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      AFS Identity Management

               Fabrizio Manfredi Furuholmen

AFS Workshop                                  October 2008

    Introduction
    AFS Manager
        Introduction
        Features
        Demo
        Next Steps
    PtServer-NG
        Introduction
        Architecture
        Demo
        Open Points

 Centrally administration “means” security and time/resource savings


               Accounts Centralization
               • Enterprise Directory
               • Change Application
               • High Availability

               Centralized Provisioning
               • Connectors for applications
               • Product
               • Identity Management

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The document describes the process that a Redis command follows from the client side to the server side. On the client side, the command is sent over the network to the Redis server. On the server side, the command is read from the kernel buffers, validated, executed by calling the relevant command handler, and the response is written back to the client over the network. The core functions involved on the server side are ReadQueryFromClient(), ProcessInputBuffer(), ProcessCommand(), Call(), and handleClientsWithPendingWrites(). Redis 6.0 introduced I/O threads to handle reads and writes in parallel for improved performance while still maintaining Redis' single-threaded processing model.

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This document summarizes a presentation about Redis version 6 and beyond. Some key points include: - Redis version 6 includes new features like ACL for security, client-side caching, diskless replication, and multi-threaded I/O. - Redis is positioned as both a cache and a database due to its speed, data structures, and ability to handle complex data models through modules. - Redis Enterprise provides additional capabilities like durability, high availability, geo-distribution, security and multi-tenancy. - Modern data models in Redis modules include Streams, RediSearch, RedisGraph, RedisTimeSeries, RedisAI, RedisJSON and RedisBloom. - RedisInsight is

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   Distributed                    Centralized
   • You don’t need change apps   • Real-time
   • Low problem on HA            • Consistency View
   • IDM with RBAC                • Reuse existing Architecture


 AFS Manager
  • Graphical User Interface
  • Provisioning Interface ( multi mode)
  • Administration Task

 PtServer NG
  • Active Directory Integration
  • Directory Integration

AFS Manager
AFS Manager                               


 • Interface for Windows Administrators
 • Simple to use
 • Complete overview of the Cell
 • Standard object for php scripting (CLI)

 • Volume Access Monitoring
 • Volume Space Usage
 • System Statistics

WebService Interface
 • Provisioning Interface for Volume, User, Group
 • Automatic volume layout
 • Re-Balance (replications, move volumes ..)

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AFS Manager  


              Demo …
AFS Manager 


 • Acrobat

 • XML
 • PHP >= 5
 • SQL Lite

 • Adm Command Line
AFS Manager                             


   • Java backend ?
   • PHP Library
   • Object Cache

   WebService Interface
   • Automatic volume layout
   • Re-Balance (replications, move volumes ..)

End of part 1

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Ptserver NG

     Ptserver keeps user/group information
     • Ptserver contains entries for every user and group in the cell
     • Ptserver allocates AFS IDs for new user, machine and group
       entries and maps each ID to the corresponding name.
     • Ptserver generates a current protection subgroup (CPS) at the
       File Server's request. The CPS lists all groups to which a user
       or machine belongs

     Ubik is the openAFS database
     • Ubik is a single linear database
     • Ubik is automatically replicated across a number of servers.
     • Ubik is a ‘transactional’ database (supports fully distributed
       changes as long as a majority of the servers are up and are
       synchronized together in a write quorum)


           Create Pluggable user storage
           • Ubik
           • Ldap
           • Windows

           Create flexible user mapping
           • Mapping user id on existing system
           • Mapping group id on existing system

Winbind unifies UNIX and Windows NT account management by
allowing a UNIX box to become a full member of an NT domain

 • ADS (Kerberos)

Users Information
 • Account info
 • ID mapping

Groups Information
 • Group info
 • ID Mapping

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Начинаем новый проект. Платформа - .Net, язык программирования - C#, база данных - SQL Server. Как будем работать с базой данных? ORM. Скорее всего Entity Framework. Можно начинать. К сожалению, этого набора уже достаточно для старта проекта :) но недостаточно для безболезненного его запуска и развития. В этом докладе мы поговорим об опасностях, которые скрываются в недрах ORM и о том, как можно попробовать уберечь себя и свой проект о�� них.

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 • Network Layer
 • AD Driver

 • Cache
 • IDMAP Engine

IDMAP Storage
 • Ldap
 • ADS
 • File

Domain Controller
 • Samba
 • WinNT/Win2*


  Demo … high probability of crash ..


   • Single identity (single storage)
   • id mapping
   • gid mapping
   • Real time update
   • Pluggable in existing infrastructure


   • Reliability
   • Performance

Open points ..

 • Load GPL 3 library, compatibility ?

      • How many request per second ?

           Where to Store ..
           • Flags
           • Quota Group

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• For Further Questions:

• Fabrizio Manfredi



                                        The End
AD as IDM   

 • Internal (TDB)

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Afs manager

  • 1. AFS Identity Management Fabrizio Manfredi Furuholmen AFS Workshop October 2008
  • 2. Agenda   Introduction   AFS Manager   Introduction   Features   Demo   Next Steps   PtServer-NG   Introduction   Architecture   Demo   Open Points
  • 3. PtServer Introduction Centrally administration “means” security and time/resource savings
  • 4. PtServer Introduction Accounts Centralization • Enterprise Directory • Change Application • High Availability Centralized Provisioning • Connectors for applications • Product • Identity Management
  • 5. PtServer Introduction Distributed Centralized • You don’t need change apps • Real-time • Low problem on HA • Consistency View • IDM with RBAC • Reuse existing Architecture
  • 6. PtServer Introduction AFS Manager • Graphical User Interface • Provisioning Interface ( multi mode) • Administration Task PtServer NG • Active Directory Integration • Directory Integration
  • 8. AFS Manager Goals GUI • Interface for Windows Administrators • Simple to use • Complete overview of the Cell • Standard object for php scripting (CLI) Monitoring • Volume Access Monitoring • Volume Space Usage • System Statistics WebService Interface • Provisioning Interface for Volume, User, Group • Automatic volume layout • Re-Balance (replications, move volumes ..)
  • 9. AFS Manager Demo Demo …
  • 10. AFS Manager Architecture Client • AJAX • Acrobat APACHE + PHP • XML • JSON • PHP >= 5 • SQL Lite AFS • Adm Command Line
  • 11. AFS Manager Next Code • Java backend ? • PHP Library • Object Cache WebService Interface • Automatic volume layout • Re-Balance (replications, move volumes ..)
  • 14. PtServer Overview Ptserver keeps user/group information • Ptserver contains entries for every user and group in the cell • Ptserver allocates AFS IDs for new user, machine and group entries and maps each ID to the corresponding name. • Ptserver generates a current protection subgroup (CPS) at the File Server's request. The CPS lists all groups to which a user or machine belongs Ubik is the openAFS database • Ubik is a single linear database • Ubik is automatically replicated across a number of servers. • Ubik is a ‘transactional’ database (supports fully distributed changes as long as a majority of the servers are up and are synchronized together in a write quorum)
  • 15. PtServer Goals Create Pluggable user storage • Ubik • Ldap • Windows Create flexible user mapping • Mapping user id on existing system • Mapping group id on existing system
  • 16. PtServer Winbind Winbind unifies UNIX and Windows NT account management by allowing a UNIX box to become a full member of an NT domain Authentication • NTLM • ADS (Kerberos) Users Information • Account info • ID mapping Groups Information • Group info • ID Mapping
  • 17. PtServer Architecture Ptserver • Network Layer • AD Driver Windbind • Cache • IDMAP Engine IDMAP Storage • Ldap • ADS • File Domain Controller • Samba • WinNT/Win2*
  • 18. Overview Demo Demo … high probability of crash ..
  • 19. PtServer Advantages • Single identity (single storage) • id mapping • gid mapping • Real time update • Pluggable in existing infrastructure Disvantages • Reliability • Performance
  • 20. PtServer Open points .. Licences • Load GPL 3 library, compatibility ? Performance • How many request per second ? Where to Store .. • Flags • Quota Group
  • 21. Reference • For Further Questions: • Fabrizio Manfredi • • Too Long The End
  • 22. AD as IDM IdMapping IDMAP SID<->UID/GID • LDAP • Internal (TDB) • ADS (SFU/RFC)