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Introduction to Apache Camel

Claus Ibsen
Principal Software Engineer, FuseSource
September 2010

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Today's speaker - Claus Ibsen

 Principal Software Engineer at FuseSource
     • Full time Apache Camel hacker
 Apache Camel committer
 Co-author of Camel in Action book
     • Available in late 2010
 Contact


 3     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
Why the name Camel?

                                Camel is easy to remember and type

 4   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation

    The birth of Apache Camel
    What is Apache Camel
    A little example
    What's included in the box?
    Running Camel
    Another Example
    The Camel Community
    Q and A

 5     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
The birth of Apache Camel

     • Camel’s parents

 6     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
The birth of Apache Camel

 Initial Commit Log
  r519901 | jstrachan | 2007-03-19 11:54:57 +0100
  (Mon, 19 Mar 2007) | 1 line

     Initial checkin of Camel routing library

 Apache Camel 1.0 released June 2007

 Apache Camel is 3 years old

 7     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
The birth of Apache Camel

 My initial commit

     r640963 | davsclaus | 2008-03-25 21:07:10 +0100
     (Tue, 25 Mar 2008) | 1 line

     Added unit test for mistyped URI

 8     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation

    The birth of Apache Camel
    What is Apache Camel
    A little example
    What's included in the box?
    Running Camel
    Another Example
    The Camel Community
    Q and A

 9     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 Quote from the web site

                         Apache Camel is a
                      Powerful Open Source
                       Integration Framework
                          based on known
                   Enterprise Integration Patterns

 10   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 Why do we need Integration?
      • Your apps are build using different tech stacks
      • Critical for your business to integrate
 Why Integration Framework?
      • Framework do the heavy lifting
      • Focus on business problem
      • Not "reinventing the wheel"

 11     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 What is Enterprise Integration Patterns?

 12   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 What is Enterprise Integration Patterns?

 13   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 What is Enterprise Integration Patterns?

                                             Its a book
 14   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 Lets look at one of the patterns

 15   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 Use Case

      ActiveMQ                               WebSphereMQ

 16   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 Filter Pattern

 17   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 Filter Pattern

      from                                    filter   send to
        A                                    message     B

 18   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 Filter Pattern

      from(A)                            filter(predicate)   to(B)

 19    © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 Filter Pattern

      from(A)                            .filter(isWidget)   .to(B)

 20    © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 Filter Route


 21   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 Filter Route

      isWidget = xpath(“/quote/product = „widget‟”);


 22    © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 Filter Route

Endpoint A = endpoint(“activemq:queue:quote”);

Endpoint B = endpoint(“mq:quote”);

Predicate isWidget = xpath(“/quote/product = „widget‟”);


 23   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

     Filter Route - Java DSL

public void configure() throws Exception {
  Endpoint A = endpoint("activemq:queue:quote");
  Endpoint B = endpoint("mq:quote");
  Predicate isWidget = xpath("/quote/product = „widget‟");


    24   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 Filter Route - Java DSL

 import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
 import static org.apache.camel.builder.xml.XPathBuilder.xpath;

 public class FilterRoute extends RouteBuilder {

     public void configure() throws Exception {
      Endpoint A = endpoint("activemq:queue:quote");
      Endpoint B = endpoint("mq:quote");
      Predicate isWidget = xpath("/quote/product = „widget‟");


 25         © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 Filter Route - Java DSL

 import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;

 public class FilterRoute extends RouteBuilder {

     public void configure() throws Exception {
         .filter().xpath("/quote/product =„widget‟")

 26     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 IDE Tooling


 27   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 IDE Tooling


 28   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 Lets look at the most famous pattern

 29   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 Content Based Router

 30   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 Content Based Router - Spring XML

  <from uri="activemq:NewOrders"/>
     <xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath>
     <to uri="activemq:Orders.Widgets"/>
     <to uri="activemq:Orders.Gadgets"/>
 31   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 Content Based Router - Java DSL

          .when().xpath(“/order/product = 'widget'”)

 32     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 Summary
      •   Camel is an integration framework
      •   Based on Enterprise Integration Patterns
      •   Routing and mediation
      •   Easy to use DSL to define routes
      •   No heavy specification
      •   No container dependency
      •   Payload agnostic
      •   Connectivity to a great wealth of transports

 33       © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What is Apache Camel

 Mission Statement

                   Making integration easier and
                   more accessible to developers

 34   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation

     The birth of Apache Camel
     What is Apache Camel
     A little example
     What's included in the box?
     Running Camel
     Another Example
     The Camel Community
     Q and A

 35     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
A little example

 Based on community user (Gunnar Hillert)
 Goals
      •   1) Pickup files from a directory
      •   2) Make sure we only pickup 3 files per 30 seconds
      •   3) Store into JMS queue
      •   4) Listen on JMS queue
      •   5) And upload file to FTP server

 36       © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
A little example

 Goals using Enterprise Integration Patterns

          1                        2             3       4     5

 Goals
      •   1) Pickup files from a directory
      •   2) Make sure we only pickup 3 files per 30 seconds
      •   3) Store into JMS queue
      •   4) Listen on JMS queue
      •   5) And upload file to FTP server

 37       © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
A little example

 Goals using Enterprise Integration Patterns

 from                    throttle                to   from     to
 Goals
      •   1) Pickup files from a directory
      •   2) Make sure we only pickup 3 files per 30 seconds
      •   3) Store into JMS queue
      •   4) Listen on JMS queue
      •   5) And upload file to FTP server

 38       © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
A little example

 Camel DSL in XML

   <from uri="file:camellos/inbox?move=.done"/>
   <throttle maximumRequestsPerPeriod="3”
     <to uri="activemq:queue:camellos"/>
   <from uri="activemq:queue:camellos"/>
   <to uri="ftp://admin:secret@localhost:3333"/>

 39   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation

     The birth of Apache Camel
     What is Apache Camel
     A little example
     What's included in the box?
     Running Camel
     Another Example
     The Camel Community
     Q and A

 40     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 Highlights of whats included in Camel

 41   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 50+ EIP patterns

 42   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 70+ Components
           activemq                crypto     flatpack          irc           ldap

      activemq-journal               cxf     freemarker      javaspace   mail/imap/pop3

             amqp                   cxfrs    ftp/ftps/sftp      jbi          mina

             atom                 dataset        gae            jcr          mock

             bean                  direct       hdfs           jdbc           msv

       bean validation             esper     hibernate         jetty        nagios

            browse                 event         hl7            jms          netty

             cache                  exec         http           jpa           nmr

            cometd                   file       ibatis         jt/400        printer


 43   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 70+ Components
          properties              scalate             stream        xslt

             quartz                 seda          string-template   ejb

            quickfix               servlet             test

               ref                smooks              timer

             restlet               smpp             validation

              rmi                  snmp              velocity

              rnc            spring-integration        vm

               rng            spring-security         xmpp

               rss                   sql              xquery


 44   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 18 Data Formats
                                        bindy       protobuf
                                       castor      serialization
                                             csv      soap
                                       crypto      tidy markup
                                      flatpack     xml beans
                                         gzip      xml security
                                             hl7     xstream
                                         jaxb          zip
                                         json         dozer


 45   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 Data Format


 46   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 Predicates & Expressions

                                         BeanShell      PHP
                                               EL      Python
                                             Groovy     Ruby
                                         JavaScript    Simple
                                             JSR 223    SQL
                                             OGNL      XPath
                                              MVEL     XQuery

 47   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 DSL in 3 programming languages

 <from ref="A"/>
   <xpath>/quote/product = „widget‟</xpath>
   <to ref="B"/>
                                              from(A) filter(isWidget) --> B

 48    © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 Type Converters

                         INFO DefaultTypeConverter
                         - Loaded 148 type converters

 49   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 Custom Type Converters

      public class MyTypeConverter {
        public String toString(MyOrder order) {
          StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
          return sb.toString();
             # META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/TypeConverter
                                             META-INF file in the JAR

 50   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 Powerful bean integration
      • Adapt to your beans
      • EIP as @annotations
         -   @Produce
         -   @Consume
         -   @DynamicRouter
         -   @RecipientList
         -   @RoutingSlip

       more to come in future releases ...

 51     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 Bean as Message Translator

 52   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 Bean as Message Translator
           beanRef("myBeanName”, “someMethod").

public class Foo {
    public String someMethod(String name) {
      return “Hello “ + name;

    53     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

  Bean Parameter Binding with XPath

      public class Foo {
        public String processOrder(
          String orderAsXml,
          @XPath(“/order/@id") String oid,
          @Header("JMSCorrelationID") String cid) {

 54    © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 Sending message

        public class Foo {
         @Produce(uri = "")
         ProducerTemplate producer;

            public void doSomething() {
              if (whatEver) {
                producer.sendBody("Hello World");


 55   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 Receiving message

         public class Foo {

             @Consume(uri = "activemq:cheese")
             public void onCheese(String name) {


 56   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 Test Kit
      •   camel-test.jar
      •   JUnit based (3.x and 4.x)
      •   Supports Spring
      •   Easy to test
      •   Quick prototyping

 57       © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

                                         extend CamelTestSupport
 Test Kit from IDE
                                                                   Right Click ->

                           Inline RouteBuilder

 58   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 Managed
      • JMX API
      • REST API

 59    © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 Web console
      • REST API

 60    © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 FuseSource Rider

 61       © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
What's included in the box?

 Summary
      •   50+ EIP patterns
      •   70+ Connectivity components
      •   15+ Data formats
      •   10+ Languages
      •   DSL in multiple flavors (Java, XML, Scala, Groovy)
      •   Automatic type conversion
      •   Strong bean support
      •   Test Kit
      •   Management (JMX, REST)
      •   Web console

 62       © 2010 Progress Software Corporation

     The birth of Apache Camel
     What is Apache Camel
     A little example
     What's included in the box?
     Running Camel
     Another Example
     The Camel Community
     Q and A

 63     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
Running Camel

 Riding the Camel

 64   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
Running Camel

 Camel is not a server
 Camel is lightweight and embeddable
 Known Deployment Options
      •   Standalone Java Application            Known Containers
                                                 Apache ServiceMix
      •   Web Application
                                                 Apache ActiveMQ
      •   J2EE Application                       Apache Tomcat
      •   JBI                                    Jetty
      •   OSGi                                   IBM WebSphere
      •   Google App Engine                      BEA WebLogic
                                                 Oracle OC4j
      •   Java Web Start
      •   Spring Application                     ... others

 65       © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
Running Camel

 Java Application

      CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext();
      context.addRoutes(new MyRouteBuilder());

 Spring Application

 66     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation

     The birth of Apache Camel
     What is Apache Camel
     A little example
     What's included in the box?
     Running Camel
     Another Example
     The Camel Community
     Q and A

 67     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
Another Example

 Rider Auto Parts Example by Jonathan Anstey

 68   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
Another Example

 Rider Auto Parts Example - 3 Routes


 69   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
Another Example

 Rider Auto Parts Example - 3 Routes



 70   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
Another Example

 Rider Auto Parts Example - 3 Routes



 71   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
Another Example

 Rider Auto Parts Example - 1st Route
                from                    1


 public class Route1 extends RouteBuilder {

     public void configure() throws Exception {
  72    © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
Another Example

 Rider Auto Parts Example - 2nd Route

                                from                      to

       public class Route2 extends RouteBuilder {

           public void configure() throws Exception {

  73       © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
Another Example

 Rider Auto Parts Example - 3rd Route

                      from                               to


                                       route on next slide

  74   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
Another Example

 Rider Auto Parts Example - 3rd Route
       public class Route3 extends RouteBuilder {
        public void configure() throws Exception {
         JaxbDataFormat jaxb = new JaxbDataFormat("com.rider");

                   .when().method("helper”, "isXml")
                   .when().method("helper”, "isCsv")
                    .beanRef("orderService”, "csvToXml")

  75       © 2010 Progress Software Corporation

     The birth of Apache Camel
     What is Apache Camel
     A little example
     What's included in the box?
     Running Camel
     Another Example
     The Camel Community
     Q and A

 76     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
The Camel Community

 Camel website
      • 52% increase (2010 over 2009)
      • Average 2200 visits per weekday (2000 - 2500)

 High activity on mailing list

 77     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
The Camel Community

 20 committers

 High commit activity


 78   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
The Camel Community

 Books - Bestseller
      • Manning top-15 year to date (2010)


 79     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
The Camel Community

 JIRA tickets

                                        Total           3106

                                        Open          136 (4%)

                                    Resolved        2970 (96%)

                                        Bugs        2 (2% open)

                                  Oldest Bug          Dec 2009

                                             Sep 6th 2010

 80   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
The Camel Community

 A lot in each new release

                  Release                     Date       Tickets
                 Camel 2.0                   Aug 2009     760
                 Camel 2.1                   Dec 2009     303
                 Camel 2.2                   Feb 2010     180
                 Camel 2.3                   May 2010     278
                 Camel 2.4                   July 2010    182
                 Camel 2.5                   Sep 2010     170+

 81   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
The Camel Community

 3rd party integrating Camel
      •   Apache ServiceMix
      •   Apache ActiveMQ
      •   Apache James                           In Progress
      •   OpenESB                                • Smooks
      •   Progress Actional Diagnostics          • Doozer
      •   FuseHQ
      •   Open eHealth Integration Platform
      •   Grails Camel Plugin
      •   Play Framework
      •   Akka
      •   Scalate
      •   JBoss Drools
      •   JBoss ESB
 82       © 2010 Progress Software Corporation

     The birth of Apache Camel
     What is Apache Camel
     A little example
     What's included in the box?
     Running Camel
     Another Example
     The Camel Community
     Q and A

 83     © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
Q and A

 Where do I get more information?
       Camel website:
       Camel article:
       FuseSource website:
       Camel in Action book:

 84   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
Q and A

 85   © 2010 Progress Software Corporation

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Apache Camel Introduction

  • 1. Introduction to Apache Camel Claus Ibsen Principal Software Engineer, FuseSource September 2010 1
  • 2. When you joined today‟s session … Audio is broadcast from your computer Submit your questions via the Chat Window Contact today‟s Host via the Chat Window
  • 3. Today's speaker - Claus Ibsen  Principal Software Engineer at FuseSource • Full time Apache Camel hacker  Apache Camel committer  Co-author of Camel in Action book • Available in late 2010  Contact • • • 3 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 4. Why the name Camel? Camel is easy to remember and type 4 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 5. Agenda  The birth of Apache Camel  What is Apache Camel  A little example  What's included in the box?  Running Camel  Another Example  The Camel Community  Q and A 5 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 6. The birth of Apache Camel • Camel’s parents 6 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 7. The birth of Apache Camel  Initial Commit Log r519901 | jstrachan | 2007-03-19 11:54:57 +0100 (Mon, 19 Mar 2007) | 1 line Initial checkin of Camel routing library  Apache Camel 1.0 released June 2007  Apache Camel is 3 years old 7 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 8. The birth of Apache Camel  My initial commit r640963 | davsclaus | 2008-03-25 21:07:10 +0100 (Tue, 25 Mar 2008) | 1 line Added unit test for mistyped URI 8 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 9. Agenda  The birth of Apache Camel  What is Apache Camel  A little example  What's included in the box?  Running Camel  Another Example  The Camel Community  Q and A 9 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 10. What is Apache Camel  Quote from the web site Apache Camel is a Powerful Open Source Integration Framework based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns 10 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 11. What is Apache Camel  Why do we need Integration? • Your apps are build using different tech stacks • Critical for your business to integrate  Why Integration Framework? • Framework do the heavy lifting • Focus on business problem • Not "reinventing the wheel" 11 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 12. What is Apache Camel  What is Enterprise Integration Patterns? 12 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 13. What is Apache Camel  What is Enterprise Integration Patterns? 13 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 14. What is Apache Camel  What is Enterprise Integration Patterns? Its a book 14 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 15. What is Apache Camel  Lets look at one of the patterns 15 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 16. What is Apache Camel  Use Case ActiveMQ WebSphereMQ 16 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 17. What is Apache Camel  Filter Pattern 17 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 18. What is Apache Camel  Filter Pattern from filter send to A message B 18 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 19. What is Apache Camel  Filter Pattern from(A) filter(predicate) to(B) 19 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 20. What is Apache Camel  Filter Pattern from(A) .filter(isWidget) .to(B) 20 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 21. What is Apache Camel  Filter Route from(A).filter(isWidget).to(B); 21 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 22. What is Apache Camel  Filter Route isWidget = xpath(“/quote/product = „widget‟”); from(A).filter(isWidget).to(B); 22 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 23. What is Apache Camel  Filter Route Endpoint A = endpoint(“activemq:queue:quote”); Endpoint B = endpoint(“mq:quote”); Predicate isWidget = xpath(“/quote/product = „widget‟”); from(A).filter(isWidget).to(B); 23 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 24. What is Apache Camel  Filter Route - Java DSL public void configure() throws Exception { Endpoint A = endpoint("activemq:queue:quote"); Endpoint B = endpoint("mq:quote"); Predicate isWidget = xpath("/quote/product = „widget‟"); from(A).filter(isWidget).to(B); } 24 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 25. What is Apache Camel  Filter Route - Java DSL import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder; import static org.apache.camel.builder.xml.XPathBuilder.xpath; public class FilterRoute extends RouteBuilder { public void configure() throws Exception { Endpoint A = endpoint("activemq:queue:quote"); Endpoint B = endpoint("mq:quote"); Predicate isWidget = xpath("/quote/product = „widget‟"); from(A).filter(isWidget).to(B); } } 25 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 26. What is Apache Camel  Filter Route - Java DSL import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder; public class FilterRoute extends RouteBuilder { public void configure() throws Exception { from("activemq:queue:quote") .filter().xpath("/quote/product =„widget‟") .to("mq:quote"); } } 26 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 27. What is Apache Camel  IDE Tooling Code Assistance JavaDoc 27 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 28. What is Apache Camel  IDE Tooling Code Assistance 28 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 29. What is Apache Camel  Lets look at the most famous pattern 29 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 30. What is Apache Camel  Content Based Router 30 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 31. What is Apache Camel  Content Based Router - Spring XML <camelContext> <route> <from uri="activemq:NewOrders"/> <choice> <when> <xpath>/order/product = 'widget'</xpath> <to uri="activemq:Orders.Widgets"/> </when> <otherwise> <to uri="activemq:Orders.Gadgets"/> </otherwise> </choice> </route> </camelContext> 31 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 32. What is Apache Camel  Content Based Router - Java DSL from("activemq:NewOrders") .choice() .when().xpath(“/order/product = 'widget'”) .to(“activemq:Orders.Widget”) .otherwise() .to(“acitvemq:Orders.Gadget”); 32 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 33. What is Apache Camel  Summary • Camel is an integration framework • Based on Enterprise Integration Patterns • Routing and mediation • Easy to use DSL to define routes • No heavy specification • No container dependency • Payload agnostic • Connectivity to a great wealth of transports 33 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 34. What is Apache Camel  Mission Statement Making integration easier and more accessible to developers 34 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 35. Agenda  The birth of Apache Camel  What is Apache Camel  A little example  What's included in the box?  Running Camel  Another Example  The Camel Community  Q and A 35 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 36. A little example  Based on community user (Gunnar Hillert) • camel-ii.html  Goals • 1) Pickup files from a directory • 2) Make sure we only pickup 3 files per 30 seconds • 3) Store into JMS queue • 4) Listen on JMS queue • 5) And upload file to FTP server 36 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 37. A little example  Goals using Enterprise Integration Patterns 1 2 3 4 5  Goals • 1) Pickup files from a directory • 2) Make sure we only pickup 3 files per 30 seconds • 3) Store into JMS queue • 4) Listen on JMS queue • 5) And upload file to FTP server 37 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 38. A little example  Goals using Enterprise Integration Patterns from throttle to from to  Goals • 1) Pickup files from a directory • 2) Make sure we only pickup 3 files per 30 seconds • 3) Store into JMS queue • 4) Listen on JMS queue • 5) And upload file to FTP server 38 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 39. A little example  Camel DSL in XML <camelContext> <route> <from uri="file:camellos/inbox?move=.done"/> <throttle maximumRequestsPerPeriod="3” timePeriodMillis="30000”> <to uri="activemq:queue:camellos"/> </throttle> </route> <route> <from uri="activemq:queue:camellos"/> <to uri="ftp://admin:secret@localhost:3333"/> </route> </camelContext> 39 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 40. Agenda  The birth of Apache Camel  What is Apache Camel  A little example  What's included in the box?  Running Camel  Another Example  The Camel Community  Q and A 40 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 41. What's included in the box?  Highlights of whats included in Camel 41 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 42. What's included in the box?  50+ EIP patterns 42 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 43. What's included in the box?  70+ Components activemq crypto flatpack irc ldap activemq-journal cxf freemarker javaspace mail/imap/pop3 amqp cxfrs ftp/ftps/sftp jbi mina atom dataset gae jcr mock bean direct hdfs jdbc msv bean validation esper hibernate jetty nagios browse event hl7 jms netty cache exec http jpa nmr cometd file ibatis jt/400 printer 43 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 44. What's included in the box?  70+ Components properties scalate stream xslt quartz seda string-template ejb quickfix servlet test ref smooks timer restlet smpp validation rmi snmp velocity rnc spring-integration vm rng spring-security xmpp rss sql xquery 44 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 45. What's included in the box?  18 Data Formats bindy protobuf castor serialization csv soap crypto tidy markup flatpack xml beans gzip xml security hl7 xstream jaxb zip json dozer 45 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 46. What's included in the box?  Data Format from("activemq:QueueWithJavaObjects”) .marshal().jaxb() .to("mq:QueueWithXmlMessages"); 46 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 47. What's included in the box?  Predicates & Expressions BeanShell PHP EL Python Groovy Ruby JavaScript Simple JSR 223 SQL OGNL XPath MVEL XQuery 47 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 48. What's included in the box?  DSL in 3 programming languages Java XML from(A).filter(isWidget).to(B); <route> <from ref="A"/> <filter> <xpath>/quote/product = „widget‟</xpath> <to ref="B"/> </filter> </route> from(A) filter(isWidget) --> B Scala 48 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 49. What's included in the box?  Type Converters INFO DefaultTypeConverter - Loaded 148 type converters 49 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 50. What's included in the box?  Custom Type Converters @Converter public class MyTypeConverter { @Converter public String toString(MyOrder order) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); ... return sb.toString(); } } # META-INF/services/org/apache/camel/TypeConverter com.acme.converters META-INF file in the JAR 50 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 51. What's included in the box?  Powerful bean integration • Adapt to your beans • EIP as @annotations - @Produce - @Consume - @DynamicRouter - @RecipientList - @RoutingSlip more to come in future releases ... 51 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 52. What's included in the box?  Bean as Message Translator 52 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 53. What's included in the box?  Bean as Message Translator from("activemq:Incoming”). beanRef("myBeanName”, “someMethod"). to("activemq:Outgoing"); public class Foo { public String someMethod(String name) { return “Hello “ + name; } } 53 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 54. What's included in the box?  Bean Parameter Binding with XPath public class Foo { public String processOrder( String orderAsXml, @XPath(“/order/@id") String oid, @Header("JMSCorrelationID") String cid) { ... } } 54 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 55. What's included in the box?  Sending message public class Foo { @Produce(uri = "") ProducerTemplate producer; public void doSomething() { if (whatEver) { producer.sendBody("Hello World"); } } } 55 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 56. What's included in the box?  Receiving message public class Foo { @Consume(uri = "activemq:cheese") public void onCheese(String name) { ... } } 56 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 57. What's included in the box?  Test Kit • camel-test.jar • JUnit based (3.x and 4.x) • Supports Spring • Easy to test • Quick prototyping 57 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 58. What's included in the box? extend CamelTestSupport  Test Kit from IDE Right Click -> Run Debug Inline RouteBuilder 58 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 59. What's included in the box?  Managed • JMX API • REST API 59 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 60. What's included in the box?  Web console • REST API 60 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 61. What's included in the box?  FuseSource Rider • 61 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 62. What's included in the box?  Summary • 50+ EIP patterns • 70+ Connectivity components • 15+ Data formats • 10+ Languages • DSL in multiple flavors (Java, XML, Scala, Groovy) • Automatic type conversion • Strong bean support • Test Kit • Management (JMX, REST) • Web console 62 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 63. Agenda  The birth of Apache Camel  What is Apache Camel  A little example  What's included in the box?  Running Camel  Another Example  The Camel Community  Q and A 63 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 64. Running Camel  Riding the Camel 64 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 65. Running Camel  Camel is not a server  Camel is lightweight and embeddable  Known Deployment Options • Standalone Java Application Known Containers Apache ServiceMix • Web Application Apache ActiveMQ • J2EE Application Apache Tomcat • JBI Jetty JBoss • OSGi IBM WebSphere • Google App Engine BEA WebLogic Oracle OC4j • Java Web Start GAE • Spring Application ... others 65 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 66. Running Camel  Java Application CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext(); context.addRoutes(new MyRouteBuilder()); context.start();  Spring Application <camelContext> <package>com.acme.quotes</package> </camelContext> 66 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 67. Agenda  The birth of Apache Camel  What is Apache Camel  A little example  What's included in the box?  Running Camel  Another Example  The Camel Community  Q and A 67 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 68. Another Example  Rider Auto Parts Example by Jonathan Anstey 68 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 69. Another Example  Rider Auto Parts Example - 3 Routes 1 69 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 70. Another Example  Rider Auto Parts Example - 3 Routes 1 2 70 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 71. Another Example  Rider Auto Parts Example - 3 Routes 1 3 2 71 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 72. Another Example  Rider Auto Parts Example - 1st Route from 1 to public class Route1 extends RouteBuilder { public void configure() throws Exception { from("") .to("activemq:queue:incoming"); } } 72 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 73. Another Example  Rider Auto Parts Example - 2nd Route from to 2 public class Route2 extends RouteBuilder { public void configure() throws Exception { from("jetty:http://localhost:8080/orders") .inOnly("activemq:queue:incoming") .transform().constant("OK"); } } 73 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 74. Another Example  Rider Auto Parts Example - 3rd Route 3 from to choice route on next slide 74 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 75. Another Example  Rider Auto Parts Example - 3rd Route public class Route3 extends RouteBuilder { public void configure() throws Exception { JaxbDataFormat jaxb = new JaxbDataFormat("com.rider"); from("activemq:queue:incoming") .convertBodyTo(String.class) .choice() .when().method("helper”, "isXml") .unmarshal(jaxb) .to("activemq:queue:order") .when().method("helper”, "isCsv") .unmarshal().csv() .beanRef("orderService”, "csvToXml") .to("activemq:queue:order") } } 75 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 76. Agenda  The birth of Apache Camel  What is Apache Camel  A little example  What's included in the box?  Running Camel  Another Example  The Camel Community  Q and A 76 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 77. The Camel Community  Camel website • 52% increase (2010 over 2009) • Average 2200 visits per weekday (2000 - 2500)  High activity on mailing list 77 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 78. The Camel Community  20 committers  High commit activity 78 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 79. The Camel Community  Books - Bestseller • Manning top-15 year to date (2010) #10 79 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 80. The Camel Community  JIRA tickets Total 3106 Open 136 (4%) Resolved 2970 (96%) Bugs 2 (2% open) Oldest Bug Dec 2009 Sep 6th 2010 80 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 81. The Camel Community  A lot in each new release Release Date Tickets Camel 2.0 Aug 2009 760 Camel 2.1 Dec 2009 303 Camel 2.2 Feb 2010 180 Camel 2.3 May 2010 278 Camel 2.4 July 2010 182 Camel 2.5 Sep 2010 170+ 81 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 82. The Camel Community  3rd party integrating Camel • Apache ServiceMix • Apache ActiveMQ • Apache James In Progress • OpenESB • Smooks • Progress Actional Diagnostics • Doozer • FuseHQ • Open eHealth Integration Platform • Grails Camel Plugin • Play Framework • Akka • Scalate • JBoss Drools • JBoss ESB 82 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 83. Agenda  The birth of Apache Camel  What is Apache Camel  A little example  What's included in the box?  Running Camel  Another Example  The Camel Community  Q and A 83 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 84. Q and A  Where do I get more information? Camel website: Camel article: FuseSource website: Camel in Action book: 84 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation
  • 85. Q and A 85 © 2010 Progress Software Corporation