Restless Excellence
Leverage insight to rev the engine harder
Business Momentum
Embrace learning & improvement as
Allow the transformation bed down
Business-As-Usual Consolidation
Allow the transformation to bed down
Operational Maturity
A B2B division of a major telco embarked
on digital sales transformation to enhance
the Cx & rep effectiveness & efficiency.
While significant gains were achieved
across NPS and sales metrics, the real
value was gained when these new
capabilities were leveraged to further
enhance Cx/Ex.
Common Practice
Strong customer function with teeth
‘Inside-Out’ Innovation
Do what we think is best for customers
Project Energy
Mobilise around bursts of transformation

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OpsStars NY Session | A B2B Revenue Ops Success Framework and Maturity Model
OpsStars NY Session | A B2B Revenue Ops Success Framework and Maturity ModelOpsStars NY Session | A B2B Revenue Ops Success Framework and Maturity Model
OpsStars NY Session | A B2B Revenue Ops Success Framework and Maturity Model

Matt Heinz – President & Founder, Heinz Marketing Learn the seven components of revenue operations success in B2B, including the strategy, alignment, process and technology components necessary to create a predictable, repeatable and scalable sales pipeline development engine. Matt Heinz will share results from his latest RevOps survey. You’ll walk away with a specific framework and maturity model to implement within your organization.

The 10 Secrets of Sales Excellence - A global study from Mercuri International
The 10 Secrets of Sales Excellence - A global study from Mercuri InternationalThe 10 Secrets of Sales Excellence - A global study from Mercuri International
The 10 Secrets of Sales Excellence - A global study from Mercuri International

Excellence vs your peers globally, not just because Mercuri said so! The survey asks 926 respondents across 20 countries and 12 industry categories, with over 80 percent comprising CEOs and Sales Managers. The top 3 are where we can help you most, now, today! 1. Each member of your sales team has a systematic account management planning process for each of their Customers Top performing companies score high in allocating sales resources for each of their Customers such that an account management plan specific to the requirement of every individual Customer is in place. 2. Your sales strategy is documented in writing According to studies, only 14% of all people in a company know its strategy. Top performers seem to overcome this risk by documenting their strategy, for consistency of communication. 3. For each step of the sales process / workflow you have defined training modules, checklists / instruments A process is only as good as its implementation. Top performing companies don’t stop with defining sales processes and workflows. They get better at supporting their people in living those processes by developing training modules, checklists and instruments for each step of the process. Mercuri are experts in Sales. Call Mat on +44 7572 343 341 and lets start our conversation.

Top right introduction for partners master 130507
Top right introduction for partners master 130507Top right introduction for partners master 130507
Top right introduction for partners master 130507

TopRight is a strategic marketing and consulting firm that was founded in 2006. It provides various marketing services including marketing strategy, analytics, marketing transformation, and enabling marketing technologies. The document discusses TopRight's services, approach, and case studies working with clients such as a communications company, education company, pharmaceutical company, and non-profit organization to improve their marketing, customer experiences, and business results.

13© blackdot 2017
Your Tools For Moving Faster
4 Common Pathways For Accelerating Transformation
3 Organisational Reset
Enable a New Ex To Unlock A New Cx
4 Data-Driven ‘Double-Down’
Leverage Insight To Rev The Engine
2 Rapid Operational Reinvention
Release Digestible Packages of New DNA
Disciplined Start
Do Agile Well & Win Fast
Low High
Operational Maturity
14© blackdot 2017
Kieren Perkins
General Manager
Client Experience
Brady Bantick
Head of Sales Force
Chris Clayton
Head of Sales &
Lynette Clunies-Ross
Chief Operating
15© blackdot 2017
Sign-up for our blog & insight updates
Stick around for networking & coffee
Leverage us to get started or go faster
Thank you for attending

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Blackdot - Accelerating Marketing & Sales Transformation - Melbourne

  • 1. 1© blackdot 2017 Practical strategies for advancing customer & business outcomes in the digital age E X E C U T I V E B R E A K F A S T ACCELERATING TRANSFORMATION & SALES MARKETING
  • 2. 2© blackdot 2017 MARKETING & SALES TRANSFORMATION We deliver integrated people, process & technology solutions that transform the customer experience & accelerate growth Blackdot exists to drive
  • 3. 3© blackdot 2017 ‘New Buyer’ Readiness Scalable Operating Models Frontline of the Future End-To-End Marketing & Sales Transformation Across People, Process & Technology How We Help Clients GO-TO-MARKET STRATEGY Focused growth strategies that deliver enhanced customer experience, loyalty & advocacy ALIGNED ORGANISATIONAL DESIGN Optimal resource allocation to support effective & efficient marketing & sales execution INTEGRATED MARKETING & SALES PROCESSES Integrated frameworks to drive accelerated acquisition, growth & retention MANAGEMENT DISCIPLINES Empowered managers equipped to drive significant impact on frontline performance FRONTLINE BEHAVIOURS Critical mass of marketing & sales people delivering more consistent out- performance Technology-Enabled Customer Transformation Human-Centred Transformation
  • 4. 4© blackdot 2017 Session Flow Keynote Accelerating Marketing & Sales Transformation Polling Which Transformation Pathway Fits Best For You? Panel Discussion Perspectives From Different Sectors Q&A Coffee & Networking Blackdot Speakers Marty Nicholas Managing Director Abhik Sengupta Executive Director, Client Solutions David Manifold Director, Health Sciences David Wilson-Dowse Capability Director Justin Bock Director, Banking & Financial Services Maeve McGuinness Engagement Manager #BlackdotInsights
  • 5. 5© blackdot 2017 2. Experimenting with Digital 3. Shifting Buying Preferences 4. Empowered by Digital 5. Expecting Omni-Channel 1. Reliant on Physical Channels But Are You Keeping Up With Your Customer? We’re All Transforming ENTERPRISEMATURITY Integration Marketing Transformation Sales Transformation CUSTOMER MATURITY Industrial Products Telecommunications Financial Services Retail & Consumer Products Technology Health Sciences
  • 6. 6© blackdot 2017 Why Progress Doesn’t Come Fast Enough Common Obstacles to Transformation ENTERPRISEMATURITY Integration Marketing Transformation Sales Transformation New Data / Tech / Content Capability Executive Conviction Outcomes Mindset Personalisation at Scale Customer Imperative Data Integrity Legacy Platforms Organisational Re-Design Process Integration Single Customer View Bottom-Up Buy-In Channel & Role Mix Digital Literacy Acumen & Insight Lift Integrated Rhythm 2. Experimenting with Digital 3. Shifting Buying Preferences 4. Empowered by Digital 5. Expecting Omni-Channel 1. Reliant on Physical Channels CUSTOMER MATURITY
  • 7. 7© blackdot 2017 Blackdot’s Marketing & Sales Integration Maturity Model What Does The Maturity Process Look Like? ENTERPRISEMATURITY Integration Marketing Transformation Sales Transformation Lead Generation Campaign Effectiveness Channel Effectiveness Demand Generation Lifecycle Management Not Started Isolated Experimentation Aligned Campaigns & Accountabilities Integrated E2E Workflows Optimised Cross-Channel Execution Haphazard Selling Sales Disciplines Sales Effectiveness Buyer Centric Customer Driven 2. Experimenting with Digital 3. Shifting Buying Preferences 4. Empowered by Digital 5. Expecting Omni-Channel 1. Reliant on Physical Channels CUSTOMER MATURITY
  • 8. 8© blackdot 2017 1 2 3 4 Full Maturity High How to Move Faster Depending On The Current State Of Your Organisation 4 Common Pathways For Accelerating Transformation 3 Organisational Reset Winning Back Frontline Trust & Belief 4 Data-Driven ‘Double-Down’ Optimising Customer & Business Outcomes 2 Rapid Operational Reinvention People, Process & Technology ‘Packages’ Disciplined Start Gaining Traction for Transformation 1 Low High Operational Maturity BusinessImperative
  • 9. 9© blackdot 2017 ACCELERATION Gaining Traction for Transformation Pathway 1 – Disciplined Start UNCONVENTIONAL WISDOM Common Practice Best Practice Best Practice Integrated M&S Execution Prove the value of the integrated engine Frontline Ownership Actively involve & provide accountability Tangible Business Outcomes Pursue a resonant commercial objective Be Disciplined & Win Fast Do agile well & earn the right for more Be Agile & Fail Fast Embrace quarantined test & learns CONTEXT A major FI wanted to leverage it’s B2C marketing capability into a traditional B2B relationship selling model. An ‘agile’ pilot was launched, however it did not pursue clear business outcomes & did not gain operational sales buy-in. Operational Maturity BusinessImperative 1 Common Practice Channel Experimentation Test components of the engine Frontline Engagement Build interest & address cynicism Business Case Clear intentions & project objectives
  • 10. 10© blackdot 2017 ACCELERATION Common Practice Platform Implementation Focus on the ‘silver bullet’ solution Transformation Program ‘Big bang’, multi-year complex project Clear Vision Anticipated customer or business benefits People, Process & Technology ‘Packages’ Pathway 2 – Rapid Operational Reinvention UNCONVENTIONAL WISDOM Common Practice Best Practice Best Practice New Operating Model Focus on people, process and technology Continuous Value Fast, tangible & consistent benefits- realisation Detailed Blueprint Defined sequencing & dependencies Packages of New DNA People, process & technology evolution Top-Down Transformation Leader-driven program management CONTEXT A global tech business with a traditional, siloed operating model, on an aggressive growth trajectory, was at risk of losing touch with customers. Whilst the business imperative for change was high, transformation ‘scar tissue’ & near-term target pressure stalled operational maturity. Operational Maturity BusinessImperative 2
  • 11. 11© blackdot 2017 ACCELERATION Winning Back Frontline Trust & Belief Pathway 3 – Organisational Reset UNCONVENTIONAL WISDOM Common Practice Best Practice Best Practice Enterprise Leverage Find pockets of excellence then push to masses New Mindset & Behaviours Build buy-in across head, heart & guts Responsive Frontline Problem Solving How do we solve real staff problems? Faster, Better, Easier Enable a new Ex to unlock a new Cx Solution Adoption Change, Communications & Capability Operational Maturity BusinessImperative CONTEXT A large Pharma company invested globally in a new technology platform to enhance multi-channel capability. A poor deployment plan resulted in the frontline not engaging, with utilisation and belief in the tool rapidly declining. 3 Common Practice Organisational Alignment Get everyone on the same page New Capabilities Leverage the new technology Change Management How do we convince our staff?
  • 12. 12© blackdot 2017 ACCELERATION UNCONVENTIONAL WISDOM Common Practice Best Practice Optimising Customer & Business Outcomes Pathway 4 – Data-Driven ‘Double-Down’ Best Practice Shared Customer Accountability Cx is everyone’s responsibility ‘Outside-In’ Optimisation Drive ongoing reinvention via customer insights Restless Excellence Leverage insight to rev the engine harder Business Momentum Embrace learning & improvement as BAU Business-As-Usual Consolidation Allow the transformation bed down Business-As-Usual Consolidation Allow the transformation to bed down Operational Maturity BusinessImperative CONTEXT A B2B division of a major telco embarked on digital sales transformation to enhance the Cx & rep effectiveness & efficiency. While significant gains were achieved across NPS and sales metrics, the real value was gained when these new capabilities were leveraged to further enhance Cx/Ex. 4 Common Practice Customer-Centricity Strong customer function with teeth ‘Inside-Out’ Innovation Do what we think is best for customers Project Energy Mobilise around bursts of transformation
  • 13. 13© blackdot 2017 Your Tools For Moving Faster 4 Common Pathways For Accelerating Transformation 3 Organisational Reset Enable a New Ex To Unlock A New Cx 4 Data-Driven ‘Double-Down’ Leverage Insight To Rev The Engine Harder 2 Rapid Operational Reinvention Release Digestible Packages of New DNA Disciplined Start Do Agile Well & Win Fast 1 1 2 3 4 Full Maturity High Low High Operational Maturity BusinessImperative
  • 14. 14© blackdot 2017 Kieren Perkins General Manager Client Experience Brady Bantick Head of Sales Force Excellence Chris Clayton Head of Sales & Marketing Lynette Clunies-Ross Chief Operating Officer
  • 15. 15© blackdot 2017 Sign-up for our blog & insight updates Stick around for networking & coffee Leverage us to get started or go faster Thank you for attending

Editor's Notes

  1. We’ve spoken a lot at past events around how we are in the midst of significant shifts in how our customers buy brought about by digital. As a result of this we’re all transforming and that’s why we’re all here this morning, the big question we talk about a lot with clients is the pace of transformation vs our customers (and competitors), and whether we are moving at the right pace. Broadly speaking there are 5 main stages that we observe customers maturing through: Animate through customer maturity line Physical channel dependence – this is the buyer of 5 years ago, heavily reliant on salespeople for solution understanding and fit, strong focus on solution features and benefits Digital experimentation - beginning to branch out into digital channels, could be starting to buy Disruption/preference shift – this is the point where buyers begin to develop a preference for digital channels and see less value and have less time for salespeople Informed, self-directed buyer – highly search literate, savvy and highly informed, online and social media comparisons, expect far broader business value and depth of expertise from sales interactions Omni-channel expectations – the end to end experience is a significant element in the purchasing decision, the ability to move between channels seamlessly and with high levels of personalisation are expected as given Animate through enterprise maturity What we observe with particularly a lot of the B2B sector that we work with is that typically a lot of headway has been made with service transformation – examples would be introducing a self-serve digital platform, or a range of other initiatives aimed at dedicated measurement and improvement of the customer experience Marketing and sales transformation however has been far more difficult to progress, with varied progress across sectors For a lot of us we are likely dealing with customers who are stages 4 and 5 – so a big part of today’s session is about helping you with ideas for how to accelerate and catch up with them. Animate sector examples
  2. So given that most of us aren’t moving as fast as we’d like to – what are the obstacles holding us back? Animate through the marketing challenges Executive buy-in – with a lot of leaders coming from relationship selling backgrounds, often building executive understanding and support for digital marketing initiatives can be difficult Outcomes mindset – many marketers haven’t had to be accountable for revenue and lead generation outcomes in the past, so this is a significant mindset shift and often requires net-new talent additions Data/tech/content – our marketers need to work with more data and technology tools, and build more compelling content more quickly, than they have had to in the past – so this is a big capability leap Personalisation at scale – and marketers face the challenge of increasing relevance across all touchpoints and engaging a customer who is far more discerning and educated Animate through the sales challenges Bottom-up buy-in – salespeople are often accustomed to be CEO of the customer relationship and can be threatened by digital and marketing initiatives Channel and role mix – the universal soldier field force is unlikely to be the most cost effective and customer appropriate channel anymore, new sales channels such as inside sales and increasing levels of sales role specialisation are required Digital literacy – CRM, social media, data skills all need to lift Acumen and insight lift- a higher level of commercial acumen and unique expertise is required to engage buyers and deliver contextual thought leadership and insights Animate through the integration challenges Customer imperative – we need to awaken the business to the criticality of reorganising around the customer Data integrity – so dealing with our legacy databases and data entry issues – without good data relevance is impossible Legacy platforms – often we have existing platforms with significant sunk costs that restrict our ability to be nimble and evolve our tools Organisational design – roles, KPIs, incentives all have to be adapted support new ways of working Process integration – all the typical issues between marketing and sales pop up here, we have to work out how to hardwire lead qualification, hand-offs and follow up Single customer view – and we need to deal with our disparate databases, without the right data at the right time our marketing and sales staff can’t be as relevant as they need to be
  3. So in terms of the maturity process for how organisations typically develop, let’s look at what this actually looks like. Animate through the marketing stages Brand building – all above the line campaigns, no connection to sales Campaign driven – starting to run campaigns but they are sporadic and sales engagement is variable Lead generation – marketing is starting to take responsibility for early funnel and dedicated joint M&S initiatives are well underway, lead targets are being set Demand generation – marketing is orientated around the buyer’s journey and channel selection, content and campaigns are geared around this for key buyer personas, automation well underway, clear accountability for revenue targets Customer lifecycle – marketing play a significant role throughout the end to end customer journey from pre purchase through to repurchase. Account based initiatives are in place as marketing start to go beyond loyalty initiatives for existing customers to dedicated KAM support Animate through the sales stages Haphazard Selling - The operating model is ambiguous, sales processes are not well defined and CRM data quality is poor or non-existent. Salespeople are largely self-reliant and there is little in the way of formal development or support from the business. Sales Disciplines - Professionalisation of the salesforce has begun, with more robust role clarity, targets and incentives driving more of the right behaviours. Capability development is improving and the importance of uplifting CRM hygiene has been recognised Sales Effectiveness - The foundations supporting consistent sales performance are mature and a performance culture has emerged. Process and CRM compliance is strong however these are not yet seen as simple and enabling for salespeople. Buyer Centric - More channels are being introduced and pilots and initiatives are being launched to adapt marketing and sales for the digital age. Integration and data sharing across functions has begun to enhance sales effectiveness and the customer experience. Customer Driven - Customer-facing functions are fully integrated and are delivering a consistently high quality omni-channel experience. All customer interactions are supported by data and technology tools which deliver strong relevance across the buying journey. Animate through the integration stages Not Started – building business buy-in, educating frontline and leaders on the ‘why’ Isolated Experimentation – Some experiments around combined M&S campaigns, testing of new channels and tools Aligned Campaigns & Accountabilities – good communication and understanding across M&S, regular joint M&S campaign initiatives, planning and rhythm Integrated E2E Workflows – Complimentary and integrated M&S processes, integrated databases, execution platforms and metrics/dashboards Optimised Cross-Channel Execution – scaled execution through automated workflows and alerts, full attribution and funnel visibility, single view of customer
  4. VOICEOVER With only headings on page: Thanks Marty. Before I launch into our first example I was reflecting on my personal experience over the last 20 years in strategic roles within firms attempting to adopt “agile”, “test and learn” or “fail fast” approaches for new projects. Now don’t get me wrong, entrepreneurial organisations utilising agile methodologies as part of their DNA deliver great results in very short spaces of time. The issue for most of us is that at best only small parts of our firms are operating in this manner – we have siloed businesses and legacy systems and mature products to deal with. It’s a bit like the old cartoons of scooby doo when he sees a ghost – his legs run like mad but he’s just not moving anywhere. Context box: Being the Director of the Financial Service practice at Blackdot, the example I will draw on here is that of a major financial institution that was on the very early stages of a pathway to gradually transform its marketing & sales activity in one of its business units. Elsewhere in the firm they had relatively more developed capability in B2C marketing and wanted to translate some of that capability to the traditional B2B relationship selling environment. To provide some further context to the scenario, the Marketing division had gained some degree of executive buy-in, with broad alignment on the desire to reduce the spend on above the line brand building campaigns and shift more to targeted below the line activity. This was a big change for the division, and as you’d expect they received mixed support from the executive team who were accustomed to an old world relationship selling model. The challenge they were given was to ‘prove it’. By the way I have seen variations of this scenario play out in many financial and non-financial institutions. To “prove it” the marketing team decided to run an ‘agile’ pilot. They selected a scope and segment for the pilot. The focus was acquisition in middle market. They selected an unmanaged segment which was declining at double digit percentages year on year – which was less downside risk for the business. Sounds logical? However the problem in this example was that this was far from a disciplined start. The well intentioned ‘agile’ pilot did not deliver on a number of critical fronts, including impactful levels of sales and operational and leadership buy-in and support. In other words, the pilot derailed. Let’s consider some of the potential interventions that could have helped move the dial: Acceleration Box: Row 1 Whilst a project may be set up with a well written business case, and a set of clear objectives, this does not mean the objectives will be commercial enough to earn you the right to continue. If your business unit generates $80m in annual sales, then a revenue uplift of $1m is hardly likely to raise too many executive eyebrows. Moreover, if your outcomes are predicated purely on delivering leads, with no outcomes around acquisition, retention, up-sell then you are potentially moving the organisation further and further away from marketing-sales integration. In fact what you will end up with is a frontline sales team swamped with a sea of poor quality leads, little desire to pursue any of them, and a growing frustration with the marketing department.   Row 2 Being targeted in your content is directionally the way to go, but the cake is only part baked. Unfortunately experimenting with only parts of the marketing engine will not yield the results you need to prove the outcome. Often firms start with a mature or legacy customer base, and build email newsletter type content with some tailoring based on wealth or age demographic parameters. This however doesn’t account for the stage of the buyer journey or the individual buyer channel preferences. Slides 78-81 recommendations. The aim for your pilot should be to prove the value of the integrated engine by demonstrating what can be achieved with M&S working together across the buyer’s journey e2e. Critical to this being successful will be good process, leveraging marketing automation to deliver scale, common definitions on what a good lead is, how it gets handed over and who owns it to ensure successful lead generation efforts on the marketing side receive the attention necessary for conversion on the sales side. Row 3 The typical approach to engagement is to build interest and try to head off cynicism through sending out broad email communications to staff, which will often incorporate rules or implications for not “being on the bus”. However this doesn’t generate real engagement. Simply filling the sales pipeline with unqualified leads and trying to enforce or push sales to follow will result in a lack of commitment at best, and active rebellion at worst. However if we actively involve the sales team in the pilot design and outcomes, and give them some accountability for the outcomes then this will support ownership. Also if the pilot process is designed to deliver better quality leads then Sales will be motivated to pull the leads into the sales funnel rather than having them pushed at them. Throughout we need to support this with an engaging change management program that is “fit for purpose” to support frontline ownership. [Roadshows to unveil the process] So what we have illustrated here are some ways to accelerate the success of the pilot through extending from common practice to best practice. The final point to land on is this – sometimes to win you need to challenge the conventional wisdom. Unconventional wisdom We are in corporate with shareholders and regulators and existing customers, we’re not start-ups - there’s no prizes here for failing fast, only heartache. Let’s set ourselves up for success, lets test and learn and win! And the way to do that is to structure the pilots correctly from the outset to deliver meaningful results, with an integrated M&S process delighting customers across their journeys, and exert some change management muscle to support the transformation, no matter the size. Earn the right to leverage the pilot from a “disciplined start” to greater operational maturity and build the business imperative.     CONVERSATION WITH GABBY 2015 done some work with sales team to help sales team – BPB way 2016 Brought in to help the marketing team – setting up lead generation pilots, Looking at database, and coming up with a list of next viable product – analytics teams. No connection to sales. Very unqualified bunch of leads and flooding the pipeline with sales pipeline, and the sales guys ignored. We recommended they stop immediately. They were already running the pilots…just started. Newsletter going out every 2 weeks plus a monthly. Marketing to invest a bit more time in qualifying the leads on the phone (allocated resource to qualify). Build a call to action on each newsletter. Business case: They saw success as delivery of leads to sales teams – but success is getting a conversion out of the marketing generated leads. Winning is closing the lead, not # leads in the pipeline. Channel Experimentation: Pilots were purely newsletters, with some tailoring. Content eg. cricket themed, tailored to the size. Different newsletters to different segments. Slides 78-81 recommendations. Recommended targeting based on channel and based on stage of buyer journey, utilising marketing automation. Frontline Engagement: Difference between putting leads into sales pipeline and trying to enforce or push sales to follow up. Need to swap to better qualified leads and get sales to pull rather than push Roadshows to unveil the process. Stakeholder engagement plan by groups of sales people with tailored engagement plan. Agile and fail fast: Pilot was “test and learn” but results were pretty poor, just farming out newsletters. However if they stepped back and put resources behind in the first place, they would have much better results from the start. Set yourself up to win, not fail and tweak.  
  5. VOICEOVER Acceleration Row 1 Clear vision - what its going to deliver in terms of customer, frontline, shareholder value Many of us operate in environments where there has been a myriad of change initiatives throughout the years and a lot of scar tissue built up at the frontline > getting the dependencies and sequencing right and sharing what the roll-out will look like is critical Row 2 Platform implementation: often focus is on platform implementation and systems integration. A lot of the complexity is technology related e.g. What’s the right platform, how does that align with our technology roadmap, what should the underlying architecture look like etc. A new technology tool alone cannot deliver new ways of working New op model - focus on new op model, how do the strategy, people, process and technology fit together? What does this enable from a customer experience perspective, role and goal clarity Technology platform implementation > New op model, op model, process, mindset and capabilities, technology Row 3 Big bang transformation program > continuous value - deliver ongoing improvements in the customer experience and employee experience to fuel interest and ongoing momentum Unconventional When trying to achieve rapid op reinvention It’s really less about the big bang top down transformation program that leaders are thumping the table on You need all that But to actually deliver the change you need to successfully deliver packages of new DNA into the org, the org has to mutate So that means user friendly packages of ppl, process and tech that enable people to evolve with the change
  6. Acceleration Row 1 From resistance management approach to> responsive frontline problem solving – focus on value and adoption, responsively address frontline pain points – always appreciated by frontline. Champion the features of the solution, create champion groups/coalition of the willing, collect bottom up feedback and get teams working together, put focal points on what is working and what’s in it for me Row 2 We’re all aware in a big corporate you can’t underestimate the challenge of getting different parts of the business behind your project, particularly when spread across locations. Need to shift from fighting the tide to going with this, looking at how to get the enterprise working for you. Row 3 New capabilities > new mindset and behaviours – DWD head, heart, guts stuff Unconventional Good change comms and capability, this is good But It’s actually about solve pain and delivering real value It needs to be about frontline belief – make it faster, better, easier Last session notes – this was Ben’s share around the AZ story Realisation that the tech alone isn’t the answer, got to look at the people, process stuff Only got the tech, then did the process and the people Got Ferrari, custom wheels in top right loving it and using it fully energised, global standardized all the modules lost functionality custom to that market, global operating model, went backwards, ended up with teams that are using excel, team lost motivation and belief, alignment with the journey, tool no longer fit for purpose, lot of noise in the org and broader change going on, some poor results around a product happening at same time, restructures global standardization causing loss of hearts and minds Starting doing good things to fix issues – working with sales teams, bottom up feedback, loosened some business rules, sales champion groups, pain points roadshow - find pain points and jump on them quickly, frontline value this, if couldn’t fix find bandaid solution , looked at what pain points can fix quickly – fixing pain points drove back up, Chmapion the features of the solution, put focal points on what is working, what’s in it for me sitting in the middle at the top as still don’t really have the functionality used to have still some reversion to excel and still work to be done, but love the tool marketing working closely with sales teams, some additional modules launched, got some Classic derailment story –
  7. This archetype is really about really excelling on the transformation and then carrying the momentum into BAU The example we have in mind isas a telco that started with 10 different systems and complex operations supporting the frontline Their operations were not fit for purpose and Customer and employee experience was well below par They implemented a technology backbone end to end and also rebuilt the whole sales and marketing operating model end to end At that point they started getting results in terms of effectiveness and efficiency for the front line Rather than resting on their laurels, they then looked to leverage all the capabilities of the new system and processes to continue to improve the customer and employee experience The features of technology and agiltiy of the operating model allowed them to take customer feedback and construct and implement the solution in real time In terms of what we can learn from that, when you think about how a traditional transformation would run, we have bursts of effort and energy around the implementation points. People get excited about customer centricity and often you create a strong customer function and we invest a lot in inside out innovation To move to best practice you are looking to sustain the moementum into BAU and get the organisation to continue to learn and improve Custoemr becomes the responsibilty of everyone in the organisation and we look to optimise and reinvent based on customer feedback Common practice would be to rest on our laurels and bed down the transformation unconventional wisdom is this concept of restless excellence – using insight to rev the machine harder.
  8. When you are in zone 1, there are issues but also opportunity to shape the transformation in the ideal way.  Our view is to always start with people.  Get conviction from management and the frontline on the need for change and mobilise on a credible well planned end to end pilot zone 2 is liberating because the organisation is already convinced so we can be led from the frontline.  A quick build on the technology, process and operating can unleash the energy that is already within our people zone 3 requires a careful reset as there is a danger of pushback or regression to old ways of working.  The key here is to demonstrate value by using the potential of the technology and processes to solve real world pain points for the customer and employees.  Zone 4 is the zone of delivery but we need to maintain the momentum from the transformation and make sure we continue to build and improve.  Remediating existing problems or getting to new organisational best is not enough, we need to drive to best practice based on outside in feedback.