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Special Report
September 2020
Produced in partnership with
AI: From Data to ROI
If the COVID-19 crisis has revealed anything to business
leaders, it’s the dire need for intelligent decisioning. But even
as businesses embrace AI, high ROI is not guaranteed. Here’s
what works for accelerating AI outcomes, from where to invest
and how much to spend, to the returns you can expect,
according to our recent research.
< Back to Contents2 / AI: from data to ROI < Back to Contents
Click a link below to jump to that section.
3	 Introduction: AI Meets Its Moment
5	 All Eyes on AI
9	 It’s All About the Data (But Not Just Any Data)
16	 What and Where to Spend
20	 What to Expect in Return
25	How to Accelerate the ROI of Intelligent
28	Methodology
In our global study,
almost two-thirds of
senior executives –
regardless of industry
or region – see AI as
highly important to
the future of their
3 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
Introduction: AI Meets Its Moment
So far this year, the world has been faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, social unrest, economic upheaval and
vast uncertainty. Amid the chaos, individuals and organizations have desperately sought anything that provides a
glimmer of insight into an unknowable future. That’s why 2020 will also be known as the tipping point for artificial
intelligence (AI).
Our groundbreaking research, conducted during the outbreak, reveals
executives are turning en masse to AI to make better, more intelligent
decisions, especially when much of the information and decision models
needed are fast-changing or unknown. In our global study of 1,200
companies, conducted in conjunction with ESI ThoughtLab, almost two-
thirds of senior executives – regardless of industry or region – see AI as highly
important to the future of their businesses (see methodology, page 28).
From the early days of the pandemic, it became painfully clear to most
businesses that they didn’t have the data they needed to make intelligent
decisions in the face of chaos. Even now, their data isn’t always current,
accurate or relevant enough to be of use to them, and it’s hard to interpret.
Their forecast models, which were previously “good enough” are now way
off-target. Many realize they can no longer trust their old decision systems.
It’s no wonder, then, that businesses have little interest in returning to the old
ways of working. Over the next three years, twice as many businesses expect
to be in the advanced stages of AI maturity vs. today, and annual spending
increases will nearly double from 4.6% to 8.3%.
However, while AI ultimately offers significant ROI, it can be difficult to
achieve and does not come overnight. While currently more than half
of businesses are seeing positive returns on their AI investments, the
average ROI is just 1.3%. Further, with potentially high upfront costs in data
modernization, technology adoption and people development, it can take 17
months on average to realize positive payback.
4 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
To make it a game-changer and generate value, businesses must
have the right data, plan, applications, skills and use cases, and
they must focus on real business objectives and problems to solve.
For beginners, the challenges can include limited AI skills and
inflexible IT infrastructures; as companies scale AI across their
organizations, other hurdles appear, including managing risks and
ethics, and embedding AI into day-to-day business processes. Data
modernization is a continual stumbling block; in fact, businesses
spend about 35% of their AI budgets on data modernization,
according to our study.
Ultimately, though, even organizations in the early stages of AI
adoption are achieving a variety of business goals, including
improved productivity, profitability, employee engagement and
customer satisfaction. More mature AI adopters are achieving even
more growth-oriented benefits, such as increased revenue, improved
decision-making, greater market share and enhanced innovation.
In the following pages of our ebook, executives will find an evidence-
based roadmap for supercharging their business performance with
AI. It’s our hope that these insights will light a path through the chaos
of today and help businesses prepare for a better tomorrow.
Assessing leaders vs. laggards
A prime objective of our research was to
determine what constitutes an AI leader.
To answer this, we assessed respondents
along two key dimensions: level of AI
implementation and the benefits from AI
Just 15% of businesses are at the highest
stage of AI maturity (what we call leaders),
while about one-third are just behind them
(advancers).Just over half are in the early
stages of AI development (a beginner or
implementer). As we see in the pages that
follow, these percentages will radically shift
in three years’ time.
plans and
building internal
support for AI
Widely using AI
to generate
many benefits
and transform
Starting to pilot
AI and use a
few simple
Using AI in key
parts of the
business and
seeing gains
Response base: 1,200
Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant
Figure 1
Organizations by AI maturity
5 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
All Eyes on AI
Back to Contents6 / AI: from data to ROI
Seeking order in chaos
AI is crucial across industries
Percent of respondents rating AI as having high importance.
Response base: 1,200
Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant
Figure 2
The pandemic cast a spotlight on the need for AI.
A decisive majority – 64% – of executives in our study
believe AI is considerably or very important for the future
of their business (see Figure 2). That figure jumps to 98% for
respondents at the highest levels of AI maturity, and to 85% for
the largest organizations in our study (revenue over $20 billion).
As the world went online, many businesses had difficulty grasping
the continuously shifting dynamics that ensued. Predictive
models failed to account for the sudden and ongoing changes
to customer, market and supply chain behaviors. The experience
shifted AI into high gear.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
All industries
Life sciences
7 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
A surge in AI maturity
Two-thirds of businesses in most industries will reach
advanced levels of AI maturity
Percent of respondents at a mature or advanced stage of AI.
Response base: 1,200
Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant
Figure 3
Most companies, however, are in the early stages of AI adoption, with
just 29% of respondents across industries at a maturing or advanced
level in implementing AI (see Figure 3). Most AI projects are in pilot or
early deployment stages, and even among AI leaders, just about one-
quarter of AI projects are now in widespread deployment.
This will change dramatically, however, in the next three years, when the
percent of businesses that expect to be at a maturing or advanced stage
of AI adoption will more than double to 63%. In industries that are in the
earlier stages of their AI journey – such as insurance, wealth and asset
management, and media and entertainment – the increase will be fourfold.
Currently, the sectors with the highest percentage of AI leaders are the
automotive, healthcare and banking industries. While the auto industry
isn’t often the first sector that comes to mind when it comes to AI (beyond
self-driving cars), automakers’ use of AI is far-ranging, including driver-assist
features, connected vehicles, manufacturing, quality control and product
design. General Motors, for example, is using AI-driven “generative design”
to shave unnecessary weight from car parts, while Volkswagen is increasing
the precision of its market forecasts with AI analytics, pulling in data on
household income and customer preferences.
0 20 40 60 80 100
All industries
Life sciences
Energy and utilities
Consumer and retail
Media and entertainment
Investment management 327%
% Change
In three years
8 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
AI across industries
We’re working with businesses across industries to drive intelligent decisioning.
Financial services: When a global
financial services organization wanted
to reduce its fraud risk, we worked
with the organization to develop a
machine-learning system that flags
potential fraud in near-real-time.
The technology compares scanned
images of handwritten checks
against a growing database of checks
previously identified as fraudulent. It
then flags potential counterfeits while
deposit transactions are in process.
The system has demonstrated
50% savings on fraud losses and is
forecast to reduce annual fraud losses
by $20 million.
Insurance: We worked with an
industry-leading PC insurer that
wanted to improve the quality of its
call-center customer interactions.
We helped this carrier develop an
AI-driven analytics platform that
automates call monitoring and
enables agents to respond more
empathetically and effectively to
customers during calls. The system
was taught to recognize agents’
progress through a 40-point checklist
for each call, as well as improve
agents’ real-time response to
customers through speech analytics,
which interprets word choice, diction
and tone. Agents have improved
the customer experience through
personality profiling and conversation
Healthcare: A leading healthcare
services provider wanted to
proactively identify potential drug-
seeking behavior in order to reduce
addiction among its patients. We
developed an AI-driven machine-
learning solution that analyzes data
from three sources: physicians’ notes
from patient visits recording their
impressions of a patient’s behavior,
appearance and diagnoses; the
drugs the patient had previously
been prescribed; and the behaviors
and symptoms caused by each
drug. The system uses text analytics
and advanced machine learning
to generate system alerts when
a pattern of at-risk behavior is
identified. This enables caregivers to
intercede with patients in real time
and take corrective actions. Using
the system, the health provider has
identified 85,000 at-risk patients and
anticipates a potential $60 million
reduction in care costs.
Life sciences: A biotech company
wanted to improve patient
adherence to medication regimes.
We developed a solution that
uses AI, machine learning and
natural language processing to
pull insights from case notes that
reveal what motivates patients to
start, discontinue and switch use of
medications. Using these insights,
the company was able to identify
adherence roadblocks and improve
patient support through more
effective KPIs, recommendations and
Back to Contents9 / AI: from data to ROI
It’s All About the Data (But Not Just Any Data)
10 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
Nearly all AI leaders have mature data
modernization practices
Percent of respondents who say they’re maturing or advanced in data management.
It’s clear from our study that there’s an inextricable link between AI
maturity and data management (what we call “data modernization”):
the work involved with ensuring the accessibility, reliability and
timeliness of data for AI and analytics. Nine out of 10 AI leaders say
they’re in the maturing or advanced stages of data management,
while literally none of the AI beginners rate themselves that way (see
Figure 4). At the same time, having a proper IT architecture and data
modernization processes in place was the most important lesson
learned for beginners (60%).
What’s more, more than half of healthcare, banking and auto manufacturing
businesses – the industries with the highest percentage of leaders in
them – have already made significant progress in modernizing their data,
and an overwhelming majority expect to by 2023.
Modernizing data = AI maturity
In three years
Response base: 1,200
Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant
Figure 4
Back to Contents11 / AI: from data to ROI
Further, the same industries
expecting particularly high growth
in AI maturity are the same ones that
expect the greatest gains in data
modernization (see Figure 5). In all,
businesses spend about 35% of their
AI budgets on data modernization,
or about $13.3 million per company.
Beginners spend even more, or 44%.
Industries expecting to accelerate their AI maturity will also
surge in data modernization
Percent of respondents who say they’re maturing or advanced in data management now
and in three years.
Response base: 1,200
Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant
Figure 5
0 20 40 60 80 100
All industries
Life sciences
Media 212%
% Change
In three years
12 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
Data sources will expand greatly in three yearsIncreasingly, businesses are finding the most easily
accessible data sets aren’t enough to make the most
intelligent decisions. By 2023, we’ll see businesses pulling
from wider and more diverse data sets for AI-driven
insights (see Figure 6).
Today, IoT, customer and internal information are the main
types of data integrated into AI applications. In many cases,
this is simply because of the sheer volume of accessible
data generated by sensors and customer interactions. But
other forms of data are where the greatest insights often lie,
particularly when such data is combined.
For example, we worked with a home goods store that wanted
to know where people went when they left the store. By
combining geospatial data with other data, we discovered that
30% of people go to McDonald’s. That insight became very
valuable for cross promotions.
Data that matters
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Data used for AI today
Percent of respondents integrating each type of data
into their AI applications.
Supply chain
Social media
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Fastest growing over three years
Percent growth in the use of each type of data.
Supply chain
Social media
Psychographic 109%
Response base: 1,200
Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant
Figure 6
13 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
Further, during the pandemic, global brands will
see different regions of the country and the world
open for business at different paces. For one of
our clients, that has meant continually adjusting
its product mix, product placement and product
sourcing as supply and demand conditions
change unpredictably, region by region.
We’re using machine learning to refine our
analytic models to predict the effects of
everything from ongoing infection rates to
regional weather conditions on future sales
and demand trends. This data includes medical
information from leading healthcare providers, as
well as historical internal data, such as same-store
sales. At each step, we’re using our agile analytics
methods to make sure we deliver the analytics
the business needs most as the recovery from the
pandemic unfolds.
Over the next three years, companies will double
their use of psychographic data and ratchet up
their reliance on competitive, geospatial and
real-time data by about 75%. No AI program is
complete without “voice of the customer data”
gleaned from sources such as social media and
call center analytics. While much of that data is
generally lost or overly summarized, it’s essential
to extract insights from that data and get them to
relevant business teams.
14 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
Top 10 data challenges
Percent of respondents naming each as a top challenge.
With data modernization comes challenges – most of which don’t ease
up to any great degree as maturity increases (see Figure 7). This makes
sense, given that advanced AI maturity also means more scaling of
pilot solutions, more use of diverse data sets and a greater shift toward
modernizing data (i.e., through the use of data lakes and the cloud) vs.
simply managing data (i.e., with databases and storage).
Compliance, for example, becomes more difficult as organizations scale
their AI solutions around the world, and cleaning and normalizing data
becomes twice as difficult for leaders compared with non-leaders as
they leverage richer data sets. Identifying trusted data continues to be a
challenge as businesses turn to third-parties for external data, as does
ensuring data integrity as businesses work to ensure ethical algorithmic
decisions. In short, as AI gets used for more powerful business outcomes,
the responsibility grows to meet ever higher standards.
Perishability and other data challenges
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Cleaning and normalization
Data silos in organization
Availability of data
Size/frequency of data
Identifying corrupt records
Identifying trusted data
Integrating data
Data security
Data integrity/quality 38% -5%
% gap between
'leaders' and
Note: Multiple responses permitted.
Response base: 1,200
Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant
Figure 7
Back to Contents15 / AI: from data to ROI
As businesses embrace a wider selection of data types, a
particular challenge is managing data perishability – ensuring
the data used for insights is current, accurate and relevant.
Unlike ERP and other structured data, more dynamic
data types – such as IoT, social, real-time, geospatial and
psychographic – come with a shorter expiration period. By
using machine learning, businesses can continually assess the
timeliness, accuracy and relevance of their data and analytic
models, testing millions of new models against real-world data
to continuously provide new scenarios and ranges of forecasts
for changing conditions.
As businesses embrace a wider selection of data types, a
particular challenge is managing data perishability – ensuring
the data used for insights is current, accurate and relevant.
16 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
What and Where to Spend
17 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
On average, companies expect to increase their spending on AI by a factor of two.
While companies increased their AI investments by 4.6% on average over the last
year, that will accelerate to an 8.3% increase in annual AI spending over the next
three years (see Figure 8).
A closer look reveals that it’s the non-leaders accounting for the spending increases.
While non-leaders expect to double the rate of their AI investment – from a 4.4% increase
over the last year to 9% annually over the next three years – AI leaders expect to trim their
spending growth, from 6% over the last year to 4.5% over the next three years. Yet since
leaders say they are spending 2.6 times others in absolute dollars, they still expect to
outspend their non-leader counterparts.
Some sectors plan to ramp up spending at more than twice the rate of last year: media,
investment management, and consumer and retail.
While spending expectations may be moderated due to budgetary pressures during
the pandemic, it’s very likely that businesses will feel similarly pressured to invest in AI to
navigate the COVID crisis with intelligent decisioning.
Response base: 1,200
Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant
Figure 8
The rise and fall in AI spending rates
Percent increase in AI spending, last year and in three years.
AI spending is on the rise
All respondentsLeaderNon-leader
Last year In three years
4.5% 4.6%
18 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
When companies start out in AI, they spend over half of
their AI budgets on technology and only 15% on people.
But as they mature, a greater share of their spending goes
to training and hiring people to achieve their goals (see
Figure 9).
In fact, AI leaders invest almost twice as much of their budget
in people as AI beginners. They know that AI excellence
goes beyond using the latest AI technology. It requires hiring
the best talent, training staff on AI, investing in external
partnerships, and building a culture of collaboration between
analytics teams and business units.
While many people assume that technology spend will be high,
the technologies themselves are commoditizing reasonably
quickly. Companies that invest in the education of their own
teams will go further.
Response base: 1,200
Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant
Figure 9
With AI maturity comes a shift in spending toward people
Percent of budget invested today in people, process and technology.
Where to spend: tech vs. people
Beginner Implementer Advancer Leader
19 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
Leaders in our study reveal the path ahead for where to spend on
AI technologies. Already, leaders spend 40% of their AI budget on
advanced AI technologies, such as machine learning, deep learning,
computer vision and natural language processing, whereas non-
leaders are more focused on basic AI technologies, such as data
management, digital assistants and robotic process automation. In
the next three years, leaders will increase that to 43% – more than
double what their non-leader counterparts plan to spend on these
technologies (see Figure 10).
Deep learning will be particularly valuable as AI adoption expands, since
it will provide businesses with the ability to find meaning in diverse sets of
unstructured data. NLP will be a game-changer for businesses. Over the last
few years, there have been huge advances in voice recognition, whether it is
to capture different accents or build capabilities into more devices.
Response base: 1,200
Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant
Figure 10
Spending will shift to advanced AI
Percent of budget allocated to advanced AI technologies vs. basic AI.
Which technologies to master
Today In three years
20 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
What to Expect in Return
21 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
Identifying the right use cases is critical for maximizing ROI. In fact,
77% of companies generating the highest returns from AI do this one
thing well. Use cases vary by industry and are best selected in close
conjunction with business teams.
Leaders are well ahead of non-leaders in the number of use cases
implemented and scaled across their enterprise. Nine out of 10 report
having largely or fully implemented AI in the 19 functional areas included in
the study (see Figure 11).
When you examine the areas of greatest difference between leaders and
non-leaders, it becomes clear that the trajectory moves from improving
internal functionalities to more outward-facing endeavors as maturity
grows. For instance, in addition to applying AI to connected devices and
customer service (34%), non-leaders are mainly focused on improving
internal functionalities such as IT operations (26%), data security (23%) and
customer analysis (24%).
Meanwhile, the gap between leaders and non-leaders is high in outward-
facing functions, such as distribution and logistics, supply chain, business
development and marketing. Leaders will reap the benefits of driving
growth as they’re well ahead in applying AI to RD and innovation.
Start with internal use cases and move the
focus outward
Response base: 1,200
Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant
Figure 11
Choosing use cases
Percent of respondents who have largely or fully implemented AI in each function.
0 20 40 60 80 100
Connected devices, products, and services
IT operations and IT infrastructure
Strategic planning and decision making
Brand management and reputation
Product development, RD, innovation
Supply chain, procurement
Distribution and logistics
Customer service and experience
Market and customer analysis
E-commerce and customer facing platforms
Customer onboarding and administration
Marketing, promotion, and channel management
Pricing and business models
Sales and business development
Data security and privacy
Legal and compliance
Fraud detection and mitigation
Finance and auditing
Risk management 5.7
Non-leader Leader
22 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
Response base: 1,200
Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant
Figure 12
Top five benefits of AI
Percent of non-leaders realizing each benefit of AI.
Because non-leaders are more focused on internal operations, it stands
to reason that they’re also more intent on looking for value in those areas.
That’s why we see non-leaders reporting value creation in areas such as
increased productivity, profitability, employee engagement and customer
retention (see Figure 12).
Meanwhile, as businesses grow in maturity, the focus shifts toward driving
a growth strategy. As such, leaders are seeking – and often finding – value
in the areas of increased revenue, greater market share, and new products
and services. Importantly, one-quarter of leaders (vs. just 16% of non-
leaders) are focusing their AI efforts on intelligent decisioning, which will be
vital for navigating the pandemic and beyond. As we see on the next page,
intelligent decisioning is also an area of high ROI.
Outcomes shift as maturity grows
0 10 20 30 40 50
New products/services
Improved profitability
Improved employee engagement
Increased customer satisfaction
Higher productivity 49%
Percent of leaders realizing each benefit of AI.
0 10 20 30 40 50
New products or services/greater market share
Improved profitability
Improved planning and decision making
Decreased costs/greater efficiencies
Higher productivity/increased revenue 31%
23 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
Most businesses are seeing positive returns on the 19 AI areas included in
our study. The area generating a positive ROI for the largest percentage of
companies is customer service and experience, followed by IT operations
and planning/decision making (see Figure 13).
Other activities to note are pricing and business models, brand
management and reputation, and distribution and logistics. The percentage
of businesses with positive returns in these areas is particularly high given
that fewer are focusing their efforts there.
Underperforming areas include sales and business development, finance
and auditing, fraud detection, and marketing and promotions.
Customer experience is a high-return
place to start
Response base: 1,200
Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant
Figure 13
The ROI of AI across functions
Percent of respondents seeing positive returns in each area.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Sales and business development
Finance and auditing
Fraud detection and mitigation
Marketing, promotion, channels
Market and customer analysis
E-commerce/customer platforms
Legal and compliance
Distribution and logistics
Customer onboarding/admin
Brand management and reputation
Data security and privacy
Average across all functions
Pricing and business models
Connected devices and products
Supply chain, procurement
RD and innovation
Risk management
Planning and decision making
IT operations and IT infrastructure
Customer service and experience 74%
24 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
So much hope has been invested in AI to pull businesses through
today’s chaotic environment that it’s easy for expectations to exceed
reality when it comes to ROI. As our study shows, achieving ROI on AI
initiatives takes time, smart deployment and the ability to scale.
On average, businesses have seen an ROI of just 1.3% from their AI
investments. However, that varies considerably based on AI maturity (see
Figure 14). Businesses in the first half of their AI journey hardly break even. It
is only when companies are advanced in AI and more widely implementing
it across their organizations that they start to see the fruits of their labor.
Leaders report an average ROI of over 4.3%, with nearly 40% reporting an
ROI of over 5%. All leaders report positive returns, while no beginners or
implementers post returns over 5%.
Generating ROI from AI is a slow-burning process. With the average
payback period at 17 months (see Figure 15), it clearly takes time to identify
the appropriate business case, acquire and prepare the right data, and then
build, test, refine and deploy working models. Management teams will want
to set realistic targets that consider not just the short-term financial gains
from AI, but also the longer-term strategic benefits.
ROI increases with AI maturity
Response base: 1,200
Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant
Figure 14
Average ROI by maturity level
0.2% 0.4%
Response base: 1,200
Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant
Figure 15
Being realistic about payback times
Typical payback period Percent of respondents
Less than six months 5%
Six months to less than one year 38%
One year to less than two years 37%
Two years to less than three years 17%
Three years or more 3%
25 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
How to Accelerate Intelligent Decisioning
26 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
Begin with pilots, but then scale AI applications across
the enterprise. Companies starting out should focus on
working closely with business teams to identify use cases
and demonstrate their value through pilots. It’s important to
identify multiple use cases, since some AI initiatives will fail.
Once pilots succeed, it’s essential to follow through. The real
value of AI is not in the models themselves, but in a company’s
ability to scale them across their organizations. It’s telling that
75% of organizations with high ROI have scaled AI across
businesses units.
Use a hybrid organizational structure to scale AI
initiatives. Beginners often start out with a centralized
approach to AI, with a core of data scientists. But these efforts
struggle because the teams are often not sponsored by the
business lines, which are the ones with many of the ideas.
These central service teams are slow and ultimately collapse
under their own weight. Business people, on the other hand,
tend to work in a decentralized way. AI teams need to be close
to them, as well as the HR leader, the marketing leader, the
supply chain leader, the ops leaders. AI should be seen as a
service to them, not something that’s centrally controlled.
For example, we recently worked with a company that realized
its supply chain predictive models didn’t work anymore due
to COVID-19. They immediately put data scientists in with
the supply chain team and deployed new models in just two
weeks. The models went into production quickly because they
were tied to a business outcome and the people responsible
for those outcomes.
Once the organization grows its AI maturity, it can start
establishing standards. How do you know when you’re using
responsible AI? How do you eliminate bias? What tool sets are
appropriate? How do you integrate third-party data? Which
partners do you need? These types of decisions are better
served centrally but executed locally as you scale.
Driving ROI from AI
To succeed at using AI to drive intelligent decisioning, executives should consider the
following best practices uncovered by our research:
27 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
Get your data right. Nine out of 10 AI leaders are advanced in
data modernization. That’s why 35% of beginners and 74% of
implementers plan to have sophisticated data modernization
systems in place by 2023. Ensuring your data is in good
shape isn’t enough; businesses should also bring in a richer
set of data, such as psychographic, geospatial and real-time
data, which drives higher AI performance. At the same time,
organizations should integrate fast-growing data formats into
their AI applications, such as high-dimensional, video, audio
and image.
Solve the human side of the equation. AI is not just about
technology; it’s also about people. Tellingly, AI leaders spend
27% of their AI budget on people, almost twice the percentage
that AI beginners and implementers spend. It’s critical to
hire AI talent that can understand business needs and create
solutions, not just build models. Eighty-three percent of
businesses in our study with high ROI have been successful at
developing and acquiring the right people. It’s also important
to consider other people issues when adopting AI. Before
scaling projects, businesses should put an HR plan in place to
address jobs that may be disrupted.
Adopt a culture of collaboration and learning. About 85%
of businesses that generate large AI returns ensure close
collaboration between AI experts and business teams. Also,
83% of high performers are advanced at developing and
acquiring AI talent, and nearly nine out of 10 excel at providing
non-data scientists with the skills and tools to use AI on their
own. AI leaders are also more likely to have chief AI and
analytics officers in place and multiple executives working
together to lead AI initiatives.
28 / AI: from data to ROI  Back to Contents
ESI ThoughtLab conducted a comprehensive
benchmarking survey of executives at 1,200
companies across 12 industries and 15 countries.
It was carried out over the phone in March
and April 2020. Respondents had superior or
excellent knowledge of the use of AI within their
organizations. A full 85% were C-level executives,
and the rest report directly into the C-suite.
The study examined AI investments, plans,
practices and performance results at
respondents’ organizations. It included
quantitative questions to allow ESI ThoughtLab
economists to develop a rigorous AI maturity
framework, analyze performance results,
benchmark practices, and measure the ROI on AI
Less than $1 billion
$1–$5 billion
$5-$10 billion
$10–$20 billion
$20–$50 billion
Over $50 billion
Respondents by industry
Automotive 8%
Energy/utilities 8%
Investment 8%
Life science 8%
Banks 8%
Healthcare 8%
Manufacturing 8%
Technology 8%
Consumer 8%
Insurance 8%
Media 8%
Telecom 8%
Respondents by function
Technology CIO, CTO, CDO 24%
Finance CFO, CRO and investment 17%
Management CEO, DOO 15%
Marketing CMO, CPO, CCO 13%
Direct report 8%
Strategy  innovation CSO, CIO 7%
Other C-level CHRO, etc 7%
Business head business units, divisions 7%
Respondents by geographic region
Asia Pacific 31%
China/Hong Kong SAR
Europe 33%
Latin America 8%
North America 27%
Percent of respondents by revenue
(Percentages don’t always add to 100% due to rounding.)
Back to Contents29 / AI: from data to ROI
About the author
Bret Greenstein
Global Vice-President and Head of Digital Business AI  Analytics Practice, Cognizant
Bret Greenstein is Global Vice-President and Head
of Cognizant Digital Business’s AI  Analytics
Practice, focusing on technology and business
strategy, go-to-market and innovation, helping
clients realize their potential through digital
transformation. Prior to Cognizant, Bret led IBM
Watson’s Internet of Things offerings, establishing
new IoT products and services for the Industrial
Internet of Things. He built his career in technology
and business leadership across a range of roles
throughout IBM in software, services, consulting,
strategy and marketing, and served as IBM’s CIO
for Asia-Pacific. He has worked globally in these
roles, including living in China for five years,
working with clients and transforming IBM’s IT
environment. Bret holds patents in the area of
collaboration systems. He holds a bachelor’s degree
in electrical engineering and a master’s degree
in manufacturing systems engineering from
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He can be reached
at |
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Learn More
For more information and to find out more
about Cognizant, visit
About Cognizant Artificial Intelligence Practice
As part of Cognizant Digital Business, Cognizant’s Artificial Intelligence Practice
provides advanced data collection and management expertise, as well as artificial
intelligence and analytics capabilities that help clients create highly personalized
digital experiences, products and services at every touchpoint of the customer
journey. Our AI solutions glean insights from data to inform decision-making,
improve operations efficiencies and reduce costs. We apply Evolutionary AI,
Conversational AI and decision support solutions built on machine learning, deep
learning and advanced analytics techniques to help ourclients optimize their
business/IT strategy, identify new growth areas and outperform the competition. To
learn more, visit us at
About Cognizant
Cognizant (Nasdaq-100: CTSH) is one of the world’s leading professional services
companies, transforming clients’ business, operating and technology models for
the digital era. Our unique industry-based, consultative approach helps clients
envision, build and run more innovative and efficient businesses. Headquartered
in the U.S., Cognizant is ranked 194 on the Fortune 500 and is consistently listed
among the most admired companies in the world. Learn how Cognizant helps
clients lead with digital at or follow us @Cognizant.
About ESI ThoughtLab
ESI ThoughtLab is an innovative thought leadership firm that creates fresh thinking
and actionable insights through rigorous research and evidence-based analysis.
It specializes in using the latest quantitative and qualitative tools to examine the
impact of technology on companies, cities, industries, and business performance.
ESI ThoughtLab is the thought leadership arm of Econsult Solutions, a leading
economic consultancy.
The ESI ThoughtLab report “Driving ROI Through AI” was the source for the data
and much of the analysis in this ebook.
To learn more, visit

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AI: From Data to ROI

  • 1. Special Report September 2020 Produced in partnership with AI: From Data to ROI If the COVID-19 crisis has revealed anything to business leaders, it’s the dire need for intelligent decisioning. But even as businesses embrace AI, high ROI is not guaranteed. Here’s what works for accelerating AI outcomes, from where to invest and how much to spend, to the returns you can expect, according to our recent research.
  • 2. < Back to Contents2 / AI: from data to ROI < Back to Contents Contents Click a link below to jump to that section. 3 Introduction: AI Meets Its Moment 5 All Eyes on AI 9 It’s All About the Data (But Not Just Any Data) 16 What and Where to Spend 20 What to Expect in Return 25 How to Accelerate the ROI of Intelligent Decisioning 28 Methodology In our global study, almost two-thirds of senior executives – regardless of industry or region – see AI as highly important to the future of their businesses.
  • 3. 3 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents Introduction: AI Meets Its Moment So far this year, the world has been faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, social unrest, economic upheaval and vast uncertainty. Amid the chaos, individuals and organizations have desperately sought anything that provides a glimmer of insight into an unknowable future. That’s why 2020 will also be known as the tipping point for artificial intelligence (AI). Our groundbreaking research, conducted during the outbreak, reveals executives are turning en masse to AI to make better, more intelligent decisions, especially when much of the information and decision models needed are fast-changing or unknown. In our global study of 1,200 companies, conducted in conjunction with ESI ThoughtLab, almost two- thirds of senior executives – regardless of industry or region – see AI as highly important to the future of their businesses (see methodology, page 28). From the early days of the pandemic, it became painfully clear to most businesses that they didn’t have the data they needed to make intelligent decisions in the face of chaos. Even now, their data isn’t always current, accurate or relevant enough to be of use to them, and it’s hard to interpret. Their forecast models, which were previously “good enough” are now way off-target. Many realize they can no longer trust their old decision systems. It’s no wonder, then, that businesses have little interest in returning to the old ways of working. Over the next three years, twice as many businesses expect to be in the advanced stages of AI maturity vs. today, and annual spending increases will nearly double from 4.6% to 8.3%. However, while AI ultimately offers significant ROI, it can be difficult to achieve and does not come overnight. While currently more than half of businesses are seeing positive returns on their AI investments, the average ROI is just 1.3%. Further, with potentially high upfront costs in data modernization, technology adoption and people development, it can take 17 months on average to realize positive payback.
  • 4. 4 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents To make it a game-changer and generate value, businesses must have the right data, plan, applications, skills and use cases, and they must focus on real business objectives and problems to solve. For beginners, the challenges can include limited AI skills and inflexible IT infrastructures; as companies scale AI across their organizations, other hurdles appear, including managing risks and ethics, and embedding AI into day-to-day business processes. Data modernization is a continual stumbling block; in fact, businesses spend about 35% of their AI budgets on data modernization, according to our study. Ultimately, though, even organizations in the early stages of AI adoption are achieving a variety of business goals, including improved productivity, profitability, employee engagement and customer satisfaction. More mature AI adopters are achieving even more growth-oriented benefits, such as increased revenue, improved decision-making, greater market share and enhanced innovation. In the following pages of our ebook, executives will find an evidence- based roadmap for supercharging their business performance with AI. It’s our hope that these insights will light a path through the chaos of today and help businesses prepare for a better tomorrow. Assessing leaders vs. laggards A prime objective of our research was to determine what constitutes an AI leader. To answer this, we assessed respondents along two key dimensions: level of AI implementation and the benefits from AI investments. Just 15% of businesses are at the highest stage of AI maturity (what we call leaders), while about one-third are just behind them (advancers).Just over half are in the early stages of AI development (a beginner or implementer). As we see in the pages that follow, these percentages will radically shift in three years’ time. 20% 32% 33% 15% Beginner Developing plans and building internal support for AI Leader Widely using AI to generate many benefits and transform business Implementer Starting to pilot AI and use a few simple applications Advancer Using AI in key parts of the business and seeing gains Response base: 1,200 Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant Figure 1 Organizations by AI maturity
  • 5. 5 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents All Eyes on AI
  • 6. Back to Contents6 / AI: from data to ROI Seeking order in chaos AI is crucial across industries Percent of respondents rating AI as having high importance. Response base: 1,200 Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant Figure 2 The pandemic cast a spotlight on the need for AI. A decisive majority – 64% – of executives in our study believe AI is considerably or very important for the future of their business (see Figure 2). That figure jumps to 98% for respondents at the highest levels of AI maturity, and to 85% for the largest organizations in our study (revenue over $20 billion). As the world went online, many businesses had difficulty grasping the continuously shifting dynamics that ensued. Predictive models failed to account for the sudden and ongoing changes to customer, market and supply chain behaviors. The experience shifted AI into high gear. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Investment Media Energy Consumer/retail Insurance All industries Manufacturing Telecom Life sciences Healthcare Technology Banks Automotive 64% 77% 74% 66% 66% 64% 63% 60% 59% 52% 42% 75% 75%
  • 7. 7 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents A surge in AI maturity Two-thirds of businesses in most industries will reach advanced levels of AI maturity Percent of respondents at a mature or advanced stage of AI. Response base: 1,200 Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant Figure 3 Most companies, however, are in the early stages of AI adoption, with just 29% of respondents across industries at a maturing or advanced level in implementing AI (see Figure 3). Most AI projects are in pilot or early deployment stages, and even among AI leaders, just about one- quarter of AI projects are now in widespread deployment. This will change dramatically, however, in the next three years, when the percent of businesses that expect to be at a maturing or advanced stage of AI adoption will more than double to 63%. In industries that are in the earlier stages of their AI journey – such as insurance, wealth and asset management, and media and entertainment – the increase will be fourfold. Currently, the sectors with the highest percentage of AI leaders are the automotive, healthcare and banking industries. While the auto industry isn’t often the first sector that comes to mind when it comes to AI (beyond self-driving cars), automakers’ use of AI is far-ranging, including driver-assist features, connected vehicles, manufacturing, quality control and product design. General Motors, for example, is using AI-driven “generative design” to shave unnecessary weight from car parts, while Volkswagen is increasing the precision of its market forecasts with AI analytics, pulling in data on household income and customer preferences. 0 20 40 60 80 100 Automotive Healthcare Banks Telecoms Manufacturing All industries Life sciences Technology Energy and utilities Consumer and retail Media and entertainment Insurance Investment management 327% 306% 210% 136% 119% 117% 97% 84% 57% 52% 50% 273% 235% % Change Now In three years
  • 8. 8 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents AI across industries We’re working with businesses across industries to drive intelligent decisioning. Financial services: When a global financial services organization wanted to reduce its fraud risk, we worked with the organization to develop a machine-learning system that flags potential fraud in near-real-time. The technology compares scanned images of handwritten checks against a growing database of checks previously identified as fraudulent. It then flags potential counterfeits while deposit transactions are in process. The system has demonstrated 50% savings on fraud losses and is forecast to reduce annual fraud losses by $20 million. Insurance: We worked with an industry-leading PC insurer that wanted to improve the quality of its call-center customer interactions. We helped this carrier develop an AI-driven analytics platform that automates call monitoring and enables agents to respond more empathetically and effectively to customers during calls. The system was taught to recognize agents’ progress through a 40-point checklist for each call, as well as improve agents’ real-time response to customers through speech analytics, which interprets word choice, diction and tone. Agents have improved the customer experience through personality profiling and conversation cues. Healthcare: A leading healthcare services provider wanted to proactively identify potential drug- seeking behavior in order to reduce addiction among its patients. We developed an AI-driven machine- learning solution that analyzes data from three sources: physicians’ notes from patient visits recording their impressions of a patient’s behavior, appearance and diagnoses; the drugs the patient had previously been prescribed; and the behaviors and symptoms caused by each drug. The system uses text analytics and advanced machine learning to generate system alerts when a pattern of at-risk behavior is identified. This enables caregivers to intercede with patients in real time and take corrective actions. Using the system, the health provider has identified 85,000 at-risk patients and anticipates a potential $60 million reduction in care costs. Life sciences: A biotech company wanted to improve patient adherence to medication regimes. We developed a solution that uses AI, machine learning and natural language processing to pull insights from case notes that reveal what motivates patients to start, discontinue and switch use of medications. Using these insights, the company was able to identify adherence roadblocks and improve patient support through more effective KPIs, recommendations and documentation.
  • 9. Back to Contents9 / AI: from data to ROI It’s All About the Data (But Not Just Any Data)
  • 10. 10 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents Nearly all AI leaders have mature data modernization practices Percent of respondents who say they’re maturing or advanced in data management. It’s clear from our study that there’s an inextricable link between AI maturity and data management (what we call “data modernization”): the work involved with ensuring the accessibility, reliability and timeliness of data for AI and analytics. Nine out of 10 AI leaders say they’re in the maturing or advanced stages of data management, while literally none of the AI beginners rate themselves that way (see Figure 4). At the same time, having a proper IT architecture and data modernization processes in place was the most important lesson learned for beginners (60%). What’s more, more than half of healthcare, banking and auto manufacturing businesses – the industries with the highest percentage of leaders in them – have already made significant progress in modernizing their data, and an overwhelming majority expect to by 2023. Modernizing data = AI maturity 0 20 40 60 80 100 BeginnerImplementerAdvancerLeader Now In three years 91% 97% 53% 85% 20% 74% 0% 35% Response base: 1,200 Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant Figure 4
  • 11. Back to Contents11 / AI: from data to ROI Further, the same industries expecting particularly high growth in AI maturity are the same ones that expect the greatest gains in data modernization (see Figure 5). In all, businesses spend about 35% of their AI budgets on data modernization, or about $13.3 million per company. Beginners spend even more, or 44%. Industries expecting to accelerate their AI maturity will also surge in data modernization Percent of respondents who say they’re maturing or advanced in data management now and in three years. Response base: 1,200 Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant Figure 5 0 20 40 60 80 100 Healthcare Automotive Banks Telecoms All industries Technology Insurance Manufacturing Consumer/retail Life sciences Investment Energy Media 212% 192% 126% 117% 111% 105% 97% 56% 55% 55% 44% 167% 145% % Change Now In three years
  • 12. 12 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents Data sources will expand greatly in three yearsIncreasingly, businesses are finding the most easily accessible data sets aren’t enough to make the most intelligent decisions. By 2023, we’ll see businesses pulling from wider and more diverse data sets for AI-driven insights (see Figure 6). Today, IoT, customer and internal information are the main types of data integrated into AI applications. In many cases, this is simply because of the sheer volume of accessible data generated by sensors and customer interactions. But other forms of data are where the greatest insights often lie, particularly when such data is combined. For example, we worked with a home goods store that wanted to know where people went when they left the store. By combining geospatial data with other data, we discovered that 30% of people go to McDonald’s. That insight became very valuable for cross promotions. Data that matters 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Data used for AI today Percent of respondents integrating each type of data into their AI applications. Geospatial Psychographic Local Macro Competitive Supply chain Manufacturing Real-time Social media Internal Customer IoT 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Fastest growing over three years Percent growth in the use of each type of data. Internal IoT Local Manufacturing Customer Supply chain Macro Social media Real-time Geospatial Competitive Psychographic 109% 76% 76% 75% 60% 41% 35% 31% 24% 15% 14% 13% 52% 46% 43% 21% 20% 18% 18% 17% 16% 15% 8% 7% Response base: 1,200 Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant Figure 6
  • 13. 13 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents Further, during the pandemic, global brands will see different regions of the country and the world open for business at different paces. For one of our clients, that has meant continually adjusting its product mix, product placement and product sourcing as supply and demand conditions change unpredictably, region by region. We’re using machine learning to refine our analytic models to predict the effects of everything from ongoing infection rates to regional weather conditions on future sales and demand trends. This data includes medical information from leading healthcare providers, as well as historical internal data, such as same-store sales. At each step, we’re using our agile analytics methods to make sure we deliver the analytics the business needs most as the recovery from the pandemic unfolds. Over the next three years, companies will double their use of psychographic data and ratchet up their reliance on competitive, geospatial and real-time data by about 75%. No AI program is complete without “voice of the customer data” gleaned from sources such as social media and call center analytics. While much of that data is generally lost or overly summarized, it’s essential to extract insights from that data and get them to relevant business teams.
  • 14. 14 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents Top 10 data challenges Percent of respondents naming each as a top challenge. With data modernization comes challenges – most of which don’t ease up to any great degree as maturity increases (see Figure 7). This makes sense, given that advanced AI maturity also means more scaling of pilot solutions, more use of diverse data sets and a greater shift toward modernizing data (i.e., through the use of data lakes and the cloud) vs. simply managing data (i.e., with databases and storage). Compliance, for example, becomes more difficult as organizations scale their AI solutions around the world, and cleaning and normalizing data becomes twice as difficult for leaders compared with non-leaders as they leverage richer data sets. Identifying trusted data continues to be a challenge as businesses turn to third-parties for external data, as does ensuring data integrity as businesses work to ensure ethical algorithmic decisions. In short, as AI gets used for more powerful business outcomes, the responsibility grows to meet ever higher standards. Perishability and other data challenges 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Cleaning and normalization Data silos in organization Availability of data Size/frequency of data Identifying corrupt records Identifying trusted data Integrating data Data security Governance/compliance Data integrity/quality 38% -5% 5% -1% -10% -2% -6% 0% -9% -3% 10% 36% 35% 25% 22% 16% 17% 10% 36% 36% % gap between 'leaders' and 'nonleaders' Note: Multiple responses permitted. Response base: 1,200 Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant Figure 7
  • 15. Back to Contents15 / AI: from data to ROI As businesses embrace a wider selection of data types, a particular challenge is managing data perishability – ensuring the data used for insights is current, accurate and relevant. Unlike ERP and other structured data, more dynamic data types – such as IoT, social, real-time, geospatial and psychographic – come with a shorter expiration period. By using machine learning, businesses can continually assess the timeliness, accuracy and relevance of their data and analytic models, testing millions of new models against real-world data to continuously provide new scenarios and ranges of forecasts for changing conditions. As businesses embrace a wider selection of data types, a particular challenge is managing data perishability – ensuring the data used for insights is current, accurate and relevant.
  • 16. 16 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents What and Where to Spend
  • 17. 17 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents On average, companies expect to increase their spending on AI by a factor of two. While companies increased their AI investments by 4.6% on average over the last year, that will accelerate to an 8.3% increase in annual AI spending over the next three years (see Figure 8). A closer look reveals that it’s the non-leaders accounting for the spending increases. While non-leaders expect to double the rate of their AI investment – from a 4.4% increase over the last year to 9% annually over the next three years – AI leaders expect to trim their spending growth, from 6% over the last year to 4.5% over the next three years. Yet since leaders say they are spending 2.6 times others in absolute dollars, they still expect to outspend their non-leader counterparts. Some sectors plan to ramp up spending at more than twice the rate of last year: media, investment management, and consumer and retail. While spending expectations may be moderated due to budgetary pressures during the pandemic, it’s very likely that businesses will feel similarly pressured to invest in AI to navigate the COVID crisis with intelligent decisioning. Response base: 1,200 Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant Figure 8 The rise and fall in AI spending rates Percent increase in AI spending, last year and in three years. AI spending is on the rise 0 2 4 6 8 10 All respondentsLeaderNon-leader Last year In three years 9% 4.4% 6% 4.5% 4.6% 8.3%
  • 18. 18 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents When companies start out in AI, they spend over half of their AI budgets on technology and only 15% on people. But as they mature, a greater share of their spending goes to training and hiring people to achieve their goals (see Figure 9). In fact, AI leaders invest almost twice as much of their budget in people as AI beginners. They know that AI excellence goes beyond using the latest AI technology. It requires hiring the best talent, training staff on AI, investing in external partnerships, and building a culture of collaboration between analytics teams and business units. While many people assume that technology spend will be high, the technologies themselves are commoditizing reasonably quickly. Companies that invest in the education of their own teams will go further. Response base: 1,200 Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant Figure 9 With AI maturity comes a shift in spending toward people Percent of budget invested today in people, process and technology. Where to spend: tech vs. people TechnologyProcessPeople 30%55% 15% Beginner Implementer Advancer Leader 31%54% 15% 30% 46% 23% 34% 39% 27%
  • 19. 19 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents Leaders in our study reveal the path ahead for where to spend on AI technologies. Already, leaders spend 40% of their AI budget on advanced AI technologies, such as machine learning, deep learning, computer vision and natural language processing, whereas non- leaders are more focused on basic AI technologies, such as data management, digital assistants and robotic process automation. In the next three years, leaders will increase that to 43% – more than double what their non-leader counterparts plan to spend on these technologies (see Figure 10). Deep learning will be particularly valuable as AI adoption expands, since it will provide businesses with the ability to find meaning in diverse sets of unstructured data. NLP will be a game-changer for businesses. Over the last few years, there have been huge advances in voice recognition, whether it is to capture different accents or build capabilities into more devices. Response base: 1,200 Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant Figure 10 Spending will shift to advanced AI Percent of budget allocated to advanced AI technologies vs. basic AI. Which technologies to master 0 10 20 30 40 50 Non-leadersLeaders Today In three years 43% 40% 15% 19%
  • 20. 20 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents What to Expect in Return
  • 21. 21 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents Identifying the right use cases is critical for maximizing ROI. In fact, 77% of companies generating the highest returns from AI do this one thing well. Use cases vary by industry and are best selected in close conjunction with business teams. Leaders are well ahead of non-leaders in the number of use cases implemented and scaled across their enterprise. Nine out of 10 report having largely or fully implemented AI in the 19 functional areas included in the study (see Figure 11). When you examine the areas of greatest difference between leaders and non-leaders, it becomes clear that the trajectory moves from improving internal functionalities to more outward-facing endeavors as maturity grows. For instance, in addition to applying AI to connected devices and customer service (34%), non-leaders are mainly focused on improving internal functionalities such as IT operations (26%), data security (23%) and customer analysis (24%). Meanwhile, the gap between leaders and non-leaders is high in outward- facing functions, such as distribution and logistics, supply chain, business development and marketing. Leaders will reap the benefits of driving growth as they’re well ahead in applying AI to RD and innovation. Start with internal use cases and move the focus outward Response base: 1,200 Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant Figure 11 Choosing use cases Percent of respondents who have largely or fully implemented AI in each function. 0 20 40 60 80 100 Connected devices, products, and services IT operations and IT infrastructure Strategic planning and decision making Brand management and reputation Product development, RD, innovation Supply chain, procurement Distribution and logistics Customer service and experience Market and customer analysis E-commerce and customer facing platforms Customer onboarding and administration Marketing, promotion, and channel management Pricing and business models Sales and business development Data security and privacy Legal and compliance Fraud detection and mitigation Finance and auditing Risk management 5.7 5.5 5.2 4.7 4.1 5.5 5.2 4.8 4.7 4.7 3.7 2.7 6.4 5.6 5.4 5.0 5.0 3.5 2.8 Leader multiplier Non-leader Leader StrategyOperationsMarketsCustomersFinanceRisk
  • 22. 22 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents Response base: 1,200 Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant Figure 12 Top five benefits of AI Percent of non-leaders realizing each benefit of AI. Because non-leaders are more focused on internal operations, it stands to reason that they’re also more intent on looking for value in those areas. That’s why we see non-leaders reporting value creation in areas such as increased productivity, profitability, employee engagement and customer retention (see Figure 12). Meanwhile, as businesses grow in maturity, the focus shifts toward driving a growth strategy. As such, leaders are seeking – and often finding – value in the areas of increased revenue, greater market share, and new products and services. Importantly, one-quarter of leaders (vs. just 16% of non- leaders) are focusing their AI efforts on intelligent decisioning, which will be vital for navigating the pandemic and beyond. As we see on the next page, intelligent decisioning is also an area of high ROI. Outcomes shift as maturity grows 0 10 20 30 40 50 New products/services Improved profitability Improved employee engagement Increased customer satisfaction Higher productivity 49% 45% 38% 32% 19% Percent of leaders realizing each benefit of AI. 0 10 20 30 40 50 New products or services/greater market share Improved profitability Improved planning and decision making Decreased costs/greater efficiencies Higher productivity/increased revenue 31% 29% 25% 23% 22%
  • 23. 23 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents Most businesses are seeing positive returns on the 19 AI areas included in our study. The area generating a positive ROI for the largest percentage of companies is customer service and experience, followed by IT operations and planning/decision making (see Figure 13). Other activities to note are pricing and business models, brand management and reputation, and distribution and logistics. The percentage of businesses with positive returns in these areas is particularly high given that fewer are focusing their efforts there. Underperforming areas include sales and business development, finance and auditing, fraud detection, and marketing and promotions. Customer experience is a high-return place to start Response base: 1,200 Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant Figure 13 The ROI of AI across functions Percent of respondents seeing positive returns in each area. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Sales and business development Finance and auditing Fraud detection and mitigation Marketing, promotion, channels Market and customer analysis E-commerce/customer platforms Legal and compliance Distribution and logistics Customer onboarding/admin Brand management and reputation Data security and privacy Average across all functions Pricing and business models Connected devices and products Supply chain, procurement RD and innovation Risk management Planning and decision making IT operations and IT infrastructure Customer service and experience 74% 69% 66% 62% 62% 62% 61% 61% 60% 60% 60% 59% 59% 58% 58% 57% 57% 57% 53% 51%
  • 24. 24 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents So much hope has been invested in AI to pull businesses through today’s chaotic environment that it’s easy for expectations to exceed reality when it comes to ROI. As our study shows, achieving ROI on AI initiatives takes time, smart deployment and the ability to scale. On average, businesses have seen an ROI of just 1.3% from their AI investments. However, that varies considerably based on AI maturity (see Figure 14). Businesses in the first half of their AI journey hardly break even. It is only when companies are advanced in AI and more widely implementing it across their organizations that they start to see the fruits of their labor. Leaders report an average ROI of over 4.3%, with nearly 40% reporting an ROI of over 5%. All leaders report positive returns, while no beginners or implementers post returns over 5%. Generating ROI from AI is a slow-burning process. With the average payback period at 17 months (see Figure 15), it clearly takes time to identify the appropriate business case, acquire and prepare the right data, and then build, test, refine and deploy working models. Management teams will want to set realistic targets that consider not just the short-term financial gains from AI, but also the longer-term strategic benefits. ROI increases with AI maturity Response base: 1,200 Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant Figure 14 Average ROI by maturity level 0 1 2 3 4 5 LeaderAdvancerImplementerBeginner 4.3% 1.5% 0.2% 0.4% Response base: 1,200 Source: ESI ThoughtLab/Cognizant Figure 15 Being realistic about payback times Typical payback period Percent of respondents Less than six months 5% Six months to less than one year 38% One year to less than two years 37% Two years to less than three years 17% Three years or more 3%
  • 25. 25 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents How to Accelerate Intelligent Decisioning
  • 26. 26 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents Begin with pilots, but then scale AI applications across the enterprise. Companies starting out should focus on working closely with business teams to identify use cases and demonstrate their value through pilots. It’s important to identify multiple use cases, since some AI initiatives will fail. Once pilots succeed, it’s essential to follow through. The real value of AI is not in the models themselves, but in a company’s ability to scale them across their organizations. It’s telling that 75% of organizations with high ROI have scaled AI across businesses units. Use a hybrid organizational structure to scale AI initiatives. Beginners often start out with a centralized approach to AI, with a core of data scientists. But these efforts struggle because the teams are often not sponsored by the business lines, which are the ones with many of the ideas. These central service teams are slow and ultimately collapse under their own weight. Business people, on the other hand, tend to work in a decentralized way. AI teams need to be close to them, as well as the HR leader, the marketing leader, the supply chain leader, the ops leaders. AI should be seen as a service to them, not something that’s centrally controlled. For example, we recently worked with a company that realized its supply chain predictive models didn’t work anymore due to COVID-19. They immediately put data scientists in with the supply chain team and deployed new models in just two weeks. The models went into production quickly because they were tied to a business outcome and the people responsible for those outcomes. Once the organization grows its AI maturity, it can start establishing standards. How do you know when you’re using responsible AI? How do you eliminate bias? What tool sets are appropriate? How do you integrate third-party data? Which partners do you need? These types of decisions are better served centrally but executed locally as you scale. Driving ROI from AI To succeed at using AI to drive intelligent decisioning, executives should consider the following best practices uncovered by our research: 5 2 3 1 5 2 3 1
  • 27. 27 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents Get your data right. Nine out of 10 AI leaders are advanced in data modernization. That’s why 35% of beginners and 74% of implementers plan to have sophisticated data modernization systems in place by 2023. Ensuring your data is in good shape isn’t enough; businesses should also bring in a richer set of data, such as psychographic, geospatial and real-time data, which drives higher AI performance. At the same time, organizations should integrate fast-growing data formats into their AI applications, such as high-dimensional, video, audio and image. Solve the human side of the equation. AI is not just about technology; it’s also about people. Tellingly, AI leaders spend 27% of their AI budget on people, almost twice the percentage that AI beginners and implementers spend. It’s critical to hire AI talent that can understand business needs and create solutions, not just build models. Eighty-three percent of businesses in our study with high ROI have been successful at developing and acquiring the right people. It’s also important to consider other people issues when adopting AI. Before scaling projects, businesses should put an HR plan in place to address jobs that may be disrupted. Adopt a culture of collaboration and learning. About 85% of businesses that generate large AI returns ensure close collaboration between AI experts and business teams. Also, 83% of high performers are advanced at developing and acquiring AI talent, and nearly nine out of 10 excel at providing non-data scientists with the skills and tools to use AI on their own. AI leaders are also more likely to have chief AI and analytics officers in place and multiple executives working together to lead AI initiatives. 5 2 3 55
  • 28. 28 / AI: from data to ROI Back to Contents Methodology ESI ThoughtLab conducted a comprehensive benchmarking survey of executives at 1,200 companies across 12 industries and 15 countries. It was carried out over the phone in March and April 2020. Respondents had superior or excellent knowledge of the use of AI within their organizations. A full 85% were C-level executives, and the rest report directly into the C-suite. The study examined AI investments, plans, practices and performance results at respondents’ organizations. It included quantitative questions to allow ESI ThoughtLab economists to develop a rigorous AI maturity framework, analyze performance results, benchmark practices, and measure the ROI on AI investments. Less than $1 billion $1–$5 billion $5-$10 billion $10–$20 billion $20–$50 billion Over $50 billion 19% 12% 25% 25% 13% 6% Respondents by industry Automotive 8% Energy/utilities 8% Investment 8% Life science 8% Banks 8% Healthcare 8% Manufacturing 8% Technology 8% Consumer 8% Insurance 8% Media 8% Telecom 8% Respondents by function Technology CIO, CTO, CDO 24% Finance CFO, CRO and investment 17% Management CEO, DOO 15% Marketing CMO, CPO, CCO 13% Direct report 8% Strategy innovation CSO, CIO 7% Other C-level CHRO, etc 7% Business head business units, divisions 7% Respondents by geographic region Asia Pacific 31% Australia China/Hong Kong SAR India Japan Singapore Europe 33% France Germany Netherlands Nordics* Switzerland UK Latin America 8% Brazil Mexico North America 27% Canada U.S. Percent of respondents by revenue (Percentages don’t always add to 100% due to rounding.)
  • 29. Back to Contents29 / AI: from data to ROI About the author Bret Greenstein Global Vice-President and Head of Digital Business AI Analytics Practice, Cognizant Bret Greenstein is Global Vice-President and Head of Cognizant Digital Business’s AI Analytics Practice, focusing on technology and business strategy, go-to-market and innovation, helping clients realize their potential through digital transformation. Prior to Cognizant, Bret led IBM Watson’s Internet of Things offerings, establishing new IoT products and services for the Industrial Internet of Things. He built his career in technology and business leadership across a range of roles throughout IBM in software, services, consulting, strategy and marketing, and served as IBM’s CIO for Asia-Pacific. He has worked globally in these roles, including living in China for five years, working with clients and transforming IBM’s IT environment. Bret holds patents in the area of collaboration systems. He holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and a master’s degree in manufacturing systems engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He can be reached at |
  • 30. World Headquarters 500 Frank W. Burr Blvd. Teaneck, NJ 07666 USA Phone: +1 201 801 0233 Fax: +1 201 801 0243 Toll Free: +1 888 937 3277 European Headquarters 1 Kingdom Street Paddington Central London W2 6BD England Phone: +44 (0) 20 7297 7600 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7121 0102 India Operations Headquarters #5/535 Old Mahabalipuram Road Okkiyam Pettai, Thoraipakkam Chennai, 600 096 India Phone: +91 (0) 44 4209 6000 Fax: +91 (0) 44 4209 6060 APAC Headquarters 1 Changi Business Park Crescent, Plaza 8@CBP # 07-04/05/06, Tower A, Singapore 486025 Phone: + 65 6812 4051 Fax: + 65 6324 4051 © Copyright 2020, Cognizant. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the express written permission from Cognizant. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Codex 5984 Learn More For more information and to find out more about Cognizant, visit About Cognizant Artificial Intelligence Practice As part of Cognizant Digital Business, Cognizant’s Artificial Intelligence Practice provides advanced data collection and management expertise, as well as artificial intelligence and analytics capabilities that help clients create highly personalized digital experiences, products and services at every touchpoint of the customer journey. Our AI solutions glean insights from data to inform decision-making, improve operations efficiencies and reduce costs. We apply Evolutionary AI, Conversational AI and decision support solutions built on machine learning, deep learning and advanced analytics techniques to help ourclients optimize their business/IT strategy, identify new growth areas and outperform the competition. To learn more, visit us at About Cognizant Cognizant (Nasdaq-100: CTSH) is one of the world’s leading professional services companies, transforming clients’ business, operating and technology models for the digital era. Our unique industry-based, consultative approach helps clients envision, build and run more innovative and efficient businesses. Headquartered in the U.S., Cognizant is ranked 194 on the Fortune 500 and is consistently listed among the most admired companies in the world. Learn how Cognizant helps clients lead with digital at or follow us @Cognizant. About ESI ThoughtLab ESI ThoughtLab is an innovative thought leadership firm that creates fresh thinking and actionable insights through rigorous research and evidence-based analysis. It specializes in using the latest quantitative and qualitative tools to examine the impact of technology on companies, cities, industries, and business performance. ESI ThoughtLab is the thought leadership arm of Econsult Solutions, a leading economic consultancy. The ESI ThoughtLab report “Driving ROI Through AI” was the source for the data and much of the analysis in this ebook. To learn more, visit