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Anita Davis Boykins, DNSc, FNP-BC, PMHNP BC
Core Communication Competencies in
Patient-Centered Care
Abstract: Effective communication between the patient
and nurse is an essential requirement for nursing practice
and for patient-centered care. Nursing faculty that teach
in undergraduate and graduate nursing programs play
a signiflcant role in preparing the nursing workforce to
communicate effectively and provide patient-centered care.
Patient-centered care, interprofessional collaboration, and
informatics are necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes
for nurses across educational levels in order to meet the
needs of patients, and improve the quality and safety of the
health care system environment. The focus of this article is to
provide information on core nursing competencies for effective
communication and to discuss communication tools used in
patient-centered care, interprofessional collaboration, and
Key Words: Communication, Nurse, Patient-Centered Care,
Interprofessional Collaboration, Informatics
In the last decade the Institute of Medicine (IOM) hasreleased
reports that address quality and safety in healthcare systems,
health professions and nursing (IOM, 1999,
2001,2003a, 2003b, 2010). A core component of quality care
is patient-centered care. Patient centered care is care based on
a partnership between the patient, their families, and the health
care provider that is focused on the patient's values,
and needs. Effective communication between the patient and
health professionals is an essential requirement for patient-
centered care (IOM, 2001). Furthermore, health professions
education should include core competencies in patient-centered
care in order to meet the needs of patients and the changing
health care system (IOM, 2003a). Nursing faculty play a
significant role in preparing the nursing workforce to provide
patient-centered care and to communicate effectively. Patient-
centered care, interprofessional collaboration, and informatics
are necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) for pre-
licensure nurses and nurses returning for graduate education in
order to communicate effectively and to improve the quality and
safety of the health care system environment (Cronenwett, et
al., 2007; Cronenvvett,et al.,2009; Massachusetts Department of
Higher Education Nurse of the Future Competency Committee,
2010)). This article will synthesize core nursing competencies
The ABNF Journal
for effective communication and patient-centered care and
discuss communication tools used in patient-centered care,
interprofessional collaboration, and informatics. Existing
communication competencies from nursing and health
professional resources are interrelated and important for
nursing faculty in curriculum development, and it is equally
important for nursing students to comprehend the concept of
communication when providing patient-centered care.
The American Nurses Association (ANA, 2010)
delineates standards of professional nursing practice.
Professional competence in nursing practice includes not only
psychomotor and clinical diagnostic skills, but also proficiency
in interpersonal and communication skills. The registered
nurse is expected to communicate in various formats and in
all areas of practice. Communication is one of the standards of
professional nursing practice (see Table 1). Communication is
also addressed in four other standards of professional nursing
practice: Assessment; Implementation; Collaboration; and
Environmental Health (ANA, 2010).
Skill in communication has been described as
communication that is effective, appropriate and therapeutic
(Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nurse
of the Future Competency Committee, 2010). Effective
communication is the creation of meaning in communication
in which patients and health care providers exchange
information so that patients are able to actively participate in
their care. The communication involves a two-way process of
expressive and receptive communication so that the message
and resf)onsibilities of both the patient and health care provider
is understood (The Joint Commission, 2010). Therapeutic
communication is mutually respective communication and
has a health related purpose. Examples of nursing core
competencies for effective, appropriate, and therapeutic
communication knowledge and skills are listed in Table 2
(Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nurse of the
Future Competency Committee, 2010). Nursing students must
demonstrate therapeutic communication knowledge and skills
prior to graduation. One of the core competencies is that the
nurse must use clear, concise, and effective written, electronic,
and verbal communication (Massachusetts Department of
Higher Education Nurse of the Future Competency Committee,
Spring 2014
Table 1. American Nurses Association Standards of
Professionai Nursing Practice
Standard 11.Communication
Assesses communication format
preferences of healthcare consumers,
families, and colleagues
Assesses his or her ov(/n communication
skills in encounters with healthcare
consumers, families, and colleagues
Seeks continuous improvement of
communication and conflict resolution
Conveys information to healthcare
consumers, families, the
interprofessional team, and others in
communication formats that promote
Questions the rationale supporting care
processes and decisions when they do
not appear to be in the best interest of
the patient
Discloses observations or concerns
related to hazards and errors in care or
the practice environment to the
appropriate level
Maintains communication with other
providers to minimize risks associated
with transfers and transition in care

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The study aimed to assess the quality of nursing services provided at B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Nepal. Data was collected using questionnaires to evaluate ward in-charges' leadership qualities, functional capabilities, nursing care status, environmental sanitation, and documentation. The results showed that ward in-charges had average leadership skills (69.2%) and managerial performance (48.28%). Nursing care status (72.32%) and documentation (73.23%) were satisfactory. Environmental sanitation was also satisfactory (65.9%). The findings indicate a need for continuous nursing education to improve leadership skills and the quality of nursing services.

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The document discusses electronic health records (EHR), including their purpose of improving patient care quality and safety by providing comprehensive medical histories. EHRs can track patient data over time to monitor parameters like vital sign trends or vaccination history. Their adoption has increased as providers can now access more complete patient information digitally. The purpose of the paper is to explore EHR mandates by examining who initiated them, when, and their objectives of connecting EHRs to improved healthcare access and costs under the Affordable Care Act.

Patient Family Centered Care
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Patient Family Centered Care

This document discusses patient and family centered care. It explains that patient and family centered care involves working together with providers, patients, and families to improve the patient experience and quality of care. It shares how other organizations have successfully adopted this model of cultural change. This model is referred to as patient and family centered care (PFCC). Facilities that have implemented PFCC have seen benefits like reduced call lights, fewer falls, and lower readmission rates. The adoption of a new PFCC culture takes continual effort from the entire healthcare team.

Contributes her or his own professional
perspective in discussions with the
interprofessional team
American Nurses Association. (2010). Nursing:
Scope and standards of practice, p. 54.
The IOM report (2001 ), Crossing the quality chasm: A new
health system for the 21" century, targets improving the health
care system, structure and processes for changing the health
care environment, and principles for redesigning the health care
system. Patient-centered care is one of the aims for
of the health care system; using information technology and
preparing the workforce are areas recognized to change the
health care environment; and patient-centeredness is one of the
principles for redesigning the health care system. Patient-
areas for redesign include:
1. Care is based on continuous healing relationships
2. Care is customized to patient needs and values
3. The patient is the source of control
4. Knowledge is shared and information flows freely
5. Decision making is evidence-based
6. Safety is a system priority
7. Transparency is necessary
8. Needs are anticipated
9. Waste is continuously decreased
10. Cooperation among clinicians is a priority
In order to improve, change, and redesign the health
care system and meet standards of professional nursing
practice, the nurse has to assess barriers to communication.
Barriers to communication between the patient and the nurse
may be related to language, developmental level, medical
condition/disabilities, learning styles, psychosocial, literacy,
financial and cultural factors (ANA, 2010; Massachusetts
Department of Higher Education Nurse of the Future
Competency Committee, 2010). In addition, communication
barriers may be experienced by the nurse with other health
care professionals and within the health care system. The
nurse has to be willing and capable of understanding the
different styles of communication used by patients, families,
and other health care professionals; communicate with
the patient, family and systems during transitions in care;
and use information technologies for health teaching and
promotion to patients in a variety of settings. The nurse also
communicates environmental health risks and strategies
to reduce exposure to these risks to patients, families,
and communities (ANA, 2010). The nurse continuously
advocates disease prevention, Wellness, and promotion of
healthy lifestyles, including a focus on population health
when providing patient-centered care (IOM, 2003a).
Patient-centered care is addressed in the Healthy
People 2020 topic area, health communication (HC)
and health information technology (HIT), as it relates
to the objective, satisfaction with health care providers'
communication skills and health literacy (U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services |USDHHSl,n.d.). Table 3
displays the objectives in the Healthy People 2020 HC and
HIT topic area. Health communication is defined as the study
and use of communication strategies to inform and influence
individual and community decisions that affect health. One
communication strategy is the use of plain language to
cleariy communicate health information and improve health
literacy (USDHHS, n.d.). Literacy is a part of language and
is important in patient-centered care and when working with
teams. Literacy encompasses reading and health literacy
(Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel,
Health literacy is the degree to which individuals have
the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health
information and services needed to make appropriate health
decisions (USDHHS, n.d.). Individuals that experience
health literacy problems receive less preventive care and
have poor understanding of health problems and care,
increase use of emergency and inpatient services and
increase rates of rehospitalization, decrease adherence to
medication schedules, decrease participation in medical
decision making, higher medical costs, and inefficient mix
of health care service use (Berkman et al., 2004; Berkman
et al., 2011). Health literacy is also a tool that is used in
health promotion, disease prevention, management of
chronic illnesses, and quality of life (American Association
of Colleges of Nursing |AACN],2011). Social marketing,
one of the objectives in the Healthy People 2020 HC and
HIT topic area (USDHHS,n.d.), is another tool for health
promotion and disease prevention. Social marketing is
the use of marketing techniques (product, price, place,
promotion) to promote health behaviors of a specific target
audience in order to improve health or benefit society
(Andreason, 1995).
The ABNF Journal Spring 2014
Table 2. Therapeutic Communication Knowledge & Skills
Nurse of the Future: Nursing Core Competencies
• Uses clear, concise, and effective written, electronic and
verbal communica
• Understands visual, auditory, and tactile communication
• Impact of ones' own communications style on others
• Understands the physiological, psychosocial, developmental,
spiritual, and
• Understands tbe nurses role and responsibility in applying
principles of acti
• Chooses the right setting and time to initiate conversation
• Assesses the patient's readiness/willingness to communicate
• Assesses the patient's ability to communicate
• Assesses barriers to effective communication (language,
developmental lev
anxiety, learning styles, etc )
• Makes appropriate adaptations in own communication based
on patient anc
• Assesses the impact of use of self in effective communication
• Establishes rapport
• Actively listens to comments, concerns, and questions
• Demonstrate effective interviewing techniques

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The study found that: 1) Ward in-charges' leadership characteristics were average, scoring 69.2% on assessments, indicating a need for continued nursing education. 2) Ward in-charges' performance on managerial activities was below average, at 48.28%, showing room for improvement in nursing management quality. 3) Nursing care status was satisfactory, at a 72.32% assessment score. 4) Environmental sanitation levels were also satisfactory, scoring 65.9% on evaluations. 5

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1) Effective communication between health professionals and patients is critical for patient safety. It allows clinicians to properly assess patient needs and risks, and involves patients as partners in their own care. 2) Barriers to communication, such as lack of health literacy or hierarchical traditions, can negatively impact patient safety by hindering understanding and efficient teamwork. 3) Strategies like using simple educational materials and confirming patient comprehension can help address these barriers and promote patient empowerment, safety, and better health outcomes through open dialogue and a partnership approach.

literacia em saúdeliteraciacomunicação
Discussion 1 GeorgeIntroduction Teamwork is a significant a
Discussion 1  GeorgeIntroduction Teamwork is a significant aDiscussion 1  GeorgeIntroduction Teamwork is a significant a
Discussion 1 GeorgeIntroduction Teamwork is a significant a

Discussion 1 George Introduction  Teamwork is a significant aspect of health care delivery. With the increasing complexity and specialization of clinical care, healthcare workers have to learn more complicated methods and procedures to achieve the desired patient outcomes. Teamwork is associated with reduced medical errors and improve patient safety. Additionally, teamwork reduces staff burnout since a healthcare professional team is responsible for patient welfare (Zajac et al., 2021). Various strategies are key to ensuring effective teamwork for better patient outcomes.  Strategies for effective teamwork during patient care Effective communication across staff members of a clinical team increases teamwork efficacy, leading to improved patient outcomes. Working towards a common goal, effective communication expands the traditional roles of each member to make decisions as a team (Zajac et al., 2021). One particular strategy that worked for my clinical team is goal setting at the beginning of the scheduled activities so that each member has a clear purpose for their roles for the day. Several studies also agree that goal setting provides the direction for implementing procedures and coordinated care. Organizing regular meetings and using digital communication platforms such as emails and WhatsApp groups to convey information relating to patient care to team members and debate suggestion is key to improving performance and, ultimately, patient outcomes. Another effective team strategy is collaboration. By definition, health care involves multiple disciplines- nurses, doctors, and health care specialists in different fields, working together, communicating often, and sharing resources (Zajac et al., 2021). A clinical team is made up of professionals of different health specialities and responsibilities. Cumulatively, these differences contribute to the overall patient well-being and safety. The different teams contribute to patient outcomes by understanding the patient presenting illness, asking them probing questions regarding their situation, making an initial evaluation, discussing, and providing a recommendation based on their findings.  Strategies for ineffective teamwork during patient care It is common for challenges to arise during teamwork. According to Hendrick et al. (2017), some of the most common challenges that impede a team’s efforts to improve patient care include a lack of commitment of team members, different individual team members’ goals, and conflict about how the team members individually relate to the patient. The input of individual members is vital to realizing the overall team’s goal. Therefore, each member must demonstrate full commitment to the course of the team. Also, if the goals of the individual members do not align with the team’s goal, then they might be less committed to achieving the team’s goal (Rawlinson et al., 2021). The healthcare team should help the patient understand that their care is multidisci ...

• Provides opportunity to ask and respond to questions
• Assesses verbal and nonverbal responses
• Adapts communication as needed based on patienf s response
• Able to distinguish between effective and ineffective
communication with ps
cultural influences on effective
je listening
rel, medical condition/disabilities,
i family assessment
itients and families
Used with Permission: Massachusetts Department of Higher
Education Nurse of the Future Competency Committee.
(2010). Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies.
Boston: Massachusetts Department of Higher Education,
pp. 27-28.
Table 3. Healthy People 2020
Objectives in Health Communication and Health Information
Technology Topic Areas
Health Communication
Health Literacy
Satisfaction with health
care providers'
communication skills
Individuals involvement in
their health care decision
Receipt of providers'
recommendations for
personalized health care
Social support
Health Information
Internet access
Electronic personal health
management tools
Quality of internet health
information sources
Electronic health records in
medical practices
Access to online health
Users of health information
Best practices in health
protection messages
Social marketing in health
promotion and disease
U.S. Department Health and Human Services Office of Disease
Prevention and Health Promotion, (n.d.). Healthy People 2020.
The ABNF Journal
Nurses assess factors that influence the patient and
family's ability to learn including readiness to learn,
preferenees for learning, and levels of health literacy. The
nurse also has to demonstrate qualities of mutual respect,
compassion, and collaboration when communicating with the
patient, family, and other health professionals regarding the
patient's care and the nurse's role in providing care (ANA,
Interprofessional collaboration in the professional
work environment has been recognized by nursing, dentistry,
medicine, doctor of osteopathy, pharmacy, and public health
professional organizations as a vital component to safe, high,
quality, accessible, patient-centered care (Interprofessional
Education Collaborative Expert Panel, 2011).
Interprofessional collaboration is working across healthcare
professions to cooperate, collaborate, communicate, and
integrate care in teams to ensure that care is continuous and
reliable (IOM, 2003a). The nurse should be able to build
communication and leadership skills in praetice settings, to
function effectively within nursing and other interprofessional
teams, to foster open communication, to demonstrate mutual
respect, and to engage in shared decision making to achieve
quality care (American Association of Colleges of Nursing
[AACNI, 2008: Cronenwett, et al., 2007; Cronenwett,et al.,
2009). Most importantly, the patient should participate in their
eare through shared decision making (IOM, 2003b).
Spring 2014
Table 4. American Nurses Association Principles for Social
• Nurses must not transmit or place online individually
identifiable patient information.
• Nurses must observe ethically prescribed professional patient
— nurse boundaries.
• Nurses should understand tbat patients, colleagues,
institutions, and employers may view postings.
• Nurses sbould take advantage of privacy settings and seek to
separate personal and professional information
• Nurses should bring content that could harm a patient's
privacy, rights, or welfare to the attention of
appropriate authorities.
• Nurses should participate in developing institutional policies
governing online conduct.
American Nurses Association. (2011 ). Principles for social
netwotkitig and the nurse: Guidance for the registered
One of the core competencies for interprofessional
collaborative practice is interprofessional communication.
Teamwork and collaboration requires that the nurse is able to
communicate effectively with the healthcare team, patients, and
caregivers to integrate safe and effective care within and across

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Patient And Family Centered Care Essay
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Patient and family centered care is a model that places the patient and family at the center of the healthcare team. It aims to include patients and families in decision making by providing education so they are well informed. This model focuses on individualizing care according to a patient's needs, values and preferences. Several healthcare disciplines are involved in ensuring patient and family centered care is provided. Key aspects include collaboration, leadership, and cultural competency among the healthcare team.

settings (AACN, 2008; ANA, 2010). Health professionals
and health care systems should also actively collaborate and
communicate to ensure an appropriate exchange of information
and coordination of care (IOM, 2001).
Examples of communication that involves appropriate
exchange of information and coordination of care are
hands-off communication, chain-of-command, and error
discIosure(AACN, 2008). SBAR (Situation-Background-
Assessment-Recommendation) is a technique for
communicating critical information that requires immediate
attention and action concerning a patient's condition It is used
as a communication technique, shift report hand-off, critical
situation call to a provider, in specialty nursing areas, and as
process/ quality/improvement.
1. Situation- Briefly describe the current situation. Give a
clear, succinct overview of pertinent issues.
2. Background-Briefly state the pertinent history. What got us
to this point?
3. Assessment-summarize the facts and give your best
assessment. What is going on? Use your best judgment.
4. Recommendations-What actions are you asking for?
What do you want to happen next (Institute for Healthcare
Improvement, n.d.).
The nurse coordinates care by communicating with the
patient, family, and systems during transitions of care (ANA,
2010). An example of coordination of care is reflected in The
Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals (2013) for
health care settings. Improving communication and medication
safety are two goals where the nurse has to coordinate care
through communication with the patient, family, and systems.
Regardless of the health care setting (ambulatory, behavioral
health care, critical access hospital, home care, hospital, long
term care, office-based surgery), one of the ways identified
to ensure medication safety is recording and passing along
correct information about a patient's medications. The nurse
should consistently maintain and communicate accurate patient
medication information. An example of the patient safety goal,
improvement in communication, in hospital and laboratory
settings involves getting the important test results to the right
The ABNF Journal
staff person on time. Another example of the patient safety
goal, improving communication, is identified as improving
the effectiveness of communication among caregivers (The
Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals, 2013). Being
competent in interprofessional communication requires that
the nurse communicate with patients, families, communities,
and other health professionals in a responsive and responsible
manner that supports a team approach to the maintenance of
health and the treatment of disease (Interprofessional Education
Collaborative Expert Panel, 2011).
Informatics is a core competency for all health
professional's education and incorporates mastery of new
communication technologies including integrating and
coordinating care (IOM, 2003a). Informatics is the use
of information and technology to communicate, manage
knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision making
(Cronenwett et al., 2007; Cronenvvett et al., 2009; IOM,
2003a). The Technology Informatics Guiding lîducation
Reform (TIGER, 2009) initiative in nursing was formed to
improve nursing practice, education, and the delivery of patient
care through the use of health information technology. Basic
computer competencies, information literacy, and information
management are competencies of the TIGER model. The
nurse is expected to have knowledge and skills in information
management in order to deliver quality patient care (AACN,
2008). The nurse also uses information technology to provide
health teaching and health promotion and disease prevention
information to patients in a variety of settings (AACN,
2011) and coordinates continuous care through information
technologies. Evaluation of health information resources for
laypersons and health professionals should be conducted by
the nurse in order to translate scientific evidence to practice
(AACN, 2008).
Health information technology (IT) or electronic health
(E-health) is the use of information and communication
technologies to improve health and health care (Office of
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion [ODPHPl, n.d.).
Information and communication technologies, resources, and
principles of learning are also used to teach patients and others
(AACN, 2011). Health care professionals can provide patients
access to care over the Internet, by telephone, and other means
other than face-to-face visits (IOM, 2001). E-health provides
patients internet access to online communities and support
groups, health information, health self-management tools,
Spring 2014
personal health records and is a means of communication
with health professionals. The nurse is expected to engage in
an array of technologies that support patient care including
electronic health and medical records, patient monitoring
systems, and medication administration systems (AACN,
2008). The Electronic Medical Record (EMR) or Electronic
Health Record (EHR) used in health care systems is not only
used to provide patients access to their personal health record
but it is a clear, concise documentation of care and improves
communication and collaboration with other health care
professionals. Information technology is not only used to
communicate patient specific clinical information but is also
used to communicate with other health professionals through
HIT is also used in the exchange of health information
among health professionals in an electronic environment and
is a regulated by laws that protect health information and
health information messages under the 2000 Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule.
Online social networks is one the most recent modes of social
media in the health care arena. Social networking sites are
online communities where individuals can interact with
others with similar interests. Interactions can occur in various
settings including chat, email, video, file-sharing, blogging,
and discussion groups (Center for Disease Control and
Prevention, [CDC], n.d.). The American Nurses Association
(ANA, 2011) and the CDC (n.d. ) recently implemented
principles, guidelines, and best practices for social networking.
Likewise, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing
(2011) has issued a white paper on the use of social media.
Best practices in health protection messages and identifiable
patient information and other privacy issues are addressed
by the national agencies. The ANA principles for social
networking are in Table 4. Interprofessional communication
through information and communication technologies requires
the health care professional to choose effective tools and
techniques to facilitate discussions and interactions that
improve interprofessional teams functioning (Interprofessional
Education Collaborative Expert Panel, 2011).
In summary, the IOM report (2003a) addressed changing

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APA format 1 1/2 pages long 3 references 1 from the discussions reference list due 10/24/19 at 7pm  Incorporating Technology in Community-Based Learning             Unique learning needs exist in all patient populations.  However, identifying the need and then designing a technology-based intervention requires a careful analysis of both the population and the planned action.  The purpose of this discussion is to describe a community-based population, describe a selected learning need for this population, and explain how I would design a PowerPoint presentation that would address that need.  Community-Based Population             I work in a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) that provides primary care to patients across the lifespan.  FQHCs receive funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration Health Center Program to provide care in medically underserved communities (Health Resources & Services Administration [HRSA], 2018).  Over 28 million people receive care at FQHCs in the United States (HRSA, n.d.).  FQHCs use a sliding scale fee, ensuring patients have access to affordable medical care (HRSA, 2018).  While FQHCs are intended to serve the medically uninsured, over 77% of the patients receiving care at FQHCs have private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, or another governmentally funded health insurance (HRSA, 2019).  Females represent 57.65% of the patient population, with patients between the ages of 25 and 69 years old presenting most frequently (HRSA, 2019).  However, the FQHC patient population possesses unique barriers to care.  A significant hurdle for FQHCs to overcome is language, as 23.63% speak a language other than English (HRSA, 2019).  Additionally, 68.23% of the patient population is at or below the poverty level (HRSA, 2019).  Complicating continuity of care with this patient population is the high number of migratory and seasonal workers and homeless individuals receiving care (HRSA, 2019).  All combined, these factors create a patient population with sub-par health literacy. Learning Need             Indigent patient populations are more likely to have decreased health literacy levels (Whitley, Jones, Hansen, & Vora, 2019).  Additionally, patients with diminished health literacy are less likely to return for follow-up care as scheduled (Thompson et al., 2015).  Patients who are chronically under- or uninsured do not return for follow-up appointments as medical is not always viewed as a necessity.  Failure to follow-up for appointments as scheduled has been shown to increase emergency department visits and worsen patient outcomes (Arora et al., 2015).  Therefore, a means to address the FQHC patients’ knowledge deficit of the need to return for follow-up appointments should be identified and implemented.  Addressing the Learning Need             As previously identified, members of FQHC patient populations have decreased health literacy resulting in noncompliance with follow-up appointments an.

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Discussion #2 When would you consult with the nurse informaticists?             Nurses are almost in every health care system involved in the process of delivering care at all levels.  Be it in the hospital, outpatient clinics, rural health centers, schools, nurses are present to provide care to individuals to promote health, prevent and treat illnesses, or help people recover to the best level of functioning they can. In our present time, this care is enabled by technology while enhancing patient safety by translating certain simple and complex functions into automation (Cipriano & Hamer, 2013).  Combined with the nurse’s training and education, her experience in the day-to-day processes involved in patient care, nurse informaticists are in the best position to be consulted for policy and process improvements to make patient care delivery safer and more efficient (Cipriano & Hamer, 2013).  Nurse informaticists mediate clinical and technology which makes them an essential part of the team in designing systems to improve quality and safety in delivery of care (Darvish, Bahramnezhad, Keyhanian, & Navidhamidi, 2014).             As an example, a few years ago, our hospital has involved nursing, led by a nurse informaticist, in developing a new systematic way of minimizing laboratory errors.  This was in response to an increasing rate in laboratory test errors that compromised patient safety. The workflow, half of it significantly involved nursing, specifically in the collection and sending of specimen, has been redesigned by automating from the point of receiving the laboratory order from the physician to bedside collection, and sending the specimen to the laboratory.  The automation ensures scanning of the patient’s armband and collection at the bedside.  If not for the in-depth knowledge and experience of the nurse informaticist in every detail of bedside patient care, the process improvement could have not been realized and successful. What role does the nurse informaticists play in primary care?             I will always be proud of how our nursing education is strongly hinged on good documentation and effective, therapeutic communication, giving it the reason why nurses are in such an important position to lead and influence change. And because technology pervades the health care system, focus on what the nurses do to be able to provide care for the patients and address their needs safely and effectively is imperative. Before care can even be initiated, information gathering and documentation need to take place. Having seen and experienced the daily processes of history taking, documentation, treatment, referrals, consultation with other specialty groups, coordinating hospital admissions, etc., the nurse informaticist can manage, interpret, and communicate the information that comes in and out of health care facilities, especially in the primary care settings where majority of patients are seen on a daily basis (Rupp, 2016). Nurse informat.

the work environment and defined attributes of patient centered
care. Key aspects of patient centered care are that the nurse
or health care professional identify, respect, and care about
patients differences, values, preferences, and expressed
needs; relieve pain and suffering; coordinate continuous care;
continuously advocate disease prevention, Wellness, and
promotion of healthy lifestyles including a focus on population
health; listen to, cleariy inform, communicate with, and
educate patients; and involve patients in decision making and
management. As nursing faculty prepare nurses to work in
various roles and settings, core competencies in communication
should be met by the nursing student regardless of educational
level. Communication tools including patient-centered care,
interprofessional collaboration, and informatics are important
for improving patient outcomes and delivering high quality and
safe care.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2008). The
of baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice.
Washington, DC: Author,
American Association of Colleges of Nursing, (2011 ), The
of master's education in nursing. Washington, DC: Author.
American Nurses Association. (2010), Nursing: Scope and
of practice .Secoad Edition. Silver Spring, MD: Author.
The ABNF Journal
American Nurses Association. (2011). Principles for social
networking and the nurse: Guidance for the registered nurse.
Silver Spring, MD: Author.
Andreasen A. (1995). Marketing social change: Changing
to promote health, social development,and the environment.
San Francisco,CA.: Jossey-Bass,
Berkman N.D, DeWalt D,A, Pignone, M.P, Sheridan, S.L., Lohr,
K.N,,Lux,L., .,.Bonito,AJ, [2004). Literacy and health
outcome. Evidence Report/Technology Assessment No, 87
(Prepared by RTI International-University of North Carolina
Evidence based Practice Center under Contract No. 290-02-
0016). AHRQ Publication No.04-E007-2. Rockville, MD:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality,
Berkman N,D., Sheridan S,L,, Donahue K.E,, Halpem, D,J.
A., Crotty, K.,...Viswanathan, M. (2011 ), Health literacy
interventions and outcomes: An updated systematic review.
Evidence Reports/Technology Assessments, No, 199.
Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), (n.d.). Social
media tools: Guidelines and best practices. Retrieved on
March 15,2014 from
Cronenvvett, L., Sherwood, G., Bamsteiner J,, Disch, J,,
Johnson, J,,
MitchellT".,.,.Warren, J. (2007), Quality and safety education
for nurses. Nursing Outlook, 55(3)122-131,
Cronenvvett, L., Sherwood, G,, Pohl, J,, Bamsteiner, J., Moore,
Sullivan, D.,... Warren, J. (2009). Quality and safety education
for advanced nursing practice. Nursing Outlook. 57(6), 338-
Institute of Medicine. (1999). To err is human: Building a safer
health iy^/em,Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
Institute of Medicine (2001). Crossing the quality chasm: A new
health system for the 21st century. Washington, DC: National
Academy Press,
Institute of Medicine, (2003a), Health professions education: A
bridge to quality. Washington, DC: National Academies Press,
Institute of Medicine. (2003b), Keeping patients safe:
the work environment of nurses. Washington, DC: National
Academies Press,
Institute of Medicine, (2010). The future of nursing: Leading
advancing health. Washington, DC: The National Academies
Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel, (201
competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice:
Report of an expert panel, Washington, D.C: Interprofessional
Education Collaborative,
Institute for Healthcare Improvement, (n.d,), SBAR Toolkit.
from Retrieved on March 15,2014 from http://vvwvv,¡
knowledge/Pages/Tools/SB ARToolkit,aspx
The Joint Commission, (200). Advancing effective
cultural competence, and patient- and family-centered care:
A roadmapfor hospitals. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: The Joint
The Joint Commission. (2013), National patient safety
goals. Retrieved on March 15,2014 from http://wvvvv.
jointcommission ,org/standards_information/npsgs .aspx
Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nurse of the
Future Competency Committee, (2010). Nurse of the
future nursing core competencies. Boston: Massachusetts
Department of Higher Education. Retrieved on March 15,
2014 from http://wvvvv,mass,edu/currentinit/documents/
National Council of State Boards of Nursing. (2011). White
paper: A
nurses's guide to the use of social media. Chicago, IL: Author,
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office of
the Assistant Health Communication, Health Literacy, and
e-Health Secretary for Health, Office of the Secretary, U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services.(n.d.). Health
communication, health literacy, and e-health. Retrieved
on March 15, 2014 from
Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER).
(2009). Summary report. Evidence and informatics
transforming nursing: 3-Year action steps toward a 10-year
vision. Retrieved on March 15,2014 from http://vvwvv.

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I need response for the following peers peer 1 yed Practice Effective pain and symptom management is an important part of patients with life-threatening diseases and their families. Reducing pain and other symptoms does not only provide relief to suffering patients but will also eases the grief that families will face after the patient’s death (Sun et al., 2015). Nurses play a huge role in reversing the treatment of pain and other associated symptoms and should therefore possess basic competencies in the management of symptoms. To achieve quality outcomes, nurses need to use patients and family fears together with the knowledge and skills regarding symptom management using pharmacological, nonpharmacological, and integrative therapies (Paice et al., 2018). Education Nurses need to learn about the seriously ill , other vulnerable populations and the required prioritization. According to the American Nurses Association (2017), Content about palliative care should be included in any curricula including the academic and development settings. Nurses also need to utilize palliative care learning materials as provided by nursing organizations and agencies. Research  Given that healthcare resources are limited, it is important that end of life care is evidence-based rather than solemnly based on the provider’s intuition. Chronically ill patients deserve quality, person-centered and evidenced-based care whether they are at the home, hospital, or any other facility. Evidence-based interventions help guide nurses in their choices of the most appropriate treatment plan (Black et al., 2015). Research also helps nurses highlight and be aware of the potential benefits and harms and make informed decisions based on the expected outcomes (Black et al., 2015). Administration An unhealthy work environment can lead to medical errors, conflicts and stress among healthcare teams, and ineffective care delivery (AACN, 2016). Due to these reasons, healthcare providers need to promote a healthcare environment that will benefit both the patient and the family. The goal is to provide quality care and leave the patient and family members fully satisfied. peer 2 lin End of life care constitutes several aspects, including pain and symptoms management, ethical decision-making, and cultural sensitivity.  Advanced practice registered nurses as the superiors in clinical practice and care delivery at the system level. Nevertheless, challenges are emerging in palliative care clinicians' current surroundings necessitating the advanced training of registered nurses to provide care for every patient and their families. Practice - Identity, assess, and treat psychosocial and spiritual issues conceded with palliative care.   APRN nurses strive to improve their primary standards of palliative care. Thus, compelling them to seek palliative care knowledge for an overall improvement in providing care for a patient and people close to them (Hoerger et al., 2018). In thei.

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This document discusses the role of nurses in healthcare facilities at different levels. It notes that nurses provide important patient care services and information to doctors. Nurses monitor patients, administer treatments, and help educate patients and caregivers. The document also discusses how the role of nurses has evolved over time to take on more responsibilities. It states that modern nurses are equipped with both medical and non-medical skills to deal with changing healthcare needs. Nursing sensitive measurements are also introduced as tools to measure healthcare processes and outcomes related to nursing care quality.

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Anita Davis Boykins, DNSc, FNP-BC, PMHNP BC, is an
Associate Professor in the College of Nursing at the University
of Southern Mississippi [USM) where she teaches in the family
nurse practitioner [FNP) and psychiatric mental health nurse
practitioner [PMHNP) programs and is Director of the Doctor
of Nursing Practice [DNP) program. Dr. Davis-Boykins may be
reached at: Tel: 601-266-5468; Fax: 601-266-6643; or e-mail:
[email protected]
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  • 1. Anita Davis Boykins, DNSc, FNP-BC, PMHNP BC Core Communication Competencies in Patient-Centered Care Abstract: Effective communication between the patient and nurse is an essential requirement for nursing practice and for patient-centered care. Nursing faculty that teach in undergraduate and graduate nursing programs play a signiflcant role in preparing the nursing workforce to communicate effectively and provide patient-centered care. Patient-centered care, interprofessional collaboration, and informatics are necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes for nurses across educational levels in order to meet the needs of patients, and improve the quality and safety of the health care system environment. The focus of this article is to provide information on core nursing competencies for effective communication and to discuss communication tools used in patient-centered care, interprofessional collaboration, and informatics. Key Words: Communication, Nurse, Patient-Centered Care, Interprofessional Collaboration, Informatics In the last decade the Institute of Medicine (IOM) hasreleased reports that address quality and safety in healthcare systems, health professions and nursing (IOM, 1999, 2001,2003a, 2003b, 2010). A core component of quality care is patient-centered care. Patient centered care is care based on a partnership between the patient, their families, and the health care provider that is focused on the patient's values, preferences,
  • 2. and needs. Effective communication between the patient and health professionals is an essential requirement for patient- centered care (IOM, 2001). Furthermore, health professions education should include core competencies in patient-centered care in order to meet the needs of patients and the changing health care system (IOM, 2003a). Nursing faculty play a significant role in preparing the nursing workforce to provide patient-centered care and to communicate effectively. Patient- centered care, interprofessional collaboration, and informatics are necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) for pre- licensure nurses and nurses returning for graduate education in order to communicate effectively and to improve the quality and safety of the health care system environment (Cronenwett, et al., 2007; Cronenvvett,et al.,2009; Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nurse of the Future Competency Committee, 2010)). This article will synthesize core nursing competencies The ABNF Journal for effective communication and patient-centered care and discuss communication tools used in patient-centered care, interprofessional collaboration, and informatics. Existing communication competencies from nursing and health professional resources are interrelated and important for nursing faculty in curriculum development, and it is equally important for nursing students to comprehend the concept of communication when providing patient-centered care. EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION The American Nurses Association (ANA, 2010) delineates standards of professional nursing practice. Professional competence in nursing practice includes not only psychomotor and clinical diagnostic skills, but also proficiency in interpersonal and communication skills. The registered nurse is expected to communicate in various formats and in
  • 3. all areas of practice. Communication is one of the standards of professional nursing practice (see Table 1). Communication is also addressed in four other standards of professional nursing practice: Assessment; Implementation; Collaboration; and Environmental Health (ANA, 2010). Skill in communication has been described as communication that is effective, appropriate and therapeutic (Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nurse of the Future Competency Committee, 2010). Effective communication is the creation of meaning in communication in which patients and health care providers exchange information so that patients are able to actively participate in their care. The communication involves a two-way process of expressive and receptive communication so that the message and resf)onsibilities of both the patient and health care provider is understood (The Joint Commission, 2010). Therapeutic communication is mutually respective communication and has a health related purpose. Examples of nursing core competencies for effective, appropriate, and therapeutic communication knowledge and skills are listed in Table 2 (Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nurse of the Future Competency Committee, 2010). Nursing students must demonstrate therapeutic communication knowledge and skills prior to graduation. One of the core competencies is that the nurse must use clear, concise, and effective written, electronic, and verbal communication (Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nurse of the Future Competency Committee, 2010). Spring 2014 Table 1. American Nurses Association Standards of Professionai Nursing Practice
  • 4. Standard 11.Communication Assesses communication format preferences of healthcare consumers, families, and colleagues Assesses his or her ov(/n communication skills in encounters with healthcare consumers, families, and colleagues Seeks continuous improvement of communication and conflict resolution skills Conveys information to healthcare consumers, families, the interprofessional team, and others in communication formats that promote accuracy Questions the rationale supporting care processes and decisions when they do not appear to be in the best interest of the patient Discloses observations or concerns related to hazards and errors in care or the practice environment to the appropriate level Maintains communication with other providers to minimize risks associated with transfers and transition in care delivery
  • 5. Contributes her or his own professional perspective in discussions with the interprofessional team American Nurses Association. (2010). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice, p. 54. PATIENT-CENTERED CARE AND COMMUNICATION The IOM report (2001 ), Crossing the quality chasm: A new health system for the 21" century, targets improving the health care system, structure and processes for changing the health care environment, and principles for redesigning the health care system. Patient-centered care is one of the aims for improvement of the health care system; using information technology and preparing the workforce are areas recognized to change the health care environment; and patient-centeredness is one of the principles for redesigning the health care system. Patient- centered areas for redesign include: 1. Care is based on continuous healing relationships 2. Care is customized to patient needs and values 3. The patient is the source of control 4. Knowledge is shared and information flows freely 5. Decision making is evidence-based 6. Safety is a system priority 7. Transparency is necessary 8. Needs are anticipated 9. Waste is continuously decreased 10. Cooperation among clinicians is a priority (IOM,2001.pp.3-4) In order to improve, change, and redesign the health
  • 6. care system and meet standards of professional nursing practice, the nurse has to assess barriers to communication. Barriers to communication between the patient and the nurse may be related to language, developmental level, medical condition/disabilities, learning styles, psychosocial, literacy, financial and cultural factors (ANA, 2010; Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nurse of the Future Competency Committee, 2010). In addition, communication barriers may be experienced by the nurse with other health care professionals and within the health care system. The nurse has to be willing and capable of understanding the different styles of communication used by patients, families, and other health care professionals; communicate with the patient, family and systems during transitions in care; and use information technologies for health teaching and promotion to patients in a variety of settings. The nurse also communicates environmental health risks and strategies to reduce exposure to these risks to patients, families, and communities (ANA, 2010). The nurse continuously advocates disease prevention, Wellness, and promotion of healthy lifestyles, including a focus on population health when providing patient-centered care (IOM, 2003a). Patient-centered care is addressed in the Healthy People 2020 topic area, health communication (HC) and health information technology (HIT), as it relates to the objective, satisfaction with health care providers' communication skills and health literacy (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |USDHHSl,n.d.). Table 3 displays the objectives in the Healthy People 2020 HC and HIT topic area. Health communication is defined as the study and use of communication strategies to inform and influence individual and community decisions that affect health. One communication strategy is the use of plain language to cleariy communicate health information and improve health literacy (USDHHS, n.d.). Literacy is a part of language and
  • 7. is important in patient-centered care and when working with teams. Literacy encompasses reading and health literacy (Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel, 2011). Health literacy is the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions (USDHHS, n.d.). Individuals that experience health literacy problems receive less preventive care and have poor understanding of health problems and care, increase use of emergency and inpatient services and increase rates of rehospitalization, decrease adherence to medication schedules, decrease participation in medical decision making, higher medical costs, and inefficient mix of health care service use (Berkman et al., 2004; Berkman et al., 2011). Health literacy is also a tool that is used in health promotion, disease prevention, management of chronic illnesses, and quality of life (American Association of Colleges of Nursing |AACN],2011). Social marketing, one of the objectives in the Healthy People 2020 HC and HIT topic area (USDHHS,n.d.), is another tool for health promotion and disease prevention. Social marketing is the use of marketing techniques (product, price, place, promotion) to promote health behaviors of a specific target audience in order to improve health or benefit society (Andreason, 1995). The ABNF Journal Spring 2014 Table 2. Therapeutic Communication Knowledge & Skills Nurse of the Future: Nursing Core Competencies
  • 8. • Uses clear, concise, and effective written, electronic and verbal communica • Understands visual, auditory, and tactile communication • Impact of ones' own communications style on others • Understands the physiological, psychosocial, developmental, spiritual, and communication • Understands tbe nurses role and responsibility in applying principles of acti • Chooses the right setting and time to initiate conversation • Assesses the patient's readiness/willingness to communicate • Assesses the patient's ability to communicate • Assesses barriers to effective communication (language, developmental lev anxiety, learning styles, etc ) • Makes appropriate adaptations in own communication based on patient anc • Assesses the impact of use of self in effective communication • Establishes rapport • Actively listens to comments, concerns, and questions • Demonstrate effective interviewing techniques
  • 9. • Provides opportunity to ask and respond to questions • Assesses verbal and nonverbal responses • Adapts communication as needed based on patienf s response • Able to distinguish between effective and ineffective communication with ps tion cultural influences on effective je listening rel, medical condition/disabilities, i family assessment itients and families Used with Permission: Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nurse of the Future Competency Committee. (2010). Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies. Boston: Massachusetts Department of Higher Education, pp. 27-28. Table 3. Healthy People 2020 Objectives in Health Communication and Health Information Technology Topic Areas Health Communication Health Literacy
  • 10. Satisfaction with health care providers' communication skills Individuals involvement in their health care decision making Receipt of providers' recommendations for personalized health care resources Social support Health Information Technology Internet access Electronic personal health management tools Quality of internet health information sources Electronic health records in medical practices Access to online health information Users of health information technology Best practices in health protection messages Social marketing in health promotion and disease prevention U.S. Department Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, (n.d.). Healthy People 2020.
  • 11. The ABNF Journal Nurses assess factors that influence the patient and family's ability to learn including readiness to learn, preferenees for learning, and levels of health literacy. The nurse also has to demonstrate qualities of mutual respect, compassion, and collaboration when communicating with the patient, family, and other health professionals regarding the patient's care and the nurse's role in providing care (ANA, 2010). INTERPROFESSIONAL COLLABORATION AND COMMUNICATION Interprofessional collaboration in the professional work environment has been recognized by nursing, dentistry, medicine, doctor of osteopathy, pharmacy, and public health professional organizations as a vital component to safe, high, quality, accessible, patient-centered care (Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel, 2011). Interprofessional collaboration is working across healthcare professions to cooperate, collaborate, communicate, and integrate care in teams to ensure that care is continuous and reliable (IOM, 2003a). The nurse should be able to build communication and leadership skills in praetice settings, to function effectively within nursing and other interprofessional teams, to foster open communication, to demonstrate mutual respect, and to engage in shared decision making to achieve quality care (American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACNI, 2008: Cronenwett, et al., 2007; Cronenwett,et al., 2009). Most importantly, the patient should participate in their eare through shared decision making (IOM, 2003b). Spring 2014
  • 12. Table 4. American Nurses Association Principles for Social Networking • Nurses must not transmit or place online individually identifiable patient information. • Nurses must observe ethically prescribed professional patient — nurse boundaries. • Nurses should understand tbat patients, colleagues, institutions, and employers may view postings. • Nurses sbould take advantage of privacy settings and seek to separate personal and professional information online. • Nurses should bring content that could harm a patient's privacy, rights, or welfare to the attention of appropriate authorities. • Nurses should participate in developing institutional policies governing online conduct. American Nurses Association. (2011 ). Principles for social netwotkitig and the nurse: Guidance for the registered nurse. One of the core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice is interprofessional communication. Teamwork and collaboration requires that the nurse is able to communicate effectively with the healthcare team, patients, and caregivers to integrate safe and effective care within and across
  • 13. settings (AACN, 2008; ANA, 2010). Health professionals and health care systems should also actively collaborate and communicate to ensure an appropriate exchange of information and coordination of care (IOM, 2001). Examples of communication that involves appropriate exchange of information and coordination of care are hands-off communication, chain-of-command, and error discIosure(AACN, 2008). SBAR (Situation-Background- Assessment-Recommendation) is a technique for communicating critical information that requires immediate attention and action concerning a patient's condition It is used as a communication technique, shift report hand-off, critical situation call to a provider, in specialty nursing areas, and as process/ quality/improvement. 1. Situation- Briefly describe the current situation. Give a clear, succinct overview of pertinent issues. 2. Background-Briefly state the pertinent history. What got us to this point? 3. Assessment-summarize the facts and give your best assessment. What is going on? Use your best judgment. 4. Recommendations-What actions are you asking for? What do you want to happen next (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, n.d.). The nurse coordinates care by communicating with the patient, family, and systems during transitions of care (ANA, 2010). An example of coordination of care is reflected in The Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals (2013) for health care settings. Improving communication and medication safety are two goals where the nurse has to coordinate care through communication with the patient, family, and systems.
  • 14. Regardless of the health care setting (ambulatory, behavioral health care, critical access hospital, home care, hospital, long term care, office-based surgery), one of the ways identified to ensure medication safety is recording and passing along correct information about a patient's medications. The nurse should consistently maintain and communicate accurate patient medication information. An example of the patient safety goal, improvement in communication, in hospital and laboratory settings involves getting the important test results to the right The ABNF Journal staff person on time. Another example of the patient safety goal, improving communication, is identified as improving the effectiveness of communication among caregivers (The Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals, 2013). Being competent in interprofessional communication requires that the nurse communicate with patients, families, communities, and other health professionals in a responsive and responsible manner that supports a team approach to the maintenance of health and the treatment of disease (Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel, 2011). INFORMATICS AND COMMUNICATION Informatics is a core competency for all health professional's education and incorporates mastery of new communication technologies including integrating and coordinating care (IOM, 2003a). Informatics is the use of information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision making (Cronenwett et al., 2007; Cronenvvett et al., 2009; IOM, 2003a). The Technology Informatics Guiding lîducation Reform (TIGER, 2009) initiative in nursing was formed to improve nursing practice, education, and the delivery of patient care through the use of health information technology. Basic
  • 15. computer competencies, information literacy, and information management are competencies of the TIGER model. The nurse is expected to have knowledge and skills in information management in order to deliver quality patient care (AACN, 2008). The nurse also uses information technology to provide health teaching and health promotion and disease prevention information to patients in a variety of settings (AACN, 2011) and coordinates continuous care through information technologies. Evaluation of health information resources for laypersons and health professionals should be conducted by the nurse in order to translate scientific evidence to practice (AACN, 2008). Health information technology (IT) or electronic health (E-health) is the use of information and communication technologies to improve health and health care (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion [ODPHPl, n.d.). Information and communication technologies, resources, and principles of learning are also used to teach patients and others (AACN, 2011). Health care professionals can provide patients access to care over the Internet, by telephone, and other means other than face-to-face visits (IOM, 2001). E-health provides patients internet access to online communities and support groups, health information, health self-management tools, Spring 2014 personal health records and is a means of communication with health professionals. The nurse is expected to engage in an array of technologies that support patient care including electronic health and medical records, patient monitoring systems, and medication administration systems (AACN, 2008). The Electronic Medical Record (EMR) or Electronic Health Record (EHR) used in health care systems is not only
  • 16. used to provide patients access to their personal health record but it is a clear, concise documentation of care and improves communication and collaboration with other health care professionals. Information technology is not only used to communicate patient specific clinical information but is also used to communicate with other health professionals through e-mail. HIT is also used in the exchange of health information among health professionals in an electronic environment and is a regulated by laws that protect health information and health information messages under the 2000 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule. Online social networks is one the most recent modes of social media in the health care arena. Social networking sites are online communities where individuals can interact with others with similar interests. Interactions can occur in various settings including chat, email, video, file-sharing, blogging, and discussion groups (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, [CDC], n.d.). The American Nurses Association (ANA, 2011) and the CDC (n.d. ) recently implemented principles, guidelines, and best practices for social networking. Likewise, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (2011) has issued a white paper on the use of social media. Best practices in health protection messages and identifiable patient information and other privacy issues are addressed by the national agencies. The ANA principles for social networking are in Table 4. Interprofessional communication through information and communication technologies requires the health care professional to choose effective tools and techniques to facilitate discussions and interactions that improve interprofessional teams functioning (Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel, 2011). SUMMARY In summary, the IOM report (2003a) addressed changing
  • 17. the work environment and defined attributes of patient centered care. Key aspects of patient centered care are that the nurse or health care professional identify, respect, and care about patients differences, values, preferences, and expressed needs; relieve pain and suffering; coordinate continuous care; continuously advocate disease prevention, Wellness, and promotion of healthy lifestyles including a focus on population health; listen to, cleariy inform, communicate with, and educate patients; and involve patients in decision making and management. As nursing faculty prepare nurses to work in various roles and settings, core competencies in communication should be met by the nursing student regardless of educational level. Communication tools including patient-centered care, interprofessional collaboration, and informatics are important for improving patient outcomes and delivering high quality and safe care. REFERENCES American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2008). The essentials of baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice. Washington, DC: Author, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, (2011 ), The essentials of master's education in nursing. Washington, DC: Author. American Nurses Association. (2010), Nursing: Scope and standards of practice .Secoad Edition. Silver Spring, MD: Author. The ABNF Journal American Nurses Association. (2011). Principles for social
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  • 20. cultural competence, and patient- and family-centered care: A roadmapfor hospitals. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: The Joint Commission. The Joint Commission. (2013), National patient safety goals. Retrieved on March 15,2014 from http://wvvvv. jointcommission ,org/standards_information/npsgs .aspx Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Nurse of the Future Competency Committee, (2010). Nurse of the future nursing core competencies. Boston: Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. Retrieved on March 15, 2014 from http://wvvvv,mass,edu/currentinit/documents/ NursingCoreCompetencies.pdf National Council of State Boards of Nursing. (2011). White paper: A nurses's guide to the use of social media. Chicago, IL: Author, Spting2014 Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office of the Assistant Health Communication, Health Literacy, and e-Health Secretary for Health, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.(n.d.). Health communication, health literacy, and e-health. Retrieved on March 15, 2014 from literacy/ Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER). (2009). Summary report. Evidence and informatics transforming nursing: 3-Year action steps toward a 10-year vision. Retrieved on March 15,2014 from http://vvwvv.
  • 21. Summary _040509 .pdf. U.S. Department Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, (n.d.). Healthy People 2020. Retrieved on March 15,2014 from http:// Anita Davis Boykins, DNSc, FNP-BC, PMHNP BC, is an Associate Professor in the College of Nursing at the University of Southern Mississippi [USM) where she teaches in the family nurse practitioner [FNP) and psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner [PMHNP) programs and is Director of the Doctor of Nursing Practice [DNP) program. Dr. Davis-Boykins may be reached at: Tel: 601-266-5468; Fax: 601-266-6643; or e-mail: [email protected] M i n o r i t y Nurse would your organization/institution benefit from reaching a Newsletter large percentage of minority nursing faculty members teaching in AACN schools of nursing in the USA? Advertise your programs/professional job openings in the next issue of the NEW electronic Minority Nurse Newsletter! To view our ad rates and advertising policies go to or contact us using the information below. We welcome you to reach out directly to our advertising specialists to secure your place
  • 22. in our next issue! PO Box 580, Lisle, IL 60532 Phone:(630)969-0221 • Fax:(630)969-3895 chuck.tuckerpub(a) The ABNF Journal Spritig2014 Copyright of ABNF Journal is the property of Tucker Publications, Inc. and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use.