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Shakal Shukla
Who must have commitment to deliver a Quality Software to the Customer ?
What is Quality Quality Deliverables within time ? Bug Free software ? Customer Satisfaction ? Quality Deliverables within budget ?
What is Error ? What is an error? -  Unexpected result –  [Swapnil]   -  Mistake – Unplanned human action that produces an incorrect result.   -  Fault / Failure / Error / Issue / Bug

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Software Testing - Part 1 (Techniques, Types, Levels, Methods, STLC, Bug Life...
Software Testing - Part 1 (Techniques, Types, Levels, Methods, STLC, Bug Life...Software Testing - Part 1 (Techniques, Types, Levels, Methods, STLC, Bug Life...
Software Testing - Part 1 (Techniques, Types, Levels, Methods, STLC, Bug Life...

Author : Mr. Ankit Prajapati (Sr. Software Analyst) Below topics are covered in this presentation !!!  Software Testing  Skills required for Software Testing  Methods of Software Testing  Levels of Software Testing  Types of Software Testing  SDLC vs STLC  Test Management (Defect Life Cycle)  Deliverables of Software Testing  Automation Testing  Difference (Manual vs Automation)  Automation Testing Tools  References YouTube Link:

software testing basicmanual testingquality assurance
Test Automation - Keytorc Approach
Test Automation - Keytorc Approach Test Automation - Keytorc Approach
Test Automation - Keytorc Approach

This document discusses test automation approaches and best practices. It defines test automation as using software to perform test activities like execution and checking results. The document outlines how test automation fits into the software development lifecycle and notes that reducing manual testing and redundant tasks is key to success. It also discusses factors to consider for test automation, types of tests that can be automated, and technologies used for test automation like object-based and image-based recognition.

test otomasyontest automationselenium
Software Testing Process, Testing Automation and Software Testing Trends
Software Testing Process, Testing Automation and Software Testing TrendsSoftware Testing Process, Testing Automation and Software Testing Trends
Software Testing Process, Testing Automation and Software Testing Trends

This is the slide deck that KMS Technology's experts shared useful information about latest and greatest achievements of software testing field with lecturers of HCMC University of Industry.

testing processsoftware testingkms technology
Why software have a bugs? Miscommunication or No communication  Software Complexity  Programming errors  Changing Requirements  Time pressures / Unrealistic schedule  Egos  Poor documentation
Developer approach  Requirement gathering / Study.  Best practices / Coding standards. Proper commenting. Unit Testing. Creative User Interface. Basic validations. Systematic approach while fixing issues. Comments in issue log.
Other Factors.. Performance of application Security of application Memory leakages
Questions to QA.. QA are paid for breaking software or Developer ?   What QA should pursue ?  Error Or Developer

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Role Of Qa And Testing In Agile 1225221397167302 8
Role Of Qa And Testing In Agile 1225221397167302 8Role Of Qa And Testing In Agile 1225221397167302 8
Role Of Qa And Testing In Agile 1225221397167302 8

The document discusses the role of QA and testing in agile software development, describing key differences between traditional and agile testing approaches and outlining agile testing practices like test-driven development, continuous integration, regression testing, and exploratory testing. It also covers the role of testers in agile projects and provides an example of how one company, GlobalLogic, implements agile testing through a unique Velocity method and platform.

Automation testing strategy, approach & planning
Automation testing  strategy, approach & planningAutomation testing  strategy, approach & planning
Automation testing strategy, approach & planning

This document provides guidelines for effective test automation at IBM Global Services. It discusses that automation is viewed as a silver bullet but can also frustrate if not implemented properly. The document recommends starting simple and increasing complexity as skills grow. It provides considerations for automation, such as tests that are long, repetitive, and non-subjective. The document outlines 10 guidelines for automation, including establishing standards, separating what from how, using a six phase process, and defining required skills. It also discusses functional decomposition and keyword-driven methodologies and provides an overview of automation tools.

Automation Testing
Automation TestingAutomation Testing
Automation Testing

The document discusses automation testing basics, including that automation testing is done using automated tools to write and execute test cases. It explains that automation testing should be used for tasks that are time-consuming, repeated, tedious, or involve high risk test cases. The document also lists some popular free and commercial automation testing tools.

Keywords.. QA pursue errors not people. QA breaks software because QA cares.
Goal of QA Standard Goal .. Find issues  Find it ASAP Get it fix  Practical Goal .. No issues from customer within 2-3 hours after delivery/release.
Do’s for QA.. Proper understanding of requirement. Discussion with Leads & Developer. Test Plan  Review & Approve plan from Lead Test Cases Review & Approve cases from Lead Test Environment Test cases execution – Testing
Do’s for QA Result Analysis Issue Log Verification of Issues Regression testing Automation

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Quality Assurance Activities And Processes PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Quality Assurance Activities And Processes PowerPoint Presentation Slides Quality Assurance Activities And Processes PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Quality Assurance Activities And Processes PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Every great product needs quality assurance. This means all professionals need PPT sample to brief employees about good quality assurance management. Considering this here we are presenting a pre built quality assurance activities and processes slide presentation. With help of PowerPoint presentation slides included in this visual show you can underline various quality assurance methods as well as why is quality assurance is so important. Not only can this, using this PPT presentation you also depict a clear picture of quality assurance vs quality control. Furthermore, this PPT example supports to share insights about qa and qc requirement, policy and how it can be achieved. Moreover, you can also update your employees about the various technical risks in a quality system for total quality management. Apart from this, presentation templates like benefits of customer focus, involvement of people, process approach, system approach to management, dimensions of quality etc. makes our pictorial show even more stunning. In short, our quality assurance process PowerPoint slide deck has everything you need to kick start a quality assurance activities and processes visual communication. Our Quality Assurance Activities And Processes PowerPoint Presentation Slides let you compete with conviction. You become confident of your conclusions.

quality controlquality assurancecontinuous improvement
Introduction to Agile Testing
Introduction to Agile TestingIntroduction to Agile Testing
Introduction to Agile Testing

In this session, we would discuss what "Agile Testing" is, what are the well known methods and models of Agile Testing and what to expect on the future of Agile Testing.

agileagile testing
Automation testing
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Automation testing

This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on automation testing using IBM Rational Functional Tester. It discusses what automation testing is, why it is useful, and when it should be implemented. It also addresses common myths about automation testing and provides tips for successful automation. Finally, it covers features of IBM Rational Functional Tester, including how to set up a test environment and record scripts to automate testing.

Don'ts for QA Understanding functionality & then write test cases. Positive testing & then Negative testing Give enough time to developer Suggestion to Developer on tech front. Unorganized or Adhoc  approch
Understanding of Requirement Read thoroughly  Create points or notes / Summary Use tools – Mind Maps Read / Discuss / Explore
Test Cases What is a use of Test cases ? Test Pre-requisites Language used Priority  Mapping of Expected result & Actual result. Use Tools – Test Director Redundancy Sequence of test cases
Testing Approach 4 W – 1 H Concept What Who When Where How UI – Functional – Integration/Impact +ve testing first & then –ve testing.

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Performance testing : An Overview
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Performance testing : An Overview

The document summarizes the results of performance testing on a system. It provides throughput and scalability numbers from tests, graphs of metrics, and recommendations for developers to improve performance based on issues identified. The performance testing process and approach are also outlined. The resultant deliverable is a performance and scalability document containing the test results but not intended as a formal system sizing guide.

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Testing in Agile Projects

Presentation delivered by Amarender Yogender at the June 09 Knowledge sharing session hosted at Oracle India

Software testing
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Software testing

Testing software is important to uncover errors before delivery to customers. There are various techniques for systematically designing test cases, including white box and black box testing. White box testing involves examining the internal logic and paths of a program, while black box testing focuses on inputs and outputs without viewing internal logic. The goal of testing is to find the maximum number of errors with minimum effort.

Other testing Performance Load Stress Security Compatibility Mutation
Result Analysis.. Before logging issue.. Confirm functionality. Confirm spellings  Confirm User interface - Alignment Confirm impact
Issue log Proper language  Polite words should be used ( like need to be …) Proper summary Wrong functionality (Is this sentence is meaningful ?) Set proper Severity & Priority Steps to reproduce Pre-requisites Maintain each & every issue for proper track issue
Issue log Issue status Proper comments from developer High severity/priority issue is “Not an issue” – poor understanding of functionality. Maintain History of sever bugs Follow up of bugs Issue should not be orally logged. Issue count is not important.

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Emerging QA COE Practice by Mukund Wangikar
Emerging QA COE Practice by Mukund WangikarEmerging QA COE Practice by Mukund Wangikar
Emerging QA COE Practice by Mukund Wangikar

Mukund Wangikar from Xpanxion has given a session on Emerging QA COE Practice in ATA Pune 14th Meetup. All copyright belongs to the author.

agile testing alliancemukund wangikaragile
Testing strategy for agile projects updated
Testing strategy for agile projects updatedTesting strategy for agile projects updated
Testing strategy for agile projects updated

The document provides an overview of quality assurance and testing practices for agile projects. It discusses traditional and agile testing approaches, defines roles like testers and developers in agile teams, and outlines a test strategy including test planning, automation, and metrics. Key aspects of agile testing covered are testing throughout each sprint, the importance of collaboration, and ensuring quality is "baked in" through a whole team approach.

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Software Testing Life Cycle
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Software Testing Life Cycle

The document describes the key stages of the software testing life cycle (STLC), including contract signing, requirement analysis, test planning, test development, test execution, defect reporting, and product delivery. It provides details on the processes, documents, and activities involved in each stage. Risk analysis and bug/defect management processes are also summarized. Various test metrics and bug tracking tools that can be used are listed.

Issue log Use tools References  Screen shots  Properly maintained on location Less size Mentioning of screen shot Highlight issue in screen shot Reduce duplicates
Important points Peer Reviews  Quality standards Ideal Process
Last word… All though QA and developer both runs to achieve qualities, but the only problem is they do it by their own way.  Both should complement each other.

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Software Testing or Quality Assurance
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Software Testing or Quality Assurance

software testing is necessary to make sure the product or application is defect free, as per customer specifications. Software testing identifies fault whose removal increases the software Quality and Increases the software reliability.Testing effort is directly proportional to the complexity of the program.

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What is (tcoe) testing center of excellence
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What is (tcoe) testing center of excellence

Software testing is a long and multi-layer process which involves a lot of development and probing for the software. Quality assurance and quality management have never been as important as they are now.

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Introduction and Role of a manual testing in a SDLC
Introduction and Role of a manual testing in a SDLC Introduction and Role of a manual testing in a SDLC
Introduction and Role of a manual testing in a SDLC

Quality assurance involves systematically testing products and services to ensure they meet requirements. Software testing identifies bugs and ensures correctness, completeness, and quality. Common causes of bugs include unclear requirements, miscommunication, complexity, and unrealistic deadlines. Testing follows a defined process including requirement analysis, planning, design, coding, testing cycles, and implementation. Test cases are developed to validate requirements and check for expected results.

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Best practices quality assurance

  • 2. Who must have commitment to deliver a Quality Software to the Customer ?
  • 3. What is Quality Quality Deliverables within time ? Bug Free software ? Customer Satisfaction ? Quality Deliverables within budget ?
  • 4. What is Error ? What is an error? - Unexpected result – [Swapnil] - Mistake – Unplanned human action that produces an incorrect result. - Fault / Failure / Error / Issue / Bug
  • 5. Why software have a bugs? Miscommunication or No communication Software Complexity Programming errors Changing Requirements Time pressures / Unrealistic schedule Egos Poor documentation
  • 6. Developer approach Requirement gathering / Study. Best practices / Coding standards. Proper commenting. Unit Testing. Creative User Interface. Basic validations. Systematic approach while fixing issues. Comments in issue log.
  • 7. Other Factors.. Performance of application Security of application Memory leakages
  • 8. Questions to QA.. QA are paid for breaking software or Developer ?  What QA should pursue ? Error Or Developer
  • 9. Keywords.. QA pursue errors not people. QA breaks software because QA cares.
  • 10. Goal of QA Standard Goal .. Find issues Find it ASAP Get it fix Practical Goal .. No issues from customer within 2-3 hours after delivery/release.
  • 11. Do’s for QA.. Proper understanding of requirement. Discussion with Leads & Developer. Test Plan Review & Approve plan from Lead Test Cases Review & Approve cases from Lead Test Environment Test cases execution – Testing
  • 12. Do’s for QA Result Analysis Issue Log Verification of Issues Regression testing Automation
  • 13. Don'ts for QA Understanding functionality & then write test cases. Positive testing & then Negative testing Give enough time to developer Suggestion to Developer on tech front. Unorganized or Adhoc approch
  • 14. Understanding of Requirement Read thoroughly Create points or notes / Summary Use tools – Mind Maps Read / Discuss / Explore
  • 15. Test Cases What is a use of Test cases ? Test Pre-requisites Language used Priority Mapping of Expected result & Actual result. Use Tools – Test Director Redundancy Sequence of test cases
  • 16. Testing Approach 4 W – 1 H Concept What Who When Where How UI – Functional – Integration/Impact +ve testing first & then –ve testing.
  • 17. Other testing Performance Load Stress Security Compatibility Mutation
  • 18. Result Analysis.. Before logging issue.. Confirm functionality. Confirm spellings Confirm User interface - Alignment Confirm impact
  • 19. Issue log Proper language Polite words should be used ( like need to be …) Proper summary Wrong functionality (Is this sentence is meaningful ?) Set proper Severity & Priority Steps to reproduce Pre-requisites Maintain each & every issue for proper track issue
  • 20. Issue log Issue status Proper comments from developer High severity/priority issue is “Not an issue” – poor understanding of functionality. Maintain History of sever bugs Follow up of bugs Issue should not be orally logged. Issue count is not important.
  • 21. Issue log Use tools References Screen shots Properly maintained on location Less size Mentioning of screen shot Highlight issue in screen shot Reduce duplicates
  • 22. Important points Peer Reviews Quality standards Ideal Process
  • 23. Last word… All though QA and developer both runs to achieve qualities, but the only problem is they do it by their own way. Both should complement each other.
  • 24.