SlideShare a Scribd company logo
the good
the bad
the ugly
What’s the
Generally speaking, HTML has a
very limited set of interface
controls and interactions.
As the demand for rich
interactions has increased,
JavaScript has become our

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Automation Testing using Selenium
Automation Testing using SeleniumAutomation Testing using Selenium
Automation Testing using Selenium

Selenium is an open source browser automation tool used for automating web application testing. It supports recording and playback of test cases in multiple programming languages like Java, Python and Ruby. Selenium has several components like Selenium IDE for recording and playing back tests without coding, Selenium RC for running tests on remote machines, and Selenium Webdriver which allows directly controlling browser behavior without relying on external servers. Selenium Grid enables parallel execution of tests on different machines for faster test runs. Selenium is used by many companies for testing web applications and is useful for both functional and regression testing of websites and web apps.

software testingjavaselenium
Understanding and Supporting Web Accessibility
Understanding and Supporting Web AccessibilityUnderstanding and Supporting Web Accessibility
Understanding and Supporting Web Accessibility

Web accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of removing barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to, websites by people with disabilities. When your website is accessible, all users can access your content and functionality no matter their abilities. Visually-impaired users can visit your website using a screen reader. Those who can’t use a mouse can navigate your site using a keyboard or other input device. Most accessibility features will also improve your SEO. When your site is inaccessible, research shows you could be excluding up to 20 percent of your users. This talk will cover the basics of accessibility, why it’s important, and how you can support accessibility in your projects.


Selenium is an open source tool for automating web application testing. It supports recording and playback of test cases in multiple programming languages and browsers. There are four main variants of Selenium: Selenium IDE for recording and playback directly in a browser, Selenium Remote Control for running tests on a Selenium server, Selenium Grid for parallel testing, and Selenium Core which runs tests directly in a browser using JavaScript. Selenium tests can be run on multiple platforms and browsers.

JavaScript provides us with
many things including:
dynamic interactions:
such as drag and drop, resizing,
hide and show, open and shut,
switch views etc.
widgets and components:
such as modals, in-page tabs,
date pickers, page loaders,
sliders etc.
However, many of dynamic
interactions and widgets are
problematic for Assistive

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QSpiders - Automation using Selenium
QSpiders - Automation using SeleniumQSpiders - Automation using Selenium
QSpiders - Automation using Selenium

The document discusses automation testing using Selenium. It provides an overview of Selenium, including what it is, its components like Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium Grid, and Selenium WebDriver. It explains the features and advantages of each component. Selenium is an open source tool that allows automated testing of web applications across different browsers and platforms. It supports recording and playback of tests and can help reduce testing time and costs through automation.

Automation Testing by Selenium Web Driver
Automation Testing by Selenium Web DriverAutomation Testing by Selenium Web Driver
Automation Testing by Selenium Web Driver

Automation testing can be performed using Selenium WebDriver which provides advantages like frequent regression testing, rapid feedback to developers, and finding defects missed by manual testing. Selenium has evolved over time, initially starting as a project called WebDriver at Google to solve Selenium's pain points. It now supports various browsers and locators can be used to identify elements on the page for automation.

cuelogicselenium testingselenium web driver
Cross Browser Testing Using LambdaTest | Edureka
Cross Browser Testing Using LambdaTest | EdurekaCross Browser Testing Using LambdaTest | Edureka
Cross Browser Testing Using LambdaTest | Edureka

** Selenium Certification Training: ** ** LambdaTest: ** This Edureka PPT on Cross Browser Testing will talk about what is cross-browser compatibility, its need and how to perform cross-browser testing using lambda test application. What is Cross Browser Compatibility? Why do you need Cross Browser Testing? How to perform Cross Browser testing? Lambda test application Selenium playlist: Selenium Blog playlist: Follow us to never miss an update in the future. Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn:

cross browser compatibility testing using lambda tcross browser compatibilitycross browser compatibility testing
Assistive Technologies may not
be aware of content that has
been updated after the initial
page has loaded.
Many widgets are not accessible
for keyboard-only users.
ARIA to the
WAI: Web Accessibility Initiative
ARIA: Accessible Rich Internet

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Geb presentation
Geb presentationGeb presentation
Geb presentation

GEB - very groovy browser automation Full presentation:

Cross Site Scripting - Mozilla Security Learning Center
Cross Site Scripting - Mozilla Security Learning CenterCross Site Scripting - Mozilla Security Learning Center
Cross Site Scripting - Mozilla Security Learning Center

This document discusses cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. It covers the business risks of XSS, including account compromise and malware installation. It explains how XSS works by giving an example of a reflected XSS attack. It then discusses different XSS attack points and variations. The document outlines mitigation techniques like output encoding and content security policies. It provides examples of how these defenses work to prevent XSS exploits. Finally, it discusses tools like the OWASP XSS prevention cheat sheet and upcoming security training sessions.

Accessibility Testing Using Screen Readers
Accessibility Testing Using Screen ReadersAccessibility Testing Using Screen Readers
Accessibility Testing Using Screen Readers

This document discusses how to use screen readers to test for accessibility. It provides an overview of screen readers, describes their main interaction modes (virtual/browse mode, forms/focus mode, application mode), and demonstrates how to test web content using these modes. It also provides an example of accessibility testing an interaction design concept for a checkbox with associated help text, and improving the code based on screen reader interactions.

WAI-ARIA allows us to use HTML
attributes to define the role,
states and properties of
specific HTML elements.
what is it?
Is it a widget (menu, slider,
progress bar etc.) or an
important type of element
(heading, region, table, form etc.)
what is the current
state of the widget?
Is it checked, disabled etc.
what are the
properties of the widget?
Does it have live regions, does
it have relationships with other
elements, etc?

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Cross site scripting attacks and defenses
Cross site scripting attacks and defensesCross site scripting attacks and defenses
Cross site scripting attacks and defenses

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is an injection attack where malicious scripts are injected into otherwise trusted sites. There are three main types of XSS attacks: reflected XSS occurs via URLs, stored XSS occurs when scripts are stored in a database and delivered to users, and DOM-based XSS modifies the DOM environment. XSS attacks can lead to issues like session hijacking, phishing, and port scanning. Developers can prevent XSS by validating and encoding untrusted data, and using HTTP-only and secure flags for cookies.

reflected xssweb securityxss

This document provides information about Selenium, an open source automated testing tool. It discusses the history and development of Selenium, including the core Selenium library, WebDriver, and various Selenium tools. It describes the Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, WebDriver, and Grid tools. It explains common Selenium commands and locators used in the IDE. Finally, it provides examples of Selenium test scripts written in Java.

Cross Site Scripting Going Beyond the Alert Box
Cross Site Scripting Going Beyond the Alert BoxCross Site Scripting Going Beyond the Alert Box
Cross Site Scripting Going Beyond the Alert Box

The document discusses cross-site scripting (XSS) flaws that occur when untrusted user data is included on a webpage without validation or encoding. XSS allows attackers to execute scripts in a victim's browser by tricking them into visiting a malicious website. The document provides examples of XSS payloads and links to learn more about prevention and filters.

owasptop 10cybersecurity
ARIA also provides keyboard
navigation methods for the web
objects and events.
keyboard navigation
Things to avoid
Don’t use ARIA unless you
really need to.

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Selenium WebDriver with Java
Selenium WebDriver with JavaSelenium WebDriver with Java
Selenium WebDriver with Java

In this quality assurance training session, you will learn Selenium WebDriver Testing. Topics covered in this course are: • Overview of Selenium WebDriver • Get Selenium WebDriver Java • Selenium – JAVA Configuration • WebDriver in Different Browsers • Open Application • Browser Settings • Locating Elements • Object Identification Methods • Locator ID, Name • Locators –LinkText, partialLinkText, CSS, CSS • Accessing different objects in application • Switch Window • Wait in WebDriver • Verifications • WebTable To know more, visit this link:

qa trainingonline qa trainingquality assurance training
Specification-By-Example with Gherkin
Specification-By-Example with GherkinSpecification-By-Example with Gherkin
Specification-By-Example with Gherkin

Many teams struggle with the implementation of user story acceptance criteria and having a shared understanding about the expected story outcomes. This often results in missed stakeholder expectations, ad-hoc assumptions made by the team during implementation and conflict between team members and the product owner around testing. This session shows how specification-by-example and acceptance test driven development will address team conflict, missed stakeholder expectations and overall increasing the level of clarity on the project end-to-end. The presentation will cover the theory behind ATDD and case-studies and practical experience from real projects. The talk was held at the ALM summit 3 in Redmond, January 2013. Recording of the talk can be found here:

Software Quality Assurance
Software Quality AssuranceSoftware Quality Assurance
Software Quality Assurance

This document discusses software quality assurance (SQA). It notes that SQA should be fully utilized to trace errors cost-effectively. SQA is important for business survival and helps companies release applications to users by tracing the roots of problems, providing flexible solutions, and enabling better customer service and innovation. The document outlines SQA principles like feedback, evolution, quality control, and persistence. It also discusses SQA activities, tools, planning, and standards.

“If you can use a native HTML element
[HTML5] or attribute with the semantics
and behaviour you require already built
in, instead of re-purposing an element
and adding an ARIA role, state or
property to make it accessible, then do
Steve Faulkner:
Where possible, use correct
semantic HTML elements.
Don’t use ARIA as a quick-fix.
<!-­‐-­‐  avoid  this  if  possible  -­‐-­‐>  
<span  role="button">...</span>  
<!-­‐-­‐  this  is  preferred  -­‐-­‐>  
<button  type="button">...</button>
If you must
use aria

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Bug life cycle
Bug life cycleBug life cycle
Bug life cycle

BugRaptors provide Software testing is entirely about finding defects in applications, right? Apparently, this can be considered as the principal goal of all the QA practices. However, all the defects diverge from each other. It cannot be stated if some are more important than others, yet it’s possible to locate and fix them all.

the severity of bugstage of bug life cyclethe priority of bug
Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)
Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)
Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)

The document provides an overview of the OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP), an open-source web application security scanner. It discusses how ZAP can be used to automatically find vulnerabilities during development and testing. The document covers how to install ZAP and use its features like passive scanning, spidering, active scanning, fuzzing and brute forcing to analyze vulnerabilities. It also discusses ZAP's advantages in identifying issues and providing solutions, and potential disadvantages like lack of authentication.

zed attack proxyowasp zed attack proxyzap features
Estrategias de porter
Estrategias de porterEstrategias de porter
Estrategias de porter

El documento describe el análisis FODA como una herramienta para examinar las fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas de una organización. Explica que el análisis FODA consta de dos partes: interna, que evalúa las fortalezas y debilidades; y externa, que analiza las oportunidades y amenazas del entorno. También describe los cinco factores clave del entorno de acuerdo al modelo de Porter: amenaza de nuevos competidores, rivalidad entre competidores existentes, poder de proveed

1. Alert users to the widget or
elements role (button, checkbox
2. Alert users to the properties
and relationships of the
element (disabled, required,
other labels etc).
3. Alert users to the original
state of the element (checked,
unchecked etc).
4. Alert users to changes in
state of the element (now
checked etc)

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Training Schrijven voor het Web
Training Schrijven voor het WebTraining Schrijven voor het Web
Training Schrijven voor het Web

Training schrijven voor het web

1ºBACH ECONOMÍA Repaso temas 5 6-7 (gh23)
1ºBACH ECONOMÍA Repaso temas 5 6-7 (gh23)1ºBACH ECONOMÍA Repaso temas 5 6-7 (gh23)
1ºBACH ECONOMÍA Repaso temas 5 6-7 (gh23)

Este documento explica los conceptos básicos de la demanda y la oferta. Resume que la curva de demanda muestra la relación negativa entre el precio y la cantidad demandada de un bien, mientras que la curva de oferta muestra la relación positiva entre el precio y la cantidad ofrecida. También describe los factores que afectan a la demanda y la oferta, así como los tipos de modificaciones que pueden ocurrir a las curvas (movimientos y desplazamientos).

Error messages
Error messagesError messages
Error messages

The document provides tips for writing effective error messages that do not blame the user but take responsibility, speak in plain language the user understands, specifically identify the problem, try to fix it if possible, give clear instructions, and communicate that the problem is being taken seriously. It also includes further reading on designing helpful error messages.

5. Make sure widgets are
keyboard accessible (including
predictable focus).
What is
Let’s look at a simple
In a web application, you want a
simple notification to appear at
the top of the page when a user
completes a task.

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Análisis situacional integral de salud final
 Análisis situacional integral de salud final Análisis situacional integral de salud final
Análisis situacional integral de salud final

Este documento presenta las directrices para realizar un Análisis Situacional Integral de Salud (ASIS) en Ecuador. El ASIS es una herramienta que permite caracterizar la situación de salud de una población y analizar los determinantes sociales que afectan la salud. El proceso del ASIS incluye producir un diagnóstico situacional inicial, conformar un comité local de salud, priorizar problemas, elaborar un plan local de salud, e implementar y dar seguimiento al plan. El objetivo es mejorar la gestión de salud a través de la particip

PMP Sonora Saludable 2010 2015
PMP Sonora Saludable 2010   2015  PMP Sonora Saludable 2010   2015
PMP Sonora Saludable 2010 2015

El programa sectorial de Salud del gobierno del estado de Sonora 2009-2015. Para cotejar lo propuesto aquí vs realizaciones.


El documento discute los riesgos del embarazo en la adolescencia, incluyendo depresión y estrés. El embarazo en la adolescencia puede conducir a complicaciones de salud para la madre y el bebé. La depresión durante el embarazo se asocia con resultados negativos como bajo peso al nacer. El estrés también puede afectar la salud del bebé. El documento justifica una investigación sobre los niveles de depresión, estrés y número de estresores en adolescentes embarazadas, y cómo esto puede variar según su estado

Well done! Your changes have been saved
This dynamically inserted
notification can cause two
problems for screen readers.
Screen readers “buffer” pages as
they are loaded. Any content that
is added after this time many not
be picked up by the screen
problem 1:
Screen readers can only focus
on one part of the page at a time.
If something changes on another
area of the page, screen
readers may not pick this up.
problem 2:

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1ºBACH Economía Tema 5 Oferta y demanda
1ºBACH Economía Tema 5 Oferta y demanda1ºBACH Economía Tema 5 Oferta y demanda
1ºBACH Economía Tema 5 Oferta y demanda

Este documento contiene información sobre conceptos económicos como demanda, oferta, curvas de demanda y oferta, y factores que afectan la demanda y la oferta. Incluye correos electrónicos, enlaces a blogs, tablas y gráficos explicativos. Aborda temas como la ley de la demanda decreciente, la curva de demanda individual y de mercado, y los factores que pueden causar desplazamientos o movimientos a lo largo de las curvas de demanda y oferta.

Tears In The Rain
Tears In The RainTears In The Rain
Tears In The Rain

The poem is about hiding tears and sadness from a parting lover by pretending the tears are just rain. The speaker is saying goodbye but will appear unaffected because "you can't see tears in the rain." They will cry in vain and the other person will never know their pain or see that it matters to them. The rain provides cover for the speaker's true emotions as they turn the page and let go of the relationship.

Onderzoeksrapport acrs v3.0_definitief
Onderzoeksrapport acrs v3.0_definitiefOnderzoeksrapport acrs v3.0_definitief
Onderzoeksrapport acrs v3.0_definitief

Onderzoeksrapportage nav onderzoek onder ouderen in Zoetermeer. Hierbij is het concept "actieve wachtkamer" ontwikkeld.

zoetermeerdesign thinkingouderen
The aria-live attribute allows us
to notify screen readers when
content is updated in specific
areas of a page.
How is
aria-live applied?
We can apply the aria-live
attribute to any HTML element.
<div  aria-­‐live="polite">  

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Como hacer un plan de negocios
Como hacer un plan de negociosComo hacer un plan de negocios
Como hacer un plan de negocios

Este plan de negocios describe una compañía que ofrece [PRODUCTO O SERVICIO]. Detalla el mercado, la competencia y la estrategia de marketing. El equipo de administración tiene experiencia relevante. Se requiere capital para establecer operaciones y alcanzar las metas de ventas proyectadas en los primeros años. De ser exitoso, este negocio podría [BENEFICIO FINAL].

Schrijven voor het web
Schrijven voor het webSchrijven voor het web
Schrijven voor het web

Workshop schrijvenvoor

Evidence: Describing my kitchen. ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA.
Evidence: Describing my kitchen. ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA.Evidence: Describing my kitchen. ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA.
Evidence: Describing my kitchen. ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA.

Evidence: Describing my kitchen. SENA. ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA. 3. describing my kitchen. ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. activity 3 week 1. ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. actividad 3 semana 1. ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2.

evidence: describing my kitchen. sena.english dot works 2. sena. 3. describing my kitcheactivity 3 week 1.english dot works 2.
If we then use JavaScript to
inject/hide/show content within
this element screen readers will
be made aware of any DOM
changes within that element.
<div  aria-­‐live="polite">  
   <!-­‐-­‐  Dynamic  content  -­‐-­‐>  
There are three possible values
for aria-live:

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Estrategias competitivas básicas
Estrategias competitivas básicasEstrategias competitivas básicas
Estrategias competitivas básicas

Este manual describe las estrategias competitivas básicas para las empresas. Explica los componentes de la estrategia, incluidas las actividades primarias y secundarias. Luego describe varias estrategias genéricas como el liderazgo en costos, la diferenciación y la segmentación. También cubre estrategias a lo largo del ciclo de vida de la industria, estrategias de crecimiento y evaluación de la estrategia. El objetivo es ayudar a las empresas a desarrollar e implementar estrategias efectivas.

Cápsula 1. estudios de mercado
Cápsula 1. estudios de mercadoCápsula 1. estudios de mercado
Cápsula 1. estudios de mercado

El documento presenta una introducción al manual de estudios de mercado. Explica que la investigación de mercados proporciona datos sobre el mercado para ayudar a la dirección a adoptar una orientación al mercado. Luego describe brevemente los diferentes tipos de investigación (exploratoria, descriptiva y causal) y sus objetivos respectivos. Finalmente, indica que la investigación de mercados es una herramienta poderosa para la toma de decisiones a corto y largo plazo cuya misión principal es obtener información para reducir riesgos.

Rodriguez alvarez
Rodriguez alvarezRodriguez alvarez
Rodriguez alvarez

Este documento presenta una tesis profesional sobre la calidad en el servicio al cliente en una empresa química industrial. En la introducción, se describe brevemente el objetivo de evaluar la calidad del servicio al cliente en esta empresa. El capítulo 1 revisa conceptos clave sobre la calidad como la historia, definiciones, y sistemas de calidad. El capítulo 2 explora el servicio y satisfacción al cliente. El capítulo 3 presenta un estudio de caso para evaluar el servicio al cliente interno en la empresa química. La tesis concluye con recom

<div  aria-­‐live="off">  
Assistive technologies should
not announce updates unless
the assistive technology is
currently focused on that region.
Can be used for information that
is not critical for users to know
about immediately.

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2. describing cities and places. ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA. semana 4 acitivda...
2. describing cities and places. ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA. semana 4 acitivda...2. describing cities and places. ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA. semana 4 acitivda...
2. describing cities and places. ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA. semana 4 acitivda...

Evidence: describing cities and places.ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA. ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. semana 4 acitivdad 2.ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. week 4 acitivty 2. ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2.

english dot works 2. semana 4 acitivdad 2evidence: describing cities and places.english dotsena. english dot works 2
3.Evidence: Getting to Bogota.ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA.semana 4 actividad 3.
3.Evidence: Getting to Bogota.ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA.semana 4 actividad 3.3.Evidence: Getting to Bogota.ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA.semana 4 actividad 3.
3.Evidence: Getting to Bogota.ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA.semana 4 actividad 3.

vidence: Getting to Bogota / Evidencia: Llegando a Bogotá. ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA. ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. semana 4 actividad 3.ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. week 4 activity 3.ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA.

getting to bogotaevidence: getting to bogotaevidence: getting to bog
Evidence: Going to the restaurant . ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA.
Evidence: Going to the restaurant . ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA.Evidence: Going to the restaurant . ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA.
Evidence: Going to the restaurant . ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA.

El documento describe una conversación entre un mesero y dos clientes en un restaurante. El mesero les da la bienvenida y les muestra su mesa. Les entrega los menús y toma su orden, que incluye espaguetis de mariscos, una hamburguesa y papas fritas, una Coca-Cola y agua. Luego les trae la comida y les pregunta cómo estuvo todo, a lo que responden que estaba delicioso. Uno de los clientes pide papas fritas adicionales. Al final, el mesero les trae

evidence: going to the restaurant . english dot woactivity 2 week 1. evidence: going to the restauraactividad 2 semana 1. evidence: going to the resta
<div  aria-­‐live="polite">  
Assistive technologies should
announce updates at the next
graceful opportunity (eg end of
current sentence).
Can be used for warning
notifications that users may
need to know.

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Evidence: I can’t believe it.ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. semana 3 actividad 1.SENA.
Evidence: I can’t believe it.ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. semana 3 actividad 1.SENA.Evidence: I can’t believe it.ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. semana 3 actividad 1.SENA.
Evidence: I can’t believe it.ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. semana 3 actividad 1.SENA.

Evidence: I can’t believe it.ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. SENA. ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. semana 3 actividad 1.ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. week 3 activity 1.ENGLISH DOT WORKS 2. Evidence: I can’t believe it. SENA.

evidence: i can’t believe it.i can’t believe itevidence: i can’t believe it. sena.
Making JavaScript Accessible
Making JavaScript AccessibleMaking JavaScript Accessible
Making JavaScript Accessible

Presented by Dennis Lembree at the BayJax - The Bay Area Ajax and JavaScript Meetup, June 15, 2010, Yahoo! HQ, Sunnyvale, CA.

javascript accessible ajax aria a11y keyboard web
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / AccessU 2018
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / AccessU 2018WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / AccessU 2018
WAI-ARIA An introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications / AccessU 2018

This document provides an introduction to Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA). It discusses the need for ARIA to make complex web applications accessible, common ARIA roles and attributes, and best practices for using ARIA. Key points include: ARIA defines roles, states and properties to convey semantics to assistive technologies; common roles include buttons, toggles, and landmarks; and the five rules of ARIA use emphasize using native HTML when possible and ensuring interactive elements are keyboard accessible.

<div  aria-­‐live="assertive">  
Assistive technologies should
announce updates
Should only be used if the
interruption is imperative for
users to know immediately
such as error alerts.
Where can
we use

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An Introduction to WAI-ARIA
An Introduction to WAI-ARIAAn Introduction to WAI-ARIA
An Introduction to WAI-ARIA

Parallel session on 'An Introduction to WAI-ARIA' given by Dan Jackson, City University at the Institutional Web Management Workshop 2009, University of Essex, 28 - 30 July 2009. See and

Building accessible web components without tears
Building accessible web components without tearsBuilding accessible web components without tears
Building accessible web components without tears

Slides from #Respond16, Sydney Melbourne 2016 So, you've built an amazing new web application. It uses all the latest frameworks and libraries. It's beautiful to behold. But is it accessible? Many web applications these days are built on top of pre-existing frameworks or code bases and there is little thought to how well these components will work for different assistive devices. This talk will look at a range of common application components and how they can be made accessible - quickly and easily - for all users. We'll look at how to notify users when changing the DOM after page load. We will also look in-depth at accessible form validation, modal windows, drop-down menus, in-page tabs and other commonly used we components. You will leave this talk ready and eager to enhance your application, and in the process, make it available to entirely new audiences.

ARIA and JavaScript Accessibility
ARIA and JavaScript AccessibilityARIA and JavaScript Accessibility
ARIA and JavaScript Accessibility

An introduction to basic ARIA principles, for use in accessible web applications, especially with dynamic JavaScript. Topics include when to use ARIA, what it can accomplish, keyboard interaction patterns, AJAX, tabpanel widget, the accessibility inspector, and how ARIA emulates native applications, using the accessibility API.

javascriptariaweb accessibility
The aria-live attribute can be
used for any page regions that
are likely to get updates after
the initial page is loaded.
Success alerts! Your changes are saved
Info alerts! Some info to be aware of
Warning alerts! Something has changed
Error alerts! Fix the error and try again
Alert messages
Dynamic stock info
Dynamic RSS feeds

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Vaadin codemotion 2014
Vaadin codemotion 2014Vaadin codemotion 2014
Vaadin codemotion 2014

Productive UI development in Java with Vaadin Codemotion 2014 (Madrid) Vaadin is a popular web framework that combines web and Java platforms in an unique way. Writing an application that lazily loads large amounts of data from the server, includes drag-and-drop, keyboard navigation and compelling visualizations should not require writing any HTML, JavaScript or designing a REST API. All you need to do is write a component based UI in Java or any other JVM based language. The presentation gives an overview to Vaadin and explains how it works. We'll also discuss on what are the latest new features of Vaadin and how the roadmap looks. The session should give you everything you need to get started building your own apps with the free Apache-licensed Vaadin. Furthermore, we explore the ways of combining the server- and client-side development models. The goal is to be able to use the best of the both models and provide a flexible basis for building high quality user interfaces for enterprise applications.

vaadin codemotion codemotion_es
The Audio User Experience for Widgets
The Audio User Experience for WidgetsThe Audio User Experience for Widgets
The Audio User Experience for Widgets

This presentation covers the basics of how users of screen readers interact with widgets. The goals of this presentation are: 1) Make you comfortable enough with using screen readers so that you have a basic understanding of the types of information users need/expect to hear for widgets. 2) Make you familiar with the common keyboard patterns used for existing widgets on the web and the desktop. Use the information in this presentation as a foundation for implementing expected keyboard shortcuts for custom widgets as well as for learning how test custom widgets you develop for the web using JavaScript.

Building Accessible Web Components
Building Accessible Web ComponentsBuilding Accessible Web Components
Building Accessible Web Components

This talk will look at a range of common application components and how they can be made accessible - quickly and easily - for all users. We'll look at how to notify users when changing the DOM after page load. We will also look in-depth at accessible form validation, modal windows and adding additional information for screen reader users.

Date pickers
Sortable tables
Avoid misuse
The aria-live attribute should not
be used for dynamic content
that is non-critical, or just adds
additional “noise” for assistive

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Applet Architecture - Introducing Java Applets
Applet Architecture - Introducing Java AppletsApplet Architecture - Introducing Java Applets
Applet Architecture - Introducing Java Applets

- Applets are small Java applications that run within web browsers. They are embedded in HTML pages and can interact with the user. - Applets follow an event-driven model where the AWT notifies the applet of user interactions. The applet then takes action and returns control to the AWT. - The applet lifecycle includes init(), start(), stop(), and destroy() methods that are called at different points as the applet loads and runs within the browser.

Migrating Beyond Java 8
Migrating Beyond Java 8Migrating Beyond Java 8
Migrating Beyond Java 8

Video recording: Learn about the breaking changes that went into Java since Java 8 and tools to help you find migration issues when migrating from Java 8 to Java 11 and later.


This document provides instructions for verifying basic operations and functionality in RenderWare Studio. It outlines steps for setting up the user's environment, including getting the latest files from Perforce, updating RenderWare Studio and Neo builds from Bootstrapper, and selecting the correct project configuration in Neo. It also includes test cases for the RenderWare Studio basics and for creating a level in The Godfather game.

Working on a recent project with
James (Brothercake) Edwards,
we needed to test how aria-live
performed across different
screen readers.
We built different pages for “off”,
“polite” and “assertive”. Each
page had a message that would
automatically be triggered 10
seconds after page load.
This automatic trigger was
important as we wanted to
observe screen reader behaviour
when in the middle of
announcing content on a
different area of the page.

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Lightning Talk: JavaScript Error Handling
Lightning Talk: JavaScript Error HandlingLightning Talk: JavaScript Error Handling
Lightning Talk: JavaScript Error Handling

Thoughts on why JavaScript Error Handling and Monitoring in production is hard, and ways to make development and debugging easier, which means a higher quality web app for your customers.

openMIC barcamp 11.02.2010
openMIC barcamp 11.02.2010openMIC barcamp 11.02.2010
openMIC barcamp 11.02.2010

This document compares native applications, web applications, and widgets for mobile devices. Native applications have direct access to device features but must be developed for each platform. Web applications can be written once and deployed anywhere but run inside the browser without direct device access. Widgets combine the cross-platform capabilities of web applications with the ability to access device features and run standalone like native applications.

html5 css3 widget widgets mobile
Best free tools for win database admin
Best free tools for win database adminBest free tools for win database admin
Best free tools for win database admin

This document provides an overview of free tools for Windows desktop administration. It discusses tools for server and security such as Process Explorer for process monitoring, Memtest86 for memory testing, WSName for renaming computers, and KeePass for password management. Additionally, it covers file and disk tools like Diskeeper Disk Performance Analyzer for analyzing disk fragmentation, as well as network monitoring and troubleshooting tools such as the PSTools from Sysinternals for remote administration tasks. The document provides download links for all the tools discussed.

three tests
Is the newly inserted message
announced immediately when
triggered - while screen reader
is silent?
Test 1:
Is the newly inserted message
announced immediately when
triggered - while screen reader
is currently announcing other
Test 2:
Is the newly inserted message
announced when navigated to?
Test 3:

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Best free tools for w d a
Best free tools for w d aBest free tools for w d a
Best free tools for w d a

This document provides an overview of free tools for Windows desktop administration. It discusses tools for server and security such as Process Explorer for process monitoring, Memtest86 for memory testing, WSName for renaming computers, and KeePass for password management. Additionally, it covers file and disk tools like Diskeeper Disk Performance Analyzer for analyzing disk fragmentation, as well as network monitoring and troubleshooting tools such as the PSTools from Sysinternals for remote administration tasks. The document provides download links for all the tools discussed.

Phonegap Development & Debugging
Phonegap Development & DebuggingPhonegap Development & Debugging
Phonegap Development & Debugging

Mobile applications Development - Lecture 9 LAB PhoneGap Development Environment Debugging PhoneGap Applications This presentation has been developed in the context of the Mobile Applications Development course at the Computer Science Department of the University of L’Aquila (Italy).

mobile applicationsmobile application developmentmobile applications development
Making RIAs Accessible - Spring Break 2008
Making RIAs Accessible - Spring Break 2008Making RIAs Accessible - Spring Break 2008
Making RIAs Accessible - Spring Break 2008

This document discusses making rich internet applications (RIAs) accessible. It explains that RIAs can be either DOM-based or plugin-based, and the challenges each presents for accessibility. DOM-based RIAs can more easily be made accessible by updating the DOM, while plugin-based RIAs require established interfaces to communicate with assistive technologies. The document also covers regulatory compliance standards, best practices like WAI-ARIA, considerations for screen readers, and current accessibility testing suites for different RIA types.

browsers /
screen readers
IE 11
NVDA 2014.4 and JAWS 16
Chrome 39
NVDA 2014.4 and JAWS 16
Firefox 34
NVDA 2014.4 and JAWS 16
Chrome 39
Firefox 34
Safari 7

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User Tracking with Google Analytics and how it survives the break of the Glo...
 User Tracking with Google Analytics and how it survives the break of the Glo... User Tracking with Google Analytics and how it survives the break of the Glo...
User Tracking with Google Analytics and how it survives the break of the Glo...

With user tracking you will be able to know how your user is behaving on the page, what he is doing, in addition to access reports and statistics by google analytics. In this talk, I will show how was the evolution of user tracking (using google analytics), since the break of Globosat Play monolith and how to track the user across multiple systems without repetitions code, centralizing all the tracking logic in one place, monitoring the events and actions in different project pages (services). It will also be addressed part of validations and tests to ensure the proper functioning of all this metrics. ========= Com o monitoramento do usuário, você pode saber como o seu usuário está se comportando em sua página, o que ele está fazendo, além de poder gerar relatórios e estatisticas usando google analytics. Nessa palestra, eu vou mostrar a evolução do monitoramento do usuário (usando google analytics), desde a quebra do monolíto do Globosat Play e como monitorar o usuário entre os micro serviços, sem repetição de codigo, centralizando toda a logica em um unico lugar, monitorando os eventos e ações em diferentes páginas (serviços). Vou também abordar parte da validação e testes que garantem o funcionamento dessas métricas.

google analyticsmonolithmonolito
Accessibility: A Journey to Accessible Rich Components
Accessibility: A Journey to Accessible Rich ComponentsAccessibility: A Journey to Accessible Rich Components
Accessibility: A Journey to Accessible Rich Components

Accessibility on the web can be a complex enigma to many web developers and designers. Achievers knows this first hand and in this talk Jason will cover how we approached making a large platform like Achievers accessible. He will also briefly cover some accessibility basics before digging into the journey of making our rich UI components accessible. Jason Jang has been building websites since tables were all the rage. Along the way he's designed and developed both as a freelancer, and at various advertising agencies. His 10+ year journey landed him at Achievers where he's tackling the platform's accessibility by the horns.

Accessibility of HTML5 and Rich Internet Applications - CSUN 2012
Accessibility of HTML5 and Rich Internet Applications - CSUN 2012Accessibility of HTML5 and Rich Internet Applications - CSUN 2012
Accessibility of HTML5 and Rich Internet Applications - CSUN 2012

This document summarizes a presentation on the accessibility of HTML5 and rich internet applications. It discusses how ARIA roles, properties, and live regions can be used to make dynamic and interactive content accessible. It provides examples of how to make buttons, trees, grids, forms, dialogs, and live regions accessible. It emphasizes proper labeling, keyboard support, and ways to handle updates and alerts.

“off” results
Newly inserted message should
not be announced when screen
reader is silent.
“off” page - test 1
IE 11 (Win)
Chrome 39 (Win)
Firefox 34 (Win)
Chrome 39 (OSX)
Firefox 34 (OSX)
Safari 7 (OSX)
test 1 results
Newly inserted message should
not be announced when screen
reader is currently announcing
other content.
“off” page - test 2

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Accessible chat windows
Accessible chat windowsAccessible chat windows
Accessible chat windows

This presentation will look at how to build accessible chat windows. Along the way we will explore: how they differ from traditional modals, how to manage focus, how to manage dynamically updating content for assistive technologies and more. The session is designed for developers and coders.

Accessible names & descriptions
Accessible names & descriptionsAccessible names & descriptions
Accessible names & descriptions

A detailed look at how accessible names and descriptions are calculated using the W3C's formal standards.

A deep dive into accessible names
A deep dive into accessible namesA deep dive into accessible names
A deep dive into accessible names

This presentation for AllyCamp 2020, looks at accessible names, how they are exposed in the browsers accessibility tree, and their importance to assistive technologies. There is also a deep dive into simple examples, advanced examples using ARIA, and an overview of the W3C's Accessible Name and Description Computation.

IE 11 (Win)
Chrome 39 (Win)
Firefox 34 (Win)
Chrome 39 (OSX)
Firefox 34 (OSX)
Safari 7 (OSX)
test 2 results
Newly inserted message should
be announced when navigated
to by screen reader.
“off” page - test 3
IE 11 (Win)
Chrome 39 (Win)
Firefox 34 (Win)
Chrome 39 (OSX)
Firefox 34 (OSX)
Safari 7 (OSX)
test 3 results
did not announce the message
when navigated to.

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What are accessible names and why should you care?
What are accessible names and why should you care?What are accessible names and why should you care?
What are accessible names and why should you care?

This presentation will look at accessible names, how they are exposed in the browsers accessibility tree, and their importance to assistive technologies. There will be a deep dive into simple examples, advanced examples using ARIA, and an overview of the W3C's Accessible Name and Description Computation.

How to build accessible UI components
How to build accessible UI componentsHow to build accessible UI components
How to build accessible UI components

This presentation was fro the AllyBtyes event on 21 May 2020. The presentations looks at a pattern for building or reviewing any new UI component – semantics, focusable, keyboard interaction, visible states, accessible name and relationships.

What is WCAG 2 and why should we care?
What is WCAG 2 and why should we care?What is WCAG 2 and why should we care?
What is WCAG 2 and why should we care?

A presentation for IAG staff for the "Future is here" event on 6 May 20202. This presentation covers three topics - "What are our legal responsibilities around accessibility?", "What is WCAG?", and "What is inclusive design?"

“polite” results
Newly inserted message should
be announced when the screen
reader is silent.
“polite” page - test 1
IE 11 (Win)
Chrome 39 (Win)
Firefox 34 (Win)
Chrome 39 (OSX)
Firefox 34 (OSX)
Safari 7 (OSX)
test 1 results
did not announce the message
when the screen reader was

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Accessible states in Design Systems
Accessible states in Design SystemsAccessible states in Design Systems
Accessible states in Design Systems

The document discusses user interface states and provides examples of how states can be systematically defined across different UI components. It defines what states are and provides examples like visited, focus, hover, active, disabled, invalid, checked/selected states. It emphasizes the importance of defining states for all interactive elements, including custom elements, to ensure usability. It also stresses the importance of maintaining consistent state styling across a design system through the use of a state table that defines how each state should appear for different common UI elements like links, buttons, forms, tabs etc. This helps establish visual consistency and maintainability.

Creating accessible modals and autocompletes
Creating accessible modals and autocompletesCreating accessible modals and autocompletes
Creating accessible modals and autocompletes

In this two-part presentation, Russ will guide us on a deep dive into how to create accessible modals and accessible autocomplete search functions. Along the way, we will look at the problem for different types of users as well as explore how ARIA can be used to improve these experiences. There will be blood, sweat and tears (Russ' words!) but hopefully a happy outcome for all. Presentation for the Sydney Web Accessibility & Inclusive Design - 30 August 2019

Building an accessible progressive loader
Building an accessible progressive loaderBuilding an accessible progressive loader
Building an accessible progressive loader

This presentation for A11y Bytes May 2019, takes you through how to mark up a progress loader using the progress element. Then, eight tips for making the progress loader accessible.

Newly inserted message should
not be announced when screen
reader is currently announcing
other content, but should be
announced at the next available
“polite” page - test 2
IE 11 (Win)
Chrome 39 (Win)
Firefox 34 (Win)
Chrome 39 (OSX)
Firefox 34 (OSX)
Safari 7 (OSX)
test 2 results
did not announce the message
at the next available pause.
Newly inserted message should
be announced when navigated
to by screen reader.
“polite” page - test 3

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Accessibility in Design systems - the pain and glory
Accessibility in Design systems - the pain and gloryAccessibility in Design systems - the pain and glory
Accessibility in Design systems - the pain and glory

Slides from CodeHeart Design 2018: Building a design system is a painful enough, but how do you add accessibility into the mix? Is it an "up-at-dawn, pride-swallowing siege", or can it become part of the normal work flow. We'll look at accessibility for different roles - such as UX, UI and devs, as well as where accessibility should be injected into the process.

Accessible Inline errors messages
Accessible Inline errors messagesAccessible Inline errors messages
Accessible Inline errors messages

This document discusses making inline error messages accessible for assistive technologies like screen readers. It provides 4 methods for programmatically associating error messages with form fields: 1) wrapping the label, 2) using aria-describedby, 3) aria-labelledby, and 4) the newer aria-errormessage. It also recommends using aria-invalid to indicate the validation state and aria-live to announce changes for screen reader users. The goal is to ensure error messages are announced and read aloud as part of the form interaction for assistive technology users.

Accessible Form Hints and Errors
Accessible Form Hints and ErrorsAccessible Form Hints and Errors
Accessible Form Hints and Errors

The document discusses several methods for programmatically associating inline error messages and hints with form fields to ensure they are accessible to screen reader users. It describes wrapping form fields and messages in <label> tags, using aria-describedby to link them, and aria-errormessage as recommended by WAI-ARIA. For longer hints, it suggests using pop-up tooltips but ensuring they are accessible via keyboard by only showing on focus, hover or active states. The tooltip content should be directly associated with the relevant form field for maximum accessibility.

IE 11 (Win)
Chrome 39 (Win)
Firefox 34 (Win)
Chrome 39 (OSX)
Firefox 34 (OSX)
Safari 7 (OSX)
test 3 results
did not announce the message
when navigated to.
“assertive” results
Newly inserted message should
be announced when screen
reader is silent.
“assertive” page - test 1

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What is accessibility?
What is accessibility?What is accessibility?
What is accessibility?

This presentation covers; different types of disabilities, assistive technologies, legal and ethical responsibilities as well as a range of terms such as W3C, WAI and WCAG.

Accessibility in Pattern Libraries
Accessibility in Pattern LibrariesAccessibility in Pattern Libraries
Accessibility in Pattern Libraries

In the old days, many developers looked at complex websites and web applications as a series of individual pages. These days, it’s all about abstracting these pages down to re-usable elements, modules and components which are then documented, designed and built as comprehensive pattern libraries. Pattern libraries can be used as an integral part of the UX, design and front-end development phases. But where should accessibility be included in these different types of pattern libraries? Come on a journey as we explore the pain and glory of baking accessibility into UX, design and front-end pattern libraries.

Accessibility in pattern libraries
Accessibility in pattern librariesAccessibility in pattern libraries
Accessibility in pattern libraries

In the old days, many developers looked at complex websites and web applications as a series of individual pages. These days, it’s all about abstracting these pages down to re-usable elements, modules and components which are then documented, designed and built as comprehensive pattern libraries. Pattern libraries can be used as an integral part of the UX, design and front-end development phases. But where should accessibility be included in these different types of pattern libraries? Come on a journey as we explore the pain and glory of baking accessibility into UX, design and front-end pattern libraries.

IE 11 (Win)
Chrome 39 (Win)
Firefox 34 (Win)
Chrome 39 (OSX)
Firefox 34 (OSX)
Safari 7 (OSX)
test 1 results
did not announce the message
when the screen reader was
Newly inserted message should
be announced when screen
reader is currently announcing
other content.
“assertive” page - test 2
IE 11 (Win)
Chrome 39 (Win)
Firefox 34 (Win)
Chrome 39 (OSX)
Firefox 34 (OSX)
Safari 7 (OSX)
test 2 results

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Building an accessible auto-complete - #ID24
Building an accessible auto-complete - #ID24Building an accessible auto-complete - #ID24
Building an accessible auto-complete - #ID24

This presentation will take a deep dive into how to create an auto-complete search function that is accessible to a range of different users including keyboard-only and screen reader users. Along the way, we will explore important keystrokes and aria attributes that can be used enhance the experience for all users.

Building an accessible auto-complete
Building an accessible auto-completeBuilding an accessible auto-complete
Building an accessible auto-complete

The document provides guidance on creating accessible autocomplete search functionality. It discusses user experience considerations like clear labeling and instructions. It also covers keyboard support, ensuring all actions can be performed via keyboard. The document outlines how to add appropriate markup for screen readers, including labels, roles, properties to describe interactions and options. Code examples are provided for the overall structure and specific elements.

Creating Acessible floating labels
Creating Acessible floating labelsCreating Acessible floating labels
Creating Acessible floating labels

This presentation for Inclusive Design 24 (#ID24) explores how to create accessible, usable "floating" labels. Floating labels are where the label moves above form controls based on user interaction.

did not announce the message
immediately as the message was
triggered. They all waited until
there was a pause.
issue 1
did not announce the message
immediately as the message was
triggered or after a pause.
issue 2
Newly inserted message should
be announced when navigated
to by screen reader.
“assertive” page - test 3
IE 11 (Win)
Chrome 39 (Win)
Firefox 34 (Win)
Chrome 39 (OSX)
Firefox 34 (OSX)
Safari 7 (OSX)
test 3 results

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Creating an Accessible button dropdown
Creating an Accessible button dropdownCreating an Accessible button dropdown
Creating an Accessible button dropdown

A quick slide deck that outlines a range of pointers that can be used to help make button dropdowns more accessible.

Creating a Simple, Accessible On/Off Switch
Creating a Simple, Accessible On/Off SwitchCreating a Simple, Accessible On/Off Switch
Creating a Simple, Accessible On/Off Switch

Have you ever tried to style checkboxes or radio buttons and ended up pulling your hair out? This presentation will explore a few simple tricks that can be used to style checkboxes and radio buttons. In this case, we will make them look like an on/off switch.

Prada Group Reports Strong Growth in First Quarter …
Prada Group Reports Strong Growth in First Quarter …Prada Group Reports Strong Growth in First Quarter …
Prada Group Reports Strong Growth in First Quarter …

Prada Group Reports Strong Growth in First Quarter …

did not announce the message
when navigated to.
Rather depressingly, aria-live has
some support issues.
Currently, “polite” is slightly better
supported than “assertive” so it is
the preferred option.

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A Comparative Analysis of Functional and Non-Functional Testing.pdf
A Comparative Analysis of Functional and Non-Functional Testing.pdfA Comparative Analysis of Functional and Non-Functional Testing.pdf
A Comparative Analysis of Functional and Non-Functional Testing.pdf

A robust software testing strategy encompassing functional and non-functional testing is fundamental for development teams. These twin pillars are essential for ensuring the success of your applications. But why are they so critical? Functional testing rigorously examines the application's processes against predefined requirements, ensuring they align seamlessly. Conversely, non-functional testing evaluates performance and reliability under load, enhancing the end-user experience.

non functional testingfunctional testing
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Your project needs and long-term objectives will ultimately choose which of React Native and Flutter to use. For applications using JavaScript and current web technologies in particular, React Native is a mature and trustworthy choice. For projects that value performance and customizability across many platforms, Flutter, on the other hand, provides outstanding performance and a unified UI development experience.

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<div  aria-­‐live="polite">  
There are also a range of other
attributes that can be used
associated with live regions,
(though their support is
sometimes patchy).

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Attendance Tracking From Paper To Digital
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Attendance Tracking From Paper To Digital

If you are having trouble deciding which time tracker tool is best for you, try "Task Tracker" app. It has numerous features, including the ability to check daily attendance sheet, and other that make team management easier.

time trackerdaily attendance sheettask tracker
<!-­‐-­‐  true  attribute  -­‐-­‐>  
<!-­‐-­‐  false  attribute  -­‐-­‐>  
Indicates whether assistive
technologies will present all, or
only parts of, the changed
region based on the change
notifications defined by the aria-
relevant attribute.
true: Present the region as a
whole when changes are
false: Present only the changed
regions. (default)

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Efficient hot work permit software for safe, streamlined work permit management and compliance. Enhance safety today. Contact us on +353 214536034.

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Enhance the top 9 user pain points with effective visual design elements to improve user experience & satisfaction. Learn the best design strategies

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原版一模一样【微信:741003700 】【英国牛津大学毕业证(oxon毕业证书)成绩单】【微信:741003700 】学位证,留信学历认证(真实可查,永久存档)原件一模一样纸张工艺/offer、在读证明、外壳等材料/诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本,帮您解决无法毕业带来的各种难题!外壳,原版制作,诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本。行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备。十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,包您满意。 本公司拥有海外各大学样板无数,能完美还原。 1:1完美还原海外各大学毕业材料上的工艺:水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠。文字图案浮雕、激光镭射、紫外荧光、温感、复印防伪等防伪工艺。材料咨询办理、认证咨询办理请加学历顾问Q/微741003700 【主营项目】 一.毕业证【q微741003700】成绩单、使馆认证、教育部认证、雅思托福成绩单、学生卡等! 二.真实使馆公证(即留学回国人员证明,不成功不收费) 三.真实教育部学历学位认证(教育部存档!教育部留服网站永久可查) 四.办理各国各大学文凭(一对一专业服务,可全程监控跟踪进度) 如果您处于以下几种情况: ◇在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业……拿不到官方毕业证【q/微741003700】 ◇面对父母的压力,希望尽快拿到; ◇不清楚认证流程以及材料该如何准备; ◇回国时间很长,忘记办理; ◇回国马上就要找工作,办给用人单位看; ◇企事业单位必须要求办理的 ◇需要报考公务员、购买免税车、落转户口 ◇申请留学生创业基金 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 办理英国牛津大学毕业证(oxon毕业证书)【微信:741003700 】外观非常简单,由纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理英国牛津大学毕业证(oxon毕业证书)【微信:741003700 】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校���荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理英国牛津大学毕业证(oxon毕业证书)【微信:741003700 】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理英国牛津大学毕业证(oxon毕业证书)【微信:741003700 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

<!-­‐-­‐  all  attribute  -­‐-­‐>  
<!-­‐-­‐  additions  attribute  -­‐-­‐>  
<!-­‐-­‐  removals  attribute  -­‐-­‐>  

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In this talk, we will explore strategies to optimize the success rate of storing and retaining new information. We will discuss scientifically proven ideal learning intervals and content structures. Additionally, we will examine how to create an environment that improves our focus while you remain in the “flow”. Lastly we will also address the influence of AI on learning capabilities. In the dynamic field of software development, this knowledge will empower you to accelerate your learning curve and support others in their learning journeys.

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Mindfire Solutions specializes in DevOps services, facilitating digital transformation through streamlined software development and operational efficiency. Their expertise enhances collaboration, accelerates delivery cycles, and ensures scalability using cloud-native technologies. Mindfire Solutions empowers businesses to innovate rapidly and maintain competitive advantage in dynamic market landscapes.

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<!-­‐-­‐  text  attribute  -­‐-­‐>  
<!-­‐-­‐  all  attribute  -­‐-­‐>  
<!-­‐-­‐  multiple  attributes  -­‐-­‐>  
   aria-­‐relevant="text,  removals">  
Describe semantically
meaningful changes, as
opposed to merely presentational

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aria-relevant values of
“removals” or “all” should be
used sparingly. Assistive
technologies only need to be
informed of important change.
<!-­‐-­‐  true  attribute  -­‐-­‐>  
<!-­‐-­‐  false  attribute  -­‐-­‐>  

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CViewSurvey is a SaaS-based Web & Mobile application that provides digital transformation to traditional paper surveys and feedback for customer & employee experience, field & market research that helps you evaluate your customer's as well as employee's loyalty. With our unique C.A.A.G. Collect, Analysis, Act & Grow approach; business & industry’s can create customized surveys on web, publish on app to collect unlimited response & review AI backed real-time data analytics on mobile & tablets anytime, anywhere. Data collected when offline is securely stored in the device, which syncs to the cloud server when connected to any network.

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dachnug51 | HCL Sametime 12 as a Software Appliance | Erik Schwalb

Indicates whether an element,
and its subtree, are currently
being updated.
If multiple parts of the same
element need to be loaded or
modified, they can set aria-busy
to “true” during initial load, and
then “false” when the last part is
<div  role="alert">  

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The three duality theorems of fold.

duality theorems of foldduality theoremsfold
Used to define a message with
important, and usually time-
sensitive, information.
The alert role goes on the node
containing the alert message.
Elements with the role=“alert”
have an implicit aria-live value
of “assertive”, and an implicit
aria-atomic value of “true”.

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<div  role="alertdialog">  
A type of dialog that contains
an alert message, where initial
focus goes to an element within
the dialog.
The “alertdialog” role goes on the
node containing both the alert
message and the rest of the
Unlike alert, “alertdialog” can
receive a response from the
user - such as a “Confirm” or
“Save” button.

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The aria-live attribute is a very
powerful and effective method
of keeping screen readers
informed about changes the
As with any aria- attributes, you
should test heavy before using
and use with care!
Our test results:

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A deep dive into accessible names
What are accessible names and why should you care?
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What are accessible names and why should you care?
How to build accessible UI components
How to build accessible UI componentsHow to build accessible UI components
How to build accessible UI components
What is WCAG 2 and why should we care?
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What is WCAG 2 and why should we care?
Accessible states in Design Systems
Accessible states in Design SystemsAccessible states in Design Systems
Accessible states in Design Systems
Creating accessible modals and autocompletes
Creating accessible modals and autocompletesCreating accessible modals and autocompletes
Creating accessible modals and autocompletes
Building an accessible progressive loader
Building an accessible progressive loaderBuilding an accessible progressive loader
Building an accessible progressive loader
Accessibility in Design systems - the pain and glory
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Accessible Inline errors messages
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Accessible Form Hints and Errors
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Accessible Form Hints and Errors
What is accessibility?
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Accessibility in Pattern Libraries
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Accessibility in Pattern Libraries
Accessibility in pattern libraries
Accessibility in pattern librariesAccessibility in pattern libraries
Accessibility in pattern libraries
Building an accessible auto-complete - #ID24
Building an accessible auto-complete - #ID24Building an accessible auto-complete - #ID24
Building an accessible auto-complete - #ID24
Building an accessible auto-complete
Building an accessible auto-completeBuilding an accessible auto-complete
Building an accessible auto-complete
Creating Acessible floating labels
Creating Acessible floating labelsCreating Acessible floating labels
Creating Acessible floating labels
Creating an Accessible button dropdown
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Creating an Accessible button dropdown
Creating a Simple, Accessible On/Off Switch
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