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AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 1
Maximizing Human Potential
Transformation ~ Centers of Excellence ~ Artificial Intelligence
Areas of Impact & Possibility
Artificial Intelligence in Business
April 2018
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 2
Artificial intelligence (AI)
is rapidly moving into
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 3
The result is a fundamental
shift in how we do business.
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 4
The sort of AI
we mean isn’t that
of science fiction.

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Introduction to AI Ethics
Introduction to AI EthicsIntroduction to AI Ethics
Introduction to AI Ethics

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance and become more integrated into our daily lives, it has become increasingly important to consider the ethical implications of this technology. AI has the potential to transform many industries and improve our lives in numerous ways, but it also raises important ethical questions. In this presentation, the ethical concerns surrounding AI are explored and discussed, with a focus on the need for ethical guidelines to be developed for AI development and use. We will examine issues such as privacy, bias, transparency, accountability, and the impact on jobs and society as a whole. Through this exploration, we will consider the various perspectives on these issues and weigh the benefits and drawbacks of different ethical approaches to AI. We will also examine some of the current efforts being made to address these concerns, including the development of ethical frameworks and best practices. The most important goal of this presentation is to disseminate a deeper understanding of the ethical considerations surrounding AI and the need for ethical guidelines to ensure that this technology is developed and used in a way that benefits all of us while respecting our values and principles.

aiai ethicsmachine learning
AI and The future of work
AI and The future of work AI and The future of work
AI and The future of work

1. AI and machine learning, especially deep learning, will transform many industries by enabling tasks that humans can currently do in under a second to be automated. 2. For companies to successfully adopt AI, they need clear strategies around data, talent, and how to differentiate themselves since algorithms and open-source code are commodities. 3. In retail specifically, computer vision and video analytics powered by AI can provide critical insights into customer behavior and in-store operations.

The UAE AI Strategy: Building Intelligent Enterprises
The UAE AI Strategy: Building Intelligent EnterprisesThe UAE AI Strategy: Building Intelligent Enterprises
The UAE AI Strategy: Building Intelligent Enterprises

1) The UAE has launched an ambitious AI strategy to boost GDP by 30% and government performance by adopting AI technologies. 2) The strategy aims to save 50% on annual government costs and ensure 90% resistance to financial crises by 2031 through widespread AI use. 3) The UAE sees great potential in AI to automate services, enhance data analytics, and transform government work - but also faces challenges in developing expertise and managing new technical requirements.

artificial intelligenceaimachine learning
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 5
It’s the sort of AI that
disrupts industry towards
the next evolution.
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 6
Freeing people to
add value by thinking productively.
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 7
Whilst accelerating
transformation and growth.
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 8
Redefining the possible
through Intelligent AI Processes.
Replicate human reasoning, draw conclusions,
with predictions, to help decision making.
~ articulate business cases
~ gain executive sponsor
~ commit process owners, and resources
~ pilot project
~ scale

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AI and Cybersecurity - Food for Thought
AI and Cybersecurity - Food for ThoughtAI and Cybersecurity - Food for Thought
AI and Cybersecurity - Food for Thought

“AI is the new electricity” proclaims Andrew Ng, co-founder of Google Brain. Just as we need to know how to safely harness electricity, we also need to know how to securely employ AI to power our businesses. In some scenarios, the security of AI systems can impact human safety. On the flip side, AI can also be misused by cyber-adversaries and so we need to understand how to counter them. This talk will provide food for thought in 3 areas: Security of AI systems Use of AI in cybersecurity Malicious use of AI

AI Governance Playbook
AI Governance PlaybookAI Governance Playbook
AI Governance Playbook

The document discusses the need for AI governance frameworks to build trust in AI systems. It outlines key pillars of governance including governing bodies, roles and responsibilities, and standard operating procedures. It also discusses the importance of model documentation, validation and certification. Effective governance requires a risk-based approach and measures to minimize bias and ensure fairness, transparency and human-centric AI. Governance spans the full model lifecycle from data collection and preprocessing to model deployment and use.

artificialgovernancechief operating officer
The Future is in Responsible Generative AI
The Future is in Responsible Generative AIThe Future is in Responsible Generative AI
The Future is in Responsible Generative AI

My presentation about the future of responsible generative AI, at the Ecosystems 2030 event in A Coruna, Spain

generative airesponsible aiethical ai
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 9
Focusing on the value
that improves results.
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 10
The result is a fundamental shift
in how we do business, and what
organizations are capable of doing.
Freeing human ingenuity to focus on strategy.
~ Better able to manage repeatable process
~ Improve workflow standardization
~ Reduce multiple systems reliance
~ Frictionless “straight through” process
~ Reduce errors and operating cost
~ Increase risk management
~ Enhance customer experience
AI & Robots
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 11
Organization Technology
KPIsProcess &
Partners &
Competency &
Governance &
People &
Using AI to target how
organizations work.
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 12
❖ The term ‘artificial intelligence’ commonly
applies to devices or applications capable
of carrying out specific tasks in human
ways, by mimicking cognitive functions
such as:
o learning
o reasoning
o problem-solving
o visual perception
o language-understanding
❖ There are two main types of AI:
o Applied AI (weak or narrow AI)
 common systems designed to intelligently
carry out a single task,
e.g. moving a driverless vehicle, or trading stocks
and shares.
o Generalized AI (strong AI)
 less common systems or devices that can
theoretically handle any task, as they carry
enough intelligence to find solutions to
unfamiliar problems.
e.g. don't currently exist, as these technologies
are still in very early stages.
Most modern AI applications are enabled through a discipline known as 'machine learning'.
What is Artificial Intelligence?

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A journey into the business world of artificial intelligence. Explore at a high-level ongoing business experiments in creating new value. * Review AI as a priority for value generation * Explore ongoing experimentation * Touch on how businesses are monetising AI * Understand the intent of adoption by industries * Discuss on the state of customer trust in AI Part 1 of a 9 Part Research Series named "What matters in AI" published on

artificial intelligenceaitrends
AI and Future Jobs
AI and Future JobsAI and Future Jobs
AI and Future Jobs

The document summarizes a presentation given by Prof. Dr. David Asirvatham on AI and future jobs. The presentation discusses how AI will impact various jobs and industries in the coming years and decades. It notes that many existing jobs will be automated or replaced by machines, but that AI will also create new types of jobs and work. The presentation emphasizes that acquiring new technological skills will be important for workers to adapt and ensure they are not left behind as AI disruption occurs. It concludes that AI will significantly change how people live and work, with humans needing to work together with machines.

aifuture jobsfuture skills
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Applications of Artificial IntelligenceApplications of Artificial Intelligence
Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has many applications including in software development, manufacturing, healthcare, space exploration, games, agriculture, automobiles, and finance. Some key uses of AI include taking over automated routines to reduce software development time, enabling predictive analytics and preventative maintenance in manufacturing, aiding diagnosis and performing robotic surgeries in healthcare, defeating world champions at chess and Go for games, enabling precision farming and predictive analytics for agriculture, assessing risk and detecting fraud in finance, and developing autonomous vehicles and self-driving capabilities for automobiles. AI is also used by NASA for autonomous target selection and planetary discovery and by ISRO for its AI-powered humanoid robot.

artificial intelligencemedicalengineering
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 13
Machine Learning
Natural Language
Processing (NLP)
& Optimization
Predictive Analytics
Speech to Text
Reactive Machines
Image Recognition
Machine Vision
Limited Memory
Theory of Mind, Self-aware
Probabilistic, Temporal
Text to Speech
Information Extraction
Classification, Clustering
Deep Learning
Expert Systems
Interference Engine
Types of AI
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 14
❖ Automated Process Management
❖ Machine Learning
❖ Robotic Process Automation
o Data (Information)
o Signals and Triggers (Trends)
o Human (Behavior)
o Probability (Outcome Likelihoods) Datasets
Maximizing Human Potential
(Smart Technologies)
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 15
Information Systems
Semantic Web Process
Calculus …
Business Process Automation
Machine Learning
Bayesian Methods
Data Repositories
Deep Learning …
Values Ethics
Lifestyles & Trends
Corporate Attitudes
Game Theory
Competitive Theory …
Social Attitudes
Cognitive Properties
Methods …
Systems biology
Plasticity …
Structure of Ecosystems
Populations Dynamics
Environmental Controls
Biosphere …
Social Attitudes
Group Dynamics
Social Networks
Plume Tracing …
Structures & Security
Usability …
Market Theory
Micro & Macros
Capital Types
Market Types …
Intellectual Property
Public Engagement
Corporate Social
Responsibility …
Fragmented Discourse
Moral Issues & Panics
Mobile Opinion
Smart Groups …
Data Science
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 16
We are going to look at
how Artificial Intelligence
can be applied to business.

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Evolution of AI in workplace.pptx
Evolution of AI in workplace.pptxEvolution of AI in workplace.pptx
Evolution of AI in workplace.pptx

The document discusses the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on workplaces. It outlines three phases of AI development: artificial narrow intelligence, artificial general intelligence, and artificial super intelligence. Currently, AI is in the early stages of artificial general intelligence where machine and human intelligence are becoming more equal. The document then provides examples of useful AI tools for content writing, designing, and content creation/work that are augmenting human capabilities in the workplace. It concludes by anticipating greater integration of AI assistants like GitHub Copilot and Microsoft 365 Copilot in the future.

Integrating AI - Business Applications
Integrating AI - Business ApplicationsIntegrating AI - Business Applications
Integrating AI - Business Applications

This document provides guidance on integrating AI into organizations. It recommends aligning AI projects with business drivers to create value, focusing on scaling human capabilities with assisted and augmented intelligence, and taking a portfolio approach to AI innovation around customer needs. It also stresses the importance of developing an effective operating model with the right outcomes, team, tools, and iterative process, as well as understanding the range of AI and machine learning efforts.

AI and the Financial Service Segment
AI and the Financial Service SegmentAI and the Financial Service Segment
AI and the Financial Service Segment

Artificial intelligence and semantic computing can assist the financial services industry in several ways: - Machine learning and neural networks can analyze large amounts of data to detect patterns and make predictions about customer behavior, risks, and opportunities. This includes predictive analytics, risk analysis, and personalized recommendations. - Natural language processing allows customers to interact with services using human language across different channels. It also enables analysis of unstructured data like text to gain insights. - Semantic computing uses ontologies and semantic queries to understand relationships and context in data from various sources, helping to integrate information more easily. - Together these tools could help with tasks like marketing and pricing optimization, fraud detection, faster claims processing, and more personalized

AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 17
❖ Over the years, AI research has enabled many technological advances, including:
o virtual agents and chatbots
o suggestive web searches
o targeted advertising
o pattern recognition
o predictive analytics
o voice and speech recognition
o face recognition
o machine translation
o autonomous driving
o automatic scheduling
How has it BEEN used in Business?
Many of these are now commonplace
and provide solutions to a great
number of business challenges and
complex, real-world problems.
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 18
Types of Impact.
❖ Automated/ Robotic process
o Automated assistants
o Automated process management
o Automated assistants
❖ Machine learning
o Search - indexing and feedback
o Personalization and recommendations
o Predictions and analytics
o Individual journal
o Research and service options
o Learning systems
o Machine learning TOMs
o Speech, text, language processing
o Value and risk profiling
o Probability modeling
o Customer DNA and data integration
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 19
For example, ML applications can:
o read text and decide if the author is making a
complaint or a purchase order
o listen to a piece of music and find other tunes to
match the mood
o recognize images and classify them according to the
elements they contain
o translate large volumes of text in real time
o accurately recognize faces, speech and objects
In the most basic terms, ML enables computers to
learn without being explicitly programmed.
What is Machine Learning?
Machine Learning.
❖ Machine Learning or “ML” through data
can learn using quantitative techniques.
❖ AI ML algorithm solutions continue to
self-improve as more data is accessed,
thereby reducing errors.
❖ Machine learning (ML) is a core part of
o it is based around the idea that machines
can detect patterns in data and adjust
their program actions accordingly
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 20
Where can AI be applied.
❖ Strategy and Organization
❖ Brand Management
❖ Finance Office
❖ Human Capital
❖ Business and Competitor Intelligence
❖ Data and Reporting
❖ Governance
❖ Risk Management
❖ Business Process and Change
❖ Operational Support
❖ Business Support
❖ Sales and Marketing
❖ Manufacturing and Delivery
❖ Legal
❖ Skills and Competency
❖ Business Continuity
❖ Consolidation, Sourcing, Vendor

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Financial Services
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Financial Services Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Financial Services
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Financial Services

Discover how AI and Deep Learning are being applied to financial applications in capital market banking, consumer banking, and the insurance industry.

gpufinancial servicesartificial intelligence

This is presentation gives insight into the prospects and challenges of locally developed software in the finance sector of Nigeria

fintechfinancial technologynigeria
Impact of AI on Business Intelligence
Impact of AI on Business IntelligenceImpact of AI on Business Intelligence
Impact of AI on Business Intelligence

In an increasingly data-centric world, a company which fails to leverage the power of AI-powered business intelligence tools often lag behind. Learn from these slides how these tools are affecting businesses today and why should you choose them.

AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 21
How is it BEING used?
❖ You can use AI technologies to:
o Improve customer services and experience
o Automate workloads, improve workflow
o Optimize logistics and repeatable process
o Increase output and efficiency
o Prevent outages
o Predict performance
o Predict behavior
o Manage and analyze data
o Improve your marketing and advertising
o Better decision making
o Reduce risk and fraud
❖ Depending on the type of AI, smart
programs can perform:
o Specific individual tasks, such as medical
diagnosis, electronic trading, robot control, etc.
o Complex, cognitive tasks based on their
understanding of how certain things (e.g. a
language or a behavior) work.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is steadily passing into
everyday business use, solving both business
problems and creating opportunities
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 22
Why is it relevant?
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 23
Impact of AI.
AI better captures dynamic complexities in a timely fashion.
AI more effectively automates planning processes,
increasing speed, flexibility and agility.
AI is better able to streamline managerial tasks.
AI increases prediction accuracy and reduces errors.
AI using ML algorithms self-improve over time.
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 24
Freeing human ingenuity
to focus on strategy.
Many businesses take up AI technology to reduce operational
costs, increase efficiency, grow revenue and improve customer
For greatest benefits, the full range of smart technologies should
be applied into processes and products.

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Fairness and Privacy in AI/ML Systems
Fairness and Privacy in AI/ML SystemsFairness and Privacy in AI/ML Systems
Fairness and Privacy in AI/ML Systems

How do we protect privacy of users when building large-scale AI based systems? How do we develop machine learned models and systems taking fairness, accountability, and transparency into account? With the ongoing explosive growth of AI/ML models and systems, these are some of the ethical, legal, and technical challenges encountered by researchers and practitioners alike. In this talk, we will first motivate the need for adopting a "fairness and privacy by design" approach when developing AI/ML models and systems for different consumer and enterprise applications. We will then focus on the application of fairness-aware machine learning and privacy-preserving data mining techniques in practice, by presenting case studies spanning different LinkedIn applications (such as fairness-aware talent search ranking, privacy-preserving analytics, and LinkedIn Salary privacy & security design), and conclude with the key takeaways and open challenges.

algorithmic biasdifferential privacyfairness by design
AI and ML Disruption in Finance
AI and ML Disruption in FinanceAI and ML Disruption in Finance
AI and ML Disruption in Finance

This document discusses AI and machine learning applications in the financial industry. It outlines three use cases: 1) automated credit risk assessment using machine learning-based credit scores, 2) FX forecasting and hedging using cashflow forecasting, FX market prediction, and hedging optimization, and 3) extracting financial information from text using natural language processing and text analytics. The document argues that AI will be highly disruptive in finance, similarly to how electricity, the color TV, and the internet disrupted previous industries, and that financial firms should view AI not just as a disruption but as an opportunity.

Intelligent Automation (IA)
Intelligent Automation (IA)Intelligent Automation (IA)
Intelligent Automation (IA)

Practical session reviewing the next evolution of robotic process automation (RPA) and the expanded value it can deliver supported by artificial intelligence (AI) Review business interest in advancing RPA with AI Explore the complementary strengths and weaknesses of RPA & AI Present the future of RPA in the form of Intelligent Automation powered by AI Discuss how your business can implement such capabilities Part 5 of a 9 Part Research Series named "What matters in AI" published on

aiartificial intelligencechatgpt
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 25
❖ Save time and cost by automating routine processes
❖ Increase productivity and operational efficiencies
❖ Make faster business decisions
❖ Avoid mistakes and 'human error’
❖ Use insight to predict customer preferences
❖ Offer customers a better, personalized experience
❖ Mine vast amount of data to generate quality leads
❖ Grow your customer base
❖ Achieve overall cost savings
❖ Optimize your business, workforce or products
❖ Increase revenue by maximizing sales opportunities
❖ Grow expertise by enabling analysis
❖ Offer intelligent advice and support
❖ Solve business, operational or technical problems
❖ Impact customer demand
❖ Provide an offshoot of another project
By deploying the right AI technology, your business may gain ability to:
To improve business.
AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 26
FirstAlign Solutions
o. 227 W 4th Street, Charlotte, NC 28202
p. 646-233-2488
“Maximizing Human Potential”

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AI in Business - Impact and Possibility

  • 1. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 1 Maximizing Human Potential Transformation ~ Centers of Excellence ~ Artificial Intelligence Areas of Impact & Possibility Artificial Intelligence in Business April 2018
  • 2. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 2 Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly moving into business.
  • 3. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 3 The result is a fundamental shift in how we do business.
  • 4. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 4 The sort of AI we mean isn’t that of science fiction.
  • 5. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 5 It’s the sort of AI that disrupts industry towards the next evolution.
  • 6. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 6 Freeing people to add value by thinking productively.
  • 7. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 7 Whilst accelerating transformation and growth.
  • 8. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 8 Redefining the possible through Intelligent AI Processes. Replicate human reasoning, draw conclusions, with predictions, to help decision making. ~ articulate business cases ~ gain executive sponsor ~ commit process owners, and resources ~ pilot project ~ scale
  • 9. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 9 Focusing on the value that improves results.
  • 10. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 10 The result is a fundamental shift in how we do business, and what organizations are capable of doing. Freeing human ingenuity to focus on strategy. ~ Better able to manage repeatable process ~ Improve workflow standardization ~ Reduce multiple systems reliance ~ Frictionless “straight through” process ~ Reduce errors and operating cost ~ Increase risk management ~ Enhance customer experience Business Capabilities, Processes, etc. Intelligent AI & Robots CRM, ERP, BPM, Transactional Systems Workforce, Team Members, Human Processing
  • 11. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 11 Organization Technology KPIsProcess & Methods Partners & Alliances Competency & Performance Governance & Compliance People & Culture Target Operating Model Using AI to target how organizations work.
  • 12. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 12 ❖ The term ‘artificial intelligence’ commonly applies to devices or applications capable of carrying out specific tasks in human ways, by mimicking cognitive functions such as: o learning o reasoning o problem-solving o visual perception o language-understanding ❖ There are two main types of AI: o Applied AI (weak or narrow AI)  common systems designed to intelligently carry out a single task, e.g. moving a driverless vehicle, or trading stocks and shares. o Generalized AI (strong AI)  less common systems or devices that can theoretically handle any task, as they carry enough intelligence to find solutions to unfamiliar problems. e.g. don't currently exist, as these technologies are still in very early stages. Most modern AI applications are enabled through a discipline known as 'machine learning'. What is Artificial Intelligence?
  • 13. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 13 Machine Learning Natural Language Processing (NLP) Speech Planning, Scheduling & Optimization Robotics Vision Predictive Analytics Translation Speech to Text Reduction Reactive Machines Image Recognition Machine Vision Limited Memory Theory of Mind, Self-aware Probabilistic, Temporal Classical Text to Speech Information Extraction Classification, Clustering Deep Learning Expert Systems Artificial Intelligence (AI) Interference Engine Knowledgebase Types of AI
  • 14. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 14 ❖ Automated Process Management ❖ Machine Learning ❖ Robotic Process Automation o Data (Information) o Signals and Triggers (Trends) o Human (Behavior) o Probability (Outcome Likelihoods) Datasets Statistics Pattern Recognition Machine Learning Knowledge Discovery Artificial Intelligence Neural Computation AML & Automated Process Management Data Mining Deep Learning Maximizing Human Potential (Smart Technologies)
  • 15. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 15 Computer Science Computability Decentralised Information Systems Semantic Web Process Calculus … Artificial Intelligence Business Process Automation Machine Learning Bayesian Methods Data Repositories Deep Learning … Socio-Cultural Values Ethics Lifestyles & Trends Demographics Corporate Attitudes … Mathematics Game Theory Networks Statistics Competitive Theory … Psychology Social Attitudes Cognitive Properties Information Processing Methods … Biology Evolutionary dynamics Systems biology Plasticity … Ecology Structure of Ecosystems Productivity Populations Dynamics Environmental Controls Biosphere … Sociology Social Attitudes Group Dynamics Theory Social Networks Plume Tracing … Technology Protocols Architectures Structures & Security Resilience Usability … Economics Market Theory Micro & Macros Capital Types Market Types … Legal Intellectual Property Regulations Public Engagement Corporate Social Responsibility … Media Fragmented Discourse Moral Issues & Panics Mobile Opinion Formers Smart Groups … Sociological DataSpiritual Data Political Data Cultural Data Financial Data Industrial Data Colliding Data Science
  • 16. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 16 We are going to look at how Artificial Intelligence can be applied to business.
  • 17. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 17 ❖ Over the years, AI research has enabled many technological advances, including: o virtual agents and chatbots o suggestive web searches o targeted advertising o pattern recognition o predictive analytics o voice and speech recognition o face recognition o machine translation o autonomous driving o automatic scheduling How has it BEEN used in Business? Many of these are now commonplace and provide solutions to a great number of business challenges and complex, real-world problems.
  • 18. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 18 Types of Impact. ❖ Automated/ Robotic process o Automated assistants o Automated process management o Automated assistants ❖ Machine learning o Search - indexing and feedback o Personalization and recommendations o Predictions and analytics o Individual journal o Research and service options o Learning systems o Machine learning TOMs o Speech, text, language processing o Value and risk profiling o Probability modeling o Customer DNA and data integration
  • 19. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 19 For example, ML applications can: o read text and decide if the author is making a complaint or a purchase order o listen to a piece of music and find other tunes to match the mood o recognize images and classify them according to the elements they contain o translate large volumes of text in real time o accurately recognize faces, speech and objects In the most basic terms, ML enables computers to learn without being explicitly programmed. What is Machine Learning? Machine Learning. ❖ Machine Learning or “ML” through data can learn using quantitative techniques. ❖ AI ML algorithm solutions continue to self-improve as more data is accessed, thereby reducing errors. ❖ Machine learning (ML) is a core part of AI. o it is based around the idea that machines can detect patterns in data and adjust their program actions accordingly
  • 20. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 20 Where can AI be applied. ❖ Strategy and Organization ❖ Brand Management ❖ Finance Office ❖ Human Capital ❖ Business and Competitor Intelligence ❖ Data and Reporting ❖ Governance ❖ Risk Management ❖ Business Process and Change ❖ Operational Support ❖ Business Support ❖ Sales and Marketing ❖ Manufacturing and Delivery ❖ Legal ❖ Skills and Competency ❖ Business Continuity ❖ Consolidation, Sourcing, Vendor Optimization
  • 21. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 21 How is it BEING used? ❖ You can use AI technologies to: o Improve customer services and experience o Automate workloads, improve workflow o Optimize logistics and repeatable process o Increase output and efficiency o Prevent outages o Predict performance o Predict behavior o Manage and analyze data o Improve your marketing and advertising o Better decision making o Reduce risk and fraud ❖ Depending on the type of AI, smart programs can perform: o Specific individual tasks, such as medical diagnosis, electronic trading, robot control, etc. o Complex, cognitive tasks based on their understanding of how certain things (e.g. a language or a behavior) work. Artificial intelligence (AI) is steadily passing into everyday business use, solving both business problems and creating opportunities
  • 22. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 22 Why is it relevant?
  • 23. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 23 Impact of AI. AI better captures dynamic complexities in a timely fashion. AI more effectively automates planning processes, increasing speed, flexibility and agility. AI is better able to streamline managerial tasks. AI increases prediction accuracy and reduces errors. AI using ML algorithms self-improve over time.
  • 24. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 24 Freeing human ingenuity to focus on strategy. Many businesses take up AI technology to reduce operational costs, increase efficiency, grow revenue and improve customer experience. For greatest benefits, the full range of smart technologies should be applied into processes and products.
  • 25. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 25 ❖ Save time and cost by automating routine processes ❖ Increase productivity and operational efficiencies ❖ Make faster business decisions ❖ Avoid mistakes and 'human error’ ❖ Use insight to predict customer preferences ❖ Offer customers a better, personalized experience ❖ Mine vast amount of data to generate quality leads ❖ Grow your customer base ❖ Achieve overall cost savings ❖ Optimize your business, workforce or products ❖ Increase revenue by maximizing sales opportunities ❖ Grow expertise by enabling analysis ❖ Offer intelligent advice and support ❖ Solve business, operational or technical problems ❖ Impact customer demand ❖ Provide an offshoot of another project By deploying the right AI technology, your business may gain ability to: To improve business.
  • 26. AI in Business: Impact and Possibility ~ ~ 26 FirstAlign Solutions o. 227 W 4th Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 p. 646-233-2488 e. NOT JUST KNOWLEDGE, KNOW HOW “Maximizing Human Potential”