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The Evolution of APIs:
Events and the
AsyncAPI specification
APIDays LIVE Australia – Building Business Ecosystems
September 16th, 2020
Aaron Lee
Developer Advocate, Solace
Who is Solace?
World’s foremost experts on event
distribution and messaging
‐ 21 patents
‐ 9 of top 12 Investment banks
‐ Top American & Indian telcos
‐ Air traffic management around the world
HQ and Engineering
in Ottawa, Canada
15 Global Offices
Presence in Americas, AsiaPac, Europe
The Universe is
Event Driven
An Inventory Update
A Stock Price Tick
Modern enterprises are turning towards,
if not fully embracing event-driven architectures.
Real Time Digital Transformation
To unlock
the value of data,
you need to set it in
motion as Event Streams
© Solace
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Ok, so events
are important!
© Solace
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In the beginning…
In the beginning…
• Software was monolithic and
– Database-centric, batch-oriented systems
– Proprietary protocols and APIs
– Waterfall methodology  Agile development
– Rise of open-source, open standards,
open protocols, and open APIs
– Decomposing of larger systems into
collections of microservices
– Move to real-time, increase In volume,
rethinking to Event-Driven Architectures
12© Solace
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In the beginning…
• The Internet was simple
– Client-Server interactions for webpages
– RESTful Request-Reply HTTP protocol
– Everything understands REST: firewalls,
routers, gateways, load balancers, etc.
– But also synchronous; but also one-way
– Need for efficient, asynchronous,
bidirectional protocols
• WebSockets, MQTT, etc.
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Event-Driven in Action (cont’d)
• What if you didn’t have an event mesh?
– REST over HTTP is a common communication mechanism
– Use of REST APIs to make service calls
• However:
– REST architecture is client-server by definition
– REST over HTTP is point-to-point
– HTTP is a synchronous protocol
• Would REST/HTTP fit the bill for all our communication requirements?
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What does it mean
to be Event-Driven?
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What does it mean to be Event-Driven?
• Real-time
• Reactive
• Asynchronous
• Non-blocking
• Decoupled / loosely-coupled
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Can I use REST?
© Solace
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Can I use REST over HTTP?
• REST over HTTP is a common communication mechanism
• Use of REST APIs to make service calls
• However:
– REST architecture is client-server by definition
– REST over HTTP is point-to-point
– HTTP is a synchronous protocol
© Solace
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REST isn’t always BEST
• Great for:
–Synchronous interactions
–Externally facing APIs
• But:
–Tight service coupling
–Not natively event-driven
–Not resource efficient
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Don’t Just Take It From Me..!
© Solace
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Event-Driven Integration for the Real-Time Enterprise
• Cloud native integration
platform as-a-service
– Connect and enable different
technologies to communicate
©Solace | Proprietary & Confidential
• Event streaming and
management platform
– Stream and manage events and other
data across all your environments (no
cloud, hybrid cloud, multi-cloud)
Event‐Driven Integration for the Real‐Time Enterprise
• Connectors
• Orchestration
©Solace | Proprietary & Confidential
Cloud based
Event streaming
and management
• Event mesh (dynamic
event streaming)
• Event management
and governance
• Event‐driven APIs
• Enterprise grade
Event-driven integration
Event‐Driven Integration with Boomi and Solace
©Solace | Proprietary & Confidential
Event-Driven Software Design
• Events are everywhere. If you’ve ever done any GUI programming:
– Button click
– Pane scroll
– Window resize
– Page load
• Game engine design:
– Fire button pressed
– Collision detection
– Object interaction
• Other examples:
– credit card swipe, ticket purchase, sensor update, stock market tick, alert raised, race start
© Solace
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Event-Driven Software Design (cont’d)
• Let’s get you thinking about events instead of service-oriented design
– Most developers think easily about services: methods() are blocking service calls
– Event-driven software is non-blocking, and uses lots of callbacks
• Remember your Software Design Patterns?
– Programming patterns:
• Observer pattern (Subject-Observer)
• Reactor pattern
– Architectural patterns:
• Publish-Subscribe pattern
– Good descriptions of these on Wikipedia and other online resources
© Solace
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Event-Driven Code
• Observer Software Design Pattern
– How can I get notified about an event, or when an object changes?
– 1 or more Observers want to be informed about state changes
– Register with the Subject
– When Subject changes, notifies Observers via callbacks
– Observers don’t have to poll Subject
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Event-Driven Code (cont’d)
• Reactor Pattern
– How do I design for near real-time communication with no blocking?
– Tight loop, watching for incoming events / requests / data  gives to worker threads
– When workers complete, notify reactor thread via callbacks
– Used heavily in event-driven I/O APIs, including Solace APIs
• Useful in consuming application design, to spread processing across many threads
© Solace
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Event-Driven Communication
• Publish-Subscribe (Pub/Sub) Architecture Pattern
– Consumers subscribe to topics of interest
– Publishers send data/events on topics
– Promotes a decoupled architecture
– Implemented by Message Brokers, or Event Brokers
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What is an
Event Broker?
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• An event broker is middleware component used to transmit data and
events between producers and consumers using multiple exchange
patterns, including:
– Publish-Subscribe
– Request-Reply
– Queuing (point-to-point)
– Replay
• It should allow communication between applications to be:
– Efficient
– Bidirectional
– Asynchronous
What is an Event Broker?
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Publish-SubscribePoint-to-Point Request-Reply
Is this a new technology?
• No!
• But the features and capabilities of a modern, advanced event broker
• Similar technologies may be called different things:
– Message Broker
– Message Bus
– Message-Oriented Middleware
© Solace
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There are many players in this space
And there different protocols and standards…
A (very) simplified Messaging API
• The absolute basics:
– connect(host, user, pw); disconnect()
– subscribe(topic); unsubscribe(topic)
– bind(queue); unbind(queue)
– publish(message, destination); // destination = [queue,topic]
– onReceive(message); // callback interface
• And for good measure:
– Message doRequest(requestMessage, destination)
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Topics (in Solace)
• A Topic is more than just a label
• A topic is a description of the data contained within
– Each published message can have its own topic
– Hierarchical structure allows for levels, delimited by “/” forward slash
– Solace will use some or all of your Topic for routing and filtering
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level 1 level 2 level 3 level 4
Subscriptions and Wildcards
• Wildcards enable advanced routing and filtering of Messages
– A consumer-side concept, allows for a wide range of topics to match
– Two different types: single-level “*” and multi-level “>”
• Corresponds to MQTT wildcards: “+” and “#”
• In Solace, prefix wildcards:
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level 1 level 2 level 3 level 4
Do you need an Event Broker? (cont’d)
• Do I really?
a) I only have a few components
b) My architecture is very simple
c) I will only ever run this in one cloud
d) I don’t need all those fancy features
• Most applications start small and simple, and grow
• It is better to design for the future to allow for growth and complexity
© Solace
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Protocols and Standards
• Communication protocols for distributed applications
• Standards and frameworks make interoperability easier
© Solace
Event Mesh Complements Service Mesh
Service Mesh Event Mesh
Source: Gartner “The Key Trends in PaaS and Platform Architecture”,
28 Feb 2019, Yefim Natis, Fabrizo Biscotti, Massimo Pezzini, Paul Vincent
WE need to Manage
Because we need answers to…
• Where do you discover events/topics and the schema definition that
defines the payload?
• What logical event address (topic) do you subscribe to in order to receive
just the events you want to do something with?
• Why does a given event exist, i.e. what is it’s context and purpose. And if
you can’t figure that out…
• Who do you contact to learn more about more events and their
• When will a given event be available or deprecated?
• How do developers/Architects define their event-driven application
interfaces, How do they generate code?
Code Gen from a
Topic Schema?
© Solace
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Answers the Who,
What, When, Where,
Why and How For
RESTful APIs…but
what about Events?
OpenAPI + API Management Platforms Solved this for REST!
• Discover
• Govern
• Improve
• Monetize
• Collaborate
Architects and
(Internal, Partner
and Third‐Party)
• Generate Code
We need a Machine-Readable Application Spec
© Solace
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We Need an Event Platform for Async Interactions
Architects and
(Internal, Partner
and Third‐Party)
OpenAPI… AsyncAPI
© Solace
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amqps, mqtt,
mqtts, ws,
“While most organizations have
basic event processing
infrastructure - such as
notification services, message
buses, and event brokers -
many don’t have the high-level
productivity tooling that helps
developers design, develop, test
and manage event-centric
applications. Nor do they have
tools for governing, publishing
and managing event-based
interfaces. The market for these
tools is sparse.”
Gartner “Top 3 Trends in Application Architecture That Enable
Digital Business” Anne Thomas, Yefim Natis, Mark O’Neill, 28
Oct 2019
© Solace
We Need an Event Portal
for Asynchronous Interactions
Design, Develop
and Manage
• Discover
• Govern
• Improve
• Monetize
• Collaborate
• Generate Code (code gen)
© Solace
Single place to design, create, catalog, visualize, discover,
share, secure and manage all events within your
Introducing Event Portal
Event PortalEvent Portal
Apps IoTMicro
Event BrokersEvent Brokers
The Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of Events:
• Who produces and consumes each event?
• What is the event payload format?
• Where do we go to discover events?
• When will a given event be available or deprecated?
• Why does a given event exist? Context?
• How do we define event-driven applications?
• How do we generate code?
© Solace
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How do you govern all of this!?!
API Management Platforms Solved This for REST!
© Solace
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Answers the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How
For RESTful APIs… But not Events…
• Discover
• Govern
• Improve
• Monetize
• Collaborate
Internal, Partner &
Architects and
“The continuing shortage of productivity and
governance tools, best practices and
technology standards keeps this ultimate
commitment experience of EDA off the real-
world roadmaps of most organizations today.”
Gartner: Gartner “The 5 Steps Toward Pervasive Event-Driven Architecture”, 28 June 2019, Yefim Natis, Massimo Pezzini, Keith Guttridge, W. Roy Schulte
Event Portal for the Asynchronous World
© Solace
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Purpose Built for the Event‐Driven Enterprise
• Discover
• Govern
• Improve
• Monetize
• Collaborate
Internal, Partner &
Architects and
An Event Platform for Async Interactions
© Solace
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Protocol Translation
1..Many Distribution
Event Source
Event Sinks
• Discover
• Govern
• Improve
• Monetize
• Collaborate
Internal, Partner &
Architects and
Runtime Event Mesh
Event Driven App
Design, Develop
Simple Model, Powerful Results
• Event Portal Foundational Elements
– Application Domains: decomposes
– Schema: payload object definition. JSON,
Avro, XML schema
– Event: topic address + metadata.
References a payload schema
– Application: consumes and/or produces
• Tracking relationships between
elements is key!
Event Portal
Application Domain
event eventapplication
consumes produces
What Capabilities the Event Portal Provides
• Designer
– Catalog
– Discovery
– Version Control
– Import/Export
– Choreography
– External Portal
– Collaboration
– Runtime Discovery
• Operator
– Runtime Audit
– Broker Configuration
– Application Runtime
– Runtime Choreography
Enabled by AsyncAPI
© Solace
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© Solace
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Thank you!!

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apidays LIVE Australia 2020 - The Evolution of APIs: Events and the AsyncAPI specification by Aaron Lee

  • 1. The Evolution of APIs: Events and the AsyncAPI specification APIDays LIVE Australia – Building Business Ecosystems September 16th, 2020 Aaron Lee Developer Advocate, Solace @aaron-613
  • 2. Who is Solace? World’s foremost experts on event distribution and messaging middleware ‐ 21 patents ‐ 9 of top 12 Investment banks ‐ Top American & Indian telcos ‐ Air traffic management around the world HQ and Engineering in Ottawa, Canada 15 Global Offices Presence in Americas, AsiaPac, Europe 2 Award- winning business Award- winning business
  • 8. Modern enterprises are turning towards, if not fully embracing event-driven architectures.
  • 9. Real Time Digital Transformation To unlock the value of data, you need to set it in motion as Event Streams 9 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 10. Ok, so events are important! 10 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 12. In the beginning… • Software was monolithic and proprietary – Database-centric, batch-oriented systems – Proprietary protocols and APIs – Waterfall methodology  Agile development – Rise of open-source, open standards, open protocols, and open APIs – Decomposing of larger systems into collections of microservices – Move to real-time, increase In volume, rethinking to Event-Driven Architectures 12© Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 13. In the beginning… • The Internet was simple – Client-Server interactions for webpages – RESTful Request-Reply HTTP protocol – Everything understands REST: firewalls, routers, gateways, load balancers, etc. – But also synchronous; but also one-way – Need for efficient, asynchronous, bidirectional protocols • WebSockets, MQTT, etc. 13© Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 14. Event-Driven in Action (cont’d) • What if you didn’t have an event mesh? – REST over HTTP is a common communication mechanism – Use of REST APIs to make service calls • However: – REST architecture is client-server by definition – REST over HTTP is point-to-point – HTTP is a synchronous protocol • Would REST/HTTP fit the bill for all our communication requirements? 14 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 15. What does it mean to be Event-Driven? 15 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 16. What does it mean to be Event-Driven? • Real-time • Reactive • Asynchronous • Non-blocking • Decoupled / loosely-coupled 16 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 17. Can I use REST? 17 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 18. Can I use REST over HTTP? • REST over HTTP is a common communication mechanism • Use of REST APIs to make service calls • However: – REST architecture is client-server by definition – REST over HTTP is point-to-point – HTTP is a synchronous protocol 18 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 19. REST isn’t always BEST • Great for: –Synchronous interactions –Externally facing APIs • But: –Point-to-point –Tight service coupling –Not natively event-driven –Not resource efficient 19 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 20. Don’t Just Take It From Me..! • 20 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 21. Event-Driven Integration for the Real-Time Enterprise • Cloud native integration platform as-a-service – Connect and enable different technologies to communicate ©Solace | Proprietary & Confidential 21 • Event streaming and management platform – Stream and manage events and other data across all your environments (no cloud, hybrid cloud, multi-cloud)
  • 22. Event‐Driven Integration for the Real‐Time Enterprise • Connectors • Orchestration • APIs/API Management • MDM ©Solace | Proprietary & Confidential 22 Cloud based integration Event streaming and management • Event mesh (dynamic event streaming) • Event management and governance • Event‐driven APIs • Enterprise grade Event-driven integration
  • 23. Event‐Driven Integration with Boomi and Solace ©Solace | Proprietary & Confidential 23
  • 24. Event-Driven Software Design • Events are everywhere. If you’ve ever done any GUI programming: – Button click – Pane scroll – Window resize – Page load • Game engine design: – Fire button pressed – Collision detection – Object interaction • Other examples: – credit card swipe, ticket purchase, sensor update, stock market tick, alert raised, race start 24 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 25. Event-Driven Software Design (cont’d) • Let’s get you thinking about events instead of service-oriented design – Most developers think easily about services: methods() are blocking service calls – Event-driven software is non-blocking, and uses lots of callbacks • Remember your Software Design Patterns? – Programming patterns: • Observer pattern (Subject-Observer) • Reactor pattern – Architectural patterns: • Publish-Subscribe pattern – Good descriptions of these on Wikipedia and other online resources 25 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 26. Event-Driven Code • Observer Software Design Pattern – How can I get notified about an event, or when an object changes? – 1 or more Observers want to be informed about state changes – Register with the Subject – When Subject changes, notifies Observers via callbacks – Observers don’t have to poll Subject 26 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 27. Event-Driven Code (cont’d) • Reactor Pattern – How do I design for near real-time communication with no blocking? – Tight loop, watching for incoming events / requests / data  gives to worker threads – When workers complete, notify reactor thread via callbacks – Used heavily in event-driven I/O APIs, including Solace APIs • Useful in consuming application design, to spread processing across many threads 27 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 28. Event-Driven Communication • Publish-Subscribe (Pub/Sub) Architecture Pattern – Consumers subscribe to topics of interest – Publishers send data/events on topics – Promotes a decoupled architecture – Implemented by Message Brokers, or Event Brokers 28 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 29. What is an Event Broker? 29© Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 30. • An event broker is middleware component used to transmit data and events between producers and consumers using multiple exchange patterns, including: – Publish-Subscribe – Request-Reply – Queuing (point-to-point) – Replay • It should allow communication between applications to be: – Efficient – Bidirectional – Asynchronous What is an Event Broker? 30 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential Publish-SubscribePoint-to-Point Request-Reply
  • 31. Is this a new technology? • No! • But the features and capabilities of a modern, advanced event broker are! • Similar technologies may be called different things: – Message Broker – Message Bus – Message-Oriented Middleware 31 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 32. There are many players in this space
  • 33. And there different protocols and standards… WebSocket
  • 34. A (very) simplified Messaging API • The absolute basics: – connect(host, user, pw); disconnect() – subscribe(topic); unsubscribe(topic) – bind(queue); unbind(queue) – publish(message, destination); // destination = [queue,topic] – onReceive(message); // callback interface • And for good measure: – Message doRequest(requestMessage, destination) 34 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 35. Topics (in Solace) • A Topic is more than just a label • A topic is a description of the data contained within – Each published message can have its own topic – Hierarchical structure allows for levels, delimited by “/” forward slash – Solace will use some or all of your Topic for routing and filtering 35 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential system/status/host1/statistics level 1 level 2 level 3 level 4
  • 36. Subscriptions and Wildcards • Wildcards enable advanced routing and filtering of Messages – A consumer-side concept, allows for a wide range of topics to match – Two different types: single-level “*” and multi-level “>” • Corresponds to MQTT wildcards: “+” and “#” • In Solace, prefix wildcards: 36 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential system/status/host1/> level 1 level 2 level 3 level 4 system/status/*/statistics system/status/host*/>
  • 37. Do you need an Event Broker? (cont’d) • Do I really? a) I only have a few components b) My architecture is very simple c) I will only ever run this in one cloud d) I don’t need all those fancy features • Most applications start small and simple, and grow • It is better to design for the future to allow for growth and complexity 37 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 38. Protocols and Standards • Communication protocols for distributed applications • Standards and frameworks make interoperability easier 38 © Solace WebSocket
  • 39. Event Mesh Complements Service Mesh Network PaaS/CaaS/Virtualization Request/Reply Microservices Hybrid Microservices Event‐Driven Microservices Request/Reply Microservices Hybrid Microservices Event‐Driven Microservices Request/Reply Microservices Hybrid Microservices Event‐Driven Microservices Request/Reply Microservices Hybrid Microservices Event‐Driven Microservices Service Mesh Event Mesh Source: Gartner “The Key Trends in PaaS and Platform Architecture”, 28 Feb 2019, Yefim Natis, Fabrizo Biscotti, Massimo Pezzini, Paul Vincent
  • 40. WE need to Manage Events… 40 Because we need answers to… • Where do you discover events/topics and the schema definition that defines the payload? • What logical event address (topic) do you subscribe to in order to receive just the events you want to do something with? • Why does a given event exist, i.e. what is it’s context and purpose. And if you can’t figure that out… • Who do you contact to learn more about more events and their context/purpose? • When will a given event be available or deprecated? • How do developers/Architects define their event-driven application interfaces, How do they generate code?
  • 41. Code Gen from a Topic Schema? 41 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 42. Answers the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How For RESTful APIs…but what about Events? OpenAPI + API Management Platforms Solved this for REST! API Gateway API Gateway Documentation • Discover Registration • Govern Analysis • Improve • Monetize Community • Collaborate Architects and Developers (Internal, Partner and Third‐Party) Productivity • Generate Code API Portal API Portal
  • 43. We need a Machine-Readable Application Spec 43 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 44. We Need an Event Platform for Async Interactions Architects and Developers (Internal, Partner and Third‐Party)
  • 45. OpenAPI… AsyncAPI 45 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential OpenAPI Specification Swagger Codegen Generated Code Async Specification AsyncAPI Codegen SynchronousAsynchronous … HTTP amqp, amqps, mqtt, mqtts, ws, wss Generated Code Runtime Protocol Runtime Protocol
  • 46. Sinks “While most organizations have basic event processing infrastructure - such as notification services, message buses, and event brokers - many don’t have the high-level productivity tooling that helps developers design, develop, test and manage event-centric applications. Nor do they have tools for governing, publishing and managing event-based interfaces. The market for these tools is sparse.” Gartner “Top 3 Trends in Application Architecture That Enable Digital Business” Anne Thomas, Yefim Natis, Mark O’Neill, 28 Oct 2019 46 © Solace Event Broker Event Broker Security Persistence Protocol Translation One-to-Many Distribution Source Runtime We Need an Event Portal for Asynchronous Interactions Design, Develop and Manage Event Portal Event Portal Documentation • Discover Registration • Govern Analysis • Improve • Monetize Community • Collaborate Productivity • Generate Code (code gen) (spec)
  • 47. 47 © Solace Single place to design, create, catalog, visualize, discover, share, secure and manage all events within your ecosystem Introducing Event Portal Event PortalEvent Portal Mainframe/ SAP Distributed Apps IoTMicro services Server Less Event BrokersEvent Brokers
  • 48. The Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of Events: • Who produces and consumes each event? • What is the event payload format? • Where do we go to discover events? • When will a given event be available or deprecated? • Why does a given event exist? Context? • How do we define event-driven applications? • How do we generate code? 48 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential How do you govern all of this!?!
  • 49. API Management Platforms Solved This for REST! 49 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential Answers the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How For RESTful APIs… But not Events… API Portal API Portal API Gateway API Gateway Documentation: • Discover Registration: • Govern Analysis: • Improve • Monetize Community: • Collaborate Internal, Partner & Third‐Party Architects and Developers
  • 50. 2019 “The continuing shortage of productivity and governance tools, best practices and technology standards keeps this ultimate commitment experience of EDA off the real- world roadmaps of most organizations today.” Gartner: Gartner “The 5 Steps Toward Pervasive Event-Driven Architecture”, 28 June 2019, Yefim Natis, Massimo Pezzini, Keith Guttridge, W. Roy Schulte
  • 51. Event Portal for the Asynchronous World 51 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential Purpose Built for the Event‐Driven Enterprise Event Portal Event Portal Event Broker Event Broker Documentation: • Discover Registration: • Govern Analysis: • Improve • Monetize Community: • Collaborate Internal, Partner & Third‐Party Architects and Developers
  • 52. An Event Platform for Async Interactions 52 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential Event Broker Event Broker Security Persistence Protocol Translation 1..Many Distribution Event Source Event Sinks Event Portal Event Portal Documentation: • Discover Registration: • Govern Analysis: • Improve • Monetize Community: • Collaborate Internal, Partner & Third‐Party Architects and Developers Runtime Event Mesh Event Driven App Design, Develop & Management
  • 53. Simple Model, Powerful Results • Event Portal Foundational Elements – Application Domains: decomposes enterprise – Schema: payload object definition. JSON, Avro, XML schema – Event: topic address + metadata. References a payload schema – Application: consumes and/or produces events • Tracking relationships between elements is key! Event Portal Application Domain payload schema event eventapplication consumes produces payload schema
  • 54. What Capabilities the Event Portal Provides • Designer – Catalog – Discovery – Version Control – Import/Export – Choreography Visualizations – External Portal – Collaboration – Runtime Discovery • Operator – Runtime Audit – Broker Configuration – Application Runtime Monitoring – Runtime Choreography Visualizations
  • 55. Enabled by AsyncAPI 55 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential
  • 56. 56 © Solace Proprietary & Confidential Thank you!!