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Lamba Micro Service
Amazon Api Gateway
For Web Applications
About Us
Mike Becker
Founder /CTO - Wise Agent
University of Technology - 2000
Multi Instrumentalist - Guitars, Sax, Piano, Drums, Vocals
Internet Credentialed Reverend - 11 weddings officiated
Eleni Sommerschield
COO - Wise Agent
DePaul University - 2000
Fluent in Greek
Enjoys spending time with family and friends
Lambda Micro Service
1. Application Delivery
2. Application Requirements
3. AWS Assets
4. Web Assets
5. Process
6. Findings
Lambda Micro Service
Application Delivery
● Native
○ iOS
○ Android
○ Xamarin
● Web
○ Web Application Scaffolding
○ Html, Css, Javascript
○ Delivered from CloudFront / S3 Bucket

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Build and Manage Your APIs with Amazon API Gateway
Build and Manage Your APIs with Amazon API GatewayBuild and Manage Your APIs with Amazon API Gateway
Build and Manage Your APIs with Amazon API Gateway

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, deploy, secure and monitor APIs at any scale. In this session, you’ll find out how you can quickly declare an API interface and connect it to any public HTTP endpoint, existing web service running on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) or code running on AWS Lambda. Amazon API Gateway handles all the tasks involved in accepting and processing up to hundreds of thousands of concurrent API calls, including traffic management, authorization and access control, monitoring, and API version management. Join us for this introductory session to Amazon API Gateway.

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AWS re:Invent 2016: Serverless Authentication and Authorization: Identity Man...
AWS re:Invent 2016: Serverless Authentication and Authorization: Identity Man...AWS re:Invent 2016: Serverless Authentication and Authorization: Identity Man...
AWS re:Invent 2016: Serverless Authentication and Authorization: Identity Man...

By leveraging "serverless architectures", startups and enterprises are building and running modern applications and services with increased agility and simplified scalability—all without managing a single server. Many applications need to manage user identities and support sign-in/sign-up. In this session, we dive deep on how to support millions of user identities, as well as how to integrate with social identity providers (such as Google and Facebook) and existing corporate directories. You learn the real-world design patterns that AWS customers use to implement authentication and authorization. By combining Amazon Cognito identity pools and user pools with API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and AWS IAM, you can add security without adding servers.

cloud computingamazon web servicesadvanced (300 level)
Aws Technical Day 2015 - Amazon API Gateway
Aws Technical Day 2015 - Amazon API GatewayAws Technical Day 2015 - Amazon API Gateway
Aws Technical Day 2015 - Amazon API Gateway

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. It allows developers to manage multiple versions and stages of APIs, monitor access by third party developers, and handle traffic spikes without operational burden. API Gateway supports features like request throttling, authorization, caching, and SDK generation to help secure and scale APIs.

Lambda Micro Service
Application Requirements
● Deliver Unauthenticated Content
● Provide Authentication
○ Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter
○ Developer Credentials
■ Login Account Creation
■ Reset Password
● Handle Session Management
● Deliver Authenticated Content
● Provide Help - Contact Us
Lambda Micro Service
AWS Assets
is a service that will allow you to run little
self contained snippets of JS, Java or
Python to do discrete tasks.
API Gateway
Proxy your apps API through this so you can
throttle bad client traffic, test new
versions, and present methods more

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Amazon API Gateway
Amazon API GatewayAmazon API Gateway
Amazon API Gateway

API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. It allows hosting multiple API versions and stages, generating SDKs, adding authentication, throttling requests, and caching responses to improve performance and reduce latency. API Gateway supports building and deploying REST and WebSocket APIs. Pricing is based on the number of API calls and amount of data transferred out. Optional dedicated caching tiers are also available.

restapisapi gateway
Serverless Authentication and Authorisation
Serverless Authentication and AuthorisationServerless Authentication and Authorisation
Serverless Authentication and Authorisation

By leveraging serverless architectures, organisations are building and running modern applications and services with increased agility and simplified scalability—all without managing a single server. Many applications need to manage user identities and support sign-in/sign-up. In this session, we dive deep on how to support millions of user identities, as well as how to integrate with social identity providers and existing corporate directories. We will show the real-world design patterns that AWS customers use to implement authentication and authorisation. Speaker: Myles Hosford, Security Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services

Building Serverless Backends with AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway
Building Serverless Backends with AWS Lambda and Amazon API GatewayBuilding Serverless Backends with AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway
Building Serverless Backends with AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway

AWS Lambda is a compute service that runs your code without provisioning or managing servers. Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. This session will familiarize you with the basics of AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway and demonstrate how to build web, mobile, and IoT backends using these services. You will learn how to setup API endpoints that trigger AWS Lambda functions to handle mobile, web, IoT, and 3rd party API requests. You will also learn how to use Lambda to read and write to Amazon DynamoDB. We will run through a demo of setting up a simple serverless blogging web application that allows user authentication and the ability to create posts and comments. AWS DevDay San Francisco, June 21, 2016. Presenters: Vyom Nagrani, Ceci Deng

devdaysflambdaamazon web services
OAuth as a service, give end users - (non AWS) - the
ability to log in with Google, Facebook, etc.
Amazon Cloudfront
Make your websites load faster by spreading out static
file delivery to be closer to where your users are.
Route 53
Manage DNS records and purchase domains.
Lambda Micro Service
Web Assets
● Html, Css, Javascript
● Hosted on S3
● Sync files to S3 via AWS-CLI.
● Use Angular Scaffolding like Yeoman/Bower/Grunt.
● Add AWS SDK to Bower.
○ bower install aws-sdk-js --save

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Cloud Security-how to create serverless applications
Cloud Security-how to create serverless applicationsCloud Security-how to create serverless applications
Cloud Security-how to create serverless applications

The document discusses securing serverless applications. It provides an overview of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, and Amazon Cognito. It then covers securing serverless microservices by discussing securing AWS Lambda functions using IAM roles and resource policies. It also covers securing Amazon API Gateway by discussing authorization types including Cognito, IAM, and custom authorizers. The document concludes by discussing auditing serverless applications using CloudWatch logs, CloudTrail, and AWS Config.

Amazon API Gateway
Amazon API GatewayAmazon API Gateway
Amazon API Gateway

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. With a few clicks in the AWS Management Console, you can create an API that acts as a “front door” for applications to access data, business logic, or functionality from your back-end services, such as workloads running on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), code running on AWS Lambda, or any Web application. Amazon API Gateway handles all the tasks involved in accepting and processing up to hundreds of thousands of concurrent API calls, including traffic management, authorization and access control, monitoring, and API version management. Presented by: Danilo Poccia, Technical Evangelist, Amazon Web Services

aws-summit-nl-2016aws cloudaws
Building APIs with Amazon API Gateway
Building APIs with Amazon API GatewayBuilding APIs with Amazon API Gateway
Building APIs with Amazon API Gateway

API Gateways can simplify the work that a developer needs to do to build API based services by helping to standardize authentication and authorization, consumer interfaces, and management needs. With Amazon API Gateway you get all of this and more, including a completely serverless management of your APIs and the ability to host them at almost any scale. You also can get the benefits of the numerous types of APIs that are supported, from pubic to private, REST to Websockets, backed by almost any backend you can think of. In this session we’ll review the powerful capabilities of Amazon API Gateway and how you can get started building awesome APIs. Speaker: Chris Munns - Principal Developer Advocate, AWS Serverless Applications, AWS

Lambda Micro Service
Process - Website Setup
● Create a web template using yeoman.
○ Add the views listed in the requirements.
● Set up your S3 Bucket.
○ bucket must be named “subdomain.domain.tld”
● Set up a SSL certificate in the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).
● Set up Amazon CloudFront.
○ Point to your bucket and subdomain.
○ Use the custom certificate option and select your certificate.
● Create a CNAME entry for your subdomain on Route 53 and enter your
CloudFront domain name for its value.
● Build your project and sync to your S3 bucket.
○ aws s3 sync dist s3://yourbucket
Lamdba micro service using Amazon Api Gateway
Lambda Micro Service
Process - Social Integrations
● Set up your application on Amazon Login, Facebook, etc.
○ Add your authorized site or javascript origins.
○ Add your Valid OAuth return URLs.
○ Some will even accept your localhost for testing.
● Download sample OAuth scripts from the providers.
○ Instructions for setting up the scripts can be found online.
○ Place the download scripts in your index.html and the returnToken
scripts in your scripts.js file.
○ Test your authorizations, you should be able to return token and fetch
user info.
Lambda Micro Service
Process - Social Integrations
● Create a new Cognito Identity Pool.
○ Create unauthenticated and authenticated IAM roles.
○ Add your providers’ app ids to the Authentication Providers section.
○ Create a custom provider for your developer authentication.
● Edit the authorized role in IAM by adding lambda and execute-api invoking

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Simple Security for Startups
Simple Security for StartupsSimple Security for Startups
Simple Security for Startups

The document discusses simple security best practices for startups using AWS. It recommends locking away root credentials, creating individual IAM users with least privilege, and using roles, MFA, and rotating credentials. It also discusses encrypting data at rest using services like S3, EBS, RDS, and Redshift, and encrypting data in transit using SSL. Logging and auditing can be done with CloudTrail. The Well-Architected Framework and Trusted Advisor provide guidance on security, reliability, performance efficiency and cost optimization.

amazon web servicesiamvpc
Building API-Driven Microservices with Amazon API Gateway - AWS Online Tech T...
Building API-Driven Microservices with Amazon API Gateway - AWS Online Tech T...Building API-Driven Microservices with Amazon API Gateway - AWS Online Tech T...
Building API-Driven Microservices with Amazon API Gateway - AWS Online Tech T...

This document provides an overview of building API-driven microservices with Amazon API Gateway. It introduces Amazon API Gateway and how it can be used to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs. It discusses different options for deploying microservices, including using EC2, ECS, and AWS Lambda. It also covers securing APIs with IAM, custom authorizers, and Cognito user pools. Finally, it discusses tools like Swagger/OpenAPI, Chalice, SAM, and SAM Local that can be used to define and deploy serverless applications and APIs.

microservicesapisapi management
Getting Started with Cognito User Pools - September Webinar Series
Getting Started with Cognito User Pools - September Webinar SeriesGetting Started with Cognito User Pools - September Webinar Series
Getting Started with Cognito User Pools - September Webinar Series

You can now use Amazon Cognito to easily add user sign-up and sign-in to your mobile and web apps instead of worrying about user management, authentication, and sync across platforms and devices. With the User Pools feature, you can create your own user directory that can scale to hundreds of millions of users, and is fully managed so you don’t have to worry about building, securing, and scaling authentication to your apps. In this webinar, we will walk your through adding the process of adding user sign-up and sign-in to your mobile and web apps. Learning Objectives: *Learn to add user sign-up and sign-in to your mobile and web apps quickly and easily *Authenticate users through social identity providers such as Facebook, Twitter, or Amazon and provide secure access to AWS resources

mobile developersidentity managementmobile app development
Lambda Micro Service
Process - Social Integrations
● Cognito Credentials in Javascript
○ Credential the unauthenticated
user with Cognito on
document ready.
○ When the token returns from
provider, obtain credentials
using the token.
Lambda Micro Service
Process - Lambda Function
● Create login Lambda function
○ Click “Create a Lambda function”.
○ Select simple-mobile-backend.
○ Name the function “DeveloperLogin”.
○ Under Role, select the suggested “Basic with DynamoDB”.
○ A new IAM Role will be created, click allow.
○ Leave the memory and timeout settings alone for now.
○ Then you will see….
A new section to configure Lambda to
access resources, such as EC2
databases, within your VPC!
Lambda Micro Service
Process - Lambda Functions
○ Select “no vpc”.
○ Click next and create function.
● Open the new Lambda_Dynamo role in IAM and attach the policy named
● Create a table for logins in DynamoDB to store your email and hashed
password, use email as the key.
● Create another table to store keys to retrieve lost passwords.
● Return to the Lambda function and create a test event.

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Building Scalable Services with Amazon API Gateway - Technical 201
Building Scalable Services with Amazon API Gateway - Technical 201Building Scalable Services with Amazon API Gateway - Technical 201
Building Scalable Services with Amazon API Gateway - Technical 201

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. It allows developers to create a unified API that acts as a gateway for multiple backend services, providing features like authentication, throttling, monitoring and documentation. The document discusses Amazon API Gateway and how it can be used with AWS Lambda to build scalable and secure APIs. It also provides a case study of how shipping company Temando used API Gateway and Lambda to migrate their monolithic architecture to a microservices approach.

Getting Started with your User Pools in Amazon Cognito - AWS June 2016 Webina...
Getting Started with your User Pools in Amazon Cognito - AWS June 2016 Webina...Getting Started with your User Pools in Amazon Cognito - AWS June 2016 Webina...
Getting Started with your User Pools in Amazon Cognito - AWS June 2016 Webina...

You can now use Amazon Cognito to easily add user sign-up and sign-in to your mobile and web apps instead of worrying about user management, authentication, and sync across platforms and devices. With the User Pools feature, you can create your own user directory that can scale to hundreds of millions of users, and is fully managed so you don’t have to worry about building, securing, and scaling authentication to your apps. In this webinar, we will walk your through adding the process of adding user sign-up and sign-in to your mobile and web apps. Learning Objectives: • Learn to add user sign-up and sign-in to your mobile and web apps quickly and easily • Authenticate users through social identity providers such as Facebook, Twitter, or Amazon and provide secure access to AWS resources

(GAM401) Build a Serverless Mobile Game w/ Cognito, Lambda & DynamoDB
(GAM401) Build a Serverless Mobile Game w/ Cognito, Lambda & DynamoDB(GAM401) Build a Serverless Mobile Game w/ Cognito, Lambda & DynamoDB
(GAM401) Build a Serverless Mobile Game w/ Cognito, Lambda & DynamoDB

Get a hands-on walkthrough of how to quickly build a mobile game with online services like user authentication, downloadable content, and social features. Using the AWS Mobile SDK for Unity, iOS, and Android, it's easier than ever to build a game with these services. This session provides a step-by-step approach to add features to your game such as user identity management, dynamic content updates, cross-platform data sync, and more. We demonstrate how to use the AWS Mobile SDK to securely interact with services such as Amazon Cognito, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3, and AWS Lambda.

Lambda Micro Service
Process - Lambda Functions
Test Event Parameters
"email": "",
"password": "anythingbutpassword",
"operation": "login"
Lambda Micro Service
Process - Lambda Functions
● You will need these includes and account credentials in the code.
○ var doc = require('dynamodb-doc');
○ var dynamodb = new doc.DynamoDB();
○ var crypto = require('crypto');
○ var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
○ var AWS_Region = 'us-east-1';
● Now add cases for login, reset password, etc. to the code.
Lambda Micro Service
Process - Lambda Functions
● After a successful login request, call getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity.
var params = {
IdentityPoolId: 'us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXXX',
Logins: { '': },
TokenDuration: 3600
var cognitoidentity = new AWS.CognitoIdentity();
cognitoidentity.getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity(params, function(err, data) {
if (err){ // an error occurred
token = "0";"no token");
} else { // successful response
token = { 'id' : data.IdentityId, "token": data.Token } ;
Lambda Micro Service
Process - Lambda Functions
● Create another Lambda function with “Basic with DynamoDB” as a template
and attach SES sending privileges to your role.
● Create functions in your code for sending password resets and emails to
your customer service ticket system.
● Create another Lambda function to be return your “Authorized Content”.
○ Use the lambda-micro-service template.
○ Set up test event parameters.

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This session will show you how to get started quickly by covering key architectural design concepts and demonstrating the use of the AWS SDKs to simplify creating powerful applications for the always-on world that connects beyond the desktop.

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Serverless Patterns: “No server is easier to manage than no server” - AWS Sec...

In this talk, we’ll take well known architectural patterns such as 3-tier web application, stream processing, scheduled jobs and show how they can be realized without needing to manage servers.

Delivering on Personalization with the Power of APIs
Delivering on Personalization with the Power of APIsDelivering on Personalization with the Power of APIs
Delivering on Personalization with the Power of APIs

• Why is personalization important for capturing and delighting customers? • What are the main drivers of personalization, with examples? • What is an API? • How are companies using APIs and personalization to rethink the customer experience? • How can companies innovate to deliver a more personalized experience with APIs?

apiapplication programming interfacepersonalization
Lambda Micro Service
Process - API Gateway Creation
● Create new API.
● Create resources Login, Contact, Reset, Session.
● Add POST Method to login.
○ Select Lambda function and region.
○ Enter DeveloperLogin for the function and save.
○ Leave the Message Request settings as default.
● Select the Login resource and click “Enable Cors”.
○ Leave the settings as ‘*’ if you want to access via native/localhost.
○ Or, enter ‘*.yourdomain.tld’.
● Click “Deploy API” and create a new stage.
Lambda Micro Service
Process - API Gateway Creation
● On the stage view, generate a javascript sdk that will sign requests.
● Download, add to your project, and include the reference in index.html.
● Add the appropriate calls to your project, scripts.js file.
● Your login function should return with and id and token.
● Add an AWS.STS object and call assumeRoleWithWebIdentity to retrieve
your Cognito credentials.
After any changes to the API Gateway,
you must re-deploy to see the update.
Lambda Micro Service
Process - API Gateway Creation
● Open Resources and select the session resource.
○ Add a POST method and point it to your lambda function that returns
your sample “Authenticated Content”.
○ Select “AWS_IAM” for the Authentication method on the Method Request.
○ Deploy the API.
Lambda Micro Service
Process - Finish
● Add a view to your application and
a function to call when the view
● save the Cognito id and the
credentials object in a global
● The unauthenticated role should
through a 403 error and load the
login view.
● The authenticated should return
your lambda output.

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Module 10 - Session 2 ICTs and environmental observation 20110223
Module 10 - Session 2 ICTs and environmental observation 20110223Module 10 - Session 2 ICTs and environmental observation 20110223
Module 10 - Session 2 ICTs and environmental observation 20110223

The role of ICTs for environmental observation. Collecting and helping to interpret and model the environment and more specifically the climate are key to climate action. Wireless sensor networks, the IoT, embedded microprocessors, remote sensing and earth observation systems, etc. are described. Today, they continue to be very important and their role and use os growing. Slide presentations developed to demonstrate how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) be used to address climate change, and why ICTs are a crucial part of the solution – i.e. in promoting efficiency, Green Growth & sustainable development, in dealing with climate change and for climate and environmental action. These slide presentations were delivered in February 2011 in Seongnam, near Seoul in Korea. These presentations were developed and delivered over 2.5 days on the occasion of a Regional Training of Trainers Workshop for upcoming Academy modules on ICT for Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Abatement. These modules were developed as part of the Academy of ICT Essentials for Government leaders developed by the United Nations (UN) Asia Pacific Centre for ICT Training (APCICT), based in Songdo City, in the Republic of South Korea. These presentations were developed in 2011, and are somewhat out of date, but most of the principles still apply. Module 10, which has been published, does not include much of the information outlined in these presentations, which are fairly technical. They were developed to address a significant gap in understanding of the technical basis of using ICTs for climate action and because there is a clear bias in development circles against the importance of dealing with climate change mitigation in developing countries. These presentations are an attempt to redress this lack and are published here with this purpose in mind. The author, Richard Labelle, is presently working on updating these presentations to further highlight the importance of addressing climate change and the important role that technology including ICTs, play in this effort.

Are APIs and SOA Converging?
Are APIs and SOA Converging?Are APIs and SOA Converging?
Are APIs and SOA Converging?

The document discusses the relationship between APIs and SOA. It notes that while SOA was initially focused on standards like SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI, APIs provide a simpler and more developer-friendly interface. However, APIs and SOA also have overlapping characteristics and can both be used internally or externally. The document argues that organizations need both APIs and SOA to balance ease-of-use with management concerns like security, documentation, and lifecycles.

Is it time for a Connector-less Approach to Cloud Integration?
Is it time for a Connector-less Approach to Cloud Integration? Is it time for a Connector-less Approach to Cloud Integration?
Is it time for a Connector-less Approach to Cloud Integration?

In this webinar you will learn: • How to drastically cut down time to complete integration projects and integrate an unprecedented number of SaaS and cloud applications within your eco-system. • Why ESB’s and connector-based integration do not scale. • How APIs are redefining integration. • A cloud integration blueprint for the Digital Enterprise. • How a connector-less architecture can improve productivity.

soasoa softwareapi
Lambda Micro Service
1. I don’t recommend attaching an API Gateway via the Lambda interface. Use
the Api Gateway.
2. Api Gateway Resources
a. It would be useful view/edit existing CORS settings.
b. Deploy after each change, or you won’t see it on your endpoint.
3. I was able to use the same microservice with my native application, as well
as this web application.
4. With VPC, The possibilities with Lambda integration are endless.
Lambda Micro Service
Thank You

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The API Economy is exploding, and this presentation explains how to extend your brand, accelerate new channel adoption and operate with API best practices.

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Digital is disrupting the physical world with new business models. In this presentation from SOA Software VP of Product Marketing, Sachin Agarwal, learn how APIs are used to drive new digital channels securely and safely.

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Realizing SOA and API Convergence

Both SOA and API management technology have important things to say about the future capabilities of your IT infrastructure. API technology brings a strong focus to the consumption of your backend IT resources within a well-managed community of API developers and mobile app developers.

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Lamdba micro service using Amazon Api Gateway

  • 1. Lamba Micro Service using Amazon Api Gateway For Web Applications
  • 2. About Us Mike Becker Founder /CTO - Wise Agent University of Technology - 2000 Multi Instrumentalist - Guitars, Sax, Piano, Drums, Vocals Internet Credentialed Reverend - 11 weddings officiated Eleni Sommerschield COO - Wise Agent DePaul University - 2000 Fluent in Greek Enjoys spending time with family and friends
  • 3. Lambda Micro Service 1. Application Delivery 2. Application Requirements 3. AWS Assets 4. Web Assets 5. Process 6. Findings
  • 4. Lambda Micro Service Application Delivery ● Native ○ iOS ○ Android ○ Xamarin ● Web ○ Web Application Scaffolding ○ Html, Css, Javascript ○ Delivered from CloudFront / S3 Bucket
  • 5. Lambda Micro Service Application Requirements ● Deliver Unauthenticated Content ● Provide Authentication ○ Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter ○ Developer Credentials ■ Login Account Creation ■ Reset Password ● Handle Session Management ● Deliver Authenticated Content ● Provide Help - Contact Us
  • 7. Lambda is a service that will allow you to run little self contained snippets of JS, Java or Python to do discrete tasks.
  • 8. API Gateway Proxy your apps API through this so you can throttle bad client traffic, test new versions, and present methods more cleanly.
  • 9. Cognito OAuth as a service, give end users - (non AWS) - the ability to log in with Google, Facebook, etc.
  • 10. Amazon Cloudfront Make your websites load faster by spreading out static file delivery to be closer to where your users are.
  • 11. Route 53 Manage DNS records and purchase domains.
  • 12. Lambda Micro Service Web Assets ● Html, Css, Javascript ● Hosted on S3 ● Sync files to S3 via AWS-CLI. ● Use Angular Scaffolding like Yeoman/Bower/Grunt. ● Add AWS SDK to Bower. ○ bower install aws-sdk-js --save
  • 13. Lambda Micro Service Process - Website Setup ● Create a web template using yeoman. ○ Add the views listed in the requirements. ● Set up your S3 Bucket. ○ bucket must be named “subdomain.domain.tld” ● Set up a SSL certificate in the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). ● Set up Amazon CloudFront. ○ Point to your bucket and subdomain. ○ Use the custom certificate option and select your certificate. ● Create a CNAME entry for your subdomain on Route 53 and enter your CloudFront domain name for its value. ● Build your project and sync to your S3 bucket. ○ aws s3 sync dist s3://yourbucket
  • 15. Lambda Micro Service Process - Social Integrations ● Set up your application on Amazon Login, Facebook, etc. ○ Add your authorized site or javascript origins. ○ Add your Valid OAuth return URLs. ○ Some will even accept your localhost for testing. ● Download sample OAuth scripts from the providers. ○ Instructions for setting up the scripts can be found online. ○ Place the download scripts in your index.html and the returnToken scripts in your scripts.js file. ○ Test your authorizations, you should be able to return token and fetch user info.
  • 16. Lambda Micro Service Process - Social Integrations ● Create a new Cognito Identity Pool. ○ Create unauthenticated and authenticated IAM roles. ○ Add your providers’ app ids to the Authentication Providers section. ○ Create a custom provider for your developer authentication. ● Edit the authorized role in IAM by adding lambda and execute-api invoking rights.
  • 17. Lambda Micro Service Process - Social Integrations ● Cognito Credentials in Javascript ○ Credential the unauthenticated user with Cognito on document ready. ○ When the token returns from provider, obtain credentials using the token.
  • 18. Lambda Micro Service Process - Lambda Function ● Create login Lambda function ○ Click “Create a Lambda function”. ○ Select simple-mobile-backend. ○ Name the function “DeveloperLogin”. ○ Under Role, select the suggested “Basic with DynamoDB”. ○ A new IAM Role will be created, click allow. ○ Leave the memory and timeout settings alone for now. ○ Then you will see….
  • 19. A new section to configure Lambda to access resources, such as EC2 databases, within your VPC!
  • 20. Lambda Micro Service Process - Lambda Functions ○ Select “no vpc”. ○ Click next and create function. ● Open the new Lambda_Dynamo role in IAM and attach the policy named “AmazonCognitoDeveloperAuthenticatedIdentities”. ● Create a table for logins in DynamoDB to store your email and hashed password, use email as the key. ● Create another table to store keys to retrieve lost passwords. ● Return to the Lambda function and create a test event.
  • 21. Lambda Micro Service Process - Lambda Functions Test Event Parameters { "email": "", "password": "anythingbutpassword", "operation": "login" }
  • 22. Lambda Micro Service Process - Lambda Functions ● You will need these includes and account credentials in the code. ○ var doc = require('dynamodb-doc'); ○ var dynamodb = new doc.DynamoDB(); ○ var crypto = require('crypto'); ○ var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); ○ var AWS_ACCOUNT_ID = ‘XXXXXXX’; ○ var AWS_Region = 'us-east-1'; ○ var COGNITO_IDENTITY_POOL_ID = 'us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXX'; ● Now add cases for login, reset password, etc. to the code.
  • 23. Lambda Micro Service Process - Lambda Functions ● After a successful login request, call getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity. var params = { IdentityPoolId: 'us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXXX', Logins: { '': }, TokenDuration: 3600 }; var cognitoidentity = new AWS.CognitoIdentity(); cognitoidentity.getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity(params, function(err, data) { if (err){ // an error occurred token = "0";"no token"); } else { // successful response token = { 'id' : data.IdentityId, "token": data.Token } ; context.succeed(token); } });
  • 24. Lambda Micro Service Process - Lambda Functions ● Create another Lambda function with “Basic with DynamoDB” as a template and attach SES sending privileges to your role. ● Create functions in your code for sending password resets and emails to your customer service ticket system. ● Create another Lambda function to be return your “Authorized Content”. ○ Use the lambda-micro-service template. ○ Set up test event parameters.
  • 25. Lambda Micro Service Process - API Gateway Creation ● Create new API. ● Create resources Login, Contact, Reset, Session. ● Add POST Method to login. ○ Select Lambda function and region. ○ Enter DeveloperLogin for the function and save. ○ Leave the Message Request settings as default. ● Select the Login resource and click “Enable Cors”. ○ Leave the settings as ‘*’ if you want to access via native/localhost. ○ Or, enter ‘*.yourdomain.tld’. ● Click “Deploy API” and create a new stage.
  • 26. Lambda Micro Service Process - API Gateway Creation ● On the stage view, generate a javascript sdk that will sign requests. ● Download, add to your project, and include the reference in index.html. ● Add the appropriate calls to your project, scripts.js file. ● Your login function should return with and id and token. ● Add an AWS.STS object and call assumeRoleWithWebIdentity to retrieve your Cognito credentials. After any changes to the API Gateway, you must re-deploy to see the update.
  • 27. Lambda Micro Service Process - API Gateway Creation ● Open Resources and select the session resource. ○ Add a POST method and point it to your lambda function that returns your sample “Authenticated Content”. ○ Select “AWS_IAM” for the Authentication method on the Method Request. ○ Deploy the API.
  • 28. Lambda Micro Service Process - Finish ● Add a view to your application and a function to call when the view loads. ● save the Cognito id and the credentials object in a global variables. ● The unauthenticated role should through a 403 error and load the login view. ● The authenticated should return your lambda output.
  • 29. Lambda Micro Service Findings 1. I don’t recommend attaching an API Gateway via the Lambda interface. Use the Api Gateway. 2. Api Gateway Resources a. It would be useful view/edit existing CORS settings. b. Deploy after each change, or you won’t see it on your endpoint. 3. I was able to use the same microservice with my native application, as well as this web application. 4. With VPC, The possibilities with Lambda integration are endless.
  • 30. Lambda Micro Service Links ● ● ● with-Amazon-Cognito-in-the-Browser ● identities/ ● ● authorizer.html ● lambda-to-build-secure-apis ● ●

Editor's Notes

  1. Create Template Set up bucket subdomain.domain.tld set up cloudfront and ssl certificate Create cname in your DNS / Route53