SlideShare a Scribd company logo
SDK for iOS
Cognito/S3/Lambda/API	Gateway/Facebook
Create an Identity Pool
Create an IAM role for the process that uses Cognito
A sample Objectie-C code will be present.
IdentityPoolId	is	the	api	key	to	access	Cognito
Pod	file	for	AWS	SDKs

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El documento describe los pasos para crear una base de datos llamada BDBiblioteca en el disco local C:, incluyendo escribir código para crear la base de datos y esquemas para Documentos y Personas, crear tablas para Libros, Autores y Usuarios, y agregar información a estas tablas antes de finalizar la base de datos con un código de snapshot.

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The document discusses how office buildings are evolving to focus on occupant health and well-being beyond just environmental sustainability. It notes that sedentary work and unhealthy lifestyles of office workers, especially in the growing business process outsourcing industry, are linked to increased risk of chronic diseases. However, the design of office buildings, including factors like indoor air quality, lighting, and noise levels, can significantly impact occupant health, well-being, and productivity. Developing offices that support all five senses and a holistic approach to health may help address these issues.

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Access to Cognito and put a key-value in Cognito sync
Store	a	key-value	in	a	Cognito	Sync.
You can browse the Cognito Sync DB
key-value	is	stored	in	sync
Retrieve	records	and	key-value
key:	record.recordId
Accessing S3 bucket
Add	an	IAM	policy	to	access	S3

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ABORTION Presentation
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ABORTION Presentation

The document discusses abortion from several perspectives. It begins by defining abortion as the removal of a fetus or embryo from the uterus, which can occur spontaneously in a miscarriage or be intentionally induced. It notes abortion has been legal in the US since 1973 under Roe v. Wade. The document then explores the debate around whether abortion should be legal or illegal, and considers arguments from both pro-life and pro-choice positions. It raises several points about the complexity of the issue and how personal beliefs and circumstances influence individual views on abortion.


El documento discute las evidencias, causas y consecuencias del cambio climático. Las principales evidencias incluyen el aumento de la temperatura promedio y el nivel del mar. Las causas son las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero debido a la quema de combustibles fósiles y la deforestación por parte de los seres humanos. Las consecuencias son temperaturas más cálidas, tormentas más intensas, y el derretimiento de los glaciares.

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This document contains photo credits from 10 different photographers for images that may have been used in a Haiku Deck presentation on SlideShare. It lists the photographer names and their photo credits in a simple list format without any additional context or descriptions. The document encourages the reader to get started creating their own Haiku Deck presentation.

Accessing S3 bucket
Upload	a	file	to	a	S3	bucket	with	a	block(AWSTask).
Add	a	policy	to	allow	Cognito	to	do	Lambda	InvokeFunction
Invoke	a	lambda	function	called	‘myFunc123’.
Retrieve	a	caller’s	Cognito	Identity	ID	in	a	Lambda	function.

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Este documento presenta estadísticas sobre la asistencia de adultos y jóvenes a cursos durante los días de la semana, mostrando la cantidad de cada grupo por día y el total de asistentes.

ejericios practicos
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Title card planning
Title card planningTitle card planning
Title card planning

The document describes the process of creating a title card background inspired by an image of black and red dripping blood. It details the steps taken in Adobe Fireworks and Photoshop to draw red lines, smooth edges, add black, and use tools like "Burn" to darken areas and achieve gradient effects. After struggling in Fireworks, the creator finished in Photoshop using its gradient tool. The final outcome met expectations considering the 2.5 hours spent and lack of experience with the programs used.

API Gateway
From	Stages	menu,	generate	an	iOS	SDK.
Response	Model	-	CLIProduct
Insert	‘AWSAPIGateway’	into	Podfile.
>	pod	update
Install the SDK - AWSAPIGateway
Copy	the	generated	files	to	your	project.
The	wrapper	method	for	Your	API
The	wrapper	class	for	
the	JSON	response.

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Ampia scelta di nuove case in vendita a Vicenza, tra cui anche appartamenti in città o appena fuori a seconda delle preferenze.

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Sanam Reza Resume Dhaka 2015
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Geografía humana
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Geografía humana

El documento proporciona información sobre la geografía y clima de varios continentes y países. Resume la ubicación, límites, clima y ventajas del continente europeo. Luego describe los factores que influyen en el clima de América como la latitud, altitud, relieve, cercanía al mar y corrientes marinas. Más adelante detalla las características de la población ecuatoriana y enumera los cinco países más poblados de Asia junto con su ubicación y cantidad de habitantes. Finalmente, identifica que Nigeria tiene la


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