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Barriers that Influence Minnesota
Agricultural Science Faculty
in Creating Online Classes in Higher
Maria Kalyvaki
Chair: Dr. David L. Doerfert
Initiatives for this research
Earning a post-secondary degree or
credential is a prerequisite for 21st century
jobs, and one that everyone should be able
to afford. (President Obama, 2014)
Colleges and universities that offer online
degree programs typically will be cheaper
than going to a traditional university for a
variety reasons:
• They usually do not have land, property
and buildings to manage.
• They do not have thousands of support
staff and personnel to pay each month.
• Students do not have costs associated
with commuting to a college campus.
Additional benefits of distance
 Distance learning offers a wide choice of
learning models for both formal and
informal teaching & learning.
 Students can be full-time employed.
 Allows and enables creativity in teaching
and learning.
 Stimulates higher thinking through social
constructivists paradigm (collaboration in
learning – learners & peers etc. (Mbati,
 Bridge the geographical distance between
teacher & learner, learner & learner,
learner & study material and learner &
History of Distance Education
2nd Broadcast
radio & television
3rd Open
(Early 1980s)
5th Internet/ Web
(Late 1980s)
6th Social media
and Virtual
Worlds (2003)

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This document discusses how teacher roles are changing with the increased use of learning management systems in higher education. It explores how some pioneering teachers are using these online platforms and tools to transition to more constructivist pedagogies that emphasize student-centered and collaborative learning. The study aims to understand teacher perspectives on shifting roles and identities as they reconcile a more directive online presence with giving students more equal status and participation. While these systems provide new opportunities for personalized feedback and mobile learning, teachers still play a key role through their design of online activities and assessments to drive higher-order learning outcomes.

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This document discusses improving effectiveness in distance education through multi-media tools. It identifies a lack of research establishing how to deliver online courses according to different learning styles. The author reviews past literature to identify five standard measures of effectiveness: 1) graded assignments, 2) participation in online discussions, and 3) demonstrated knowledge through instructor interaction. However, the emergence of multimedia tools requires considering additional areas: 4) course presentation according to learning styles and 5) determining course structure using multimedia. The author argues that while past research focused on text-based delivery and limited interaction, modern tools change the paradigm, and their effectiveness on student learning styles needs to be studied.

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The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE). Science, Technology and Medicine Journals Call for Academic Manuscripts

Course Delivery Methods
Proportion of Content
Delivered Online
Type of Course Typical Description
Traditional or
Teachers instructing students in a traditional
classroom (Stansfield, Mclellan, & Connolly,
1 to 29% Web Facilitated
Considered to be a face-to-face course that
makes very basic use of the web management
system (Allen & Seaman, 2006).
30 to 79% Blended / Hybrid
The course blends traditional face-to-face
delivery with proportions of online delivered
content (Allen & Seaman, 2006).
80+% Online
The majority of the instruction is delivered
through the Internet and accessible by a
computer twenty-four hours per day, seven days
per week (Allen & Seaman, 2006).
Blooms Digital Taxonomy
Verbs Technology-related activities Technological tools.
retrieving, recalling,
recognizing, listing,
naming, describing,
identifying, locating,
Bookmarking using the browser,
searching using search engines
and keywords, social networking,
listing and labeling using word-
processing tools.
Google, Facebook,
Word Documents,
Constructing meaning,
classifying, comparing,
Advanced searches, Blog
journaling, categorizing and
tagging, commenting in an online
forum set up in Moodle,
Subscribing to RSS feeds for
personal interests, showing and
explaining online and desktop-
based graphic, video and audio
Blogs, LMS discussion
board, Moodle,
Brightspace (by D2L),
Youtube, Kaltura,
Implementing, running,
sharing, editing
Illustrating with graphics,
simulation, organizing photos,
video and sound clips, creating
presentations, video
Paint, Second Life,
InWorldz, Oculus,
HoloLens, Skype,
Ultra Collaborate,
Adobe Connect,
SlideShare, Prezi,
Keynote, Wiki, Face
Verbs Technology-related activities Technological tools.
organizing, attributing,
comparing, finding,
and integrating.
Mind-mapping using open source
tools, using reference managers.
Mendeley, Endnote.
Making judgments
based on criteria,
critiquing work of peer
Posting and moderating comments
in blogs and Moodle forums.
reflecting, critiquing lesson plans
and peers’ presentations
according to set
rubrics, collaborating in shared
wikis, bookmarking sites and
social networking sites
Investigating and reviewing.
LMS forums, Blogs
comments, Facebook,
Twitter, Google Docs,
OneDrive, DropBox.
inventing, mixing,
producing, animating.
Publishing digital books using
online tools, creating flash cards,
creating lesson plans using digital
media, writing reports, creating
spreadsheets, charts and surveys.
Microsoft Office,
Google Sheets, SPSS,
STATA, Qualtrics,
QuestionPro, D2L

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1) The study examines factors that influence adult learners' decisions to drop out of or persist in online courses, comparing 147 learners who dropped out versus those who completed courses. 2) It finds that dropouts and completers differ significantly in their perceptions of family and organizational support as well as their satisfaction and perception of course relevance. 3) A theoretical framework including individual characteristics, family/organizational support, satisfaction, and relevance can predict whether learners will drop out or persist, with organizational support and relevance being particularly predictive. The results suggest lower dropout rates may result from enhancing course relevance and support for learners.

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Presentation to the School of Humanities and Cultural Industries, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK, 14 October 2013

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This article examines how sociological imagination of the individuals living in southeastern Turkey is constructed through Movie, The Bliss. Traditional and modern forms of life are symbolically constructed in this movie. The framework of “honor killing,” “masculinity in southeastern Turkey," “cultural deficiency,” and “othering” will be analyzed to explicate how stereotypical southeastern characters are reproduced. Content analysis technique is applied to interpret apparent and latent contents, contexts, aspects and so forth. Developed categories are revisited through Ibn Khaldun's Typology, cultural deficiency theory, Tonnies’ theory, Durkheim’s view on society, and Goffman’s framing process. William Allan Kritsonis, PhD - Editor-in-Chief, NATIONAL FORUM JOURNALS (Established 1982)

national forum journals
Adopter Categories
A model of five stages in the Innovation-
Decision Process
Summary of Research on Barriers to
Technology Adoption (P. L. Rogers, 2000)
Summary descriptive statistics for the
survey questions (Lloyd et al., 2012).
1. Increased workload.
2. Time commitment.
3. Lack of personal relationship with students.
4. Frequent technology failures.
5. Inadequate compensation for instruction.

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This document discusses how open courseware and open educational resources provided online can help address issues in higher education by increasing access and lowering costs. It provides background on how the internet has changed society and education by providing access to information. It then discusses challenges like the high cost of college and low graduation rates in the US. Open courseware from universities like MIT which provide free course materials online are presented as a solution, having been adopted by over 200 universities worldwide. The future directions of open education include offering credits for course completion and expanding open resources internationally.

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Nicolai van der Woert's presentation of his #PhD research at the 5th GO-GN Seminar in Kraków, April 10th-11th, 2016.

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In this article, we review the results of a study aimed at comparing the shortcomings and achievements of distance learning in technical higher education institutions, a survey of older students on the experience. The survey was conducted using a 10 question questionnaire via telegram messenger. Rakhimov Kholmurot Abdullayevich "The Importance of Distance Education for Adult Students in Uzbekistan" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Special Issue | Modern Trends in Scientific Research and Development, Case of Asia , October 2020, URL: Paper Url :

educationrespondentadult students
Fishbone diagram of barriers to adoption
of instructional technology (Reid, 2014).
The Research
 Describe the professional and personal experiences that agricultural faculty
members have had with distance education instruction.
 Describe the attitudes that agricultural faculty members have towards
developing online courses.
 Describe agricultural faculty members’ beliefs related to the impact of
technology on their instructional effectiveness.
 Describe agricultural faculty members’ awareness of, current competence
with, and extent of use with new education-related technologies.
 Describe agricultural faculty members’ perceptions towards the technology-
related support and training that they receive.
 Describe the barriers that agricultural faculty members perceived related to
online teaching and technology adoption.
Research design
 Using the aforementioned objectives, the design chosen for this study was
descriptive research.
 Gall, Gall and Borg (2010) defined descriptive research as “a type of
quantitative investigation that seeks to portray characteristics of a sample or
population by measuring pre-specified variables” (p. 552).
 This study sought to described perceived facilitator and barriers to online
teaching and related technology adoption by higher education agricultural
faculty in Minnesota.

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Invited talk at "Africa Panel: potentials & problems related to ICT in Africa with a focus on mobile". Panel members: Sudhir Dixit, dir. HP, USA Mona Dahms, Associate Prof., AAU Md. Saifuddin Khalid, Assistant Prof., AAU Idongesit Williams, PhD fellow, AAU

Subject selection
279 faculty from 27
agricultural programs/colleges
at two- and four-year colleges
and universities in the State of
Instrument Development
 A 30-question data collection instrument.
 The instrument was constructed based to
previous research on the field (Butler &
Sellbom, 2002; Hillesheim, 1998; Lloyd et al.,
2012; Mills et al., 2009; Nelson & Thompson,
2005; Reid, 2014; Shea, 2007).
 Was approved by the IRB committee of TTU.
 Basic demographic information about faculty
gender, rank, and age were included.
 Statements were assessed by asking the
respondent to indicate their level of
agreement using a Likert-type scale.
Data collection
 Use of Qualtrics.
 The instrument was emailed, along
with a cover letter.
 The email contained two Internet
links: (a) a questionnaire with the
30-item survey instrument that was
created for this particular research
study; and (b) a link to opt-out from
the survey and to not receive any
further emails in the future.
 The initially day that the first email
was sent is the 29th of April and the
last email was sent 20th of May 2015.
 The Qualtrics link remained active
until the 1st of June 2015.

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The document discusses academics' experiences using information and communication technologies (ICTs) for teaching and learning. It analyzes focus group discussions with academics from higher education institutions in three disciplines: English, law, and nursing/midwifery. The main findings were: 1) The most common ICT use across disciplines was providing online resources to students, though law academics were also interested in simulations for practical skills. 2) Academics' primary motivation for using ICTs was to enhance students' educational experience, though some enjoyed the creative process. ICTs also helped address issues like rising student numbers and more flexible/online learning demands. 3) The main difficulty academics faced was a lack

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This is a Walden University course (EDUC 8103), A8: Course Project—Program Proposal. It is written in APA format, has been graded by an instructor (A), and includes references. Most higher-education assignments are submitted to turnitin, so remember to paraphrase. Let us begin.

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Data analysis procedures
 Once the data collection process was
completed, the collected data were
exported from Qualitrics to be
analyzed using Excel and SPSS
 Incomplete responses were not
included in data analysis procedures.
 Results were reported in aggregate
comparisons being made using the
five demographic factors.
 All data storage, transfer and
collection were in compliance with
Texas Tech University IT Security
 Of the 289 faculty invited,
 13 were undeliverable,
 48 (16.6%) responded and participated in the survey.
Gender and Age
Black/ African
Hispanic/ Latino

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The purpose of my dissertation research is to explore: -Experiences of student leaders’ use of social media. -Meaning made of digital technologies in student leaders college experience. -Explore identity meaning making, digital decisions and online leadership behavior. Goal: Provide evidence and direction in what works in developing digital student leaders, both for student affairs administrators, leadership educators, as well as student leaders themselves.

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This document summarizes research from an emerging technologies project conducted between 2011-2013 across 8 South African higher education institutions. The project examined how emerging technologies could help address challenges in South African higher education related to student preparedness and diversity. A survey of 242 lecturers found that while emerging technologies positively impacted student engagement and learning, challenges remained related to institutional support and infrastructure. Overall the research aimed to understand the role and impact of emerging technologies in South African higher education.

Academic Ranking
Assistant Professor
9%Associate Professor
Faculty wih other
Types of Post-Secondary Institution and Highest
Educational Degree of the Respondents.
Type of post-
(Ed.D., Ph.D.)
(M.A., M.S.)
(B.A., B.S.)
Less than a
degree Total
25 (92.60%) 1 (3.70%) 1 (3.70%) 0 (0%) 27 (100%)
2-year public
0 (0%) 8 (44.44%) 5 (27.78%) 5 (27.78%) 18 (100%)
Total 25 (55.56%) 9 (20%) 6 (13.33%) 5 (11.11%) 45 (100%)
1st Objective
 The first objective sought to describe the professional and personal
experiences that agricultural faculty members have had with distance
education instruction.
Respondents participation in an online class as a student.
Experience With Distance Education
Type of Post-
(Recorded/ web-
2-year public
15 (83.33%) 2 (11.11%) 1 (5.56%) 18 (100%)
4-year private
institution not-for-
profit institution
16 (59.26%) 6 (22.22%) 5 (18.52%) 27 (100%)
Total 31 (68.89%) 8 (17.78%) 6 (13.33%) 45 (100%)
Respondent Experience with Distance education by Type of Institution Employment.

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The document summarizes a study that examined SUNY Potsdam students' perceptions of the effectiveness of technology used by professors in the classroom. A survey of 238 students found that the most commonly and effectively used technologies were presentation software, Moodle, video streaming, digital media, and text processing software. While students felt skills did not improve much with less commonly used technologies, they acknowledged appropriate classroom uses of their own devices. The study concluded that SUNY Potsdam meets expectations for common technologies but that training could help expand effective use of other technologies.

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The document discusses the need for support services to prepare K-12 students for online learning. It recommends assessing students' technology skills, access to tools, study habits, lifestyle, goals, and learning preferences to determine their readiness. An interactive online assessment tool is proposed that would provide feedback to help students decide if online learning is appropriate given these factors. Having measures to ensure student success in online programs is important to increase graduation rates.

2nd and 3rd Objectives
 The second objective sought to describe the attitudes that agricultural
faculty members have towards developing online courses and the third is
sought to describe the agricultural faculty members’ beliefs related to the
impact of technology on their instructional effectiveness.
Attitudes and beliefs on Instructional Technology.
4th Objective
 The fourth objective sought to describe agricultural faculty members’
awareness of, current competence with, and extent of use with new
education-related technologies.
Distribution of Internet Access. Distribution of Technology Literacy.
Distribution of Familiarity with Technology-Based Services or Tools Listed.
5th Objective
 The fifth objective sought to describe agricultural faculty members’
perceptions towards the technology-related support and training that they
Distribution of Important Information Resources of New Technology.

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Slides from Keynote presentation at the University of Southern California's 2015 Teaching with Technology annual conference. "9:15 am – ANN Auditorium Key Note: What Do We Mean by Learning Analytics? Leah Macfadyen, Director for Evaluation and Learning Analytics, University of British Columbia Executive Board, SoLAR (Society for Learning Analytics Research) Leah Macfadyen will define and explore the emerging and interdisciplinary field of learning analytics in the context of quantified and personalized learning. Leah will use actual examples and case studies to illustrate the range of stakeholders learning analytics may serve, the diverse array of questions they may be used to address, and the potential impact of learning analytics in higher education."

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The document summarizes the results of a questionnaire on the use of social media in higher education teaching. 333 instructors responded to questions about their use of social media both in general and for a specific course. Key findings include: - The most useful social media tools for teaching reported were blogs, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. - Social media is primarily being used to share content, facilitate discussion, organize course materials, and promote peer interaction/collaboration. - Barriers to using social media in teaching included lack of time to learn/implement social media and ethical concerns around privacy and commercialization.

Statements on Instructional Technology.
Distribution of Effectiveness of Technologies/Tools in Enhancing Teaching.
Distribution of Most Effective Sources of Training for Developing the Skills
Needed to Incorporate Technology into College Teaching.
6th Objective
 The sixth objective sought to describe the barriers that agricultural faculty members
perceived related to online teaching and technology adoption.
Distribution of Potential Barriers Impacting Instructional Technology.

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The document discusses barriers to success and retention in distance education courses and proposes solutions. It identifies key challenges such as lack of interactivity, feedback and motivation. Studies at universities found dropout rates decreased by providing more instructor support through feedback, summaries and online forums. Training for faculty in distance education skills and developing technical support were also found to improve completion and lower dropout rates. The document concludes more research and policies are still needed to understand how people learn online and improve distance learning solutions.

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This keynote will help you: -Understand where to start with learning analytics -Understand how to effectively support your staff to use data -Critically review whether learning analytics is something for your organisation

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A visionary leadership of education has been currently transformed by mobile devices with educational purposes. These purposes lead to drastic changes that often occur with internal and formation structures of academic programs. These changes lead to prosperous students that are able to obtain these changes and modify their learning spectrum for a new era. Within the new era, careers and jobs are changing due to technical and financial advances that require these new skills. Mobile technology is the new face of education by a basis of relative institutions that believe in advances for career, educational, and personal purposes. These devices are created specifically for educational learning, such that more students are able to learn studies that they never could before. This will also help generate new students from locations the institution was not able to gain students from in the past. The purpose of this study is to engage topics about the virtual classroom and discuss a model that entices new possibilities that are in relative manner to measurements for academics. The focus will be based from research that is specifically centered for virtual learning. Areas of interest will be mainly distance learning, engineering virtual classrooms, modifying institutional programs, and marketing and enrollment procedures. These items will assure research that bases its methods on higher educational leaning set towards institutional awareness of advanced technology for academics. The outcomes of this model will create modified ideas and methods that are currently used in the academic setting. The research is based on current information that is sufficient and bases a majority of information related to academic integrity and purpose. Its methods are created to assist faculty and students better understand how creative measures can assist and engage the institution with technical advances for virtual classroom.

educational preparednessadult learningquality management
 The demographics of this survey show that the 2 year
colleges’ faculty did not have as much experience on
creating online classes as the faculty in the 4 year
 Additionally the faculty that works in the 2 year
institutions did not have a Doctorate degree.
 In general the faculty show that they do not use the
instructional technology offered to its extend but they
just limit the use to the Productivity Software and
doing basic use of the LMS.
 According to the findings the most significant barrier
for the faculty is the lack of time and the lack of
funding something that aligns with the results from
previous studies.
 This study involved colleges and universities from the state of Minnesota using
a researcher-developed questionnaire, which limits the generalizability of the
 The low response rate on the survey threatens the accurate representativeness
of the sample but the questionnaire used was created after extend analysis of
the previous literature.
 The time period that the survey became available to the faculty may not have
been the best since it was towards the end of the academic year.
 The survey was send by e-mails only and some of the faculty may have received
the e-mail on their junk folder because it included a link.
 The Minnesota state Colleges and Universities is a central controlled
 Despite the above limitations, the findings from this study are compatible with
the recent literature.
Future Recommendations
 Further research should be done in the future about the
instructional technology that 2 years colleges and 4 years
institutions use.
 Future study could try to determine if there is association
of the online instructional technology used with the
degree level that is offered from the institution.
 It would be interesting to know the amount of training
that the faculty of has received inside the institution they
 A future study could examine the perceptions of the
perceived barriers of the faculty after a training that has
just been provided.
Any Questions?

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Presentation given for the 13th Conference on Social Science at University of Vienna, October 6th/7th. Paper published on the EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES EDUCATION AND RESEARCH September-December 2017, Volume 11, Nr. 2, pg 39-51 “Many Universities manage billions in research funding, but there is usually no R&D budget for their own product, namely delivering education to willing buyers” (Michael Stanton, 2014) Education are missing on an explosive growth sector: Their Own. (Harvard Business Review) Education has undoubtedly been commoditised and as a good. As suggested by American entrepreneur Peter Theil (Cited in Hellweg, 2013), it may function as both learning and insurance access platform. Another aspect of HE is that, in contrast to most other industries that have faced disruption, the top 10 providers are still the same for the last 40 decades or so. The question is how much longer will they be there? Not even Coursera’s founder Daphne Koller could anticipate the scale and impact of the MOOCs. Udacity, Coursera and edX, aka ‘The Big Three’ have crossed the barrier of 40 million active students. What does it mean for traditional universities? MIT’s president Raphael Reif struggles to see how his institution can carry on justifying charging $50,0000 for tuition much longer and that is a big problem not only for them for many other universities that are starting to see their numbers dwindling. This paper is the first in a series of five papers looking at the future of higher education and learning

learninghigher educationacademic

This document discusses data-centric education and learning. It begins by outlining past and present technologies used in education. It then discusses how data-centric learning is enabled by devices that connect to the cloud and collect real-time student data. This data can provide adaptive instruction, feedback, and insights into learning processes. Examples are given of social network analysis and predictive analytics projects using large educational datasets. Finally, frameworks for designing data-driven learning environments and strategies to improve performance are presented. The conclusion emphasizes using data and analytics responsibly and strategically to improve education.

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Keynote, Who is driving the bus?

This document discusses recommendations for driving change in digital education. It recommends identifying student needs through communication, feedback and data. Social media should be used to engage students but not drive the entire strategy. Technology should facilitate pedagogical goals rather than be the sole focus. Flexible learning options and support for instructors and students can help manage change.

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  • 1. Barriers that Influence Minnesota Agricultural Science Faculty in Creating Online Classes in Higher Education Maria Kalyvaki Chair: Dr. David L. Doerfert
  • 2. Initiatives for this research Earning a post-secondary degree or credential is a prerequisite for 21st century jobs, and one that everyone should be able to afford. (President Obama, 2014) Colleges and universities that offer online degree programs typically will be cheaper than going to a traditional university for a variety reasons: • They usually do not have land, property and buildings to manage. • They do not have thousands of support staff and personnel to pay each month. • Students do not have costs associated with commuting to a college campus.
  • 3. Additional benefits of distance education  Distance learning offers a wide choice of learning models for both formal and informal teaching & learning.  Students can be full-time employed.  Allows and enables creativity in teaching and learning.  Stimulates higher thinking through social constructivists paradigm (collaboration in learning – learners & peers etc. (Mbati, 2012)  Bridge the geographical distance between teacher & learner, learner & learner, learner & study material and learner & institution.
  • 4. History of Distance Education 1st Correspondence (1728) 2nd Broadcast radio & television (1932) 3rd Open Universities (1969) 4th Teleconferencing (Early 1980s) 5th Internet/ Web (Late 1980s) 6th Social media and Virtual Worlds (2003)
  • 5. Course Delivery Methods Proportion of Content Delivered Online Type of Course Typical Description 0% Traditional or Face-to-Face Teachers instructing students in a traditional classroom (Stansfield, Mclellan, & Connolly, 2004). 1 to 29% Web Facilitated Considered to be a face-to-face course that makes very basic use of the web management system (Allen & Seaman, 2006). 30 to 79% Blended / Hybrid The course blends traditional face-to-face delivery with proportions of online delivered content (Allen & Seaman, 2006). 80+% Online The majority of the instruction is delivered through the Internet and accessible by a computer twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week (Allen & Seaman, 2006).
  • 7. Learning outcomes Verbs Technology-related activities Technological tools. Remembering: Recognizing, retrieving, recalling, recognizing, listing, naming, describing, identifying, locating, finding. Bookmarking using the browser, searching using search engines and keywords, social networking, listing and labeling using word- processing tools. Google, Facebook, Word Documents, PDFs. Understanding Constructing meaning, interpreting, summarizing, classifying, comparing, explaining. Advanced searches, Blog journaling, categorizing and tagging, commenting in an online forum set up in Moodle, Subscribing to RSS feeds for personal interests, showing and explaining online and desktop- based graphic, video and audio tools. Blogs, LMS discussion board, Moodle, Blackboard, Brightspace (by D2L), Youtube, Kaltura, MyMedia Applying Implementing, running, uploading, sharing, editing Illustrating with graphics, simulation, organizing photos, video and sound clips, creating presentations, video conferencing. Paint, Second Life, InWorldz, Oculus, HoloLens, Skype, Ultra Collaborate, Adobe Connect, PowerPoint, SlideShare, Prezi, Keynote, Wiki, Face Time.
  • 8. Learning outcomes Verbs Technology-related activities Technological tools. Analyzing Differentiating, organizing, attributing, comparing, finding, and integrating. Mind-mapping using open source tools, using reference managers. Mendeley, Endnote. Evaluating Making judgments based on criteria, critiquing work of peer Posting and moderating comments in blogs and Moodle forums. reflecting, critiquing lesson plans and peers’ presentations according to set rubrics, collaborating in shared wikis, bookmarking sites and social networking sites Investigating and reviewing. LMS forums, Blogs comments, Facebook, Twitter, Google Docs, OneDrive, DropBox. Creating Designing, constructing, programming, inventing, mixing, producing, animating. Publishing digital books using online tools, creating flash cards, creating lesson plans using digital media, writing reports, creating spreadsheets, charts and surveys. Microsoft Office, Google Sheets, SPSS, STATA, Qualtrics, QuestionPro, D2L Surveys.
  • 10. A model of five stages in the Innovation- Decision Process
  • 11. Summary of Research on Barriers to Technology Adoption (P. L. Rogers, 2000)
  • 12. Summary descriptive statistics for the survey questions (Lloyd et al., 2012). 1. Increased workload. 2. Time commitment. 3. Lack of personal relationship with students. 4. Frequent technology failures. 5. Inadequate compensation for instruction.
  • 13. Fishbone diagram of barriers to adoption of instructional technology (Reid, 2014).
  • 15. Objectives  Describe the professional and personal experiences that agricultural faculty members have had with distance education instruction.  Describe the attitudes that agricultural faculty members have towards developing online courses.  Describe agricultural faculty members’ beliefs related to the impact of technology on their instructional effectiveness.  Describe agricultural faculty members’ awareness of, current competence with, and extent of use with new education-related technologies.  Describe agricultural faculty members’ perceptions towards the technology- related support and training that they receive.  Describe the barriers that agricultural faculty members perceived related to online teaching and technology adoption.
  • 16. Research design  Using the aforementioned objectives, the design chosen for this study was descriptive research.  Gall, Gall and Borg (2010) defined descriptive research as “a type of quantitative investigation that seeks to portray characteristics of a sample or population by measuring pre-specified variables” (p. 552).  This study sought to described perceived facilitator and barriers to online teaching and related technology adoption by higher education agricultural faculty in Minnesota.
  • 18. Sample 279 faculty from 27 agricultural programs/colleges at two- and four-year colleges and universities in the State of Minnesota.
  • 19. Instrument Development  A 30-question data collection instrument.  The instrument was constructed based to previous research on the field (Butler & Sellbom, 2002; Hillesheim, 1998; Lloyd et al., 2012; Mills et al., 2009; Nelson & Thompson, 2005; Reid, 2014; Shea, 2007).  Was approved by the IRB committee of TTU.  Basic demographic information about faculty gender, rank, and age were included.  Statements were assessed by asking the respondent to indicate their level of agreement using a Likert-type scale.
  • 20. Data collection  Use of Qualtrics.  The instrument was emailed, along with a cover letter.  The email contained two Internet links: (a) a questionnaire with the 30-item survey instrument that was created for this particular research study; and (b) a link to opt-out from the survey and to not receive any further emails in the future.  The initially day that the first email was sent is the 29th of April and the last email was sent 20th of May 2015.  The Qualtrics link remained active until the 1st of June 2015.
  • 21. Data analysis procedures  Once the data collection process was completed, the collected data were exported from Qualitrics to be analyzed using Excel and SPSS software.  Incomplete responses were not included in data analysis procedures.  Results were reported in aggregate comparisons being made using the five demographic factors.  All data storage, transfer and collection were in compliance with Texas Tech University IT Security Policies.
  • 22. Findings  Of the 289 faculty invited,  13 were undeliverable,  48 (16.6%) responded and participated in the survey.
  • 25. Academic Ranking Lecturer 7% Instructor 33% Assistant Professor 9%Associate Professor 7% Professor 40% Faculty wih other titles 4%
  • 26. Types of Post-Secondary Institution and Highest Educational Degree of the Respondents. Type of post- secondary institution Doctor’s (Ed.D., Ph.D.) Master’s (M.A., M.S.) Bachelor’s degree (B.A., B.S.) Less than a Bachelor’s degree Total 4-year institution 25 (92.60%) 1 (3.70%) 1 (3.70%) 0 (0%) 27 (100%) 2-year public institution 0 (0%) 8 (44.44%) 5 (27.78%) 5 (27.78%) 18 (100%) Total 25 (55.56%) 9 (20%) 6 (13.33%) 5 (11.11%) 45 (100%)
  • 27. 1st Objective  The first objective sought to describe the professional and personal experiences that agricultural faculty members have had with distance education instruction. Respondents participation in an online class as a student.
  • 28. Experience With Distance Education Type of Post- Secondary Institution None Synchronous (Live) Asynchronous (Recorded/ web- based) Total 2-year public institution 15 (83.33%) 2 (11.11%) 1 (5.56%) 18 (100%) 4-year private institution not-for- profit institution 16 (59.26%) 6 (22.22%) 5 (18.52%) 27 (100%) Total 31 (68.89%) 8 (17.78%) 6 (13.33%) 45 (100%) Respondent Experience with Distance education by Type of Institution Employment.
  • 29. 2nd and 3rd Objectives  The second objective sought to describe the attitudes that agricultural faculty members have towards developing online courses and the third is sought to describe the agricultural faculty members’ beliefs related to the impact of technology on their instructional effectiveness. Attitudes and beliefs on Instructional Technology.
  • 30. 4th Objective  The fourth objective sought to describe agricultural faculty members’ awareness of, current competence with, and extent of use with new education-related technologies. Distribution of Internet Access. Distribution of Technology Literacy.
  • 31. Distribution of Familiarity with Technology-Based Services or Tools Listed.
  • 32. 5th Objective  The fifth objective sought to describe agricultural faculty members’ perceptions towards the technology-related support and training that they receive. Distribution of Important Information Resources of New Technology.
  • 34. Distribution of Effectiveness of Technologies/Tools in Enhancing Teaching.
  • 35. Distribution of Most Effective Sources of Training for Developing the Skills Needed to Incorporate Technology into College Teaching.
  • 36. 6th Objective  The sixth objective sought to describe the barriers that agricultural faculty members perceived related to online teaching and technology adoption. Distribution of Potential Barriers Impacting Instructional Technology.
  • 37. Conclusions  The demographics of this survey show that the 2 year colleges’ faculty did not have as much experience on creating online classes as the faculty in the 4 year institutions.  Additionally the faculty that works in the 2 year institutions did not have a Doctorate degree.  In general the faculty show that they do not use the instructional technology offered to its extend but they just limit the use to the Productivity Software and doing basic use of the LMS.  According to the findings the most significant barrier for the faculty is the lack of time and the lack of funding something that aligns with the results from previous studies.
  • 38. Limitations  This study involved colleges and universities from the state of Minnesota using a researcher-developed questionnaire, which limits the generalizability of the results.  The low response rate on the survey threatens the accurate representativeness of the sample but the questionnaire used was created after extend analysis of the previous literature.  The time period that the survey became available to the faculty may not have been the best since it was towards the end of the academic year.  The survey was send by e-mails only and some of the faculty may have received the e-mail on their junk folder because it included a link.  The Minnesota state Colleges and Universities is a central controlled organization.  Despite the above limitations, the findings from this study are compatible with the recent literature.
  • 39. Future Recommendations  Further research should be done in the future about the instructional technology that 2 years colleges and 4 years institutions use.  Future study could try to determine if there is association of the online instructional technology used with the degree level that is offered from the institution.  It would be interesting to know the amount of training that the faculty of has received inside the institution they work.  A future study could examine the perceptions of the perceived barriers of the faculty after a training that has just been provided.