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Application Analytics helping DevOps with
data driven decision making
Amod Gupta, Sr. Principal Product Manager
Mike Anand, Director of Product Marketing
Software defined business
Software agility drives rapid business velocity
IT needs to respond in real-time
deliver great customer experience
ensure zero downtime this holiday season
reduce customer churn rates
understand changing usage patterns
stay ahead of performance problems
release new features faster
When business wants to… IT needs to…
“What do you
need to get
these done?”
business and
correlation in
PM, Marketing,
Sales, Customer Success
Ops, Dev
Business data Marketing data Operations data
Traditional approach to analytics
IT cannot respond in real-time
New Customer Growth
User preferences
Campaign performance
Brower/Mobile performance
App performance
Infrastructure performance
Drop off rates
Loyalty Tiers
Product mix
Revenue per user
Revenue per tier
SEO Performance
Geo locations
Mobile usage
Network performance
Browser performance
Database performance
Network carrier performance
How much revenue was lost today from Tier-1 users
not converting because they experienced poor app

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Build a chatbot using Google DialogFlow and UiPath RPA
Build a chatbot using Google DialogFlow and UiPath RPABuild a chatbot using Google DialogFlow and UiPath RPA
Build a chatbot using Google DialogFlow and UiPath RPA

Chatbot solutions in practice. Implementation options and their cons and pros. Event video available here:

Mladen Milanovic - Workforce transformation and automation
Mladen Milanovic - Workforce transformation and automationMladen Milanovic - Workforce transformation and automation
Mladen Milanovic - Workforce transformation and automation

We will be discussing how automation is changing workplace with the specific focus on why workforce transformation is in a focus. This subject can help product developers to focus on building new innovative solutions that address decrease of productivity world wide and propose solutions around intelligent automation.

agile software developmentteamdevops
apidays LIVE New York 2021 - API as a product: who, what, where, when, why, a...
apidays LIVE New York 2021 - API as a product: who, what, where, when, why, a...apidays LIVE New York 2021 - API as a product: who, what, where, when, why, a...
apidays LIVE New York 2021 - API as a product: who, what, where, when, why, a...

apidays LIVE New York 2021 - API-driven Regulations for Finance, Insurance, and Healthcare July 28 & 29, 2021 API as a product: who, what, where, when, why, and how? And how do I make money? Alan Glickenhouse, Digital Transformation Business Strategist at IBM

apidaysapidays new yorkapidays live new york
Enter custom big-data analytics….
Slow and iterative Cannot keep up with today’s agile apps
Hard to maintain for
fast changing apps
High costs – time, people,
software, hardware
Backwards looking
0 1
0 1
1 01 0
IT is unable to unlock the data potential
Need specialists to understand
and analyze data
Any new business report
request is a dev project
Business insights are never
current nor granular enough
What if you knew in real-time…
Shopping & Merchandise Categories
Ticket Sales
Average Response Time
impact of
highest revenue
generated by
ticket sales
Revenue Impact of
Poor Performance
This is the timestamp when
performance issue started
Wait Time
Dining Pass Sales
Users on
each ride
Top Park Rides
What if you knew in real-time…
Merchandise Categories
Ticket Sales
Average Response Time
impact of
highest revenue
Users on
each ride
Breakdown of
ticket sales
Revenue Impact of
Poor Performance
Top Park Rides
This is the timestamp when
performance issue started
24 MIN
Wait Time
Age of Customers

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Internet Of Things: Creativity, Innovation & The Internet of Things IOT World
Internet Of Things: Creativity, Innovation & The Internet of Things IOT WorldInternet Of Things: Creativity, Innovation & The Internet of Things IOT World
Internet Of Things: Creativity, Innovation & The Internet of Things IOT World

This document discusses creativity, innovation and the Internet of Things. It outlines six rules for success with connected devices: pick a great use case, provide an awesome user experience, enable community and collaboration, support developers, ensure the right data is available in the right places, and integrate non-technically. The Salesforce1 platform can help customers and partners succeed by enabling connected devices. Resources are provided to learn more about the Internet of Things space.

AppSphere 15 - Shining a Light on Shadow IT: A New Way of Working for "Busine...
AppSphere 15 - Shining a Light on Shadow IT: A New Way of Working for "Busine...AppSphere 15 - Shining a Light on Shadow IT: A New Way of Working for "Busine...
AppSphere 15 - Shining a Light on Shadow IT: A New Way of Working for "Busine...

Brandon Bichler, a Partner at London-based consulting firm Elixirr, will walk through what this new operating model looks like and provide some real examples of where it has been implemented and is working. Furthermore, he will outline what you can do to: - Sense check how healthy your company is in terms of the relationship between business and IT - Start to build out the components of this new operating model, factoring in the culture and organisational nuances of your company - Engage key stakeholders on this topic and secure their support for change This deck was originally presented at AppSphere 2015.

Introduction to IBM API Management
Introduction to IBM API Management Introduction to IBM API Management
Introduction to IBM API Management

The document provides an overview of IBM's API management solution. It discusses why API management is important for businesses, the need to externalize enterprises and engage customers through external developers. It also outlines IBM's API management solution which allows users to securely create, publish, monitor and manage APIs through a single interface. The solution is available both on-premise and in the cloud.

apicloud computing
Three common use cases
performance analytics
Business impact
Business impact analytics
Identify failed individual transactions and respond within minutes
Business and IT collaborate to
run win-back campaigns
Capture all slow and failed
transactions + revenue impact
List impacted platinum
Marketing runs
win-back campaigns
10% off
Airways API
Flight to
Total cost
Kevin Gold
Laura Lewis
Flight to
New York
Code level
Total cost
Matt Jacobs
customer Flight to
Total cost
Tracy Kraft
iPhone 6
Code level
Flight to
Total cost
Libby Halll
Code level
Flight to
New York
Total cost
Book Flight
Flight to
Airways API
Total cost
Ready for real-time insights
Automatically collected
Fully correlated
Platinum customer, Jude Germangy, failed while booking a flight to London for
$1,800 while using a browser due to issues with the Travel Airways API
Answer individual user questions in real-time
Airways API
Flight to
Total cost
Kevin Gold
Laura Lewis
Flight to
New York
Code level
Total cost
Matt Jacobs
customer Flight to
Total cost
Tracy Kraft
iPhone 6
Code level
Flight to
Total cost
Libby Halll
Code level
Flight to
New York
Total cost
Answer aggregate questions in real-time
Total cost
Total cost
Total cost
Total cost
Total cost
A total of $4,785 revenues were at risk due to
poor experience while booking flights
Ready for real-time insights
Automatically collected
Fully correlated

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Robotic Process Automation
Robotic Process Automation Robotic Process Automation
Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation By "Mukund Wangikar And Rohit Changedia" from Xpanxion. The presentation was done at #doppa17 DevOps++ Global Summit 2017. All the copyrights are reserved with the author

automationagile testing alliancetechnology
API Management architect presentation
API Management architect presentationAPI Management architect presentation
API Management architect presentation

The document discusses IBM API Management and the API economy. It begins by explaining how adoption of cloud, analytics, mobile and social computing is forcing organizations to open up their IT assets through APIs to new business channels. It then provides examples of public APIs from different industries. The document discusses how APIs can help companies extend their reach and open new markets by allowing external developers to leverage their assets. It also outlines some potential API use cases a company could explore, such as internal mobile app development, partner integration, public comparative apps, social integration, and device/wearable integration. Finally, it presents IBM's approach to enterprise architecture for digital transformation using APIs, events, services and systems of insight, engagement and record.

What Will Embedded Analytics Look Like in 2020?
What Will Embedded Analytics Look Like in 2020?What Will Embedded Analytics Look Like in 2020?
What Will Embedded Analytics Look Like in 2020?

The document discusses trends in embedded analytics based on a survey. It finds that embedded analytics adoption is growing and preferred over traditional BI, with 87% of users wanting analytics embedded in their applications. Embedded analytics provides strategic benefits to software providers by helping increase revenue and value. Looking ahead to 2020, the document predicts that infused analytics will become standard, self-service analytics will expand to all users, and advanced analytics will be more operationalized.

business intelligenceanalyticsembedded analytics
Female Male
New Existing
ProductHome Gallery Basket Checkout
Time of day
Desktop Mobile
Yes No
Age 21-29<21 30-45 45+
Usage analytics
The what, who, where, and how of users
{Customer Name} User Experience {Customer Name} Cost to Serve
Diamond Customers Performance
Advanced performance analytics
Performance views for specific customers and partners
Diamond Customers Requests
•  Automatic
•  Structured &
Unstructured Data
•  Infinitely Scalable
•  Real Time
•  Visual Query
•  Ad hoc analysis
Conceptual Visualization
Analytics under the covers
& Storage

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For cf os, the time to deploy procure to-pay software is now
For cf os, the time to deploy procure to-pay software is nowFor cf os, the time to deploy procure to-pay software is now
For cf os, the time to deploy procure to-pay software is now

This document discusses procure-to-pay software and its benefits. It notes that procure-to-pay software can streamline purchasing processes, improve transparency, and help control costs. The document also indicates that while only 25% of invoices in the US are electronic, more companies are adopting procure-to-pay software to gain efficiencies from electronic invoicing and automating purchasing. It concludes that without procure-to-pay software, companies may be missing out on cost savings opportunities.

Why should C-Level care about APIs? It's the new economy, stupid.
Why should C-Level care about APIs? It's the new economy, stupid.Why should C-Level care about APIs? It's the new economy, stupid.
Why should C-Level care about APIs? It's the new economy, stupid.

Why should C-Level care about APIs? It's the new economy, stupid. In this 2013 version of our study on APIs, we identify how APIs allow companies to effectively pursue the classical triptych of business goals: business development, product development and supply chain management. Through three new practical cases, discover how 5 companies, coming from the most traditional fields, use private APIs and technologies such as cloud and data in order to renovate their business and to invent new business models. We studied the case of 5 japanese companies. 5 business cases showing the emerging business trend which consists in working on a private or partner-based API to change business models and find new paths of monetization: // RETAIL: Seven Eleven, global leader of convenience stores, optimizes its logistics almost in real time by using APIs // HEALTHCARE: OMRON, creator of connected healthcare devices, monetizes the data provided by its users to forecast epidemics // INDUSTRY: Honda, mobile constructor, connects its entire car fleet with APIs, to provide intelligent guiding services to their clients // MEDIA : Cookpad, originally a user-generated recipe website, sells its knowledge in consumer preferences to food-processing industry // AGRICULTURE: Fujitsu, is getting ready to automate Japan's agriculture, in order to cope with the loss of workforce in Japanese companies And you, how are you going to reinvent your business thanks to APIs? La version 2013 de l’étude sur les APIs par FABERNOVEL. A travers trois nouveaux cas pratiques, découvrez comment 5 entreprises, issues des secteurs les plus traditionnels, utilisent les APIs privées, les technologies cloud et la data pour renouveler leurs business et inventer de nouveaux modèles.  Nous sommes allés au Japon étudier le cas de cinq entreprises :  // RETAIL : Seven Eleven, leader mondial des conveniences stores, optimise sa logistique en temps quasi-réel grâce aux APIs // SANTE : OMRON, créateur d’appareils connectés pour la santé, monétise les données fournis par ses utilisateurs pour prévoir les épidémies // INDUSTRY :  Honda, constructeur automobile, connecte l’ensemble de sa flotte avec des APIs, pour fournir des services de guidage intelligent à ses clients // MEDIA : Cookpad, initialement un site de recettes fournis par l’utilisateur, revend son savoir des goûts consommateurs à l’agroalimentaire // AGRICULTURE : Fujitsu, s’apprête à automatiser l’agriculture Japonaise, afin de faire face à la perte de main-d’oeuvre dans les campagnes japonaises  Et vous, comment allez vous réinventer votre business grâce aux APIs ? 

business modelapiinnovation
apidays LIVE Hong Kong 2021 - Driving Digital Customer Acquisition with Open ...
apidays LIVE Hong Kong 2021 - Driving Digital Customer Acquisition with Open ...apidays LIVE Hong Kong 2021 - Driving Digital Customer Acquisition with Open ...
apidays LIVE Hong Kong 2021 - Driving Digital Customer Acquisition with Open ...

The document discusses key challenges facing banks in engaging customers through digital channels and acquiring new customers. It then outlines how open banking practices can help banks integrate into digital ecosystems and lifestyle needs frequented by customers. Specific use cases are provided that leverage open banking data through APIs to provide account aggregation, product comparisons, savings tips and recommendations to improve customer engagement.

financial services & apisapidaysapidays hong kong
Under the hood
Data Collection
& Storage
Java Agent
Events Service
Transaction, Log and User Data
Machine Agent
.NET Agent
Analytics Agent
Machine Agent
& Storage
VisualizationPlatform Architecture
Event Service
SaaS: Designed For Petabytes of Daily Data Volume
On-Premises: Start Small & Scale Horizontally
& Storage
VisualizationData Visualization
SaaS numbers in last 24 hours (are we ok showing these? If we are,
I can pull in more data from OA)

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Splunk sales presentation
Splunk sales presentationSplunk sales presentation
Splunk sales presentation

This document provides an overview and sales presentation of Splunk software capabilities. Some key points: - Splunk is a software platform that allows users to search, monitor and analyze machine-generated data for security and operational intelligence. - It can index and search data from many different sources like servers, applications, networks and more. - Splunk offers scalability to handle indexing and searching large volumes of data up to terabytes per day across multiple data centers. - The software provides features like search and investigation, proactive monitoring, operational visibility and real-time business insights.

API Monetization – It Does Not Mean What You Think It Means. It Is Far More
API Monetization – It Does Not Mean What You Think It Means. It Is Far MoreAPI Monetization – It Does Not Mean What You Think It Means. It Is Far More
API Monetization – It Does Not Mean What You Think It Means. It Is Far More

A discussion of API Monetization Business Models. Starting from “what does it really mean”, we will progress through the various business models for monetization, define the model, and show examples of businesses executing each model. We will also provide advice in determining what model(s) make sense for your situations, and discuss how to begin to implement your monetization strategy.

api monetizationnordic apisapi business model
API First Mobile Strategy
API First Mobile StrategyAPI First Mobile Strategy
API First Mobile Strategy

This document discusses API management strategies for mobile applications. It recommends designing mobile apps to use APIs as the interface to backend services for key benefits like simplified development, security, and integration. It presents two architectural options - using IBM Worklight for app management and data access, or using Worklight only for app management and routing all data through the API management platform. The document provides pros and cons of each approach.

4.2 Features
Mobile RUM
Custom Events
Richer Data Set
AppDynamics Query Language
Advanced Search
Visualization &
Deeper Insights
Auto-correlation between Business
Transactions & Logs
Grok patters to include
Key Value Pairs
X and Y
What’s new in 4.2
Role Based Access Control SSO
Analytics Deep Dive Session
Tomorrow’s session dives more in depth about our
architecutre and upcoming features
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 23
Thank You

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apidays LIVE India - Open Broking revolution in India by Raghava BS, Angel Br...

apidays LIVE India 2021 - Connecting 1.3 billion digital innovators May 20, 2021 Open Broking revolution in India Raghava BS, Head of Digital Initiatives at Angel Broking

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Manage your ap is securely and easily ibm apim 4.0
Manage your ap is securely and easily ibm apim 4.0Manage your ap is securely and easily ibm apim 4.0
Manage your ap is securely and easily ibm apim 4.0

IBM API Management provides tools to securely manage APIs. It allows organizations to [1] expose business services as APIs to internal and external developers, [2] manage and monitor the entire API platform, and [3] engage with app developers through self-service portals. The solution helps organizations join the API economy by enabling them to define, publish, and manage APIs while addressing the needs of multiple stakeholders such as API developers, app developers, and operations teams.

Metals, nonmetals, metalloids
Metals, nonmetals, metalloidsMetals, nonmetals, metalloids
Metals, nonmetals, metalloids

The document discusses metals, nonmetals, and metalloids according to their placement on the periodic table. Metals are located on the left side of the zigzag line, nonmetals are on the right side, and metalloids are along the zigzag line. Metals are malleable, ductile, good conductors while nonmetals are brittle, poor conductors. Metalloids exhibit properties between metals and nonmetals.

4.2 new data sources
APM Transactions
Browser Real-User
Mobile Real-User
Application &
Infrastructure Logs
Custom Events
Logs and Transactions
Dashboard Integration & Reporting
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 26
Widgets from APM, EUEM & Analytics
on same dashboard
Convert dashboards into daily, weekly
Interactive widgets – Move in and out
of the dashboard
Custom time ranges for each widget
More 4.2 Goodness
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 27
Log Agent
•  Transaction and Log correlation
•  Support for more log formats
Security •  Role based access control in analytics
Agent •  Node.js agent supports transaction analytics
API •  API support for data ingestion and extraction
New and Improved Widgets
Ranges and buckets Funnel Widget

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AppSphere 15 - Containers and Microservices Create New Performance Challenges
AppSphere 15 - Containers and Microservices Create New Performance ChallengesAppSphere 15 - Containers and Microservices Create New Performance Challenges
AppSphere 15 - Containers and Microservices Create New Performance Challenges

Jonah Kowall, VP of Market Development and Insights, outlines what needs to be built in terms of data extraction, analytics, and other open source technologies. Finally we’ll also discuss commercial alternatives and what features and functions are critical when monitoring microservices based applications. This presentation is from AppSphere 2015. This presentation shares a clear understanding of: - What is changing with software, and why? - What challenges are faced with these changes? - How to overcome these challenges

appsphere 2015microservicesappdynamics
Visibility from user to infrastructure on AWS
Visibility from user to infrastructure on AWSVisibility from user to infrastructure on AWS
Visibility from user to infrastructure on AWS

Listen to the recorded webinar here:

AppSphere 15 - Mining the World’s Largest Healthcare Data Warehouse while Ens...
AppSphere 15 - Mining the World’s Largest Healthcare Data Warehouse while Ens...AppSphere 15 - Mining the World’s Largest Healthcare Data Warehouse while Ens...
AppSphere 15 - Mining the World’s Largest Healthcare Data Warehouse while Ens...

Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) provides health insurance to over 105 million Americans through its network of 36 separate health insurance companies. It has been operating for over 80 years and is accepted by over 90% of doctors in the US. BCBSA has been mining its large healthcare data warehouse to ensure a great consumer experience while addressing an exponential increase in demand for its web services. It implemented AppDynamics to help address issues with system performance, slow response times, and increased time to resolve issues that were impacting customer satisfaction. AppDynamics helped identify inefficiencies in code and queries that were improved to enhance performance and scale capabilities to support growing demand.

Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 29
AppDynamics Application Analytics
Correlation in real time
Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 30
•  Free text query language support
•  Programmatically search through your data
Dashboard &
•  Save Analytics widgets to Custom Dashboards
•  Schedule reports
Improved UX
•  New Widgets – Funnel, Live stream, Percentile etc
•  Improvements to existing widgets – Multiple fields on X & Y axes
•  API for search and extraction
•  API for custom events ingestion
What’s new in 4.2
Security •  Role based access control for Analytics
Log & Transaction
•  Correlation between logs and transaction using BT GUID
•  Enhancing log collection & parsing

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AppSphere 15 - Application Analytics helping DevOps with Data Driven Decision Making

  • 1. Application Analytics helping DevOps with data driven decision making Amod Gupta, Sr. Principal Product Manager Mike Anand, Director of Product Marketing
  • 3. Software agility drives rapid business velocity IT needs to respond in real-time deliver great customer experience ensure zero downtime this holiday season reduce customer churn rates understand changing usage patterns stay ahead of performance problems release new features faster When business wants to… IT needs to… “What do you need to get these done?” “Understand business and software performance correlation in REAL-TIME!” PM, Marketing, Sales, Customer Success Ops, Dev
  • 4. Business data Marketing data Operations data Traditional approach to analytics IT cannot respond in real-time Revenue New Customer Growth Churn User preferences Conversions Campaign performance Brower/Mobile performance App performance Infrastructure performance Drop off rates Loyalty Tiers Product mix Revenue per user Revenue per tier SEO Performance Geo locations Mobile usage Network performance Browser performance Database performance Network carrier performance How much revenue was lost today from Tier-1 users not converting because they experienced poor app performance?
  • 5. Enter custom big-data analytics…. 5. ANALYZE4. CORRELATE3. STORE DATA1. CHANGE CODE 2. COLLECT DATA Slow and iterative Cannot keep up with today’s agile apps Hard to maintain for fast changing apps High costs – time, people, software, hardware Backwards looking 0110101101011010110101101 0110101101011010110101101 0110101101011010110101101 0110101101 0 1 0 1 0 11 0 1 01 0 1 0 101 011
  • 6. IT is unable to unlock the data potential Need specialists to understand and analyze data Any new business report request is a dev project Business insights are never current nor granular enough BIZ ANALYST MKTG OPS IT OPS
  • 7. What if you knew in real-time… Shopping & Merchandise Categories Ticket Sales Average Response Time $232,390 Revenue impact of poor performance Shops/Merch generating highest revenue Revenue generated by ticket sales Revenue Impact of Poor Performance This is the timestamp when performance issue started 5 MIN Wait Time Dining Pass Sales Users on each ride Top Park Rides
  • 8. What if you knew in real-time… Merchandise Categories Ticket Sales Average Response Time $232,390 Revenue impact of poor performance Merchandise generating highest revenue Users on each ride Breakdown of ticket sales Revenue Impact of Poor Performance Top Park Rides This is the timestamp when performance issue started 24 MIN Wait Time Age of Customers
  • 9. Three common use cases Advanced performance analytics Usage analytics Business impact analytics
  • 10. Business impact analytics Identify failed individual transactions and respond within minutes Business and IT collaborate to run win-back campaigns Capture all slow and failed transactions + revenue impact List impacted platinum customers Marketing runs win-back campaigns 10% off
  • 11. Log Platinum customer British Airways API Flight to London Total cost $1,800 Kevin Gold IOS AT&T Laura Lewis iPad T-Mobile Poor experience Flight to New York Code level issue Silver customer Total cost $712 Matt Jacobs IOS AT&T Good experience Gold customer Flight to Miami Total cost $650 Database issue Tracy Kraft iPhone 6 AT&T Poor experience Silver customer Code level issue Flight to Tokyo Total cost $1,100 Libby Halll iPad T-Mobile Poor experience Platinum customer Code level issue Flight to New York Total cost $850 Jude Germangy Platinum customer Book Flight Flight to London Travel Airways API Total cost $1,800 Ready for real-time insights Automatically collected Fully correlated Platinum customer, Jude Germangy, failed while booking a flight to London for $1,800 while using a browser due to issues with the Travel Airways API Answer individual user questions in real-time
  • 12. Log Platinum customer British Airways API Flight to London Total cost $1,800 Kevin Gold IOS AT&T Laura Lewis iPad T-Mobile Poor experience Flight to New York Code level issue Silver customer Total cost $712 Matt Jacobs IOS AT&T Good experience Gold customer Flight to Miami Total cost $650 Database issue Tracy Kraft iPhone 6 AT&T Poor experience Silver customer Code level issue Flight to Tokyo Total cost $1,100 Libby Halll iPad T-Mobile Poor experience Platinum customer Code level issue Flight to New York Total cost $850 Answer aggregate questions in real-time Poor experience Poor experience Poor experiencePoor experience Poor experience Poor experience Total cost $1,800 Total cost $850 Total cost $712 Total cost $1,100 Total cost $650 A total of $4,785 revenues were at risk due to poor experience while booking flights Ready for real-time insights Automatically collected Fully correlated
  • 13. Female Male New Existing ProductHome Gallery Basket Checkout Gender Customer Journey Time of day Personalized Device 08:00 12:00 00:00 04:00 04:00- 08:00 12:00 16:00 16:00 20:00 Desktop Mobile Yes No Age 21-29<21 30-45 45+ Usage analytics The what, who, where, and how of users
  • 14. {Customer Name} User Experience {Customer Name} Cost to Serve Diamond Customers Performance Advanced performance analytics Performance views for specific customers and partners Diamond Customers Requests
  • 16. •  Automatic •  Structured & Unstructured Data •  Infinitely Scalable •  Real Time •  Visual Query Building •  Ad hoc analysis OPTION 1 SLIDE Conceptual Visualization Analytics under the covers Data Collection Data Processing & Storage Data Visualization
  • 17. OPTION 1 SLIDE Under the hood Data Collection Data Collection Data Processing & Storage Data Visualization Controller Machines Java Agent A P M Events Service A N A L Y T I C S Transaction, Log and User Data EUM Processor Machine Agent .NET Agent Analytics Agent Machine Agent UI
  • 18. OPTION 1 SLIDE Data Collection Data Processing & Storage Data VisualizationPlatform Architecture Event Service SaaS: Designed For Petabytes of Daily Data Volume On-Premises: Start Small & Scale Horizontally
  • 20. SaaS numbers in last 24 hours (are we ok showing these? If we are, I can pull in more data from OA)
  • 22. BTs (4.1) Logs (4.1) Browser RUM (GA) Mobile RUM (GA) Custom Events (New) API (New) Richer Data Set AppDynamics Query Language Advanced Search Visualization & Reporting Deeper Insights Auto-correlation between Business Transactions & Logs Grok patters to include Key Value Pairs Custom Dashboard Funnel Conversion Multiple X and Y Schedule Reporting What’s new in 4.2 Security Role Based Access Control SSO
  • 23. Analytics Deep Dive Session Tomorrow’s session dives more in depth about our architecutre and upcoming features Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 23
  • 25. 4.2 new data sources APM Transactions Browser Real-User Monitoring Mobile Real-User Monitoring Application & Infrastructure Logs 01101011010110101101011010110101100 01101011010110101101011010110101100 01101011010110101101011010110101100 AppDynamics Analytics Synthetic Monitoring Custom Events Logs and Transactions new
  • 26. Dashboard Integration & Reporting Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 26 Widgets from APM, EUEM & Analytics on same dashboard Convert dashboards into daily, weekly reports Interactive widgets – Move in and out of the dashboard Custom time ranges for each widget
  • 27. More 4.2 Goodness Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 27 Log Agent •  Transaction and Log correlation •  Support for more log formats Security •  Role based access control in analytics Agent •  Node.js agent supports transaction analytics API •  API support for data ingestion and extraction
  • 28. New and Improved Widgets Ranges and buckets Funnel Widget
  • 29. Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 29 Application Performance Business Performance AppDynamics Application Analytics Correlation in real time
  • 30. Copyright © 2015 AppDynamics. All rights reserved. 30 ADQL •  Free text query language support •  Programmatically search through your data Dashboard & Reporting •  Save Analytics widgets to Custom Dashboards •  Schedule reports Improved UX •  New Widgets – Funnel, Live stream, Percentile etc •  Improvements to existing widgets – Multiple fields on X & Y axes API •  API for search and extraction •  API for custom events ingestion What’s new in 4.2 Security •  Role based access control for Analytics Log & Transaction •  Correlation between logs and transaction using BT GUID •  Enhancing log collection & parsing