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AVB201 Visual Basic For Applications MS Access, Beginning Course P.O. Box 6142 Laguna Niguel, CA 92607 949-489-1472 [email_address]
OUTLINE SESSION 1: Event driven Programming in Access (3 hours). SESSION 2: VBA Language Constructs and Programming Techniques (3 hours). AVB202: Working Programmatically with Data (3 hours).
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Session 1: Event Driven Programming in Access Why VBA ? Using events and event procedures. Using VBA Editor. Event types in Access. Differentiating between functions and sub procedures. Organizing VBA code into modules. Using Variables, Scope, and Data types. Exploring and using built-in functions.

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Excel vba

This document provides an introduction to Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Excel. It explains how to add the Developer toolbar to access VBA features in Excel. It then describes the Excel VBA development environment and how to write simple macros to automate tasks like formatting cells. Examples are provided of recording macros to demonstrate how VBA code is generated. The document emphasizes that recorded macros contain more code than is needed and that writing your own VBA code results in more efficient macros.

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Vba part 1

VBA can be used in Excel to automate tasks, create custom functions and commands, and develop complete applications. Some advantages of VBA include allowing tasks to be performed faster, consistently, and without errors by the user. However, VBA also requires knowledge of programming and debugging issues may arise. The document then covers various aspects of working with VBA like the Excel object model, declaring variables, using operators, arrays, ranges and more.

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Visual Basics for Application

This document discusses variables, data types, and string functions in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) with Excel. It defines different variable types like integer, string, date, and variants. Mathematical and string operators that can be used with variables are also presented. The document explains declaring and initializing variables, variable scope, and using constants to give names to values. Common string functions like Str, Val, Trim, Left, Right and Mid are also summarized.

1.1 Why VBA ? Greatly extends the functionality of Macros. Allows customized interactions with users. Enables complex operations on records. Enables complete control over the Access Object Model Capable of making reports and forms that can make decisions based on user choices, database data, and user supplied values. Offers improved error handling capabilities. Programming is FUN !!
1.2 Events and Event Procedures Event is when something happens to any object in your application. Ex: User clicks a button (object) on a form (also an object). Event Procedure is a piece of VBA code that is associated with this object and this event. Since event code is programmed the event can trigger any number of actions. Ex: deleting a record and closing the form. In such event driven programming model, the user is in control of when and what should happen next in the application.
1.3 Using VBA Editor VBA editor is the place where you write your VBA code. Enter via code builder, CTRL G, etc. VBA editor keeps your code organized into modules, functions, procedures, and/or classes (more on module types later). You can write, document, test, compile, and debug your code with supplied tools >>  explore  VBA menus. We will use the VBA editor for the rest of this course.
1.3 Using VBA Editor Demonstration:  Make “Add New” command button on a Products form.

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Declaring Variables , Data Types and Examples are discussed in this session. For Complete powerpoint and related Free online class visit

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Online Advance Excel & VBA Training in India

In today’s era, Investment banking courses are considered as the best path to make bright future. These courses includes financial modeling training, basic & advance excel training, excel dashboard 2010 course, financial modeling & company valuation training, relative valuation etc. Investment banking Institute (IBI) in Delhi provides such types of training of best level in weekend classes. IB Institute provides Online & corporate financial modeling & company valuation training in Delhi, India.

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This document provides an introduction to JavaScript, including: - JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language commonly used in web pages. - Advantages of JavaScript include less server interaction, immediate feedback, and richer interfaces. - Disadvantages include inability to read/write files for security and lack of multithreading. - JavaScript syntax can be included in HTML using <script> tags and ignores spaces/newlines. - Basic data types are strings, numbers, and Booleans, and variables are declared with var. - Common operators include arithmetic, comparison, logical, and assignment operators. - Control structures include if/else statements, switch statements, for/while loops. - Functions are reusable blocks

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..cont Exercise: Add “Delete” button to Products form and check the procedure. Explore changing the code and see how VBA automatically notifies you of certain errors. Run procedure by clicking the “Delete” command button.
1.4 Types of Events in Access Events in Access can be categorized into several groups: Windows (Form, Report): opening, closing, resizing. Data: making current, deleting, updating. Focus: activating, entering, exiting. Keyboard: pressing or releasing a key. Mouse: clicking a mouse button. Print: formatting, printing. Error and timing: when error occurs in code or some time passes.
Commonly Used Events Events are normally associated with a form, report, or some control on a form. Some common form events are: On Open, On Load, Before Update, On Unload, On Current On Delete Before Delete.
Common Control Events On Click Before Update After Update On Double Click.

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On May 20, Visual Basic is 25 years old! Congrats to VB! Yet Microsoft is not to open source Visual Basic. VBA has become a precious species. Here I am to share some notes on Excel/VBA.

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Common Report Events On Open On Activate On Close On No Data.
Event Flow NOTE: A single user action can also trigger several events that then run in succession. For example when the user opens a form all of the following events occur: Open >> Load >> Resize >> Activate >> Current
1.5 Differentiating between Functions and Sub Procedures. Functions return a value to the calling code, usually providing the result of the function’s operation. Sub Procedures execute the code in the procedure but do not return any values. Both, functions and procedures, can accept multiple input values from the calling program that can be used inside their respective operations.
..cont Function Syntax: Function FunctionName(passed arguments) As “Data Type of Return” ..some code.. FunctionName = “Return Value” End Function

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Download for higher quality. I find out what the changes are to the smells of Shotgun Surgery and Divergent Change in the 2019 edition of Refactoring and realise that some bits have been removed that I found valuable. E.g. a section has been removed which IMHO highlights and pithily expresses the duality of the two smells, plus naturally links up with how they complement each other in the Single Responsibility Principle, in which the smells also line up with coupling and cohesion.

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Programming involves breaking problems down into simple steps that a computer can understand through instructions. It requires defining problems clearly and solving them by describing actions, modeling data, and refining solutions iteratively. Effective programming tools include action lists, flow charts, and data modeling to design solutions before writing code. Statements, blocks, variables, loops, functions, conditionals, and input/output allow computers to repeat tasks, store and manipulate data, and make decisions.

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..cont Sub Procedure Syntax: Sub SubName(passed arguments) ..some code.. End Sub
1.6 Organizing VBA Code into Modules All event procedures and any other VBA code are grouped and placed into “Modules”. MS Access has 4 types of modules: Standard, Form, Report, and Class. Each form and report has its own form or report module. All event procedures associated with a particular form or report should reside in their respective module. Standard module holds any other common or non form/report specific code. Class modules support object oriented programming approach (OOP) to development.
..cont Exercise:  Access any of the module types. In all cases you work with the same VBA editor.
..cont This is the place where we start writing some of our own code. Interactive  Exercise : Create new standard module. Type in the following code: Function Area (Height As Double, Width As Double) As Double Area = Width * Height End Function Optionally compile code (under Debug menu). Run code in Immediate window: ?Area(3,4)

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The document discusses macros in Excel. It explains that macros allow users to record a series of steps like formatting cells or entering text and replay those steps without repeating the actions. It describes how to record a basic macro by selecting cells, entering text, and formatting font and interior before playing back the macro on a new range of cells. The summary code generated by the recording is also shown.

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This document provides an introduction to key concepts in Excel including: - Entering formulas using the equals sign to indicate a cell contains a formula. Formulas use function syntax of name, parentheses, and arguments separated by commas. - Transferring data between sheets by copying or moving selected data using keyboard shortcuts and pasting into another sheet that can be in the same or different workbook. - Macros which automate repetitive tasks by recording mouse actions to create a series of functions in a programming language that can be run with a single command. The macro recorder allows creating macros by recording actions.

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..cont And now try the following procedure: Sub MyLoop() Dim loopcount As Integer, i As Integer loopcount = 3 For i = 1 To loopcount Debug.Print &quot;Loop &quot;, i Next i Beep End Sub More about “For” statement in Session 2.
1.7 Variables, Scope, and Data Types Variables are containers that hold your data in programs. Each variable should have a type. VBA supports a wide range of data types that are not identical to data types declared on fields in tables. Knowing both groups and how to map them is essential for good programming. If you forget to assign type to a variable in VBA, then the variable is treated as a “Variant”. Variants assume data type when data is loaded in to the variable. NOTE:   !! Avoid using Variants”. They slow the execution and make for poor documentation.
Some often used data types in VBA Boolean (True or False) Currency (formatted number $56.67) Double, Single (51.145678) Integer (321) Date (#8/28/04#) String (“Any word or sentence”) Q: What are their equivalents in database tables?
Scope of Variables (and Procedures) Scope determines where can variable be used. This depends on the place where and also how it was declared. Variables declared inside functions or subs must be declared with a Dim statement. They are always local to that sub or function..

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…cont Variables declared outside any function or sub are always global to that module. Whether they are also available to other modules, depends on what you precede their declarations with: “ Private Area As Double” would be same as “Dim Area As Double”. “ Public Area As Double” on the other hand is global to the application. NOTE: !!You can not use Public declaration inside function or sub. Use Dim ONLY.
..cont Functions and Procedures also have a scope. Preceding function or procedure declaration with a word “Public” or “Private” makes that function or sub available “in the module where declared only” OR they can be called (used) from any place in the application. Ex: Procedure in one module can call Public functions declared in any other module.  Public and Private declarations are useful to avoid confusion with keeping track of multiple names used for variables, functions, and procedures. Similar operations on two different forms can use procedures with same name as long as they are both declared as private in their respective modules.
..cont Exercise: Modify the MyLoop procedure to accept the number of loops. Call the new one  MyAreaLoop Call the Area function procedure from the MyAreaLoop procedure and pass it a length 0f 10 and width of I. (You will have to set up a variable of type double for area.) Run the MyAreaLoop procedure.
..cont Exercise: Sub MyAreaLoop(numloops As Integer) Dim loopnum As Double, i As Integer For i = 1 To numloops loopnum = i Debug.Print &quot;Area &quot;, i, Area(10, loopnum) Next i Beep End Sub

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Eastern Sales and Engineering (ESE) is an experienced fueling equipment contractor that has been family-owned for over 50 years. ESE provides installation, maintenance, and repair services for point of sale systems, fuel dispensers, and automatic tank gauging equipment. Their technicians are trained on Dresser Wayne, Verifone, Veeder Root, Incon, and Gilbarco equipment and aim to minimize downtime for customers. ESE offers both time and material and comprehensive maintenance contract plans.

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..cont Mini-Quiz: If you change the Area function to private does myarealoop still work? Why? How could you use global variables? Should you?
1.8 Built-in Functions and Procedures Beside custom made functions and procedures there are some that are built-in and part of the Access VBA language. We will see several examples in the following Sessions. “ Beep” is an example of built-in procedure and performs a single operation: It makes computer beep. Once. Built-in functions can be used anywhere in your program. Knowing what is available is essential for efficient programming so we don’t go and try to reinvent the wheel.
Some Common built-in Functions Today = Date() returns today’s date. UCase(String) converts all letters in string to upper case. Round(3.89) rounds a value in parenthesis to nearest integer (4 here). Len(String) returns number of characters in a string. NOTE:  There are close to 100 built in functions available for almost any area of data manipulation. Check some reference book for complete list or consult an Online Help in Access. We will introduce and use several in the hours ahead.
..cont Built-in functions are grouped into several categories: Conversion (converts one data type to another. UCase, LCase, etc..) Date/Time Financial Mathematical String Manipulation (extract parts of string, truncate, etc..) Programming (check for missing values, determine data types etc..) Domain (work on several values at once and perform statistical operations such as average, finding maximum / minimum value etc..)

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..cont Try a couple from the immediate window:
AVB201 – Introduction to VBA Session 1 END

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AVB201.1 MS Access VBA Module 1

  • 1. AVB201 Visual Basic For Applications MS Access, Beginning Course P.O. Box 6142 Laguna Niguel, CA 92607 949-489-1472 [email_address]
  • 2. OUTLINE SESSION 1: Event driven Programming in Access (3 hours). SESSION 2: VBA Language Constructs and Programming Techniques (3 hours). AVB202: Working Programmatically with Data (3 hours).
  • 4. Session 1: Event Driven Programming in Access Why VBA ? Using events and event procedures. Using VBA Editor. Event types in Access. Differentiating between functions and sub procedures. Organizing VBA code into modules. Using Variables, Scope, and Data types. Exploring and using built-in functions.
  • 5. 1.1 Why VBA ? Greatly extends the functionality of Macros. Allows customized interactions with users. Enables complex operations on records. Enables complete control over the Access Object Model Capable of making reports and forms that can make decisions based on user choices, database data, and user supplied values. Offers improved error handling capabilities. Programming is FUN !!
  • 6. 1.2 Events and Event Procedures Event is when something happens to any object in your application. Ex: User clicks a button (object) on a form (also an object). Event Procedure is a piece of VBA code that is associated with this object and this event. Since event code is programmed the event can trigger any number of actions. Ex: deleting a record and closing the form. In such event driven programming model, the user is in control of when and what should happen next in the application.
  • 7. 1.3 Using VBA Editor VBA editor is the place where you write your VBA code. Enter via code builder, CTRL G, etc. VBA editor keeps your code organized into modules, functions, procedures, and/or classes (more on module types later). You can write, document, test, compile, and debug your code with supplied tools >> explore VBA menus. We will use the VBA editor for the rest of this course.
  • 8. 1.3 Using VBA Editor Demonstration: Make “Add New” command button on a Products form.
  • 9. ..cont Exercise: Add “Delete” button to Products form and check the procedure. Explore changing the code and see how VBA automatically notifies you of certain errors. Run procedure by clicking the “Delete” command button.
  • 10. 1.4 Types of Events in Access Events in Access can be categorized into several groups: Windows (Form, Report): opening, closing, resizing. Data: making current, deleting, updating. Focus: activating, entering, exiting. Keyboard: pressing or releasing a key. Mouse: clicking a mouse button. Print: formatting, printing. Error and timing: when error occurs in code or some time passes.
  • 11. Commonly Used Events Events are normally associated with a form, report, or some control on a form. Some common form events are: On Open, On Load, Before Update, On Unload, On Current On Delete Before Delete.
  • 12. Common Control Events On Click Before Update After Update On Double Click.
  • 13. Common Report Events On Open On Activate On Close On No Data.
  • 14. Event Flow NOTE: A single user action can also trigger several events that then run in succession. For example when the user opens a form all of the following events occur: Open >> Load >> Resize >> Activate >> Current
  • 15. 1.5 Differentiating between Functions and Sub Procedures. Functions return a value to the calling code, usually providing the result of the function’s operation. Sub Procedures execute the code in the procedure but do not return any values. Both, functions and procedures, can accept multiple input values from the calling program that can be used inside their respective operations.
  • 16. ..cont Function Syntax: Function FunctionName(passed arguments) As “Data Type of Return” ..some code.. FunctionName = “Return Value” End Function
  • 17. ..cont Sub Procedure Syntax: Sub SubName(passed arguments) ..some code.. End Sub
  • 18. 1.6 Organizing VBA Code into Modules All event procedures and any other VBA code are grouped and placed into “Modules”. MS Access has 4 types of modules: Standard, Form, Report, and Class. Each form and report has its own form or report module. All event procedures associated with a particular form or report should reside in their respective module. Standard module holds any other common or non form/report specific code. Class modules support object oriented programming approach (OOP) to development.
  • 19. ..cont Exercise: Access any of the module types. In all cases you work with the same VBA editor.
  • 20. ..cont This is the place where we start writing some of our own code. Interactive Exercise : Create new standard module. Type in the following code: Function Area (Height As Double, Width As Double) As Double Area = Width * Height End Function Optionally compile code (under Debug menu). Run code in Immediate window: ?Area(3,4)
  • 21. ..cont And now try the following procedure: Sub MyLoop() Dim loopcount As Integer, i As Integer loopcount = 3 For i = 1 To loopcount Debug.Print &quot;Loop &quot;, i Next i Beep End Sub More about “For” statement in Session 2.
  • 22. 1.7 Variables, Scope, and Data Types Variables are containers that hold your data in programs. Each variable should have a type. VBA supports a wide range of data types that are not identical to data types declared on fields in tables. Knowing both groups and how to map them is essential for good programming. If you forget to assign type to a variable in VBA, then the variable is treated as a “Variant”. Variants assume data type when data is loaded in to the variable. NOTE: !! Avoid using Variants”. They slow the execution and make for poor documentation.
  • 23. Some often used data types in VBA Boolean (True or False) Currency (formatted number $56.67) Double, Single (51.145678) Integer (321) Date (#8/28/04#) String (“Any word or sentence”) Q: What are their equivalents in database tables?
  • 24. Scope of Variables (and Procedures) Scope determines where can variable be used. This depends on the place where and also how it was declared. Variables declared inside functions or subs must be declared with a Dim statement. They are always local to that sub or function..
  • 25. …cont Variables declared outside any function or sub are always global to that module. Whether they are also available to other modules, depends on what you precede their declarations with: “ Private Area As Double” would be same as “Dim Area As Double”. “ Public Area As Double” on the other hand is global to the application. NOTE: !!You can not use Public declaration inside function or sub. Use Dim ONLY.
  • 26. ..cont Functions and Procedures also have a scope. Preceding function or procedure declaration with a word “Public” or “Private” makes that function or sub available “in the module where declared only” OR they can be called (used) from any place in the application. Ex: Procedure in one module can call Public functions declared in any other module. Public and Private declarations are useful to avoid confusion with keeping track of multiple names used for variables, functions, and procedures. Similar operations on two different forms can use procedures with same name as long as they are both declared as private in their respective modules.
  • 27. ..cont Exercise: Modify the MyLoop procedure to accept the number of loops. Call the new one MyAreaLoop Call the Area function procedure from the MyAreaLoop procedure and pass it a length 0f 10 and width of I. (You will have to set up a variable of type double for area.) Run the MyAreaLoop procedure.
  • 28. ..cont Exercise: Sub MyAreaLoop(numloops As Integer) Dim loopnum As Double, i As Integer For i = 1 To numloops loopnum = i Debug.Print &quot;Area &quot;, i, Area(10, loopnum) Next i Beep End Sub
  • 29. ..cont Mini-Quiz: If you change the Area function to private does myarealoop still work? Why? How could you use global variables? Should you?
  • 30. 1.8 Built-in Functions and Procedures Beside custom made functions and procedures there are some that are built-in and part of the Access VBA language. We will see several examples in the following Sessions. “ Beep” is an example of built-in procedure and performs a single operation: It makes computer beep. Once. Built-in functions can be used anywhere in your program. Knowing what is available is essential for efficient programming so we don’t go and try to reinvent the wheel.
  • 31. Some Common built-in Functions Today = Date() returns today’s date. UCase(String) converts all letters in string to upper case. Round(3.89) rounds a value in parenthesis to nearest integer (4 here). Len(String) returns number of characters in a string. NOTE: There are close to 100 built in functions available for almost any area of data manipulation. Check some reference book for complete list or consult an Online Help in Access. We will introduce and use several in the hours ahead.
  • 32. ..cont Built-in functions are grouped into several categories: Conversion (converts one data type to another. UCase, LCase, etc..) Date/Time Financial Mathematical String Manipulation (extract parts of string, truncate, etc..) Programming (check for missing values, determine data types etc..) Domain (work on several values at once and perform statistical operations such as average, finding maximum / minimum value etc..)
  • 33. ..cont Try a couple from the immediate window:
  • 34. AVB201 – Introduction to VBA Session 1 END