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being a geek
Philip Tellis /
Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005
Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
Who am I?
Philip Tellis
Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
How does one define a geek?
An obsession with books, studies, gadgets?
Wearing thick glasses?
Having no [social] life?
Speaking in large incomprehensible terms and not caring
about sport?
Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
2200 years ago, knowing only that at a particular place in
Egypt, on a particular day of the year, at noon, the sun cast no
shadow, Eratosthenes accurately calculated the circumference
of the Earth.
Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek

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Tomorrow's Marketer - Marketing Nation Live Paris, Oct 16

It’s about being curious
Why doesn’t it work?
Why does it work?
How does it work?
How do I break it?
How do I fix it again?
Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
It’s about being curious about everything
Why doesn’t it work?
Why does it work?
How does it work?
How do I break it?
How do I fix it again?
Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
It’s about being an explorer
Seek out unsolved problems
To boldly go where no one has gone before
Do something just because you can
Do something because someone said it can’t be done
Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
And about Experimenting
Change small parts and observe differences in the whole
Tinkering can get really addictive
You learn more by doing than by reading
Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek

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This is a presentation about 21 different things geek/nerd characters do so you can be successful in your life. If you watch a TV show or movie that has a huge fandom following, these characters often have life tips that are useful for you!

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Le samedi 23 avril, à 14h, au Dernier Bar avant la fin du monde à Paris, il y a une nouvelle Session de Rattrapage Geek par l’association The Geek Side. Vous avez souvent entendu parler de manga mais n’avez qu’une vague idée de ce que c’est ? Genma, élevé avec Youpi L’école est finie et le Club Dorothée, vous présentera ce qu’est un manga, vous fera découvrir quelques références et auteurs classiques du genre des années 70 à 90. Des moments de nostalgie "Ah oui je m’en rappelle" 100 garanti ! Eric, lui, viendra compléter tout ça en abordant les auteurs et oeuvres plus contemporaines. Deux générations de geek - otaku seront donc là pour vous faire passer un super moment duquel vous ressortirez en se disant qu’on aura jamais assez de cette vie et des suivantes pour profiter de la richesse de la culture geek !

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Tomorrow's Marketer - Marketing Nation Live Paris, Oct 16

Not being afraid to break things
Geeks are like children
The thought of breaking a system doesn’t arise
Fear limits possibilities, geeks hate limits
This could be dangerous - Curiosity killed the geek
Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
Geekdom isn’t limited to a domain
Physics, Math, Hi Tech, Comp Sci
Biology, Gaming
Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
During the Atom bomb testing, Enrico Fermi accurately
calculated the intensity of the blast by throwing a few small
pieces of paper up into the air as the explosion took place and
measuring how far they fell.
Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
Software Geeks
Need to be involved in every part of the system
Some geeks are hackers
Boredom and Drudgery are evil - unless it’s personal
Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek

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BRIAN HOUSAND, PH.D. EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY BRIANHOUSAND.COM Geek. Nerd. Dork. Dweeb. All terms that were once derogatory and served to alienate and ridicule highly intelligent individuals who are passionate about specific areas of interest. Yet, in 2014, these have become terms of empower- ment to a great number of gifted students and a source of true pride. This keynote session begins by examining the origin and evolution in the portrayal of stereotypes in popular culture while exploring the differences between each of these terms. From there, we will explore a collection of powerful online tools and resources for the geeks and nerds in your life. Come and GET YOUR GEEK ON!


Coding is an important skill that teaches problem solving and thinking logically. There is a high demand for computer scientists with over 1 million more jobs than graduates. Coding careers offer an average first year salary of $60,000. Several online resources are available to learn coding skills like, App Inventor, Khan Academy, Codecademy, and coding games. Coding will be important for the jobs and industries of the future.

codingcomputer science
So what about linux and FOSS?
That’s like the big prize you get for being geeky
Software geeks love to use FOSS
They can fix bugs that annoy them
The transition from user to developer comes naturally
Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
Dispelling the myths
Geeks like to study
Not all geeks wear glasses. Some use lenses.
Geeks have great social lives, and very large social
Geeks are active in sport like UT, Warcraft and Everquest
Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
Why be a geek?
It’s exciting
Something’s always happening
What do you do when you get to 42?
Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
What are you waiting for?
Go be a geek.
Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek

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being a geek

  • 1. being a geek Philip Tellis / Yahoo! Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
  • 2. Who am I? Philip Tellis @bluesmoon yahoo geek Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
  • 3. How does one define a geek? An obsession with books, studies, gadgets? Wearing thick glasses? Having no [social] life? Speaking in large incomprehensible terms and not caring about sport? Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
  • 4. 2200 years ago, knowing only that at a particular place in Egypt, on a particular day of the year, at noon, the sun cast no shadow, Eratosthenes accurately calculated the circumference of the Earth. Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
  • 5. It’s about being curious Why doesn’t it work? Why does it work? How does it work? How do I break it? How do I fix it again? Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
  • 6. It’s about being curious about everything Why doesn’t it work? Why does it work? How does it work? How do I break it? How do I fix it again? Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
  • 7. It’s about being an explorer Seek out unsolved problems To boldly go where no one has gone before Do something just because you can Do something because someone said it can’t be done Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
  • 8. And about Experimenting Change small parts and observe differences in the whole Tinkering can get really addictive You learn more by doing than by reading Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
  • 9. Not being afraid to break things Geeks are like children The thought of breaking a system doesn’t arise Fear limits possibilities, geeks hate limits This could be dangerous - Curiosity killed the geek Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
  • 10. Geekdom isn’t limited to a domain Physics, Math, Hi Tech, Comp Sci Biology, Gaming DIY Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
  • 11. During the Atom bomb testing, Enrico Fermi accurately calculated the intensity of the blast by throwing a few small pieces of paper up into the air as the explosion took place and measuring how far they fell. Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
  • 12. Software Geeks Need to be involved in every part of the system Some geeks are hackers Boredom and Drudgery are evil - unless it’s personal Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
  • 13. So what about linux and FOSS? That’s like the big prize you get for being geeky Software geeks love to use FOSS They can fix bugs that annoy them The transition from user to developer comes naturally Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
  • 14. Dispelling the myths Geeks like to study Not all geeks wear glasses. Some use lenses. Geeks have great social lives, and very large social networks Geeks are active in sport like UT, Warcraft and Everquest Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
  • 15. Why be a geek? It’s exciting Something’s always happening What do you do when you get to 42? Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek
  • 16. What are you waiting for? Go be a geek. Linux Bangalore 2004, Freedel 2005 being a geek