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Cognizant Reports
Artificial Intelligence
in Financial Services:
From Nice to Have to
Must Have
AI is moving beyond experimentation to become a
competitive differentiator in financial services — delivering
a hyper-personalized customer experience, improving
decision-making and boosting operational efficiency, our
recent primary research reveals. Yet, many financial services
companies will need to accelerate their efforts to infuse AI
across the value chain while preparing for the next generation
of evolutionary neural network technologies to keep pace
with more forward-thinking players.
September 2019
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Visions of robots working alongside humans have been the
stuff of futuristic speculation for years, but now AI-driven
solutions are becoming a competitive requirement for banks
and other financial services companies. AI is delivering real
value — enhancing the customer experience, improving
trading and portfolio management, assessing the
creditworthiness of loan applicants, and detecting potential
instances of fraud and misconduct, among many other
applications. And organizations that embrace emerging AI
technologies that can learn and adapt on their own without
explicit programming can look forward to even greater benefits.
Yet, many financial services institutions (FIs) remain in an experimental phase and will need
to accelerate actual AI deployment. They need to see AI as a business play, rather than
a technology challenge. To do this, they require an overarching strategy that identifies
concrete obstacles and opportunities where AI technologies can create business value.
Equally important, FIs need to ensure they employ responsible, ethical AI applications that
can be trusted by customers, employees and the public at large.
We recently surveyed executives in the U.S. and Europe, including 230 financial services
executives, to understand how their organizations are approaching AI. (Read the full report,
including its Methodology on pp. 22–23, at “Making AI Responsible — And Effective.”)
Three-quarters of these FI executives said that AI is extremely or very important to their
organizations’ success, a higher percentage than for any other industry in our survey.1
However, only 61% of these executives said they knew about an AI project at their company,
and only 29% of this group were aware of fully implemented projects. For most FIs, the
majority of AI initiatives are pilot projects or in the proof-of-concept stage.
Executive Summary
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But in many ways, AI capabilities have already become essential for FIs to remain
competitive. FIs also need to look over the horizon and invest in more advanced AI
technologies that pivot around deep learning and will bring even greater benefits in the
near future. In the near-term, our engagement experience suggests that FIs should quickly
apply the potential of AI in the areas of predictive analytics, chatbots and decision support
in customer contact centers.
❙❙ Marrying AI technologies and predictive analytics has dramatically improved their
scope and potential. AI can rapidly analyze multiple combinations of variables that
would be beyond the ability of human analysts. Natural language processing (NLP)
allows these analyses to employ a wide variety of untraditional data sources such as
media coverage, social media posts, customer reviews and government filings, among
many others. AI-powered predictive analytics is now generating important benefits in
many areas including financial advice, portfolio strategy and trading, collections, and risk
management and compliance.
❙❙ Many of the initial efforts in AI have been focused on chatbots and other
conversational interfaces to enhance customer service by allowing customers
to converse in their native language rather than being forced to select from
predetermined menus. When FI executives were asked which technologies were used
in the AI projects at their companies, they most often cited virtual agents (72%) and
natural language analysis (56%), both of which are employed in chatbots. Chatbots allow
customers to easily accomplish a wide variety of tasks 24x7 including accessing account
information, obtaining new products, and receiving advice on financial goal-setting and
budgeting. In addition, the automation brought by chatbots is boosting efficiency and
reducing operating costs, our respondents said.
❙❙ AI is also supporting customer service representatives (CSRs) as they handle more
complex calls. Monitoring calls in real time, AI applications provide contact center
employees with a list of questions tailored to each call and the best solution or product
for the customer. By analyzing customer sentiment while the call is in progress, they also
provide prompts to help the representative understand the emotional state of the caller
and to respond with empathy.
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To capture the benefits as AI restructures each element in the value chain, FIs will need to
focus on the following:
❙❙ Craft business-driven AI strategies. Companies need to look across their organizations
to identify opportunities to generate concrete business value from AI — not only
in reduced costs but also in boosting revenues by delivering enhanced customer
experiences and through improved decision-making in such areas as targeting prospects,
designing portfolio strategies and evaluating potential trades. AI should be viewed from a
business lens, rather than as a technology issue. We suggest having AI projects managed
by cross-functional teams with business executives in the lead.
❙❙ Enhance data management. AI applications depend on access to timely and accurate
data, which is a challenge for many FIs that have fragmented data architectures with
multiple legacy systems. Companies need to identify which types of data are required for
each AI project — whether originating from internal sources or from nontraditional (third-
party) sources, such as social media posts — and ensure they can be captured in a timely
fashion and in an appropriate format.
❙❙ Adopt an experimental mindset. AI projects need to be rolled out quickly, while at the
same time be rigorously measured so failures are terminated promptly while successes are
moved into production.
❙❙ Create and maintain responsible AI applications. To be successful, AI applications
need to behave in ways that make customers and employees comfortable and not make
decisions that are unethical or exhibit bias. Yet, only 45% of financial services executives
surveyed reported that ethical considerations play a critical or significant role when their
companies develop and employ AI applications. Companies need to work to ensure they
are designing ethical AI applications and then monitor them to ensure they continue to
act appropriately as they learn and evolve over time. Ethical considerations need to
be at the center of AI strategy. (For more on this topic, read “Making AI Responsible
and Effective.”)
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Utilizing AI in all shapes and forms is no longer optional for FIs. While many seem content
to simply experiment, more forward-thinking companies have realized that AI has become
a competitive necessity. Companies that have not fully committed to infusing responsible
AI capabilities throughout their organizations — and are not making the investments
required for the future — will need to accelerate their efforts or will find themselves slipping
ever further behind more aggressive rivals.
This report offers recommendations on the near-term and mid-term investments in AI that
will drive business returns in such areas as chatbots, decision support for customer contact
centers, provision of financial advice, and investment and trading decisions. Our advice
is bolstered with case illustrations that reflect our best thinking and experience on these
issues as well as by the results of our recent AI survey.
Only 45% of financial services
executives surveyed reported
that ethical considerations play a
critical or significant role when their
companies develop and employ AI
Despite optimism, AI remains on a slow boil
AI is at the top-of-mind for FIs. In our study, 74% of FI executives said
AI was extremely or very important to the success of their companies
today, while 53% predicted it would be extremely important three years
from now (see Figure 1).
The enthusiasm for AI is especially great among executives who said their organizations are growing
much faster than the average FI. Forty-eight percent of executives at faster-growing FIs said that AI was
extremely important to their business success today, compared with 21% among executives at slower-
growing FIs (see Figure 2, page 8).
FIs foresee benefits in a variety of areas. With AI holding the potential to automate many manual tasks,
roughly three-quarters of executives expected that over the next three years their organizations will gain
major or significant benefits from AI in increased efficiency/lower costs (see Figure 3, page 8). But cost
reduction is not the only benefit expected. About three-quarters of executives also anticipated that their
companies will gain major or significant benefits from AI over this period in increased revenues and in the
ability to introduce new products/services or enter new businesses. About 40% of executives believed
they would gain major benefits in each of these areas.
Yet, there is a large gap between executives’ enthusiasm and the extent to which their organizations are
actually implementing AI. While 61% of FI executives said they knew about an AI project at their companies,
only 29% of these executives reported on a project that had been fully implemented. Instead, most
companies are still at earlier stages of AI development: pilot project (46%), proof of concept (35%) and
initial planning (24%) (see Figure 4, page 9). FIs are only at the beginning stages in understanding the full
potential of AI to streamline and enhance every aspect of their organizations.
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Financial Services
Financial Services
Extremely important Very important
Importance of AI technologies to company success
Response base: 975 executives in Europe and the U.S.
Source: Cognizant
Figure 1
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Increased efficiency/
lower costs
Increased revenues
Ability to introduce
new products/
services or enter
new businesses
Major benefit Significant benefit
Expected benefits of AI to company over next three years
Response base: 230 financial services executives in Europe and the U.S.
Source: Cognizant
Figure 3
financial services
financial services
Extremely important Very important
Importance of AI to company success today
Response base: 230 financial services executives in Europe and the U.S.
Source: Cognizant
Figure 2
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Full implementation
Pilot project
Proof of concept
Initial planning
Note: Percentages total to more than 100% since respondents reported on multiple projects.
Response base: 230 financial services executives in Europe and the U.S.
Source: Cognizant
Figure 4
Current status of AI projects
Key areas for near-term investment
AI is rapidly restructuring every aspect of the FI value chain, with
fundamental impacts on the customer experience, business strategy
and operational processes. As they move forward with AI, FIs should
focus on three competitive necessities: predictive analytics, chatbots
and decision support in customer contact centers.
AI-powered predictive analytics
FIs have used predictive analytics for many years, by having human analysts apply statistical modeling and
data mining to identify patterns and make predictions. Employing AI is now taking predictive analytics to
the next level.
Existing AI technologies can identify and test every combination of variables, such as customer attributes
and product features, which would be impossible for a team of human analysts. By employing NLP,
analyses can include a wide variety of untraditional data sources, such as media coverage, social media
posts, customer reviews and government filings, among others.
AI-powered predictive analytics is impacting the entire FI value chain. The following are several areas
where these technologies are having an important effect.
Financial advice
Robo-advisors provide customers with automated, algorithm-driven financial planning services, typically
at low cost. They can suggest an appropriate asset allocation based on a client’s needs and risk tolerance,
automatically rebalance a client’s portfolio and prompt a human financial advisor to call at the appropriate
time to offer assistance, if required. Fintechs, such as Betterment and Personal Capital,2
as well as major FIs,
such as Schwab, BlackRock and Fidelity,3
are leading the robo-advice race.
The widespread adoption of robo-advisors is expected to change the competitive landscape, allowing FIs
to expand into geographic markets and customer segments that were previously too expensive to serve.
For example, FIs will gain an increased ability to serve mass affluent customers with low-cost AI-driven
advisory services. But these tools will not be limited to the mass affluent market. Our survey of wealth
management advisors in the U.S. found that 76% believe robo-advisor tools will grow in sophistication
and adoption will move beyond the mass-affluent segment.4
These tools are likely to soon become more
relevant to high-net-worth investors, particularly younger generations.
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Investment products & trading
Many FIs are already applying AI to the design of investment products and to trading decisions. These
applications analyze and act on vast troves of information more accurately and quickly than any human
trader. AI tools are being used to assess the significance of a wide variety of alternative sources that are
relevant to the value of a stock. Among the major FIs investing in such applications are BlackRock, Fidelity
and T. Rowe Price.5
For example, BlackRock has created a so-called “quantamental fund” that applies
machine learning (ML), NLP and sentiment analysis to alternative data sources such as satellite imagery,
conference call transcripts, social media posts, Google search trends and online invoices. AI tools have
allowed the unit to outperform traditional equity portfolio managers.6
UBS is piloting a recommendation algorithm in its corporate bond trading business to suggest trades
to its asset management and hedge fund clients.7
Currently these recommendations are passed to its
salespeople, but if the pilot is successful, they will eventually be sent directly to clients.
Traditional methods of debt collection are labor-intensive and often succeed no more than 20% of the
Debt collection practices also prompt many of the consumer complaints lodged with regulators.9
ML applications can target collection efforts toward delinquent borrowers where there is the greatest
likelihood of success, as well as identifying the best communication channel, time of day and messages for
each borrower. A 2018 survey of banks in Asia Pacific found that almost 70% said they would be using AI to
improve collections and recovery by 2019.10
For a U.S.-based credit card issuer, we used AI to identify the
factors that best predict the success of collection efforts, identifying $10 million in annual savings.
Risk management & compliance
AI tools are being used to identify potential instances of inappropriate behavior that can open a bank
to substantial regulatory fines as well as significant damage to its reputation. The fintech firm Digital
Reasoning has received investments from major FIs such as BNP Paribas, Barclays and Goldman Sachs.
Its technology, Synthesys, uses ML and NLP to analyze huge volumes of data in order to identify potential
instances of market manipulation, unauthorized trading and insider trading.11
Chatbots enhance the customer experience	
Much of AI’s initial focus pivots around conversational interfaces to provide more responsive customer
service, especially to millennial customers accustomed to researching and purchasing products either
online or through their smart phones. Chatbots, which allow humans to converse in their native language
with computers, are rapidly becoming a customer expectation.
In our survey, when FI executives were asked which technologies were being used in their AI projects, they
most often said virtual agents (72%) and analysis of natural language (56%), both of which are central to
chatbots. Executives at faster-growing FIs were even more likely than those at slower-growing FIs to cite AI
projects that used analysis of natural language (78% vs. 43%).
Chatbots enhance the customer experience in a variety of ways. They provide immediate responses to
queries and are available 24x7. Rather than requiring customers to click through preset menus, AI-powered
chatbots understand customer questions in their own words. When coupled with NLP, customers can
simply speak with the chatbot, rather than typing their questions.
Financial chatbots are now providing a variety of services such as opening new accounts, suggesting
appropriate products, providing answers to account questions, offering assistance with financial goal-
setting, and providing advice on future spending based on the customer’s financial goals and historical
spending patterns, to name a few.
In addition to enhancing the customer experience, chatbots also promise substantial cost savings as they
reduce the volume of calls that need to be handled by CSRs. One study estimated that chatbots will bring
cost savings of $7.3 billion to banks around the world by 2023.12
Many leading FIs are actively employing chatbots including Amy by HSBC Bank and Erica by Bank
of America.13
For example, Bank of America’s Erica allows customers to perform a variety of functions
including accessing account information, receiving notifications and scheduling meetings with the
bank. It also provides assistance to customers in managing their finances including a view of weekly
spending, changes in credit scores and bill reminders. When needed, difficult questions are routed to a
bank employee. By May 2019, just one year after it was launched, Erica had been used by seven million
customers and had handled more than 50 million client interactions.14
Decision support in customer contact centers
Although more customers are interacting with their FIs digitally, the customer contact center remains
fundamental to the customer experience, which is now being transformed by AI. For a start, conversational
AI is allowing many calls, such as requests for account or product information, to be handled automatically,
without the need for a CSR.
However, the benefits of AI go far beyond simply reducing the workload. Instead, AI is enabling CSRs to
more effectively address customer needs and deliver a positive customer experience.
As AI applications resolve straightforward issues, they route more complex calls to the most suitable agent,
considering such factors as the reason for the call, the knowledge and skills of each agent, the customer’s
financial profile and their sentiment. AI solutions monitor each of these more complex calls in real time,
providing the CSR with required information and coaching as the call progresses.
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One analysis found that in a typical six-minute call to a customer contact center, only one-quarter of that
time consisted in the representative interacting with the customer, while the remaining three-quarters was
taken up by the CSR’s manual research.15
During each call, AI now delivers such information to CSRs more
quickly and accurately than before.
AI also provides the representative with a series of questions to help identify the customer’s issue and
then identify the best solution considering the customer’s financial situation. These recommendations are
automatically revised based on new data, so they continue to improve over time. During each call, CSRs
receive a checklist of issues to address that is automatically updated as the call proceeds so they can see
which tasks have been completed and which remain.
As AI applications resolve straightforward issues, they
route more complex calls to the most suitable agent,
considering such factors as the reason for the call, the
knowledge and skills of each agent, the customer’s
financial profile and their sentiment.
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AI also provides the CSR with appropriate products to offer, based on the content of the call and the
customer’s financial situation. For example, if a caller mentions that she has recently purchased a home or
moved to a new city, the agent will immediately receive suggested follow-up questions and products to
offer based on the customer’s answers.
By automating information searches, CSRs are able to focus more on their soft skills and the quality of the
conversation. AI can help here as well. As the call is in progress, AI applications analyze diction, word choice
and tone to gauge the sentiment of the caller, such as whether they are angry or frustrated, and provide
prompts to help the representative respond with appropriate empathy.
Finally, FIs are using AI to improve quality control in customer contact centers. Agents typically create
summaries after each call, but the quality and content of these can vary widely across different CSRs and
also based on how busy the contact center is at the time. AI can automate this process, automatically
creating after-call summaries that can condense all the key phrases used by the customer and agent.
AI also has the ability to analyze all the calls received monthly by the customer contact center, rather
than just a small sample, to assess the reason for each call and assess whether the CSR was successful at
resolving the issue. This automated analysis identifies the most common problems that prompt calls and
the best solutions to employ for new calls.
We designed an AI solution that captured these benefits for the customer contact center of a leading
global property and casualty insurer. The AI application allows the carrier to monitor all 8,000 calls each
month, rather than just a handful, while slashing review time by as much as 40%. In addition, it provides
CSRs with real-time personality profiling and conversation cues while the call is in progress — prompts that
are expected to improve customer satisfaction.
AI also has the ability to analyze all the calls received
monthly by the customer contact center, rather than
just a small sample, to assess the reason for each
call and assess whether the CSR was successful at
resolving the issue. This automated analysis identifies
the most common problems that prompt calls and
the best solutions to employ for new calls.
Optimizing Customer Service
with NLP
We worked with a leading FI that sought to optimize its call center operations to improve
customer satisfaction and reduce operational expenses.
The first step involved improving speech transcription capabilities. We further used NLP
technology to classify call types, structure data and develop sentiment measures. Predictive
analytics allowed the bank to anticipate future customer behavior based on the call center
interaction and develop strategies to improve customer outcomes.
Our approach met the company’s goals of rapidly streamlining call center operations and
helped improve customer satisfaction scores by up to 20%. Predictive analytics also reduced
call center volumes, resulting in significant operational cost savings.
Quick Take
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ML Cuts Losses from Credit
Card Fraud
Although the percentage of fraudulent credit card transactions is tiny, they have an
outsized impact. Once a fraudulent transaction is processed, a bank has to commit
substantial resources to a lengthy recovery process that is often unsuccessful. As they
adopt procedures to identify fraudulent transactions, banks also need to minimize the
number of legitimate transactions that are erroneously flagged as fraudulent and denied,
as these negatively impact the customer experience.
Facing these challenges, a leading multinational FI asked us to develop a solution that
would improve fraud prevention and reduce the reputational impact of false positives.
Each month, fraudulent credit card transactions with a value of $75 million escaped
detection and were processed, while the company successfully recovered about $45
million of this amount.
We built a new solution based on open-source technologies and using the latest ML
algorithms. Transactions are run in real time against multiple offline neural network models,
which are deployed based on performance metrics. This automated solution was able
to handle 4,000 transactions per second and provide a fraud score 99.999 times out of
100. The solution reduced fraud-related losses by $60 million per year through capturing
new fraud patterns, improved customer satisfaction by lowering the rate of legitimate
transactions that were declined and reduced operating costs. The solution also provides
the ability to rapidly deploy new fraud-detection models. The second phase of the project
is now underway and is expected to capture substantial additional savings.
Quick Take
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Getting ready for evolutionary AI
While FIs need to ensure they have the requisite AI capabilities today,
they also must gain experience with the more powerful AI technologies
that are emerging. A key feature of these new technologies is that they
allow AI to automatically design itself without the need for explicit
programming by humans. This is what we call evolutionary AI.
Designing AI applications is difficult and requires access to substantial talent, which executives in our
survey said was a major challenge (see Figure 5). Even if sufficient talent were available, there are too many
variables to consider, not to mention a business environment that is typically changing far too fast for
human analysts to consider all the possible solutions to ongoing challenges and/or opportunities. Finally,
human analysts bring their preconceptions and biases when selecting combinations of variables to analyze,
often overlooking better solutions.
Emerging technologies that enable AI algorithms to design themselves are allowing organizations to
transcend human limitations. The result is the ability to take full advantage of today’s massive data sets to
automatically generate complex models and identify novel decision-making strategies that would never
have been identified by human data scientists.
These new AI technologies employ the principles of biological evolution to automatically design solutions
that yield the best outcomes, with the ability to optimize several objectives at once, such as increased
returns and reduced risk.16
(To learn more, see our report, “Go Beyond Prediction with Evolutionary AI™.”)
Evolutionary AI operates in an iterative way. First, it randomly generates a set of potential solutions to form
an initial population and assigns a score to each solution based on how well it performs. In the second
round, it retains those solutions that performed best, perhaps only 5% of the total, and recombines their
components, “mutating” them to create a new population. This population is then tested and the process
begins again.
Even if the best candidates did not perform particularly well in the first round, over multiple generations the
appropriate components of the more successful solutions will become more prevalent in the population
and eventually a solution will be discovered that yields the best outcomes.
Compared with human designs, in our work with clients we have found that evolutionary AI can be
deployed far faster, avoids biases and preconceptions, and typically performs better. In addition, the
chosen model will evolve and improve over time based on new data.
Evolutionary AI can be applied in a wide variety of areas at FIs. One example is in designing quantitative
trading strategies to maximize returns while minimizing risk. By 2017, less than 10% of stock trades were
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placed by fundamental discretionary traders, with the remaining trades based on algorithm or index-driven
and pattern-based high-volume strategies.17
Considering vast amounts of data on economic history,
current performance, market indicators, aggregate financial statement data and policy options such as the
actions of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, evolutionary AI can be used to discover interactions between all
of them and take full advantage of that information in the market.
Loan underwriting provides another example. Rather than relying on human analysis, evolutionary AI
solutions can quickly analyze all the combinations of relevant variables to create a model that more
accurately assesses the risk of default by a potential borrower.
As AI applications increasingly design and test themselves, the pace of innovation and the accuracy
of predictions will vastly improve. We believe that FIs will soon consider it to be irresponsible to make
important business decisions without first consulting with an AI system.
Evolutionary AI operates in an iterative way. First, it randomly
generates a set of potential solutions to form an initial
population and assigns a score to each solution based on
how well it performs. In the second round, it retains those
solutions that performed best, perhaps only 5% of the total,
and recombines their components, “mutating” them to
create a new population. This population is then tested and
the process begins again.
Designing an AI strategy
FIs, especially those still in the AI planning stages, need an overall
game plan to spur more aggressive investments and help ensure their
efforts are targeted to maximum effect — including both near-term
investments and also those targeting more advanced evolutionary AI.
Our study indicates that there is a lack of clarity on how to proceed. When executives were asked to what
extent a series of issues posed challenges to implementing AI, most items received roughly similar ratings
(see Figure 5). This “all of the above” finding suggests that companies have not developed clear strategies
for pursuing AI.
Implementing AI will bring fundamental changes to an FI, from its strategy to its operations, and requires
the active support of an organization’s leadership. This senior-level commitment is lacking at many FIs,
with 45% of executives saying that securing senior management commitment was extremely or very
challenging. Another indication of the lack of commitment to AI by many FIs is that 44% of executives cited
securing adequate budget as an important challenge.
To craft an effective strategy, FIs should start with the business needs and opportunities that AI can
address, rather than with its technical capabilities. To ensure a business focus, business executives, not
IT experts, should lead cross-functional AI teams. Securing the involvement of the business may prove
difficult at many FIs, with 44% of executives saying that securing buy-in by businesses was extremely or
very challenging (see Figure 5).
Although each FI’s situation is unique, the following guidelines should help.
❙❙ Cast a wide net. FIs should conduct a comprehensive examination of their business processes to
identify where AI technologies can be applied, the potential benefits, the investment and time required
to achieve them, and the technical and human capabilities required. There is no recipe for leveraging the
potential of AI. Each business challenge requires different AI technologies, techniques and approaches.
To ensure the underlying algorithms in AI technologies “understand” the business context in which they
operate, cross-functional teams led by executives in lines of business and functional areas should be
established to identify potential AI-enabled improvements to processes and products.
❙❙ Go beyond insights. FIs should first identify the most impactful decision loops in their organization
and then move to supplement manual decision-making with data-driven, AI-powered decision
augmentation. Such systems use historical decision/outcome data to generate decision strategies
geared to optimize against multiple outcomes such as revenue, cost and risk, pairing their
recommendations with the predicted outcomes.
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❙❙ Look for opportunities to leverage data. Generating value from AI depends on access to timely
and accurate data, which is a challenge for many FIs. Forty-five percent of FI executives considered
access to accurate/time data to be extremely or very challenging for their companies in employing AI.
In addition, companies will need to gain experience in leveraging a wider range of nontraditional data
sources such as media coverage, social media posts and satellite imagery.
While accurate data is required to make the most of AI, AI technologies like ML can themselves be
employed to identify which types of data are most important for specific business outcomes. We
have developed an AI-based framework called DataIQ, which performs an up-front assessment of
various data sets to determine which attributes are relevant and will provide the intelligence needed
to support a given purpose, such as reducing credit card fraud. (Learn more by reading about our Data
Modernization Method.)
❙❙ Enhance data management and governance. While using AI effectively depends on timely access
to quality data from a variety of internal and external sources, many FIs struggle with legacy systems
and siloed data. FIs require investments to upgrade their data management capabilities – a responsive
data architecture that can quickly deliver diverse types of data to AI applications; intelligent data
management that can streamline and automate many manual processes; and advanced delivery
methods, such as Agile, DevOps and DataOps, that dramatically shorten the time required to introduce
new capabilities.
❙❙ Prepare business processes for digitization. Applying AI to a poorly designed, fragmented business
process will lead to disappointing results. FIs should consider first optimizing processes through such
approaches as system changes, standardization and consolidation. Many FIs will require stronger data
governance to rationalize fragmented data architectures plagued by multiple legacy administrative
systems and databases, for example, by using a business-process-as-a-service (BPaaS) solution.
Generating value from AI depends on access to timely and
accurate data, which is a challenge for many FIs. Forty-five
percent of FI executives considered access to accurate/time
data to be extremely or very challenging for their companies
in employing AI.
❙❙ Acquire AI expertise. Access to professionals skilled in rapidly evolving AI technologies will be
essential. In our survey, 50% of insurance executives said that securing talent was extremely or very
challenging for their organization’s AI efforts, the highest-rated issue (see Figure 5). The war for AI talent
has been intense, especially for those who couple AI skills with experience in the financial industry. The
limited pool of qualified candidates has sent salaries skyrocketing, which has been a key motivation for
major financial services companies to partner with fintech startups that bring AI expertise.
❙❙ Encourage experimentation — and discipline. There are no ready-made, turnkey AI solutions, and
each FI will need to chart its own path forward. For this reason, managed experimentation will be key.
FIs will need an increased tolerance for risk-taking and innovation, while balancing that with rigorous
testing and measurement of ROI and tangible business value. It will be important to quickly identify and
terminate failures, while moving successful AI pilot projects into full production.
Perhaps most important, an effective strategy requires a human-centric approach as employees and
customers are increasingly interacting with AI. These applications need to be designed to understand
human expectations and have the “emotional intelligence” to interact appropriately with the people
around them.18
To develop a human-centric approach, FIs should take advantage of the expertise of
behavioral scientists (sociologists, anthropologists, etc.) to design and train AI to be accepted and valued
by the organization. (For more on this topic, read “AI: Beyond Science Fiction to Business Fact.”)
22  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have
Cognizant Reports
FIs will need an increased tolerance for risk-taking and
innovation, while balancing that with rigorous testing
and measurement of ROI and tangible business value.
It will be important to quickly identify and terminate
failures, while moving successful AI pilot projects into
full production.
Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  23
Cognizant Reports
Securing talent
Attracting and retaining professionals
with appropriate experience and skills
Interactions between
different AI applications
Securing senior management commitment
Access to accurate/timely data
Securing buy-in by businesses
Securing adequate budget
Monitoring and addressing
potential instances of unethical behavior,
such as bias, in AI applications
Developing legal contracts addressing the
risks that AI could make or support decisions
with negative impacts on customers
Measuring impacts
Time required for generating benefits
Retraining employees whose
job responsibilities have been
changed or eliminated by AI
Ability of employees to interact
effectively with AI applications
Challenges in employing AI
Percentage extremely or very challenging
Response base: 230 financial services executives in Europe and the U.S.
Source: Cognizant
Figure 5
Creating AI that you and your customers can trust
An integral part of taking a human-centric approach is ensuring that
employees and customers trust AI applications to act responsibly
and ethically. If instead they take actions that are unethical, such
as exhibiting bias, they won’t be accepted by employees and could
undermine customer relationships. Equally important, an AI application
that takes inappropriate actions could damage a company’s reputation
and brand with investors and the general public, and potentially subject
it to regulatory penalties.
There is a growing recognition of the important role that ethics needs to play if the promise of AI is to
be realized. For example, Google, Microsoft, Apple and other technology companies have created the
Partnership on AI to explore AI best practices and conduct “open research and dialogue on the ethical,
social, economic, and legal implications of AI.”19
It is not simply a question of designing AI applications appropriately. AI applications also need to be
monitored over time since they can develop biases that may be hidden in the data provided to them.
An example of the problem is Microsoft’s “Tay” chatbot. This AI application was intended to learn how to
behave well by interacting with Twitter users – but ended up producing racist comments after a few hours
of listening to online trolls and had to be shut down.20
Similarly, FIs will need to ensure that AI applications
don’t pick up racial or gender biases that may be hidden in the credit or other financial data they employ.
In addition, FIs should create a code of ethics that can be overlaid on top of these ML systems and, where
possible, deploy ML systems that augment, not replace, human decision-making.
Providing transparency may be needed to comply with regulatory requirements such as the European
Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which applies to all companies wherever
headquartered that have access to the personal data of EU citizens. GDPR gives consumers the right
to require an explanation of any decisions taken by AI applications that affect them. This can be difficult
with ML applications, which are not explicitly programmed and where it may not be clear why a decision
was made. FIs will need to build in the ability to drill down into an AI decision to understand which factors
triggered it.
Other jurisdictions are also implementing privacy regulations. For example, the California Consumer
Privacy Act (CCPA), which takes effect on Jan. 1, 2020, requires additional privacy protections by all
companies doing business in the state, including giving residents the right to opt out of data collection and
the right to receive a record of their data that has been collected and sold.21
24  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have
Cognizant Reports
Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  25
Cognizant Reports
Many FIs have not yet recognized the important role of ethics in AI success. Only 45% of executives in our
survey said that ethical considerations play a critical or significant role when their organizations develop
and employ AI applications (see Figure 6). Similarly, only 53% of executives said their organizations have
policies, methods and tools in place to identify and address potential instances of unethical behavior, such
as bias, when they design AI applications, and the same percentage of executives said they have these in
place to address ethical issues that may arise in the behavior of AI applications after they are launched.
Faster-growing companies have a greater appreciation of the role that ethics plays in generating business
value from AI – 68% of executives at faster-growing FIs reported that ethical considerations play a critical
or significant role when their organizations develop and implement AI, compared with 35% of executives at
slower-growing concerns (see Figure 6).
Surprisingly, about three-quarters of FI executives believed their organizations were extremely or very
effective in identifying and addressing instances of potential unethical behavior in the initial design of their
AI applications (74%) and after they are launched (69%). This assessment appears to be overly optimistic
given the fact that only about half the FIs reported having ethical policies and procedures in place for AI.
As AI is infused into more parts of the organization, and as these applications continue to evolve in business
situations, having a solid ethical foundation will become more important as well as more complicated.
Managing the ethical dimensions of AI cannot be an afterthought, but needs to be central to the process of
designing and managing AI applications.
As AI is infused into more parts of the organization, and as
these applications continue to evolve in business situations,
having a solid ethical foundation will become more
important as well as more complicated. Managing the ethical
dimensions of AI cannot be an afterthought, but needs to
be central to the process of designing and managing AI
26  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have
Cognizant Reports
All financial services
financial services
financial services
Extent that ethical considerations play a role when company
develops and employs AI
Percentage critical or significant role
Response base: 230 financial services executives in Europe and the U.S.
Source: Cognizant
Figure 6
Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  27
Cognizant Reports
The way forward
AI is now delivering business value across FIs from customer
experiences to investment strategy to back-office operations. Once a
futuristic concept, it has now become a competitive differentiator.
Given this reality, FIs need to adopt overall AI strategies in order to fast-track deployment and prioritize
their efforts. With their ability to learn and adapt from new data, the latest AI systems are fundamentally
different from the traditional rules-based approaches of the past, which run the same logic continuously.
These leading-edge AI applications revise their algorithms in light of new data to quickly generate a
multiplicity of predictions, make a judgment on each of them and then recommend potential actions.
Companies will need to carefully monitor and vet AI judgments and recommendations as these systems
evolve over time.
Understanding the human dimension and designing responsible AI applications need to be essential
elements of the strategy. Success will also require that FIs have professionals with AI expertise, and this will
be challenging given the fierce competition for AI talent. FIs need to identify the skills and experience that
are most important and offer competitive compensation packages, as well as considering partnering with
fintech startups.
As AI applications increasingly assume tasks that had previously been carried out by humans, this will
have broad impacts on employees and a focus on change management will be essential. Employees will
increasingly be freed from repetitive tasks to concentrate on more complex responsibilities. FIs will need to
provide retraining to allow employees to be redeployed to these more sophisticated activities that provide
greater value to the organization and its customers.
In the new world that is rapidly emerging, it won’t make sense to ask whether a task is handled by a human
or by a machine. Robots will handle routine tasks, while flagging exceptional cases for review and resolution
by employees. Employees will spend their time on complex decisions and sensitive interactions with
customers, such as resolving complaints or providing sophisticated financial advice. However, they will
do so aided by the recommendations and coaching of AI that can instantly analyze a customer’s profile
or assess their mood and provide coaching to a CSR during a call. In short, humans and AI robots will be
working side by side, delivering more value in combination than either could on its own.
AI is rapidly transforming financial services as we know it. Those companies that move quickly to embed
these technologies throughout their organizations today, while investing in the next generation of AI that is
already available, will be positioned to prosper in the new world that is quickly emerging.
28  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have
Cognizant Reports
Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  29
Cognizant Reports
1	 All survey results cited in this report are based on the responses of financial services executives in Cognizant’s AI survey
unless specified otherwise.
2	 Joy Blenman, “5 Popular Robo-Advisors,” Investopedia, May 18, 2019,
3	 “Robo-Advisor (Robo-Adviser),” Investopedia, May 26, 2019,
4	 “Wealth management: How digital and learning algorithms advance holistic advice,” Cognizant, 2018,
5	 “How AI Is Shaking Up Banking and Wall Street,” Fortune, Oct. 22, 2018,
6	 “Machine Intelligence & Augmented Finance,” Autonomous, April 2018,
7	 Joe Rennison, “UBS trials Netflix-style algorithms for trading suggestions,” CNBC, Aug. 13, 2018, www.cnbc.
8	 “Is AI The New Debt Collector?” PYMNTS, Nov. 29, 2018,
9	 Ibid.
10	 “70% of APAC Banks Will Use AI in Collections and Recovery by 2019,” FICO,
11	 “Digital Reasoning – AI That Understands You,” Nanalyze, March 31, 2018,
12	 “Bank Cost Savings Via Chatbots To Reach $7.3 Billion By 2023, As Automated Customer Experience Evolves,” Juniper
Research, Feb. 20, 2019,
13	 “Chatbots in Banking – Examples, Best Use Cases and the Future,” Haptik Blog, accessed June 12, 2019;
14	 Bill Streeter, “BofA’s Surging Digital Assistant Signals a Turning Point in Retail Banking,” The Financial Brand, June 11, 2019,
15	 Christie Schneider, “10 reasons why AI-powered, automated customer service is the future,” IBM, Oct. 16, 2017,
16	 For a fuller discussion, see Cognizant’s report, “Go Beyond Prediction with Evolutionary AI™,”
17	 Evelyn Cheng, “Just 10% of trading is regular stock picking, JPMorgan estimates,” CNBC, June 13, 2017, www.cnbc.
18	 For a discussion of the importance of emotional intelligence in AI applications, see Cognizant’s report “AI:
Ready for Business,” 2018,
19	 Partnership on AI – Tenets,, Accessed May 19, 2019.
20	 “Bias In, Bias Out: How AI Can Become Racist,” Design News, Sept. 29, 2017.
21	 For a discussion of the CCPA, see Cognizant’s report, “CCPA is Coming January 1. Is Your Bank Ready?” May 15, 2019, https://
30  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have
Cognizant Reports
Philippe Dintrans
SVP and Global Consulting Leader, Cognizant Business Consulting’s
Banking and Financial Services Practice
Philippe Dintrans is a Senior Vice President and Global Leader of Cognizant
Business Consulting’s Banking and Financial Services Practice, where he is Chief
Digital Officer. Philippe has led numerous consulting engagements covering
business transformation, IT transformation and change management for marquee
Cognizant clients. He holds an MS degree in engineering from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) and an MBA from INSEAD. Philippe can be reached at |
Babak Hodjat
Cognizant Vice President of Evolutionary AI
Babak Hodjat is Vice President of Evolutionary AI at Cognizant, and former
cofounder and CEO of Sentient. He is responsible for the core technology
behind the world’s largest distributed AI system. Babak was also the founder of
the world’s first AI-driven hedge fund, Sentient Investment Management. He is a
serial entrepreneur, having started a number of Silicon Valley companies as main
inventor and technologist. Prior to cofounding Sentient, Babak was senior director
of engineering at Sybase iAnywhere, where he led mobile solutions engineering.
He was also cofounder, CTO and board member of Dejima Inc. Babak is the primary
inventor of Dejima’s patented agent-oriented technology applied to intelligent interfaces for mobile and enterprise
computing — the technology behind Apple’s Siri. A published scholar in the fields of artificial life, agent-oriented
software engineering and distributed AI, Babak has 31 granted or pending patents to his name. He is an expert in
numerous fields of AI, including NLP, ML, genetic algorithms and distributed AI, and has founded multiple companies
in these areas. Babak holds a PhD in machine intelligence from Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. He can be reached
at |
About the authors
Anil Lakhanpal
Senior Digital Banking Partner, Cognizant Consulting
In his role as Senior Digital Banking Partner within Cognizant Consulting, Anil
Lakhanpal oversees client interactions around digital transformation, cloud-based
solutions, customer experience, analytics/ML and managed innovation. He has
over 23 years of experience in the IT industry, 19 of which with Cognizant. In
his current role, he is responsible for ideation, roadmap development, solution
architecture, and delivery of business and technology initiatives. He is a certified
TOGAF Architect and AWS Solution Architect — Associate. Anil has a BE in
computer science from Barkatullah University, Bhopal, India. He can be reached |
Maria Nazareth
Associate Vice President, AI, Cognizant Banking &
Financial Services Practice
Maria Nazareth leads the AI Group within Cognizant’s Banking and Financial
Practice. In this role, she enables clients to plan and execute new business
strategies with technology innovation while driving analytics into day-to-day
operations. Doing this helps clients create key data and analytics capabilities
required to meet changing market dynamics and deliver IT-enabled business
transformation. With 20 years of consulting and industry expertise, Maria has
significant experience as a data and analytics technology strategy professional. This unique blend of financial services
industry and technology transformation experience, as well as proficiency in innovation and disruption, equips
Maria with an innate — and proven — ability to build high-performing, cross-functional teams that deliver value and
measurable business outcomes to clients. Her expertise extends beyond AI and ML into big data, data management
and analytics, which she applies to help mentor future industry leaders. Maria can be reached at |
Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  31
Cognizant Reports
© Copyright 2019, Cognizant. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic, mechanical,
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About Cognizant Banking and Financial Services
Cognizant’s Banking and Financial Services (BFS) practice is one of the largest industry verticals that partners with large financial institutions
(FIs) to evolve their business and technology landscape and enable end-to-end digital transformation. Seventeen of the top 20 North American FIs,
and all of the top 10 European banks (which includes those in the UK), rely on us to manage their technology portfolio across multiple business entities
and geographies. We serve the entire financial services spectrum, including retail and wholesale banking, consumer lending, cards and payments,
investment banking and brokerage, asset and wealth management, securities services, and governance, risk and compliance. Our consulting-led
approach, deep domain expertise and partner ecosystem enable clients to address the dual mandate of “optimizing the business” while “driving digital
at scale.” From large-scale core banking or payment transformation to adoption of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, analytics,
blockchain and robotic process automation, we partner with FIs to envision and build the digital bank of the future. Learn more about Cognizant’s BFS
practice at
About Cognizant
Cognizant (Nasdaq-100: CTSH) is one of the world’s leading professional services companies, transforming clients’ business, operating and technology
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Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have

  • 1. Cognizant Reports Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have AI is moving beyond experimentation to become a competitive differentiator in financial services — delivering a hyper-personalized customer experience, improving decision-making and boosting operational efficiency, our recent primary research reveals. Yet, many financial services companies will need to accelerate their efforts to infuse AI across the value chain while preparing for the next generation of evolutionary neural network technologies to keep pace with more forward-thinking players. September 2019
  • 2. 2  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have Cognizant Reports Visions of robots working alongside humans have been the stuff of futuristic speculation for years, but now AI-driven solutions are becoming a competitive requirement for banks and other financial services companies. AI is delivering real value — enhancing the customer experience, improving trading and portfolio management, assessing the creditworthiness of loan applicants, and detecting potential instances of fraud and misconduct, among many other applications. And organizations that embrace emerging AI technologies that can learn and adapt on their own without explicit programming can look forward to even greater benefits. Yet, many financial services institutions (FIs) remain in an experimental phase and will need to accelerate actual AI deployment. They need to see AI as a business play, rather than a technology challenge. To do this, they require an overarching strategy that identifies concrete obstacles and opportunities where AI technologies can create business value. Equally important, FIs need to ensure they employ responsible, ethical AI applications that can be trusted by customers, employees and the public at large. We recently surveyed executives in the U.S. and Europe, including 230 financial services executives, to understand how their organizations are approaching AI. (Read the full report, including its Methodology on pp. 22–23, at “Making AI Responsible — And Effective.”) Three-quarters of these FI executives said that AI is extremely or very important to their organizations’ success, a higher percentage than for any other industry in our survey.1 However, only 61% of these executives said they knew about an AI project at their company, and only 29% of this group were aware of fully implemented projects. For most FIs, the majority of AI initiatives are pilot projects or in the proof-of-concept stage. Executive Summary
  • 3. Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  3 Cognizant Reports But in many ways, AI capabilities have already become essential for FIs to remain competitive. FIs also need to look over the horizon and invest in more advanced AI technologies that pivot around deep learning and will bring even greater benefits in the near future. In the near-term, our engagement experience suggests that FIs should quickly apply the potential of AI in the areas of predictive analytics, chatbots and decision support in customer contact centers. ❙❙ Marrying AI technologies and predictive analytics has dramatically improved their scope and potential. AI can rapidly analyze multiple combinations of variables that would be beyond the ability of human analysts. Natural language processing (NLP) allows these analyses to employ a wide variety of untraditional data sources such as media coverage, social media posts, customer reviews and government filings, among many others. AI-powered predictive analytics is now generating important benefits in many areas including financial advice, portfolio strategy and trading, collections, and risk management and compliance. ❙❙ Many of the initial efforts in AI have been focused on chatbots and other conversational interfaces to enhance customer service by allowing customers to converse in their native language rather than being forced to select from predetermined menus. When FI executives were asked which technologies were used in the AI projects at their companies, they most often cited virtual agents (72%) and natural language analysis (56%), both of which are employed in chatbots. Chatbots allow customers to easily accomplish a wide variety of tasks 24x7 including accessing account information, obtaining new products, and receiving advice on financial goal-setting and budgeting. In addition, the automation brought by chatbots is boosting efficiency and reducing operating costs, our respondents said. ❙❙ AI is also supporting customer service representatives (CSRs) as they handle more complex calls. Monitoring calls in real time, AI applications provide contact center employees with a list of questions tailored to each call and the best solution or product for the customer. By analyzing customer sentiment while the call is in progress, they also provide prompts to help the representative understand the emotional state of the caller and to respond with empathy.
  • 4. 4  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have Cognizant Reports To capture the benefits as AI restructures each element in the value chain, FIs will need to focus on the following: ❙❙ Craft business-driven AI strategies. Companies need to look across their organizations to identify opportunities to generate concrete business value from AI — not only in reduced costs but also in boosting revenues by delivering enhanced customer experiences and through improved decision-making in such areas as targeting prospects, designing portfolio strategies and evaluating potential trades. AI should be viewed from a business lens, rather than as a technology issue. We suggest having AI projects managed by cross-functional teams with business executives in the lead. ❙❙ Enhance data management. AI applications depend on access to timely and accurate data, which is a challenge for many FIs that have fragmented data architectures with multiple legacy systems. Companies need to identify which types of data are required for each AI project — whether originating from internal sources or from nontraditional (third- party) sources, such as social media posts — and ensure they can be captured in a timely fashion and in an appropriate format. ❙❙ Adopt an experimental mindset. AI projects need to be rolled out quickly, while at the same time be rigorously measured so failures are terminated promptly while successes are moved into production. ❙❙ Create and maintain responsible AI applications. To be successful, AI applications need to behave in ways that make customers and employees comfortable and not make decisions that are unethical or exhibit bias. Yet, only 45% of financial services executives surveyed reported that ethical considerations play a critical or significant role when their companies develop and employ AI applications. Companies need to work to ensure they are designing ethical AI applications and then monitor them to ensure they continue to act appropriately as they learn and evolve over time. Ethical considerations need to be at the center of AI strategy. (For more on this topic, read “Making AI Responsible and Effective.”)
  • 5. Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  5 Cognizant Reports Utilizing AI in all shapes and forms is no longer optional for FIs. While many seem content to simply experiment, more forward-thinking companies have realized that AI has become a competitive necessity. Companies that have not fully committed to infusing responsible AI capabilities throughout their organizations — and are not making the investments required for the future — will need to accelerate their efforts or will find themselves slipping ever further behind more aggressive rivals. This report offers recommendations on the near-term and mid-term investments in AI that will drive business returns in such areas as chatbots, decision support for customer contact centers, provision of financial advice, and investment and trading decisions. Our advice is bolstered with case illustrations that reflect our best thinking and experience on these issues as well as by the results of our recent AI survey. Only 45% of financial services executives surveyed reported that ethical considerations play a critical or significant role when their companies develop and employ AI applications.
  • 6. Despite optimism, AI remains on a slow boil AI is at the top-of-mind for FIs. In our study, 74% of FI executives said AI was extremely or very important to the success of their companies today, while 53% predicted it would be extremely important three years from now (see Figure 1). The enthusiasm for AI is especially great among executives who said their organizations are growing much faster than the average FI. Forty-eight percent of executives at faster-growing FIs said that AI was extremely important to their business success today, compared with 21% among executives at slower- growing FIs (see Figure 2, page 8). FIs foresee benefits in a variety of areas. With AI holding the potential to automate many manual tasks, roughly three-quarters of executives expected that over the next three years their organizations will gain major or significant benefits from AI in increased efficiency/lower costs (see Figure 3, page 8). But cost reduction is not the only benefit expected. About three-quarters of executives also anticipated that their companies will gain major or significant benefits from AI over this period in increased revenues and in the ability to introduce new products/services or enter new businesses. About 40% of executives believed they would gain major benefits in each of these areas. Yet, there is a large gap between executives’ enthusiasm and the extent to which their organizations are actually implementing AI. While 61% of FI executives said they knew about an AI project at their companies, only 29% of these executives reported on a project that had been fully implemented. Instead, most companies are still at earlier stages of AI development: pilot project (46%), proof of concept (35%) and initial planning (24%) (see Figure 4, page 9). FIs are only at the beginning stages in understanding the full potential of AI to streamline and enhance every aspect of their organizations. 6  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have Cognizant Reports
  • 7. Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  7 Cognizant Reports Financial Services Technology Healthcare Manufacturing Retail Insurance 74% 66% 60% 59% 59% 51% 93% 85% 85% 83% 82% 78% 29% 25% 17% 14% 21% 17% 53% 53% 47% 41% 36% 50% 45% 41% 43% 45% 38% 34% 40% 32% 38% 42% 46% 28% Financial Services Technology Healthcare Manufacturing Retail Insurance TODAY THREE YEARS FROM NOW Extremely important Very important Importance of AI technologies to company success Response base: 975 executives in Europe and the U.S. Source: Cognizant Figure 1
  • 8. 8  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have Cognizant Reports 80% 77% 73% 41% 39% 37% 39% 38% 36% Increased efficiency/ lower costs Increased revenues Ability to introduce new products/ services or enter new businesses Major benefit Significant benefit Expected benefits of AI to company over next three years Response base: 230 financial services executives in Europe and the U.S. Source: Cognizant Figure 3 87% 68% 48% 21% 39% 47% Faster-growing financial services companies Slower-growing financial services companies Extremely important Very important Importance of AI to company success today Response base: 230 financial services executives in Europe and the U.S. Source: Cognizant Figure 2
  • 9. Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  9 Cognizant Reports Full implementation Pilot project Proof of concept Initial planning 29% 46% 35% 24% Note: Percentages total to more than 100% since respondents reported on multiple projects.   Response base: 230 financial services executives in Europe and the U.S. Source: Cognizant Figure 4 Current status of AI projects
  • 10. Key areas for near-term investment AI is rapidly restructuring every aspect of the FI value chain, with fundamental impacts on the customer experience, business strategy and operational processes. As they move forward with AI, FIs should focus on three competitive necessities: predictive analytics, chatbots and decision support in customer contact centers. AI-powered predictive analytics FIs have used predictive analytics for many years, by having human analysts apply statistical modeling and data mining to identify patterns and make predictions. Employing AI is now taking predictive analytics to the next level. Existing AI technologies can identify and test every combination of variables, such as customer attributes and product features, which would be impossible for a team of human analysts. By employing NLP, analyses can include a wide variety of untraditional data sources, such as media coverage, social media posts, customer reviews and government filings, among others. AI-powered predictive analytics is impacting the entire FI value chain. The following are several areas where these technologies are having an important effect. Financial advice Robo-advisors provide customers with automated, algorithm-driven financial planning services, typically at low cost. They can suggest an appropriate asset allocation based on a client’s needs and risk tolerance, automatically rebalance a client’s portfolio and prompt a human financial advisor to call at the appropriate time to offer assistance, if required. Fintechs, such as Betterment and Personal Capital,2 as well as major FIs, such as Schwab, BlackRock and Fidelity,3 are leading the robo-advice race. The widespread adoption of robo-advisors is expected to change the competitive landscape, allowing FIs to expand into geographic markets and customer segments that were previously too expensive to serve. For example, FIs will gain an increased ability to serve mass affluent customers with low-cost AI-driven advisory services. But these tools will not be limited to the mass affluent market. Our survey of wealth management advisors in the U.S. found that 76% believe robo-advisor tools will grow in sophistication and adoption will move beyond the mass-affluent segment.4 These tools are likely to soon become more relevant to high-net-worth investors, particularly younger generations. 10  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have Cognizant Reports
  • 11. Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  11 Cognizant Reports Investment products & trading Many FIs are already applying AI to the design of investment products and to trading decisions. These applications analyze and act on vast troves of information more accurately and quickly than any human trader. AI tools are being used to assess the significance of a wide variety of alternative sources that are relevant to the value of a stock. Among the major FIs investing in such applications are BlackRock, Fidelity and T. Rowe Price.5 For example, BlackRock has created a so-called “quantamental fund” that applies machine learning (ML), NLP and sentiment analysis to alternative data sources such as satellite imagery, conference call transcripts, social media posts, Google search trends and online invoices. AI tools have allowed the unit to outperform traditional equity portfolio managers.6 UBS is piloting a recommendation algorithm in its corporate bond trading business to suggest trades to its asset management and hedge fund clients.7 Currently these recommendations are passed to its salespeople, but if the pilot is successful, they will eventually be sent directly to clients. Collections Traditional methods of debt collection are labor-intensive and often succeed no more than 20% of the time.8 Debt collection practices also prompt many of the consumer complaints lodged with regulators.9 ML applications can target collection efforts toward delinquent borrowers where there is the greatest likelihood of success, as well as identifying the best communication channel, time of day and messages for each borrower. A 2018 survey of banks in Asia Pacific found that almost 70% said they would be using AI to improve collections and recovery by 2019.10 For a U.S.-based credit card issuer, we used AI to identify the factors that best predict the success of collection efforts, identifying $10 million in annual savings. Risk management & compliance AI tools are being used to identify potential instances of inappropriate behavior that can open a bank to substantial regulatory fines as well as significant damage to its reputation. The fintech firm Digital Reasoning has received investments from major FIs such as BNP Paribas, Barclays and Goldman Sachs. Its technology, Synthesys, uses ML and NLP to analyze huge volumes of data in order to identify potential instances of market manipulation, unauthorized trading and insider trading.11 Chatbots enhance the customer experience Much of AI’s initial focus pivots around conversational interfaces to provide more responsive customer service, especially to millennial customers accustomed to researching and purchasing products either online or through their smart phones. Chatbots, which allow humans to converse in their native language with computers, are rapidly becoming a customer expectation.
  • 12. In our survey, when FI executives were asked which technologies were being used in their AI projects, they most often said virtual agents (72%) and analysis of natural language (56%), both of which are central to chatbots. Executives at faster-growing FIs were even more likely than those at slower-growing FIs to cite AI projects that used analysis of natural language (78% vs. 43%). Chatbots enhance the customer experience in a variety of ways. They provide immediate responses to queries and are available 24x7. Rather than requiring customers to click through preset menus, AI-powered chatbots understand customer questions in their own words. When coupled with NLP, customers can simply speak with the chatbot, rather than typing their questions. Financial chatbots are now providing a variety of services such as opening new accounts, suggesting appropriate products, providing answers to account questions, offering assistance with financial goal- setting, and providing advice on future spending based on the customer’s financial goals and historical spending patterns, to name a few. In addition to enhancing the customer experience, chatbots also promise substantial cost savings as they reduce the volume of calls that need to be handled by CSRs. One study estimated that chatbots will bring cost savings of $7.3 billion to banks around the world by 2023.12 Many leading FIs are actively employing chatbots including Amy by HSBC Bank and Erica by Bank of America.13 For example, Bank of America’s Erica allows customers to perform a variety of functions including accessing account information, receiving notifications and scheduling meetings with the bank. It also provides assistance to customers in managing their finances including a view of weekly spending, changes in credit scores and bill reminders. When needed, difficult questions are routed to a bank employee. By May 2019, just one year after it was launched, Erica had been used by seven million customers and had handled more than 50 million client interactions.14 Decision support in customer contact centers Although more customers are interacting with their FIs digitally, the customer contact center remains fundamental to the customer experience, which is now being transformed by AI. For a start, conversational AI is allowing many calls, such as requests for account or product information, to be handled automatically, without the need for a CSR. However, the benefits of AI go far beyond simply reducing the workload. Instead, AI is enabling CSRs to more effectively address customer needs and deliver a positive customer experience. As AI applications resolve straightforward issues, they route more complex calls to the most suitable agent, considering such factors as the reason for the call, the knowledge and skills of each agent, the customer’s financial profile and their sentiment. AI solutions monitor each of these more complex calls in real time, providing the CSR with required information and coaching as the call progresses. 12  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have Cognizant Reports
  • 13. Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  13 Cognizant Reports One analysis found that in a typical six-minute call to a customer contact center, only one-quarter of that time consisted in the representative interacting with the customer, while the remaining three-quarters was taken up by the CSR’s manual research.15 During each call, AI now delivers such information to CSRs more quickly and accurately than before. AI also provides the representative with a series of questions to help identify the customer’s issue and then identify the best solution considering the customer’s financial situation. These recommendations are automatically revised based on new data, so they continue to improve over time. During each call, CSRs receive a checklist of issues to address that is automatically updated as the call proceeds so they can see which tasks have been completed and which remain. As AI applications resolve straightforward issues, they route more complex calls to the most suitable agent, considering such factors as the reason for the call, the knowledge and skills of each agent, the customer’s financial profile and their sentiment.
  • 14. 14  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have Cognizant Reports AI also provides the CSR with appropriate products to offer, based on the content of the call and the customer’s financial situation. For example, if a caller mentions that she has recently purchased a home or moved to a new city, the agent will immediately receive suggested follow-up questions and products to offer based on the customer’s answers. By automating information searches, CSRs are able to focus more on their soft skills and the quality of the conversation. AI can help here as well. As the call is in progress, AI applications analyze diction, word choice and tone to gauge the sentiment of the caller, such as whether they are angry or frustrated, and provide prompts to help the representative respond with appropriate empathy. Finally, FIs are using AI to improve quality control in customer contact centers. Agents typically create summaries after each call, but the quality and content of these can vary widely across different CSRs and also based on how busy the contact center is at the time. AI can automate this process, automatically creating after-call summaries that can condense all the key phrases used by the customer and agent. AI also has the ability to analyze all the calls received monthly by the customer contact center, rather than just a small sample, to assess the reason for each call and assess whether the CSR was successful at resolving the issue. This automated analysis identifies the most common problems that prompt calls and the best solutions to employ for new calls. We designed an AI solution that captured these benefits for the customer contact center of a leading global property and casualty insurer. The AI application allows the carrier to monitor all 8,000 calls each month, rather than just a handful, while slashing review time by as much as 40%. In addition, it provides CSRs with real-time personality profiling and conversation cues while the call is in progress — prompts that are expected to improve customer satisfaction. AI also has the ability to analyze all the calls received monthly by the customer contact center, rather than just a small sample, to assess the reason for each call and assess whether the CSR was successful at resolving the issue. This automated analysis identifies the most common problems that prompt calls and the best solutions to employ for new calls.
  • 15. Optimizing Customer Service with NLP We worked with a leading FI that sought to optimize its call center operations to improve customer satisfaction and reduce operational expenses. The first step involved improving speech transcription capabilities. We further used NLP technology to classify call types, structure data and develop sentiment measures. Predictive analytics allowed the bank to anticipate future customer behavior based on the call center interaction and develop strategies to improve customer outcomes. Our approach met the company’s goals of rapidly streamlining call center operations and helped improve customer satisfaction scores by up to 20%. Predictive analytics also reduced call center volumes, resulting in significant operational cost savings. Quick Take Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  15 Cognizant Reports
  • 16. 16  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have Cognizant Reports ML Cuts Losses from Credit Card Fraud Although the percentage of fraudulent credit card transactions is tiny, they have an outsized impact. Once a fraudulent transaction is processed, a bank has to commit substantial resources to a lengthy recovery process that is often unsuccessful. As they adopt procedures to identify fraudulent transactions, banks also need to minimize the number of legitimate transactions that are erroneously flagged as fraudulent and denied, as these negatively impact the customer experience. Facing these challenges, a leading multinational FI asked us to develop a solution that would improve fraud prevention and reduce the reputational impact of false positives. Each month, fraudulent credit card transactions with a value of $75 million escaped detection and were processed, while the company successfully recovered about $45 million of this amount. We built a new solution based on open-source technologies and using the latest ML algorithms. Transactions are run in real time against multiple offline neural network models, which are deployed based on performance metrics. This automated solution was able to handle 4,000 transactions per second and provide a fraud score 99.999 times out of 100. The solution reduced fraud-related losses by $60 million per year through capturing new fraud patterns, improved customer satisfaction by lowering the rate of legitimate transactions that were declined and reduced operating costs. The solution also provides the ability to rapidly deploy new fraud-detection models. The second phase of the project is now underway and is expected to capture substantial additional savings. Quick Take
  • 17. Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  17 Cognizant Reports
  • 18. Getting ready for evolutionary AI While FIs need to ensure they have the requisite AI capabilities today, they also must gain experience with the more powerful AI technologies that are emerging. A key feature of these new technologies is that they allow AI to automatically design itself without the need for explicit programming by humans. This is what we call evolutionary AI. Designing AI applications is difficult and requires access to substantial talent, which executives in our survey said was a major challenge (see Figure 5). Even if sufficient talent were available, there are too many variables to consider, not to mention a business environment that is typically changing far too fast for human analysts to consider all the possible solutions to ongoing challenges and/or opportunities. Finally, human analysts bring their preconceptions and biases when selecting combinations of variables to analyze, often overlooking better solutions. Emerging technologies that enable AI algorithms to design themselves are allowing organizations to transcend human limitations. The result is the ability to take full advantage of today’s massive data sets to automatically generate complex models and identify novel decision-making strategies that would never have been identified by human data scientists. These new AI technologies employ the principles of biological evolution to automatically design solutions that yield the best outcomes, with the ability to optimize several objectives at once, such as increased returns and reduced risk.16 (To learn more, see our report, “Go Beyond Prediction with Evolutionary AI™.”) Evolutionary AI operates in an iterative way. First, it randomly generates a set of potential solutions to form an initial population and assigns a score to each solution based on how well it performs. In the second round, it retains those solutions that performed best, perhaps only 5% of the total, and recombines their components, “mutating” them to create a new population. This population is then tested and the process begins again. Even if the best candidates did not perform particularly well in the first round, over multiple generations the appropriate components of the more successful solutions will become more prevalent in the population and eventually a solution will be discovered that yields the best outcomes. Compared with human designs, in our work with clients we have found that evolutionary AI can be deployed far faster, avoids biases and preconceptions, and typically performs better. In addition, the chosen model will evolve and improve over time based on new data. Evolutionary AI can be applied in a wide variety of areas at FIs. One example is in designing quantitative trading strategies to maximize returns while minimizing risk. By 2017, less than 10% of stock trades were 18  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have Cognizant Reports
  • 19. Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  19 Cognizant Reports placed by fundamental discretionary traders, with the remaining trades based on algorithm or index-driven and pattern-based high-volume strategies.17 Considering vast amounts of data on economic history, current performance, market indicators, aggregate financial statement data and policy options such as the actions of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, evolutionary AI can be used to discover interactions between all of them and take full advantage of that information in the market. Loan underwriting provides another example. Rather than relying on human analysis, evolutionary AI solutions can quickly analyze all the combinations of relevant variables to create a model that more accurately assesses the risk of default by a potential borrower. As AI applications increasingly design and test themselves, the pace of innovation and the accuracy of predictions will vastly improve. We believe that FIs will soon consider it to be irresponsible to make important business decisions without first consulting with an AI system. Evolutionary AI operates in an iterative way. First, it randomly generates a set of potential solutions to form an initial population and assigns a score to each solution based on how well it performs. In the second round, it retains those solutions that performed best, perhaps only 5% of the total, and recombines their components, “mutating” them to create a new population. This population is then tested and the process begins again.
  • 20. Designing an AI strategy FIs, especially those still in the AI planning stages, need an overall game plan to spur more aggressive investments and help ensure their efforts are targeted to maximum effect — including both near-term investments and also those targeting more advanced evolutionary AI. Our study indicates that there is a lack of clarity on how to proceed. When executives were asked to what extent a series of issues posed challenges to implementing AI, most items received roughly similar ratings (see Figure 5). This “all of the above” finding suggests that companies have not developed clear strategies for pursuing AI. Implementing AI will bring fundamental changes to an FI, from its strategy to its operations, and requires the active support of an organization’s leadership. This senior-level commitment is lacking at many FIs, with 45% of executives saying that securing senior management commitment was extremely or very challenging. Another indication of the lack of commitment to AI by many FIs is that 44% of executives cited securing adequate budget as an important challenge. To craft an effective strategy, FIs should start with the business needs and opportunities that AI can address, rather than with its technical capabilities. To ensure a business focus, business executives, not IT experts, should lead cross-functional AI teams. Securing the involvement of the business may prove difficult at many FIs, with 44% of executives saying that securing buy-in by businesses was extremely or very challenging (see Figure 5). Although each FI’s situation is unique, the following guidelines should help. ❙❙ Cast a wide net. FIs should conduct a comprehensive examination of their business processes to identify where AI technologies can be applied, the potential benefits, the investment and time required to achieve them, and the technical and human capabilities required. There is no recipe for leveraging the potential of AI. Each business challenge requires different AI technologies, techniques and approaches. To ensure the underlying algorithms in AI technologies “understand” the business context in which they operate, cross-functional teams led by executives in lines of business and functional areas should be established to identify potential AI-enabled improvements to processes and products. ❙❙ Go beyond insights. FIs should first identify the most impactful decision loops in their organization and then move to supplement manual decision-making with data-driven, AI-powered decision augmentation. Such systems use historical decision/outcome data to generate decision strategies geared to optimize against multiple outcomes such as revenue, cost and risk, pairing their recommendations with the predicted outcomes. 20  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have Cognizant Reports
  • 21. Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  21 Cognizant Reports ❙❙ Look for opportunities to leverage data. Generating value from AI depends on access to timely and accurate data, which is a challenge for many FIs. Forty-five percent of FI executives considered access to accurate/time data to be extremely or very challenging for their companies in employing AI. In addition, companies will need to gain experience in leveraging a wider range of nontraditional data sources such as media coverage, social media posts and satellite imagery. While accurate data is required to make the most of AI, AI technologies like ML can themselves be employed to identify which types of data are most important for specific business outcomes. We have developed an AI-based framework called DataIQ, which performs an up-front assessment of various data sets to determine which attributes are relevant and will provide the intelligence needed to support a given purpose, such as reducing credit card fraud. (Learn more by reading about our Data Modernization Method.) ❙❙ Enhance data management and governance. While using AI effectively depends on timely access to quality data from a variety of internal and external sources, many FIs struggle with legacy systems and siloed data. FIs require investments to upgrade their data management capabilities – a responsive data architecture that can quickly deliver diverse types of data to AI applications; intelligent data management that can streamline and automate many manual processes; and advanced delivery methods, such as Agile, DevOps and DataOps, that dramatically shorten the time required to introduce new capabilities. ❙❙ Prepare business processes for digitization. Applying AI to a poorly designed, fragmented business process will lead to disappointing results. FIs should consider first optimizing processes through such approaches as system changes, standardization and consolidation. Many FIs will require stronger data governance to rationalize fragmented data architectures plagued by multiple legacy administrative systems and databases, for example, by using a business-process-as-a-service (BPaaS) solution. Generating value from AI depends on access to timely and accurate data, which is a challenge for many FIs. Forty-five percent of FI executives considered access to accurate/time data to be extremely or very challenging for their companies in employing AI.
  • 22. ❙❙ Acquire AI expertise. Access to professionals skilled in rapidly evolving AI technologies will be essential. In our survey, 50% of insurance executives said that securing talent was extremely or very challenging for their organization’s AI efforts, the highest-rated issue (see Figure 5). The war for AI talent has been intense, especially for those who couple AI skills with experience in the financial industry. The limited pool of qualified candidates has sent salaries skyrocketing, which has been a key motivation for major financial services companies to partner with fintech startups that bring AI expertise. ❙❙ Encourage experimentation — and discipline. There are no ready-made, turnkey AI solutions, and each FI will need to chart its own path forward. For this reason, managed experimentation will be key. FIs will need an increased tolerance for risk-taking and innovation, while balancing that with rigorous testing and measurement of ROI and tangible business value. It will be important to quickly identify and terminate failures, while moving successful AI pilot projects into full production. Perhaps most important, an effective strategy requires a human-centric approach as employees and customers are increasingly interacting with AI. These applications need to be designed to understand human expectations and have the “emotional intelligence” to interact appropriately with the people around them.18 To develop a human-centric approach, FIs should take advantage of the expertise of behavioral scientists (sociologists, anthropologists, etc.) to design and train AI to be accepted and valued by the organization. (For more on this topic, read “AI: Beyond Science Fiction to Business Fact.”) 22  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have Cognizant Reports FIs will need an increased tolerance for risk-taking and innovation, while balancing that with rigorous testing and measurement of ROI and tangible business value. It will be important to quickly identify and terminate failures, while moving successful AI pilot projects into full production.
  • 23. Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  23 Cognizant Reports Securing talent Attracting and retaining professionals with appropriate experience and skills Interactions between different AI applications Securing senior management commitment Access to accurate/timely data Securing buy-in by businesses Securing adequate budget Monitoring and addressing potential instances of unethical behavior, such as bias, in AI applications Developing legal contracts addressing the risks that AI could make or support decisions with negative impacts on customers Measuring impacts Time required for generating benefits Retraining employees whose job responsibilities have been changed or eliminated by AI Ability of employees to interact effectively with AI applications 50% 49% 49% 46% 45% 44% 44% 44% 43% 43% 42% 40% 38% Challenges in employing AI Percentage extremely or very challenging Response base: 230 financial services executives in Europe and the U.S. Source: Cognizant Figure 5
  • 24. Creating AI that you and your customers can trust An integral part of taking a human-centric approach is ensuring that employees and customers trust AI applications to act responsibly and ethically. If instead they take actions that are unethical, such as exhibiting bias, they won’t be accepted by employees and could undermine customer relationships. Equally important, an AI application that takes inappropriate actions could damage a company’s reputation and brand with investors and the general public, and potentially subject it to regulatory penalties. There is a growing recognition of the important role that ethics needs to play if the promise of AI is to be realized. For example, Google, Microsoft, Apple and other technology companies have created the Partnership on AI to explore AI best practices and conduct “open research and dialogue on the ethical, social, economic, and legal implications of AI.”19 It is not simply a question of designing AI applications appropriately. AI applications also need to be monitored over time since they can develop biases that may be hidden in the data provided to them. An example of the problem is Microsoft’s “Tay” chatbot. This AI application was intended to learn how to behave well by interacting with Twitter users – but ended up producing racist comments after a few hours of listening to online trolls and had to be shut down.20 Similarly, FIs will need to ensure that AI applications don’t pick up racial or gender biases that may be hidden in the credit or other financial data they employ. In addition, FIs should create a code of ethics that can be overlaid on top of these ML systems and, where possible, deploy ML systems that augment, not replace, human decision-making. Providing transparency may be needed to comply with regulatory requirements such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which applies to all companies wherever headquartered that have access to the personal data of EU citizens. GDPR gives consumers the right to require an explanation of any decisions taken by AI applications that affect them. This can be difficult with ML applications, which are not explicitly programmed and where it may not be clear why a decision was made. FIs will need to build in the ability to drill down into an AI decision to understand which factors triggered it. Other jurisdictions are also implementing privacy regulations. For example, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which takes effect on Jan. 1, 2020, requires additional privacy protections by all companies doing business in the state, including giving residents the right to opt out of data collection and the right to receive a record of their data that has been collected and sold.21 24  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have Cognizant Reports
  • 25. Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  25 Cognizant Reports Many FIs have not yet recognized the important role of ethics in AI success. Only 45% of executives in our survey said that ethical considerations play a critical or significant role when their organizations develop and employ AI applications (see Figure 6). Similarly, only 53% of executives said their organizations have policies, methods and tools in place to identify and address potential instances of unethical behavior, such as bias, when they design AI applications, and the same percentage of executives said they have these in place to address ethical issues that may arise in the behavior of AI applications after they are launched. Faster-growing companies have a greater appreciation of the role that ethics plays in generating business value from AI – 68% of executives at faster-growing FIs reported that ethical considerations play a critical or significant role when their organizations develop and implement AI, compared with 35% of executives at slower-growing concerns (see Figure 6). Surprisingly, about three-quarters of FI executives believed their organizations were extremely or very effective in identifying and addressing instances of potential unethical behavior in the initial design of their AI applications (74%) and after they are launched (69%). This assessment appears to be overly optimistic given the fact that only about half the FIs reported having ethical policies and procedures in place for AI. As AI is infused into more parts of the organization, and as these applications continue to evolve in business situations, having a solid ethical foundation will become more important as well as more complicated. Managing the ethical dimensions of AI cannot be an afterthought, but needs to be central to the process of designing and managing AI applications. As AI is infused into more parts of the organization, and as these applications continue to evolve in business situations, having a solid ethical foundation will become more important as well as more complicated. Managing the ethical dimensions of AI cannot be an afterthought, but needs to be central to the process of designing and managing AI applications.
  • 26. 26  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have Cognizant Reports 45% 68% 35% All financial services companies Faster-growing financial services companies Slower-growing financial services companies Extent that ethical considerations play a role when company develops and employs AI Percentage critical or significant role Response base: 230 financial services executives in Europe and the U.S. Source: Cognizant Figure 6
  • 27. Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  27 Cognizant Reports The way forward AI is now delivering business value across FIs from customer experiences to investment strategy to back-office operations. Once a futuristic concept, it has now become a competitive differentiator. Given this reality, FIs need to adopt overall AI strategies in order to fast-track deployment and prioritize their efforts. With their ability to learn and adapt from new data, the latest AI systems are fundamentally different from the traditional rules-based approaches of the past, which run the same logic continuously. These leading-edge AI applications revise their algorithms in light of new data to quickly generate a multiplicity of predictions, make a judgment on each of them and then recommend potential actions. Companies will need to carefully monitor and vet AI judgments and recommendations as these systems evolve over time. Understanding the human dimension and designing responsible AI applications need to be essential elements of the strategy. Success will also require that FIs have professionals with AI expertise, and this will be challenging given the fierce competition for AI talent. FIs need to identify the skills and experience that are most important and offer competitive compensation packages, as well as considering partnering with fintech startups. As AI applications increasingly assume tasks that had previously been carried out by humans, this will have broad impacts on employees and a focus on change management will be essential. Employees will increasingly be freed from repetitive tasks to concentrate on more complex responsibilities. FIs will need to provide retraining to allow employees to be redeployed to these more sophisticated activities that provide greater value to the organization and its customers. In the new world that is rapidly emerging, it won’t make sense to ask whether a task is handled by a human or by a machine. Robots will handle routine tasks, while flagging exceptional cases for review and resolution by employees. Employees will spend their time on complex decisions and sensitive interactions with customers, such as resolving complaints or providing sophisticated financial advice. However, they will do so aided by the recommendations and coaching of AI that can instantly analyze a customer’s profile or assess their mood and provide coaching to a CSR during a call. In short, humans and AI robots will be working side by side, delivering more value in combination than either could on its own. AI is rapidly transforming financial services as we know it. Those companies that move quickly to embed these technologies throughout their organizations today, while investing in the next generation of AI that is already available, will be positioned to prosper in the new world that is quickly emerging.
  • 28. 28  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have Cognizant Reports
  • 29. Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  29 Cognizant Reports Endnotes 1 All survey results cited in this report are based on the responses of financial services executives in Cognizant’s AI survey unless specified otherwise. 2 Joy Blenman, “5 Popular Robo-Advisors,” Investopedia, May 18, 2019, 3 “Robo-Advisor (Robo-Adviser),” Investopedia, May 26, 2019, 4 “Wealth management: How digital and learning algorithms advance holistic advice,” Cognizant, 2018, whitepapers/wealth-management-how-digital-and-learning-algorithms-advance-holistic-advice-codex3825.pdf. 5 “How AI Is Shaking Up Banking and Wall Street,” Fortune, Oct. 22, 2018, intelligence-ai-business-finance/. 6 “Machine Intelligence & Augmented Finance,” Autonomous, April 2018, augmentedfinance. 7 Joe Rennison, “UBS trials Netflix-style algorithms for trading suggestions,” CNBC, Aug. 13, 2018, www.cnbc. com/2018/08/13/ubs-trials-netflix-style-algorithms-for-trading-suggestions.html. 8 “Is AI The New Debt Collector?” PYMNTS, Nov. 29, 2018, collection-consumer-behavior-brighterion/. 9 Ibid. 10 “70% of APAC Banks Will Use AI in Collections and Recovery by 2019,” FICO, survey-70-of-apac-banks-will-use-ai-in-collections-and-recovery-by-2019/. 11 “Digital Reasoning – AI That Understands You,” Nanalyze, March 31, 2018, ai-understands-you/. 12 “Bank Cost Savings Via Chatbots To Reach $7.3 Billion By 2023, As Automated Customer Experience Evolves,” Juniper Research, Feb. 20, 2019, 13 “Chatbots in Banking – Examples, Best Use Cases and the Future,” Haptik Blog, accessed June 12, 2019; blog/chatbots-in-banking-examples-best-usecases-future/. 14 Bill Streeter, “BofA’s Surging Digital Assistant Signals a Turning Point in Retail Banking,” The Financial Brand, June 11, 2019, 15 Christie Schneider, “10 reasons why AI-powered, automated customer service is the future,” IBM, Oct. 16, 2017, com/blogs/watson/2017/10/10-reasons-ai-powered-automated-customer-service-future/. 16 For a fuller discussion, see Cognizant’s report, “Go Beyond Prediction with Evolutionary AI™,” cognizant-digital-business/applied-ai-analytics/evolutionary-ai. 17 Evelyn Cheng, “Just 10% of trading is regular stock picking, JPMorgan estimates,” CNBC, June 13, 2017, www.cnbc. com/2017/06/13/death-of-the-human-investor-just-10-percent-of-trading-is-regular-stock-picking-jpmorgan- estimates.html. 18 For a discussion of the importance of emotional intelligence in AI applications, see Cognizant’s report “AI: Ready for Business,” 2018, source=perspectives&utm_medium=internal_banner&utm_campaign=perspectives_internal. 19 Partnership on AI – Tenets,, Accessed May 19, 2019. 20 “Bias In, Bias Out: How AI Can Become Racist,” Design News, Sept. 29, 2017. how-ai-can-become-racist/176888957257555. 21 For a discussion of the CCPA, see Cognizant’s report, “CCPA is Coming January 1. Is Your Bank Ready?” May 15, 2019, https://
  • 30. 30  /  Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have Cognizant Reports Philippe Dintrans SVP and Global Consulting Leader, Cognizant Business Consulting’s Banking and Financial Services Practice Philippe Dintrans is a Senior Vice President and Global Leader of Cognizant Business Consulting’s Banking and Financial Services Practice, where he is Chief Digital Officer. Philippe has led numerous consulting engagements covering business transformation, IT transformation and change management for marquee Cognizant clients. He holds an MS degree in engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and an MBA from INSEAD. Philippe can be reached at | Babak Hodjat Cognizant Vice President of Evolutionary AI Babak Hodjat is Vice President of Evolutionary AI at Cognizant, and former cofounder and CEO of Sentient. He is responsible for the core technology behind the world’s largest distributed AI system. Babak was also the founder of the world’s first AI-driven hedge fund, Sentient Investment Management. He is a serial entrepreneur, having started a number of Silicon Valley companies as main inventor and technologist. Prior to cofounding Sentient, Babak was senior director of engineering at Sybase iAnywhere, where he led mobile solutions engineering. He was also cofounder, CTO and board member of Dejima Inc. Babak is the primary inventor of Dejima’s patented agent-oriented technology applied to intelligent interfaces for mobile and enterprise computing — the technology behind Apple’s Siri. A published scholar in the fields of artificial life, agent-oriented software engineering and distributed AI, Babak has 31 granted or pending patents to his name. He is an expert in numerous fields of AI, including NLP, ML, genetic algorithms and distributed AI, and has founded multiple companies in these areas. Babak holds a PhD in machine intelligence from Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. He can be reached at | About the authors
  • 31. Anil Lakhanpal Senior Digital Banking Partner, Cognizant Consulting In his role as Senior Digital Banking Partner within Cognizant Consulting, Anil Lakhanpal oversees client interactions around digital transformation, cloud-based solutions, customer experience, analytics/ML and managed innovation. He has over 23 years of experience in the IT industry, 19 of which with Cognizant. In his current role, he is responsible for ideation, roadmap development, solution architecture, and delivery of business and technology initiatives. He is a certified TOGAF Architect and AWS Solution Architect — Associate. Anil has a BE in computer science from Barkatullah University, Bhopal, India. He can be reached | Maria Nazareth Associate Vice President, AI, Cognizant Banking & Financial Services Practice Maria Nazareth leads the AI Group within Cognizant’s Banking and Financial Practice. In this role, she enables clients to plan and execute new business strategies with technology innovation while driving analytics into day-to-day operations. Doing this helps clients create key data and analytics capabilities required to meet changing market dynamics and deliver IT-enabled business transformation. With 20 years of consulting and industry expertise, Maria has significant experience as a data and analytics technology strategy professional. This unique blend of financial services industry and technology transformation experience, as well as proficiency in innovation and disruption, equips Maria with an innate — and proven — ability to build high-performing, cross-functional teams that deliver value and measurable business outcomes to clients. Her expertise extends beyond AI and ML into big data, data management and analytics, which she applies to help mentor future industry leaders. Maria can be reached at | Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services: From Nice to Have to Must Have  /  31 Cognizant Reports
  • 32. © Copyright 2019, Cognizant. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the express written permission from Cognizant. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Codex 4602 World Headquarters 500 Frank W. Burr Blvd. Teaneck, NJ 07666 USA Phone: +1 201 801 0233 Fax: +1 201 801 0243 Toll Free: +1 888 937 3277 European Headquarters 1 Kingdom Street Paddington Central London W2 6BD England Phone: +44 (0) 20 7297 7600 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7121 0102 India Operations Headquarters #5/535 Old Mahabalipuram Road Okkiyam Pettai, Thoraipakkam Chennai, 600 096 India Phone: +91 (0) 44 4209 6000 Fax: +91 (0) 44 4209 6060 About Cognizant Banking and Financial Services Cognizant’s Banking and Financial Services (BFS) practice is one of the largest industry verticals that partners with large financial institutions (FIs) to evolve their business and technology landscape and enable end-to-end digital transformation. Seventeen of the top 20 North American FIs, and all of the top 10 European banks (which includes those in the UK), rely on us to manage their technology portfolio across multiple business entities and geographies. We serve the entire financial services spectrum, including retail and wholesale banking, consumer lending, cards and payments, investment banking and brokerage, asset and wealth management, securities services, and governance, risk and compliance. Our consulting-led approach, deep domain expertise and partner ecosystem enable clients to address the dual mandate of “optimizing the business” while “driving digital at scale.” From large-scale core banking or payment transformation to adoption of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, analytics, blockchain and robotic process automation, we partner with FIs to envision and build the digital bank of the future. Learn more about Cognizant’s BFS practice at About Cognizant Cognizant (Nasdaq-100: CTSH) is one of the world’s leading professional services companies, transforming clients’ business, operating and technology models for the digital era. Our unique industry-based, consultative approach helps clients envision, build and run more innovative and efficient businesses. Headquartered in the U.S., Cognizant is ranked 193 on the Fortune 500 and is consistently listed among the most admired companies in the world. Learn how Cognizant helps clients lead with digital at or follow us @Cognizant.