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1 Azure Saturday 2018
Azure Analysis Services
The next step to BI in the cloud?
Gabi Muenster
2 Azure Saturday 2018
Thank you, sponsors!
3 Azure Saturday 2018
About me
Developer and consultant for Microsoft BI at oh22data AG
Main Topics: SSAS, SSRS and MDS
>10 years of experience with database and BI development
Speaker at chapter meetings, national and international conferences, German PASS
local chapter lead, Data Platform MVP
4 Azure Saturday 2018
What is Azure Analysis Services?
What is BI?
Which chances and risks do exist for BI in the cloud?
Which BI features are already available in the cloud?
How can Azure Analysis Services improve „BI in the cloud“?

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Formulating Power BI Enterprise Strategy
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Formulating Power BI Enterprise Strategy

The document outlines an agenda for a presentation on formulating a Power BI enterprise strategy. The agenda includes introductions, presentations on how Power BI empowers businesses and planning a data access strategy, a question and answer session, and information about an upcoming two-day Power BI workshop. It also provides background information about the presenters and describes various Power BI tools and capabilities for business users, data analysts, BI professionals, and developers.

Modern Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics
Modern Business Intelligence and Advanced AnalyticsModern Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics
Modern Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics

This document summarizes how businesses can transform through business intelligence (BI) and advanced analytics using Microsoft's modern BI platform. It outlines the Power BI and Azure Analysis Services tools for visualization, data modeling, and analytics. It also discusses how Collective Intelligence and Microsoft can help customers accelerate their move to a data-driven culture and realize benefits like increased productivity and cost savings by implementing BI and advanced analytics solutions in the cloud. The presentation includes demonstrations of Power BI and Azure Analysis Services.

microsoftbusiness intelligenceanalytics
Why Power BI is the right tool for you
Why Power BI is the right tool for youWhy Power BI is the right tool for you
Why Power BI is the right tool for you

This document contains contact information for Marcos Freccia, a SQL Server DBA and Data Platform MVP at Zalando SE. It also lists some common challenges for BI professionals such as managing data in the cloud, ease of use and adoption, keeping data current, integration with existing environments, and managing BI systems. Finally, it provides an overview of Power BI including its key benefits, data sources, visualization capabilities, and integration with other Microsoft products.

power bisql serverbusiness intelligence
5 Azure Saturday 2018
What is Azure Analysis Services?
Enterprise grade OLAP engine and BI modeling platform
Fully managed platform-as-a-service (PaaS)
General availability since April 2017
Only Tabular Model mode so far
Multidimensional mode in consideration
Current Compatibility level: 1400 = SQL 2017
6 Azure Saturday 2018
How to interact with Azure AS? (I)
You can use your standard on-prem toolset to interact with Azure AS
Team Foundation Services or Visual Studio Team Services
But you can also use new tools with new features:
Azure Analysis Web Designer
7 Azure Saturday 2018
How to interact with Azure AS? (II)
Azure Portal
Azure functions
Rest API
Azure Automation
SQL Agent
8 Azure Saturday 2018
Why choose Azure AS?
Easy to get started
No waiting time for hardware or infrastructure
Azure AD makes start and collaboration easy
No additional tools or drivers need to be installed
Easy to move from current Tabular solutions on-prem into cloud
Deploy out of your existing environment
Easy to handle
Guided interaction with portal or „flexible“ interaction with PowerShell
Accessible from almost anywhere

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Azure Purview is Microsoft's cloud-native data governance service that provides unified data discovery, cataloging, and classification across hybrid and multi-cloud environments. It automates the extraction of metadata at scale and identifies data lineage between sources. The service includes a data map, data catalog, and data insights. The data map automates metadata scanning and lineage tracking. The data catalog enables effortless discovery and browsing of classified data. Data insights provides governance reporting across the data estate.

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Azure Synapse is the evolution of Azure SQL Data Warehouse, combining big data, data storage and data integration into a single service for end-to-end cloud scale analytics. It provides unlimited analytics with unparalleled speed to gain insights. Azure Synapse brings together enterprise data warehousing and big data analytics to give a unified experience with the advantages of both worlds.

Transitioning to a BI Role
Transitioning to a BI RoleTransitioning to a BI Role
Transitioning to a BI Role

James Serra is a Big Data Evangelist at Microsoft with over 28 years of experience in IT. He has worked in various roles including as a desktop/web/database developer, DBA, BI and DW architect and developer, MDM architect, and PDW developer. Serra is an author, blogger, and presenter who shares his expertise in business intelligence and big data. In his presentation, he provides an overview of the Microsoft BI stack, career opportunities in BI, and lessons from his own transition from DBA to a BI focus.

dbabibusiness intelligence
9 Azure Saturday 2018
Features and Editions
10 Azure Saturday 2018
What is BI?
“Business intelligence (BI) is an umbrella term that includes the applications,
infrastructure and tools, and best practices that enable access to and analysis of
information to improve and optimize decisions and performance.” (Gartner IT
“What is BI? There are two prevailing definitions out there – broad and narrow. The
broad definition … is that BI is a set of methodologies, processes, architectures, and
technologies that transform raw data into meaningful and useful information used to
enable more effective strategic, tactical, and operational insight and decision-
making. …the narrow definition is used when referring to just the top layers of the BI
architectural stack such as reporting, analytics and dashboards.” (Forrester Research)
11 Azure Saturday 2018
What is BI?
Broad definition:
Load/ Enrich/Clean data => ETL
Transform data into readable model => ETL/DWH
Secure data => DWH/Mart
Analyze data => Mart/Datamining
Create szenarios, predictions,… => Datamining
Expose data => Presentation Layer
12 Azure Saturday 2018
Corporate BI: Transformative data architecture
OLTP Apps Big Data & Analytics Comprehensive BI
Modern Data Warehouse
Big Data Storage
Data Lake
Business Analyst
BI Users
IT Pro
Data Mart or
Operational Data
+ other data sources

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DataOps for the Modern Data Warehouse on Microsoft Azure @ NDCOslo 2020 - Lac...DataOps for the Modern Data Warehouse on Microsoft Azure @ NDCOslo 2020 - Lac...
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Talk Description: The Modern Data Warehouse architecture is a response to the emergence of Big Data, Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics. DevOps is a key aspect of successfully operationalising a multi-source Modern Data Warehouse. While there are many examples of how to build CI/CD pipelines for traditional applications, applying these concepts to Big Data Analytical Pipelines is a relatively new and emerging area. In this demo heavy session, we will see how to apply DevOps principles to an end-to-end Data Pipeline built on the Microsoft Azure Data Platform with technologies such as Data Factory, Databricks, Data Lake Gen2, Azure Synapse, and AzureDevOps. Resources:

Intro to Azure Data Factory v1
Intro to Azure Data Factory v1Intro to Azure Data Factory v1
Intro to Azure Data Factory v1

An introduction to the concepts and requirements to get started developing data pipelines in Azure Data Factory version 1.

azuredata factorybig data
Azure Analysis Services
Azure Analysis ServicesAzure Analysis Services
Azure Analysis Services

Azure Analysis Services is a tabular multidimensional cloud service for deploying and consuming analysis models. It allows users to create an Azure Analysis Services server to host analysis models in the cloud, deploy models to the server, and then consume the models. The presenter provided an overview of Azure Analysis Services and demonstrated how to create a server, deploy models, and consume them.

azureanalysis servicessql server 2017
13 Azure Saturday 2018
What is BI?
Special requirements
Combine data from different sources
Combine historical and current data
Bulk Load enabling
Read over write performance
Column Store Indexes
React to concurrency peaks
14 Azure Saturday 2018
Which chances and risks do exist for BI in the cloud?
No „Microsoft only“ topic:
15 Azure Saturday 2018
Which chances and risks do exist for BI in the cloud?
Chance Risk
Accessibility X
Scalability X
Improved cost management (PaaS, pay only when you need something) X (X)
Geo replication (support on roadmap) X
Security (X)
Online only (For BI a general risk, because on-prem BI very often
requires online access from customers) (X)
Self-service X (X)
16 Azure Saturday 2018
Which BI features are already available in the cloud?
Azure Data Factory I + II (with SSIS)
Logic Apps
PowerBI Model/AAS Get Data Experience (using M)
Common Data Services/Common Data Services for Analytics (PowerBI)
Azure SQL Datawarehouse
Azure SQL Database
Azure Data Lake

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--session donnée lors du SQL Saturday Lisbon 2015-- Data Management Gateway (and also AS Connector) is what make modern Microsoft BI stack hybrid. Power BI and Azure Data Factory use that component to interact with On-Prem Data assets. That session is a Deep dive into the DMG and the hybrid architecture involved by Power BI and ADF. How does it work ? Security, Firewall, Certificates, Multiple gateways, Admin delegation, Scale out, Disaster Recovery…. All that topics will be covered during that technical session.

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J1 T1 4 - Azure Data Factory vs SSIS - Regis Baccaro
J1 T1 4 - Azure Data Factory vs SSIS - Regis BaccaroJ1 T1 4 - Azure Data Factory vs SSIS - Regis Baccaro
J1 T1 4 - Azure Data Factory vs SSIS - Regis Baccaro

This document compares Azure Data Factory (ADF) and SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) for data integration tasks. It outlines the core concepts and architecture of ADF, including datasets, pipelines, activities, scheduling and execution. It then provides an overview of what SSIS is used for and its benefits. The document proceeds to compare ADF and SSIS in terms of development, administration, deployment, monitoring, supported sources and destinations, security, and pricing. It concludes that while both tools are not meant for the same purposes, organizations can benefit from using them together in a hybrid approach for different tasks.

azure data factory
17 Azure Saturday 2018
Which BI features are already available in the cloud?
PowerBI Model (not accessible from other applications apart from Excel)
Common Data Services/Common Data Services for Analytics (PowerBI)
Datamining / Analysis
Azure Machine Learning
Cognitive Services
Azure Data Lake Analytics
Presentation Layer
18 Azure Saturday 2018
Current Microsoft BI Landscape
19 Azure Saturday 2018
How can Azure AS improve „BI in the cloud“? (I)
Two questions:
1. What are the advantages compared to SSAS on-premise?
2. What are the advantages compared to already existing services for this feature
20 Azure Saturday 2018
Advantages compared to SSAS on-premise (I)
General cloud advantages
Easy to set up
Reduction of maintenance effort
Nearly no waiting times for supply of infratructure
Delete when no longer needed
Near high availability without additional cost
Earlier access to new features

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Overview on Azure Machine Learning

Machine learning allows us to build predictive analytics solutions of tomorrow - these solutions allow us to better diagnose and treat patients, correctly recommend interesting books or movies, and even make the self-driving car a reality. Microsoft Azure Machine Learning (Azure ML) is a fully-managed Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) for building these predictive analytics solutions. It is very easy to build solutions with it, helping to overcome the challenges most businesses have in deploying and using machine learning. In this presentation, we will take a look at how to create ML models with Azure ML Studio and deploy those models to production in minutes.

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Data Lake Overview
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Data Lake Overview

The data lake has become extremely popular, but there is still confusion on how it should be used. In this presentation I will cover common big data architectures that use the data lake, the characteristics and benefits of a data lake, and how it works in conjunction with a relational data warehouse. Then I’ll go into details on using Azure Data Lake Store Gen2 as your data lake, and various typical use cases of the data lake. As a bonus I’ll talk about how to organize a data lake and discuss the various products that can be used in a modern data warehouse.

data lakeadls gen2modern data warehouse
Adam azure presentation
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Adam azure presentation

This document discusses Microsoft Azure and its capabilities. It highlights that Azure has over 100 datacenters globally, with 19 regions currently online. It also notes that Azure has one of the top 3 networks in the world and offers larger VM sizes than AWS or Google Cloud. The document then summarizes some of Azure's core capabilities like compute, storage, databases, analytics and more. It provides examples of how customers can use Azure's tools and services.

21 Azure Saturday 2018
Advantages compared to SSAS on-premise (II)
Scale up/down Scale out Pause/Resume
Usage Based Payment
22 Azure Saturday 2018
Show Azure portal with Azure AS
General overview
Scale up/down
Scale out
23 Azure Saturday 2018
How can Azure AS improve „BI in the cloud“? (II)
Azure Analysis Services offers the possibility to implement a semantic layer in the
Even more, you have the chance to create a data virtualization layer!
From the feature perspective it covers the same elements that PowerBI does. So why
would you need Azure AS on top?
24 Azure Saturday 2018
Advantages compared to PowerBI (I)
PowerBI Pro PowerBI Premium Azure Analysis Services
Model/Data Set Size
1 GB
not restricted
(initial upload restricted to 10 GB)
based on pricing tier (current max: 400
Refresh times per day
8 not restricted not restricted
Partitioning/Incremental refresh
No Public Preview Yes (not Basic)
No Yes Yes
Cost management by pausing service
No (user licenses) No Yes
Usage of development toolset
PowerBI Desktop On the roadmap (June) Yes
Integrate into development strategies like
continuous integration
No On the roadmap (June) Yes
Extend modelling to functionality of
No No in evalution: vote here

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The developer world is changing as we create and generate new data patterns and handling processes within our applications. Additionally, with the massive interest in machine learning and advanced analytics how can we as developers build intelligence directly into our applications that can integrate with the data and data paths we are creating? The answer is Azure Databricks and by attending this session you will be able to confidently develop smarter and more intelligent applications and solutions which can be continuously built upon and that can scale with the growing demands of a modern application estate.

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This document discusses Azure Data Factory (ADF) and how it can be used to build and orchestrate data pipelines without code. It describes how ADF is a hybrid data integration service that improves on its previous version. It also explains how existing SSIS packages can be "lifted and shifted" to ADF to modernize solutions while retaining investments. The document demonstrates creating pipelines and data flows in ADF, handling schema drift, and best practices for development.

Traditional BI VS Self Service BI
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Traditional BI VS Self Service BI

In this webinar recording, we evaluate Traditional BI tools like SAP Business Objects (Web Intelligence and SAP Lumira Designer) and compare them against Self-Service BI and Data Discovery capabilities of the top players in the market, namely SAP Analytics Cloud, Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, Qlik Sense & TIBCO Spotfire.

big dataanalyticssap
25 Azure Saturday 2018
Advantages compared to PowerBI (I)
Accessibility for different front-end tools
Usage based payment
Enterprise ready (only compared to Pro !)
Developer tool integration
Source code integration
Sizing and scalability (only compared to Pro !)
26 Azure Saturday 2018
Examplatory cost comparison AAS vs PowerBI Premium
Business Scenario PowerBI Premium * AAS + PowerBI Pro
Dataset size 50GB
Business hours 24/7
100 Pro users, 400 consuming users
1 P1 Node x $ 4,995.00 ($ 4,995.00)
+ 100 x $ 9.99 ($ 999.00)
= $ 5,994.00
744 (31 days * 24 hours) x $ 4.06 ($ 3,020.64)
+ 500 x $ 9.99 ($ 4,995.00)
= $ 8,015.64
Dataset size 50GB
Business hours 10/5
100 Pro users, 400 consuming users
1 P1 Node x $ 4,995.00 ($ 4,995.00)
+ 100 x $ 9.99 ($ 999.00)
= $ 5,994.00
220 (22 days * 10 hours) x $ 4.06 ($ 893,20)
+ 500 x $ 9.99 ($ 4,995.00)
= $ 5,888.20
Dataset size 50GB
Business hours 24/7
500 Pro users
1 P1 Node x $ 4,995.00 ($ 4,995.00)
+ 500 x $ 9.99 ($ 4,995.00)
= $ 9,990.00
744 (31 days * 24 hours) x $ 4.06 ($ 3,020.64)
+ 500 x $ 9.99 ($ 4,995.00)
= $ 8,015.64
* Source:
27 Azure Saturday 2018
Close the gap between user requests and Enterprise BI
Key User Self Service
AAS Web Designer
Enterprise BI Frontends Standard
28 Azure Saturday 2018
• Show Analysis Services Web Designer
• Import PowerBI Model
• Show BISM Normalizer
• Compare new AAS model to „enterprise model“

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The document discusses introducing Power BI in a company. It describes how the presenter evaluated Power BI for their needs at a bank with 24,000 employees across 8 banks. Key areas evaluated included data sources, modeling, sharing/delivery, and licensing. The presenter discusses Power BI features for connecting to various data sources, modeling capabilities in Power BI, and sharing options like groups, content packs, and subscriptions that can be used to deliver reports and dashboards to different user groups.

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power bi
29 Azure Saturday 2018
• Does AAS add considerable value to „BI in the cloud“?
 Definitely yes!
• Is AAS a must-have service in all scenarios?
 Not necessarily! PowerBI Premium grows to be a suitable alternative in
some cases a better price, but you won‘t be able to use other
visualization tools on it.
• In which scenarios does AAS make sense?
 Create a semantic layer/data virtualization layer as single point of
truth for your reporting and analytics
 Migration existing semantic layer (SSAS Tabular) into the cloud
 Integrate PowerBI Pro developments into existing semantic layer
30 Azure Saturday 2018
Azure Analysis Services
What is BI?
BI in the cloud
31 Azure Saturday 2018
Useful links
My favorite blogs:
Business Apps Release Notes ( PowerBI roadmap):
32 Azure Saturday 2018
Azure Saturday 2018
We appreciate your feedback!

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Azure analysis services next step to bi in the cloud

  • 1. 1 Azure Saturday 2018 Azure Analysis Services The next step to BI in the cloud? Gabi Muenster
  • 2. 2 Azure Saturday 2018 Thank you, sponsors!
  • 3. 3 Azure Saturday 2018 About me Developer and consultant for Microsoft BI at oh22data AG Main Topics: SSAS, SSRS and MDS >10 years of experience with database and BI development Speaker at chapter meetings, national and international conferences, German PASS local chapter lead, Data Platform MVP @SQLMissSunshine
  • 4. 4 Azure Saturday 2018 Agenda What is Azure Analysis Services? What is BI? Which chances and risks do exist for BI in the cloud? Which BI features are already available in the cloud? How can Azure Analysis Services improve „BI in the cloud“?
  • 5. 5 Azure Saturday 2018 What is Azure Analysis Services? Enterprise grade OLAP engine and BI modeling platform Fully managed platform-as-a-service (PaaS) General availability since April 2017 Only Tabular Model mode so far Multidimensional mode in consideration Current Compatibility level: 1400 = SQL 2017
  • 6. 6 Azure Saturday 2018 How to interact with Azure AS? (I) You can use your standard on-prem toolset to interact with Azure AS SSMS SSDT Team Foundation Services or Visual Studio Team Services But you can also use new tools with new features: Azure Analysis Web Designer
  • 7. 7 Azure Saturday 2018 How to interact with Azure AS? (II) Management: Azure Portal PowerShell Azure functions Rest API Automization: Azure Automation SQL Agent ...
  • 8. 8 Azure Saturday 2018 Why choose Azure AS? Easy to get started No waiting time for hardware or infrastructure Azure AD makes start and collaboration easy No additional tools or drivers need to be installed Easy to move from current Tabular solutions on-prem into cloud Deploy out of your existing environment Backup/Restore Easy to handle Guided interaction with portal or „flexible“ interaction with PowerShell Accessible from almost anywhere
  • 9. 9 Azure Saturday 2018 Features and Editions
  • 10. 10 Azure Saturday 2018 What is BI? “Business intelligence (BI) is an umbrella term that includes the applications, infrastructure and tools, and best practices that enable access to and analysis of information to improve and optimize decisions and performance.” (Gartner IT Glossary) “What is BI? There are two prevailing definitions out there – broad and narrow. The broad definition … is that BI is a set of methodologies, processes, architectures, and technologies that transform raw data into meaningful and useful information used to enable more effective strategic, tactical, and operational insight and decision- making. …the narrow definition is used when referring to just the top layers of the BI architectural stack such as reporting, analytics and dashboards.” (Forrester Research)
  • 11. 11 Azure Saturday 2018 What is BI? Broad definition: Load/ Enrich/Clean data => ETL Transform data into readable model => ETL/DWH Secure data => DWH/Mart Analyze data => Mart/Datamining Create szenarios, predictions,… => Datamining Expose data => Presentation Layer
  • 12. 12 Azure Saturday 2018 Corporate BI: Transformative data architecture OLTP Apps Big Data & Analytics Comprehensive BI Streaming IoT Social Modern Data Warehouse Big Data Storage NoSQL Data Lake CRM ERP Business Analyst BI Users IT Pro Data Mart or Operational Data Store + other data sources LOB Finance Web
  • 13. 13 Azure Saturday 2018 What is BI? Special requirements Combine data from different sources Combine historical and current data Bulk Load enabling Read over write performance Denormalization Column Store Indexes React to concurrency peaks
  • 14. 14 Azure Saturday 2018 Which chances and risks do exist for BI in the cloud? No „Microsoft only“ topic:
  • 15. 15 Azure Saturday 2018 Which chances and risks do exist for BI in the cloud? Chance Risk Accessibility X Scalability X Improved cost management (PaaS, pay only when you need something) X (X) Geo replication (support on roadmap) X Security (X) Online only (For BI a general risk, because on-prem BI very often requires online access from customers) (X) Self-service X (X)
  • 16. 16 Azure Saturday 2018 Which BI features are already available in the cloud? E(T)L Azure Data Factory I + II (with SSIS) Logic Apps PowerBI Model/AAS Get Data Experience (using M) Common Data Services/Common Data Services for Analytics (PowerBI) ... DWH Azure SQL Datawarehouse Azure SQL Database Azure Data Lake ...
  • 17. 17 Azure Saturday 2018 Which BI features are already available in the cloud? Mart PowerBI Model (not accessible from other applications apart from Excel) Common Data Services/Common Data Services for Analytics (PowerBI) Datamining / Analysis Azure Machine Learning Cognitive Services Azure Data Lake Analytics … Presentation Layer PowerBI
  • 18. 18 Azure Saturday 2018 Current Microsoft BI Landscape Analysis Server Services
  • 19. 19 Azure Saturday 2018 How can Azure AS improve „BI in the cloud“? (I) Two questions: 1. What are the advantages compared to SSAS on-premise? 2. What are the advantages compared to already existing services for this feature set?
  • 20. 20 Azure Saturday 2018 Advantages compared to SSAS on-premise (I) General cloud advantages Easy to set up Reduction of maintenance effort Nearly no waiting times for supply of infratructure Delete when no longer needed Near high availability without additional cost Earlier access to new features
  • 21. 21 Azure Saturday 2018 Advantages compared to SSAS on-premise (II) Scale up/down Scale out Pause/Resume Usage Based Payment
  • 22. 22 Azure Saturday 2018 Demo Show Azure portal with Azure AS General overview Scale up/down Scale out
  • 23. 23 Azure Saturday 2018 How can Azure AS improve „BI in the cloud“? (II) Azure Analysis Services offers the possibility to implement a semantic layer in the cloud. Even more, you have the chance to create a data virtualization layer! From the feature perspective it covers the same elements that PowerBI does. So why would you need Azure AS on top?
  • 24. 24 Azure Saturday 2018 Advantages compared to PowerBI (I) PowerBI Pro PowerBI Premium Azure Analysis Services Model/Data Set Size 1 GB not restricted (initial upload restricted to 10 GB) based on pricing tier (current max: 400 GB) Refresh times per day 8 not restricted not restricted Partitioning/Incremental refresh No Public Preview Yes (not Basic) Scalability No Yes Yes Cost management by pausing service No (user licenses) No Yes Usage of development toolset PowerBI Desktop On the roadmap (June) Yes Integrate into development strategies like continuous integration No On the roadmap (June) Yes Extend modelling to functionality of multidimensional No No in evalution: vote here
  • 25. 25 Azure Saturday 2018 Advantages compared to PowerBI (I) Accessibility for different front-end tools Usage based payment Enterprise ready (only compared to Pro !) Developer tool integration Source code integration Sizing and scalability (only compared to Pro !)
  • 26. 26 Azure Saturday 2018 Examplatory cost comparison AAS vs PowerBI Premium Business Scenario PowerBI Premium * AAS + PowerBI Pro Dataset size 50GB Business hours 24/7 100 Pro users, 400 consuming users 1 P1 Node x $ 4,995.00 ($ 4,995.00) + 100 x $ 9.99 ($ 999.00) = $ 5,994.00 744 (31 days * 24 hours) x $ 4.06 ($ 3,020.64) + 500 x $ 9.99 ($ 4,995.00) = $ 8,015.64 Dataset size 50GB Business hours 10/5 100 Pro users, 400 consuming users 1 P1 Node x $ 4,995.00 ($ 4,995.00) + 100 x $ 9.99 ($ 999.00) = $ 5,994.00 220 (22 days * 10 hours) x $ 4.06 ($ 893,20) + 500 x $ 9.99 ($ 4,995.00) = $ 5,888.20 Dataset size 50GB Business hours 24/7 500 Pro users 1 P1 Node x $ 4,995.00 ($ 4,995.00) + 500 x $ 9.99 ($ 4,995.00) = $ 9,990.00 744 (31 days * 24 hours) x $ 4.06 ($ 3,020.64) + 500 x $ 9.99 ($ 4,995.00) = $ 8,015.64 * Source:
  • 27. 27 Azure Saturday 2018 Close the gap between user requests and Enterprise BI Key User Self Service BI AAS Web Designer + Enterprise Migration Enterprise BI Frontends Standard Users
  • 28. 28 Azure Saturday 2018 Demo • Show Analysis Services Web Designer • Import PowerBI Model • Show BISM Normalizer • Compare new AAS model to „enterprise model“
  • 29. 29 Azure Saturday 2018 Conclusion • Does AAS add considerable value to „BI in the cloud“?  Definitely yes! • Is AAS a must-have service in all scenarios?  Not necessarily! PowerBI Premium grows to be a suitable alternative in some cases a better price, but you won‘t be able to use other visualization tools on it. • In which scenarios does AAS make sense?  Create a semantic layer/data virtualization layer as single point of truth for your reporting and analytics  Migration existing semantic layer (SSAS Tabular) into the cloud  Integrate PowerBI Pro developments into existing semantic layer
  • 30. 30 Azure Saturday 2018 References Azure Analysis Services What is BI? want_know_what_forresters_lead_data_analysts_are_thinking_about_bi_and_data_domain BI in the cloud
  • 31. 31 Azure Saturday 2018 Useful links My favorite blogs: Business Apps Release Notes ( PowerBI roadmap):
  • 32. 32 Azure Saturday 2018 Azure Saturday 2018 We appreciate your feedback!