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19 + yrs delivering projects on SMAC
Social Media Strategist at @pmiagile
Agile Mentor for ACP & Beyond
Agile Transformation Mentor for Teams
Board Member & Vice President
Previous engagement experience
• Agile Transformation at ECL MVE
• Dynamics of SCRUM and Daily standup
• Agile roles, ceremonies and artifacts
• Scrum master, Product Owner and Team
• Planning your Sprint
• Release Management
• MVE migration to Agile (Kayako to JIRA)
• Ticket Workflow
• Next Steps…

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Agile Methodology
Agile MethodologyAgile Methodology
Agile Methodology

The document provides an overview of agile methodology and scrum framework. It begins with a short history of traditional waterfall software development processes and their limitations. It then introduces the agile manifesto and values, as well as the 12 agile principles. A key part of agile is iterative development with short sprints. Scrum is discussed as one of the major agile frameworks, outlining its ceremonies like sprint planning, daily standups, and retrospectives. Scrum roles of product owner, scrum master, and self-organizing team are also summarized.

agileagile software developmentscrum
Introduction to Agile, by J.D. Meier
Introduction to Agile, by J.D. MeierIntroduction to Agile, by J.D. Meier
Introduction to Agile, by J.D. Meier

A brief and visual introduction to the Agile. Learn the Agile mindset and the big 3 (Extreme Programming, Scrum, and Kanban). Be able to whiteboard a simple view of how each one works to get things done and make things happen.

Agile Implementation
Agile ImplementationAgile Implementation
Agile Implementation

A couple years ago, a company I was working with, asked me to share with them the use cases and benefits of Scrum. It must have really sparked the management’s interest as they asked me to come up with an Agile implementation strategy for the company. This is the presentation I would like to share with you as I believe many curious, mid size, web development shops out there might be seriously thinking about adopting Agile or some hybrid form to supplement their Waterfall process.

project managementscrumscrummaster
Agile Adoption : Tools and Process
SCRUM (Daily Standup Meeting)
Product Owner
The Team
No Changes
(in Duration or Deliverable)
Daily Scrum
Daily Standup
• Iterative-Incremental. Accept that
change is natural
• Structures development into small
self managing and cross functional
• Selects work from a prioritized
backlog and commits to complete
them by end of the Sprint
• Each day the team gathers for a 15
mins stand up meeting to report
their progress to others. “Inspect
and Adapt”
Standup (Prudent Practice)

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Agile Methodology in Software Development
Agile Methodology in Software DevelopmentAgile Methodology in Software Development
Agile Methodology in Software Development

The document discusses various agile methodologies and frameworks, with a focus on Scrum. It defines Scrum as an agile process that allows teams to focus on delivering the highest business value in the shortest time through rapid inspection of working software every 2-4 weeks. Key Scrum roles include the Product Owner who prioritizes features, the Scrum Master who facilitates the process, and self-organizing Development Teams. Sprints involve planning, daily stand-ups, demos, and retrospectives to continuously improve.

Contracting for Agile Software Development
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Contracting for Agile Software Development

Many software development organizations work within the bounds of contractual agreements where the limitations imposed by the “Iron Triangle” of fixed timelines, budgets, and scope challenge their ability to embrace change and focus on value delivery. Agile practitioners often comment that agile contracting is a difficult problem, but proven solutions are rarely presented. Rachel Weston and Chris Spagnuolo offer some tools they have used in their own agile contracting work to help agile practitioners deal with different contracting scenarios while promoting agile practices, protecting the development organization, and still providing value and protection to the client’s organization. Through a combined workshop and facilitated collaborative session, Rachel and Chris present new agile contracting tools that can be added to your toolbox. You will gain a deeper understanding of the problems associated with agile contracting as well as practical solutions for dealing with contracts in an agile manner.

Agile transformation best practices
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Agile transformation best practices

This document discusses best practices for successful agile adoption and transformation in an enterprise setting. It outlines five key habits: 1) be explicit about agile goals, 2) understand dimensions of scaling agile, 3) use metrics to govern behavior, 4) consider the impact on people, and 5) grow adoption incrementally with a clear plan. The document emphasizes that agile transformation requires changes to both processes and organizational culture to fully realize the benefits of agile practices at scale within an enterprise.

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Standup Simulation Video
Roles, ceremonies and artifacts
Release Plan
Sprint Review
Scrum Master
Product Features Decomposition
3 C’s of User Stories
• Card
• Stories are written on
notecards and maybe
annotated with estimates
• Conversation
• Details of the story are
outcome of conversations
with Product owner
• Confirmation
• Acceptance test confirm
the story has been coded
to specification

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Agile quiz answers

Answers of the Agile Quiz at Altimetrik The quiz was hosted on our Facebook page on 18th November 2014

Agile methodology
Agile methodologyAgile methodology
Agile methodology

This presentation introduces agile methodology, talks about scrum and the pros and cons of agile from a various perspectives. It also talks about cost of an agile project

What is Scrum? SlideShare
What is Scrum? SlideShareWhat is Scrum? SlideShare
What is Scrum? SlideShare

This document provides an overview of Scrum methodology. It defines Scrum as an agile framework that can help address complex problems and deliver high value products. The document outlines Scrum roles like Product Owner and Scrum Master. It also describes Scrum artifacts like Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog and events like the Daily Scrum. Finally, it provides a high-level overview of the Scrum process where a product backlog is created, sprints are planned and executed, and work is reviewed and improved upon iteratively until the product is complete.

agile and scrumscrumagile scrum course
Why User Stories ?
• User stories are easily
• Developers and Customer
understand stories better
• The focus is shifted from writing
long specs to talking
• It is better to understand event if
organized into stories
• User Stories Support and
encourage Iterative development
• Epics >> Theme >>User Stories >>
Tasks >> Subtasks
Key Roles in Agile Practice
Scrum Master
 Facilitator and Servant Leader
 Mentors team on practice
 Removes Impediments of the team
 Shields the team from external
 Mediate and resolves conflicts
 Gets “DOD- Definition of done”
finetuned from Product owner
 Monitors and tracks burndown charts
and JIRA Board
 Reflect on performance feedback and
focus on Process improvement
 Celebrates team success
Scrum Master

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Scrum in action
Scrum in actionScrum in action
Scrum in action

The document discusses Scrum, an agile framework for managing complex projects. It describes Scrum's core components like sprints, roles, artifacts, and events. Sprints are short, timed iterations where self-organizing teams work on prioritized backlog items to create shippable increments. Key roles include the Product Owner who prioritizes features, and the Scrum Master who coaches the team. Artifacts include the Product and Sprint Backlogs and shippable increments. Events help the team inspect and adapt their process through planning, daily check-ins, reviews, and retrospectives. Many large companies have adopted Scrum to deliver working software frequently in response to changing requirements.

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Agile Methodology for WordPress Development
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Agile Methodology for WordPress Development

A session I gave at WCLAX 2016 on how I've applied Agile techniques to WordPress in an agency setting

Agile Tool Selection
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Agile Tool Selection

The document discusses the process used by an Agile team at John Deere's Intelligent Solutions Group to select an Agile management tool. The team used the Analytical Hierarchy Process to identify criteria, alternatives, weight criteria based on pairwise comparisons, score alternatives, and recommend Rally as the strongest candidate tool based on its strengths in planning, tracking, story definition, development integration, quality assurance and infrastructure operations.

scaled agilescrumagile software development
Product Owner
 Owns the vision of the product
 Creates, owns and maintains the PBL
 Defines the “Sprint Goal”
 Prioritizes the PBL according to business
 Represents the interests of customer and
engaged with stakeholders
 Elucidates Epics, themes and features
and converts into user stories
 Decides on the course of the project at
beginning or sprint “Grooming”
 Supposed to have extensive domain
 Inspects the work done by the team and
determines the DOD
 Is available in all Sprint ceremonies
2 Week Sprint (Dev and QA)
 Sprint Length is 2 weeks
 Concept of Pigs and chicken (involved vs
 The Sprint starts with a Sprint planning
ceremony where tasks are selected to be
executed on Sprint
 The team commits to a fixed time of
availability of the team members within
the Sprint
 Top priority and high risk items are taken
first and worked upon by the team
 Concept of “Fail fast” or “ Fail early” is
adopted by the team
 There are various estimation techniques
available for the team to factor Sprint
work items (XL Sizing or Parametric
 Having a “ Burn down Chart” on team
Product Backlog and its Prioritization for Sprints
High risk
Low value
High risk
High value
(Do first)
Low risk
Low value
(Do last)
Low risk
High value
(Do second)
Low high
Planning your Sprint

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Introduction to Agile Project Management
Introduction to Agile Project ManagementIntroduction to Agile Project Management
Introduction to Agile Project Management

This document provides an overview of project management methodologies, including Waterfall, SDLC, RAD, and Agile. It discusses the key aspects of each methodology such as phases, pros and cons. The Waterfall methodology is explained in more detail covering its linear phases from requirements to maintenance. Agile project management is also summarized, outlining its key principles of focusing on customer value, working in small batches with integrated teams, and making continuous improvements. Complexity theory and how Agile projects can be viewed as complex adaptive systems is briefly introduced.

scrumleanagile software development
Agile Methodology
Agile MethodologyAgile Methodology
Agile Methodology

This document discusses various agile software development methodologies including eXtreme Programming (XP), Scrum, Evolutionary Project Management (EVO), Unified Process (UP), Crystal, Lean Development (LD), Adaptive Software Development (ASD), Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM), and Feature Driven Development (FDD). It emphasizes that different methodologies may suit different clients and that the key is selecting the approach that best meets a client's requirements rather than taking a single approach for all. Communication is also highlighted as important for software project success.

software developmentagile methodologyprogramming
Agile Methodology - Agile Project Management Training
Agile Methodology - Agile Project Management TrainingAgile Methodology - Agile Project Management Training
Agile Methodology - Agile Project Management Training

Full course available at: Course Description The Agile & Scrum Certification Training course imparts knowledge on the Agile and Scrum values, helps you build the requisite skills and gain expertise in the domain. The course provides immense clarity on vital concepts of scrum and agile to help you clear the certification exam in your first attempt. The course aims to make you an expert in the Scrum ways, enhancing your capability to deliver shippable products by the end of each Sprint. With the practical application of the agile methodologies you would be able to maximize business value, while mitigating potential risks. Features 50+ Lectures 10+ Hours Lifetime Access 100% Online & Self Paced 30 day money back guarantee! Course Completion Certificate What am I going to get from this course? Learn the Agile Methodologies and Agile Project Management Learn Scrum Framework Learn practical implications of Scrum over a sample project Get ready for Scrum Certification exams (PMI-ACP, CSM, PSM, CSPO, PSPO, CSD, PSD) Learn Scrum Team Learn Scrum Events Learn Scrum Artifacs Learn Extreme Programming (XP) Agile Methodology briefly. Learn Lean Agile Methodology briefly. Learn Kanban Agile Methodology briefly. Learn the differences of Agile & Scrum Certifications provided by different organizations Qualify for the 21 Contact Hours Agile Training requirement of PMI for the PMI-ACP certification. Earn 15 SEUs under Category E: Independent Learning of Scrum Alliance Earn 14 PDUs if you are a PMP already. What is the target audience? The Agile & Scrum certification is best suited for: Team Leaders Project Managers Members of Scrum teams such as developers, Scrum Masters, and Product Owners Managers of Scrum teams Teams transitioning to Scrum Professionals intending to pursue the Scrum Master certification

online agile project management trainingonline agilebest agile course
Input – Process – Output (Sprint Planning)
Sprint Planning
Product Backlog
Team Capabilities
Current Product
Sprint Backlog
Sprint GoalMeeting
Prudent Practice (Sprint Planning)
 Backlog Grooming to be
prepared for well in advance
by Product Owner
 Know your team capacity for
the current sprint factoring
member availability to serve
as a guideline for task
 Don’t fill to Capacity. Always
leave room for unknowns that
come up
Release Management
 Breaks down Vision, roadmap, epics into defined
 Product owner does Release planning and
management along with Product council
 At ECL MVE we do approximately one release per
 At MVE, release has incremental functionality
developed with updating of SQL
 Determine the no. of sprint iterations within a release
 Participating in “Inspect and adapt” approach to
improve value stream
 Planning the PBL to scope for new issues,
dependencies, overlaps and gaps in product vision
MVE Agile Migration

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Agile = scrum = no project managers
Agile =  scrum =  no project managersAgile =  scrum =  no project managers
Agile = scrum = no project managers

The document discusses agile project management and the role of project managers in agile. It states that some claim agile means no project managers, while others argue there are still roles for program managers and release train engineers to coordinate multiple teams and long running projects. The document provides information on agile frameworks like Scrum and Scaled Agile Framework (SAF) that define leadership roles at the program and portfolio level beyond individual teams.

Fundamental of Scrum
Fundamental of ScrumFundamental of Scrum
Fundamental of Scrum

Scrum - Practice in software development - a knowledge sharing session in brain station who wants become a certified scrum master or professional scrum master

Agile Software Development - Agile and Scrum Intro
Agile Software Development - Agile and Scrum IntroAgile Software Development - Agile and Scrum Intro
Agile Software Development - Agile and Scrum Intro

Agile software development is an iterative approach that promotes adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, continuous improvement, and rapid response to change. It uses self-organizing cross-functional teams to deliver working software frequently in short cycles called sprints. The Scrum framework is commonly used for agile development, with roles of Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team working in sprints, daily scrums, sprint reviews, and retrospectives to deliver working software increments.

MVE Ticket Workflow
Sprint Retrospective
 Greatest advantage of Agile adoption
 Works on the principle of “Inspect and Adapt”
 5 top level questions that team deliberates on
 What went well ? (Start positive) We should
continue doing
 What have we learnt from the current sprint ?
 What didn’t go well ? How do we improve on
that ?
 What we need to stop doing ?
 Star fish approach to retrospectives
 Incorporate these input into subsequent
Ways Agile adoption can fail
 Product Owner is not available to
clarify requirements
 Product Owner micromanages the
 Adding new tasks at the middle of the
sprint without team agreement
 Scrum master assigning work to the
 Not everybody in the team available
for standup meetings
 No clarity on the definition of done
Multiple Team Sprints

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3. Agile Tour at be2 - Ani Mkrtchyan
3. Agile Tour at be2 - Ani Mkrtchyan3. Agile Tour at be2 - Ani Mkrtchyan
3. Agile Tour at be2 - Ani Mkrtchyan

This document provides an overview of Scrum and how to successfully implement it. It discusses the three roles in Scrum (Product Owner, Development Team, Scrum Master), the three artifacts (Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Burndown Chart), and the three ceremonies (Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review). It also covers how to write good user stories, estimate tasks, conduct planning poker, and hold grooming sessions to prepare for sprints. The key things needed to make Scrum work are identified as transparency, focus, trust, commitment, and courage.

agilent technologiesbe2scrum
Agile - Basics.pptxjvjplhxitstistidara तिहोचपवपज्वो
Agile - Basics.pptxjvjplhxitstistidara तिहोचपवपज्वोAgile - Basics.pptxjvjplhxitstistidara तिहोचपवपज्वो
Agile - Basics.pptxjvjplhxitstistidara तिहोचपवपज्वो

Agile is a software development methodology that uses short iterative cycles called sprints to develop software incrementally and align with changing business needs. It values early and continuous delivery of working software, welcoming changing requirements, self-organizing teams, and face-to-face conversations. Scrum is an agile framework that uses sprints, daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives in an empirical process of transparency, inspection, and adaptation. The product owner prioritizes the backlog and the scrum team works to complete items in each sprint.

Présentation scrum
Présentation scrumPrésentation scrum
Présentation scrum

This document provides an overview of Scrum, an agile project management framework. Some key points: - Scrum is used to manage complex projects and deliver working software every 30 days based on customer priorities. - It uses self-organizing cross-functional teams, 30-day sprints, daily stand-ups, product backlogs and burndown charts. - Roles include the product owner who manages the product backlog, the development team who do the work, and the Scrum master who facilitates the process. - Success requires defining what "done" means, monitoring progress through burndown charts, and focusing the product backlog on delivering business value.

project managementscrumagile
Digital Assets
Agile Practice at MyVisionExpress

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Agile Practice at MyVisionExpress

  • 1. 1
  • 2. 2 19 + yrs delivering projects on SMAC Social Media Strategist at @pmiagile Agile Mentor for ACP & Beyond Agile Transformation Mentor for Teams Board Member & Vice President
  • 4. 4 Agenda • Agile Transformation at ECL MVE • Dynamics of SCRUM and Daily standup • Agile roles, ceremonies and artifacts • Scrum master, Product Owner and Team • Planning your Sprint • Release Management • MVE migration to Agile (Kayako to JIRA) • Ticket Workflow • Next Steps…
  • 5. 5 Agile Adoption : Tools and Process
  • 6. 6 SCRUM (Daily Standup Meeting) Sprint Potentially Shippable Product Product Owner Review Scrum Master The Team 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 13 No Changes (in Duration or Deliverable) Commitment Daily Scrum Meeting Retrospective
  • 7. 7 Daily Standup • Iterative-Incremental. Accept that change is natural • Structures development into small self managing and cross functional teams • Selects work from a prioritized backlog and commits to complete them by end of the Sprint • Each day the team gathers for a 15 mins stand up meeting to report their progress to others. “Inspect and Adapt”
  • 10. 10 Roles, ceremonies and artifacts Product Vision statement Product Roadmap Product Backlog Release Plan Sprint Backlog Burndown charts Artifacts Standup Sprint Planning Sprint Review Retrospective Release Planning Ceremonies Scrum Master Product Owner Team
  • 12. 12 3 C’s of User Stories • Card • Stories are written on notecards and maybe annotated with estimates • Conversation • Details of the story are outcome of conversations with Product owner • Confirmation • Acceptance test confirm the story has been coded to specification
  • 13. 13 Why User Stories ? • User stories are easily understandable • Developers and Customer understand stories better • The focus is shifted from writing long specs to talking • It is better to understand event if organized into stories • User Stories Support and encourage Iterative development • Epics >> Theme >>User Stories >> Tasks >> Subtasks
  • 14. 14 Key Roles in Agile Practice
  • 15. 15 Scrum Master  Facilitator and Servant Leader  Mentors team on practice  Removes Impediments of the team members  Shields the team from external influence  Mediate and resolves conflicts  Gets “DOD- Definition of done” finetuned from Product owner  Monitors and tracks burndown charts and JIRA Board  Reflect on performance feedback and focus on Process improvement  Celebrates team success
  • 17. 17 Product Owner  Owns the vision of the product  Creates, owns and maintains the PBL  Defines the “Sprint Goal”  Prioritizes the PBL according to business value  Represents the interests of customer and engaged with stakeholders  Elucidates Epics, themes and features and converts into user stories  Decides on the course of the project at beginning or sprint “Grooming”  Supposed to have extensive domain knowledge  Inspects the work done by the team and determines the DOD  Is available in all Sprint ceremonies
  • 18. 18 2 Week Sprint (Dev and QA)  Sprint Length is 2 weeks  Concept of Pigs and chicken (involved vs committed)  The Sprint starts with a Sprint planning ceremony where tasks are selected to be executed on Sprint  The team commits to a fixed time of availability of the team members within the Sprint  Top priority and high risk items are taken first and worked upon by the team  Concept of “Fail fast” or “ Fail early” is adopted by the team  There are various estimation techniques available for the team to factor Sprint work items (XL Sizing or Parametric estimation)  Having a “ Burn down Chart” on team rooms
  • 19. 19 Product Backlog and its Prioritization for Sprints 19 High risk Low value (Avoid) High risk High value (Do first) Low risk Low value (Do last) Low risk High value (Do second) Risk Value high Low high
  • 21. 21 Input – Process – Output (Sprint Planning) Sprint Planning Meeting Product Backlog Team Capabilities Technology Current Product Sprint Backlog Management Customers Sprint GoalMeeting Inputs Meeting Outputs Meeting Attendees
  • 22. 22 Prudent Practice (Sprint Planning)  Backlog Grooming to be prepared for well in advance by Product Owner  Know your team capacity for the current sprint factoring member availability to serve as a guideline for task estimation  Don’t fill to Capacity. Always leave room for unknowns that come up
  • 23. 23 Release Management  Breaks down Vision, roadmap, epics into defined releases  Product owner does Release planning and management along with Product council  At ECL MVE we do approximately one release per quarter  At MVE, release has incremental functionality developed with updating of SQL  Determine the no. of sprint iterations within a release  Participating in “Inspect and adapt” approach to improve value stream  Planning the PBL to scope for new issues, dependencies, overlaps and gaps in product vision Product Backlog Release Backlog Sprint backlog
  • 26. 26 Sprint Retrospective  Greatest advantage of Agile adoption  Works on the principle of “Inspect and Adapt”  5 top level questions that team deliberates on  What went well ? (Start positive) We should continue doing  What have we learnt from the current sprint ?  What didn’t go well ? How do we improve on that ?  What we need to stop doing ?  Star fish approach to retrospectives  Incorporate these input into subsequent Sprints
  • 27. 27 Ways Agile adoption can fail  Product Owner is not available to clarify requirements  Product Owner micromanages the team  Adding new tasks at the middle of the sprint without team agreement  Scrum master assigning work to the team  Not everybody in the team available for standup meetings  No clarity on the definition of done
  • 30. 30

Editor's Notes

  1. Add humor and a human side to what you share.
  2. Thank you!